• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,387 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with The Equestrian anti-magic knight

Waillen a month after the battles...

Asta and company were currently enjoying the quiet life, or as quiet as a king and his subordinates could anyways. Asta had had it rough with his girls once he'd told them about what had happened to him. But they soon moved past it and grew to appreciate and love him even more after hearing how he'd waited to see them again for over a hundred years.

Soon after Asta and Fluttershy's daughter was born. Aurora Starfall. She was indeed born an earth pony much to Asta's relief. She had his green eyes but her mother's pink hair. Oddly enough the foal was born with no tail making her more human than pony, though she still had a few more of the more equine features like a slightly longer face and pointed ears like her mother. Twilight performed a scan on the filly and they weren't surprised when she didn't have magic, though they were still happy to have her in their lives.

The entire kingdom celebrated the new princess's birth not long after.

Speaking of the kingdom. It had never been more livid than even when the founding festival had started. Thanks to the victory over the invading Caribou army they had even more citizens than before. With the death of the commanding Count and Ichimonji, the Black Clover Kingdom's Territory hand effectively tripled in size overnight thanks to the count having three smaller territories under his control. Asta wasted no time and sent those he knew could clean up the cities into them.

Aj had gone back to Ponyville in order to spend time with her family. The Apples were overjoyed to see her ring but also those she had brought back with her. The reason why their family hated the Caribou, her ma and pa. The wife and husband weren't dead but had been enslaved in one of the cities Asat received from the battle. Aj's parents were grateful to the king and even more so to find out he was the one making Aj happy. Aj needed her time to adjust so Asta sent her home for a while to be with her granny and siblings while they adjusted to having her parents back in her life. She’d decided to stay in Canterlot and take lessons from Celestia and Luna to better control her more basic abilities.

Twilight was another story. Asta found that her powers had only grown so he did what he could and helped her train. He was no god but he had fought the original holder of these powers so he helped Twilight get better acquainted with them. It was also clear that her power wasn't the only things growing as her body had become more developed too, she and the girls caught him staring from time to time and often teased him about it. When they were in Canterlot for a lunch with Twilight's parents, some pony hit on her, he nearly put them in a coma. Twilight's parents approved the action with no qualms.

Rainbow Dash had been distant. Even Spike had been having a hard time with his marefriend as of late due to the incident with Gilda. Dash made her regular reports on Gilad but with disdain that only worsened each time. Asta decided to give them both some much-needed downtime in the form of Clousdale and Ponyville. Asta handled Gilda's imprisonment personally and came to admire the young hen's devotion to her family but still kept his distance from her.

Pinkie Pie was being Pinkie Pie, enough said with all the new arrivals to the city and the new additions to the kingdom's territories. She had plenty to do with the reformations and parties. She was actually planning another festival.

Rarity was helping out by giving sewing lessons and handing out clothes in one of the other cities.

The Shinigami had decided to help out around the city in her spare time. Which was actually most of the time. Asta was firm about them not coming into his city unless they had good enough reason outside a hollow attack or to report anything to Kisuke. They were currently held up in a house that Asta provided for them through any amenities were made, earned, or bought by themselves. Toshiro found this acceptable and promised they wouldn't make trouble for the king.

The demon slayers decided to stick around but Asta sent them to the other cities in pairs in order to help the Knights he'd dispatched. The Slayers didn't argue with their master and rarely ever questioned him. He kept Shinobu in Waillen to help with Ymir's treatment and rehabilitation.

The dragoness wouldn't be flying for a while and Asta was very upset that he let her wing get blown off. The young dragon told him it wasn't his fault, though that didn't stop him from thinking it.

Ichigo was the only exception to the shinigami but for good reason, Asta considered him family and knew he could trust his old friend. Ichigo had stepped into his role as a big brother rather well. Yuzu and Karin were over the mountain when they first met Ichigo. He has been staying with the Kurosaki household since arriving in the city.

The teens were returned to Cantorlot for the time being. Asta was in the process of having Inoue and Chad's education switched to Waillen as they'd both expressed a great interest in the city and helping in the coming fight against Aizen. With no other way to have them come here, they needed a guard, thus the princesses appointed Atsa the role. Uryu decided to speak he wanted in as well in order to train under Masaki more, thus the Kurosaki family took in the Qunicy.

Asta's look had changed slightly with his hair having been cut during his battle with Ichimonji while also gaining a number of new scars. His face changed to in the last one hundred plus years having lost his baby and become much broader. He went ahead and had Rarity clean it up as to even it out a bit more. His hair now resembles his original look but is shaggier. He still preferred to wear his shihakusho or kimono over normal pants and shirts.

(New look minus the scar on his face)

Currently, Asta was training in the Training Hall's courtyard. He was training with Ichigo while Fluttershy and their daughter watched from the shade of the Ironwood Tree with Yuzu and Karin. He was wearing an old loose-fitted kimono and using a normal katana.

Ichigo had been outfitted with a brand new gigai thanks to Urahara. This one allowed him better access to his augmented skills as a Shinigami while also letting the living world see them. He was also given a Substitute Shinigami badge to allow him to quickly ditch the gigai. The pass also doubles as a quick transforming zanpakuto, though nowhere near the size of his actual zanpakuto. Asta also taught his brother how to access and use Fullbring powers.

"Come on Asta I thought you were better than that!" Ichigo smirks as he and Asta locked blades.

"Oh yea," Asta smiles back, "I may have taught you a few things but nowhere near everything!"

"How did this all start again Ms. Fluttershy?" Yuzu ponders.

"A sandwich," Fluttershy says as Arorua claps. "All over who can make a better sandwich Dear," She picks up her daughter and holds her up, "You are definitely our father's daughter, enjoying a fight and you are not even old enough to walk yet," she cues.

"Yea give it to Ichi-nii," Karin yells out. "Show him who's boss!"

"You've gotten better at control," Asta notes as they break apart and land.

"Yea, well I DO PRACTICE," Ichigo emphasizes.

"I think that's enough for today," Asta relaxes. "You can have this one bro. I'll see you later."

"Later bubba," Ichigo says and looks over. "Come on girls time to go home."

"Awwwwww....." the twins pout.

"You can both come by the palaces and see Aurora anytime you want girls," Fluttershy says as Asat takes their daughter. "It's getting late and you should listen to your brother."

"She's right Karin," Yuzu agrees. "Besides, you said you teach the neighborhood kids how to play soccer."

"Fine," Karin pouts.

Later at the Castle...

Asta was sitting on his balcony relaxing when he heard the call, the call of displaced… “Hey, this is a call for help. I need a bit more backup for a mission and I got this token from Edward, so I know I can trust whoever you are.”

“Shy,” Asta calls out, “I’ve got a summon I’ll see ya later,” he sighs standing up as a portal opens.

“Be careful,” Fluttershy calls out.

“Will do,” Asta replies walking into the portal.

Abord Roger’s ship inside the token storage room

Roger looked over as a portal opened and out walked a man with shaggy spikey ash blonde hair, a white muscle shirt, black sleeveless collar short robe, a four-point star headband, and blue pants with brown boots. The most notable features were the many scars all over the man’s body the massive dirty-looking claymore as long as the man’s body on his back.

“Oh, you must be the displaced I called. Thanks for coming, my name is Roger.” He held his hand out.

“You said something about Ed?” The man yawned. “Name’s Asta Ferris, and Edward is my older brother.” He tightly gripped Roger’s hand causing the ranger to wince in pain slightly. “Nice to meet ya. Sorry not big on formalities at the moment. What do you need help with?”

“It's fine and cool, first I meet his wives and kids, then I meet his brother? Oh and right now me and my team are taking on Flurious from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive. We already dealt with his brother.” Roger explained while leading Asta out of his ship.

“Let me just make a portal back to Earth, and we can make a plan with the other rangers.” Roger said before he made his sword appear in his hand.

“Fair warning.” Asta spoke up. “I was just in quite a battle so I’m not going to be the friendliest person in the omniverse at the moment. I’m not quite one-hundred-percent full strength either. My dragon took a crushing blow and almost permanently lost her wing. Being linked I’m using a good portion of my healing Qi on her to help in her daily recovery.”

“Damn, that sucks man. Hope she makes a full recovery.” Roger said, and just before he made a portal, someone walked out onto the deck of the ship. It is Eric and he looked surprised to see Roger.

“What the hell are you doing here? And who is this guy?” Eric started walking over.

“Eric, not a good idea.” Roger tried to warn him.

“What's with the weird little cape? Is he some kind of superhero wannabe?” Eric said before flicking Asta’s short robe, and Roger facepalms.

“You can make fun of me all you want.” Asta said before pressure is exerted over the area making it very hard to breathe. Roger recognized this ability as Edward had used it before when the captain had been in his world. Asta’s hand shot out and using only his thumb and pointer finger held Eric up in the air by the face. “But you will not insult the robe of my knights, Am I making myself clear?” Asta glared death straight into the ranger’s eyes as he tossed the man across the room.

“Gah! Why you! Quant-” Eric started before Roger punched him.

“Shut up now Eric, he is not someone to mess with! And before you start that mutant talk, no he is 100% human.” Roger said then looked over at Asta and used telepathy to ask. ‘You are human aren’t you?’

“If you define human as someone who has reinforced magic crystal throughout their body then yeah totally human.” Asta shrugged. “Long strong story short my brother fused the magic foci crystal firm and evil king into my body when it was stabbed into my arm. Other than that I’m human, that has just pushed the boundaries of my physical and spiritual limits.” He said taking the sword from his back, easily wielding it with one hand. “I also use anti-magic as my main power, and this sword is an anti-magic sword that basically eats magic and turns it into anit-magic. I have a few other skills but that’s later.”

Roger took a step away from the sword. “Good to know, let's get to earth. Oh and Eric, try to make some friends here and lighten up before you piss off the wrong guy.” Roger said while looking down at Eric. Then he used his sword to make a portal back to his friends on earth.

On the other side of the portal stood the operation overdrive rangers, Cruger the SPD shadow ranger, Udonna the white mystic force ranger, Mike the Magna defender, Cam the green ninja storm ranger, Spike, Rarity, and two pokemon, an Eevee named Jericho and a Dragonair named Lylla. “Oh look Roger is back!” Spike said, getting the others' attention.

“Quite the assemble you have here,” Asta looks around. “Pokemon eh? Good thing I brought a few of mine.,” he looks at the Eevee. “You’re a strong one aren’t ya?”

Jericho smirks and puffs out her chest. “Vee!”

Roger rolled his eyes and walked through the portal. “Yeah, I got a big group and even more back in Equestria that are resting.” He then used magic to move a large box over to the group and used it as a table.

“I’m guessing you called me in cause you got your asses handed to you by a bad guy and need the extra muscle in a bit of excess.” Asta crossed his arms.

Roger wiggled his hand. “Not exactly, more like I called you so we don’t get our asses kicked. We just killed Moltor and I don’t want us to get overwhelmed by his brother.” He then used magic to make a hologram of the city over the box.

Asta shrugged. “I get it, better safe than sorry." He then looked at the others. “Just a heads up for you magic users, I can use magic too but my thing is actually the opposite in that I mainly rely on anti-magic power and physicality along with martial arts and weapons, mainly swords.”

“I see, well thank you for the warning mister.” Udonna said, nodding her head. “If only you were by our side back when the dark master was on the loose.”

“Fortunately most of us here use technology and not magic. I believe Udonna is the only one that uses magic in our group.” Cruger said.

“I realize that but I wanted to make it known.” Asta explained. “Mostly because my power also has an area effect called Anti-Mana Zone in when invoked it turns all mana in the area into Anti-mana or anti-magic in lay man’s terms. It can drastically affect all in the area, not just mages.”

“Try not to use that near me.” Roger said then tapped his head. “Edward gave me some magic nanites to help with a medical problem I have, I don’t want them to be shut down.”

“It generally only activates when I want it to.” Asta held up a hand. “Or if I get very emotional. If it does activate unless you're like on the brink of death and those things are the only thing keeping ole death at bay you'll be fine. I can just deactivate my field and you’ll be good as new.”

Roger shrugged and made some red dots move from one side of the city to the other. “Alright, so we got some of Moltor's forces to attack his brother, so there is a distraction. Any other information?” He asked the other rangers.

“If we’re there I can tell you a bit more in detail in what we’re gonna be up against as far as heavy hitters go.” Asta added.

Roger looked over. “Any amount of information we can get is good.” Roger then focused and made some holographic controls over by Asta. “Go ahead and add what you know or find out.”

“There are about four sizable powers levels in there from the Qi I’m sensing.” Asta said. “One is very animalistic, two mystical, and one I can’t quite get a feel for. I bet one of the magic types is our ice man.”

Roger rubbed his chin and hummed. “I see, hmm then we will have to split up to take them all out quickly.”

"I do have a few things that could help us out as far as reinforcements go." Asta said. "But first." He looks at Roger. "I need to do something to you."

Roger nodded his head. “Sure, any help we can get will be good.” He said, and then he pointed to the large truck. “We can use the truck if we need somewhere out of the sun.”

"No need." Asta holds up a hand moving behind Roger. "This will feel weird, then pain, fold by relief then more pain then you will feel better than you've felt in years. Hold still," Asta said, raising his hand and forming a claw.

Roger gulped hard recalling how Ed told him his brother was a martial artist, meaning his knowledge of the working of the body wasn't medical like the alchemist but overall, he excelled more in the healing arts than Ed did due to his overall knowledge of the unseen workings of the body.

Asta dug his fingertips into the center of Roger's back and it felt like vines had grown throughout the ranger's inner body keeping him from moving, "That was called Spreading Creeper. It keeps you from moving and crying out in pain while I do this next part." Asta notes cracking his knuckles. "Time to begin." The knight takes in a short breath and speedily works around Roger's body hitting certain pints high and low causing relief in some and great burning pain in others. It felt as if he was being needed like dough and then beaten with a bat. Roger felt muscles he had used in years to breathe anew.

"Now for the final part." Asta placed a palm on the center of Roger's chest and it starts to glow white. "You are very sick, sicker than you let my brother know about. A normal person with this disease wouldn't have survived this treatment from the start but you're not normal." Roger felt an invigorating sensation throughout his entire self.

"I am using my Qi to activate your own. You won't be able to fly around or use energy blasts like in Dragonball but with your Qi now awakened your vitality will return to your ailing body helping you fight your illness again. Know that your perception will be enhanced for a time too. Eat right, train, and exercise you very well could thoroughly beat your illness one day but for now, it is in a deep remission." The king does a quick jab to Roger's chest jab the ranger is free to move again.

Udonna, Cam, and Cruger watch in ah before Rarity breaks the silence. “Pardon me darling, but did you say that Roger was sick?”

Udonna Looked at Roger with disappointment in her eyes before looking at Asta. “That is a very interesting technique. Would you mind showing me it before you leave?”

Roger looked away from the rangers. “I didn’t tell anyone because I don’t want people to focus on it. I just want to get the rangers together so they can beat Zedd and his army.” He tried to walk away but is still locked in place

"Yes, Rarity he is very sick or was at least now. My brother helped by giving Roger machines to keep the sickness in a bit of a catatonic state preventing it from progressing but unable to cure it. He is as healthy as he was in his early teens but the illness still remains but in remission. With my older brother's machines he could stay healthy for hundreds of years." Asta looked from Roger to the others then back to Roger and bowed. "I am sorry for revealing this. I thought it was common knowledge here."

He turned to the snow sorceress. "I can show you the technique but you will not be able to learn it. It deals in the art of simulating the healing of the body through one's natural healing and life forces but agitating the patient's Qi with your own. Depending on the body's state and the overall health of the patient depends on what healing can occur meaning the healing and Techniques changes with each new patient. It took me months to get the basics down and only after a hundred years did I master it myself."

“I see, well perhaps we could make a magic equivalent with enough work.” Udonna said to Asta.

“You say this is a qi healing technique? I believe something similar was covered in basic training.” Cruger said, rubbing his chin.

Roger, now free to move, rubbed his chest. “It’s fine, I get that most people would have told everyone.”

“Why didn’t you trust us?” Spike asked Roger.

"It's not that he didn't trust you, Spike." Asta spoke up. "A man who has been given a chance to do good when he has nothing left in a short time didn't want you to worry about his problem when so much more was at stake." He explained. "The Qi techniques, in this case, depends on the patient, not the healer. If the one the technique is being used on does not have the physical strength needed then the healing will not work. In this, since the healer can offer their own in place but the backlash can cause a rebound with the healer taking the damage instead, causing them to die."

Roger nodded at Spike. “It’s true, I wanted to focus on something more important than myself.” Roger then put his hand on Asta’s shoulder. “But thanks to Asta here I may be able to retire after Zedd is finished off.” Then there is a flash of light under Roger’s hand.

“I see well perhaps I can learn more about your techniques to teach in the S.P.D. academy.” Cruger said.

"If you are willing to break down your own body, to suffer unimaginable pain, to learn how to transform your flesh into the very sword you wield." Asta motions to himself and the numerous scar all over his body. "Then you can learn. Know I earned under the study of many many masters never dedicating to one study in particular." Roger recalls this info too. "I used the differing styles to make my own styles. After a hundred years I was able to master my breathing techniques, perfecting them all." Asta vanishes only to appear next to Cruger, his fingertip only millimeters away from the commander's eye.

"I am not talented in martial arts. Everything I do is because I pushed my body to its limits and then beyond that nearly every day I've lived thus far in my life. Feel like you want to throw up then do it, but then go back to work. Never give up what you strive for."

Cruger takes a step back placing his hand on his sword. “I see, well that sounds a bit too extreme for just cadets.”

Roger looks at his hand and sees a new key in it. This key was a dark red and had an armor look to it. “Huh cool new key.”

"To put it simply." Asta dropped his hand. "Push them to run till they can't anymore, have them climb a tall mount with thin air, and find their way back down by nightfall." He explained. "Lay traps of variation and have them avoid those traps. Wash, rinse, and repeat for a year's time, or three months if you see fit."

Asta looks over. "New key aye." Asta pulled the sword from his back and it starts to radiate black anti-magic. Grabbing a fist full he holds it up to Roger. "Perhaps you'll find this useful, at least more so than that hard-to-control form my brother mentioned you got from him. I have a feeling you'll need this in the upcoming fight."

Roger held out his hand and then pulled it back. “It won’t mess with me, will it? I do have unicorn magic you know.”

"The anti-magic is the suit itself so you won't have access to your magic in that form." Asta explained. "But it won't interfere with your magic or machines internally either. I have unicorn crystal and dark crystal magic myself that I can't use it in my Black form. I can when I just swing my swords but it can be draining and a pain. But no, it won't interfere with your magic but at the same time, you won't be able to use your magic either. Another upside is it being an anti-magic suit oncoming magic or curses won't affect you either."

“I see, then give it here, I can’t use my magic while suited up anyway.” Roger said before grabbing the sword.

"Take this instead." Asta handed over the fist full of anti-magic. "My sword would absorb all of your magic if you held it." Roger pulled back and looked at Asta's fist holding up a hand. Asta opened his fist and in Roger's palm dropped a mini Demon Slayer sword.

Roger caught it and it was quite a bit heavy but he can still lift it. Roger then looked it over, it is a thick black blade with a two-sided edge. “Cool, but this is too small to be a knife.”

Asta easily put his own sword back on his back with one hand. "Yea and that's just a mini replica key version to use with your Morpher." He smirked. "Think how you would have reacted if I'd let you hold the real sword?"

Roger looked at the massive blade on the knight's back, a weapon he easily swung around with one hand as if it weighed as much as a single-handed sword.

“Huh, another key?” Roger takes a second look at it and sees a rainbow of energy covering it for a few seconds. “Well, that proves it will work. It’s funny you’re the second person to make a key for me, normally they just pop into existence.”

"I'm guessing the first would be my older brother." Asta looked at the ranger who nodded. "Don't ask how it works cause I have no clue. I'm guessing it has something to do with your void energy or something about you coming into contact with my anti-magic. If I had to guess you could easily get keys from other displaced this way too. I'm also stabbing at this but they could also be more powerful than the ones that pop just into existence too."

“Possible, I will have to try these out later.” Roger said before using his sword to make a small portal and dropped the two keys in.

"I highly recommend saving the Demon Slayer key as a trump card." Asta suggested. "Our main baddy relies on magic so he would be at a severe disadvantage if you can keep from using it until then." He pulled something that looks like a card reader off his belt, holding it he said. "Transport Behemoth." Out of the device shots a monster of a bike. "This B." Asta patted the bike and it softly reved its engine as he returned his device to his belt. "I'll be riding him into battle. As for the backup I mentioned." He said reaching onto his belt again and then holding up both hands with eight pokeballs in between his finger. "I have Rayquaza, Lucario, Dragonite, Growlithe, Pyroar, Greninja, Gyarados, and Braviary."

“Oh cool, I have always wanted to meet some of those kinds of pokemon. Maybe before you leave I can get a group picture.” Roger said with a smile, while his pokemon came over to him.

"I don't mind but they might." Asta informs Roger. "These are rescued Pokemon who were abandoned by their trainers and or owners that were given to me by another displaced after he rescued them and let them live in a sanctuary. They're very wary of people and aren't quick to trust, outside Rayquaza but even then you have to be careful around it. Being a shiny and a rare shiny on top of that means it was frequently hunted, also beware that if you have cake it won't even give a second thought about fitting you in its mouth."

“Yikes, well I will be careful.” Roger said, shaking his head. “Well, is there anything else we should do before we start the mission?” Roger asked while spinning his gun on a finger.

"There is one thing." Asta remarked leaning against Behemoth as his grimoire floated up next to him opening to spit out a notebook, ink, saucer, quill, and needle. "How would you like another edge in magic in the form of your own unique personal magic that now creature other than you or one of your descendants can use?"

“Oh? That sounds amazing. Though I doubt I will have any kids.” Roger said, waving his hand, then asked. “So what do we do?”

"See this." Asta pointed to the materials. "Add a drop of blood to the ink." He said, pouring a bit of the ink into the saucers. "Stir thoroughly. Then write your name on the front page of the notebook with the ink and quill. After that, it's all me." Asta pointed to himself. "You will have to endure a bit of pain though and another piece of advice, don't say you won't have kids here. We owe it to ourselves and those we love and our family to try and have children, even if they're not yours by blood but by the bonds we create. I refer to some of my disciples as my children cause that's how I see them, though I do have a daughter with Fluttershy who was born not that long ago."

Roger smiled a bit and chuckles. “Oh, I know all that, I just want to make sure the universe is safe before even thinking about that.” He said before using his sword to cut his finger letting a few drops of blood mix with the ink, then he stirred the ink. After it was mixed well he opened the notebook and wrote out his name.

"Good now hold onto that notebook and this is going to hurt, a lot." Asta smirked as his grimoire flips to another page. "Now, PUBLISHING MAGIC!!" Asta said aloud. "Grimoire Publishing!"
Black Lightning shoots from Asta's grimoire to the notebook in Roger's grip and spreads all over his body, racking his body with unimaginable pain. It hurt so much that Roger wanted to cry out but found he couldn't, then there was a small silence and then a poof of smoke as Roger found himself standing there the book no longer a notebook or in his hands. It was floating just above his hands, covered in crimson red cover, with a three-leaf clover in a dark purple magic.

Roger looked the cover over. “Huh, a three-leaf clover? What does that mean?” He asked before he opened the book.

"It means you have the most common type of grimoire." Asta shrugged.

Roger shrugged and read the first spell. “Huh, this sounds like fire-based magic, cool.”

"Don't just stand there and keep it to yourself." Asat said, pulling a notepad from his back pocket. "Give it a try and let's see what you got."

Roger nodded and turned to face a tree and holding out a hand. “Ok, um… Exploding Fireball!” He called out then magic surged from his grimoire to his hand before a fireball shoots out of his hand slamming into the tree and exploding, breaking the tree and a half.

"Looks like you got flame magic." Asta writes down the magic. "That spell was a creation type that looked like Magna Swings's Exploding FireBall."

“Really? I wonder what this spell does.” Roger said pointing at one of the glowing spells then to his surprise a dark purple flame comes out of the grimoire then forms into a small wyrm with two wings. “Ok, this is weird.”

"Another creation type spell." Asta points out. "That... looks like the flame Spirit Salamander, but in black and purple. I think I'll call your magic Dark Flame magic but you also have Spirit magic, which I must point out is very rare. Also, that thing can leave you of its own accord if it wants to, it's not a spell but a Manifestation of living flames of Darkness."

“Ok, that is super cool.” Roger said then looked at the small flame spirit. “Hi, do you want to help me kick some bad guy butt?” He asked the spirit.

"You need to be careful with that thing." Asta warned. "If it is like the Salamander from the story your emotions have a heavy influence on its developmental growth, physical form, and overall mindset. Eventually, when it's matured enough you'll be able to perform a union spell called Spirit Dive that lets you take on a Dark Flame form where you and spirit are one and the same basically. Uber Powerful stuff that has a time let it to how long you can be like that."

“Right, then I should keep track of my emotions.” Roger nodded and then held up the book. “Anything else I should know?”

"Let me reiterate this." Asta cleared his throat. "It is a Manifested Spirit of Pure magic that has a mind all its own. It can lend you large quantities of its power should it allow you to, due to its immaturity it will likely do so without having to be asked. Don't rely on it too much, only if you're in a corner and have nowhere else to go, at least until you have a better understanding of your own magic power."

Roger nodded and put his sword over his shoulder. “Right, well I probably won't rely on magic too much but I'll keep that in mind when I do use magic.”

"Again, that thing has a mind Of. It's. Own." Asta emphasized. "It is here and will stay manifested without your permission to exist or not. It will use magic on its own whether you told it to r not if it wants to. The trick is teaching it right from wrong, not controlling it like raw power without a consciousness." He pointed to the little wyrm. "If it wants to run around without you it will."

“I understand that and will do my best to teach it. But I will probably only use my magic when I am trying to be stealthy.” Roger said then he looked at the other rangers. “Is everyone ready to fight?”

"I need to point out a major flaw in your magic." Asta said, raising a finger then clears his throat. "Your magic is going to be anything but stealthy!" He points at the exploded still smoking trees.

Roger just looked at Asta with a frown. “That is just the first spell I am sure not all of them will be that explosive.” Roger shook his head and put the grimoire into a large pocket on the inside of his coat. “Alright let’s move on and take out Flurious before he realizes his brother is dead and take command over the entire city and overrun us for foot soldiers.”

"Sure." Asta said leaning against his Behemoth. "And how shall we start this attack? A forward assault on the fortress I would expect. Let's hit it with a massive blast on all sides to really rattle and unnerve their forces. With the troops all scared and scatterbrained, it'll be utter chaos inside as they try and make sense of it all. It will definitely take them too long to get all of the foot soldiers focused on nearly all different attacking directions. One on all sides and above."

“That is a good idea.” Roger said with some of the rangers' nods. “Let’s kick some bad guy butt.”

"You guys take the fortress from the ground then." Asta stood up and is engulfed in Anti-magic from his grimoire then it quickly fades to reveal a form of armor.

(This is the Armor)

He then threw a few of his pokeballs into the air, having Braviary, Dragonite, and Rayquaza come out. Roger was a bit stunned at the red Rayquaza, if not a bit jealous, as it loomed over them looking down with crystal blue eyes.

"These guys and I will take on the air assault." Asta said. "No offense to you guys but the only one who I know could possibly fly would be Udonna using her vehicle or flight magic. I have both but I can't use my magic item while using anti-magic and B won't let just anyone ride him." He placed a hand on the bike who slightly revved in agreement. "If you have any objections speak now or forever hold your peace." He remarks holding a hand up to his face as Anti-magic covers his head and hardens then flakes away to reveal a helmet.

(The Helmet)

Roger chuckled and held out a fist. “I have no objections, just watch out for any civilians that might be held captive or just trying to hide.”

"I didn't sense any through Qi. Any civies that were there aren't anymore." Asta said darkly. "Dead or turned to monsters." He said with a solemn tone. "I'm not going in this for blood." He said getting on Behemoth and slightly revving the monster bike. "If I can see they can be saved I'll do so, if they're so far gone then I'll give them quick deaths to put them out of their misery." He looked over his shoulder as anti-magic started to come from the eye holes of his helmet.

Roger sighed and nodded. “I understand. Stay safe and see you inside.” He then looked at his pokemon. “You guys can either fight outside and make sure we don’t get flanked or head inside with us, I trust your judgment.” The pokemon nod.

"I have one that might help them out." Asta said, throwing up another pokeball to have his Lucario come out. It was a bit different than the normal Lucario as its colors were inverted to have a creamy coat with blue chest fur. "Lucario can lead and or look out for them. His Aura skill would help them inside the castle to help shake the enemy up once we hit the base. We hit from the outside while they hit from the inside."

“Sounds good, nice to meet you.” He said to the Pokémon then smirked. “Make sure my friends come back alright?” Roger said to Lucario.

Lucario looked over to the others and then back to Roger giving a stern look and. "Rowfs." With a nod before looking at Asta.

"Look after them in there." Asta pointed. "Use Dig to get inside then wait till you hear us pounding the outside. You won't be able to miss it. You three will hit them hard from the inside."

Lucario nodded and then used 'Dig' to burrow into the ground quickly disappearing into a burrow with Roger's pokemon following straight away.

“Alright with them already starting, I guess it’s up to us humans-“ Roger started then Cruger cleared his throat. “-us rangers to start attacking the outside.”

"Nice save." Asta bluntly deadpans. "Looks like we have another army already on the move." He looks over his shoulder. "A lot of little Qi's. Possible remnants from another big bady." He cracked his knuckles as he sat on Behemoth and reached down into his grimoire to pull out two large handguns, one black, and one silver.

Asta then placed the weapons in holsters on either side of Behemoth's seat. "A little something to save cursed souls." He looks at Roger. "Let's get things started." He said as he revved Behemoth and then shoots off into the sky, driving on the air with the pokemon flying behind the king. "B, let's get this thing started off right." He smirked and hit a button on Behemoth's dash and music started to resonate from the beastly machine.

“At least he has good taste in music.” Roger said with a smirk then looked at his friends. “You Heard him, let’s kick some bad guy butt.” The rangers nod and run towards the frozen castle, Roger was the first to attack as he shot his pistol at some chillers and lava lizards that were fighting.

"Rayquaza, Hyper Beam!"

"Braviary, Aurora Beam!"

"Dragonite, Draco Meteor!"

Asta shouts to his partners who immediately comply with their individual attacks, blasting the Ice castle from high above in the sky with a barrage of blows.

Asta looks down into the crowd and takes note of Roger. "B, you're in charge of steering." Asta told his mount of a monster machine as he reaches down to pull out the large handguns. He twirls the weapons on his trigger fingers and then catches them holding them level with his head, "I'm not usually one for guns but in this case, I like the feel of these." He remarks controlling his breathing, as he points the pistols down into the crowd. "Let those tortured by fire and ice be saved this black rain, Amen." Asta recites this prayer as the pistols turn solid black with anti-magic. "BLACK BULLET!" He shouts and fires explosive black shots into the army laying down cover fire for Roger and the others

Roger sees the barrage of bullets rain down hitting the enemy army and smirks. “I knew calling him was a good idea.” Roger uses his sword to cut a chiller before kicking it away.

Cruger uses his sword to make his way through a large crowd of chillers and lava lizards. Udonna uses her ice magic to freeze the lava lizards, then Mike and Cam smash them working together. Each of the overdrive rangers are using their individual civilian powers to hold off both armies, while Rarity uses her magic to trip up as many of them as she can, then Spile breathes fire on them.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but." Asta said, jumping off Behemoth next to Roger firing more explosive shots. "But these small fries will eat up all our guys' stamina before we even get a chance to hit the big four. We'll be too tired to fight anyone in the enemies' upper tiers period." He cross-fires a lava lizard and chiller on either side of him right in the mouth. "You have an area affect abilities, or do I need to bust out a couple of mine?"

“Right, good point.” Roger looks at the rangers. “Everyone behind me!” As the others got behind him he pulled out his grimoire as it began to glow with magic, he held his hands forward and called out. “Exploding Fireball times five!” launching five fireballs out, spread out enough so when they explode they cover a large amount of the area. “Whoa, good thing I have a high amount of magic.” He said after shaking his head.

"Now it's my turn." Asta remarks, throwing his guns back into his grimoire then turning to the rangers, "Whatever you do." He throws up a hand and then extends three fingers from it. As the king did this the earth around the ranger sprang to life and formed into a dome above the. "Don't come out from under that umbrella. The rest of these are mine." He says as he starts to almost dance about, yet one could still see this was a martial arts form of sorts.

Then fire starts to shoot from the king's fists into the atmosphere. The more fire he shot into the clouds the darker and darker it got. Even amidst all of this, the chillers and lava lizards continued to fight, Asta merely cutting them down in the process. Soon the clouds roared to life with thunder as rain started to fall over the fields, the chiller freezing the water as they jumped with joy, the lava lizards screeching with pain.

Asta breathing heavily wiped his brow, "Took longer than I thought but I can't bust out avatar state just yet, need to have some trump cards still." He chuckles light to himself. "Time to bring down the house." He says running, and then. "Fly." A blue aura briefly covers him as he starts to fly into the air, simultaneously using fire bending to increase his speed through the air.

“Damn he has got a lot of skills.” Mike said watching Asta fight.

Cruger nods “Indeed, and I suspect is still holding back.

Cam rubs his chin. “Maybe after all this is over and we get the ninja academy back under our control we can open up the fourth branch and have it be about fire.” He said thinking out loud.

Udonna watches as the rain hurts the lava lizards and seems to make the chillers happy. “Amazing, he was able to change the weather without the use of magic.”

Roger smirks and watches Asta fly high into the sly. “I think he's about to deliver a big attack.”

"This is going to be way bigger than last time." Asta says to himself aloud as he lands on a cloud. "It's a good thing my natural sky dragon magic acts as a protector against this lightning. Now," he cracks his knuckles. "Phase two..."

Asta starts to bound around, kicking off the air in order to get around, tearing apart the clouds and throwing them into one another causing even more lightning to discharge into the air.

He looks over at the clouds and feels the energy in the air with his Qi. "Not enough, I need more lightning!" He bounces about in random directions more and more creating more and more lightning until the atmosphere is completely electrified.

"Alright, Phase three." Asta remarks, landing on a cloud and taking a stance. He forms his hands into fists with his middle and pointer fingers extended outward. He then starts motioning them into circles drawing all of the lightning and electricity in the air into a lightning circle in front of himself. Asta began to float and then he kicked the air rocketing himself downwards toward the ground

"Take this you evil freaks!" Asta yells as he breaks through the bottom cloud layer surrounded by lightning in the shape of a massive western dragon. "Blitz Erpel Oberherr(Lightning Drake Overlord)!" Asta thrust his right hand forward directing the dragon down into the field.

With a thundering roar, the drake crashes into the field and bursts sending electricity into all of the soaked chillers and lava lizards. The discharge immediately fires them all to a burnt charred crisp as they fall to the ground, dead.

Asta lands in front of the ranger with a stern look as he huffs. "That should... take care of them..." He snickers as electricity sparks from his body as his already spiky hair stood up. like a super Saiyan.

“Whoa! That was amazing! And that cool dragon thing was unbelievable!” Spike said getting close to Asta.

“Hell yeah, that was cool.” Roger said, smirking. “Need a breather?”

“I must say that was quite the show.” Rarity said.

"Very much so, yes." Asta says as the pokemon land behind him along with Behemoth. "Time is not on our side so this will be a short breather." He remarks leaning against the structure he'd made earlier. "Unfortunately, that move is a double-edged sword and takes a lot of control with both bending and weather magic. The latter is not something I have in spades when away from my dragon, even more so seeing she is injured and it takes a good deal of our magic to help heal her wound. My Qi can only do so much on magical beasts after all." he looks over to Roger. "How about another grimoire test." Roger nods. "See if you don't have access to a restoration spell. The move was very taxing on my body."

“Right, let’s see here.” He looks through his grimoire and then points to something. “Ok, this sounds like a healing spell.” He clears his throat and then faces Asta before reciting what is written in his grimoire. “Flame of life and health.” A small fire surrounds Asta and quickly turns into a small tornado of black and purple flames as it engulfs the king.

"Aaaa...." Asta lets out a sigh of relief as he stands up and moves his right arm in a circle popping a few bones. "Much better. No more fatigue or muscle soreness. Though I'm still out of magic power." he opens and closes his fist. "Not like I really use magic a lot anyways though. It was worth it to take out the army, your four keep any stragglers out," he ordered his group who merely not and took to the skies again. "We have things to do inside," he looks at Roger. "Lead the way captain.”

“Right, but I think I will save my magic for later, and start using my ranger powers now.” Roger said before he put his grimoire away and pulled out his Morpher and key. “Set sail!” He then morphed and rolled his neck.

“Alright, let’s move people.” He then started running towards the entrance and the others follow him.

"You don't happen to have a spare green ranger key and Morpher would you?" Asta asked.

“I have Bioman Green2, Flashman green flash, Maskman X-1, the green key from the 2017 movie, last galaxy green, time force green, mystic force green, jungle fury elephant ranger, Solar green, ninja steel green, HyperForce green, beast morphers green, Kiramager green, and the Green Hunter Beetleborg.” Roger told Asta as they ran into the castle and headed down a hallway.

"That's a lot, should've been more specific." Asta scratched his head. "I was hoping for Tommy's in all honesty. Always liked the dragon dagger flute trumpet deal. Former band nerd here." Asta thought. "Now that I think about it, it'd be best to use the Samurai Ranger. I utilize all of my physical power and swordsmanship with it."

“Well as for Tommy’s.” Roger pointed at Spike who is wearing the Mighty Morphin green suit. “Spike is wearing it right now.” Then he points at Cam. “And he is the only green samurai ranger I have, I do have blue and gold samurai though.”

"Cam's is more my style." Asta said. "I also like his because he was based off The Dragon Ranger." He looked at Roger. "If I have to get one of the others I'll take gold, that's if you mind someone else using your powers though?" Asta turned to Cam.

Roger tossed Asta the gold samurai key. “Here, just hold the key up and call out the morph call, ‘go go samurai’ and get ready for a ride.” He chuckled then added. “Also you can’t use the same power as someone else while they are morphed.”

"Guess that makes sense." Asta rubbed his chin. "Once something is already in use there is no way for someone else to use that same power." He looks at Spike. "Do you mind if I see your Dragon Dagger for a moment?"

“Oh uh sure.” Spike handed Asta his Dragon Dagger.

The group stopped at an intersection and Roger looked at Asta. “What are you planning?”

"Go, Go Samurai!" Asta called out and is immediately surrounded by gold light, then the gold samurai’s kanji appears around his feet. The kanji then swarm around him, traveling up his body and he emerged clad in a blue and gold suit. "Not my fav ranger." He snapped and his grimoire floated up next to him, he then pulls out the Demon Slayer sword but instead of dirty and grungy it is clean and sparkling with a gold hilt.

"That's more my style." He smirked under his helmet placing the sword on his back. "Now about this." He said holding the dagger with the blade pointed down. "If I'm right I may be able to draw out something that can be a big advantage in this fight for you." Asta said as he concentrates on the blade until a pommel slide open and out shoots a thin emerald green blade.

(Kinda like this)

Roger stared in shock. “How the hell did you do that? I never saw Tommy do that before, and I don’t remember Burai doing that either.”

"It was actually a feature from a toy back in 2009 when they launched that game or something like that." Asta explained as the blade retracted back into the handle of the dagger and he handed it back to Spike.

"The fact it has the feature as a toy made me curious, so I thought maybe it was a feature that was a concept for the show that was meant to replace the sword of evil Tommy used in the show but was shot down due to some reason or another. I used what little of the dragon magic I had left coupled with the Morphin Grid energy and there ya go. Just concentrate.” He told Spike.

"Um... okay..." Spike said as he mimicked Asta and the blade immediately shoots out startling everyone. "Well, hehe... that was easier than I thought."

"I thought that might happen." Asta said. "It's easier due to it being your weapon, and I have to say." Asta powers down. "That suit is getting on my nerves. Do you have anything else, like Daggeron or Koragg?"

“Yeah, I got both Koragg keys and the gold mystic force.” Roger said and summoned the three keys showing them to Asta. “Oh and Rarity and Spike are just using the keys like you, they aren’t full rangers, so expect to feel exhausted after all this.”

"Darkness or fire." Asta weighed his options. "Definitely darkness."

"Exhaustion is just another thing to push through to become stronger." Asta noted. "Most of the time anyways."

“Maybe, but the way I see it. It takes more stamina to use the keys if you aren't already connected with the Morphin Grid.” Roger said, then added. “Just be careful with this, don’t want the dark magic corrupting you, I almost lost myself when I used a key your brother gave me.” When he gave Asta the purple Koragg key.

"Ed's power is." Asta showed a slight bit of fear. "Dangerous, and I'm guessing you saw it at its worst. I saw a form he said was his true self and it was downright nasty looking." He took the key. "And don't you know, dark magic is still just magic. It's not just dark magic that corrupts."

“Yeah, when I ended up in his world I helped him come back to his senses after Sombra showed him something fucked up and Malice got loose.” Roger said, shaking his head, then added. “And yeah most dark magic isn’t the corrupting factor but this power came from the dark master and even corrupted the red ranger for a little while.”

"Trust me, I have something that hates demons and shit and will keep my mind safe. Especially if it means he gets to slaughter demons. Let's give this a try." Asta smirked, taking the key. "Magical Source, Mystic Force!” He calls out and purple lightning surrounds the king, transforming into a purple armored Knight Wolf. "Ah, this is much more my style." He says in a deepened voice. "I have an idea." He says looking at the others.

Roger crossed his arms. “Alright you seem to still be in control, let's hurry and find the boss here before anyone else shows up.”

"Seeing as I have the shield and heavy armor." Asta held up the shield. "I'll be the frontline tank."

“Right, let’s head right.” Roger said, pointing down the right path, only for a large group of Chillers to come into view. “Or maybe left, left is good.”

"Is it just me or are they actually running from something?" Asta tilted his head.

“Now that you say it.” Roger started, then the Chillers run past the rangers, Asta, Rarity, and Spike. “Yep, they are running, but from what?” He said watching them run away.

“Vee eevee!” Was heard behind them. Everyone looked to see most of the Pokémon with Jericho in front of the group.

"Raaarooo!" Lucario rushed behind while waving a Bone Bash above its head.

Roger gives him a thumbs up. “Good work, all of you. Say, before you leave, maybe I can get a group picture to add to my collection.” Roger chuckled and then asked. “By the way, do any of you know which way to Flurious?”

He then taps his chin. “Also to make things easier with communication would you mind if I use telepathy to understand all of you?” He asked the Pokémon.

"Don't bother." Asta said. "Lu only talks with other pokemon. If you try to use telepathy you'll get a massive headache. Twi tried it once when he wasn't aware and she had a migraine for a week. It took me training with him in the snow and ice of the Neighpon mountains for nearly three years before he actually trusted me enough to use his aura to communicate."

Roger shrugged. “That’s why I asked, but go ahead and translate for him then.”

“Oh, I don’t know how but I think Pinkie knew I would meet someone like him.” Rarity said pointing at Lucario, then she demorphed and pulled out a small brown paper bag. “Pinkie said to give this to a ‘grumpy doggy that needs some cheering up.’ I wasn’t sure what she meant till now.”

"He's not grumpy Rarity and don't get any closer to him." Asta warned as Lucario glared with a snarl. "Lucario doesn't trust easily to begin with and he's had his fair share of bad experiences. He doesn't trust humans, I'm pretty sure he still doesn't trust me all the way either. I wouldn't push him anymore. The fact that he's still standing there is a feat in itself."

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that darling.” Rarity said to Lucario without getting any closer. “Would it be ok with you if I gave these to mister Asta in case you want them later?”

Roger looked at Asta. “If you don’t have the recipes maybe you should ask Pinkie, she might somehow know the recipes for pokepuffs and other pokemon foods.”

"I'll ask but these guys don't care for baked goods and treats like that, except for Rayquaza the sweet-toothed bastard." Asta said while taking the bag and placing it inside his grimoire. "They prefer food that they grow and fix themselves. They're closer in nature to wild pokemon than captured ones. Usually, I leave them be, to do their own things."

“Neat, so where do we go?” Roger asked Asta.

"How about down the hall that the chillers came screaming down." Asta said flatly as he pointed.

Roger shrugged. “Sure, good enough.” Roger started walking past the Pokémon. “Oh and thanks for watching out for my friends Lucario.”

"Rou..." Lu sounded then went his own way.

"I think that's all you're going to get from him." Asta said while following.

“Fair enough, I won’t force him to be my friend.” Roger said, then they entered a large room. Roger looked around before there is the sound of booming stomping coming from the only other exit. “Uh oh, sounds like we have some company coming!”

"Enough waiting." Asta reeled his shield back, and slammed it into the door, sending it flying off its hinges.

Right in the room was a purple psycho ranger and Flurious standing on the other side of the room.

"What da ya know." Asta commented. "Winter was right around the bend..."