• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,378 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

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Chapter 1

I listen to the TV while I get dressed as Captain Marvelous in an outfit consisting of a red jacket, white dress shirt, black pants and various necklaces and rings.

"Our top story; there are more reports of strange disappearances from conventions all over Earth. The police can't shut down the conventions but they urge people not go to them. If they do decide to go; visitors are asked to stay in groups and report anything that might be suspicious. Now onto other news-" I turn off the TV and shake my head, looking at my phone to check the time as I finish changing.

"I have one more chance before the convention is over. I just hope HE is here."

I look at my computer with programmed emails set for my imminent disappearance and then I take all my money and get my ticket to this year's Comic Con and leave my hotel room to the convention hall. Once inside; I look around and walk from booth to booth until I feel a odd feeling coming from the back. I go and see a interesting looking booth covered with glass walls and what seems like a holographic moogle floating behind the table with the stuff on a conveyor belt. I feel disappointment as I was hoping it was the merchant; but it's not. As I walk up to the booth; I notice the sounds get muffled, blocking out the rest of the room.

As I look over all the items, I see a sword that looks similar to Samurai Jack's; a silver disc, what looks like a metal egg carton, a robotic backpack and a Power Ranger Super Mega Force blaster, sword and morpher, and finally a model of the Gokai Galleon in a bottle and then I notice the last four items seem to call me.

As I look at the power rangers stuff I hear a small squeaky voice. "See something you like kid? Kupo."

I look up at the moogle and then down and point. "How much for the pirate sword and gun with the morpher, and model ship?"

The sword is a life sized scimitar with a curved blade and has a red and black handle with the Gokaiger logo.

The gun is a flintlock pistol; mostly red with black highlights and has the Gokaiger logo on both sides.

The morpher looks like a flip phone and is gold, black and red with the Gokaiger logo on the cover.

The Gokai Galleon is a red pirate ship with four jet engines in the back and the whole model is inside a bottle.

The moogle chuckles and looks at them. "How about $550 for all four? Sound fair? Kupo."

I smirk and look it in the eye. "You know..your hologram and whole booth is really cool. Yeah; deal. That is; if I can get a few Ranger keys to go with the morpher." I get my wallet out getting ready to pay.

It looks up at me for a moment before sighing. "Sure kid. And I'm sorry to tell you this kid but I need your help. You see; if you accept to help me I'll send you to a Equestria to help the ponies there; but it's a one way trip. You can't come back to this world. Kupo."

I look at the moogle in shock and ask. "So you're a displacer?!" He nods and rubs the back of his head, I gulp and think then steel myself and nod. "If I can help people with the little time I have left in my life then I'll do it. But seeing as you're gonna make this stuff real; could I ask for a few modifications?"

"Sure kid as long as they aren't too crazy. Kupo. Also judging from that Marvelous costume you're wearing I can tell your a fan of Super Sentai; so how about I add those keys and this laptop with every episode and movie from both power rangers and Sentai on it for free. Kupo. So what keys do you want and what modifications did you want kid? Kupo."

I think quick and say. "Mighty Morphin Green, Black Dino Thunder, Silver Gokaiger, Red Mystic Force. Oh; and red S.P.D. please. As for the modifications; could you give me unicorn magic with basic knowledge of how to use it, link my stuff to me so I can summon them to me at anytime even new keys. Oh and when I'm morphed into a different Ranger I have access to all their equipment even battlizers please. And before I forget; I want the activation call to be 'Set Sail' please." After he nods I smile and say. "Wow you are really nice, most stories I've read have had The Merchant shown as a jerk that he gives you a bad reputation." I finish as I watch the conveyor move the items into a slot for me to pull out.

The moogle nods and waves a arm and talks as a mechanical claw comes out of the back screen holding a laptop and puts it in the slot. "Yeah he is a bit of a jerk to you humans but I'm still young. That's why I'm asking for your help. Kupo."

I then pay the moogle through a different slot and the slot with my stuff is pushed out and I see a brown leather bag in there I smile and thank him then grab the sword, gun, model, keys and morpher and put them in the bag.

"Have a safe trip and may the power protect you. Kupo." He says and that is the last thing I hear before a bright flash blinds me.

I open my eyes and look around finding myself in a apple orchard still wearing my pirate jacket and outfit. The pistol holstered on my chest and sword strapped on my waist are now real.

I decide to test something and set my gun down on a rock then take a few steps away and hold my hand out picturing the gun in my hand. In a flash of light, as the gun moves into my hand I grin; but before I do anything else, I hear explosions and look where they come from.

"Looks like I have to learn on the job."

I secure the bag on my shoulder then run to where the explosions are coming from . When I get to the edge of the orchard, I see Ponyville and putties destroying the town with anthro ponies running away.

I nod to myself and put my bag under one of the trees then pull out the morpher and get ready to morph. "Set sail!" I hold the morpher up and use my other arm to swing across my body and put the key in and turn it but nothing happened. I look at myself then the morpher I take the key out confused and try again.

"Gokai change!" I turn the key but again nothing happened I get worried and gulp as I try again. "Super mega mode!" When nothing happened I realized what is going on.

"I...I bought the morpher and became a displaced b-but...the Power never chose me.." Another explosion goes off and I see a group of putties about to hurt three little fillies. I gulp and grab the sword on my hip and run in and pull out the gun from my chest with my other.

"HEY! Mess with someone that can fight back!" I shoot them in the back, missing a few shots but it stops them. Once I'm close enough, I cut into their backs and kick them away but not far then get between them and the fillies. I look back with the corner of my eye.

"Don't worry. You'll be safe soon I promise."

I look back at the putties but feel my hands shaking 'Holy shit I...I am actually fighting putties but they have more armor then normal something is off but whatever. I can't let them hurt the civilians!'

I clench my sword and glare at them looking at the new armor that covers not just their chests but their legs and arms as well. I don't have long to look as they charge at me but I fire at one and cut the others across their chest. I kick one in the Z symbol on its chest armor but it just gets knocked back so I keep cutting and blasting them till eventually they fall to the ground and stop moving. I sigh and look around. 'Damn. Not only do they have more armor but their weakness is gone. Or am I just not strong enough to take advantage of the weakness?'

"Who are you mister, and where is your mare? She must be so worried about you." the white filly asks me. I look down and smile softly trying to control my shaking.

"You can call me 'Captain' for now; but I'd like to know your names as well. I'm here to help so let's get you three somewhere safe. Where's your town hall?" I ignore that thing about 'my mare' but keep a eye out and shoot now and then at the putties still around while I walk.

"I'm Sweetie Belle and these two are Apple Bloom and Scootaloo," she replied, motioning to the others.

"It's over this way mister. Ah'll show ya'll the way." Applebloom says taking the lead as they show me the way while I keep a eye around us.

"That was so awesome! You where like swish, bam, heya!" Scootaloo says while trying to copy my moves while keeping up with us. "You're kinda cool for a stallion."

I smirk and roll my eyes then I see the town hall and point. "Is that it?" When Applebloom nods I say. “Good; come on." I get them to the doors and knock. "I got three fillies with me. Let them in I need to get out th-" I'm cut off as I hear a scream and turn to look and gasp seeing the blue faced, big monkey with wings and golden armor known as Goldar about to hurt a yellow mare. I grit my teeth and rush over and get between her and him before he can hit her but I get cut across my chest. I yell in pain as blood drips from my chest but I stand back up in defiance.

He looks me over and chuckles. "Another fool come to die." He swings his sword at my face.

I then feel warmth and look down to see a glow from my pocket. I smirk and think 'Thank you. Now then; it's morphing time!' and swing my sword up and knock his sword upwards, making him miss his slash. I then kick him away and look behind me.

The Pegasus mare cries and flies away, Once she is far enough away I grab my morpher and yell out, "Set sail!" I swing my arm across my body and slide the key in to the morpher and turn it. My morpher then calls out ’Gokaiger’ and in a flash of red energy I am now wearing a red pirate themed costume. I stand tall aiming my gun at him and put the sword on my shoulder.

"Wh-what?! A power ranger?! Who the hell are you punk?!" He swings his sword twice at me sending a X energy slash at me as I roll out of the way and stand tall.

I shake my head in disappointment and chuckle softly. "I am Captain Red and from now on this world is MINE! I'm giving you one chance to surrender and tell your boss to leave."

He growls and sends more energy slashes at me but I shoot one making it explode and jump over the others landing behind him.
'This is amazing! I don't feel the pain from before and I feel full of energy! Morphing seems to have helped my combat skills too. I may actually survive this.' I think to myself then I shake my head again. "Wrong choice."

He growls loudly and turning to face me. "Die you pathetic worm!"

I backflip over him and cut his back then shoot him over and over before roundhouse kicking him knocking him backwards. I hear something and look behind me seeing the Pegasus I saved earlier and five more ponies; the butter yellow Pegasus with long pink mane and tail wearing a green sweater and blue skirt. A sky blue Pegasus with rainbow mane and tail wearing a workout top and jean shorts; a orange earth pony with blond mane and tail wearing a plaid shirt and jeans; a pink earth pony with pink fluffy mane and tail wearing a light blue shirt and overalls; a white unicorn with long curly purple mane and tail in a white V-neck shirt and black dress down to her knees. And finally; a purple alicorn with purple mane and tail with a pink and magenta strip through them wearing a light purple shirt and dark blue skirt.

'Wow they are cute' then I feel a large amount of pain and get sent flying backwards from Goldar attacking me and cutting my chest while I was distracted. 'Fuck! Note to self: don't get distracted when fighting.’

I rub my chest feeling pain but much less then before. I get up as the rainbow haired Pegasus flies towards the fight so I yell, "Stop! Leave this to me!" She looks at me like I'm crazy but I act while she is frozen in shock.

I take out my own key from my belt buckle and put it in a slot in my sword and as it starts glowing, I lift my sword. “Time to finish this! Final Slash!" I swing my sword down sending a red energy slash toward Goldar it hits him and explodes as Goldar stumbles back and growls at me.

"You'll pay for this power punk. Just wait till Lord Zedd hears about this!" And with that he teleports out and so do the remaining putties.

I sigh and turn around and flinch back as the blue mare with rainbow hair is in my face. "What the hay was that!? Who the hay are you?! Where did you come from?! Are you a spy?!" she yells as she gets in my face.

I look at her and say. "You can call me Captain Red, and I am here to find the multiverse's greatest treasure."

"Ah heard some stallion helped ma lil sister," the orange pony "The name's Applejack and these are my ma friends Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle."

They look at each other unsure I then walk up to the purple alicorn the others get between her and me I stop and say. "I need to talk with whoever is in charge as soon as possible."

The girls look at each other talking quietly then the purple alicorn teleports away. I cross my arms and wait; although it’s not long before she returns with two taller alicorns; one white and the other blue. I look between them and wave as I say "Hello princesses. You can call me Captain Red and I need to talk with you two in private."

Celestia the white one comes up to me looking me over and says. "Very well but please remove your mask."

I chuckle and shake my head. "Not yet. Too many eyes and ears and I want it to be just the four of us." I point at the three alicorns.

Rainbow Dash flies right up to me. "Like hay we would leave you alone with our Princesses. You'll probably hurt them!"

I calmly look at her and say. "If I wanted to that I would have just had my megazord blast their castle from here."

The Royal sisters look at each other confused and then Celestia says “It’s fine Rainbow Dash. I'm sure our new friend wouldn't save Ponyville just to attack us."

The Princess Luna speaks up. "Plus he is just a stallion." My eyebrow twitches.

"Let us go to Twilight's throne room to talk." Princess Celestia says after smiling at her sister.

I shrug and put my sword and gun away. "Fine by me." We walk for a little bit as Twilight is trying to ask me questions the whole way.

"Who are you? Where are you from? What are you here for? What are those weapons you used? What is a megazord?" but I stay quiet until we get to the map room I walk around the table then look at the three alicorns.

"Ok ladies I need you to put up your strongest privacy spells please." Celestia and Luna look at each other then nod and put up the spells once I see the spell settle, I demorph. "Power down."

"My name is Roger, I'm a displaced and I'm here for one thing: the multiverse’s greatest treasure; but it seems Lord Zed is in my way. I'm going to deal with him and his forces but I'll need a few things from you." I rub my chest and think to myself. 'Huh. Morphing must have healed me a bit. I'm still sore but not bleeding anymore.'

Luna steps forward. "Such as what; and what kind of creature are you?"

I chuckle and sit down in one of the thrones. “First; I need permission to stay in this country, Equestria; I believe. Second; I need a spell to find special items. As to what kind of creature I am; my species is called human." I pull out my morpher and key.

"I need to find out if there are more of these devices called morphers and tons of these little figures that turn into keys. I ask that you use the spells to find them on separate maps so I can focus on getting the morphers first if there are any here."

Before I can continue Celestia speaks up. "What do these...morphers...do and why do you need them and those keys?"

"To put it simply the morphers let someone turn into a power ranger. It's more than a special costume and the keys let me and anyone using the other morphers to turn into past generation of power rangers and other heroes of a similar nature. As for the third thing; to put simply; I need money. You see I'm not from this planet thus I have none of your money." I look at my finger nails as I say the next part.

"Plus I'm doing you a favor by fighting those monsters for you anyway." I look up to see them looking at me in shock.

"But you're a stallion. What kind of mares would we be if we let you fight," Twilight says looking distraught

I look at them then sigh and rub my face. "Let me guess; this world or at least this country has females being the dominant or aggressive ones while the males are submissive." At their confused nods I groan and shake my head before replying. "I'm not like the males of your world I was raised in a male dominated society, so please don't expect me to act like your males."

"Very well I can agree to those terms but you must answer all of Twilight's questions." I see Celestia smirking and Twilight starting to bounce with excitement.

"Fine; but she is limited to 10 questions a day. I can't find my treasure if I'm stuck answering questions forever." Twilight agrees and calms down.

"Now then; where I'm from its customary for the people who make a deal to shake hands when the deal is struck." I smile and get up then walk over and hold out my hand and Celestia smiles and shakes my hand. Surprisingly there is a shine from our hands. I pull my hand back and in my hand is the Solaris Knight Mystic Force key. I grin and chuckle at the sight.

"Well, well, well. Seems I can earn keys too. Thank you Celestia." I smile at her and put the key in my pocket then go sit down in Rainbow Dash's throne.

I get very serious quickly." We have to have a serious talk now. Those gray creatures are called putties. They are foot soldiers of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd; the enemies of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; but they are much stronger then they are supposed to be. That big 'Z' on their chest armor was supposed to be their weak point but they have more armor and the weak point didn't work; meaning these putties are upgraded versions. I suspect this Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd are from a timeline where they won and killed the power rangers of Earth or worse...killed Zordon after draining him of his power."

Twilight was quick with the questions. "Who are these ponies? What do they want? What was that gold armored monkey? Who are the power rangers? What do you mean by timeline? Who is Zordon? How do you know so much about them? Where did you get that device? Can I take it apart and study it? What powers it? Where are you from?"

I chuckle and hold up my hand then I sigh and say. "Ok in order of Twilight's questions: they aren't ponies; they are aliens and powerful magic users that want to rule the universe. The gold armored monkey is named Goldar and is one of the most dangerous power ranger villains. I know because no ranger has ever beat him. They have gotten him to retreat but never truly beat him, the power rangers are normally a team of 5 to 6 though I have seen a team of 10 teenagers given powers to fight evil. As for the timeline thing; I mean the history I know has Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd defeated by the power rangers while they are obviously active here in this world so this has to be a different timeline. Zordon was Earth's guardian and the one who gave the Mighty Morphin Rangers their powers, as for how I know so much about them it's hard to believe but I'm from a world where Power Rangers are just a children's TV show. I bought it; so no; you can't take it apart, and it's powered by the Morphin grid; the source of all power ranger's powers."

I sigh after that long speech and then chuckle at the looks I get then Luna and Celestia ask for my key and morpher to use a tracking spell so I hand them over then look at Twilight. “Listen Twilight I need two favors from you. First I need a spell put on a necklace or something that makes me look like a pony so I can walk around town without being morphed, and secondb I need a room to sleep in."

She nods and thinks for a minute then says. "I think I can do something like that; but why?"

"To keep my identity a secret. Rangers normally don't let their identities be revealed. Also I don't feel like dealing with racism; no offense." I say as I look between Twilight and the Princesses while they do their spells.

Twilight looks a little hurt but nods. “I understand. Is there any way you want to look?" She asks as she gets out a peace of paper and quill. I think on it for a minute then shrug.

"As long as I'm not pink I don't care what I look like. Actually; I know a little about this world and unicorns are the only ones that can use magic; right?" At her nod I continue. "Then make my illusion a unicorn please."

She nods and leaves to find a necklace or something. Just then the Princesses come back with just one map. "We apologize but it seems that either these...morphers...can't be tracked by magic or there are none on the planet. However; there seems to be a large number of those keys your looking for." Celestia says as she gives me my morpher and key back along with one map with lots of glowing dots on it.

"Thank you Princess, I suggest you find a way to have instant communication so you can tell me when something is happening." I say then think wondering for a minute then say. "Princess I understand if it's a secret or something but do you two have some kind of magical observatory that shows the whole galaxy?"

Their eyes widen just a little bit and Celestia says. "We do; and it is not available to everyone. It is quite....delicate. I hope you understand."

I nod and sigh. "I understand but I need to check something and if possible do a experiment with one of you two helping me of course. At least think on it please." Celestia and Luna look at each other having a silent conversation only siblings can have.

After a few minutes Celestia looks to me and says. "Very well; we will consider it. Is that everything?" I bite my lip then shake my head.

"No. There's one more thing, if either of you knows anyone who travels a lot and has a good chance of spotting these keys could you inform them to keep a eye out and send them to you so you can send them to me?" I ask the Princesses then look over the map and just then Twilight comes back with a necklace.

"Here you go. A necklace that will make you look like a white unicorn with black mane with red highlights." She gives me the necklace and I put it on and grin as I look at a small mirror Twilight brought with her.

"Thank you Twilight and you too Princesses. if you don't mind I'd like to rest before I start some training later." I smile then my eyes widen and I snap my fingers. "Oh before I forget call me 'Jolly Roger' while I'm wearing this necklace." I tell Twilight before I walk off letting Twilight and the Princesses talk some more.

I walk down the hall and find a spare room I then take my Red Gokaiger key and close my eyes picturing energy flowing from me into it and say. "I am the great Captain Red; the red pirate ranger! I seek the multiverses greatest treasure and if you try to take it from me I'll put you in the ground. To summon me simply hold the key out and turn it and say set sail!" I then throw the key I to the air and a void portal opens I see the key multiply and spread out across the multiverse then it closes and a small portal opens and my key drops back into my hand and I smirk to myself.

I then focus on my bag; picturing it on me and in a flash it appears on me. I then take it off and set it on a night stand next to the bed. Following that; I take off my jacket and lay on the bed and sigh thinking of a plan before I slowly fall asleep.

P.O.V. 3rd person a few minutes ago in the Map room

Twilight watches the human leave then turns to Princess Celestia and Luna, "Princess; are you sure we can trust him? He seems to like having secrets and I think I heard him tell that gold monkey...Goldar…That this world is his."

Celestia smiles down at Twilight, "I'm sure he was just trying to scare off those villains in his own way, but yes me and my sister will keep a eye on him."

Luna raises her eyebrow at her sister, "Tia; I admit he is a bit strange but surely you don't believe him to be dangerous to us?"

Celestia looks to her sister, "well he is still a stranger. This is just until we know him better. Luna, could you check his dreams?"

Luna sighs and looks away before she teleports away then Twilight looks to Celestia and asks, "Princess; what should I tell my friends? I don't feel comfortable lying to them."

Celestia smiles at Twilight then puts a hand on her shoulder and says, "You don't have to lie to them; just tell them you are doing a favor and housing 'Jolly Roger'" she giggles slightly at the name he chose, "for me and the power ranger as he calls himself will be around when he is needed."

Twilight nods slowly then smiles up at Celestia then the doors to the throne room bust open and Twilight's friends come in and rainbow dash rushes up, "Twi; where is that red guy? What's going on? Do we need to get the elements and kick some plot?"

Celestia giggles softly and smiles at the mares then says to twilight, "I'll let you take care of things for now." Then she teleports back to Canterlot and Twilight talks with her friends for a while until Spike comes running into the room yelling about a stranger in the castle.

P.OV. Jolly Roger A little while after falling asleep

I look around as I find myself in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ headquarters and look up to see the huge blue glowing head that is Zordon in his tube, "Zordon?" I mumble to myself then he starts to speak.

"Greetings young ranger. I am Zordon; former guardian of the planet Earth.” I feel something off and look behind me to see Princess Luna coming into the room through the wall. That’s when I realize I'm dreaming but it feels off.

"Hello, Luna; you are in time to meet Zordon. Hold on." I walk up and look at the control panel and see a rewind button and push it then let the message play again.

"Greetings young ranger. I am Zordon; former guardian of the planet Earth. Unfortunately; this is a message I have left within the morphing grid itself before I was most likely killed. I left this message in hopes of teaching you where I have failed so you may succeed and protect your world from the evils of the universe."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Luna cover her mouth in shock as she and I listen, "Long ago I defeated the evil witch Rita Repulsa and trapped her within a galactic dumpster but she eventually escaped so I found five teenagers with attitude. For a time they were able to stop her evil plans; but then the evil Lord Zedd arrived and together they overpowered my rangers and most were killed." At this point he looked down most likely blaming himself for getting them killed.

While he talks I look over at a huge glowing globe that shows power rangers fighting monsters and many different types of foot soldiers.

He then looks up and takes a deep breath before continuing, "But I'm afraid that is not the end; as more teens were found and took up the mantle of power ranger. Sadly; they were no match and things got even worse when the machine empire and Divatox came to Earth. It was then, the last team of Earth's ranger's were beaten and I was captured and the evil alliance was formed and continues to grow. I'm sorry you will most likely have to clean up my mess. I can only ask for your forgiveness and all the advice I can give you is this, a power ranger never escalates a conflict, use their powers for personal gain, or harm the innocent. Now all that is left to say is, may the power protect you."

After his message the room fades into a black void I turn to look at Luna and see her crying quietly, "are you ok Luna?" My voice seems to snap her out of it and she nods and wipes her eyes before leaving in a flash of magic. Before I can fall into a true sleep, I lift my hand and bite it hard enough to wake myself.

I sit up and blink trying to stay awake then I yawn and sigh, "So I was right; Zordon is dead. I need to check Earth. If there is a chance of finding old rangers and helping them, I have to try it." I say to myself as I sit up and go into the bathroom then wash my face then I grunt in surprise and pain as something hits my head I look down and get confused to see a wooden game controller.

"What the hell? Where did this come from." I reach for it and gasp as I hear a message and realize it's a displaced token.

’I am Deltorix the gamer. If you seek a friend, ally, or simply wish to trade skills simply say 'send invite' and I may come. What you want to do with the skills I teach will determine what skills I will teach you.’

“Huh. Wow my first token. I hope the whole token hitting my head thing won't become a running gag." I glare up at the ceiling pretending like I'm in one of those fan fictions and I'm looking at the author but I crack up and start laughing at how silly I'm being. "I'll have to keep this, this 'Deltorix' may come in handy later." I talk to myself as I put the token into my bag then make sure I'm wearing the necklace then leave and look for Twilight.

I walk around for a while before I end up running into Spike who looks similar to the Spike from the show but this one is wearing clothes. As we run into each other he is knocked down. "Ow." He says.

"Oops, sorry. Are you alright little guy?" I try to help him up but he looks up at me with wide eyes then screams and runs down the hallway calling for Twilight I roll my eyes and follow him at a easy pace.

Not long I see Rainbow and Twilight running up I wave at Twilight, "Hey finally found you. Got somewhere I can practice?"
Rainbow stops and flies up a little and cross her arms, "Who is the stallion Twi? And where is his mare?"

I cross my arms looking unamused and tell Rainbow dash, "I don't need a mare and you need to learn not to talk about somepony when they are right in front of you." She looks shocked then she glares at me.

"Just who the hey do you think you are?! You’re just some sissy stallion!" Rainbow Dash yells but I don't look impressed instead I look at Twilight.

"Twilight do you have a indoor gym in your castle? I want to show this mare just who I am." I give Rainbow Dash a flat look.
"Um no I'm sorry. There isn't a indoor gym." Twilight tells me but then the crystal walls glows and a new door appears in front of us we are all shocked but I'm the first to open the door and see a full gym.

I smirk and look at Twilight. "Seems your castle can change to add what rooms are needed." Then I walk into the gym I look around and nod to myself then say. "You can go ahead and get your friends. I'll be warming up." I then walk over to a rack of training swords and take one and start to practice with it swinging it like how I was fighting earlier today.

I do this for about half an hour before Twilight returns with the rest of her friends I hear a few of them gasps. Then I see the one I think is Applejack walk up to me so I stop and turn to face her. She grabs the wooden sword and rips it out of my hand.
"What do ya think y'all are doing with a dangerous sword? They aren't toys." Applejack yells at me but I just roll my eyes and back up from her.

"Good you are all here. Now then first off I want you all to know if you treat me like one of your everyday stallions, I will get mad fast. Second; I want you to Pinkie promise to never tell anypony what you see next, and finally; I am the red ranger that you saw earlier." I take out my morpher and show them.

"Set sail!" I go through the motions and morph into my ranger form and smirk in my helmet seeing everyone's jaw except Twilight's hanging open then I walk up to Applejack and grab the wooden sword and take it back then demorph. "Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I'm helpless. In fact, right now; I'm the only one that can stand up to those monsters. Now then; does anyone here know how to use a sword?"

They stare at me in shock for a minute but it's Rainbow Dash who broke the silence, "What the hey are you saying you don't know how to use a sword?! We saw you fight that freaky monkey!"

All I can do is shrug and say. "I've never even held one before today. When I morphed, I could feel my body moving on its own somewhat and I think that's how I survived that fight."

"So do any of you know how to use a sword? Because I need to learn how to fight better." I chuckle a bit embarrassed.
Rainbow Dash groans and walks up to the rack and takes a wooden sword and goes over to a practice mat then glares at me. "Well?! Get over here before I change my mind."

I move over and get into my stance but Rainbow tarts yelling right away. "No…no…no. Legs wider apart, knees bent more, and tighten your grip."

I smirk and follow her advice and think to myself. 'Looks like my new life is just getting started and I won't let evil win anymore.'

P.O.V. 3rd person: Unknown location

Goldar walks into the throne room and bows in front of Lord Zedd, "I'm sorry my lord, but we were stopped by someone new."

Zedd slams his staff down on the ground as red electricity sparks around it and he stands up. "This planet's people are pathetic! How could any of them drive you away, you incompetent moron!?" Zedd's deep and menacing voice makes everyone near by start to shake even his wife Rita Repulsa.

Goldar gets the courage to look up at Zedd and speaks the words of his failure. "They have a power ranger my lord. I felt I should report this to you as soon as possible."

Zedd's visor glows bright red as he shakes with rage, "A POWER RANGER HERE?! DAMN IT I HATE POWER RANGERS!" He pants from his rant then paces back and forth in front of his throne.

As he does the others within the throne room look at each other then Lord Zedd speaks, "you said ‘A’ power ranger so you only saw one. Then it’s simple. We destroy him before he gets a team together. Prepare a monster and my Tenga warriors to attack!"

Just then a voice from the shadows calls out while throwing out a blue ball with two rings in a X shape around it over to Goldar. "Take one of these and make sure the ranger is killed."

With his men rushing to follow his orders Lord Zedd chuckles to himself and looks out at the planet below and says to himself. "Let's see just how strong this ranger is. And once he is gone this world will me mine." Zedd clenches his hand in front of him, so to his sight he is crushing the planet with his own hand then begins to laugh evilly as more red lighting sparks around his staff.

Author's Note:

I know many will complain that I use pictures in my story but I am a amateur writer and do not possess the skills to paint a perfect picture so I will use pictures for new items and costumes not just to cover my lack of skill but for those who may not have seen the show that the item/costume is from there are a few things that I can not get pictures for unfortunately but I will try my hardest to not post too many pictures in a chapter.

And I do not own any of these pictures

Also here is what the moogle looks like