• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,348 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Onward To Ponyville

Seventeen Years Later

"Mom, stop! I can do this on my own," the cerulean pegasus said, putting her saddlebag on her back with her wing. "It's not like my wings are broken."

Windy Whistles huffed as she looked at her daughter's scrunched up face. She was way too independent. "Fine. Be that way. I'll be downstairs when you're done packing."

Rainbow Dash huffed as she watched her mother walk out of her room and down the steps of their home in Cloudsdale. "Mom, I just want to do THIS myself. You can....do my hair," she said, muttering the last bit.

Windy Whistles turned around and gasped happily before she ran back into her daughter's room. She pulled Rainbow in front of the mirror before grabbing the brush with her mouth, combing it through her hair.

"You were really excited about this," Rainbow commented as her mother started brushing her front. Windy looked at her incredulously before placing the brush back on the dresser.

"I'm not particularly THRILLED with you leaving the nest," she said. "You're leaving school AND home at the same time. A mother doesn't actually...you know...WANT that."

Rainbow sighed before she turned around, preparing her favorite speech.

"Mom," she said, standing up straight and smiling proudly. "This is the first step...to becoming..."

"Oh no," Windy muttered, facehoofing.

"A WONDERBOLT! I can fly farther than the eye can see and faster than the ear can pick up sound! I'll be on that reserves list, you'll see." Windy tightened her lips and gave her daughter an expectant smile.

"Alright, sweetheart. Just...watch out for Fluttershy. She's already scared to fly, let alone lower herself down to the ground."

"Got it! Love ya', mom!" Rainbow Dash trotted out of her room, down the stairs, and towards the front door before her father popped up in front of her.

"And just where do you think you're going," Bow Hothoof asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

"Out.....fortherestofmylifegoodbye," she replied, diving underneath his legs. She took flight right when her father grabbed her tail his teeth.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on," he said through his teeth as he pulled her back inside. "No need to rush, it's only seven!"

"Daaaadd, let me go!" The rainbow maned stallion pulled his head back, tossing rainbow dash into some bookshelves before closing the door and locking it.

He trotted over to Rainbow's still form, her eyes going in circles from that toss. "Now...you're not going anywhere...until you eat breakfast."

"Daaaaad," she whined as she stood back up, banging her hooves on the carpet made of clouds. "I already had chocolate."

"That is definitely not breakfast. Come on." He walked behind her and grabbed her tail again before dragging her towards the kitchen. Windy Whistles just looked down the stairs to try and figure out the commotion, spotting Rainbow Dash laying down and being sluggishly pulled out of view. She could only guess.

"Now take a seat," Bow ordered, pushing Rainbow onto the cloud. She groaned as she sat up straight, looking at the table, figuring she might as well endure this.

Her father placed a stack of hay fries and a daisy sandwich in front of her. "Start eating, Wonderbolt," he ordered. They both stared at each other. One trying to make the other break before Dash huffed and gave a small smirk.

"Fine," she said, saluting.

"That's my girl," he said ruffling her hair, making her gasp.


After that embarrassing moment, she finally walked out of the house, breathing in the cool air on a cool day. "Perfect for flying," she whispered to herself. The cerulean pegasus shot off into the air, flying over the city of Cloudsdale. The weather factory in the distance contrasted only slightly with the rest of the mobile city.

After enjoying the sights, Rainbow looked around, spotting one pegasus that she didn't actually expect to see. She smiled and waved as she yelled to her. "Hey, Derpy!"

The funny-eyed mare looked around and finally spotted Rainbow Dash before smiling back and waving. Not being able to see where she was going caused her to fly inside a home made of clouds.

"Hey, get out of here! What are you doing?!"

"I'm am so sorry!" *CRASH* "I'm sorry about that as well."

"Just get out!" Rainbow seethed through her teeth before looking around and flying back the way she was headed before.

"I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything..." She muttered. Soon she was out of cloudsdale, flying over the land below. Rolling hills, green grass, and beautiful pasturez. After a little bit more flying, she spotted her favorite pink maned, yellow coated friend sitting on a cloud, looking below at the ground apprehensively.

"Hey, Fluttershy," she called out. The shy pegasus squeaked before looking around, finally spotting her friend.

"Oh...hey, umm...Rainbow" she greeted timidly, offering her friend a small smile before looking back towards the ground. "Umm....are...are you sure about this? You know I don't really like heights and, well...this is very high up."

"Stay on the cloud," Rainbow ordered. She came up next to Fluttershy and began to push the cloud over to the small town below. "I'll just push you over."

The scaredy pegasus let out a quiet "eep" when the cloud began to slowly edge its way towards the city. "Not...not so fast."

"Flutters, we are going about as fast as as a squirrel can walk," she responded unamused. "So just...bury your face in the cloud or something, you'll be fine."

Fluttershy looked down towards the ground, breathing heavily as she tried to not jump off. "Ok....ok, its just a little height, just a little height, just a little....uhhhh, I CAN'T do it, I can't do it!"

"Flutters, calm down, it's al-"

"No it is not! I am getting off this thing! I will see you below, Rainbow Dash!" Before Rainbow could stop her, she jumped off the cloud, and started flapping her wings. But being an inexperienced flyer really started to show when she started to fall to the ground below.

She screamed quietly as she began her quick descent towards the road below. Rainbow looked between her and the cloud she was pushing before huffing and bucking the cloud into non existence.

A purple mare and a small baby dragon could be seen walking down a dirt road, headed into the small town known as Ponyville. After being ordered by her teacher, Princess Celestia, to go out and make friends, she grabbed her trusty assistant and friend to take her to the small town.

"Ugghh," the mare groaned. "Why do I need friends? Friends just hold me back from my studies."

"C'mon, Twilight," the dragon said, patting her flank. "You're not even at the town yet, let alone seen anypony and you're already complaining. Just give it a shot."

"But I-"

"Give it a shot."

"They just-"


"I have to-"

"Give it....a stupid....shot." The mare known as Twilight Sparkle looked over in disgruntlement at her assistant before groaning and continuing the trek, facing foward with her head held low.

"Fin, I'll.....do it," she muttered in defeat. Spike smiled while they continued walking before a small high pitched sound reached their ears.

"Hey, do you hear something?" Twilight asked. Spike nodded before looking around for the source.

"I don't see anything though." Twilight looked around until the sound started to get louder. The two looked at each other before they slowly looked up, seeing something yellow falling right towards Twilight.

"Oh.....poop," she muttered, right when the yellow object crashed into her. After the dust cleared, Spike opened his eyes and made out the object to be a yellow pegasus. "What just happened?" Twilight asked in pain. "Ow."

"Well, Twilight....a pegasus fell on you." She huffed before the yellow pegasus started squirming, finally getting off Twilight and walked towards the nearby grass. They watched as she laid down in it, moving her hooves and rolling across it while letting out a relieved sigh.

Twilight and Spike exchanged a glance before redirecting their attention back to the at-peace pegasus as she sat up and looked around smiling.

Finally she spotted the two, making her gasp and run behind the nearest tree and hide. "That's Fluttershy."

The two spectators jumped and turned around to see a rainbow maned mare standing right beside Twilight. "And I'm Rainbow Dash. Seems you already met her."

"I wouldn't actually say 'met'," Twilight responded with a slight chuckle. "Considering she just fell out of the sky, landed on me and still hasn't said a word."

"Yeah, that's Flutters for ya," Rainbow said, walking over to the tree. She stopped and bit down on Fluttershy's tail and pulled her cowering figure out. "Fluttershy! Stop that and say hi, they obviously don't bite."

Fluttershy stopped her shaking and looked at the two sitting there watching her. "Umm......hi, I'm Flluttershy," she whispered.

"Hey, Fluttershy," Twilight greeted. "Are you ok? That was a nasty fall."

Fluttershy pushed her mane in front of her face and looked in another direction while Twilight just smiled at her. It stayed like that for a few more minutes before Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

"Well...uhhh...are you two residents here?" She asked, letting go of Fluttershy's tail. Taking this opportunity, she ran back behind the tree.

"Not yet," Spike answered. "We're on a mission by the princess but we're supposed to move here."

"What about you two," Twilight asked. "I guess you live up in the clouds?"

"LIVED...up in the clouds," Rainbow corrected, grinning. "Past tense. We're moving here. I might find some nearby clouds and set up shop, but flutters is staying on the ground. She doesn't like heights and her thing is animals, so...yeah, you could say we're moving here."

"Oh, alright. Well I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike. Wanna walk us into town or something? We might see each other more often."

RInbow Dash smiled and shrugged. "Meh, sure, why not? You comin', Flutters?"

"OH, uhh...I'll ummm stay maybe a mile behind, so...sure." The shy Pegasus stood up and waited around for them.

Soon the group of four began their trek again into town, talking about this and that. Spike himself was proud Twilight finally gave it a shot. The mare herself was also a little happy at this revelation.

"Look out! Runaway cart!" The group stopped and looked towards the left to see a beige cart full of apples headed straight for Twilight, followed by a running orange pony wearing a stetson.

Fluttershy was grabbed by Rainbow Dash who zipped into the air while Spike dove to the side, leaving Twilight standing there. "Not again," she groaned miserably.

The cast hit Twilight and rolled over her.

Spike opened his eyes to see the purple mare trapped underneath the vehicle full of fruit with her eyes spinning and tongue hanging out.

"Uhhh...sorry about that, ma'am," the orange mare said down to her.

"C'mon, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she landed next to the orange pony. "You almost killed the pony! You alright Twilight?"

"Ugghh," she groaned looking around. "First? Fluttershy. Second? A cart full of apples. THAT hurt. I am not looking forward to what happens next. Can you roll this off of me now?"

Applejack nodded before she walked to the front of the cart and pushed it back, the front wheels rolling over Twilight. "Ahahahaaoooowaahh!" Once the cart was off, she righted herself and turned around...with a giant bruise on her forehead, wheel tracks over her middle, and her hair spread out everywhere.

"Do I look okay?"

"No you have-"

"You look great," Rainbow dash interrupted, putting a hoof over Spike's mouth and grinning.

"Yessir, perfect," Applejack agreed. "I'm Applejack. You're new, aren't ya?"

"Yep. Me and Spike are on an important assignment for Princess Celestia. I'll tell you about it later."

"Alright. We'll give you a tour," Rainbow said, gesturing to herself and Fluttershy. "C'mon, let's go. AJ has to deliver those Apples."

The group continued their way into town while AJ went off on a different path, the two giving the pair a tour.

"So you're living in...the library," Rainbow asked as they walked towards the oak tree.

"Yep. I like it. If I have to do any studying, I don't even have to walk outside! It's perfect!"

"So you're an egghead."

"What?! No, I am Princess Celestia's student. And a scholar."

"That's an egghead, Twilight." Spike snickered from atop the purple mare's back. "A bookworm, an egghead, scholar...same difference." Twilight groaned before they stopped in front of the tree. The mare almost got her hoof on the door, only for somepony to crash into her knocking them both into the ground, and someone to gasp.

"Oh my goodness, darling," the white pony said, unbelievably. "What in Equestria happened to your hair?!"

Twilight's head was swimming while she laid on the ground underneath the surprisingly strong mare above her. "Not again," she groaned.

"No no no, this just won't do," the mare said clicking her tongue. She grabbed Twilight in her magic and carried her along with her to a boutique. "I am going to make you dazzle, dear! Dazzle, I tell you!!" Rainbow Dash just sighed and shook her head.

"No, that won't work...too shiny...too stuck up...tooooo green....oh my goodness, that is just awful....there it is!"

Rarity pushed away the privacy screen to reveal Twilight in some type of blue dress and her hair draped over her face.

"Marvelous! You are simply MARVELOUS, darling!"

Spike was too busy drooling over the white mare to even notice what she was talking about.

"Rarity," Applejack said, walking in. "Let the gal go. Spike, close yer mouth!" The dragon did and wiped away the drool before focusing on what was happening.

"And the egghead of the year award goes to...SPARKLE," Rainbow said from a nearby couch, smiling and stomping her hooves. "For her ability to get pushed around like a bookworm! Does this happen to you often?"

"Only when we go places we've never gone before," Spike answered for her.

"So you ARE new in town, dear," Rarity asked as she did her tail. "Because if you are, then you might want to watch your back." She stopped braiding Twilight's tail with her magic and stepped in front of her. "A particular pink pony is now on the loose ready to give you a heart attack."

"Oh, yeah," Applejack said, trying to dodge Rainbow's attempts to grab the mug of Apple Cider she brought with her. "Pinkie is more than likely going to catch you off guard with a party of some sort. Then stuff a cupcake in your mouth-stop, RD!"

"UGGGHH, fine," Rainbow said, relaxing. "I'm surprised she's not here right now.....why in Equestria did I say that?"

Suddenly something pink crashed through Rarity's window and collided into Twilight, knocking her onto the floor. "Ohmygodanewpony! What's your name? I bet it's Juicy Grape or Purple Dawn! Tell me, tell me, TELL ME ALREADY!"

Twilight just stared at her for a second before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out.


Rainbow groaned and shook her head while she stood up and went into the kitchen. She went into the sink and pulled out a bowl, filling it with water before she walked back into the main room with the bowl in her mouth. She stood over Twilight and flipped the bowl over, completely drenching Twilight's face and hair.

"NOOOO!" Rarity screamed in horror at seeing her masterpiece ruined. A fainting couch came out of nowhere, letting her fall on it while Twilight woke up gasping for air. She kept coughing trying to get the water out of her lungs, making Pinkie gasp.

"Oh no! I'll save you!" She ran behind Twiling and bucked her in the back, sending her careening across the room and into the wall. She stared irately from the floor upside down

"Thanks," she said. "That did NOT help at all."

"Oh, maybe I should do it again."

"NO!" Twilight quickly got up and smiled, trying not to keep coughing. "I'm fine, see? I'm fine! Spike? Let's find this stupid Everfree forest and get this assignment started!"

"EVERFREE FOREST!!!?" Twilight covered her ears, protecting herself from the loud yelling.

"Are you nuts?!" Applejack said. "That forest ain't nothin' but trouble!"

"A lady never goes venturing through those woods! It is too...grotesque," Rarity said, shaking her head and hoof. "Why in Equestria are you going there?"

"We're on an assignment from the princess," Spike answered, beaming at Rarity. "We have to find some remnant from the past."

"It's in the old Everfree Royal Castle," Twilight continued. "She said she'll know it when we see it."

"Well you're not going alone," Rainbow said, standing up. "As the fastest flier in Equestria, I shall escort-"

"We shall escort you," AJ corrected, cutting off Rainbow's gloating. "It's way too dangerous to be goin' off in that there forest by yourself."


"Hush up," she responded, placing a hoof in Twilight's mouth. "We're not taking no for an answer." She slowly removed her hoof while the others just stared at Twilight. Eventually, she sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Take me to this castle. Because I have no idea what it looks like anyway."

"Yes! First day out of the house and I'm already about to fly free!" Rainbow yelled while flying circles in the main room of Rarity's boutique.

Author's Note:

Hi! Markelsmith866 here!

I particularly made this chapter to introduce all the characters. By the way, there are some parts in the show that are not going to be in this story, such as
-Nightmare Moon.
-Summer Sun Celebration.
-Queen Chrysallis.
-Maybe more, we'll see.

But other than that, this story is pretty custom. I'll be typing this up at the same time I'm typing Jessica Collero 2. That is going to take awhile. This story is going to be long. Well as long as I can make it.

Thanks for reading this chapter! There will probably be more up by this afternoon.

Happy reading!