• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,379 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Author's Note:

Cross over with the story The golden eyed Sage part 5 of 5

“Welcome to the outskirts of the Dragonlands; Rodger, Beldum," Edward motioned to a tropical beach completely with all sorts of trees. In the background of the skyline I saw several raising volcano.

I look around and cross my arms saying. “Seems better then what was shown in the show. I’ll have to check it out in my world.” As I finish my new friend floats up over my shoulder and I chuckle softly.

"Got yourself a good’en there, now" Edward looked to me out of the corner of his eye. "Chamander is the target here. What else is on your mind though?"

I think and rub my chin and say. “Well obviously all the legendaries are off the table as this is a real world and losing even one would throw your world out of balance. So how about, any of the Dratini line, an eevee, and any of the Machop line.”

I look over at beldum and smirk then back to Edward. “And if you know how to make them, a mega and key stones for me and beldum here, and possibly a bandana with the Gokaiger logo on it for him.” Beldum makes happy sounds.

"Machop and Dratini can be found here. Dratini, mainly at this beach gather close to that blue rock," Edward pointed down the beach. "Machop can be found in the grasslands closer to the volcanoes. Eevee are hard as most are already evolved when they arrive. Most Eevee are found in the Everfree for some reason."

“Hmmm probably because it’s the most wild place in Equestria.” I say as a guess then look over at the blue rock then my new friend. “Don’t attack unless they do first; ok little guy?”

"Drantini are playful and won't attack, so are Dragonite,"Edward said as we walked down the beach. "The Dragonair are the defenders, especially the females. They won't act unless provoked but they'll be hostile and watch you closely."

“Got ya thanks.” I smile and walk forward and soon I see them playing in the water around the blue rock but then a dragonair moves between me and the rock glaring at me. “Hello, I don’t want to caused any trouble I just wanted to meet you all and was wondering if any of you would like to join me. Do you see I’m a bit of a warrior and any that choose to join me will help me save lives? All I ask is that do you let them choose, oh and if you’d allow it I can hear your thoughts so I can understand you.”

'Why would we join you humn? We came to this land by means we know not, and the dragon clan of this island welcomed us giving us their word they would not bother us. Yet you are are are do just that.'

“As I said I won’t force any of you to join me, and you can ask me anything you want to see what kind of person I am.” I tell him as I can hear his mental voice now.

'Face Leviathan then!'

I tilt my head and question. “Leviathan?” I reach up and pat beldum and whisper. “Go over to Ed. I’ll be fine.”

“Don't you pull that pull shit Quaizer," Edward came over. "You know he'd never when a fight with Leviathan. Where the hell is Aires?"

’Alchmeist' Quaizer growled. 'You dare but in-'

A overwhelming pressure was exerted over the entire area. It brought me to my knees and the Quiaser was on the ground. Clipeum seemed unaffected 'What the hell is this?'

"I will not stand for a youth like yourself to bar entry,' Edward said coldly. Suddenly a pink Dragonair landed in front of Edward, it looked like it was taking everything it had to stay up under this pressure.

’Alchmeist, welcome back. Would you please stop?' The pressure stoped and we could all breath easier again. 'Thank you. I am sorry for Quaizer, My name is Aires. I must ask you human, why have you really come here?’ she looked at me.

I breath heavily trying to calm down from what happened then look up at the dragonair. “I...I came in hopes of having one of you join my crew but I don’t plan on forcing them.” I start to stand up still a little off balance.

“See I’m what’s called a power ranger, and I fight evil and any Pokémon that chooses to join me will help protect lives, mostly help evacuate innocent people.” I tell her but feel something and quickly spin and summon my sword and stop a iron tail from hitting me and I slide back a foot.


"Clipeum, Hammer Head," Edward said and Cilpeum rocketed hitting Quaizer dead center.

‘HOW MANY TIMES MUST YOU BE TOLD TO BEHAVE!' Aires scolded the younger pokemon who was on the ground. ‘You have impressed me. And I ask you forgive Quaizer, his home was destroyed by poachers when he was newly hatched.' She looked at me straight in the eye. ’I well allow you to enter human, but be warned that many here will be watching you closely. They respect the Alchemist and his partner for their strength. It would be wise to stay close to you friend. May I ask your name?’

I nod to the shiny Pokémon and smile. “Sure, my name is Rodger, and it’s fine, he most likely has grown to distrust all humans because of what happened to him, I understand that.” I then look over at Quaizer sadly he is unconscious even having the spinning eyes.

'Be well Rodger,' She bowed and then flew away.

I watch her go and put my hands in my pockets. “Huh, cool. Say Edward; are shiny Pokémon like in the games, only one color variant per species and extremely rare?” We both start walking closer and I do notice many of them watching us, me specifically, but then I see a few of the younger ones playing in the water and smile softly.

“Also who is Leviathan?” I turn to look at Edward but trip on a rock and fall into a small pond of water.

“Got a face full of ocean there didn't ya," Edward chuckled "And 'Leviathan' or Levi as I call him is a giant Tentacruel that lives not far off from this place. He's kind of like a guard dog slash nanny for the babies and to keep predators out of the bay." He helped me up. "And Shiny pokemon come in all colors across the board for every species."

I wipe my face and sigh. “Thanks, and sounds like he could be from the anime timeline.” I say then we walk closer and I smile at the cute Dratinis playing one notices me and flies up to my face and tiles my head then squirts my face with water.

I sputter and playfully pout at them. “That wasn’t nice, don’t make me boop you little one.” They giggle and fly around me and soon they all start flying around me all over.

“He's not that big," Edward laughed, "Just twice the size of a regular Tentacruel." I turned to Edward "And you should know he's very friendly and a tickler."

“Ah that’s good but I’m hoping he doesn’t tickle me, I am extremely ticklish.” I tell Edward then gently pet some of the dratinis flying around me then I spot one laying on a rock with a cut on its side I gently move out of the sworm of Dratini and move over to the one by himself and gently rub his back. “Hey there little guy, what happened?”

“Looks like it got cut on the reef," Edward remarked holding a hand up to an approaching Dragonair. It hovered over carefully watching. "Here," Edward pulled out a pokeaid kit form the bag on his belt. "Treat it as best you can. I’ll stand guard here. CLIP!" Clipeum stopped playing with the other Dratini and rushed to her partner's side.

I nod to Edward and take the kit and look through it. “My name is Rodger what’s your little one?” I get out the medicine and some bandaids.

'Azure Blaze,'

“That is a cool name.” I tell him as I gently rub his back. “This may sting but it’s to help ok?” Once he nods I spray the medicine on the cut seeing it fizz up I suck air through my teeth and gently clean his cut and spray again, then I start wrapping a bandage around the cut. “Does that feel better?”


I gently rub his back and ask. “How did you get hurt?”

'He was swimimg this morning at the end of high tide, when the little ones are supposed to be asleep.' came a guggled boom of a voice and then a gigantic Tentacreul appear and wriggled next the rock. 'I know because I caught and when I asked him if he was okay he lied to me. I am Leviathan, call me Levi.'

“Oh hello and I’m sure he was just scared of getting in trouble. All children fear getting in trouble more then actually getting hurt.” I tell her and once I finish patching up azure blaze I pat his head.

'Human I challenge you to a battlecame the brave voice. I turned to see one of the larger Dratini. 'You and me one on one, mono e mono.' she puffed out her chest.

I chuckle softly and nod. “Sure,” I turn to Levi. “ anywhere fine or do you guys have a spot to battle?”

'Over there,' he point to the middle of the lagoon to a small sand bar.

I nod and get a running start and jump all the way onto it. “So any rules I should know about?”

'Fight till you can't, no killing or serious injury,' The drantini said. 'I am called Lylla

“I’m Rodger, good luck.” I say to him.

“Before we start would you allow me to use my sword if I have my friend make it so it won’t cut you just zap you?” I summon my sword to show him and point to Edward.

Edward snapped and sent red electricity to the blade and completely blunted it.

'If you're friends with the alchemist then you must be strong' Lylla smirked. 'If I beat then I can finally evolve!'

“Oh? That close huh, I’d love to watch a Pokémon evolve in person.” I say then smirk and take my fighting stance legs wide enough I can move in any Direction at any time sort held tight in my right arm and my left arm raised and ready to block.


I slowly start to side step but then Lylla rushes straight at me I wait for the right moment then side step letting her fly right by me. “Come on don’t be afraid to go all out I’m a power ranger I could probably go toe to toe with one of the legendaries when I’m fully powered up.” I say trying to get her to push herself.

'Can you handle DRAGON FLAME!’ Lylla spewed a stream of blue flames from her mouth.

My eyes widen and I cut the air in front of me opening a portal that the fames go into and cum out high in the sky when the flames stop I stand tall smirking. “Here’s a free tip; study your opponent, know their strengths and weaknesses, for example most long range attacks won’t work if I see them coming, but you do have one advantage over me.” I say as I purposely tapped my foot on the ground making it obvious I can’t fly.

'Lets see how well you play tag,' She smirked and vanished.

"Shit," I said. "That's got to be Quick Attack, but she's way faster than I thought she'd be."

I get hit from behind and I face plant into the ground but use the momentum to flip myself over and turn around and look around still not seeing her I close my eyes and try to find her with my other senses.

'Hehe... you’re pretty strong alright and you got good moves, but what good do they do if you can't see me lit alone hit me?.'

I quickly turn and swing my sword hitting something I open my eyes expecting to see her but I see a Pokémon plush and I just stare at it confused. “What the fu-“

I was then nail in the back and sent into the water.'Haha.. I finally pulled off my Substitute' She splashed around. 'Now lets see if you can take this!' She craned her head back and all the water and sand pulled back with Lylla setting on top off a huge wave of dirty water.

"Oh crap..."

'Muddy Water!' The massive wave headed straight at me and there was no dodging it.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before I’m hit and completely buried in mud it takes me a moment but eventually I dig myself out and gasp. “Damn...that...was...a good hit.”

'I did it! I did it! I did it!' she whizzed about happily. 'Hey Rodger you wanna see if you can take my Ultimate attack!"

I chuckle and climb out of the mud and grin. “Bring it on.” I spin my sword in my hand then run toward her.

Lylla flew down and and latched on to the end of of tail and started to spin like a tire. 'This is different?' She started to spine faster and faster while water droplets started to become attracted to her finally she took off heading straight at me. As she came at me she was covered in water the formed into a roaring dragon.

My eyes widen and I cross my arms and take the hit being pushed back and I to the water, all while yelling. “Oh SHIIIIIIT!”

At the end of it alll Lylaa was bouncing on my back shout, 'I WON! VICTORY!'

I spit out a stream of water and look up. “Yeah good job.” I roll over and catch her but then she starts to glow and my eyes widen. “O-oh your evolving!”

She grew in size and shape and the light faded away to reveal a beautiful Dragonair. Lylla then howled up and procceded wrap around me and nuzzel my face. 'Thank you so much and that fight was so fun!'

I laugh and pat her where I could. “I had fun too, say would you like to join me? Before you answer, think on it, you would be in a whole new world and there is going to be a lot of dangerous monsters that will attack innocent people. It’s up to me and people like me to protect the people and stop the monsters.”

’I would love to but we must get permission for my mother first.'

“Sure I understand and if she agrees I’ll try to plan trips here so you can visit her and the rest of your family.” I stand up and smile. “And who knows, if you come with me there’s a chance that by the time you come back you’ll be a Dragonite.”

‘I have no doubt she will,' Aires flew down.

'Mother, I can go?!'

'You have proven to me that you can hold you own and have mastered the Dragon Wheel. You may go with my blessing,' Aires turned to me.’Take care of my daugter Rodger.'

I nod and bow my head. “You have my word she will grow strong and save many lives.” I tell her then smile at my new partner.

Safe travels to you both,' She bowed and flew away.

"Must say that was a nice display of the Dragon Wheel," Edward clapped as he neared with Clipeum. "You should really work on the other verison of it to went you get time."

“I agree with some work she will be able to take on a whole group of puddies by herself.” I laugh and smile. “Ok so where to next Edward?”

"Depends on what you want to do Rodger," Edward looked at me.

“Hmmm well if eevees are super rare then how about a flareon? After that I think I should be good in Pokémon and we should start my magic training.” I tell Edward as dragonair wraps herself around me and beldum floats over my shoulder.

Edward shook his head, "They’re not that rare. They just have a tendency to only appear in Everfree."

I think about it then nod. “Alright let’s see if there are any eevee’s that want to join my crew.”

“Alright," Edward clapped and we were suddenly in front of the Everfree outside Ponyville.

I look around and chuckle. “I bet you pull a Batman a ton with that ability.” I then start walking into the forest.

"I can if I WANED to but I don't," Edward remarked. "I don't Tia and Lulu to blast me into a while, and they'll do it with out hesitation to. Amore may get a kick out of but she'd always been better at sensing someponies presence than other."

I chuckle and smile. “Damn I know the moment I can teleport silently I’m doing that, oh there’s this stupid idea I had for alchemy and seeing as you have the real thing maybe you can tell me if it’s real.” I say as we walk through the woods and turn around to face Edward as I move side to side somehow avoiding the trees.

“Food alchemy! Basically cooking with alchemy, you take all the ingredients of whatever your trying to make use alchemy and bam you got yourself a instant cake or something.” I tell Edward with a big stupid grin on my face.

"As long as you have all of the proper ingredients, the knowledge of the processes and change the ingredients go through it's entirely possible," Edward explained. "But I found that food made this way is very bland and unsatisfying. No effort to make something and no extra ingredients to make it special. Quick and convenient yes, tasty and worth, most of the time not."

I chuckle and smirk. “Bet you Pinkie could find a way to make it work, but I see what you mean but now I can’t help but picture a state alchemist based on food.” As I’m laughing I forget to pay attention and trip over a bush and we both hear a cry come from the bush.


"I'd know that sound anywhere,"Edward remarked.

I rub the back of my head as I sit up and look down as a upset eevee comes out of the bush and is glaring at me. “Sorry about that.”

“I think you did it now Rodger," Edward pointed at the glaring Pokemon who proceeded to use Fury Swipes on my face.

My eyes widen and I wave my hands. “Wait wait I’m sorry I was walking backwards and didn’t see you!”

Eevee jumped back humphed at me and turned around and started to walk in the opposite direction.

"Man you really stepped in it now," Edward remarked as he helped me up. "You had to go and step on the one temperamental Eevee in the whole damn forest."

I give Edward a flat look. “It was a accident, but if they are that fast to get into a fight then maybe they will want to be a hero.” I look to the eevee and call out. “Hey I’m sorry about before but would you hear me out about an offer?”

"Eevee!" it shout and then latched on to my head using Bite.

"OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!" I screamed as I ran in circle while Edward and Lylla laughed. Beldum just floated.

I grab onto eevee and pull. “Owowowow fuck let go! I said I’m sorry!” I managed to pull the eevee off and hold them out at arms length and then say. “Look I get that I upset you, but I just want you to hear me out, and can I use one of my abilities to hear your thoughts?”

Eevee showed its teeth and growled at me.

'She seems pretty pissed to me,' Lylla cut in. 'I don't think she'd going to let you into her head.'

I sigh sadly and set her down. “I’m sorry about tripping onto you, I’ll leave you alone but can you tell me where I may find more eevee’s?”

“Eevee... ee... vee...veee,.evevee... EEVEE!" it shouted at me.

'She said she'll never tell you and that if you want her to listen to your tauros crap then beat her in a Pokemon battle,' Lylla translated.

I rub the back of my head and think it over. “Fine but let’s go to a clearing so we don’t damage the trees, and thank you Lylla for translating.”

Eevee leads us to a small clearing and without any warning she turns and uses headbutt hitting me in the gut I lean forward. “Oof.”

Eevee then runs around in circles around me I try to follow her but she bites my leg. “Aahhh!” I throw a kick sending her to a tree and she bounces off it and rushes at me again this time hitting my crotch I fall over and whimepr. “N-not f-fair.”

“She's strong," Edward remarked with intrigue. "Maybe a level 45 or 50. "Way stronger than Lylla is."

I slowly get up with a hand on my crotch. “N-no shit...I’m surprised she hasn’t evolved.”

"Pokemon only evolve if they want to Rodger, they can stop themselves," Edward crossed his arms. "Do you want me and Clip to step in?"

I shake my head and stand up fully. “No I lost to her and she obviously doesn’t like me. I won’t have you or your friends beat her up just for answers.”


'She says stand and fight human, Lylla translated again.

I look to her then sigh. “Fine but seeing how strong you are I won’t hold back, set sail!” My morpher calls out ’Gokaiger’ just before I morph into my ranger form and swing my sword and run at her this time she jumps out of my sword swing but I fire my gun hitting the ground making rocks fly up and hit her.

She then turns and grabbing and to one of the rocks and send a storm of them sending my back again.

"She flipped it around with Rock Throw," Edward looked on.

I then saw Eevee craned her head back and a ball of light formed over her open Maw. She then sent a beam of white light at me.

"She is very strong if she mastered Flash Cannon to that degree," Edward noted. "I say she's stronger than a normal level fifty, on par with a level sixty to sixty-five."

I cross my arms as the rocks and light beam hit me making sparks fly off my suit and push me back i then cut the ground below me and fall through landing behind her and put the gun agains her back. “Do you yield?”

She looked behind at my with a slight smirk. Suddenly hundreds of needles shot from Eevee's body in all directions. I did my best to evade but I was hit with a pretty decent amount of them. I looked around but couldn't find until it was to late. She appeared in front of me and unloaded a full barrage of hit, and kick into me send me to the ground. Again she jumped back putting distance between us and there was no way I could close that gap after that beating.

"Pin Missile followed by Quick Attack and Close Combat combo. She's good," Edward smirked.

I get back up and brush off the needles still in my suit. “Yeah she is damn good, if she did join me she could help safe so many lives.” I say then I smirk.

I run forward and swing my blade as fast as I can she dodges each swing then she lands on my sword and jumps up and hits my head with hers and we both go down holding our heads.

“You okay there bud?" Edward leaned over me.

I nod my head and power down rubbing my head. “Yeah and damn that hurt more then when you flicked me.”

I look over to see the eevee slowly getting up but she is wobbly. “Are you ok?”

“Clip, Use Aroma Therapy," Edward looked at his partner.

"Bastiodon..." a sudden sweet scent filled the area and I filt much better and I could tell Eevee did too.

I stand up fully and watch as eevee shakes her fur then looks between me and Edward then nods to me. “Vee eevee.”

’She acknowledges you,’ Lylla said. ‘And that she'll listen to what you have to say, but this doen't count as a loss; only a draw.’

I nod and smile then look to the eevee. “I’m looking for strong and willing Pokémon to join me on my world, any that join me will help protect innocent people from very bad monsters that would hurt or kill them, most of my Pokémon will be helping by evacuating and defending the people while I fight the monsters but any that are strong enough would probably be able to fight off the foot soldiers giving me time to deal with the big bad.”

I explain to the eevee and watch her reaction as after seeing how strong she is I hope she joins me.

'Why should helping a human in a world that isn't his own be any concern of mine?' she scratched her ear with her back paw.

“Well it doesn’t have to be, its your choice, and I know most Pokémon enjoy battling and any that come with me will have lots of monsters to fight, I don’t plan on kidnapping Pokémon and forcing them to fight for me, and even if I did he wouldn’t let me leave if I did.” I tell her pointing at Edward at the end.

“Edward can I use telepathy to show her my memories?” I ask him as I kneel down.

“No, you can only talk with her," Edward said.

It matters not to me if I even see your memories, She looked at me seriously. 'Let me rephrase me question. What does having to helping a human in a world that isn't his have anything to do with my brethen and other fellow Pokemon at all? We're already appearing here in this world unwillingly. Many like it here, and accept it as our new home. Why then would be abandon our new world for a completely new one when we just got to this one?’

“Ah I see what you mean, and honestly I’m fighting on my own and can only offer a home and friendship, but I would never force a Pokémon to fight for me. I get that you lost one home and I’m asking them to leave a second, but just as you got sent to this world I was sent to a new world too, and in that world I have power and a responsibility to protect those that can’t defend themselves.” I tell her trying to speak my mind.

'You think much like the Alchemist does human,’ She commented. ’He never forces us and leaves us to live our lives. He goes out of his way to help and protect us and never asks anything in return. my name is Jericho and I will join you but know that I will do what i think is right and won't hold back back when is comes to anything, no matter who it is.’

I smile and nod. “I thank you and will promise to respect your choices, would you like me to ask Edward for stones to keep around in case you choose to evolve?”

No, I never want to evolve,’ Jericho said very sternly. ‘I wish to get as strong as I can as a normal Eevee, and I will NEVER change my form.’ She stood up quickly.

I nod in understanding then tilt my head. “How about I see if Edward can find or make an everstone for you?”

Edward walked over to Jericho and knelt down and place a stone on a cord around her neck. "There ya go, now you'll never evolve unless you take off the stone."

I smile and pat Edward shoulder. “Now she is just missing a bandana with to the gokaiger logo and she will be a full member of my crew.” I say with a big smile.

Edward held a hand hand up and a red ribbon with the Gokaiger logo decorated it all over. "How about a pretty ribbon instead."

'Yes thank you. I may be a fighter but I'm still a girl.’

I shrug my shoulders. “Whatever she wants as long as it has the logo.”

Edward nodded and pinned the ribbon to Jericho's ear. "There we go, Now you have three partners. Now next on the list?"

“Magic training please and if possible could you reinforce the training room to handle Pokémon?” I say to Edward.

"Lets go to my lab," Edward said and before I realized it, we were in a hall of white, gold, metallic blue, and metallic red line the halls. "Follow me and stick close or you'll be wondering in a circle for a while."

I quickly pick up Jericho and run to keep up with Edward. “I’m guessing you have something like that multidimensional labyrinth from Guren Lagaan?”

"No, just a ass big loop spell," Edward chuckled. "Only if you're down here with me the girls or Pole can anyone get to the lab. Then there the matter of getting into the lab itself. Not even Pinkie Pie can get in using her so called short cuts."

“Really? Wow that is very impressive I think your the first person that could stop Pinkie if he wanted.” I say as I keep up with him.

"Pinkie Pie is a weird," Edward said. "A magical being who can do things that can't naturally be explained. The do it because they simply do it and know it will work."

I shrug and say. “One of the fan theories is that she is a descendent of Discord.”

"Nope," Edward shook his head. "There are tons of ponies like her out in the world, most just aren't as powerful as she is."

We soon arrieved at a set of very large doors. Edward placed a hand on them and shot red lightning up and down them causing them to slowly open reveal a very clean and highly advanced spacious room.

"Welcome to my LABORATORY!"

I raise a eyebrow. “Who are you; Dexter?” I chuckle and look around as we enter it.

“That novice wished he was me," Edward chuckled.

I laugh and smirks. “True, so what now?”

“Follow me to my hanger if you want to see how the repairs on your ship are coming along," Edward beckoned us in.

“Right.” I follow him and along the way I ask. “Got any advice on how I could get my world’s people to work together?”

"Find something that they can all work together towards, don't force ideas on others. Pretty much the run of the mill stuff works. Just have to be persistent about it and have the sisters back you helps."

We stepped through a small door that led to a very open area that house giant machines that rangered from Optimus prime,to MechaGodzilla. I then turned to sea several other humoind type mechas from Gurren Lagann to Gundams. I looked down to see several cars and other vehicles.

"Welcome to the Hanger everyone," Edward smirked as lights turned on. I could see several robots around human size working in certain areas.

“Well I can see I’m with a fellow weeb.” I say as I look around amazed.

"Most of the mechs were given to me by Optimus and my master," Edward explained as we walked down the pathway. "Yea, I loved anime but I never really got into the mech side of thing. The cars and stuff are things I wanted or built out of boredom. Most of them use combustion engines so they run on gasoline, so they won't work here. They’re more for show than anything."

I rub my chin and then say. “Couldn’t you make some kind of magic Engine? I mean Flem and Flam have a car of sorts that ran on magic, at least I hope it did, I read a story where they actually imprisoned a poor baby dragon and tortured it to use it’s fire.”

“It's could be possible, but one thing at a time," Edward looked ahead. "I just introduced automail here, and most of the recourse that are need in bulk outside gems and precocious metals from back on earth for it are made here by clones with Arc of Embodiment." We came upon what we were there to see. "There's your ship."

I smile as I look at my ship. “At least the outside seems to fully repaired don’t know about the inside yet, and mind giving me blueprints for all your automail? They may come in handy in my universe.”

“Standard pony, Anthro-pony, or straight human? I'll also include the wing designs that allow pegasi to continue flying," Edward listed

“Well I’m in a anthro world but keep in mind that I plan on going after the evil alliance on earth, and will most likely have to fight and save other aliens as well, so any the designs you have please, and do you know if it’s possible to create an artificial horn if possible? I want to get Fizzlepop Berrytwist on our side before the reliance can manipulate the Storm King into working for them.” I explain to Edward as I walk up the stairs to the airlock to my ship and open it up.

“Horns are tricky," Edward held up his right hand and a hologram projected from it. The picture was of a horn. "Not many metals outside Mythril silver, uru, vibranium, or orichalcum channel magics well. That's why I develop my crystal variants of the automail world that I call Crystalmail. My niece's girlfriend, the Twilight of her Eques, lost her arm in an accident during our fight. I made an amethyst model to match her coat color and it also channels magic, I later upgraded it with uru and vibranium. It should be possible," A circuit like diagram appeared next to the horn then overlaid it. "if I applied a magic circuit that bonds to the existing circuits inside the stump of the old horn. A little fine-tuning," Edward typed on a holo-keyboard and I saw the picture change. "Adjust for power output and shape, then age," the horn took a slight curve to it. "And here you are."

I watch but scratch my head. “Honestly that is way over my head but I did get the just of it, only crystals or very rare metals can work, but I’m sure with this information either my Twilight or Billy could make the horn automail.” I say as we enter the inside of my ship and see some of it is still being worked on so I go to the control panel and check to see it’s 89% repaired.

"No need," Edward placed a finger to his head. "Time, you got the plans yet?" Edward asked. "Yes it was brought up by the Dsipalced but he made a very valid point. We also haven't thought of this till now either. When can you have it ready? This specific one yes and have the basic plans for other models modified?" Edward moved his head about. "An hour great, see you then."

"Time Turner is working on it now," Edward looked at me. "He'll also have the plans for you when he arrives. You'll have to be a bit more specific when it comes to making horns for individuals as they'll have to be attuned to that unicorn specifically."

I nod in appreciation then I ask. “Alright, so how does magic training work?”

"That deepens on your magic and from what I've seen you pretty much have standard unicorn magic," Edward along the plank and we enter the lab again and we came to a door shaped like an hour glass with a dial on the outside next to the door that was also shaped like an hour glass. "Meaning you'd be better off learning at your own pace at an actual school, like Tia or Lu's. Seeing as your home world is pretty much frozen in time, so you have time, but I don't have the personal time to teach years of lessons, not with one of my girls pregnant. So we're going to cheat the system DBZ style."

“DBZ? Oh this is a room of spirit and time?” I ask surprised and look at the door.

“Yes, the Hyperbolic Time Chamber but with a setting dial on it," Edward raised an eyebrow. "Instead of the just three days to three years we can set it however we need to. The lowest we can set it is six hours to six months."

“Wow that in amazing though I hope you have things to do in there other then train when your taking a break or you’ll go crazy....well... a normal person anyway.” I say then rub the back of my neck.

“It's not just a training area," Edward rolled his eyes as he opened the door to reveal living spaces. There was a lounge on my left with books and a full kitchen on my right. "There's even an open air mountainside spring bath down the hall there."

“Wow, oh hold on.” Before I step through the door a summon my bag and reach in pulling out my laptop. “Now I can study when I’m not training.”

“Oh you'll be studying alright," Edward smirked as he closed the door. "Your Pokemon will be training under Clipeum."

"Bastiodon..." Clipeum bellowed.

"Rodger, the first thing I need to know is the amount of magical power you have in you body," Edward looked at me. "That will determine how intense and which regiment I use, though it will be more of a combat based learning. First things first, I want you to gather as much magic in your hand as you can and then pull it into your body and see how much you can hold."

“Um ok I’ll do my best.” I close my eyes and hold up my hands and focus magic into them they start glowing a soft red and slowly grows brighter. Once the magic is as thick as a normal adult unicorn’s I stop as I can’t channel any more. “I think that’s all I got.”

"Think fast," Edward tossed a baseball at me, well my head.

I open my eyes and try to catch it but it nails be right in the head. “Ow!” And the gathered magic dissipates.

"Guess will start with eggs then," Edward sighed. My partners were all glaring at him.

'Big mistake'. I thought as I winced from the pain.

Clip stepped up and literally bulldozed them out of the living area in to the vast whiteness of an open area. If this place is like the Time Chamber then that means the gravity is going t be stronger there. I don't know who has the harsher teacher, me or the Pokemon. I looked at Edward as he evil smirked

‘I may have made a horrible mistake.’ I think to myself and smile nervously. “So I guess I’m at level zero of my training?”

"Can you even lift a single egg and hold it for ten seconds," A carton of eggs appeared in Edward hand and he pulled one out. "FYI. You'll also be trying to catch them."

“Worth a try. Do I will it to happen or is there some kind of magic circle I have to picture in my mind?” I ask.

"The first one and you have feel the magic," Edward said as he set the egg down. "It's like any muscle in your body the more your work it the more you get used to it."

“Right well I better start then.” I hold my hand towards the egg and close my eyes and channel my magic and it starts to cover around the egg and slowly lifts up once I feel I have a good grip.

“Just don't-" Edward started to say then the egg shot up and nailed the ceiling. "Try to hard. You have more magic than normal ponies due to the nanites in you body. If I had to guess your power level is on par with Twilight, Sunset and Starlight."

My eye twitches as I look up at the egg on the ceiling then I look at Edward. “Well at last once this is done I’ll be able to do lots of fancy tricks.”

"Kid, you could teleport to Canterlot fifteen times over with a group of six and still fight putties all do long with out morphing with that kind of power," Edward grabbed his head and shook it. "You're learning from me, so along with the basic that I know I'll also teach you my augmentation technique. It’s where you use your magic to strength your body."

“Oh wow I didn’t know they where that strong.” I look at my hand as I focused magic into it again.

"Technically, they can do that teleport, but the extra stuff would be just you as you have the Morphin Grid to back you up," Edward said as he set an apple down. "Let's try magic beam instead of levitation. Again try gathering your magic but in a single point, like your finger tip," He held up a finger and it glowed red. "Then release that straight outward." Edward shot a beam of magic straight through the apple.

"Eventually you can shoot in rapid fire," He turned the apple swiss. "But you just focus and gathering and release. Try and hit the apple with out destroying it." A new apple appeared on the stand.

I look at the Apple then aim my hand like a gun at it and Focus magic into my finger after a moment I fire a beam of magic hitting the Apple near the bottom knocking it into the air and I feel my body and magic work on instinct and I fire three more shots of magic but these shots punch clean holes through the Apple.

“Looks like you have knack for combat magic," Edward chuckled. "If you was a pony you'd probably have a combat themed mark that has some reference to magic."

I look a bit shocked at the Apple and manage to catch it. “Damn that was strange I moved on my own.”

"I want you to keep that up until your magical wellspring is exhausted," Edward told me sternly.

“So just keep shooting magic at the Apple?” I ask to make sure as I start to channel magic into my finger again. “Also should I stay with one hand or use both?”

"Experiment as you see fit," Edward shrugged. "As long as you use up all your magic just don't use it up all in one go or you'll risk passing out," He walked into the lounge and then over to a bookshelf and started to look it over. "Try not obliterate the apples. One will pop up as needed."

“Ok well let’s try this.” I spend the next hour shooting magic at the apples as they appear and even experiment a bit with both hands finding I can fire magic out of all my fingers. I then try putting both hands together with my fingers spread put still pointing at the Apple and fire from them like a Gatling gun, after that I’m panting and bend over with my hands on my knees.

"Now that you've exhausted your internal magic supply," Edward sai das he pulled a book from the shelf. "You'll be learning to fill it with external magic." HE opened the book. "You do this by using the technique you used to pull your magic out, but through it in reverse. Do this and fill your body until your fill like you going to explode then," Edward slammed the book closed drawing my attention, "You hold it until you collapse."

"You'll note that external magic is much harder to gather and control than your internal magic," Edward explained. "This has to do with the fact that it wasn't made by your body and like anything that goes into your body it has the chance to either be accepted or rejected. Magic Poisoning is extremely deadly if you surcome to it, and you can die in mere seconds. It feels as if your on fire while exploding and being torn apart all at once."

I stare at Edward hoping he is joking but seeing his serious face I sigh. Closing my eyes I start to pull magic into myself. It is very slow but once I start I can picture a lake inside me being filled with rain water it fills up to the brim and I hold it together inside me. What felt like minutes was closer to half an hour. I open my eyes and look around.

"Don't stop," Edward said behind my as he gently tapped his book against the back of my head. "The key to the type of magical augmentation is keep a steady flow of outer magic going in order maintain your argumentation. You can't start to augment until you've at least gotten yourself use to the foreign magic. We'll do this exercise several over times, using a different environment each time to better acclimate you to new magic and so you can adapt on the fly." Edward walked around in front of me. "Just so you know, this entire course will take you at least three months for the basics. All of my students had to go through it but much faster, so their training is a little rougher, but they still toughed it out. Can you?"

I narrow my eyes and nod full of determination. “I’ll do everything in my power to learn everything you have to teach.” I then get back to the magic training.

Over the next three months I was trained and pushed beyond my limits by Edward. He made sure to push me just hard enough that I would grow without completely breaking. I managed to gain full control over my own magic as well as learning his technique for absorbing ambient magic.

Edward also taught me more sword fighting techniques as well as long range tactics that I can pair with my range of powers. The training was incredibly hard but Edward knew exactly how hard to push me without breaking me.

My Pokémon friends also had a very hard time training. All three grew stronger some faster than others. Beldum managed to evolve into a Metang, while my other two friends seem to have become rivals and have pushed themselves to new heights.

At the end of the three months I was more toned my senses sharper and my magic stronger before we leave the hyperbolic time chamber I turn to Edward holding out a hand. “ I had to say the last three months have been hell on earth but it was definitely worth it. Thank you Edward for taking time out of your schedule to train me when you could’ve just thrown my sorry ass back into my own world to leave me to fend for myself. I just have one last request before you send me home, is there a way you can help protect my mind I don’t want to risk Rita or Zedd using their magic to control me like they did Tommy.”

"I can create mental blocks and barrier easily but to keep the influence of evil out of someone is utter bullshit," Edward sighed. "Look, the way most of this works is there is some form of evil in our heart already. No matter how small or how good you are; we not have have a shred of evil is like saying there is no balance in our lives. It’s whether we choose to act on that evil that determines if it grows. This was true with Tommy, also with Trent in Dino thunder when he become the white ranger. The power of the artifacts they had ultimately led them down their paths, though there were influenced by outside source originally, but due to that small bit of evil in their hearts they walked the dark path no matter how short, though they did overcome it in the end."

“I suppose that’s true, thanks for the advice Edward. Well training is finished I think I’ll load my friends onto my ship and send them back then you can send me back.” I say as we exit the hyperbolic time chamber.

A thought pops into my head and I turn my head to Edward as we walk to where my ship is. “Is it possible for you to give me a key stone and maga stone for Metang when he fully evolves? Also if you have seeds for the Pokémon berries and recipes for poké chow that would be awesome.”

"Check your pocket," Edward remarked as he walked our followed by his partner and mine.

I dig in my pockets and pull out two stones and a pocket watch in one hand and a book filled with recipes for Poké chow. “Wow thanks and you would make a amazing stage magician if you get tired of being a king.” I joke and set the stuff back into my pockets.

"Take this," He held out a small bag. "It's an endless carry bag and there's a bag of berry seeds in it too. I also made copies of all the tokens I’ve collected and placed them in there to. Once in your ship you can put them on display in your token room I installed."

I chuckle and smirk. “That’s great I’m a bit of a collector so I’ll want to collect every token I can even if I never call the person. Hmmm I wonder if I can summon them to me like my other stuff.” I mumble to myself as we reach the hanger and I look up seeing my ship fully repaired and even cleaned.

“Had the drone buff and polish it for ya," Patted my back. "One more thing," he held at a slightly curved crystalline purple horn and a book. "This is for Tempest when You meet her. The book is for you and has all the know how on how to make prosthetic horns on a base line scale. You'll have to adjust them to individuals as needed. Also," he pulled it back as I reached for it. "This is for your eyes only. I don't want this knowledge falling into the wrong hands. If you feel up to sharing it make sure its with those you absolutely trust and know won't betray you. Got it."

I nod and smile. “Of course I can already think of two people that could understand this if they work together.” I say as I take it and put it in the bag Edward gave me. “I assume you already gave me the other automail designs in the bag, right?”

"Blueprints and designs are all in the books in your library. I took the liberty to install several new additions to your ship using a spacial conversation spell similar to the one on your bag.," Edward explained as we walked. "You now have a full stocked library with spells for you to learn as well as a practice area built into it. There is also a lab and workshop to build and create whatever you need. You medical supplies and infirmary have been full stocked and over hauled with the latest equipment I can create, I also put in an interface in there should no one know how to use it and need it right away."

"If you need to these rooms can actually be separated from the ship and set up a stand alone buildings," Edward motioned to the ship. "You can also make new rooms for anyone that needs one, though it will take the ship twenty-four hours to make the space."

“Wow that’s so cool, thanks. When you say there’s a interface in the infirmary do you mean like that hologram from Star Trek Voyager?” I ask as I escort my Pokémon onto the ship through one of my portals.

"Yes, a very simple one," Edward nodded. "She'll take on any form that she feels would be the most accepted by her patiences. Say they're a full blown little pony, she'll be that. If need be she can also interface with the tools to perform surgeries, even automail grafts."

“That’s good thank you very much.” I say to him then turn to my Pokémon. “Go ahead and find some rooms for yourself and if there isn’t one you like we can make one for each of you once we are back in my world ok?” They all nod and go to explore the ship.

"I can't thank you enough for what you've done here Rodger. Taking part in a battle that wasn't yours saving my family and then me," Edward took hold of my hand. "Thank you my friend." He released my hand and as he did I held onto a box of cards of some sort.

“Of course my friend, I couldn’t just leave you like that.” I say to him as we shake hands then I look over the box and my eyes widen when I see what’s inside. “Well these will definitely help later fur sure. Thank you Edward, oh.”

I summon my bag I got from the moogle and dig through it then pull out a wooden game controller. “This is the only token I’ve found so far if you don’t have it feel free to copy it.” I say as I show it to him.

“No don't have this one," Edward said as he happily to the token and heard the familiar voice of Deltorix. "So that's his token," He smirked. "Just so know the watch I gave is my token and it doubles as a communicator for those that have it across the void. You can also send packages through the void with it as long as there not to big."

“Wow that’s handy.” I say as I smile and Edward takes the wooden control and makes a copy. I then pull out my morpher and press a few buttons and my ship starts moving forward ripping a hole in reality as it leaves back to my world.

“Well seems this is good bye for now, seeing as you know this Deltorix mind telling me if he is a good man?” I say then I morph and pull out my sword and gun.

"He's a great dragon, powerful and good hearted. The kind of ally you want to have in any fight," Edward walked over to an open space. "Best to keep him from getting to angry lest his dragon nature get the better of him." His eyes shifted to a ripple pattern. "I can send you back like a canon straight at the evil space sorceress bitch that way you can get back at her for the crap she pulled. I do have to ask before you leave, anypony special you have your eye on back home?"

I chuckle and shake my head. “I’ve just gotten these so no not yet, and just make a portal for me to walk through it will make me seem like I found my way back rather than got lucky and got slingshotted back.” I say as I roll my head and grip my gun and blade tighter. “And Edward, thanks for everything hope to see you again.”

He grabbed the air and pulled it back like it was a blanket to reveal my homeworld. "Thank you for all you've done for me, my family and my home. Good luck my friend and if you ever need anything, at all. Don't hesitate to ask me for it and if its with in my power I do it."

I nod and smile then walk through the portal right between Celestia and Luna then aim my gun at Rita.

"Why don't you just run away and tell your ugly husband that you failed; bitch." I see her eyes widen and she growls then slams her staff down and teleports away then I slump acting tired to sell the act.

"Thank god she left. Power down." In a flash I return to normal and Celestia and her sister do the same following my example.

"It's good to see you again. We thought you lost to the void young warrior." Luna says to me but I waves her off.

"I would have been but I got lucky. Now if you excuse me I need to find my bed before I pass out." I then shamble towards Twilight's castle and I sigh. Once I’m inside the castle I stretch and smile then go to my room.

3rd POV Edward’s world

Edward watched this all play out from his side of the portal with a big smirk on his face. "Good Luck Roger. I hope you get a good rest, gods know you need it, especially for the coming battles." He closed the portal. "Now..." He looked up. "I have three women of my own to get back too..." he disappeared in a flash of red light.