• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,379 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Crossover with the story The Golden Eyed Sage part 1 of 5

I rub my chin while thinking. 'ok this is not good. I need to find out if there is a displaced in this other Equestria but until then I should hide.’

I look around not wanting to scare anyone I go to the closest door I can find and try to open it but it’s locked I grunt in annoyance and blast the lock with my gun and the door opens I walk in and close the door and I don’t even get to look around before a sphere of energy surrounds me and lifts me off the ground in my shock I try to shoot the energy but my shot just bounces around inside the sphere hitting me a few times causing sparks and smoke to come off my suit.

It’s then that a humanoid earth pony walks in wearing a muscle shirt with an apron and black work pants he looks me over and groans rubbing his face. “Oh great another displaced stay here.”

Then he walks out of the room and once he is gone I cross my arms and wait.

Time seemed to crawl by as I floated in the energy sphere. Suddenly a tall man with long blonde hair appeared in the shop. His attire consisted of a black sleeveless with grey lounge pants no shoes. His right arm was clearly covered in metal, a prosthetic; probably. He looked over at me with a scowl.

“Whooves,” He called out, clearly a bit ticked off. where are you?”

“I’m in the back! I lost my fizz again!” the pony from earlier called out.

I looked down to see a hat laying on the ground in front of me. “Um, is this it, here in front of me?” I pointed down.

“It’s in here,” The tall man called out.

“Oh,” The pony came out and picked up the hat and put it with a jacket on a rack nearby, and then went back to the back. “Thanks, Do your thing.” he went back to work.

I huff and grab my sword off my hip and poke the bottom of the sphere “well you let me out of here already?” I say with annoyance in my voice.

"How did you get here?" the tall man asked. "I know I didn't summon you."

I groan and rub my faceplate, “An evil witch named Rita Repulsa opened a portal to the void but I fucked up her spell, and next thing I know I’m in that alley.” I finish by pointing at the broken door behind me.

"Watch your tone with me kid," the man pointed at me. "You're the one who landed on my world in my kingdom and broke into my shop."

I push my face against the sphere, “and your world isn’t in danger right now!” I yell at him and get a key out of my belt buckle. ‘If he won’t let me out, I’ll break myself out.’

"You're more than welcome to try," He crossed his arms. "But I highly recommend you don't."

I stop and look up at him, ‘Can he read my mind?’ I slowly put the key into my sword’s slot.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," He shook his head and threw a hand up.

I look between him and the bottom of the sphere then lift my sword up to my left shoulder and it starts glowing with red energy. “Let. Me. Out.”

"You're gonna cut your helmet open numb nuts," he deadpanned. "It's a zero point energy field and will rebound your slash in all directions until it connects with you."

I growl and power the sword down and remove the key, “then let me out I need to get back to my world before Rita kills Celestia and Luna!”

"Let me take a look," He says and I SWEAR I see his eyes change. "Mmmm... you’re fine. See" He opened a portal to my world. He snapped and the bubbled popped and I land on my face. I get up and shake my head while moving over to the vortex he opened.

As I look through the vortex I see Rita blocking a sword strike from the Lunar Wild Force ranger but the scene is almost frozen, “I don’t understand; is this live?”

"I could kick your ass through it to see so I can go back home and go to bed," He crossed his arms.

“So this is real? I can go back?” I start reaching for the portal.

"Yes, you can," He rolled his eyes. "Or I can send you to any number of world in the damn multiverse. And one you want where you can become stronger."

I stop and look at him. “How much stronger and how long would I be gone?”

"Judging from what I see in that portal," He looked to the portal. "Time has pretty much stopped in your world. It's pretty common when Displaced leave their world by their design. You were forced out, so time here is unlimited, and as far as how strong you can get is up to you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to spend every waking minute with you training. I have a country to run, numerous classes to teach, wives and children that I love to spend every waking minute with. "

I put my sword and gun on my hips and cross my arms, “well I could use some rest and more training it’s only my first day as a displaced, fortunately, the Morphin grid seems to have given me some basic fighting knowledge.”

"I can give you rest and training at the castle," He leaned against a counter behind him. Suddenly a group of the locals burst through the back door, one was pretty tough looking wearing crimson armor.

I step back and reach for my sword but stop when I see they are locals. ‘Damn I’m already getting jumpy.’

"What the hell are you eight doing here at this hour?" The man looked shocked at the new group.

"We were asked to come into the castle," The one in front wearing the armor said. "Why are you here?"

I stay quiet and look them over and see this world's twilight and notice she doesn’t have wings and grunt softly.

"Tired," came a voice next to her. I looked down to see a little girl with violet hair, black wings, and horn and cyan eyes with slitted pupils.

My hand goes to my gun and I don’t grab it and take a step back as I only know of one Alicorn with those eyes.

"If you even dare point a weapon at my daughter I'll crush your head," The earth pony in front looked at me.

I look at him and move my hand away from my gun, “If she is who I think she is; I’ll leave this world to deal with her I have enough trouble to deal with”

"She is not Nightmare you idiot," The tall man said. "Her name is Nyx, she was born from the remnants of Nightmare's magic as a base but give life through a ritual that combines serval other forms of magic with the use of the blood of a powerful mage, aka her mother Twilight Sparkle."

I look between him and the little Alicorn and grunt turning away, “I’ve never heard of her so I’ll take your word.”

"Good and that that’s settled," The tall man clapped his hands and we're immediately in the middle of a throne room.

I look around shocked as I didn’t even feel any magic, “What the hell?!”

"I can create void portals with relative ease young one," The tall man rolled his eyes. "Teleporting a small group like this is nothing." He turned to see the sisters. "What's going on?" he asked as he walked off leaving everyone else behind.

I look around then point at him “Ok who the hell is this guy?”

"That's Prince Edward Elric, husband to Celestia and Luna, father to Morning Star and Solar Eclipse," Twilight answered. "Fifteen thousand years ago he was called the Golden Eyed Sage, then around two thousand five hundred, he was called the Crimson Butcher and the Crimson King when he ruled Minos. Most Displace call him the Crimson Sage."

I blink and just stare at them then throw my hands up, “Of course my first experience with displaced is an old guy in a harem story!” I shake my head and walk to the doors.

I open the doors and Edward is standing in front of me. "Never said you could wander around my home," h glared at me. "Every pony else go see Tia and Luna. You come with me."

I cross my arms and grunt, “ Let me guess; you don’t want me messing with your world.”

"I don't want a kid wandering around this place thinking he knows where everything is; smartass," Edward poked my helmet. "This place is very different from the castle you know. I build most of it after the changeling invasion after all."

I shrug and smirk in my helmet and start smugly “Shows what you know. I don’t know shit about any castles because I’ve only been in Equestria for a day.”

"Okay wanna be a wise guy, fine," He looked at me. 'Note to self never piss of the really old dude who can flick you across a room. I shook my head as I found myself on the floor next to the thrones.

“Ow...damn good thing I was morphed. that hurt; ass.” I mumble and lay my head back down.

3rd POV

"Welcome Everypony," Celestia welcomed her family and her friends. "I'm sorry to call on all of you at this late hour but we have an urgent matter that must be addressed and you have a very pivotal role in it."

"The Crystal Empire has returned," Luna added while everyone looked at each other.

"Wait, you mean the Empire THE one where Ed's crystal sword was created," Twilight commented

There was a tug at her pants by Nyx. "Mom, I'm tired. Can I please go back to bed?"

Twilight looked at the princesses. "Feather Duster will take her to Luna's room. Chrysalis is already there with the twins." He walked up.

"Ed aren't you dealing with a Displaced right now?" Luna looked at the man on the floor.

"An unwanted Displaced. He was forced here; not summoned, besides this is a very important matter in itself. I heard the Empire is back," He looked to Celestia who nodded while a maid showed up and took Nyx from her mother and exited the throne room.

Celestia nodded. "You see I just received word not more than ten minutes ago that Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor made contact with it," Twilight looked up with anticipation. "And this is your next set of tests Twilight."

"My next test?" She looked at Celestia overjoyed.

"Tests" Luna corrected her. "As in more than one Young Sparkle."

"Exactly how many does she have to take?" Spike crossed his arms.

"As many as necessary," Ed added. "But know this is not only from Celestia my apprentice," Twilight knew this was serious now as Ed rarely ever used the term 'Apprentice' without a reason. "You will be tested for what you have learned from all of us."

"For me, it will be a test of Darkness," Luna said as she stepped forward.

"For me, it will be to save the Empire," Celestia stepped up.

"And for me, it will be alchemical, in nature," Ed stepped forward. "Twilight is not the only one who will be tested. You well all face some kind of trial the will push you. How; I do not know. But know you will not face these trials alone."

"Face the Darkness and conquer it," Luna looked at them.

"Save the Empire and spread the love back to it light the north with light once more," Celestia said with a heart.

"And seek the truth within the truth," Ed said to his students.

"Now go to the station and head north, Shining Armor meets you there," Celestia advised.

"I will be tagging along but I WILL NOT help any of you," Ed said sternly. "I go for my own reasons and should you fail the tests Twilight then I will step in."

Twilight to a hard gulp and nodded. A sound came from the corner of the room on the floor.

Jolly Roger POV

"Looks like he's waking up," Edward commented.

I sit up and put my arms on my knees and I think for a moment and decide to stay in character. “I was always awake, I heard everything and I’m guessing your gonna drag me along on this little adventure but seeing as I’m a pirate I’ll only help for a price.”

I look at the man I now know as Ed. “I have a ship that can get us to the north faster than the train but if you want to ride it you’re gonna pay me.”

"How about I pay you with a swift boot to your ass," Edward scowled at me. "You are in no position to ask for anything. You broke into my shop, I could have you hauled down to the dungeon and leave you there and wouldn’t even bat an eyelash or lose a wink of sleep. I don't care if you are here by accident. I'm not in the mood to deal with crap, especially pirate crap."

I tilt my head and think then say, “I’m just making a business offer after all. My ship could get you there in a few minutes; compared to hours.” I make sure to look at twilight when I add. “Who knows what could happen before you get there.”

"Um Ed, I leave the choice up to you," Twilight looked at her teacher.

"We take the train," Ed told everyone as the red electricity sparked around him and his clothes change to a black suit with silver trim, a red hooded coat, and black boots. "The winds are too strong and the storms are a torrent of ice magic that freezes anything that tries to fly through or over it."

“Even from orbit? My ship is a space ship you know.” I add and finally stand up crossing my arms. “Wouldn’t be too much trouble to fly up over the storm then down right over the empire.”

Suddenly Edward was in my face. "Do you want to get stronger or should I open the portal up and shove your ass through?"

I stare at him surprised at his speed but don’t move for a full minute. “Fine, whatever. Just trying to make a profit.” I turn away from him and start walking toward the door.

"Your profit is power," Edward pointed at the door. "Now are you coming or are you going home?"

“I’ll come. I might as well. Who knows; maybe there will be something useful at the empire.” I rub my chin and grin.

"If you take anything; I WILL end you," Ed said coldly as we walked along to the train.

I make an over-exaggerated gasp and put a hand to my chest. “ A pirate I may be but a thief I am not. You are thinking of a completely different sentai team.”

Edward was in my face again and he grabbed my suit and pushed his eyes against my visor. "Look here jackass, I don't care about you and don't care about the type of Displaced you are. All I know is that this is very very important to me. I have a chance, a very slim chance to get back someone very important to me and my girls, maybe two if I can manage. If I find you hindering me or crossing lines I don't like your ass is out into the void; if you’re lucky. The next option is I eat for smart alec soul, got it!"

I look to see the girls far enough away then whisper. “Look I’ll help but I have to keep up the act. Now let go of me and let’s pretend to be friends for them.” I tilt my head towards the girls.

"No acting. Only honesty works here," Edward released me. "They know all about the Displaced and my Students as will."

I sigh and cross my arms. “Fine but I still want to try to summon my ship to see if it’s possible while I’m in another world but we can do that later.” I start walking to the train and reach for my belt buckle.

"Keep it in orbit," Ed said as he got on and sat down. The others sat in various places, some next to one another that I would've never guessed were couples. I sat across from Ed. He cracked an eye at me. "Look, I KNOW I am not being the best host right now but you must understand that this is a very delicate situation. I need to keep the timeline as straight as I can, and it's already a mess as is. There are a lot of factors in this and the opponent, Sombra, was the best Alchemist I ever taught aside from Twilight and her daughter."

“Hmmm.” I rub my chin and think then look back at the girls and see they are all distracted with each other I look to Ed and say. “If he was an alchemist then he may have his own army and I can help with that, and I understand. Ed; here.” I throw my red gokaiger key at him. “My token, and I am sorry about my attitude.”

The train starts to pull out of the station. I looked out the window at the nightlife of Canterlot. "Catch," Edward tossed me a blaster. I then recognized it. "Yes it is, don't ask just take it. And don't call me ‘Ed’; you haven't really earned that privilege yet."

I look it over shocked then look back up at him. “Thanks but don’t these bond with their user? Who’s is it? And what do I call you?”

"It's yours, unbonded at this point," Edward looked out the window. "And just call me Edward."

I shrug and cross my arms and sit back. “Alright if you say so thanks. I’m gonna nap wake me up when we get close.”

"You do that," Edward said with a sigh, "Please still be alive Amore." I heard him say under his breath.

I close my eyes wondering what Candice has to do with this and fall asleep.

3rd P.O.V. An hour later in Canterlot Castle

Celestia and Luna both remained in the throne room unable to sleep. Their minds were both plagued by the thoughts of past events and the events that might unfurl when their friends, family, and their husband reached the Crystal Empire.

"Are you thinking the same?" Luna asked her older sister.

"You mean the reason why Ed actually went with them?" Celestia looked at Luna out of the corner of her eye.

"There is a strong possibility that she is still alive," Luna tried to reassure her sister. "I know how much you love Amore, Tia caused that's how much I love Ed."

"I love her very much Luna, but she... she knew she wasn't the one who was in my heart first," Celestia let out a sigh. "I felt. I feel so guilty that I couldn't give her my whole heart."

"I think she felt that way about Ed," Luna comforted her sister, "She did love him but she loved you more. You think Ed loves her as he does us?"

"Hnhnhn, there isn't a ‘don't’ in my mind that he loves her just as much," Celestia playfully jabbed Luna. "She tried to get us all in the same room for some fun once."

"Yes I know, Ed told me all about it," Luna's face went flush. "That mare had a tongue of gold when it came to the matter of getting somepony in the bedroom."

"You don't need to remind me, sister," Celestia rolled her eyes. "I don't think I CAN sleep at all right now."

"Neither I," Luna confessed. "She'll we go and check o the twins and Nyx?"

Celestia looked at her little sister, "No, let Chrissy watch over them, she loves doing that. I think we best stay in here until our never settle."

"As you wish," Luna nodded.

Outside the Castle

A figure in the shadows looked up at Luna's Balcony. Eye with Red sclera on a green background with purple whisps came from them watched.

"Hmhmhmhm..." the figure chuckled to itself. "You fools. Edward, I will defeat you and take this land as my own. But as an insurance policy; I'll need some help," it said as it looked to a familiar changeling queen. "And a partner to boot."

The figure jumped into the air cloaked in ethereal shadow, as it landed on the balcony. It moved swift and with ease and reached up to pulled open the glass door but a sudden blue spark shot and his fingers. He quickly reacted and snickered wickedly.

"Luna and her little wards," He snickered and placed a hand on the balcony. Suddenly red sparks came from the figure's forehead traveling do to the balcony and across to the doors. Within seconds there was a pop and nothing.

"Change one little aspect of the material and the ward no longers recognizes it as a proper conduit," He snickered. "Now for my toys."

Shadows rushed forward and rip the door from the hinges tossing it to the gardens below. The figure walk in and was met with an angry changeling holding an insectoid scythe.

"You got a lot nerve breaking in here," Chrysalis held up her weapon in a defensive stance.

"Come now Chrysalis put that away, I'm not here to fight." The figure said in a snide manner.

"Who the fuck are you?" She glared holes in the cloaked figure.

"I'm an old friend of the royal," He chuckled.

"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" She rushed in and swung her scythe only for a wall to appear for the ground blocking it. "That's not possible. Only-"

"Only Edward can do this kind of alchemy, hehehe, no he's not," He snickered as he hit the was and red electricity surged and before Chrysalis knew it, her arms and legs were bound while a crystal ring was placed on her horn blocking her magic. "Crystal suppressor based on Edward's sword. How about you listen now. Join me and be the Queen you're supposed to be."

"Go to hell," Chrysalis struggled. "I'd never turn on my family. Celestia and Luna took me in looked after me, gave the changelings a chance to live with ponies. Edward trusts me with his children." she snarled.

"Ah yes the children, I NEARLY forgot the real reason I came here," he turned to the bed with the three alicorns cowering in fear. "Hello little one want to come play." they stayed silent. "Aw, now that's no way to be when someone wants to play. Guess nice time is over!" Shadows engulf everything and soon both were left but an empty room with Chrysalis still bound but passed out.

Throne room a moment later

Celestia and Luna were suddenly stirred from their sleep by a loud crash outside. They'd fallen asleep leaning on each other in the throne room.

"What on Equis was that?" Celestia looked to a guard who came running.

"Pardon the intrusion you highnesses, but somepony has broken into your bedroom Princess Luna," The guard said abruptly.

"Why in the world would anypony break in there?" Luna looked to her older sister then her pupils shrank with horror as she realized what it was the assailant was after, "The children!"

"Quickly, we must aid Chrysalis!" Celestia flared her wings and she and Luna started to fly out of the room but were suddenly flung into their thrones and the guard tossed out as the doors slammed shut and sealed with red magic.

"What in Tartarus is going on?" Luna shot to the door and started to pound on it with all her might.

"Such unbecoming behavior for an Equestrian Princess," Chuckled a dark evil voice from everywhere in the room.

"Who are you?" Celestia shouted. "Show yourself!"

"Now, now, no need to shout Celestia," the voice chuckled.


"Why nothing my dear," said the voice as a shadow poured down from the ceiling like liquid fog and formed into a cloaked figure with red sclera on green eyes while purple wisps came from the sides. "Nothing yet at least."

"If you harm them in any way I WILL END YOU!" Luna gritted her teeth in rage.

"What have you done with Chrysalis?" Celestia stomped.

"I left her tied up in the room," The figure shrugged. "She spat in my face so I left her with a few dark thoughts for the road."

"Where are my children and niece?" Luna said light her horn.

"Ahahaha..." the figure held up a finger moving it side to side. From his cloak came three dark bubbles of translucent shadow that contain the three unconscious young alicorns curled into balls.

Celestia and Luna looked on in horror as the figure held their family hostage.

Luna was beside herself, "Please let them go?" she begged. "What do you want?"

"First I WANT REVENGE!" They shouted in anger. Shadows shot out and grabbed onto the sisters. Suddenly the shadows came up and placed crystal suppressors on their horns. "For trying to imprison me and take my Empire. Like the suppressors, they were made with a little help from your husband." the figure cackled as he dropped his hood to reveal a pale-faced stallion with a thorny crown and a singular upward curved red crystalline horn.

The sisters' eyes widen with horror. "Sombra!" they said in unison.

"Yes, and look what I CAN DO," Sombra gloated as he held up a hand, and with a spark from his horn a sword was created from nothing.

"How? You shouldn't be able to create like that ?" Celestia struggled in vain.

Luna squinted as she looked at his horn. "How? How do you have a Philosopher's Stone?"

"Mhmhmhmhm... It wasn't easy to obtain I tell you," Sombra snickered. "But after coming across a cave with some of my Master's early texts that he forgot about from a sent in the Frozen North. I was able to make one with some help from a few populace of the Empire."

"How could you?" Celestia said in horror as tears ran down her face.

"Very easily actually, like when I faced mother," Sombra smirked. "And after I've turned you all into a statue in front of my dear father and completely broken him I'll drain him of his power and you five along with the new Princess who sits on my throne and my mother of you souls and magic. Then I'll take over the world. RAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He laughed as she blackened the room.

Back on the Train
Jolly's POV

I wake up after a short nap and look around seeing everyone doing their own thing then I look to Edward.

Edward continued to stare out the window for the next few hours watching the landscape slowly change as it rolled by. Eventually, it started to snow towards the end of the journey, then a pony; one of the conductors I suspect; came out from the front and tapped Edward on the shoulder and he was pulled back to our reality. Whatever it had been he'd been thinking about had had his full attention as he was pulled away from it had to do a double-take about his surroundings. The conductor whispered something to my fellow Displaced and he shot to his feet immediately.

"Come on kid," He said as he walked to the front of the train. I followed almost jogging to keep up until we stopped just outside the coal car.

"Edward, what's going on?" I panted slightly.

"According to what the conductor told me there are several what appear to be soldiers made of either ice or crystal up ahead. They're in the valley up ahead blocking the way to the Empire," Edward placed his hand under his chin. "We don't have time to stall and fighting would be pointless."

"So what? I have my ship, but if we're already far north enough to where my scanners will have a hard time locking on," I rubbed the back of my helmet. "Too bad we can't just re-route the tracks over the valley."

Edward snapped. "That would work," He looked at me.

"You can’t seriously think that's possible?" I raised an eyebrow under my helmet. "It takes crews and material not to mention the time to do that. You may maybe powerful but you're only ONE MAN."

"My clones will be shoveling coal, pumping the flame, and enchanting the train while I and another clone create and destroy tracks at the front on the back of the train while it's in the air."

I stare at Edward in amazement then I rub my chin and say. “What if I use my Solaris Mystic Knight key and summon his flying train?” I reach for my belt buckle already pushing the button. “Then we can keep everyone safe while you move the tracks.”

“You miss the point kid," Edward replied, "But if you have the thing it is better than enchanting this thing." He tapped the train with his knuckle.

I hold up the Solaris mystic night key But am shocked to see it’s gray I tilt my head wondering what it means then I remember I gave Celestia the key and she is most likely using it but I decide to try out. “Magical Source, Mystic Force!" I swing my Morpher and the key together in front of me and turn it but nothing happens I sigh and shake my head.

“Seems I can’t use a key if the linked ranger is using their power or someone else is using the key, but I do have the red mystic force ranger worth a try to see what he can do.” I switch keys to the red one and smile get ready to morph.

"If you can use your energy to help stabilize the train and keep the flames charged with magic fire to prevent the thing from freezing I can focus on getting this thing on the rails in the air," Ed looked at me with a serious look. "Can I TRUST YOU with the lives of my friends and family as well as the crew of his engine; ranger?”

I look down at the key then up at Edward and nod with resolve. “Yes I’ll do my best and this is the best choice for that now then, magical source, mystic force!” I slide the key into my morphers and turn it then a surge of energy flows around me and the Morpher calls out, ’Magiranger’ then ’Galywit Mysto Ranger!’ and a red magic circle appears above me and I automatically jump through it transforming into the red mystic force ranger, once I land I pose and call out. “Mystic force red!”

The wind blows making my small cape fluttering in the wind then I turn to face Edward and say. “Well, it worked, although that was the first time I went through the whole morphing sequence.”

"You stay with them in the engine," Ed pointed to three of his clones to the clones to the left. "One will make coal and water, one will shovel it while maintaining a fire stream with you, and the third help stabilizes this thing from flying off the rails while I go to the front and the last Ed goes to the back for track duty." They all started to get to their positions until the original Edward looked at me. "Sorry kid, but never did get your name?"

“My name is Rodger but I’ve chosen to be called by my old nickname ‘Jolly Rodger’, seems fitting as I’m a pirate.” I chuckle and walk up to my position and use my new fire powers to send a fire into the engine when I need to and ask the Edward next to me. “Are you all connected or do I need to wait to talk with the original?”

Edward smirked and turned to the conductors. "Get this thing moving and let them take over," they saluted and get the train back on course while the original Edward had gone outside.

"We can communicate via telepathy, what do you need?" Edward asked.

“Not so much a need as just wondering; see this is still my first day of being displaced so I have to ask is the theory that displaced are close to immortal once they become displaced?” I ask as I continue to focus on the fire not noticing the red magic starts to spread around the whole train slowly.

One Ed made coal while the other shovel and fed regular fire from his palm into the engine. The trains leeched forward and we were soon moving at a decent pace and the I saw green ethereal wind cover the engine. It must be some form of wind magic. I thought. Soon I saw the snow whizzing by on the outside of the train as we moved faster and the Edwards worked faster. I also noticed that we were no longer on the ground.

"It depends on what you are Displaced as," Edward commented as he shoveled. "I was because I was turned into a Living Philosopher Stone. But Displaced can die, especially if they're still in their earlier days of Displacement like you are. I died but gave up the chance to go back to my homeworld to stay here, with those I LOVE. I had made peace with my family’s deaths within my first hundred years here. I never had a good relationship with my parents and it got worse and worse until it snapped and they outright denounced me. My brothers were my connection after that," He let out a side sigh. "Come to find out my brothers were alive and well as it had only been around nine or ten years in that world. But to answer your question many Displaced are born immortal or some form thereof, while at the same time many are not. You being later but not saying it’s not impossible to become immortal either. We eventually leave our worlds either by choice or forced to become Void Dwellers that are gods in many senses of the word."

The trains were now moving faster and faster. I looked out the window as it tilted ever so slightly. I saw many odd-looking knights and soldiers in the valley below. 'Looks like he does have an army.'

I gulp at the size of his army then say to the Edward clone. “Well, honestly I hope I don’t become an immortal. I see it as a curse, but if I did become one I’d most likely become a new Morphin master, The closest thing to a God in Power Rangers lore.” I tell him then suddenly the whole train starts to vibrate and starts turning red I look around confused as more armor starts to grow on the train becoming a red version of the Solar Streak.

"It's your choice," the fire clone said as magic poured out of the engine as it moved faster and faster racing and soaring through the sky. "To become immortal or not, sometimes we don't get a choice though. Had I HAD ONE I would've chosen to be immortal every time because I would never have met so many wonderful ponies and other creatures or married Tia and Lulu or had my children either? I'm hoping I can still save two of the ponies from my past on this mission, if not both one or the other at least.”

I nod and smirk in my helmet. “So you got married huh? I can see that being a huge deal especially with your wives being the princesses, I’m not sure how I feel about the ponies yet, they are anthro so they hit that uncanny valley.” I say then look at the sides of the train as it goes through its final changes.

"It's like my master said once," The coal clone butted in. "Don't deny anything for love, even if they are a different species." The train moved ever faster as more magic spewed from every part of the engine. "Poured it on or this thing could blow apart!" We heard Edward in our minds shout as even red lighting whizzed outside the train.

My eyes widen and I realize Edward is right as I start feeling the train shake I turn up the heat and blast a stream of fire into the engine. “Right we can talk later, right now we need to get the train to the empire in one peace.” My fire burns hotter as I use more magic but I can feel myself getting tired.

More and more magic and fire poured from the train as it raced through the snow-filled skies. The Edwards soon multiplied even more and started to jump outside all over the train and channeling the wild magic. Faster and Faster the express flew as it raced harder and harder with every pacing second. There was a sudden flash of light and at that moment I poured every ounce of my magic and power into the engine. As the light died down I looked around to my astonishment the train had completely transformed. I was now seated behind and Edward in the cockpit of what looked like a red version of the Solar Streak.

I chuckle softly and look at Edward. “Think this will be enough to get us to the empire now?” I look at the controls and am about to grab them when Edward slaps my hands and takes control of the train.

“My toy," He says like a child at Christmas. "And yes, yes I DO!" He gave a wide toothy grin as he took a hold of the controls and we rocketed onward. Edward pulled a chain and the new machine gave a loud roar. "I think I call it the Crimson Solar Express!" He laughed. "You did good kid!" he complimented me as we were off in full force.

I cross my arms and huff but smile in my helmet. “Have fun with it I don’t know if it will stay or not for you I hope it does...this is about all I can offer in exchange for your help getting me stronger.”

"This thing is more fun than missile surfing into an entire army of transformers in outer space!" Edward laughed as we rushed through the skies. He looked over at a screen and saw an image of a city off in the distance. "He has a much bigger army than I originally thought, and a lot more than just small soldiers," He commented as the image enlarged to show more of the same soldiers from earlier but there were also giants, wyverns, and many more strange forms amongst the ranks of the Crystal Army outside. It was a good ways away from the Empire maybe a couple of days at most. "We've got to get to that station."

“Yeah once we get to the city’s limits I’ll try summoning my ship and use its cannons to take out a large number of the foot soldiers then it’s just a matter of keeping them and Sombra out of the city till you know who finds the up you know what.” I say to Edward while nodding and watching the same screens.

"Sorry but a big ass flying red train is going to cause enough of a panic as is," Edward hit a few switches and the train started to slow down and descend. "And I think a BIG ASS pirate ship will cause even more. These ponies are scared of Sombra as is and we need this place filled with love in order to rejuvenate the Empire. The only way to do that is to have them stay a little more oblivious to the armada at their door step," We docked at the station. Edward got up. "Come on we have to meet with Shining Armor and get to the Empire."

We made our way onto the platform and meet up with a unicorn dress in a heavy grey trench, scarf, hat, and pink lensed goggles.

"Big Brother!" Twilight cried out in joy as she jumped up and hugged her brother. "How dare you keep secrets from me," She scowled as she poked him in the chest.

"Sorry, Twilly but I was under orders to keep quiet," Shining Armor rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we need to get inside the barrier," Edward said abruptly as he looked to a mountain nearby.

"Right," Shining Nodded.

I look to where Edward is looking and can see small dots moving closer slowly I start following them all but I revert back to my pirate ranger form. “I agree with Edward let’s go.”

"Follow me, and stick close, there's something out there that got ahead of those crystal creatures," Shining said as he led us through the snow.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Some sort of creature?" Shining replied. "It easily moves under the snow and ice as if were water."

I cross my arms and think as I follow them keeps my head on a swivel. ’I wonder if it’s Sombra or one of his creations.’

"Sombra's nowhere near here," Ed pointed to the mountain he was staring at earlier as we made it halfway to the barrier. "He's somewhere on that mountain but all the magic in the air is messing with my sensing." Out of the corner of my visor, I saw something coming up on us fast.

I tap Edward's shoulder and say. “Get them to the city now there’s trouble coming.” I then grab my sword and gun and turn to face the movement then aim my gun getting ready for a fight.

“Be careful, Sombra was a brilliant alchemist and powerful mage," Edward place a hand on my shoulder. "This is probably not some crystal construct but what we alchemist call a chimera, a combination of various animals. He probably enhanced it with magic too." He turned to the others. "Run for it!" Edward said as they took off in a sprint while Shinning stayed next to me.

The unicorn took off his coat revealing a very muscular build and on his fist were heavily spiked gauntlet with inscriptions on them. "I'm gonna back you on this!" He snarled as he slammed his fist together. "Magic doesn't really work on it but force does!"

I roll my eyes and reach for my belt buckle. “If you're gonna help; you can use an upgrade so I’ll let you borrow this.” I pull out the Magna Defender key and give it to him.

“Hold it up and call out ‘Magna Power’.” Before Shining can do anything a huge beast comes out of the snow closer than I thought and I jump back while firing my blaster at it to try and keep its attention.

The Monster roars in annoyance at me and Shining runs towards it and punches it, all that did was knock it back a bit then the monster glares at Shining and I see black energy gather in its mouth and it fires at Shining, with him being too slow to react and me too far away the beam hits his horn and he is knocked down.

I rush forward and cut the monster's back and then roundhouse kick it away and help Shinning up and I see his horn covered in black crystals. “You dumbass, either morph or stay out of my way.” I turn and fire my gun at the monster knocking it back more.

I am shocked when I see the monster start to heal itself as a red glow shines around the Wounds I inflicted upon it and I grit my teeth in annoyance as I realize Sombra must have done something to make this creature able to heal itself. “Damn it. Looks like we will have to keep killing it till it stays dead.”

Shining grunts and shakes his head. “Ugh, what is that thing made of?” He then looks at the hey in his hand then he glares at me. “If this is something stupid I’ll punch you after this is over, Magna power.” He says while holding up the key I rush forward to stop the monster from hitting him again.

Once Shinning armor called out Magna Power green balls of energy come out of the key and fly around him then all fly into him at once training and explosion and when the smoke clears he is in the Magna defender armor a black and gold armor with a green hexagon on his chest and a helmet that has resembles a bull’s horns.

I look back after hearing the explosion and smirk in my helmet. “Good work now come help me with-“ I’m cut off as the beast's tail slams into me making sparks fly off my suit and knocking me into a Snowbank.

Shining took hold of the Magna Blaster in Sword mode then sent a volley of energy slashes at the monster, forcing it back and severally damaging it giving me some time to get back on my feet. Shining came over to me and helped steady me a bit.

"Thanks for the lone, and this thing won't stay down," Shining sneered as the creature was pulling itself together. "That thing has quite a few healing spells woven into it. I didn't know anyone outside Ed and the princesses in this age were able to do this."

I roll my shoulder then aim my gun at the monster and say. “If it heals then we need to destroy it all at once.” I say and just as the monster starts moving again I shoot its eyes blinding it and then I press a button on my sword activating grappling hook mode and swing the blade out like a whip slashing at the monster from a distance.

“ This thing is one tough bastard, we may need to take it up a notch!” I retract my blade and push the button on my belt buckle and pull out another key this one the red SPD key. “Think you can hold him off while I get suited up?”

“I'll do what I can," Shining remarked as he stepped forward and shifted the Magna later into gun mode and proceed to fire on the creature holding it back. He was doing just enough damage to keep the beast at bay. He rushed in and turned the blaster back into the Magna sword and in blinding speed too quick for even my visor to pick up laid a flurry of slashes all over the monster. He cut the beats apart and it welled but it merely kept healing itself.

"Let's see how you handle this," Shining said as he jumped back away then leaps into the air and performs an aerial somersault as he delivers an energized slash against an opponent with the Magna Sword. the massive slash collided with the monster cutting it but also burning its flesh. The healing was taking effect but taking longer due to the extra damage that had been dealt.

"I'm... just about... used up here..." Shining huffed as he landed next to me.

I nod and slide the key into the Morpher in front of me and call out. “SPD Emergency!” And red energy covers me and changes my uniform into the SPD red uniform and then DSP red helmet appears on my head.

“SPD red! Now SPD SWAT mode!” And with that my suit begins to change even more A vest with the number one appears on my chest along with more armor for my arms and legs and the flashing lights on my helmets extend outward with antenna and microphone coming out, the red 1 on my chest armor flashes red and I call out “Delta enforcer!”

With that a two-handed blaster appears in red energy and flaps into my arms I aim it at the regenerating monster and pull the trigger firing lots of energy bolts at it hurting it even more. “Now that’s what I call firepower!”

"If I can pin it down for long enough do you think you can crank that thing up another notch and deal enough damage to destroy it for good?" Shining asked as he changed back to normal no longer able to maintain the morph.

“ I won’t be able to destroy it but I can contain it inside of a two-dimensional card. You’re technically royalty in this world right?” I ask as I summon a confinement card, and pull out the judgment scanner.

"That'll have to do!" Shining raised his voice as he slammed a spiked gauntlet into the ground. I was in utter shock as I saw blue electricity spark from the armor piece and fly under the creature. Huge ice spikes came up and screwed the beast holding in place. Shining fill back on his butt. "That's... all I... got left."

“Alright leave the rest to me.” I walk forward a few steps and hold out the judgment scanner and say. “You are charged with attacking royalty and aiding a war criminal!” Then I push the button and The area around me and the monster becomes pitch black as the judgment scanner flashes a green circle and red X back and forth until it settles on the red X. “ Guilty!”

I slide the containment card into the Delta enforcer and aim it at the monster and pull the trigger, it charges up and then fire is a massive blast of energy at the monster just as he is about to break free and hits him and swallows him in a bright flash of light then everything returns to normal and I walk over and pick up the monster that is now contained within a containment card.

“And that’s one victory for us.” I smirk in my helmet as I return to my pirate ranger form. “ Let’s get to the city I’m pretty sure Edward is the only one that can deal with this thing permanently.” I say as I wiggle the card and walk towards the city while looking it overseeing the monster still moving around inside the card.