• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,347 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 13 - Decision

The two mares put Scootaloo in their bed before they stepped outside on the stairs to talk about Dash's hopeful decision.

"Are you sure about that?" Fluttershy asked quietly, going back to her timid personality. "You'll be more busy in the future and Scootaloo will want attention from her mothers."

"I know," Rainbow said nodding slowly. "But I'll do everything in my power to make sure she gets what she wants, when she needs it. She's been through a lot, and I don't want her going through more of it. She already shivers in her sleep at night."

Fluttershy looked down at the ground before offering the princess, in her mind, a beautiful smile. "Okay," she responded finally, nodding her head. "I trust you on this. I also want to adopt her. But we have to get her paperwork and more, as well as how to propose to her."

"Well, I have a great idea on how to get that done. After all......the event of the year is coming up pretty quick and I'm supposed to give a speech."

Fluttershy looked at her confused. What event was she talking about? Could it be the....oh, THAT event.

"Triple G?"

"Triple G," she confirmed, nodding her head. "I'll ask Twilight tomorrow about the forms after the meeting about the memos."

"You still have to go to those?"

"Well, Equestria needs to tell me their problems so I can act like a princess," Rainbow Dash said, heading down the stairs. "You hungry? I'm pretty sure there's some food cooked up in the hall." Fluttershy smiled, before trotting after her marefriend down the stairs and towards the dining area. "Will Scootaloo get mad that we ate without her?"

"More than likely."


"You ate without me?!" The filly cried out, watching the two adults as they walked into the room with a plate of food. She jumped out of bed and walked towards her idol, making sure to put on her best pouting face. "Why didn't you wake me?!"

"Because you looked so adorable, precious face," Fluttershy chuckled. She set the plate down on a nearby table. "We didn't wanna wake you up. But we brought you a plate back instead. See? Complete with a slice of cake."

The Filly hopped back on the bed, too small to actually see what was on the plate or the table. She looked in front of her, seeing a plate full of veggies, something else that smelled good, and slice of cake. A big slice.

"Go easy on the cake though, squirt," Rainbow said, setting a drink down next to the plate. "I want you healthy, not sick of too much sugar." Rainbow pulled in a chair from the kitchen that she brought with her, setting it down in front of the table. Scootaloo hopped onto the chair, settling down before starting to eat the food. The two mares looked on in happiness before Rainbow nuzzled the back of her head, making the filly grin.

"Stop, I'm trying to eat!" She protested, although she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"Hey. I need to get some flying in. You wanna join?" The princess asked her. Scootaloo gasped, setting down the slice of cake before turning around to face Rainbow.

"Would I? I'd love too! I remember when you flew Fluttershy that one night at her cottage!" The two mares raised an eyebrow before they shared a glance.

"You saw that?" Fluttershy asked her.

"Yeah! I was on the roof, looking at the stars when I saw your Rainbow trail. It was amazing!"

Rainbow Dash chuckled before motioning towards the cake. "Well, eat up, then we'll go for a flight, alright?" Scootaloo nodded before finishing up her food in record time. Figuring that the best time to get some of the experience of actually being in the air would be now, she quickly devoured the food, not leaving a speck behind to please Fluttershy, who kept reminding her to eat every crumb. Because "It helps fillies grow stronger."

"Done!" She proclaimed jumping out of her chair. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

"Okay, okay!" Rainbow said chuckling as she bent down, letting the excited filly climb aboard. Once she was settled, Rainbow gave Fluttershy a kiss before she made her way out of the bedroom doors. And down the stairs. They walked towards the front doors, letting Dash open the objects.

The guards watched as she stopped and let the doors close behind her. "I'm going for a flight," she told them. "I'll be back in five minutes."

"Yes your highness." Rainbow dash smiled before lifting her alicorn wings that she's barely used ever since finding out her true origin.

"Hold on, Scoots!" The filly wrapped her hooves around Rainbow's neck before they shot into the air, leaving a rainbow trail behind.

"EEEEEEE!" Scootaloo squealed as they leveled out. She looked down, seeing the ground far below. Rainbow tilted as they circled the town of Ponyville. "This is...amazing."

"Glad you like it, squirt!" Rainbow Das thanked. "It's not my best speed but still great. You can do it too!"

"Umm....." Rainbow looked over her shoulder in confusion.

"CAN you fly?"

Scootaloo looked down in sadness, making Rainbow start to feel a little bad about rubbing her speed skills in the filly's mane.

"Hey, it's alright, kid. We're all late bloomers. Fluttershy doesn't like to fly."

"Really?" Scootaloo looked up.

"Oh yeah. The only time she really does is when she needs to get to the top of something." Rainbow continued her flight with Scootaloo. "I bet you'll be a pretty good flier one day."

"I know!" Scootaloo squealed. "But I'd rather ride on your back. It's more fun!" Rainbow chuckled before they flew around some more then came to a landing at the castle.

"Thanks for the flight Rainbow!" Scootaloo said as she climbed off her back.

"Sure thing, kiddo! Now let's get ready for bed, you have school tomorrow! It's a Tuesday."

The Princess and her advisory committee were finally able to discuss the memos the next morning, eager to get them sent out and read. The team was finally starting Dash's reign as one of the Princesses of Equestria.

"So yay on the memo?" Twilight asked the group of five in front of her. They all said yay, giving permission to get these notes out. "Alright. Any words, Princess?"

"I approve," Dash said. "Where do I sign?" Lady Justice slid over a parchment and a pen, where Dash grabbed it in her magic and looked over the note. Liking what she saw, she signed the paper before sliding it back to Lady Justice. "I take it our next step is making copies of the memos?"

"That would be correct," Cherry Berry confirmed.

"Great! Let's get this done people! Meeting adjourned!" The ponies all stood up and gathered their things before walking out the door of Dash's meeting room. "Twilight, can I speak with you for a moment?" The mare looked over her shoulder before saying something to Cherry about seeing her outside and walking back over to see Dash.

"What is it?" She asked, stopping in front of the Princess.

"So....me and Flutters have decided that...we...want to adopt Scootaloo."

Twilight gasped before giving off a childish squeal and stomping her hooves. "Ohhh, Rainbow, I'm so happy for you! But there's a lot of red tape you have to go through to even have a child in your custody. Have you spoken to your mother about it?"

"I figured you might have a book or a checklist or something."

"I do, I'll have Spike send it to you!"

Thanks, Twilight! I'd REALLY appreciate it." Twilight patted Rainbow's back before making her way out the door, leaving Rainbow alone in her office.

She sighed before she walked behind her desk, eager to review some of the forms that would need signing for the upcoming days. "I'm gonna be one busy princess."

The door to the library burst open, revealing Twilight and Cherry Berry as they walked into the group of friends already setup in there.

"Did she really say that?" Cherry asked her friend, intriguing the interests of Applejack.

"Yep! Told you she was gonna do it! They have a very deep connection!"

"What are y'all talkin' about?" The farmer asked.

"EEEEE!" Twilight squealed, doing a little dance before trotting over. "Dash....is adopting." The ponies in the room stopped what they were doing before Pinkie gasped and zipped over to the librarian.

"Oh my dilly dilly willy filly!" She cheered. "I have to throw a 'You Have A New Family!' party asap! I have to get ready!"

"Who there Pinkie!" Twilight said, grabbing the mare in her magic before she could zip out the door. "She has to fill out the forms and stuff first! That and she has to get approved, so there's no guarantee she'll actually GET Scootaloo."

"Well then, darling, by all means, help her!" Rarity said, walking over. "I'm absolutely sure you have some type of checklist, advice, or something for her."

Twilight released Pinkie and walked towards some more shelves. She scanned through the books and scrolls there, hoping to find that list she saw a week ago.

"Aha!" Twilight grabbed a certain scroll in her magic and pulled it towards her. She opened it, checking to make sure that she had the correct one. "Found it! Spike? Send this to Rainbow, please!" The baby dragon walked forward and took the scroll before blowing fire over it watching as the magic soared out of the library and towards the castle.

Fluttershy walked towards the trees in the back of her cottage, seeing a family of birds in a nest. They must've been having a conversation if their constant chirping was anything to go on.

"Excuse me? Mr. Bird?" She called out. The critter stopped its chirping and looked down at Fluttershy. "I need some advice. Do you have the time?" The bird chirped again before it flew down to land on Fluttershy's hoof. "You do? Oh, thank you. Me and Rainbow Dash are about to start a journey of adopting a child. Do you have any advice?"

The bird chirped for a while, giving the kind mare plenty of advice that she stored away in her mind for good measure. A few minutes later, more like seven, he finished. "Thank you very much, Mr. Bird. That is plenty of help." The bird chirped again before flying back up to the nest to continue its conversation with his family, leaving Fluttershy to head back to the castle. There was definitely going to be an adventure ahead.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys! Sorry, but this is all I have for awhile! I've been a little busy lately with a whole bunch of other stuff and...I'm suffering from writer's block.

If you guys have any suggestions for the next chapter, please leave them in the comments down below. I know I haven't actually written back in like five days, but i really am trying to get more ideas. I think we all know what Triple G means, right? That's definitely going to be in the next chapter, as well as a small issue. Be prepared, and send in some recommendations! They Really Help!