• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,347 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The Castle and Feelings Returned

The group of six friends all piled into the carriage after walking out of the library, ignoring the other ponies asking them what's going on. Those in front of the carriage all cleared a path as the carriage was pulled forward by pegasi guards and soared into the air, headed towards the castle made of clouds.

"So...ummm...how do you think she's doing," Fluttershy asked them after they leveled out, landing on the loop "I mean...she was really freaked out...do you think this is a good idea to see her right now?"

"Nothing's better than a big hug from your group of friends to cheer you up after finding out your mom's a real queen!" Pinkie Pie yelled, jumping up in the carriage. "DUUUHHH! Besides, moonie said it's better for her if her friends were around." The other's laughed as they all turned back forward to see a group of guards waiting at the gate.

"I just realized something," Twilight said. "Only one of us here are pegasi. How else are we going to get on this cloud without plummeting down?"

"No need to worry about that ma'am." They all turned towards the right to see a royal guard standing outside of the carriage looking at them through a pair of shades. "The cloud is made to hold any kind of pony. SA Sweetie Drops, who's an Earth Pony, is standing just fine on this property." The guard was pointing towards the left at an Earth Pony with pink and dark blue hair, a scar over her left eye. She jumped up and down to show how fine the cloud was. "It's ok to step out."

Twilight shrugged and jumped out of the Carriage landing perfectly on the cloud. Then tested it with her hoof just to make sure. The others followed her example and landed on the surface. Then were guided by Special Agent Sweetie Drops towards the gate after they all got comfortable. The guards pushed it open to reveal a...landscape? The cloud had grass, flowers and a pond in the front. The group looked around, seeing the sky with a few clouds dispersing rainbows onto the ground.

"This is so grandeur!" Rarity squealed, loudly. "It is positively beautiful here! If Rainbow passes this up, then that is definitely not her!"

"It is really nice here," Twilight agreed as they walked between two tall buildings, heading for a more house-like structure. It was still big, but not as big as the others. You could tell it was for someone to live in. "I guess that's where rainbow's quarter's are?" Twilight asked Sweetie Drops. She didn't answer and continued walking with her head facing the upcoming doors. Twilight looked behind her and shrugged and shrugged at the others, who did the exact same.

The guards at the two doors pushed them open, allowing the group to walk into a lobby of some sort. There was a grand stairwell in front of them, leading up to a second floor and to a pair of golden doors with Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on it. Sweetie drops raised a hoof, stopping them, before she trotted up the stairs alone, leaving the guests to watch her. She knocked on the doors, waiting for an answer.

"Yes?" Celestia's voice said through the doors.

"The guests are here," Sweetie Drops answered loudly, finally speaking.

"Would you like your friends to come in?" Celestia asked her daughter. The two were snuggled on the bed, talking about some other things. Rainbow nodded her head, still staring at a visual of her father. Celestia turned to the door and yelled, "Bring them in! As I was saying, your father was an exceptional stallion. He would bring roses to me on my bad days, and even more on my good days. I made him my adviser, since he was always good at making decisions. He was the happiest I have ever seen when I told him I was pregnant. He wouldn't stop flying in circles!"

Rainbow Dash chuckled before the doors opened, revealing the group of seven. The two princesses on the bed didn't pay attention to them They walked in while Celestia was still talking, taking a seat at the door before Sweetie Drops closed it back. "Shortly afterwards, he was gone," she said sadly. "He went with everypony else inside that castle. He was one of the bodies that was found in that hallway." Celestia closed her eyes, letting a few silent tears escape. "Then...I had you. Luna said you look exactly like him. That was true." Celestia turned her head to her daughter, who turned her head to look up at her in return.

"Don't ever change, Rainbow. Don't do anything to your hair, don't dye your coat, nothing. You are your father's daughter. Be proud of it." The new royal smile before sitting up from her laying position and nuzzled Celestia.

"Of course," she responded. They stayed like that for a moment until Celestia stood up and jumped off the bed.

"I have to head back to Canterlot," she explained while stretching her wings.

Rainbow gasped in surprise and asked in disbelief, "What? Why?" She stood up and trotted over to stand beside her, nearly falling on her face. She was two-thirds as tall as Celestia now. "You can't stay? Why can't you stay, I was just enjoying this!" Celestia chuckled before she pulled Rainbow in with her left wing.

"I have to return and get things ready for your future coronation. I won't be telling them you're my daughter, but I will have to make up a story of your origin. For your protection. The Captain of the Guard, Twilight's brother—"

"Wait, Shiny's the Captain now?!" Twilight interrupted from behind.

"—Is there waiting for me to get the information to him. As well as assign your servants, chefs, and others that will be here at the castle. You'll see me again soon, I promise, sweetheart."

"Fine," Rainbow grumbled, crossing her hooves. The princess of the sun chuckled.

"Don't be like your father and catch an attitude. I'll stick Luna on you." Celestia nuzzled her daughter one more time before walking towards the two doors. She stopped after seeing the group sitting there on the floor waiting patiently. "Thank you for waiting. Don't change for Rainbow Dash, either. Especially you, Applejack. She could use the competition."


Celestia chuckled before she opened the doors and walked out, leaving Rainbow with her friends. They all stared at each other in silence before Twilight tried to cheer things up a bit. "Sooo...nice castle you have-"

"PERFECT FOR A PARTY!" Pinkie screamed in dash's face. Rainbow shrieked in surprise and accidentally fired off her horn, sending the pink menace flying back into the marble wall.

Everyone looked from Pinkie then back to Dash."Well...someone's got a knack for surprise," AJ said, walking up to the cerulean alicorn. She pulled on her wings and stared at her while Dash just stood there looking stoic.

"Can you use your magic...at will yet?" Twilight asked, walking up to her. "Because if you're going to be introduced as one of the new princesses, they're going to want to see your power."

"Uh huh," Spike agreed, nodding his head. "Big time. They'll want to see what you can do. WITHOUT a rainboom. Twilight will probably-"

"I'll help you do your magic!"

"-train you," Spike finished. Rarity took a look around the bland room, going out unto the balcony as she tried to find the beauty in the place.

"Uggghhh. This room is so droll. Rainbow? Be a dear and get me some cotton, would you? I must get to work this instant!"

Rainbow looked at Rarity irately before she got a smirk. "Why don't we use your dress instead? It's way too big on you anyway." Everyone snickered as they checked out Rarity's outerwear. It was a white dress that was way too big, trailing along the floor like she was the bride at a wedding.

"Do not laugh! This is perfection I am wearing!" Rarity replied, sticking her nose in the air as she walked out of the room made of stone with marble flooring.

"Whatever you say, Rares." Rainbow shook her extended wings and give them small flaps as she tried to get a sense of her weight. "Wow, I'm heavier then I was before...don't say it, AJ!" Applejack slowly closed her mouth, but kept the smirk. "How are you doing over there flutters?"

Fluttershy was busy trying to pull Pinkie out of the wall, having no luck. "Well...I can't actually get her out from the stone."

"Wait...I realized that earlier," Twilight said looking at Rainbow strangely. "These structures are made out of stone, but this is a cloud. It should've fallen through, but instead it's just sitting on the cloud like it's the ground. How is that possible?"

Rainbow shrugged in response. "I don't know, but I really like it here. Hey, let's go find the kitchen." Rainbow dash walked forward and grabbed Pinkie's foot with her mouth and yanked her out. She dropped her onto the ground before walking over to the doors. "Try not to cause any parties when you come here ok? This is a bedroom. Not a ballroom, throne room..." Rainbow let out a gasp before she threw open the doors.

She walked out of the doors and onto the stairwell looking for the guards. "Guard!" She shouted.

"Yes, your highness?" a guard said from behind her. She turned around to see two guards dressed in night armor at the top of the stairs in front of the girls.

"We would like a tour of the castle, please." The guards nodded before they walked down the steps towards her.

"Of course. Just follow me." The girls came out of the room following the two guards as they made their way towards Rainbow Dash. They turned left down a hallway with three doors on each side. "These are the guest rooms. They are just rooms with a bathroom, a desk, and probably more." They continued their trek, turning down another hall on the left before walking straight again. "At the end of this hall is the dining room."

They stopped at two large doors before they pulled them open, revealing a long and wide dining table with around twenty chairs on the left and right side. "It's actually the grand dining hall. There are more spread out around the facility. They're not actually finished yet." Rainbow Dash nodded before they were led back out through the hallways and to the front of the building. There was another hallway across from them that they took.

"This is the way...to your throne room, Princess Dash." The Alicorn's friends all turned to look at Rainbow to see her sporting a toothy grin. Applejack facehoofed while Rarity shared Dash's expression. Soon they turned another corner to the right before going to the left again to see a pair of golden doors, as big as Dash's bedroom doors. The guards there opened the doors to offer a stupendous sight.

There was a blue carpet that led the way up to a throne with her cutie mark on the back. A rainbow colored lightning bolt. The throne itself was completely gold. "There are no guards stationed in here yet. Princess Celestia will be getting them for you as well as your own official armor."

"Official armor?" Rainbow asked him. "What do you mean?"

"All the guards will be wearing a certain type of armor that lets others know who they represent." Rainbow nodded her head before she walked into the throne room, admiring the stained glass and carpet. "It'll look far better by the coronation."

Rainbow walked up to the throne and felt along it's surface before turning around and took a seat, taking on a regal posture. "It looks great, Rainbow," Fluttershy said, walking up to the throne. "Princess Dash."

"There ase no formalities between us, Lady Fluttershy," Rainbow said. "Especially since you made that awesome soup this morning." Fluttershy giggled and walked closer to Rainbow's seat. The alicorn scooted over, making room for her best friend as she took a seat, looking out at the room. "This is a beautiful view."

"Yeah...it's almost time for you guys to head home." Fluttershy got a sad look on her face as she lowered her head, getting Rainbow's attention. "Hey." Fluttershy looked up at the alicorn. "I was talking to the others."

Fluttershy looked towards where she was pointing to see the group bowing in front of her. "Get outta here!" she commanded playfully. "Or I'll use my royal canterlot voice on you!"

"No way, Rainy!" Pinkie said, hopping forward. "You'll have to make us!" Rainbow smirked before focusing all her energy into her horn and blast it outwards. It didn't have the desired effect.

Big globs of water appeared out of nowhere and started firing towards the ponies.

"Rainbow!" Applejack cried out as she ran around with the others. "What in tarnation?!"

""EVERYONE OUT," she ordered, pointing towards the doors. "I'll send for you guys tomorrow...if I can. Royal duties and all that."

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Twilight said, running out of the room with everyone else. "See ya', Princess!" All that remained were Fluttershy, Princess Dash, and two guards who got dismissed.

"Leave us please," Dash ordered. The guards bowed before they walked out of the room and closed the doors. The only light source, being the moonlight coming in through the window.

"Now what is it you wanted to talk about?" Rainbow asked Fluttershy, following her mother's example and draping a wing around her.

"Ummm...what do you mean?" she replied, looking into her eyes. "I don't..." She was silenced when Rainbow started nuzzling her muzzle...which she liked. She smiled and began nuzzling back, making Rainbow smile harder. Eventually, after a minute of this, Rainbow pulled away.

"Now...tell me." Fluttershy smiled before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"Ok...I'm just gonna blurt it out."

"Blurt it out? Who are you and what have you done with cute, little fluttershy?"

"I love you, Rainbow!" Rainbow widened her eyes and looked at her confused.

"What...what do you mean?"

"I love you! I don't know what I would do without you. Yes you're my friend! My BEST friend! But I have feelings for you, Dashie!"

Rainbow Dash was taken aback, looking at Fluttershy wide-eyed.

"You don't like me back." Rainbow dash shook her head and blinked her eyes rapidly before offering her a smile.

"It's not that at all," she replied picking up Fluttershy's hoof. "I was just really surprised at your bluntness. I applaud you for that. But about your feelings....I already returned them moons ago."

Fluttershy gasped before Rainbow grabbed her other hoof and pulled her closer. "I love you too, Flutters." She pressed her forehead against the pegasus before she continued talking. "I agree. We've been friends for a very long time. A few years in fact. I think we both want this to go farther though."

Fluttershy grinned and closed her eyes before Rainbow asked her next question. "Will you do me the honor of being my marefriend?"

"Yes. Yes I would. I love you, Rainbow."

"I love you too, Fluttershy." They both lifted their mouths before giving each other a kiss to seal their love.

The cerulean princess opened her eyes the next morning to give sight to a bunch of pink hair in her face and a sleeping Fluttershy. Rainbow decided that the Pegasus should sleep in her bed last night, to make Fluttershy feel at home.

She slowly withdrew her wing from over her marefriend and sat up, making sure not to disturb her, before jumping out the bed, landing on the carpet. She stretched and twisted her back. It cracked, making her flinch a little.

"That hurt a little," she muttered. After getting out the bugs in her body, she looked around the room, trying to find the washroom. Seeing a door by her side of the bed, she walked over and opened it, finding the area.

She used her magic to adjust the water temperature before stepping in, sighing in relief as the water washed all over her body.

Fluttershy moaned and moved her foreleg, the shower disturbing her sleep. She opened her eyes, realizing that Rainbow wasn't there, before she sat up, looking around. "Rainbow?" She asked quietly.

She got out of the bed and looked around finally spotting the bathroom and hearing the water running. "Rainbow? Are you in there?"

"Yeah! I'm taking a shower! Be out in a minute!" Fluttershy nodded before she took a look around the room. Too busy trying to get Pinkie out of the wall yesterday, she actually never got a look around. Looking at the floor, it was marble along with the walls. There were vases and flowers, not to mention a small waterfall in the lounge.

The pegasus walked into the room, looking at the small clouds depositing rainbows around the department. There were a bunch of books in the corner by a couch, and a massive crystal of some sort on the other facing it.

She looked towards the left to see a little bit of Ponyville below with some other kingdom very far away in the distance. It was a magnificent sight.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Fluttershy looked behind her to see Rainbow start nuzzling her cheek. "Good Morning, Flutters."

"Good morning, Dashie." She kissed her before she walked the rest of the way into the balcony. "Where's your Royal Gear?"

"My what?"

"You know. The chest plate and shoes. You need to look official. Like the great princess I know you'll become. Your mother has them and so does Luna." Dash looked over to respond until someone knocked on her door.

"Come in!" The door opened up quietly, revealing Princess Luna holding some type of box in a spell. She set the box on the bed before looking around, trying to find her.

"There's my favorite niece," she said, trotting over and pulling the small alicorn into a small hug. "How did thou sleep? Extravagantly?"

Rainbow wiggled out of Luna's grip before she looked up to her and answered. "I slept wonderful. Now what is that?" She asked, pointing at the box on her bed.

"Go and find out for yourself."

Rainbow briskly walked back through the lounge before she lit her horn, opening the box. Upon reaching the bed, she looked down into the box and gasped.

She lit her horn again and pulled out a multi colored dress, a golden chest plate with her cutie mark in the center, metal hoofshoes that were rainbow colored, and a small tiara. It had multiple colored diamonds in it, mainly red, yellow, and blue.

"Is this my real crown," she asked, looking at her aunt.

"Yes. You shall have two. One for before your coronation and one after. It's beautiful, isn't it?" Rainbow slowly nodded her head before placing the crown on her head the wrong way. Grinning, she turned to her audience.

"Well?....How do I look?"

"Well....you would look better if the crown was on right," Fluttershy said, grinning. Luna chuckled before grabbing the crown in her magic and lifted it up, turned it around, and set it correctly back down on her head.

"There you go, my niece," she said. She turned to the box and pulled out the chest plate. Fluttershy watched as Rainbow went through her transformation from normal alicorn into a princess alicorn.

"You look beautiful, Rainbow," she commented walking closer. Rainbow was wearing the multi colored dress with the chest plate on top. She was wearing her hoof shoes, having multiple colors on each one.

"Thanks," she said, walking into the bathroom to check herself out.

"We are going to Canterlot today," Luna said as she walked back out. "We will be having the Royal Breakfast with your mother, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor."

"Twilight's brother?" Rainbow asked, walking out the bathroom. "Why is he there?"

"He is marrying Princess Cadance."

"Twilight doesn't know, does she?"

Luna laughed. "No. No, she does not."

"Well, I want to see her have an aneurysm. Let's bring her. Flutters? Are you coming?"

"Umm...if I can," she replied looking at Luna.

"I am sure Celestia would not mind her daughter bringing friends over."

The three of them walked out of the room, signalling the guards to follow along as they walked down the steps and through the front doors of the building, where there were more guards waiting, her official security detail.

"Good morning, Lady Dash," Seargent Cloudstorm greeted.

"Good morning, Sergeant. You will be coming with me?" They walked down the walkway that went between two buildings before the gates were opened.

"Yes we will be your official security everywhere in large settings. In small settings, you will be accompanied by Sweetie Drops."

Rainbow nodded before they walked through the gate, and towards a rainbow colored chariot. Sweetie Drops walked forward and opened the door for Rainbow dash, who stopped and let Fluttershy walk in first.

After she did, Rainbow followed after and the door was closed. "Are you excited about this?" The pegasus asked her.

Rainbow nodded rapidly. "Of course!"

"You're hungry?"

"Of course!"

"You just want to show off, huh?"

"Of. Course." Luna's chariot in front began to move forward, making theirs move as well. They drove through the loop, before they flew off the edge and through the air, headed towards Ponyville.

"Are you sure you saw Rainbow yesterday...as an alicorn?"

"A new alicorn?"

"Is there a new princess?" There was so much talk going around Ponyville about a possibly new alicorn with a rainbow colored mane and tail, and a cerulean color.

The sound of yells made everyone look up to see two chariots coming down from the sky, about to land in the center of town.

"Everyone clear out! Move, move!" The ponies all moved to the side as the chariots landed on the ground, rolling to a stop.

Sweetie Drops opened the door for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, watching as they got out before they closed it. Princess Luna was waiting for them as they made their way towards the Ponyville library.

Twilight was in her bed, covered by a bunch of books with her right hooves hanging off the bed. Spike was sleeping in his basket nearby, both sleeping peacefully when a series of loud bangs and a very loud Canterlot voice woke them up.


The two peacefully sleeping residents were jolted awake, with Twilight falling off the bed, buried under a lot of books, and Spike jumping out of his basket and hitting his head on the ceiling.

A moment later, the front door opened revealing a very upset Twilight with a book on her head, making the two royals and Fluttershy chuckle.

"What....do you want....your highness?" she said through gritted teeth and a wide smile.

"We want you to see your brother," Princess Dash said, pointing at her. "We're going to Canterlot for breakfast and your brother's going to be there."

"Oh," Twilight said, knocking her book off her head, changing her entire attitude. "Ok, let me get ready. Come in." Everyone outside watched as the four, including Sweetie Drops, walked into the tree.

"Now, why is Shiny coming?" Twilight asked, walking up the stairs and into the washroom.

"He's bringing a very important guest," Luna said, browsing through the books. "You will know them very well."

"Ok." A few minutes later, Twilight came trotting back down the steps in a dress. "I'm ready. Let's go!"

"No Spike?" Fluttershy asked her.

"No Spike."

Rainbow nodded before they all got up and made their way towards the door Sweetie Drops just opened. They walked out, being guided back to their chariots.

"It is Rainbow Dash!"

"What did she do to get Royal?"

Rainbow Dash grinned at all the attention before hopping in the chariot with Twilight and Fluttershy, the door being shut behind her.

The people parted before they made their way around the tree and towards the road behind it. They took off into the air before turning around, heading towards the mountainside. Towards the city of Canterlot.