• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,342 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 24 - The Reveal

"So mom's apparently thinking about telling all of Equestria that I'm her daughter," Rainbow whispered to Fluttershy. Scootaloo was curled up between the two of them, getting some more rest after being disturbed so early. The school was closed today, Princess Dash's orders, because of the damage around ponyville.

Spectrum had control of the wood around the area. As well as rocks, grass, and more that was connected to the ground. But she was still no match for Rainbow Dash. The only thing that technically stopped her was that arrow, which shot her through the back and out of her chest. Whoever that pony was was going to have to answer to Equestrian law once found. More specifically....her mother.

"I know," Fluttershy whispered, looking down at their daughter. She stirred in her sleep, her tiny wings buzzing before she resumed snoring. "She's the sweetest little thing. I just wanna scream." She inhaled some air before letting out a tiny, "EEEEEEEEE."

Rainbow grinned before giving her marefriend a nuzzle and a kiss. "You are too adorable."

"And you are getting soft," she replied, pulling back and giving her a smile. "You've never used the word 'adorable' before that wasn't in a teasing manner."

"Being a princess is making me more mature. And YOU are coming out of your shell more."

"Being a mother is tiring. You know I had to help her with her homework? Math? That was really tiring, she was having trouble with multiplying three digit numbers. And I was too."

"If I'm available, I'll be there to help with the squirt's homework. And when I'm not, call for Twilight, she'll be happy to help. Heck, even Sweetie Drops. Actually....where is she?"

"She's helping get rid of those looming roots and trees that are directly over Ponyville." Fluttershy pointed out the window at the trees and branches from the Everfree forest that had chased after Rainbow while she was fighting Spectrum. "I don't even want to know what happened with that."

"I got chased."

"What did I just say?" Fluttershy said nervously, hiding behind her pink mane. There's that adorable shy pegasuz.

The princess chuckled before wrapping a wing over her and her daughter, allowing the two to relax.

"Get some sleep. You woke up at around the same time as Scoots, I know you're tired."

"No I'm not," she responded before giving out a mighty yawn. "That didn't work, huh?"

"Nope. Now get some sleep before I use a sleeping spell on you." Rainbow gave her a challenging look before Fluttershy grinned and gave her a kiss.

"If it'll make you feel better, your highness." She opened one of her own wings and draped it over Scootaloo before getting down to her level. The filly's wings fluttered for a moment before she adjusted herself, cuddling up to the timid pegasus.

The Princess of Nature smiled at the sweet scene before laying her head on Fluttershy's back, closing her eyes, and falling asleep. With her family.

During the time they were sleeping, the ponies of Equestria were becoming a little agitated from being left out of the loop. They had no idea what had happened nor any idea the reason for all the trees, bushes, and leaves over grown and on the ground in Canterlot. There was even a broken glass window in a nearby store where some witnesses said a black coated alicorn with mismatched wings and a rainbow mane as big as Luna's was thrown through by the four princesses.

For what reason they didn't know, but they were going to find out soon.

"Is my chariot ready?" Princess Celestia asked, walking towards the exit of the castle.

"Yes, your highness," one of her guards answered as they stepped out the doors. The chariot in question was sitting right in front of them. "Ponies from almost all of Equestria have gone to Ponyville to hear your address. Last time we checked."

"Good. And the Princesses?" She stepped into the chariot while the guards strapped themselves in before the door was closed behind her.

"All there, waiting for you."

"Good. That is all. Hop in, you need a lift." Using her magic, she grabbed the surprised guard and set him inside before facing forward again. "Onward!"

The area in front of Princess Dash's castle complex and beyond was full. There were thousands upon thousands of ponies waiting for Celestia's reasoning and national address. Luna and Cadance were already there, sitting in their thrones marked by their cutie marks while Prince Shining Armor was sitting beside Cadance's throne. Dash's was in the middle of the two, where she would sit once she got there. And it looked like that time was now.

Dash's chariot, holding her, Fluttershy, and an extremely drowsy Scootaloo rolled past the ponies in the front row and towards the stage where her aunt and cousin were sitauated. Spotting her, they abandoned their positions to go and meet her.

"Hello, Princess Dash," Luna called out, meeting her before she got out and giving her a nuzzle. "You seem well."

"Just a little sore, Luna," she replied, returning the affection.

Scootaloo jumped out first before walking tiredly up to the stage, barely registering the pink hooves she bumped into that made her fall on her rump.

"And it seems somepony's very tired," Cadance laughed. She sat down and picked up the little filly, who was muttering things.

"Yeah sure I'll kick his flank for ya, Apple Bloom," she said before snoring again.

"I'm having Sweetie Drops tuck her into bed," Rainbow said, picking up Scootaloo and placing her on the Special Agent's back. "After waking up this morning, she kept falling back to sleep. She could barely finish lunch before dropping her face into the plate. I am never waking her up in the midst of sleep again." The two watched the agent trot towards the Castle gates behind the stage before going through the guarded gates.

"Wise choice. How's your body? Are you aching? I know it was very painful having that arrow go through you." She motioned towards the bandage over her cousin's chest.

"Yeah it aches, but I can still move."

"Good to hear," Celestia said, walking over after landing nearly unnoticeably and catching their attention. She gave the three princesses a nuzzle for a few seconds before looking at the large crowd. "So many here. Let's get started."

She walked up to the podium that had the symbol of Equestria on the front while the three princess and spouse took a seat in their designated thrones and areas.

"Hello, my little ponies of Equestria!" She yelled in the royal canterlot voice. Those who were talking became silent as she spoke, giving her their undivided attention. "Thank your coming to hear the most important event in Equestrian history. Years ago, there was a book created. 'The history of Equestria'. It spoke about me and Luna. How the Royal Sisters defeated Discord and rose to power a few thousand years ago.

"Then there was another event in the book that described the Royal Sisters' altercation and how one was banished to the moon for seventeen years. That pony was my dear sister, Princess Luna." She motioned to the Princess of the night on her left behind her.

"But very important details were left out of the book. Luna did not fight AGAINST me. She fought ASIDE me." The thousands of ponies all began muttering before she raised a hoof silencing them.

"Please hold your questions. Yes....there is a third sister. Princess Spectrum who we have kept secret for the safety of Equestria. But sadly, she succumbed to the side of the dark. During the wars that plagued Equestria in the years that have passed, we were looking for a source of magic that could turn the tide in our favor. We found it.

"We gave it a simple name. 'The Natural Weapon' that gave ponies the ability to control nature at their will. And we used it to bring Equestria to victory back to back.

"But our sister, Princess Spectrum, grew power hungry over it, becoming corrupted from the greed the weapon was giving her. So, in a desperate state of mind, she demanded that we hand over the jewel during a very important time in my life......when I was with child."

The ponies, despite Celestia's wishes, got even louder at this shocking news.

"The princess has a foal?!"


"There's another royal of Equestria?!"

"Who and where are they?!!"

Celestia groaned before yelling. "QUIET!!!" The ponies all stopped talking before she continued. "Thank you. Spectrum, our youngest sister, demanded we give her the weapon to make her stronger. Spectrum already had control over anything that grew from the ground. Grass, trees, stone and more. Had she gotten her hooves on that weapon she would've been a conqueror.

"So we denied her access which made her upset. We had a fight, which had took the lives of multiple ponies in the Everfree Castle, but had managed to push her away for months. Months later, hours after I gave birth to my foal, she struck again, in the midst of night. Luckily, we were prepared and came up with a plan. Luna willingly gave herself to Spectrum, fighting her and allowing me to flee with my baby and hand her over to a family that would keep her safe.

"The plan was simple. Have Luna distract her long enough where I could transfer the massive amount of magic and use the empty weapon as a distraction so I could put Spectrum to sleep when we fought. During the time Spectrum was away she became noticeably stronger, successfully able to banish Luna to the Moon for seventeen years. So after I dropped off the child and power, I rushed up and met her in the air.

"We fought until I 'accidentally dropped' the weapon, which had the desired effect. She went after it while I prepared the Elements of Harmony, using it to successfully banish her in the ruins of the Everfree Castle.

"She was successfully held for seventeen years before Luna awoke first, then her second. But before she woke up, I reunited with my beautiful child and introduced myself as their mother. Then recently, Spectrum attacked. Yesterday. But thanks to the Princess of Nature she was weakened to the point where Princess Cadance and Princess Luna were able to apprehend her and take her to a very secure cell while we search for a spell that could cure my sister.

"Princess Dash was wounded during the battle here in Ponyville after a pony who sided with Spectrum shot her with a spelled arrow. Thankfully, she survived.

"That is what has happened in Equestria.....and the story behind the battle that has occured."

The crowd of ponies began asking questions, raising their hooves to try and grab Celestia's attention. Sighing she raised a hoof to silence them. "I believe you all wish to know the name of my child." She nodded to a guard standing next to the stage, giving him permission to come and move the podium, displaying the other three Princesses smiling at their subjects.

They all voiced their agreements, the temptation to just rush up and demand heavy on their minds.

"Here we go," Twilight whispered to her marefriend. "The moment that will be written in the history books."

"That you will read over and over again," Cherry chuckled before becoming worried. "I really hope they accept her."

"My child was a filly," Celestia continued before walking to the right of the stage to give the ponies a clear view. "Now an eighteen year old mare who recently rose to power in Equestria." The ponies all gasped lightly. Could it be..... "My daughter is none other than......Princess Dash. The Princess of Nature."

Author's Note:

Phew! A very long speech.....for my fingers, god man! They're so stiff!

Bam, a cliffhanger! Hadn't done these in a while! What do you think will happen next week? Comment below!

P.S. Let me know of typos please!