• Published 28th Jan 2018
  • 4,347 Views, 112 Comments

The Story Of Rainbow - thedarktome

Who exactly is Rainbow Dash? She said she grew up in cloudsdale, but that's it. Her father said she gained all her mother's good looks, but doesn't she look more like her father, Bow Hothoof. And what do the Princesses have to do with this?

  • ...

Chapter 20 - Embarrassed; Awakening

"Are you SURE?!" Rainbow yelled, jumping down from her throne and approaching her marefriend worriedly. "Are you absolutely sure?!"

Fluttershy nodded eagerly. "Oh, yes! Mr. Timberwolf told me the lights were spooking his pack, along with every other animal. So they ran out of the woods for awhile."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoooooosh!" Rainbow yelled, pacing back and forth in front of Fluttershy. "She's awake she's awake she's awake she's awake she's awake she's-"

"I get it, Rainbow. You'll be fine." Fluttershy placed a hoof on her shoulder, making her stop the pacing and stare into her eyes. The pegasus gave her marefriend a loving smile, causing the princess to take a deep breath and smile back.

"You're right," she sighed, sitting in front of her. "It'll be fine. I'm just a little paranoid. The mad Princess of Earth versus the Princess of Nature is coming. I'll be walking around armed, and you and Scotaloo will have your own guards."

"That won't look good to other ponies," Fluttershy commented, shaking her head. "They'll become paranoid too."

"Then they'll be undercover. Either way, you two are having guards," she ordered playfully, smirking and pointing a hoof at her marefriend.

"Whatever you say, your highness." Rainbow's eyes popped open before walking back towards her marefriend.

"Don't you give me that tone."

"Or?" Fluttershy gave Rainbow a playful smile, making the Princess blush and start to lose her tough side.

"Or you'll regret it," she whispered, giving Fluttershy a half-lidded look.

"Will I?"

"Yes." Fluttershy giggled and brushed her wing across Rainbow's cheek. "Don't tempt me, Flutters, we're out in the open."

"Then teleport us somewhere more private, your highness." Rainbow grinned and lit her horn, teleporting the two back into their empty room. Quiet and peaceful. "This is better."

Fluttershy tried to delay it off by looking around the room, making Rainbow groan and push her on the bed. Fluttershy gave a small "eep" while Rainbow laid on top of her, kissing her deeply. After a few seconds she pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"Are you sure about this, Fluttershy? It's a huge step."

The pegasus placed her hooves on both sides of Rainbow's face, staring into her cerise eyes. "I want us to show how much we mean to each other. How much we love each other before the storm comes. I love you, Rainbow."

"I love you too, Fluttershy." The two kissed again before they began their first time. Making love passionately for the free hour they had.

Eventually their time was nearly up, leaving both of them lying on their backs on the bed gasping for air.

"You're....amazing," Fluttershy said, still trying to catch her breath.

"And YOU'RE great," Princess Dash responded, leaning over and giving her marefriend a kiss. "You've been holding back on me."

"Yeah, well....you have too apparently." The Princess laughed before she got up and headed to the bathroom to get rid of the smell of arousal.

"I have to get YOU off of me. If someone knocks, let them know I'll be out soon." Fluttershy nodded before she got up and walked over to balcony, looking out the open area. So far, the glow hasn't increased. It was there and she could see it, but it hasn't gotten any bigger or more visible. She wasn't entirely awake it would seem. But she was getting to that point. Very closely.

A flash in the room behind her caught her attention, making her turn her head to see Celestia standing there. "Rainbow! Where are you?! We have.......oh my Faust, you two just had sex." Celestia looked over to the left to see Fluttershy just staring like a deer caught in the headlight.

Both of their faces were red as they stared at each other, trying their hardest not to make a sound, or whatever could set the other one off in that situation. Fortunately it was neither of them that did that.

The bathroom door opened, allowing Rainbow to walk out with a towel over her face, still drying herself off. "Fluttershy, you get everywhere, I mean really. I had to scrub......uhhh...." Rainbow froze and looked at the two mares in the room, who were sharing the exact same expression as her. Wide-eyed and open-mouthed, embarrassed. "Hey......mom. Wha....what are you doing....here?"

Celestia cleared her throat trying to cut off the embarrassment while Fluttershy turned around and darted out the balcony, flying away and screaming "EEEEEEE~" at the same time. The two watched her go before Celestia faced her daughter and informed her of her reason.

"I was informed by one of your guards of the Rainbow glow in the sky. So I decided to come over here to put you at ease. If I know you like I know myself, you were thinking about upping security around here." Rainbow nodded before walking over to a chute in the wall, throwing her used towel inside. "Well, she is not fully awake yet. As long as no one disturbs her, we will be fine. The spell I placed on her has one more backup mechanism in it. While she is trying to wake up, it will give us time to get ready for her arrival."

"So...how do we know when she is fully awake?" Rainbow put on her other dress while Celestia answered the question.

"When there is a full Spectrum in the sky. That is the release of all her pent up magic." Celestia walked over and looked at the bed, trying not to laugh. "Her magic runs on something, but we don't know what. So we will have to be careful during the fight. While she was asleep, she was building up her magic and-hold on, I'm sorry, but I have to say this. You and Fluttershy really go at it. I mean there is liquids all over this bed and-"


"Okay, okay!" Celestia said, tearing her gaze away from the bed sheets and looking towards her daughter, trying not to laugh more. "But....phew, her magic is stronger right now, but it is also contained. When she does wake up, try not to interfere or she will come straight for you. Try to make yourself invisible as much as possible."

Rainbow nodded, before conjuring a bunch of water and dumping it on the bed, soaking the whole thing before heating it up and steaming it, getting rid of any evidence that she had sex with Fluttershy. "Anything else? And how many times have you walked in on a pony while they were having sex?"

Celestia looked up at the ceiling trying to count those instances. "Nothing else. And throughout my one hundred thousand year ruling.....I'd say.......one hundred eighty-six times, one hundred eighty-seven as of today though." Rainbow slowly shook her head and chuckled.

"You really need to learn how to knock. Fluttershy's so lucky that you didn't walk in on us actually HAVING it. We just finished up when you walked in and I was taking my shower. She's probably embarrassed like a foal who just wet themselves."

"I'm sorry, dear. You two are old enough to have your own relations and I didn't know you two were copulating." Celestia nuzzled her daughter before pushing her towards the door. "I'll grab Fluttershy while you finish what's on your agenda, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." Rainbow fluffed her hair and walked out the room, leaving Celestia to go after her marefriend. She's probably at her cottage hiding under her bed.

Prince Blueblood's chariot soared over the vast expanse of the dense and manipulated forest that was the Everfree, determination on his face to discover what his aunt did at the Everfree castle that was so big she couldn't tell anyone about it. But after the research, he was positive that the answer was in that old structure. Wherever it was.

They've been flying for awhile now, noticing that the area around them was getting more dense with the rainbow glow that was in the air a few miles back, more visible. And it was originating right below them.

"We've arrived, my lord," one of the guards said as the chariot tilted and came to a smooth landing in front of the destroyed structure. The prince walked out and looked up at the destroyed structure that was giving off a noticeable pulse of magic. The six guards around him sensed the same thing, making them uneasy. "Your highness.......I do not think it would be wise-"

"We're going in," he scolded. "No backing out. My aunt is hiding something and I need to know what it is. Now come on." He began trotting up to the ruins, determination on his face to investigate the building and learn the truth. The guards reluctantly followed behind him, hooves quivering in fear of the large amount of magical energy reaching them.

Along the way, they all spotted the plant life.....which was moving on its own, making them all go faster. They also spotted skeletons along the way, evidently impaled by the plants growing there. How was that even possible?

"Princess Luna must've been nuts," Prince Blueblood commented.

"I don't think this was Princess Luna, your highness," one of the guards said as they walked into the destroyed castle and stopped, looking around. "She only has control of the stars, the moon, and the night, not over the plant life. That would be Princess Dash's control."

"So Princess Dash probably killed those guards!" Blueblood yelled. Suddenly the rainbow magic got even stronger, blowing past the group like a wave. "What in Equestria is that?" The prince activated his magic, tracking the source of the energy before following it.

"I do not think-"

"Shut up and follow!" Blueblood interrupted the guard before continuing. The royals guards all looked at each other before reluctantly obeying his command, following down the hall to a different area of the ruins. After awhile they turned down a hallway with a sign that read, "Birth and Delivery", making the prince raise an eyebrow.

"Why would there be a birth unit in the castle? That makes no sense," Blueblood muttered. "Might need to check that out." He approached one of the rooms that had a door slightly opened, pushing it wider and stepping inside. He lit his horn making the area brighter to get a better view of it. It was a birth unit alright. There were water basins, tools and other things for a mare when they gave birth. "Interesting." He started to turn around until something in the corner caught his attention. A pillow with....Celstia's cutie mark? Pillows are only used in the delivery room for the mother. So why would Celestia have her pillow in the delivery room? Unless.....SHE WAS THE ONE WHO GAVE BIRTH!

"OF COURSE!" Blueblood yelled, trotting over to the area and looking around it for a clue. "Celestia had a child! That's what she's hiding! But why would she hide them? Guards, search this room!"

The guards walked inside and looked all around the area, looking for a clue. They flipped over tables, took out drawers, and looked behind cabinets, doing a thorough search when one of the guards found something stuck within the pillow.

"There's something in here, sir!" Prince Blueblood turned around and walked over, looking expectantly at the guard.

"Rip it open."

"Sir, this is-"

"I said, RIP IT OPEN!" The guard sighed and grabbed a spear from his side. He poked it in the pillow and yanked it to the side, revealing the fluffing and......a slither of paper.

Blueblood took it out with his magic, and flipped it over, revealing a photograph. That told everything. "Oh......my......aunty."

A yell of frustration and the sound of a forced entry down the hallway made everyone grab their weapons and get in position. Blueblood stuffed the photograph within his shirt and ordered some of his guards towards the entrance when a giant burst of magic flew into the room, painting the whole castle and anything within a twenty mile radius in a Rainbow glow.

"What is that?!" Blueblood yelled while the guards took up a defensive position.

"My Celestia how you have fallen," a female voice in the hallway said while tree roots began to grow underneath the hooves of the guards, catching their attention. They instantly began swiping at them, cutting them before loud hoofsteps caught their attention. Loud and slow. They all froze and watched as a black glow began to come past their room, making the guards bring out their weapons.

"Celestia.....you have something that belongs to me...." The being said as they got closer and closer to the door. "And I would like to have it, please." The guards all got quiet as the creature walked past. It was an alicorn with a black coat and a rainbow colored mane with fangs hanging from her mouth, as well as a jagged horn. Like a changeling. Each step she took caused a tremble in the ground where she stepped, as well as it to crack. Her left wing was blue while the right one was red. Her left eye was red while the left was blue. There was just magic pouring off of her, making the fur of the ponies she hasn't spotted rise on end.

"Oh my god," Blueblood whispered as she walked past. "Who...who is that?"

The guard in the front slowly shook his head. "I don't know....but it can't be good. We have to get out of here. But she's headed towards the entrance."

"Then what do we do?" Another asked, his magic holding onto his sword. "Rush her?"

"No way.....we rush PAST her and get the heck out of here," Blueblood whispered back. "We have what we wanted."

"What YOU wanted," a guard corrected. "You dragged us in here, man."

"Quiet," Blueblood scolded. "We need to go now. Let's head out."

"So what do we do now?" Apple Bloom asked as the group walked out of the schoolhouse, making their way towards Ponyville. "Wanna come to the treehouse?"

"I don't know," Sweeite Belle said, looking down at the ground. "What about you Scootaloo?"

The two looked to the orange pegasus to see her turned around and looking at the sky with disbelief written all over her face.

"What? What is it?" Apple Bloom asked before they too turned their heads to see the light Rainbow glow in the air. "What's that?"

"The end of Equestria," Scootaloo muttered before a blast sounded off, catching all the ponies' attention. They looked to the sky as the magic got noticeably more vivid, the glow becoming more solid that you couldn't see the blue sky anymore. "No! No, it wasn't supposed to happen yet!"

The two fillies turned to Scootaloo with alarm on their faces. "Scootaloo, what's going on?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Get home and don't ask questions!" She responded back. "Just get home and hide!" A rush of hoofsteps caught their attention, making the ponies all look towards the front of the square to see Royal guard running towards Scootaloo.

"We have to get you home right now, Lady Scootaloo!" Sweetie Drops explained as they picked her up and ran back towards where they came from.

"Just get home!" Scootaloo yelled over Sweetie Drops shoulder as they left. The ponies all looked at them leave before focusing their attention back on the sky, where the Rainbow glow was getting clearer.

"What do you think it is?" Sweetie Belle asked Apple Bloom in worry. "If the guard ponies came and snatched up Scootaloo, then it must be a huge deal."

"I don't know," she responded, shaking her head as the rainbow glow began waving. "I. Don't. Know."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the shortness of the chapter. I've actually been working on two stories this morning. This one and my brand new one called "Twilight Daylight". So far, so good. I promise to continue this chapter in a little bit, maybe at twelve or eleven. Check back soon, it'll be update at the 4,000 word mark soon. Or I'll upload another chapter. Either way, I'll make up for it, I promise!