• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,342 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 23 - Healing

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were in the waiting room of the Ponyville hospital, eager to learn the status of their daughter, niece, and cousin. Her wound did not look good outside, and the coughing and choking wasn't doing anyone any favors either.

Celestia looked down at the floor, a small tear going down her face as she thought about the downsides that came with that power. That magic. There was so much at risk. Losing your sister, your husband, now...possibly your daughter. All to protect Equestria. The jewel was meant as a heavy defense against threats. Who knew the threat was your own family?

No one was prepared for this. No one wanted to see another pony be hurt. Killed. Wounded. Possibly injured for life. Let alone your own daughter. That was a little much. And for what? A weapon. A weapon shouldn't cost more than your daughter's life.

Celestia's ears perked up at the sound of the door sliding open, revealing a distraught Fluttershy with an equally distraught Scootaloo on her back. They both trotted up to her worry written all over their faces.

"Where is Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked desperately. "Celestia, where is she?"

"Where's mom?" Scotaloo cried, getting off Fluttershy's back. The grandparent sighed.

"Your mother's in the hospital right now," Luna answered for her. Celestia was probably too worried to even speak. "She was pierced through her back by an arrow that was spelled to go through her armor."

Fluttershy put a hoof to her mouth before pulling Scootaloo into an embrace. "Right now, she is in surgery," Cadance continued. "We haven't been informed how bad it is, but....it didn't look very good."

"Oh no," Fluttershy muttered, holding a hoof to her mouth. Scootaloo turned around and buried her face in her coat, trying to hide her tears.

A minute later, everyone else came in, eager to see what all the big fuss was about. After asking what was going, Luna relayed what happened and the outcomes of it, shocking most of the group. The crusaders went over and gave their once again crying friend a hug, telling her sweet things to calm her down while the rest did the same to Fluttershy. All the while, Luna was doing what she could for her sister.

After two more hours, a doctor finally came back in, holding a clipboard. "Uhhh.....Prin-"

"How is she?!" Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Fluttershy all yelled in his face, making the poor pony fall over on his back.

"MMM, wow, okay!" He quickly got back on his hooves. Grabbing his clipboard, he relayed the results. Since he wasn't in a somber mood, she must've survived, Celestia guessed. "Her highness made it through the surgery, I'm proud to say." The group sighed in relief. "But....I'm baffled by her rate of healing. Right now, the wound is healing very very quickly. I understand Alicorns heal quick, but this is really fast."

He looked back up at the group to see the Royal Sisters giving him a deadpan stare. "How could we forget about that?" They both said.

"The Jewel of Rainbow also helps healing," Celestia said, doing a facehoof. "Uggghh....no matter. Is she accepting visitors?"

"Only from family at this moment." Celestia turned around picked up Scootaloo by her teeth before she, Luna, and Cadance all walked down the hall towards what they figured was her room.

"Grandma, I can walk on my own," Scootaloo muttered. Cadance chuckled before using her magic to scan the hallway for Rainbow's magic, eventually finding her at the very end.

"Last room on the right," she said, pointing a hoof ahead of her towards the destination. They walked the short distance before stopping and Celestia placed the groaning foal down onto the floor. Afterward, she slowly pushed the door open, letting the four of them in.

Rainbow was either asleep, or just faking it, because she had a loud snore. It must've been the anesthetic they used, because Rainbow didn't saw logs like this.

Scootaloo covered her ears for a second before walking towards the large hospital bed her mother was in. Jumping onto the sheets, she climbed up and crawled over Rainbow's form to her mouth. She had bandages over her chest that had a little blood on them, not too much that could cause a problem.

After successfully crawling and reaching her face, she lifted the covers and got under them, confusing the three standing at the entrance. After awhile, the snoring stopped and Rainbow turned over, revealing a beautiful sight. Scootaloo had somehow managed to get Rainbow to cuddle with her and stop the snoring. Both of them had a pleased smile on their faces, more than likely from their fears being separated over and done with. Scootaloo was back with her mother, and Rainbow was unknowingly back with her daughter.

"That is a most wondrous sight," Luna said, a smile on her own face. "It was a very dangerous battle that Rainbow, herself, fought through. Although I really want to hear the story, I'd rather not wake this moment."

Celestia smile before walking over and laying a kiss on both of their foreheads. "Let them have this," she whispered. "We will wait a little longer and relay the news to the others." She turned around and made her way out the room, the other two right behind her. The door was then closed, allowing the two to have their sleep. Hopeful, Rainbow would have a great wake up call.

The two were in their bed, sleeping peacefully, until the Princess of nature shifted again. Her smile faltered with a grunt. Who was laying on her like this? It felt.....familiar, but....different at the same time. She groaned and sniffed the air. Maybe she could find out who it was by smell. She was getting really good with that. She took a big long whiff. Then a second one, not being able to tell. This pony took a good bath. She really didn't want to open her eyes to find out the pony who was cuddled up to her. Wait....cuddled? The only ones who could do that was Fluttershy and.....Scootaloo.

She chuckled before leaning down and licking the little filly that she finally figured out was in her arms. After a few more licks, she started squirming and batting away her mother's affection. "Stop....I'm tryna.....tryna sleep," she said tiredly. She repositioned herself in her arms, still not registering who was licking her. Rainbow chuckled and finally opened her eyes, looking around the room. It was night time, six in the morning if that clock across the bed was right.

She sighed and picked the little filly up, placing her lightly on the bed before stretching her muscles. Being tense while wounded was never a good idea. And apparently she slept for a full night. She slowly slinked out of bed, making sure not to make a sound as she trotted to the door. Looking back one more time to make sure her daughter was sleeping, she slipped out and made her way to the waiting room. If the ponies she knew loved her like they did, they would more than likely....yep.

Fluttershy, Cadance, Luna, Celestia, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and her adopted parents were all there sleeping. They had blankets on them, more than likely given from the hospital staff ordered by her mother...or aunt. She could see it now. "Staff! Bring us thou blankets for thou Princesses friends!" Just thinking about that made her chuckle and shake her head.

"They wouldn't leave, your highness." She looked over to the right to see one of the nurses bowing towards her. "So we had to give them blankets. May Celestia help the one positioned right in front of the door." Rainbow raised an eyebrow and looked towards the location, making her snort. Applejack was snoring right in front of it. She'd pay a hundred bits just to see that, really.

"Forgive me, but I would really love to see that happen," she whispered. That definitely didn't miss her mother's ears. Celestia grunted lightly before her eyes slowly fluttered open. Sighing deeply from having her sleep disturbed she looked around and turned towards Rainbow's direction. They stared at each other until Celestia blinked, got up, and walked closer. She's definitely still asleep, because she stepped on Twilight's forehoof, not even registering it was there.

Yelping, the mare in question jolted awake. "Here we go," Rainbow muttered before her mother started sniffing her.

"You need a bath, daughter," she said.

"Well....considering I just woke up with Scootaloo in my arms somehow, I don't think I need one yet." Celestia nodded with half-lidded eyes.

"Okay," she muttered before going back to her spot. Twilight watched in disbelief as she laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. The two stared at her before Celestia groaned and her eyes twitched.

"Is she always like a slow motor?" Rainbow whispered before Twilight finally noticed her.

"Rainbow!" She yelled, waking up the others. The Princess sighed before waving a hoof.

"Yeah, hey. Twilight, I was really hoping to lick Applejack awake. It would've been really funny and I would have laughed my horn off."


"Rainbow!" The Princess looked up just in time to see Celestia run over and give her a hug, along with licks, kisses, and nuzzles. Looks like the motor started. "I am relieved you are okay!"

"M-Mom! Not in front of Fluttershy!" She cried out, her muzzle mushed into Celestia's overjoyed chest. "It's embarrassing enough to be in bandages, I'd rather not have Fluttershy laughing at me."

"Oh hush, and enjoy the hug," Luna chuckled, trotting over and giving her a hug from behind. "We were really worried about you."

"I can tell," Rainbow said, still in Celestia's chest. "Mom.....I can barely breathe here." Celestia pulled back and let her have her room before she was tackled to the floor by a crazy yellow coated Pegasus. "Ouch."

Fluttershy hugged her and licked her cheek before burying her face in her chest. "Don't...ever...scare me like that again," she cried.

Rainbow smile and wrapped her hooves around her, giving her a nuzzle with her chin. "I promise. Hopefully this will never happen again." She directed her last words to Luna for a clue, giving her a hint as to what she wanted to hear.

"Spectrum is currently in the prison underground, in front of your castle," she answered. "We will be looking for ways to restore her by using different spells to counteract it."

"It hasn't been discussed much, but we believe she was weakened by something during your fight," Cadance told her. "Which, might I add, we all want to hear about."

"Maybe later." Rainbow picked up Fluttershy in her magic and set her to the side before she got up herself. "No more hugging! No...more....hugging, Pinkie." They all looked toward the Pink pony who was somehow frozen in mid air in the midst of flying towards Rainbow Dash.

"Awww!" She whined, getting back to her hooves. "Can I at least throw you a party?"

"Uhhh.......I don't know, maybe? We have more things to worry about. Like the jerk who shot me."

The other three Princesses all looked at her in confusion. "So...it wasn't Spectrum?" Celestia asked, watching Rainbow shake her head in return.

"No. There was absolutely no crossbow near us down there. She setup a trap, but she didn't exactly have the weapon. We were running towards each other when she teleported behind me last minute. I got confused, then got shot, both of them a horrible combination."

Her mother's eyes narrowed. "Where was the location you were shot at?"

"I'd say right in front of Golden Oak Library," she responded, pointing towards where it would be. "I slid and stopped there, I'll show you a replay of what happened later on. Right now, Scootaloo's asleep and she might freak out if I'm not there when she wakes up."

"Then let's go." Rainbow looked at her strangely before Celestia got a non relenting look. "I am not leaving you alone until you're in bed."

Rainbow stared at her and sighed. "Fine....only because Scootaloo likes you." Celestia faked mock horror before Rainbow grinned, making them both chuckle. The two walked back to her room and through the door, making sure to make the least bit of noise as possible as they walked inside.

"She's still asleep," Celestia whispered, motioning towards the bed. But Rainbow knew better. Scootaloo snores and right now she was definitely not snoring. That and her position on the bed was too perfect. She had her rear hooves underneath the blanket while her forehooves were on top, stating at the ceiling and lying on her back.

The Princess walked forward, making enough noise to actually wake her up, shocking Celestia in the process, and stood by her bed. "Squirt, you got five seconds to stop or I'm giving you fifteen seconds of Raspberries." Scootaloo didn't move, making Rainbow shake her head. She was ridiculous. Fluttershy walked in to tell her something, but stopped beside Celestia.

"Fine. One.....Two......Three.....Four....."

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" The filly yelled, her eyes bursting open. She looked up and saw her mother smiling down at her, causing her to gasp and have the most biggest grin. "MOM!" She jumped out of the bed in a way that only Pinkie Pie could do, and latched herself to her muzzle, shocking Rainbow.

"Whoa, Squirt! I know you missed me but jeez!" She protested, chuckling at her daughter's smiling face.

Rainbow walked towards and got back in the bed with her still attached to her. "Are you enjoying yourself on my face?" They listened to her trying to figure out why she didn't say anything until they heard a little sniffle, making Rainbow sigh.

"I'm......just glad you're okay," she whispered, while Rainbow pried her off. Sure enough, she was crying again. Luckily, it wasn't because she was sad.

"I know, sweetie. I can tell you're happy too." She pulled Scootaloo into a hug while Fluttershy came and joined in. Princess Celestia smiled before walking towards the window. Time to raise the sun. It was seven o'clock.

"We will talk again later, Rainbow," she said, focusing her attention on the horizon in the distance, where the sun was currently making a small entrance. "We must discuss your permanent reveal. I have decided to let the world know of your origin."

"Finally!" She yelled, shocking her family. "Do you know how hard it is trying not to say mom to you?! It's exactly like trying not to call Twilight an egghead when she says something smart."

"Rainbow it is not nice to make fun of your subjects," Celestia scolded, backing away from the window and walking towards the bed. Rainbow placed hwr daughter to the side, listening all the while. "We treat our subjects with an equal amount of respect....no matter how annoying they may be. That and I will not tolerate you talking about my student that way."

"Oh, speaking of annoying, did you get Blueblood?" Celestia gave her daughter a deadpan stare.

"Did you hear anything I just said?"

"Yes. I promise not to hurt Twilight's feelings. Now, can you tell me what happened to him?"

"We stripped him of his title and spread the news all through Equestria. He has been rejected of anything that has anything to do with royalty." The ponies in the room stared at her in shock, before Rainbow shook her head to get focused again.

"So....he's just Blueblood now? No prince or anything?"

"Correct. He has ties to royalty, but they will not help him in this situation. All of this could have been avoided if he didn't walk in the Everfree Castle and start investigating. All he had to be was patient. Now...he is titleless."

"Good riddance." Rainbow fell back into the bed, letting Scootaloo curl up next to her. "I mean, I still feel bad for him but he had it coming. Now, are we starting an investigation into who shot me in the back? They were with Spectrum and I would like to push them into a cage of electrified wires."

"I am leaving that task up to Luna and your cousin. You know, she would really like to see you at her wedding in Canterlot."

"When is it?" Rainbow draped a wing over Scootaloo and Fluttershy, pulling them closer to her.

"It's in a month. November 22nd."

"I'll be there. Now get out, mom, it's family time," she whined. Her mother chuckled before coming over and giving her daughter a nuzzle.

"I'm really glad you're okay," she whispered, letting Rainbow return the heartfelt affection. "I do not know what I would do if I lost you too."

"If I'm anything like dad.....then I'm a fighter."

"So I see. Enjoy your little family time, I have to discuss plans with Luna." She leaned over and gave her granddaughter a nuzzle then Fluttershy, which surprised her. "I'll see you later." She turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her before making her way briskly towards the waiting room, finding her sister and Cadance still there, along with everyone else.

"I take it you want to return to Canterlot, dear sister?" Luna asked, focused on her.

"Yes. We must get our ponies ready for the reveal."

"You're planning to reveal her to Equestria?" Cadance asked, unsure about the decision all in her voice.

"Yes, do not worry. Spectrum now knows, so there is no other issues that we need to worry about. Of course we will have to address the fight as well and tell the ponies who Spectrum is. Since she is no longer an issue."

"Alright. Just be careful. We still don't know the intentions of the pony who shot at Rainbow Dash. They could be targeting the Princesses."

"Maybe, but they still need to know. Luna? Are you staying here?" The princess of the night nodded. "Alright. Be careful, sister." She lit her horn and teleported back to the Canterlot Castle leaving the two alone to investigate. And wonder who would interfere with Rainbow Dash's fight.

Twilight walked back into the library with Cherry Berry and started laughing. "What? What is it?" Her marefriend asked. Twilight just shook her head and pointed to the area in front of her. "Is he...sleepwalking?"

Spike was dusting off some books while snoring, a trail of drool coming out of his mouth and landing on the wooden floor. "He must be so tired right now," Twilight said, walking over and giving him a light push. "SPIKE, WAKE UP!"

"No we don't have that!" He yelled, coming out of his mesmerizing state. He looked around, finally realizing he was standing up. "Wait, wha......what am I doing?"

"Dusting off the books," the cherry colored pony answered, closing the door behind her as she finally walked in. "You were sleepwalking, so Twilight woke you up."

"Oh.......I'm going to bed." He threw the duster over his shoulder and walked up the stairs to the bedroom. "Don't wake me unless there's a fire."

The two mares chuckled as he disappeared before walking into the kitchen.

"I'm just happy Rainbow's alright," Cherry said, going into the refrigerator. "Someone needs to find the pony who shot that arrow."

"Yeah, I'm upset over that too." Twilight came over and nuzzled her neck, making her giggle. "There's that sound I like to hear."

"Whatever Twilight. Do we have eggs? I feel like a omelette this morning."

"That's what I missed!" Twilight yelled, startling Cherry so much she banged her head in the refrigerator. "We needed eggs. I'll be right back!" She teleported out the library, leaving her marefriend groaning and rubbing the bump on her head.

"Princess Celestia!" A noble said, approaching her in the hallway. She was still in her armor, now that she looked down, making her groan. How could she miss that? "We wish to know what the fight in Equestria was about at once!"

The princess just stopped and stared at him unamused. "Pony, I will kick you out of this castle faster than when I kicked out Blueblood if you do not move."

"But Celestia-"

"You will know when I tell you." She walked around him, ignoring his grumbling and headed towards her assistant, Raven, who was walking towards her. "I need to address my ponies as soon as possible. Have a conference setup for three o'clock this afternoon."

"Yes, your highness," she replied, writing down the instructions quickly. "Where would the location be?"

Celestia put her hoof to her chin, trying to think of the most perfect......"Ponyville. The field across from Sweet Apple Acres."

She wrote down some more notes before heading off to fulfill the request. Sighing, the princess of the sun walked into her throne room and immediately regretted it. There were some ponies in there from the press, or whatever, waiting for her.

"Your highness, can you please tell us the events that led up to the fight that reigned terror in Canterlot?"

"You will learn today at three, now please leave the throne room." She trotted past them and up to her throne. The group groaned before turning around and leaving the room while she stripped herself of her armor, releasing her hair and sweat. Man, she needed a bath.

"Peace.....and quiet," she muttered to herself. Lighting her horn, she displayed the hologram of Rainbow's father, a sigh escaping her lips. "If only you were here...if only you were here."

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late, I got distracted and it cost me an hour in time.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think down below!