• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,342 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Are You Ready?

"So...what are you going to do now, your highness?" Fluttershy asked, teasing her marefriend as they flew over Ponyville. "Your coronation is coming up and you have absolutely no speech prepared."

"I'm sure Celestia will help me," Rainbow replied, looking over the chariot at the town below. "I want to move the castle closer to Cloudsdale. Attach it to the city. Because It looks...so alone over here in the sky. See?"

Fluttershy looked towards where Rainbow was pointing to see that it was indeed very lonely. There was nothing but blue skies around the castle. "If I wanted to go for a walk, I'd have to do it on my grounds! And I wouldn't want that. Because it's so boring, and TOTALLY not awesome! And I'm awesome, so I have to act the part."

"Sure, Princess," Twilight said. The ponies looked behind them in surprise, seeing the unicorn still sitting there like she's been there the whole time.

"How long have you been there?" Rainbow asked her unbelievably. "I'm positive we dropped you off!"

"Uhhh....no, you actually flew right over my library. You might as well let me stay the night."



"Get out of my chariot." The purple mare groaned and looked around before raising an eyebrow at the princess of nature.

"And just how am I supposed to do that?"

"Stop the chariot!" The ponies pulling the chariot stopped it in midflight while Rainbow Dash turned to a page in her book, finding what she was looking for. "Ah ha!" She peered over the edge, closed her eyes and lit her horn, making water out of the hydrogen in the air and shaped it into a slide, that went all the way down to the ground, stopping in front of her library door. "Hop on, egghead! This is your ride!"

Twilight looked down at the slide before shaking her head. "Rainbow this is definitely not SAAAAAAAFFFFEEEE!" Rainbow pushed Twilight off the chariot and down the slide, watching as she slid down for a few seconds and crashed through her door into the library, definitely making a mess. Rainbow giggled while Fluttershy just had her mouth gaping open at the cerulean Alicorn.

"Before you start Fluttershy, I am NOT turning this chariot around for her. I have a lot of things to do today. Let's go guys!" The chariot started up again, leading them towards the castle while fluttershy shook her head.

"Well...that was a grand entrance," Applejack said, looking at the soaked librarian. "Get caught by another one of Rainbow's water bombs?"

"Worse. A water slide." Twilight shook off the water while everyone just made an "oh" with their mouth. "She passed over my library on the way back from Canterlot. She forgot I was in there and made me get out by pushing me down the slide."

"Well that's Rainbow for ya'," Rarity said, mopping the floor. "How was Canterlot, darling?"

"Well, I learned my brother is getting married to my old foal-sitter. And Rainbow's having her coronation next week. She also wants to move her castle over to Cloudsdale."

"I still can't believe that crazy pony is Celestia's daughter!" Pinkie said, coming out of the kitchen with a large cake on her back. "So Celly got hitched and had a daughter, almost lost her completely to her sister, missed eighteen years with her only to not be able to tell anyone about it. How cookoo is that?!" Pinkie slid the cake off her back and onto the table in the middle of the library, making everyone stare confusedly.

"Pinkie......why did you bake a cake?" Spike asked. "Is it someone's birthday again?"

"Nope! I just wanted to bake a cake for gummy!" She reached into her hair and pulled out the toothless crocodylinae. "Here's your cake gummy! Eat up!" She placed him by the desert, watching as he just stood there, not doing anything. "Oooooo, he's so HAPPY!"

"Yep, he's bouncin' out of his shoes, Pinkie," AJ said, chuckling and shaking her head. "I hope Rainbow doesn't do anything to abuse her power. Or reveal her true-self for that matter."

"Really, darling, that mare will probably endorse a bunch of competitions. I'm more concerned about her funds."

"What are you talking about Rarity?" Twilight asked.

"She will want to rule a kingdom, therefore will have to have money. But she definitely doesn't have a trillion bits like her mother!"

"Oh, she'll find somethin'," AJ said, biting into an apple. "She'll probably go out after a legend or something, grab some hidden treasure, and sell it. And keep doing it. She can definitely do it now."

"We need bits," Rainbow said, sitting in her thrown room. "I need to go on a treasure hunt, search for some very expensive jewels, artifacts, anything with monetary value. And I also need to get some people to give me advice. What are they called again? Advo......advay...."


"Yes, yes, that's it," Rainbow said triumphantly, until she looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. "Who said that, I'm supposed to be in here alone."

"Me, my niece," Luna said walking out of a shadow behind the throne. "Your thrown room is looking excellent! The flags are wonderful." The flags in between the stained glass windows were rainbow-colored with with white patches imitating clouds. Behind the throne was a flag with her cutie mark on it.

"Yep! The designer did an awesome job on them! My room is looking the same! Rainbow themed. Aunt Luna? Is it possible to move this castle over to Cloudsdale?"

The pony sister thought for a moment. "It can although it will take a while. Maybe a day or two. Besides, Cloudsdale is a moving city. If you attach your castle to it, where they go, you'll be forced to go too."

"I'm sure I can live with that. Besides, does Cloudsdale even have a top pony there?"

"I do not believe so. They have always been under your mother."

"I want to rule it, govern the city. It would make more sense, wouldn't it?"

"I guess so, Dash. But either Celestia herself must place you there, or the ponies will have to vote you in. And when ponies don't exactly know who you are, they might not take it very well. I prefer you stay ruling over Equestria with your mother. That includes Cloudsdale, Ponyvile, Baltimare, Appleloosa, Manehattan, and so forth."

Rainbow slowly nodded her head before a knock sounded at the door. "Enter!" A pony she has never seen before walked into the room, accompanied by two guards. "What is your name?"

"I am Great Sound, your highness," the colt said, bowing. "I am the manager of Songbird Serenade. We would like to do a performance at your coronation."

"Word's already gotten out?" The alicorn asked Luna. "It's only been three hours!"

"When me and Celestia became rulers, word spread within one. We checked. Get used to it, Rainbow." The alicorn in question huffed before redirecting her attention back to the guest.

"How'd you get up here AND get clearance?"

"Princess Celestia, your highness," he answered, rising to his hooves. "She said, and I quote, 'Rainbow better know who this mare is or so help me I am going to crush her.'"

"That sounds like something she'd say," Luna chuckled while nodding her head. She turned to Rainbow, grinning. "Do you know who Songbird Serenade is, Princess Dash?"

"Yeaahhh, no. I have absolutely no idea who that is."

"WHAT?!" Everyone looked towards the back to see Fluttershy walking in with Angel Bunny on her back. "Rainbow Dash. How do you not know who that wonderful sounding mare is? I thought you listen to music!"

"If it does not involve awesome like pyrotechnics or fireworks, fluttershy, I am NOT into it. That includes music. But...since you know her, I'll give her a shot. Where do I sign? Guard bring me the scroll, please." The manager reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a scroll and handed it over to the guard, who brought it up to the throne. Rainbow grabbed it in her magic before opening and reading over it.

She squinted her eyes, making sure she was reading this correctly, Princess Luna taking on the same glare. "Soooo...she's very successful apparently. Alright, I'll trust her not to let down my coronation." She dipped a pen into an inkwell on her throne before signing it as "Princess Rainbow Dash of Equestria". Afterwards she handed the scroll back to the guard who grabbed it in his magic and walked towards the manager, handing it back to him.

"Thank you, Princess Dash. You will not regret this."

"I hope not. Have a great day, pony." The manager bowed once more before turning around being led out through the gates. Once the throne room doors closed, Rainbow groaned loudly before planting her face in her hooves.

"I really hope I don't regret this," she mumbled. "I need to tell mom I don't need a bunch of singers at my coronation."

"Oh psshaw, Rainbow," Luna said as she turned to the young princess. "Mother always knows best. Trust her instincts, she is never wrong."

The young pegasus walked into the market square, looking around for food. Her home was starting to get pretty void of it. Too bad she didn't have any money. She ducked underneath an apple stand, hiding in the shadows as she watched the vendor, too busy focused on a conversation with a customer to notice her grabbing a bag of apples and carrots from his stash. She pulled it along the ground with her teeth, until somebody screamed out.

"Hey! That filly stole my merchandise!" She glanced behind her, spotting the vendor chasing after her. She gasped as she continued running through the stands and the ponies trying to lose him. "Get back her! Give me back my sale!" She continued running, not even caring what he would do if she did get caught. She got her parents killed anyway.

She ducked around a corner into an alley, hiding behind the darkness of a dumpster with the bag of food before the vendor came running through, totally missing her position. After a few more seconds of hearing the hoofsteps disappeared, she darted out of her hiding spot and out of the alley, heading back towards the house.

The young pegasus kept running, nearly bumping into two fillies, one with a red bow, another with a light purple and pink mane, as she made it back to her empty home.

"What was that?" One of the fillies asked. The red bowed one shrugged.

"I don't know," she said in a southern accent. "She seemed kind of in a hurry, though." The fillies continued on their trek towards the square, not even noticing the filly peeking out of her doorway, her eyebrows narrowed. After a moment of watching, she closed her door lightly, collapsing against it as she tried to catch her breath. After relaxing as much as she could, she grabbed the bundle of fruit with her teeth, pulling it towards the back room and closing that door. She ripped the bag open to display twelve apples and seven carrots.

"I'll have something to eat for two weeks," she muttered, a small tear going down her cheek. "Good job.......good job."

The next couple of days went by quickly for Princess Dash. Waking up, going out for breakfast, and eventually having a date with fluttershy. That was what she was looking forward to the most. The night of the date, she dressed herself up in the most elegant of dresses, finished with her rainbow crown and hoof shoes, before walking out of her room. Fluttershy wanted to have it at her house, something about making new memories at older locations. Rainbow agreed, saying that that was a good idea.

Two guards stationed outside of her door curtsied at her before she walked down the steps that led to her room. She walked out of the residential building and onto the path that led up to the gates, where her chariot sat ready. "Lady Dash," Sweetie Drops greeted, bowing to her. "You're heading to your secret date?" She whispered.

"Of course," she whispered back. "Does the rest of the team know?"

"Nope. Just you, I, and Fluttershy, your highness. I'll be your escort tonight. They'll just be dropping us off and heading off into town, waiting until it's over." Rainbow nodded as she hopped inside the chariot with Sweetie Drops. "By the way, just call me Bon-Bon."

"Bon-Bon?" Rainbow asked chuckling. "Why?" The chariot began its movement flying off the ledge of the castle building and towards the darkened ground below.

"Because...all my friends do?"

Rainbow laughed, holding her side before she regained her composure. "Alright, Bon-Bon. But when we're in public, I'll call you Sweetie Drops."

"Yes ma'am."

"And don't call me ma'am, I'm only eighteen. Nowhere near the age of my mother." They soared low over the town of Ponyville, nearly touching the rooftops.

"Yes, Celestia is centuries older than you. You may be 'awesome', but she is the smart one in the family."

"Hey I'm smart too!"

"Never said you weren't!" Sweetie Drops said, holding up her hoofs. "Never said you weren't! She just has more experience!"

Rainbow pouted at her for a second before shrugging and sitting back down. "Eh, that's true enough." Sweetie Drops laughed as they touched down on the lawn of Fluttershy's cottage. The two hopped out of the chariot and walked towards the door of the cottage.

"I'll be stationed outside, your majesty," Sweetie Drops said. Rainbow nodded as she walked up to the door and knocked lightly.

A quiet "eep" sounded off, making the princess chuckle before the door opened up, revealing Fluttershy in a nice pink dress that accentuated her hair perfectly. "Good evening, Princess Rainbow."

"Good evening, Fluttershy," she replied, leaning in and nuzzling fluttershy on the cheek. "When I come over, don't call me princess. Just Dash, Dashie, Rainbow, Rainbow Dashie even. But never Princess. You're my marefriend, not a subject." Fluttershy blushed and opened the door wider for her.

"Ok, Dashie." Rainbow walked into the cottage, seeing multiple candles laid out around the place, giving it a romantic look. "We're setup in the living room." Dash walked forward into the area where a table was setup with two candles on top of it. There were plates of soup there and some type of drink.

"This looks great, Fluttershy," Rainbow complimented, taking a seat at the far end of the table. Fluttershy came in and took a seat across from her. "It's small, just how I like it."

"Thank you," the pegasus commented. "I made your favorite soup. I know you like it a lot, so..."

"Fluttershy? I love whatever you make." She smiled at her before she started on her soup.

"So how was your week?" The timid mare asked, diving into her own soup.

"Uggh," Rainbow groaned. "I have been trying to learn how to manage a city, get funds, and trade. Mom's been teaching me whenever she can. In secret of course. Even the guards don't know when she's there in my throne room. Our throne room, our throne room."

"Rainbow? That is YOUR castle, not mine."

"As long as you're around, that castle is yours as well. You have complete clearance to it whenever you want and the guards greet you with 'Lady Fluttershy'."

The pegasus smirked and rolled her eyes. "Well if you insist."

"You know you want to come and live there, but I know you don't want to leave your animal friends. If it makes you feel better I'll try and have the castle put on the ground with a garden in it. It would look good for me and you, and the animals would have a nice place to live."

Fluttershy gasped. "Would you really?! That'd be wonderful, Dashie!"

"I can't make any promises, but I will try. Your happiness is important to me, Flutters." Fluttershy grinned before she got up and trotted around the table, giving Rainbow a big hug and a long kiss.

"Promise me you'll try."

"I promise."

Outside on the roof of a certain home, the filly was seen gazing at the stars, thinking of everything that has happened that day so far. Her parents dying, her scavenging for food, and more...all in one day. How much more must she go like this. She sighed, thinking of the hard trials that are definitely coming her way. And on top of all that, she still had school. Her parents always told her school was important, so she believed it. She really didn't want to go, but her parents would want her to.

A noise captured her attention nearby, making her look behind her to see two mares, one of them definitely royalty and another definitely just a Pegasus. She watched the mare hop on the royal's back before she took off into the air, a rainbow trail following behind her. The filly gasped at the amazing light show that she performed, making symbols and signs and a really big loop. "I wanna do that," the filly muttered. She looked down at her own wings, buzzing them, trying to get off the ground. She sighed, having absolutely no success before she turned to look back up at the lightshow.

They were flying for a few more minutes before landing back in front of the yellow mare's house. They nuzzled before the Princess walked away, a single guard walking alongside her. The filly sighed in sadness before getting a face of determination. "I'm going to lean how to flap these wings. And I'll be flying. I promise, mom and dad."

"So you want to have the coronation in Ponyville?" Celestia asked her daughter inside her office in Canterlot. "Are the nobles going to like that?"

"I don't care what the nobles want. Yes they have power, but they aren't smart with it. I have so much dirt on every last one of them, mostly of Prince Blueblood. He's such a pompous-"


"Prince. A pompous Prince...with absolutely no respect for himself. Did you know he has a crush on Twilight? It's bizarre. Twilight is so small and this guy is......as big as AJ's brother!"

"I am aware," Celestia said, chuckling. "So you want to hold it in Ponyville and have the castle sat down on the ground? I can authorize that. It will take a few hours but we can have it moved. Do you want it there permanently?" Rainbow nodded eagerly. "Where?"

"A little ways by Sweet Apple Acres. There is plenty of flat land there and it's quiet. If someone wanted to break into the castle they'll have a very very VERY hard time not being seen. Also, it serves as a great ground for entertainment. A stage and more stuff. You know, for Songbird."

"So you approved of her?" Her mother asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but why am I getting a vibe from you that's saying it's more for your enjoyment?" Rainbow asked chuckling. She stood up and trotted behind her mother's desk. "If you just wanted to have her perform, why didn't you just ask?"

"What? Can't I live my fantasies through my daughter? One thousand years ago, Luna and I were forced to listen to opera. It was fine...for awhile. But since it was the only genre, it became very old, very fast. Now, there are so many. Your friend, DJ Pon-3 is also performing at the party."


"Yes," she replied, nodding as she placed a wing around her daughter's back. "She was in disbelief when I told her you became a princess. She kept asking why and how?"

"What did you say?"

"I said that there is more to Rainbow Dash than meets the eye." Rainbow shrugged, figuring that to be true. Like her eyes for example, and the fact that she can make fire out of...wait a second.

"Mom, I wanna show you something," she said, walking in front of the desk. She turned around and faced her mother before activating the spell, catching her body on fire. Celestia raised her eyebrows as she walked around in a rainbow colored inferno, nothing she touched catching to the flames. "I figured out how to catch my body on fire...without it hurting me."

"Impressive," Celestia replied, picking up a glass of wine, taking a sip. "Perhaps you can do something with it to impress the royals at the coronation."

Rainbow turned off the spell before taking a seat back in front of Celestia. "Eh, maybe. I'm really thinking about the moving water slide thing though."

"The moving water slide?"

"Yep! It's a slide that I used on Twilight when I kicked her out of my chariot."

"Why'd you-"

"When I kicked her out, we were nearly at the castle. So I made a slide that went from the chariot all the way down to her library door. She slid all the way down and crashed into her library." Celestia gave her daughter a smirk.

"She is going to want revenge on you, you know."

"I'll take it in stride." The two royals laughed before they continued with more conversations.

The next day, Monday, the filly was getting ready for school, having already gotten up and taken a bath hours before after waking up from nightmares about losing her parents. The day before, she had managed to get her hands on a scooter she found while walking through the whitetail woods. She was able to propel herself without using her hoofs by flapping her small wings, moving her forward faster than she thought she could.

After packing her lunch from the fruit and vegetables she had stolen from the vendor, she grabbed her scooter and walked out the house, making sure the door was closed and the food inside hidden and locked away in a bunch of ice. The small Pegasus hopped on the scooter and propelled herself towards the Ponyville schoolhouse. She dodged a bunch of other ponies already out and about, especially a certain party planner that was asking if she wanted cake.

Eventually, the filly made it to the red schoolhouse, folding up her scooter and trotting inside with the rest of the foals. She walked into the classroom, taking a seat in the back row. The cut on her face was sadly growing into a small scar, making it evident that she got into a little scuffle. Two more fillies walked in, taking seats on both sides of her, the same fillies she ran past the other day when she stole that food.

"Cool scooter!" The one with a bow, way too large for her, complimented. "Where'd you get it?"

"Found it."

"No way," the one on her left asked. She had a purple and pink mane and tail. A unicorn. "That is way too awesome!"

"Really," the earth pony on the left commented. "Can you do tricks on it yet?"

"I'm working on it," she replied blandly. "I don't usually have time for things like that."

"What? Why? Don't you have fun?"

"There's no time for fun. Only survival." The two ponies looked at her strangely before they faced the board when miss Cherilee walked in, starting the lesson.

Soon after recess started, letting the foals get some outdoor, and snack time. The filly walked to a deserted section of the playground, trying to avoid any ponies socializing with her. She sat and leaned against a tree and pulled out her snack, two apples and started eating, ignoring the gazes that she was probably receiving from the table full of students. Soon, someone decided to mess with her.

"Hey." She darted her eyes to the left to see a filly with a tiara walking towards her, with another filly walking next to her. "Is that all you have to eat? What, you can't afford anything better?" The filly stared at her for a second before turning around and going back to her apple. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Are you sure?" she asked. "Because all I'm hearing is a whole bunch of pathetic whining. Pretty sad."

The filly got a horrified look on her face before she started walking towards the filly. "You can't talk to me like that! I'm Diamond Tiara! My father will have your family thrown out of their house."

The filly snorted. "Good luck. You'll just end up at a dead end."

"Then we'll take all your bits!"

"From what bank?" The filly chuckled as she continued to eat her apple, watching as the earth pony got more frustrated. At that moment the bell sounded, making all the kids pack up their things.

"That was pretty amazing," the one with the bow said. "Nobody ever stands up to Diamond Tiara like that."

"I know right?" the pink and purple-haired one said. "Pretty brave."

After school let out, the orange pegasus filly got on her scooter and flew off, headed back home, unaware of two other foals watching her drive away.

"So what do we do, Diamond Tiara?" Silver Spoon asked her friend. "Do we follow after her?"

"Of course." The two fillies watched as the bullies ran down the walkway, leaving them feeling uneasy.

"They're goin' ta' cause trouble for that mare!" the one with the red mane shouted. "C'mon, Sweetie Belle!" The two fillies followed after the group, hoping to make it there on time.

The filly walked into her house, making sure to lock the door and bolt it shut from the floor. After that, she walked into her room, placing the scooter in the corner, with the rest of the things she could find that could actually be useful for her. She walked out of the room, and closed all the blinds she could reach before walking back into her room, closing thedoor and jumping into her bed, going to sleep.

"So this is where she lives," Diamond Tiara said, rubbing her hooves together. "This is going to be fun. Come on, Silver Spoon!" The two fillies ran back to rich filly's two story grand home. They walked inside and went into the living, bearing phony frowns on their faces.

"Daddy, daddy!" Diamond Tiara said. "This mean girl said her family's going to makes us bankrupt!"

"What?!" Filthy Rich said, looking up from his work. "Who?! What family?!"

"This filly named Scootaloo!" The father got up and went into his records, searching for a pony named Scootaloo. Eventually, he found her...and her address.

The filly was snoring away, her left hooves off the bedside while she slept what she could only to have it interrupted by a series of knocks on the door. She jumped and fell off the bed before righting herself. "Who could be knocking like this at...whatever time it is?"

She opened her room door and walked out heading towards the entrance. The knocking continued, sounding more angry than it was a few seconds ago. "OPEN UP! RIGHT NOW, THIS IS YOUR LANDLORD!"

Scootaloo pulled down the cord that would twist the door open and cracked it. "What do you want?" she asked, looking up at Filthy Rich.

"Where are your parents, kid? I need to talk to them right now." Scootaloo looked at him for a second before darting her eyes to the area behind him, spotting those two fillies snickering at the scene. She looked back up at the pony before responding.

"Goodbye." She shut the door in his face and walked back towards her room, leaving the pony and two fillies there speechless.

"Ok, then. I'll have the police come and evict you. You have to pay your rent by the end of this month or you're out on the streets!" The pony walked away with the other two fillies following along after him.

"I'm already out on the streets," Scootaloo said, looking up to the sky at the castle on the clouds. "I wish I could fly up there. I really do."

Author's Note:

So how did I do on this chapter? I really didn't want to introduce all of the cutie mark crusaders yet, but I couldn't help myself! Oops!