• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,342 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Bullying Issue? Solved

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, everyone I was actually reading over my last chapters, looking for errors. Turns out, there were a ton of misspelled words and incorrect grammar. So I've fixed that, just in case you guys wanted to download the ePub.

I have a full list of things to put in this story that was mentioned in the beginning and the beginning of the series. They will all be included. And those that aren't.....well, we'll see. :raritywink:

Also, what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Put down what you think below!

Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle trotted into the classroom with the others, heading towards the back to take their seats. Today was a good day for the flightless Pegasus. She woke up great, had a wonderful conversation with Rainbow, and made friends.

She climbed in her seat like the others, facing the front. Her friends sitting beside her gave her a strange glance before Ms. Cherilee walked in, starting class. During the whole time, she kept getting the sensation of being watched. The next sensation, she looked around, spotting Diamond Tiara looking over her shoulder for a quick second before turning back around.

"What was that?" Apple Bloom whispered to her pegasus friend.

"I'm not sure," she whispered back.

During lunch/recess, Scootaloo and the other crusaders sat at a separate table to discuss plans.

"So how exactly will we get our cutie marks this time?" Apple Bloom asked, pulling out some grapes. "Why don't we try teaching?"

"Teaching what?" Scootaloo inquired, chewing on a sandwich. "We can't teach if we don't know anything."

"That's right!"

The three fillies looked across from them to see Diamond Tiara walking over with Silver Spoon, a smug look on her face. "You three definitely don't know anything if you're still blank flanks!" The two girls let out a chuckle, making the other three groan.

"Sort of like you," Scootaloo retorted. "You obviously don't know how to leave us alone, go away!"

"Awww, the homeless blank flank is getting all mad?" Diamond taunted mockingly, walking closer to the table.

"I am not homeless! I have a home!"

"The castle's not your home, you dumb filly! You're just living there until the Princess kicks you out back into the streets-"

"Stop!" Scootaloo yelled out, trying to hold back the tears.

"-where you'll have to steal to survive again. Face it, blank flank. You don't. Have. A. Home. Or a family. You. Are. Nothing." She began laughing as the two bullies turned around and walked away, leaving Scootaloo sobbing and sniffling.

"D-don't listen to her, Scoots!" Apple Bloom said angrily. "She's just saying that because she doesn't have one."

"Yeah, Scootaloo, we're your family!" Sweetie Belle inputted. "Don't listen to that wannabe." Scootaloo's mind drowned out all the other sounds before she jumped out of her seat and away from the school, ignoring the calls of her friends.

She ran through the town, once again ignoring Pinkie's offer for a slice of cake. What was that Party Pony doing anyway? Shaking that out of her mind, she ran out of the town, her tears blurring her vision. Her sobs attracting those around her.

She passed Sweet Apple Acres, heading for the Castle gates. She couldn't stay at school, constantly being taunted about not having a family. She needed comfort and reassurance instead. From someone that she looked up to.

The Princess looked around her grand office, looking at all the brown books on the shelves with no names and roman numerals. There were also scrolls, mostly empty with plenty of feathers and inkquells.

She didn't even know she had an office, let alone doors beside the throne! This mansion was definitely the bees knees. Fluttershy was probably up now, probably getting ready to head back to the cottage to take care of the critters there. Meaning Rainbow can get some investigating and court papers discussed. The cerulean princess was worried about Fluttershy's sleep state. Sleeping in like that was definitely not her.

She finally has a staff, situated in the two buildings in front of the mansion. One for three different things each. She'll have to have a meeting in the throne room with them to talk about the court here. Just how will that work?

A knock sounded at the door making her snap out of her daze and look towards the source of the sound.

"Come in!" She yelled out, her voice echoing a little around the big office. The door opened, revealing a guard wearing her signature armor.

"Your highness," she said, bowing briefly. "Scootaloo wants to see you."

"Scootaloo? Isn't she at school?" Rainbow started making her way towards the guard, confusion on her face.

"She is actively sitting on your throne. When she arrived, she was crying hectically. I'm thinking a bad day at school."

"What?" Rainbow walked quickly past the guard and out into the spacious throne room. "Scootaloo?" She turned left, making her way up the carpeted steps that led up to the throne before spotting Scootaloo, curled up, and crying her eyes out.

"Heyyyyy," the Princess said softly, an apologetic smile on her face. She sat down and slid her hooves underneath the filly's crying form, lifting her up and bringing her towards herself, letting the child cry in her shoulder. "It's okayyyy....it's okayyyy..."

Rainbow patted and rubbed her back, cooing sweet things into her ear, trying to get her to calm down.

"I-I-I m-miss my mom.....and d-dad," she cried.

"I know....I know," Rainbow replied, before turning to the guards lined up along the carpet. "Leave us!" The guards all broke position and walked towards and out the doors, leaving the two mares alone.

Rainbow activated her magic, leaving the filly pinned to her shoulder, while she vlimbed up on the throne and got situated. Once comfortable, she stopped her magic and slowly set the filly down in front of her.

"Wanna talk about what happened?" She asked her softly.

"D-Diamond T-T-Tiara called me a homeless filly with no family a-and that you'll kick me out!" Scootaloo whimpered.

"I'm getting tired of this pompous family," Rainbow muttered to herself. "That isn't true, Scootaloo. You are not homeless and you have a family. You have Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and myself. Not to mention your friends. I promise to never kick you out and that this is your home too."

Rainbow leaned down and nuzzled the saddened filly, making her look up with sad eyes. "I absolutely promise, squirt. Got that?"

Scootaloo grinned before nodding eagerly. "Yes, Rainbow!"

"Good, now has Diamond Tiara been taunting and making fun of you for awhile?"

"Ever since school started."

"Ok. Do you want to go back to school? Be with your friends?" Scootaloo looked down before shaking her head. Rainbow sighed before bending low. "Hop on. I'm taking you to Fluttershy." Scootaloo climbed on her back before Rainbow trotted down the steps, using her magic to open the doors to reveal the guards standing there.

"Two Pegasi! With me!" She trotted past the guard before two ponies followed her through the hallway and out the door of the housing building. "We're going to Fluttershy's cottage," she said over her shoulder. The guards nodded before following the princess into the air.

"Fluttershy's going to watch over you today because I have a meeting and some memos to cover you. So you'll be staying there for awhile, ok?" Scootaloo nodded as Rainbow Dash and the guards landed in front of the peaceful cottage. "Flutters!"

While Scootaloo was getting off of her back, a mare came around the with three brown rabbits on her back. "Hey, Dashie! Hey, Scootaloo, what are you doing out of school?" She gave the filly a quick nuzzle before Rainbow responded.

"Bully problem. Squirt came home crying. Can you watch over her for me? I have to head back to the castle, handle that, and get some more work done."

"Of course I'll watch her! Maybe she'd like to help with the animals." Scootaloo stood beside Fluttershy, looking up at the bunnies on her back, who stared down at her in return.

"Thanks, Flutters," the princess thanked. She went around to Scootaloo and nuzzled her cheek, the filly returning the act with a smile. "I'll see you this afternoon, ok?"


Rainbow turned to Fluttershy and gave her a quick peck before pulling back and walking towards the guards standing a few feet away. "I'll see you later, Fluttershy! Love ya!"

"Love you, too. Come on, Scootaloo," Fluttershy ordered. "You can help me feed the rabbits." Scootaloo and Fluttershy walked towards the back of the cottage while Rainbow and the guards flew back up into the air. Along the way, Rainbow Dash had her eyes narrowed, thinking about that family. She could either pay a visit now, or have him summoned to her office. Just thinking about that room had Rainbow smiling when they landed back onto the lawn of the castle.

She walked towards the castle, seeing the guard that she wanted to see the most. "Sweetie Drops."

The agent looked from her stoic position before she turned towards the voice, seeing Rainbow Dash approach her. "Yes, Princess?"

"I need you to get Filthy Rich, his wife, and his daughter summoned to my throne room as soon as possible," she ordered, making her way towards the doors. "I suspect you know the name?"

"Yes, I do. I'll inform Sergeant Cloudstorm at once." The Special Agent walked forwards towards the entry gates where her group would be stationed at, making sure to be around whenever Rainbow had to go some where. Sure enough, there they were.

"Sergeant Cloudstorm," she said, stopping and saluting in front of him.

"Yes, Sweetie Drops?" He said, stepping forward from his post.

The special agent lowered her hoof, relaxing before sending the message. "Princess Dash wants to see Filthy Rich, his wife, and his daughter at once in her throne room."

"Alright. Shine Heart! Fire Heart!" Two mares, definitely sisters, stepped forward. One had an orange coat and a red mane while the other had a black coat and a pink mane. They both had blue eyes. "You two are to assist Special Agent Sweetie Drops in escorting the Rich family towards the castle."

"Yes, sir!" Both mares said, saluting.

"Ok!" Twilight said as she and Cherry Berry walked towards the market. "We need, cabbage, green beans, fruit, three of every kind, annnnnnd....." Twilight turned over her list, checking for anything else. "That's it," she said turning to Cherry with a smile. "Do you know how the square works?"

"Well I've actually never been to Ponyville before, so I don't actually know how everything works," Cherry replied, looking at a stand.

"Well it works just like any store...it's just outside. Here's a list-" Twilight handed her an extra scroll and a bag of bits. "And some money. Get some fruits and I'll get the other stuff. We'll meet up again at the library."

"Alright!" The two mares parted ways to get the required items, making sure to spend the money wisely. Don't want to run out of bits too early. She stopped at a stand and looked at the list, checking to make sure she was at the right stand before a voice caught her attention.

"Cherry?!" The mare turned her head to see another mare having a light aquamarine coat with a harp for a cutie mark.

"Lyra!" She said, going over to give the mare a hug. "I haven't seen you since SMILE! How are you?"

"I'm well," she responded, looking her over. "What are you doing in Ponyville? We're still undercover, by the way."

"Well, I've been assigned by Princess Celestia to be one of Rainbow Dash's advisers. So I had to relocate here."

"Oh! I heard she's starting court soon! There is so much that Ponyville needs done, like.....taping off the Everfree. It's terrible what happened in there."

"So I've heard," Cherry said, looking over at the forest sadly. "Was it really that bad?"

"Well the guards here found the bodies, and from what I heard.." Lyra looked both ways before leaning in whispering. "They were limbless." Cherry leaned back, looking at the mare in shock.


"That's what I heard. It would make more since anyway if they had to bring multiple bags through here and take them to the morgue nearby." Cherry made a sad face before turning to the forest. "But enough doom and gloom. Where are you staying while in Ponyville?"

"At the library with Twilight." She pointed behind her past some stands to show the tree with windows and doors. "It's really comfy in there."

"OOOOooooo, staying with Twilight?" Lyra asked, obviously implying something.

"Shut up, Lyra," Cherry said chuckling and hitting her hoof. "We're just friends."

"We'll see. It was great seeing you again. Have you seen Bon-Bon by any chance? She moved out of Ponyville to Canterlot and I haven't seen her since."

"Sorry, no. But I'll keep a lookout. See ya' later!" The two mares waved at each other before going back to what they were doing.

The three guards made their way through the square, making sure to keep their serious faces on. They attracted some attention, ponies stopping to see what was going. The three guards stopped at a two story home, made out of white stone and had columns, along with a very fancy door. The two sisters stood on the porch while Sweetie Drops walked up to the door. There were clearly some voices being heard inside. She huffed and put on her most authoritative attitude before knocking hard three times.

"Now who is knocking like that?" A mare said from inside. Some hoofsteps were heard before they called out. "WHO IS IT?"

"Royal Guard! Open up!" Some ponies stopped and looked at the scene before the door unlocked and opened up, revealing Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich.

"Can I help you?" He asked, confused as to why the Royal Guard would want to be knocking on his door.

"You have been summoned by Rainbow Dash on an important matter! You and your whole family are to come with us at once!" The two relatives looked at each other before Diamond Tiara came to the door, peeking out from in between her father's hooves.

"Can I ask why?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"I am not allowed to give out information pertaining to the princesses!"

"Alright," Filthy Rich said. "Let's go."

"I don't wanna go!" Diamond protested, trying to go back into the house.

"That was not a request!" Sweetie Drops yelled, scaring the three relatives.

"Okay, okay!" The filly walked out of the house with her parents, who closed the door before Sweetie Drops turned around, leading the group towards the walkway. They walked past the other two guards who took up the rear of the group. They walked past the gate and towards the center of town, making sure to avoid eye contact with the rest of the ponies there watching.

Soon they made it to Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack was seen passing by with a bunch of apples, headed towards the square.

"Good Day, Sweetie Drops," she said, tilting her head towards the guard. She responded in kind, continuing the trek to the castle. They arrived at the gates six minutes later, which were opened up for the group. The family looked around the lavish grounds, seeing four fountains on the walkway, leading up to the housing mansion. The guards there opened the doors, leading inside, revealing the inside of the building. Filthy, Spoiled, gasped. Having not attended the coronation, he didn't know what to expect. Diamond Tiara was no better. There was absolutely no way that all this could be hers. NO way.

They turned left down a hallway before turning onto another adjacent hallway on the right going straight. They turned right again, a pair of golden doors a little feet ahead where a couple of guards were standing, watching them.

"Princess Dash requests the audience of Filthy Rich and his family," Sweetie Drops explained. The guard closest to the door nodded before getting ready to knock on the door.

"So we've decided that the memo should include information on which topics have already been handled," Lady Justice explained. Rainbow Dash was sitting on her throne, the previous judge standing beside her as they reviewed on what to include on the memo. "They can only restrict things to nature, that is all. Anything else must be submitted to either Princess Cadance, Princess Celestia, or Princess Luna."

"Sounds reasonable," Rainbow commented, looking at a copy of the template. After a moment she looked at it again, making sure she didn't skim over anything important. "Okay, we'll us this template. Important notes on the side, main message in the middle, and a rip off on the bottom, letting them submit their registry for the clearance. This is a long process. First we have to get everyone in who wants to get in. That's a lot of ponies."

"I agree."

"And then we have to have them submitted to the office to find a good date for them, in which they'll be placed. There is a total of how many ponies a day?"

"One hundred, your highness," Lady said.

"Alright, so we'll have to up security around the whole property, then. We'll have a meeting with it tomorrow, Tuesday morning. I don't want to hold you guys up from lunch."

Lady Justice bowed and trotted towards the doors before someone knocked on them, catching Rainbow's attention. "Enter!" They were pushed open, revealing the security standing outside the door, Sweetie Drops and the sisters. The special agent walked into the room, the Rich family looking around the hall in amazement.

She stopped in front of the throne before bowing with the other escorts. "We have retrieved the family like you ordered, Princess. Is there anything else?"

"That is all, Sweetie Drops. Thank you. You and your team are dismissed." They bowed again before the security left the family behind with the princess. The doors closing, making a reverberating bang that echoed around the room. A couple seconds after, Rainbow closed her eyes and sighed. "Do you know why I have summoned you here today, Filthy?"

The mares looked towards the only Stallion in the room who was apprehensively shaking his head. "No, I'm afraid not, your highness."

"Well, there are two problems. This morning, I was taking Scootaloo to school. She was telling me a couple things about your family. Things that me AND my escort did not like."

"Your highness, with all due respect, you-"

"I.....am still speaking, pony." The stallion shut his mouth before Princess Dash got up and stalked towards the family. "She was telling me....that you have evicted her out of her home a 'week before the month ended.' But in reality, it was the next day. Can you tell me why that is, Filthy?" She stopped and stood in front of the pony, eyes narrowed, waiting for his repsonse.

"Well....ummmmm..." The other two ponies in the room just stared at him in fear. "Well, my daughter came home and said that the family of that filly were going o make me go bankrupt. So I acted rationally and upped their payment date...and possibly the price." Rainbow pulled in her lips and nodded slowly.

"You do realize that Scootaloo's parents were deceased for two weeks before the day you decided to evict her, correct?" The family looked at each other before turning to Diamond Tiara, who was blinking rapidly. "Her mother and father were found...limbless, I might add....in the Everfree Forest. We have not shown them to Scoots. She is already having nightmares, I don't want her screaming in my face at night. So that is obviously a lie. The truth, Filthy. Now."

"I swear, your highness. That is what my daughter told me when she came home from school, honest." The princess turned her sights to the filly cowering behind her mother.

"Diamond Tiara. Step forward please." Spoiled Rich looked behind her and used her rear leg to pull the filly forward, making the girl shake even more. She took a few tentative steps towards the princess, stopping right in front of her father. "Can you tell me what REALLY happened that day?"

The filly looked up at the princess before looking back down at the ground. "Well....I told Scootaloo something and...ummm..."

"You were bullying her....again, weren't you?" The two parents stared at the girl in shock, while she just stood there and let some silent tears fall. Princess Dash sighed before looking back up at the parents. "Scoots also told me that Diamond Tiara has been bullying her ever since she started attending there. And for proof of that, she came home crying in the middle of the school day, during lunch if my memory serves me correctly. She cried on my throne and told me that your daughter told her that she was homeless, that I'll kick her out and that she has no family."

The two parents stared in anger at the girl before Dash continued. "Also, it seems that she has possibly made up a lie to possibly get back at my Scootaloo, causing you, Filthy Rich, to evict a filly out of her home, and to be out five hundred bits."

"Wait, what?" The stallion said, looking up at the Princess in confusion.

"I am not fining you for the eviction...I am fining you for doing it early." Rainbow turned around and walked back up her throne taking a seat and looking back down at the family. "I have checked the records on that house a little while ago. They already payed the rent for the next month. You just wanted something to make sure they couldn't 'make you go bankrupt.' There was NO rent to pay. That is a federal offense in the Equestrian lawbook. You are being actively fined five hundred bits. You are now being watched closely. If the payment is not...delivered in three months, tops, you will be spending your time working in a clothing store in Canterlot under supervision to make sure you are not trying 'NOT to go bankrupt.' And as for Diamond Tiara.."

They all turned to the filly to see her looking unbelievably at the Princess. "...if I ever hear about you bullying Scootaloo, OR her friends again...that's right. I know about that too....you will be working with the Pie family out in Equestria on the rock farm for two months. Do I make myself clear?"

The family nodded before Rainbow nodded once. "GUARD!" A guard outside of the doors opened them up, running towards the princess and saluting. "Escort this family back home. They will not be a problem again."

"Yes, Princess."

"As for myself, I have to go pickup Scootaloo." She jumped off of the throne, gliding towards the exit, leaving the guards to escort the group of scared family members. "She has spent the day at Fluttershy's since she can make even an animal stop crying. When you make your payments, hand them to a guard outside of these gates." She left the room, making her way towards the front lobby to see Fluttershy trotting towards the stairs with Scootaloo on her back.

"There you are!" Fluttershy said, going over to nuzzle Rainbow Dash which she returned quickly. "How was your meeting?"

"It went well. We just need to have everything written out, reviewed, and then sent to a couple cities nearby. Also, Scootaloo..." The filly jumped off of Fluttershy's back and walked over to Rainbow Dash, who bent down so she could jump on her back. "You won't be having anymore bullying issues. And her father is getting a hefty fine. Everything is nearly okay now." Scootaloo grinned and nuzzled Rainbow, making the princess grin with her.

Fluttershy looked behind her to see the family being led out of the hallway and towards the front door, with Spoiled Rich holding a wide-eyed Diamond Tiara by the tail in her mouth.

"What did you do?" she asked, looking back at Rainbow.

"I fined Filthy five hundred bits like it says in the lawbook, and said if Diamond keeps bullying Scootaloo or her friends gain, I'll have her sent to the Pie family rock farm out in western Equestria. I already spoke to Pinkie about it. I know that filly wouldn't want to get her pretty Tiara dirty, right?" Fluttershy just chuckled at the mare before looking towards Scootaloo, who somehow managed to fall asleep on Rainbow's back.

"What are you going to do with her? I'm sure you've been thinking a lot about it."

Rainbow grinned before looking around. "Well...I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I think it's pretty important and to be considered. I........want to give Scoots a home.....here, with us."