• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,379 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 22

Celestia and Luna looked at the portal, waiting for the being to come through. “Sister, do you think this being can help us with our current Titan problem?” Luna asked Celestia.

“I hope so, Equestria had already suffered so much from the Titans before, I do not want our little ponies to suffer again. Especially to the one who is able to kill the other Titans.” Celestia said, just as they saw a figure exit the portal.

A man in a red suit with armor came flying through the portal with a sword ready for a strike. “-aaaamn!” He yelled before sliding to a stop. “Damn it!” He ran for the portal but it closed before he could get to it.

“I take it you are Roger?” Celestia asked the man.

The man turned to face them. “Yeah, that’s my name, you better have a damn good reason to call me.” He said before stabbing the sword into the marble floor.

“We do, and trust us when we say all of Equestria relies on your aid.” Celestia said a serious look on her face which gained Roger's focus.

Roger sighed and powered down, his suit and armor disappearing in flashes of red leaving him in a shirt, pants, and a red pirate jacket. He looked like a white anthro unicorn that had black hair with red tips. “Start talking, I have some villains of my own to deal with back home.”

The two nodded their heads. "Very well, we are currently dealing with a threat that is far more dangerous than any of the villains of Equestria’s past, ones that even we, the alicorns, cannot defeat.” Celestia said before Luna continued.

“They are called Titans, creatures of immense size and power, far bigger than a dragon and much stronger than us.” Luna said.

Roger groaned and rubbed his face. “Oh god, I am in an attack on Titan Universe.” He muttered.

“Attack on Titan? What nonsense are you speaking?” Luna asked him.

“Calm yourself, Luna, we need his help to defeat the Titans, or else all of Equestria and possibly the world is doomed.” Celestia said to Luna.

Roger rolled his neck. “So are they large ponies or humans?” He asked while heading to the closest window.

The two alicorns gave him confused looks. “Ok, maybe Luna was correct in her questioning. What nonsense are you talking about?” Celestia asked him, confusing him.

“You said you have a titan problem, and those are the only kind I know of. Large versions of the local population that eat the normal people.” He said before looking out the window.

The two paled in disgust and terror at that. “What?! Why would our own ponies become the very monsters that nearly killed all of Equestria?!” Celestia asked,

Roger turned to face them. “I could be wrong, what do these titans look like?” He asked them.

“They look like various creatures seen in Equestria, though some of them look like creatures never seen before.” Celestia explained.

Roger gave them a flat look. “Do you know how little that narrows it down, just…I don’t know, show me a picture or something.”

Luna just growled in annoyance. “Fine! Here!” Luna said as she used her magic to create an image of a Titan that was known back then as Trespasser. “Happy?!”

Roger rubbed his chin. “Ah, a Kaiju! Took me a bit to remember them.” Roger nodded his head.

“Kai-joo? What an odd name to call them.” Celestia said while Luna just scoffed.

“Does it matter what they are called? All that matters now is that they need to be wiped out before they destroy all of Equestria! Especially him.” Luna said and Celestia nodded her head while Roger looked a bit confused.

Roger crossed his arms and hummed in thought. “I admit I don’t know all the different kaiju but I know at least a few of them are good, if a bit clumsy.”

“You are wrong, all Titans are evil. We have seen it for ourselves.” Luna said with narrowed eyes as she looked at the image of the Trespasser. “The thought of a good Titan is laughable and foolish.” She then made it disappear.

Roger rubbed his chin while thinking. “I could have sworn there was a large turtle that protects children or something.” But then he shrugged. “I can check out the one giving you the most trouble but chances are they are like me, a Displaced.”

“Displaced?” Both of them asked at the same time but before Roger could answer their question, a pegasus guard burst into the throne room.

“Your majesties! The Titan is attacking Manehattan! It’s destroying everything in sight! Leaving no survivors!” The guard shouted in panic, causing the two alicorns' eyes to widen in fear before Celestia turned to Roger.

“Please say that you’ll help kill this Titan before it takes more lives!” Celestia said to him.

“I will stop them but killing one will upset the balance of nature of your world…if I'm remembering the mythology right.” Roger said before rolling his neck. “I need to get there fast so unless you have the power to teleport me I need to get outside.”

“Here we go again with this balance nonsense.” Celestia muttered under her breath before nodding. “Yes, we can bring us to Manehattan now.”

“The reason why we are going is to see if you are able to kill the Titan that now plagues us.” Luna said as she and Celestia made their horns glow.

Roger grabbed his Morpher and one of his keys. “Alright, well if they are truly evil I am in the monster-killing business.”

“Good.” Celestia said before in a flash, they had appeared on the outskirts of Manehattan, or what was left of it. Large plumes of smoke rose from the city while various buildings had toppled or were destroyed. “No…”

“We…we are too late…Manehattan is gone…” Luna said as she and Celestia had heartbroken looks on their faces while Roger looked at the city, just barely able to see a silhouette of something big in the smoke but it disappeared.

Roger frowned and changed the key was holding. “I don’t know if this will work but…I honestly hope it does.” He slid the key into his Morpher and called out. “Omni force, go ultimate!” His morpher calls out, ‘Displaced!’ before he is covered in a bright blue flash and has a new suit on. The suit was a light blue suit over his body and a dark blue hourglass shape was formed on his chest, with black and gray lines forming around the hourglass distinguishing it from the rest of the blue. A sideways black hourglass forming on his navy blue helmet forming his vizor as machine code flows down from the top of his vizor.

He tapped the helmet a few times before an image of a clockwork-like robot appeared on his visor. “Ok, time to see what this can do.” He held his hands out as a blue bubble formed around the city.

“What are you doing?” Celestia asked him.

“I am attempting to rewind time or at the very least look into the past to see what happens.” He said as the bubble started to move.

Blue images of the buildings appeared over the destroyed ones, at first nothing happened, then something started destroying them from the other side, causing ponies to run in terror. The three of them continued watching as the Titan kept destroying buildings left and right, their form hidden by the much taller skyscrapers.

Roger sighed, stopping the time bubble, and powered down. “I am sorry I couldn’t bring the city back.” He held up a red key. “But whoever it was is still close by, Lightspeed rescue!” He called out and his Morpher called out, ‘GoGoFive!’ as a red and white shield appeared in front of him and moved closer before covering him as he passed through it. Once on the other side, he stood in the red Lightspeed Rescue ranger uniform.

“How is an outfit change going to deal with the Titan?” Luna asked him, growing annoyed.

Roger snapped his fingers and a portal opened before train tracks came out, followed by a large black train. “I plan on fighting the titan on an equal playing field. If you want to help you can, however I am in charge.”

“I’m afraid our assistance will be useless as we are no match for the Titans.” Celestia said.

“It is your choice, but if you aren’t helping me pilot this thing, then try and keep as many people out of the line of fire as possible.” Roger said before jumping up and getting inside the train.

“We will do our best.” Luna said.

“Good luck Roger, and please, end this nightmare before it continues.” Celestia said next.

“Well do, and perhaps you can get me some kind of reward for this.” He said before he started the train and the tracks lifted up, sending him flying into the air before the cars transformed into a large robot, the size of a small skyscraper. It lands outside of manehattan and starts heading around what's left of the city, heading in the same direction as the shadow he saw when they first arrived.

He made sure to keep his guard up, with all the smoke and still-standing buildings, the Titan could attack him from out of nowhere. He kept walking for about five to ten minutes and there were still no signs of the Titan, making him frustrated and worried that it might have left.

Roger checked the radar and other symptoms in the Megazord for any sign of the titan. “Where did they go?”

Suddenly, something rammed into him, knocking him into a building but before he could see it, the thing had disappeared into the smoke. “Damn it.” He groaned and swung one of the Megazord’s arms in an attempt to blow away the dust and smoke.

The thing then slashed at the Megazord's back, knocking him forward but Roger managed to spin around and hit the Titan in the face with the back of his hand, causing it to roar in surprise instead of pain but the blow had managed to send it back into the smoke.

“Alright big guy, come out of the smoke and take your beating like a man.” Roger said over the loudspeaker.

A growl was heard behind Roger causing him to turn around only to have something bite down on the Megazord's neck, sharp teeth tearing into the metal while claws began slashing at the rest of it, causing warning sirens to blare around Roger.

The cockpit around Roger exploded with sparks a bit. “Damn it.” He punched the titan’s stomach a few times before he lost control over the limbs. “Time to abandon ship.” He ran out of the Megazord and jumped down to the ground quickly picking another key.

He heard an explosion before the head of the Megazord fell next to him, causing him to look at the Titan. He froze when he saw just what or rather, who attacked him, fierce amber eyes glared at him as the owner held the headless body of the Megazord before letting out a roar.


“Holy shit, Godzilla.” Roger said before he morphed again. “Wild access!” And his Morpher called out ‘Gaoranger!’ as a hologram of a red lion appears around him he transforms into the red Wild Force ranger.

“Wild zords, descend!” He called while running from Godzilla. A portal opened as a red lion, blue shark, black bison, white tiger, and yellow eagle came out of the portal.

Godzilla saw the zords and roared again before trying to blast them with his signature Atomic Breath. “Hey, don’t you dare hurt them!” Roger yelled up before he jumped into the air and landed on the red lion.

Godzilla just roared as he continued to try and blast the Wild Zords, managing to graze the Shark Zord’s dorsal fin. “Wild zords, combie!” Roger yelled while the zords got some distance and the Bison opened a lid compartment, which was actually its quadruped torso, and the Lion became the main torso while the Shark and White Tiger Wildzords became the arms. The Eagle would perch itself atop the Lion Zord's head, and all four Zords would rest within the opened Bison's torso.

Roger leaped into a cockpit that formed within the Lion, then he placed his Crystal Saber within the console of the same shape. The Bison's torso would swivel outward to become the Megazord's legs. Then the Eagle would fold its wings in, assimilating itself into the Lion Zord's torso, and the main head would rise from the rest of the combination Zord. “Wild Force Megazord online!”

The Megazord used one of the shark zord’s fins as a sword and got ready for a fight. “Alright big guy, why don’t you calm down before I have to kick your scaly butt.”

Godzilla just roared before charging at him, throwing the body of the train Megazord at him as he did. Roger caught the body but ended up getting rammed into a building by Godzilla then getting slammed into another, knocking it down, Godzilla roared as he started clawing at the Megazord's face.

Roger groaned as the whole cockpit shook and sparked. He made the sword cut the chest of Godzilla. “Get off my megazord you overgrown lizard!”

The King of Monsters just grunted in pain but continued his assault, tearing off chunks of metal with his claws before spinning around and slamming his tail into the Wild Force Megazord's side, sending Roger tumbling across the ground.

Roger groaned and looked around. “I am not losing another zord. Go rest.” He ordered before leaving the Megazord, then both the Wild Megazord and Super Train Megazord disappeared through portals.

Roger held up one more key. “If this doesn’t work then I will have to call the big guns.” He said before turning the key in his Morpher and calling out. “SPD Emergency!” Then his morpher calls out, ‘Dekaranger!’ while a red hologram appears in front of him and covers him, changing his suit to the red SPD ranger.

“Alright time to call in my zords.” He said but before he could he had to run as Godzilla tried to step on him.

Godzilla roared as he continued to try and stomp on Roger, almost stepping on him a few times. He then grew annoyed while his spines started glowing blue, and Roger knew what that glow meant.

“Oh fuck that! Delta Runners come to me!” He called before five portals opened and a red car came out and ran into Godzilla’s head, knocking him back a bit, then a blue gyrocopter came out of the second portal before shooting at Godzilla’s feet. A green eighteen-wheeler came out of the third portal and slammed into the back of Godzilla’s knees, knocking him onto his back.

A yellow armored truck came out of a fourth portal and stopped next to Roger and the others, followed by a small pink buggy-like vehicle. Roger got inside the red car and the five vehicles began transforming while Godzilla got up. The red car folds upward and then two mechanical arms come out of the red car grabbing onto the pink and yellow cars as they flip open and are attached to the red car.

The blue and green vehicles lined up next to each other before folding into legs. The red car then used the pink and yellow vehicles as arms holding itself up as the rest of it folds out into leg attachments and inserts itself into the blue and green vehicles forming the Megazord.

“SPD Delta megazord online, now then.” The Megazord aims a gun at Godzilla while opening a large badge. “Godzilla you were charged with crimes of destroying manehattan and killing all those inside of it.” The badge starts to blink with a red X and a green O.

Godzilla just roared and much to Roger’s surprise, the badge stopped on the green O, but before he could question it, Godzilla fired his Atomic Breath at him. Roger made the Megazord roll out of the way of the blast before aiming the gun at Godzilla. “Hold on! This doesn't make sense, the judgment scanner said you're innocent but I saw you leaving the city! Start talking, now.”

Godzilla just looked at Roger in confusion before roaring while glaring at him. "I should be saying the same thing about you! Who are you?! A servant of the Balance Breakers?! Answer me or else face the wrath of the King of Monsters!” was what came out of the speakers inside the Megazord.

Roger blinked and looked at the speaker. “Ok, so I can understand you.” He looked at Godzilla. “I guess there is a translator in the Megazord and it is starting to work. I understood what you said, now stand down. I want to understand what is happening.” Roger said to Godzilla.

"Stand down?! No! Not until I find the Kaiju who has done this and make them pay!” Godzilla roared angrily.

“So you are saying you aren’t the one that destroyed manehattan?” Roger asked, not lowering his weapon.

Godzilla just looked confused. "Why would I wish to harm innocents? As much as I hate the ponies for their crimes against the balance of nature, I would not go as far as to attack their cities.”

“They seem to think you are the attacker.” Roger slowly lowered the weapon. “But from the way you are talking, it sounds like you have just been fighting other titans, and the ponies have been caught in the crossfire.”

Godzilla snorted. "Of course they would think that they believe I am one of the most dangerous Titans to have ever lived and a threat to their way of life.”

“But in reality, you were human and got sent to this world as Godzilla, am I right?” Roger asked, standing down fully.

Godzilla’s eyes widened his eyes before narrowing them with a growl. "How do you know that?”

“Because I am also human, or did you think the ponies found a way to get Power Ranger technology?” Roger said while making the Megazord point at the SPD logo on its forehead.

"I honestly didn’t recognize what you were, been asleep for a long time.” Godzilla said.

“I see, well how about we work together to find your rogue titan then I can explain the displaced, and maybe help you make peace with the ponies.” Roger said while pushing a few buttons.

"Peace with the ponies? I refuse! They are destroying the balance of the world with their magic! I’ll never be at peace with them as long as they continue to abuse nature!” Godzilla roared angrily.

“Which is worse, the Titans or the ponies?" Roger asked.

But before Godzilla could answer, he started hearing something, something that was making his head hurt. Roger noticed Godzilla acting strange. “Hey, what's wrong?” He asked while typing on a control board, seeing if the Megazord could pick up anything strange.

Godzilla growled angrily as the noise started to grow and grow louder until finally he roared loudly and released an Atomic Breath, hitting a building and reducing it to rubble and surprising Roger.

“Godzilla stop!” He aimed the gun at Godzilla, not sure what he could do.

Godzilla continued to fire his Atomic Breath before aiming at Roger, hitting his Megazord in the chest and knocking it back. Roger was shaken around in the cockpit of the Megazord as system after system failed. “No no no, get up damn it.”

The Megazord managed to lift its upper body off the ground but was pushed down to the ground when Godzilla stomped his foot on its chest and roared, prepping another Atomic Breath.

“Sorry.” He said before he made the Megazord aim its gun at Godzilla’s face and fired it a few times, using ice shots that froze his jaw shut.

With nowhere to go, the Atomic Breath exploded in Godzilla’s mouth, breaking the ice trapping his jaws, and doing a lot of damage to him, causing him to stumble back. Roger got out of the Megazord and sent it back. “Damn, I can only think of two zords in my arsenal that might work.” He looked to see the two leys he picked up, but one was grayed out.

“Damn, alright my choice is made.” He turned the key and called out. “Gold ranger power!” While his Morpher called out, ‘Ohranger!’ Roger is then covered in green lines as gold light covers him forming into a black suit with gold armor bands around his legs and arms, as well as a gold chest piece.

Godzilla shook his head before glaring at Roger, preparing to try and blast Roger with the Atomic Breath again. “I don’t think so, come Pyramidas!” The sky darkens as a large portal opens and a gold pyramid slowly falls through it before slamming into Godzilla.

Roger jumped into the cockpit and then activated the systems before calling out. “Initiate Zeo ultra zord transformation sequence!” Another portal as more zords come through while the pyramid started to transform and stand up to be a bipedal robot with an open back the other zords fly into the back of the zord before it is closed and one last red zord lands around the neck of Pyramidas. The zord’s face plate opens up and its fists rise up, ready for a fight.

Godzilla looked at the Zord in surprise before roaring and raising his claws and charging at Roger, firing his Atomic Breath as he did. Roger sighed, fried the main cannon, and had a beam struggle with Godzilla. While he was holding him off Roger used the scanners in the Zord to find anything out of the ordinary.

Godzilla roared and overpowered Pyramidas' beam, hitting it in the chest and causing the cockpit of the Zord to be filled with warning sirens. Godzilla roared again as he charged at Roger.

“Damn it! Just find something, anything I can use to stop him!” The zord’s arms grabbed Godzilla’s in an attempt to hold him off. Godzilla growled as he began pushing the Zord back a bit but thanks to its size, it managed to keep its footing.

Roger used what few sensors were still active to look for anything that was messing with Godzilla. “Come on big guy, calm down, I am not your enemy!”

Godzilla’s spines started glowing blue before suddenly, a blue pulse erupted from his body, sending the Megazord back and frying most of its systems, enough to cause the Zord to shut down, much to Roger's dismay.

“Damn it!” He slammed his fist on the console before leaving the zord. “What can I do? All my biggest zords are gone.”

A sudden stomp gained his attention and he looked up to see Godzilla glaring at him. Roger stepped back while Godzilla roared while preparing an Atomic Breath, but just before he could blast Roger a strange glowing dust started falling from the sky, causing Godzilla to look up.

Roger looked up to see dark clouds dropping more dust per second. “O-oh good, it is….” He said powering down and falling unconscious from exhaustion.

Godzilla roared at the source of the dust in anger before shaking his head and growling in confusion, "Wha? What’s going on?” Godzilla said as he looked around in confusion. He then looked down at Roger, seeing that he was unconscious. "What happened to him?” Godzilla asked no one before carefully picking him up with his claws then looked around, seeing the destruction around him that was caused by his and Roger’s fight. "I should bring him outside of the city then I’ll go looking for that Kaiju.”

Godzilla began to head towards the outskirts of Manehattan, knocking over a few buildings that were still standing but he just ignored them. Pretty soon, he reached the edge of the city and placed Roger on a hill. He then sniffs the air to try and catch the scent of the Kaiju that attacked the city. Once he picked up its scent, he started to walk towards the direction it was coming from, which was out at sea.

After a few minutes, two shadows fell over Roger before both Celestia and Luna landed next to him. “Sister, it would appear he has been defeated.” Luna said as she looked at Roger.

“Indeed, we’ll have to bring him to Canterlot for medical attention.” Celestia said as she picked Roger up with her magic.

Roger's necklace falls out of his shirt and his illusion glitches for a moment, but otherwise stays on.

The two alicorns noticed this and grew confused but thought nothing of it. They then teleport back to Canterlot’s medical wing in a flash, startling the doctors. “He needs medical attention now.” Luna said as Celestia placed Roger on a bed.

Roger groaned but stayed unconscious as the doctors took him. “Princesses, we have never seen a pony like this before, what happened to him?” One of them asked.

“He was a victim of the Titan Godzilla’s attack on Manehattan.” Celestia said.

“I see, but how did he end up like that?” The doctor said confused.

“A possible mutation caused by the Titan's magic field. You remember the side effects Godzilla’s magic field had on the local fauna and flora.” Celestia explained and the doctor nodded.

“I see, we will do our best.” The doctor said before leaving.

“Please do.” Celestia said then she and Luna left the medical wing and walked towards their throne room.

“Sister, why did you lie to the doctors about Roger?” Luna asked Celestia.

“Because if I had told them where he really came from, it would cause a commotion which would soon turn to panic.” Celestia said.

“I see, did you see what happened when we picked him up?” Luna asked.

“Yes, I did.” Celestia said, “It was a curious thing to see.”

“I wonder what he truly is.” Luna said while looking back the way they came.

“We’ll have to ask him when he wakes up. For now, we need to track the movements of Godzilla and find out where his new lair is. Then see if any other Titan has returned as well.” Celestia said and Luna nodded her head.

Meanwhile, Roger groaned and started to wake up while attempting to set up. “Wh-where…?”

“Oh, you’re awake.” A voice said next to him, causing Roger to look and see a doctor.

Roger blinked slowly and forced himself to sit up. “Where am I? What happened?”

“You’re in Canterlot’s medical wing. The princesses brought you here after finding you in the aftermath of the Titan’s attack.” The doctor said.

Roger rubbed his head. “Right…Godzilla, I need to speak with them as soon as possible. I could also use some water.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t go anywhere, you were exposed to the Titan's magic field and mutated into this. Until we deem you safe, you’re under quarantine.” The doctor said.

“Fuck that, Godzilla doesn’t have magic.” Roger said before tapping his necklace and his disguise disappeared. “Either take me to the princesses or bring them here!”

The doctor just froze in shock when Roger’s disguise disappeared before shaking his head. “You are wrong, Godzilla does have a magic field, but it’s unlike any magic we’ve ever seen before, it causes strange mutations in local fauna and flora wherever it goes or it causes death.” The doctor said.

“It isn’t magic, it’s radiation.” Roger said and his arms gave out making him fall back onto the bed. “J-just get the princesses.”

The doctor just looked at Roger before sighing and nodding. “Do not leave that bed.” The doctor sternly said before leaving.

“Yeah yeah, not my first hospital stay.” Roger said while trying to stay awake.

After a few minutes of waiting, the doctor returned with both princesses. “You asked for us?” Celestia asked Roger.

“Yeah.” Roger said from his bed, not sitting up. “I need to talk to you about Godzilla.”

Celestia and Luna nodded before turning to the doctor. “Leave us.” Celestia said to him and he nodded and then left. “What is it?”

“Godzilla wasn’t the one that destroyed the city.” Roger told them while trying to sit up. “He was fighting some other titan.”

“There are no other Titans, they have all been wiped out thousands of years ago, only Godzilla remains.” Luna said. “The thought of other Titans still around is ridiculous.”

“If you believe that you are a fool, I saw one save me from Godzilla. Speaking of which, something messed with Godzilla and made him rampage after I talked to him.” Roger said as he managed to sit up leaning on one elbow.

“Talked? That is also impossible, Godzilla and the other Titans are incapable of doing such a thing.” Luna said,

“Are you sure a Titan saved you and not some hallucination?” Celestia asked. “The Titans only care about destroying everything in sight, nothing else.”

Roger stared at Luna. “I can see your point but no, Godzilla can speak, just needs a way to translate what he is saying, he used to be like me before being sent to this world.” He then looked at Celestia. “Yes I am sure it was another titan, I just can't remember her name right now, not all the titans are evil. But I can tell you this, Godzilla did not destroy Manehattan and he does not like you ponies because you're upsetting the balance of nature.”

“Not this ridiculous thing again, there is no such thing as a balance of nature, we ponies are meant to aid in its growth.” Celestia said angrily, tired of hearing this speech again.

“Sister, calm yourself.” Luna said to her sister.

“Did you ever stop to consider if nature even needs your help?” Roger said before sitting up fully. “Anyway, Godzilla is what's known as a displaced, someone taken from their home and turned into a fictional character then sent to a version of Equestria.”

“The very land was tainted by Discords magic, of course it needed our help.” Celestia said, growing more and more annoyed with this conversation about nature.

Roger rubbed his head. “Just…work on a translation spell or something to actually talk with Godzilla before you really piss him off. You should also look into whoever was messing with him. He was having a conversation with me and then all of a sudden he went berserk.”

'Talk to a Titan?! After what he and his kind have done?! Never.’ Thought Celestia before replying to Roger. “Very well. We shall do that as soon as we can.”

“Good, maybe if you work with him he can keep your cities safe from the other titans.” Roger said as he started to stand up but his legs gave out and he collapsed. “Gah, f-fuck…do you know what radiation is?”

The two just looked at him in confusion. “Radiation? What is that?” Luna asked him.

Roger panted and closed his eyes. “The best way I can describe it is an energy that has different frequencies similar to a radio. Godzilla gives off a dangerous frequency, you will have to…ask him about it. I need medical care, please send me back.”

“How do we do that?” Celestia asked.

“Just say our contract is complete. And Celestia, if I find out you purposely antagonize Godzilla after this I will use my SPD powers to lock you up for your crimes of endangering Equestria.” Roger said through his heavy breathing.

“Our contract is complete.” Celestia said before turning and leaving the room.

A portal opened in front of Roger and he slowly stood up. “Luna, try to find his dream, speak with him. He isn’t evil.” He said before limping to the portal.

Luna nodded, “Alright, be careful Roger, and seek medical help as soon as you can.”

Roger gave a thumbs up. “Sure well, good luck Luna, and call me if you ever need my help.” He said before passing through the portal.

Roger’s POV

I stepped through the portal back to my world and fell to the ground panting. “D-damn it…” I struggled to pull out my Morpher. “G-gotta…call for…help.” I opened my Morpher and called the last number. “H-help…me…”

“Roger?” Cruger asked.

“Y-yeah, it's me, send h-help, please. Need medical…” I said weakly forcing myself to stay conscious.

“Hang on, help will be there soon. Where are you?” Cruger asked.

I manage to roll over and look around. “Manehattan I think.”

“Alright, they should be there soon. Just try to stay conscious.” Cruger said.

“Good, and tell them I m-may be a bit radioactive.” I told him while looking up at the sky.

“Radioactive?! Just where the hell did you go?!” Cruger nearly shouted in surprise.

I coughed and chuckled. “Ever see those old Godzilla movies?” I asked him as I saw my ship coming overhead.

“God-what?” Cruger asked in confusion.

“An old Earth movie monster.” I said with a sigh. “I see my ship, glad everyone made it.”

“Yeah, though barely, after you disappeared they had trouble fighting the Psycho Rangers but managed to beat them, causing them to retreat.” Cruger said.

“Good, though the way it sounded before I was summoned, they were already retreating.” I said while watching my ship, soon I saw a rope ladder drop down.

“Yo! Need a lift?!” Wes called out from the top of the ship.

“Yeah.” I lift a hand. “But I need a hand please.” I said weakly.

I could barely see him nod before he came down. “Cruger said you were radioactive, how did that happen?” he asked me.

“Ever hear of Godzilla?” I asked while he helped me up.

“Sort of, why?” Wes asked before going wide-eyed. “No way, don’t tell me you fought him?!”

I coughed and smirked. “Medical care now, talk later.”

“Right, sorry, it’s just surprising to hear that you fought the King of Monsters.” Wes said as we reached the deck of the ship and he began to help me walk towards the med bay.

“More like I was his punching bag. I lost four Megazords.” I said before he laid me down on the bed and a holographic nurse appeared next to me and scanned me.

“Four?! I know big G is strong but taking down four Megazords?!” Wes shouted in surprise.

“Yeah, let's see.” I said before hissing as needles were stuck into me. “The Lightspeed super train megazord, the Wild Force base megazord, the SPD base megazord, and the gold Zeo megazord.” I said with a groan.

Wes whistled. “Damn, just damn.”

“Yeah, and I am sure he was a Displaced, but unfortunately something made him go berserk before I could explain the whole deal.” I said and tried to sit up but the hologram placed a hand on my chest and wagged a finger.

“Something made him go berserk? Hmm.” Wes hummed as he held his chin. “Maybe the planet's natural magic might have an effect on kaiju?”

“Who knows, but the SPD judgment scanner found him innocent.” I said as the nurse took care of me.

“It did? Well, the judgment scanner isn’t wrong.” Wes said.

“Yeah, my guess is someone was trying to control him in the middle of our conversation.” I said with a sigh, then the mane six entered the medbay.

“Hey, are you okay Roger?” Rainbow asked me.

“Yeah, you don’t look so good.” Twilight said next.

“Just some radiation poisoning, I should be fine thanks to the medbay tech.” I said with a chuckle. “Though I don’t think this is the kind of radiation my doctors wanted me to take.”

“What’s radiation?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“It’s a type of energy that can harm the body, so best keep your distance from me for now.” I told her.

They did just that, taking a few steps away from me. I chuckled a bit and lay my head back down. “So, am I correct in assuming there were after another power coin?” I asked them.

“We were investigating that before we were called to come get you.” Twilight said and the others nodded their heads.

“She’s right, so far we’ve found out that several jewelry and antique shops were all attacked.” Applejack said.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. “Damn it, we need the help of the royal guard, they need to check any place that holds old coins and try to find a power coin before the bad guys. I am sure you can find what they look like from my laptop.” I told them while trying to sit up a little.

“But would they even find anything?” Rainbow asked.

“Who knows, but at least we will have someone looking on our team.” I said, then crossed my arms. “With the description of the coin that Cruger got from the Crystal Empire and the description that you could get from my laptop you should be able to get a good enough idea of what to look for. We should also ask the princesses to extend the search to other kingdoms across the world.”

“Alright, I’ll let them know.” Twilight said.

“Good, how was the fight? I know they retreated but was anyone hurt?” I asked.

“No, no was hurt, thank goodness.” Rarity said.

I sighed with relief. “Good, I was worried that without me here someone would have been hurt.”

“We did have a few close calls during the fight though.” Fluttershy said.

“I am sorry I wasn’t there.” I said and looked down, clenching my hands on my pants.

“Hey, no one could have predicted that you would have been summoned during a fight.” Wes said.

“Maybe…but I was and I wasn’t here to help.” I said, shaking my head.

“Hey, you can’t always be there for us. Sometimes there will be times when you won’t be around when something is going on.” Wes said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah…I guess so, I just wish it didn’t happen before I could land my attack on Psycho Red.” I said with a sigh, then looked at the ponies. “Is everyone else still out investigating?”

Wes nodded his head. “They are.”

“Alright, well if that's all, maybe I should rest.” I said before laying back down.

“Alright, we’ll leave you alone then.” Twilight said.

“Oh Wes before you leave, I want to share an idea I had with you.” I said.

“Hmm? What kind of idea?” He asked me, a look of curiosity on his face.

I waited till the ponies left before saying. “Once I feel better I will summon Circuit and see if he can call Time Force. Maybe we have made enough of a change we can get back up from the future. But…”

“You’re worried it might not work?” Wes asked me.

“There is that, but even if it does work they won’t be the friends you know.” I told him, then elaborated. “If they made it back to their time then when the villains took over, their time no longer existed. So even if we can make contact with Time Force HQ in the future, they will be from a timeline where the Earth was conquered for a short time before all the rangers of Earth came together and defeated them.”

“I….I see.” Wes said as he looked down a bit.

“I am sorry Wes, but we need their help and you can always become friends with them all over.” I said with a small smile.

“I know, it’s just….it’ll be weird for me 'cause I know stuff about them, so trying to become friends with them will be a bit awkward.” Wes said with a sigh.

“How do you think I feel about the ponies and all the rangers?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Heh, maybe you can give me some pointers then.” Wes said, chuckling.

“Well try to think of them as a new version, they may have completely different memories than the ones that you know.” I said then yawned. “I think I should get some rest. Once everyone is on board the ship, and the investigation is done, head back to Ponyville then park the ship in the hanger that Deltorix made underneath the old castle in the forest.”

Wes nodded his head. “Alright, I’ll do that. Hope you will feel better man.” He said as he began to walk out of the room.

“Me too Wes…me too.” I said before closing my eyes and taking a nap.

My nap was rudely interrupted as the whole ship shook. “What the fuck?” I fell off the bed and groaned before getting up and headed to the cockpit. “What the hell is going on?!” I yelled as I saw we were inside the hanger, or to be more exact, we were scraping across the side of the hanger, causing me to go wide-eyed.

I took the controls and corrected our course. “You are washing my ship for a month!” I yell at Wes.

“Oh come on man! I have never flown a ship like this before! Give me a break!” Wes whined.

“Don't make me make it two months!” I told him, before landing the ship

“Shutting up.” Wes said as he stopped whining.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. “On the bright side, I am now wide awake and ready to try my plan out.”

Wes nodded his head. “Alright, and let’s hope it works.”

“Right, let’s head to the castle to do this though.” I said and started leaving the cockpit. “Where is everyone else?”

“Oh, I dropped them off at Twilight's castle, hope that was ok.” Wes said as he followed me.

“Yeah that's fine, oh and I will be using your powers to do this.” I told him before opening a portal with my sword that leads right into the map room.

“What?” Wes asked in confusion.

“I have to use one of the time force powers to summon the tech, so why not use your red suit.” I said and held up the red time force key.

“Ah, ok. That’s fine.” Wes said with a wave of his hand.

“Good.” I said then smirked as I pushed him through the portal and followed.

“Hey! Asshole!” Wes shouted angrily.

“What? I can’t walk through first or the portal closes.” I said while putting my sword away.

“But did you need to push me?!” He asked me with a small glare.

I shrugged and said. “Hey, it's not my fault you weren't moving.” Then I take the red key and my morpher before morphing. “Time for, time force!” Making my Morpher call out, ‘Timeranger!’ while a red flash covers me.

“Alright, this try this out. I need Circuit.” I said while trying to will him to me like I do the zords.

A portal opened and a robotic owl came flying out before landing in front of us. It was mostly blue and white with bronze talons and yellow and red eyes. “Whoa, where am I? Huh, Wes!?” The owl said, flapping its wings.

I shook my head and pointed to Wes. “Sorry, I am not Wes, just a friend.” I said before I powered down.

“Huh? Who are you and why do you have Wes' suit?!” Circuit asked me in shock and suspicion.

“Want the long story or the short story?” I asked him while crossing my arms.

“Short please, because I am very confused.” Circuit said.

“Welcome to another timeline. I am from another world and saved his ass from some bad guys, then got access to his powers because of my ranger powers.” I told him.

“...huh?” Circuit asked in confusion. “How did you get his powers? How did he even get captured in the first place?”

“We are in a timeline where all the villains are working together. He and Eric were captured along with a few other Rangers that I managed to rescue. As for how I have his powers, like I said it's part of my powers I'm able to turn into past rangers.” I explained. “I can also summon any technology that's connected to those Rangers, which is how I got you here. I need you to try and contact Time Force HQ.”

“For what reason?” Circuit asked me.

“So we can get back up, if they even still exist.” I said with a sigh.

“Well…that is a good reason if what you said about all the villains working together is true.” Circuit said.

“It is, there are a ton of them.” Wes said.

“Define a ton.” Circuit said.

“Trust me, they could probably take over an entire solar system with their numbers.” Wes said, causing Circuit to nearly fall over in shock.

“Try most of the galaxy.” I said then I leaned on the map. “Here are a few that I know are part of the group, Zedd, Rita, the Machine Empire, Divatox, Astronema, Trakeena, and those are just the ones that I know about.”

Circuit had a troubled look on his face. “This is bad, so very, very, very bad.”

“Yeah, so please, try to contact Time Force HQ.” I said.

“Alright, I will.” Circuit said and he was quiet for a few seconds. “I…I can’t make contact with them, but I did find a time ship SOS.”

“An SOS? How and where?” I asked him.

“If a time ship doesn’t make it to its destination, for any reason, an SOS signal is sent out throughout time. That way they can be retrieved before they corrupt the time stream. But that's the strange thing, I can't lock onto the coordinates.” Circuit said with worry.

“Hmm, keep trying to lock onto it. I may have a way to get us to that ship.” I said before turning to leave. “Wes, keep an eye on him, and don’t let anyone interrupt him.”

“You got it.” Wes said with a nod.

I walked out of the castle after putting my unicorn disguise back on and then looked around before running towards the post office. “I really hope he exists in this timeline.” I said to myself before I made it to the post office and opened the door. Inside I saw many ponies but there was one I was looking for behind the counter.

“Excuse me miss, you wouldn't happen to know someone by the name of the doctor would you?” I ask the gray mare with blond hair and derpy eyes.

“Hmm? You mean Doctor Hooves? Yeah, I know him.” The mare said with a smile. “Why do you ask?”

“Can you tell me where to find him? I need to ask him for an important favor.” I told her while leaning on the counter.

“Sure! Though he might be busy.” She said.

“Please, where can I find him?” I asked again.

She sighed. “Alright, I’ll tell you where he is.” she said and began giving me directions to Doctor Hooves' location.

“Thank you.” I said with a smile and ran there as fast as I could.

As soon as I got there I knocked on the door. “Hello? Are you home?”

A loud crash was heard followed by a shout. “Buck! Be there in a second!” A voice shouted.

“Sounds like I interrupted one of his experiments, hope it wasn't too important.” I said to myself while I waited.

Pretty soon, a stallion came to the door while holding his head. “Yes yes, what is it?” He asked me.

“I hope you are who I think you are, because I need your help, you and your tardis.” I said to him.

“What do you need help with?” He asked me, a serious expression on his face.

“There is a Time Force ship sending out an SOS signal that one of my allies is picking up. He's currently tracking the signal but we have no way to get to when they are, which is where you come in. I'm hoping that the ship holds some allies to help defend not only this world but Earth as well.” I explained to him.

“I see. Well, it is a good thing one of my experiments is…well let’s just say it can wait.” He said.

“Good, it's a good thing you really are a timelord.” I said with a chuckle. “Need a lift to Twilight’s castle?” I asked him.

“Yes, I do.” He said with a nod.

“Alright, here we go.” I used my sword to open a portal to the map room and smirked. “You have to go first.”

“Yes, I know.” Hooves said as he walked through the portal.

“You know? Oh I get it, you met me before.” I said and followed him through my portal. “Any luck finding them Circuit?”

“No, no matter what I do, I cannot pinpoint their exact location.” Circuit said with a shake of his head.

I crossed my arms and frowned. “Strange, any ideas Doctor?” I asked the stallion as he looked Circuit over.

“Do you mind?” He asked Circuit while holding up something silver.

“Huh? I guess, just don’t break me.” Circuit said, then the Doctor pointed the silver object at Circuit and it made a humming sound. “Whoa! Hey, my sensors just got boosted, and I found them!”

“Huh, the sonic screwdriver it's more useful than a rubber band.” I said with a chuckle.

“Indeed, which is why I carry it with me everywhere I go. Never know when it might come in handy.” Hooves said with a smirk.

“Alright Circuit, where are they?” I asked him.

“Uh…that is strange. They aren’t anywhere, they are still in the time stream. The ship never landed!” He said in panic.

“Hmm, that is troubling, if they remain in the timestream, it could have disastrous consequences on the timeline, or timelines.” Hooves said a grim expression on his face.

“I don’t suppose your ship can get us to them and pull one of their ships, could it?” I asked him.

“I can get us there but it won’t have enough power to pull it out by itself.” Hooves said with a shake of his head. “Which means we need a way to get them out.”

I rub my chin. “Hmm, could you move my ship into the timestream? Like your ship opens the door for mine and we go in, grab their ship with mine, and then get out of there?”

“I can but the timestream would damage it the longer it is there.” Hooves said.

“Then we will just have to be quick, I assume you know where my ship is?” I asked him.

“I do.” Hooves said with a nod.

“Alright, if your ship has the power, set it inside mine, in the cargo bay.” I told him then looked at Wes. “I want you to get everyone here and ready for us, get some doctors too, just in case.”

“You got it.” Wes said.

“I will prep my ship. Doctor, let me know when you're ready, oh, and bring Circuit with you.” I said before I made a portal to my ship and headed through. I went to the cockpit and started up the engines and spoke through the intercom. “If there is anyone back on the ship, I need to use it so you need to get off.” I said to make sure no one came back on.

After a while, everyone that was on the ship had gotten off and the Doctor came into the cockpit. “All set, we can go whenever you are ready, but this will be a very bumpy ride.”

“Got it, let me just get out of my hanger.” I said and started moving my ship till it was over the forest. “Alright Doc, take us where we need to go.”

He nodded his head. “On it.”

I waited for something to happen while watching all the sensors. Soon my ship started to fade out of this time and I started to see my sensors go nuts. I quickly grabbed the wheel as the ship shook and was pulled into the timestream. “Ok this is hard, but they need me.” I said and looked for their ship.

“We’ll need to be quick, like I said, the longer we are in the timestream, the more at risk we are.” Hooves said as he helped me look.

“Right, see them yet?” I asked while I flew my ship around the space we were in.

“No, I don’t.” He said as he continued looking.

Alarms started going off showing the hull of the ship was rusting away. “Damn it, where are they?” I looked around before I saw a ship. “Found them!” I moved my ship over theirs and launched my towing cables for my ship to theirs and hooked onto them. “Are they secure?”

“We are, now let’s get them and us out of here before we are reduced to nothingness.” Hooves said and I nodded my head.

“Right! Get to your ship and get us outta here.” I said and tightened the towing cables. He nodded and ran off and after a minute we started going back to our time, arriving back over the forest, then the towing lines snapped making the time ship fall and land on the edge of the forest.

“Shit, gotta land and see if they are hurt.” I lower the ship till it is close to the ground. I run out and jump to the ground before running to the time ship. “Please be ok!”

“Wait for me! They may have suffered something that may require my aid!” Hooves said as he ran next to me.

“Let’s hope not.” I said before getting to the door of the ship and looked it over. “Damn, I don’t know how to open this.”

“Here, let me try.” Hooves said as he used his Sonic Screwdriver on the door, causing it to open.

“Good work.” I rushed inside and saw five people lying around a table. “They must have been knocked down when the ship fell. Hope you have earned your name doc.” I said while checking them over.

“Last time I checked you aren’t a wisecracking rabbit, so don’t call me Doc.” The Doctor said while checking the others. “Some time sickness but they should be fine in a few days. However, there is a small problem.”

“What's the problem?” I asked him while laying the people in lines.

“They are a paradox, they shouldn't exist, yet they do…I can help them. But I will need a day to get ready, and if you can I need some more morph-X.” The Doctor said.

“Morph-X? Yeah I think I can get you some. I will do that after we make sure they are safe.” I said, then heard footsteps behind us, looking I saw Wes, and Eric.

“Hey! Are they alright?!” Wes asked me as he rushed over to us.

“My friend here says they should be in a few days, did you bring Circuit with you? I want him to check the records of this ship. I think this ship is the same one your friends were on when they left, meaning…” I said then looked at Wes and then to his friends on the floor.

“They’re my friends.” Wes concluded.

“Yep, hey Doctor, you said they are fine to be moved right?” I asked while making a portal to my medbay.

“They can be moved.” Hooves said with a nod.

“Hey, who’s that guy?” Eric asked as he pointed at a guy who looked like Wes but had sunglasses on.

“That is the original red ranger from the year three thousand. Can you two get them through my portal to the medbay?” I asked while standing up and crossing my arms.

“Sure, I got this.” Wes said with a smile and started moving each of them through the portal.

I hummed in thought. “Doctor, unless there is anything you need to do here and now, you can head back to your ship and get ready to help the Time Force rangers, while I get some Morph-X.”

“Right, try not to let the ponies have access to this ship.” He said before he walked away.

I nodded my head and sighed. “Eric, think you can keep the ponies from coming inside here for me?”

Eric nodded his head. “Sure thing man.”

“Good, I will be back in a while, hopefully with what I am leaving for.” I said and after Wes took the last person through the portal I made another, but this one was harder to open. “Set sail!” I morph as my Morpher called out, ‘Gokaiger!’ then I wave at my friends before stepping through.

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