• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,387 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 11

I sit down at my dining table with the other Rangers and the Beetleborgs. I look at each of them, Cam looks interested, Udonna seems concerned but curious, Cruger looks seriously focused, Kat seems to be reading one of the manuals for ranger technology, Wes is eating a cheeseburger seemingly relaxed, Eric was scowling with his arms crossed tapping his foot in patiently, Andros was also reading a manual but this one was for the Gokai Galleon, Mike was sitting there just waiting for us to start and finally, Andrew, Roland, and Josephine are also eating but they also seem nervous.

“Ok, we are all here to catch me up on what happened.” I say looking at all of them.

Eric scoffs and looks away. “Isn’t it obvious? We all got our asses kicked.”

I roll my eyes and point at the kids. “I will ask that you three start first, and try to keep it brief.”

They nodded then Andrew spoke up first. “Well, I suppose it all started when me and my friends went into this haunted mansion and we accidentally released a ghost named Flubber.”

Roland was next. “As thanks, he decided to give us a wish, and well; we wish to be our favorite superheroes, the Beetleborgs. He uses magic to give us the powers from the comic books but on accident left the door open and the villains from the comic books started coming into the real world.”

Josephine continues. “Ever since then we’ve been kicking bad-guy butt, that is until our bad guys made contact with someone else. Soon; even stronger villains started showing up and they were much stronger! Our powers just weren’t enough to take them on, eventually, the new bad guys found us and captured us.”

“Yeah, and the one that was leading them looked like those three guys we had to fight on our way out of that ship; only he was green.” Andrew finished.

My eyes widen and I gulp. “Y..you mean to tell me that Psycho Green is around in this timeline?”

“Yeah, that’s his name. He said we should know the name of who defeated us.” Josephine added.

I sigh and hold my head. ‘Not good, let’s hope I can get strong enough to beat him before I fight him.’ I think to myself before someone clears their throat. I look up to see Cruger looking at me.

“Right, well I suppose that is to be expected. Cruger; why don’t you and Kat fill me in on how you two are here.” I ask and look at them.

“Right, I’ll start us off, for those of you who don’t know, I am Anubis Cruger commander of Space Patrol Delta’s Earth branch in the year 2025.” Cruger starts.

“Are you saying you’re from the future?” Eric questions.

Cruger nods and Kat continues. “Yes we are, I am in charge of all research and design for Ranger technology at S.P.D.'s Earth Delta Base.”

Cruger smiles softly. “That she is, back to the topic at hand. Our main team of rangers, Delta Squad was defeated by Emperor Gruumm and the two of us were captured. Gruumm had help from the past as well, the Psycho Rangers; all seven of them.” My eyes widen and I gulp.

“We believe they wanted to question me and maybe use Kat to make them technology, I’m not sure.” Cruger finishing.

I rub my chin as I think things over before Eric slams his fist on the table. “I’m going next so I can go do some training after.” I nod to him. “To make it simple, this guy ran into the time force rangers first.” He said pointing at Wes.

“I'll take this part Eric. I am Wes Collins, the red Time force ranger, and as Eric said, I met the others first. At first they didn't want my help but soon I proved I had value to the team and then Eric here ended up finding the quantum ranger Morpher.” Wes said.

“Yeah, I found it first and used it to protect my city with my Silver Guardians. We fought mutants and we also fought the time force rangers when they got in our way.” Eric said glaring at Wes.

I frown and use magic to make hand constructs and slap both Eric’s and the glaring Wes’ heads. “Hey, no fighting between each other. I don't care if you have a rivalry, but while you're on my ship you follow my rules.”

Eric and Wes look away from each other before Wes continues. “Soon after Eric got his Morpher the mutants and robots got stronger and then this blue monkey with wings in gold armor showed up with those gray guys and took over the city, Silver Hills. After that, the former red ranger came back and took the others back to the future to keep them safe.”

I sigh and cross my arms. “They are most likely not able to come back as the future is too uncertain. In other words; we can't expect reinforcements from the future because they may not exist at least not while the bad guys have such a strong hold on earth.”

“Damn, do you think if we can take down enough bad guys they can come back?” Wes asked.

“It is possible but we don't know for sure.” I said then look at Mike. “How about you next?”

“Ok, well I am Michael Corbett or Mike for short. I was on the space colony Terra Venture, I was supposed to be on it anyway.” He looks down and sighs. “I was part of a training mission on a remote moon when a portal opened up, me and some others went through the portal only to discover a whole new planet on the other side. We ended up pulling up these legendary swords called the quasar sabers.”

I rub my chin not seeing a difference yet. He then continues. “As we were running from these monsters the ground opened up and I fell in, I managed to give my sword to one of the others but then I fell completely.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Was the one you gave the sword to your brother?” I ask him.

“My brother? No, he was still on earth before Terra Venture left.” Mike said, confused.

‘Hmmm so that is the difference.’ I think to myself then say. “I see, go on please.”

“I thought I’d died in that pit but a spirit saved me, but at the cost of possessing my body. That is the day I became the Magna Defender.” Mike told us. “He wanted revenge for his family but he couldn't do it alone and he ended up helping the rangers.”

“After he saved the rangers from a trap he moved on, while I was freed he left me with his power so I continued to fight and help the rangers. We were eventually sucked into another galaxy and had a whole new enemy to face, we eventually found a way back but by that time Terra Venture was heavily damaged and I used my zord form to hold the wormhole open for them but I was attacked and captured the last I saw of Terra Venture was when Trakeena’s forces invaded it.” Mike finished.

“I'm sorry to hear that Mike, hopefully they were just captured and not killed.” I told him then I looked at Cam.

“Well, a skateboarder named Shane Clarke, a surfer named Tori Hanson, and a dirt biker named Dustin Brooks, were students of the Wind Ninja Academy under the tutelage of my father Sensei Kanoi Watanabe and myself. Although it seemed like they would never be good enough to be a full-fledged ninja, however, they are the only three left after the evil ninja master, Lothor arrives on Earth and captures all the other students. Our sensei, who was transformed into a guinea pig by Lothor, decided that they must become Wind Power Rangers and gave them Wind Morphers to allow them to transform. As the Wind Rangers, they fight to save the world from Lothor and his space minions, using Zords that I created for emergencies.” Cam begins.

“Over time, they are joined by the Thunder Rangers, Hunter, and Blake as well as Myself, after I gain the Green Samurai powers in a trip to the past.” Cam continues. “Eventually, we managed to defeat all of Lothor's minions, we, unfortunately, overloaded the Abyss of Evil, to which they were all sent upon their demise. The Wind Rangers able to stop evil from spreading across the Earth and seal Lothor away in the Abyss of Evil along with our own powers.”

“Now powerless, Shane, Tori, and Dustin become teachers at the rebuilt Wind Ninja Academy aided by myself and my one again human father. Hunter took a job as the headteacher at the Thunder Ninja Academy alongside his brother.” Cam sighs.

“We did our best to protect the world but without our ranger powers we just couldn’t keep up with all the monsters we were able to handle the foot soldiers easily thanks to all of our ninja training but eventually Lothor returned with monsters that we had already defeated and then he used corrupted versions of our powers to corrupt everyone but myself.” He finished.

“I’ll do my best to save your friends and father,” I say as Cam nods silently before I gesture to the remaining Rangers “Which of you would like to go next.”

“I’ll go. I’ve been working on my own for a while since my teammates were killed,” Andros started “Trying to accomplish small scouting missions or simple hit and run skirmishes. During the return of one of those missions to find anything about the loss of Zordon, I was informed of an enemy ship behind me that tried to contact me. The captain called herself ‘Astronema’ and started to fire on my ship, causing it to be destroyed. I managed to morph and escape, but I’m sure my passenger may not have been so lucky.”

“That’s pretty gutsy of trying to do hit and run by yourself,” Eric chimed in.

“One thing we taught at the ninja academy was to appear where you are not and to disguise your members,” Cam added.

“I hate to tell you this, but you know Astronema personally. Do you remember someone named Karone,” I say hesitantly.

“I had a younger sister named Karone who was taken when we were children. Do you mean to tell me that Astronema is her?” Andros asked.

“More than likely she was brainwashed into thinking everyone that is a Power Ranger is her enemy. You’d have to try and capture her and attempt to reason with her. Otherwise…”

“No. I can’t do that,” Andros argued, shaking his head “There is no way I can destroy my own sister.”

“Look on my laptop there and you’ll see information about a show called ‘Power Rangers In Space’. It’s how your adventures would have gone without any interference from others. If you watch it all the through, you might; and I do stress ‘might’; be able to save your sister,” I argue “I suppose you are the last one; ma’am.”

“I felt someone known as Octomus, the Dark Master was close to being released from its prison. I recruited five teenagers to protect the magical world I lived in; although one of them refused to believe in magic and left. Only down to the four, they seemed to do well and were well respected in the magical community, although the yellow Ranger; Chip seemed to be a bit cocky. During a fight with a fallen knight known as Koragg, Chip thought he could act like a superhero in his words and challenged Koragg; only to be run through by his sword. The remaining three Rangers wanted to focus more on their studies, but were unable to since their wands were destroyed,” Udonna explained.

“What happened to the so-called ‘Dark Master’?” I ask.

“Magic, you say? Yeah, right,” Eric laughed “Magic is for little kids and fairytales.”

In response, I use a little bit of magic to flick Eric on the forehead as he rubbed the sore spot that formed.

“What the hell, man? How’d you do that,” Eric demanded.

“Magic. It’s to show you it’s not a joke,” I counter.

“To answer the first question about what happened, a group of the Psycho Rangers showed up and decided to demand Octomus join their bosses. When he refused, they simply killed him.” Udonna answered.

“I’m not too surprised. They sound like children with toys. If they can’t have it, then no one can. Sounds typical of groups like this. Either they kill members who aren’t successful or they force others to join,” I note.

“Hey, idiot,” Eric started “You’ve had us talk, and seem to know about us, but it’s your turn now. Who the hell are you?”

I nod and lean forward resting on my elbows. “To put it simply, I am a displaced.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean.” Eric said, frowning.

“I have to agree, I do not see how you being lost has to do with your backstory.” Cruger said.

“I was getting to that. A displaced is someone who is taken from their home universe; given powers, abilities, or technology from a fictional story, and dropped into a third universe. I was given the powers of a Power Ranger more specifically I was given the powers of the Super Megaforce team or their Japanese counterparts Gokaigers.” I start to explain to them.

“I’m originally from a universe where Power Rangers are a fictional TV show that’s actually two shows; Power Rangers and its original Japanese counterpart, Super Sentai. I bought my Morpher, gun, sword, and the gokai galleon in a bottle from a being known as a displacer. These beings are the ones that displace individuals after that I ended up on this world.” I show them my laptop.

“Inside this laptop is every episode of Power Rangers and every episode of Super Sentai. While I am gone feel free to look through this and possibly study it, although I do ask that one of you makes a map with each city from the shows marked for me later.” I open the laptop. “Any questions?”

“You mentioned fictional shows,” Eric stated “How can we trust anything you tell us?”

“I have to agree,” Andros added “I don’t want to risk the life of someone on the chance it won’t work.”

“I am kind of interested as to how much information was correct,” Cam chimed in.

I nod and tap the laptop. “That is a hard thing to answer, you see the simple answer is, multiverse theory. What happens in the tv show is one possibility, but it should be close enough to reality to act on. For example; Udonna, where the teenagers you wanted to be Rangers named Red Ranger Nick Russell, Yellow Mystic Ranger Charlie, Blue Mystic Ranger Madison Rocca, Pink Mystic Ranger Vida Rocca, and Green Mystic Ranger Xander Bly?”

Udonna looks at me in surprise then she nods. “Yes, those were indeed their names.”

“Multiverse theory would explain how you know so much about us and where you’re drawing all your powers from.” Kat said as she started looking through the laptop. “From everything I’ve seen Roger do and from the resources that he has I believe that we should trust him for now.” She said to the rest of the Rangers.

They seem to think it over and nod. “Alright well, here’s my plan for right now I need to go meet with the locals and tell them what’s going on. The rest of you are free to look around my ship, add in some rooms for yourselves and even use some of my tech. I only have a few rules, one of them being do not take my treasures or my keys, and you three.” I point at the three kids. “Start getting ready because when I get back I’m taking you three home and helping you take back the monster house.”

“Right, thank you, I just hope our families are still ok.” Andrew said. I wave at them all before I turn but stop.

“Oh one more thing, there are a few creatures on my ship called Pokémon they’re just as smart as humans but they can only say certain things so don’t insult them as they’re part of my crew.” I told them before I left my ship and headed into Twilight’s castle and looked for her.

I eventually found her in the library of her castle, “hey Twilight.” I wave as I come to a stop. “I need to tell you what's up before I leave.”

Twilight turns around and sighs. “Before that, my friends are waiting for us in my throne room, come on you can explain everything there.” She lights her horn and teleports us to her throne room and she sits down.

I look around the table seeing her friends and cross my arms sighing. “Alright, I will start things off. My mission was a success and I was not only able to save Discord, but other rangers as well.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.” Applejack said,

“The Rangers I rescued will be staying here for a while. I need to take three of them home to a different universe, as they are just kids and they need to protect their own world. While I'm gone the Rangers that I saved will protect this world in my absence.” I told them.

“Wait, what do you mean while you’re gone?” Rainbow Dash asked in confusion.

“I am taking the three kids back to their world, it will take a day or more.” I told her then add. “We well almost likely have to fight a lot of creatures to free their town, after that it's up to them to protect their world.”

“And how are you going to get them back to their world?” Twilight asked me,

“A friend of mine upgraded my sword to make portals to anywhere, I just have one of the kids use it to make a portal to their world and we walk through.” I said summoning my sword and holding it up before making a small portal, reaching in I take Applejack’s hat. “Yoink!”

“Hey! Give that back!” Applejack said angrily,

I chuckle and spin the hat on my finger. “Sorry Applejack, as I am a pirate, whatever treasure I get I keep unless of course, you're willing to pay for it.” I smirk and toss it over to her. “Kidding.”

“Wait, you’re a pirate?!” Rainbow Dash asked me in shock as she and the rest of the Mane 6 stared at me wide-eyed.

I smirk and nod then I point at my ship outside. “Yeah, if you look at the flag up top you will see a Jolly Rodger, I’m a Power Ranger but I'm also a pirate.”

“How come we are just realizing this now?!” Rainbow Dash asked, “I mean it should have been completely obvious!”

“Yes, you should have, especially with how my ranger uniform looks. Now then any more questions?” I ask them as I slide my sword into a loop on the side of my pants.

“I got a question, how did you know about the other timelines?” Twilight asked me,

“Other timelines? What do ya mean Twi?” Applejack asked.

“Well, Starlight had gone to the past to change it, me, Spike and Roger got pulled in with her and each time Starlight succeeded, it created a whole new world.” Twilight said,

The others nod their heads and start to ask questions but I clear my throat. “Sorry, but you will all want to hear this.” I sigh and put a hand on the table. “Twilight knows a bit about what I am and who I am, but she doesn’t know the whole story.”

I look up at her. “When I told you that a displaced is taken from their world and dropped into a new world, that was true, but what I didn't tell you was that I had known about Equestria before coming here.” I rub my neck. “Back on my original world Equestria and Magic were a part of a fictional story, called my little pony friendship is magic.”

“The story follows Twilight Sparkle, from the day she read about Nightmare Moon, all the way up to future events past this point in time. Do not ask what events are coming, because if I tell you it will alter things even more than what has been altered. What I know about the characters in the story may not apply to you all, as there are evolutionary and characteristic changes between them and you.” I explain.

“The first big difference is, in the story, they are quadrupedal ponies, they are closer to animals in appearance, while here you are all anthropomorphic, human-like. You walk on your hind legs and have hands. Sorry if that sounds rude or anything.” I told them. “But another difference between here and the story is that males were more like Shining Armor and Silent Knife, they don't get panicky when things go wrong, most of the time.”

They just stared at me wide-eyed, “Whoa, just whoa.” Rainbow Dash said,

I look away. “Yeah, and before you ask, I did not come here by choice, I did not know that the villains from the power rangers show would be here. I can only do what I am paid to do, and defend this world.” I turn around and put on a smile before looking over my shoulder. “Oh and Twilight, how about you go to my ship and meet with Kat, she is a scientist.” I then leave the room and start heading to my ship.

As I was walking to my ship I ran into Spike, “Oh, hey Roger.” he said to me.

I wave at him. “Hello Spike, just a heads up, there are some people on my ship, some aren’t that nice but they are all good people.” I said as I pass him.

“Huh? What does that mean?” Spike said as he walked next to me,

“Most of them are friendly but are pretty serious, while one of them is a jerk but he still does the right thing...most of the time.” I shake my head and sigh. We get outside and walk up to my ship. “Just keep in mind the one with a red hat is mean but not evil.” Then I grab a rope and pull myself up.

“Why is he mean?” Spike asked me as he followed me up to my ship.

I rub his chin. “I can only guess, but I believe it is because he doesn’t have friends and thinks he has to do everything himself.” I told him. I then head into my ship and wave at the kids. “Hey, give me a minute. I need to grab something before we leave.”

“What is that you need to grab?” Spike asked me, “And where are you going?”

I smirk at Spike. “A special tool.” I told him and head to my room and reach into my bag before pulling out my second gun and put it in a holster and pull out a small case and slide it into a large pocket. “There we go.”

I head back and along the way, I run into Kat. “Hello Kat, just a heads up you may have a princess coming to see you later.”

“Really? Why?” she asked me,

I chuckle and smirk. “She loves science and I let it slip that you are a scientist.” I told her.

“Oh, well alright.” Kat replied,

“Have fun answering questions.” I said with a smirk and left her in the hallway and made it to the main room where the kids are. “Alright, you three time to take you home, just think of where you want to go and swing.” I told them as I toss them my sword.

“That’s it? Just swing while thinking of where to go?” Drew asked me,

“Yeah, it will make a portal for us to go through.” I said walking up behind them. “A friend of mine made it.”

“Well, if you see this friend of yours, tell him thanks.” Jo said,

“I plan on it, now let's go.” I said and Drew nods and swings my sword and makes a portal. The four of us walk through it and we find ourselves in a badly damaged town.

“What the!?” Jo said in shock.

“I suggest we find your friends and family, then we can free this town.” I said while taking my sword back.

“Good idea.” Roland said as he nodded his head in agreement.

Jo looks around and points down the street. “This way! Our hang-out spot is that way.” She runs down the street the others following.

“Oh, this is going to be fun.” I said shaking my head before following them.

We kept running for a few minutes until we ran into a group of Puddies and Scabs, the Scabs were mostly grey but had few bits of gold on them, like on the chest and gloves, the Scabs held small blasters with a small hook facing forward on the top of the gun.

“Oh, goodie seems it's time to kick but.” I said and ran faster before jumping up and delivering a flying kick knocking a Scab into a Puddie.

Two Putties charged at me while the rest charged at the others, Roland snapped his fingers and ran around the Putties before grabbing a rope and tying a few up. Jo cracks her knuckles before lifting a car and throwing it at the group of Putties.

I use my sword and gun to cut and shoot the Scabs that have surrounded me. “Bring it on losers.”

The Scabs aimed their blasters at me and fired, making me have to dodge a barrage of blaster fire while also shooting a few when I got the chance, a Putty ran up to me and tried to hit me with it’s weapon.

“Seems Zedd gave your bad guys some backup.” I said as I roundhouse kick the Putty then pull out my driver. “What do you kids say we morph and show these losers how we roll?”

“Let’s do it!” Jo said as they held their hands out.

“Beetle Bonders!” the kids shouted as their Beetle Bonders appeared in their hands, then they raised them up and shouted, “Beetle Blast!” a giant comic book appeared behind them and pulled them in, turning them 2d while their armor materializes around them, once they had their armor on, they were back to being 3d with the comic shattering around them while they got into fighting stances.

“Nice now let me show you this!” I draw a card from my hip and slide it into my driver. My driver called out ‘Kamen rider.’ Then I pull it forward then aiming my gun into the sky. “Henshin!” I pull the trigger and my driver calls out. ‘Diend!’ the moment I did, three holograms appeared around me while cards flew above me, the holograms spun around me for a few seconds before converging on me making my suit while the cards fell to make the visor on my helmet while turning my sides blue.

My suit was mostly silver with blue lines on my sides, I had a black chest piece that had yellow lines near the shoulder guards, a silver helmet with the blue cards being my visor.

“Hey, didn’t you have a red costume before?” Drew asked me as they looked at me in confusion.

“Yeah, this is just a different set of powers I felt like using here, It even has more armor and I can do this.” I told him then pulled out a card and slid it into the driver before pulling forward. ‘Attack ride!’ I aim the gun at the putties and Scabs before pulling the trigger. ‘Blast!’ And holographic copies of my gun up here beside it as they all fire a total of 10 shots that home in on the enemy and blows most of them up.

“Whoa! That was awesome!” Roland said,

“Let us kick this guy's buts and go find our families.” Jo said as she uses her Sonic Laser Saber to fire lasers at the remaining foot soldiers.

“Agreed!” both Roland and Drew said as they armed themselves with their weapons, Drew with his Stinger Blade, and Roland with his Hunter Claw. They both charged and began to easily beat the Puddies and Scabs.

I stood back and took shots at any of them that tried to get behind the beetleborgs. It isn't long before the last one falls. “We should keep moving, all that noise will get someone's attention.”

“Right.” they said in unison as we went off to go their friends and families, taking down any Putty or Scab that got in our way.

“Damn they did a number on this town.” I said as we walked through the streets. I then see movement in a comic shop.

“Hey, there’s something in there!” Drew said as he pointed at the comic shop.

I nod and start walking towards it. “Yeah, be on your guard and do not de-morph.” I walk up to the door and get ready to open it.

When suddenly, the door swung open and people wielding various objects for weapons came out, “Beetleborgs, thank goodness you came when you did, those things have been destroying everything and terrorizing everybody!” a man said,

“Don't worry we will do everything we can to help.” Drew said.

I wave the others over. “Go tell the people what they need to hear, if you see anyone you trust with your identities, bring them with us.”

“Why?” Jo asked me in confusion.

“Let's just say I have a plan for you to get backup.” I told her.

“You want people to help us fight don’t you?” Roland asked me,

I nod and holster my driver. “Yeah, but they won't be unarmed.” I look over as some of the people are thanking Drew, for coming back.

“What does that mean? We don’t have any weapons to give them.” Jo said.

“Something tells me that this guy has got that covered.” Roland said.

“I am sure smart heroes like you will figure it out before the plan is finished, but once we get the ones that you can trust, we're heading over to Monster House or whatever you call it.” I tell them and turn to look around making sure no villains show up.

I hear the beetleborgs leave. After a few minutes, I turn to see them with Trip, a blond kid that looks like he was spoiled rich until the bad guys took over, Van, another blond kid that looks like he used to be spoiled rich, Heather, a brunette teenage girl and Josh Baldwin another older kid with brown hair all for them seeming banged up with slightly singed clothes. ‘well this is a surprise.’

“Who are you?” Trip asked me, “You don’t look like a Beetleborg.”

I smirk under my helmet and turn away from them before looking over my shoulder. “I am just a passing through Kamen rider.”

“Common what?” Van asked.

I shrug and sign. “A Kamen rider, another type of hero. Are you three ready to go?” I ask the beetleborgs.

“Yeah, we are.” Drew replied, giving a thumbs up.

“Good, lead the way. The sooner we get there the sooner you can get some backup.” I grab my driver and look down the street.

They nodded as we headed off to the Hillhurst Manner, making sure to take down any Putty or Scab that got in our way, saving some people as we did. “Hey isn't this the way to the Hillhurst Manner?” Heather asked.

“Yes it is, we are going there so we can meet someone.” I said. Once we got close I expanded my senses to make sure that we weren't surprised and I could feel a presence nearby. “Stay on guard.” I warn them.

“You got it.” Jo said, blasting a Putty into a Scab and letting Drew and Roland finish them off, then we continued on to the Hillhurst Manner.

We soon get to the Manner when I see some kind of a mishmash of a monster attacking a bubble shield around the house. “Well, that's not something you see every day.” I look the monster up and down, it was mostly a dark green with dark red and bright orange highlights, it also seemed to have multiple faces along its body. It's then that I recognized it, this is the monster known as Changeling.

“Hey come on! You’re not playing fair!” Changeling shouted as he punched the shield then turned around, “Beetleborgs!? Here?! I thought you guys skipped town or something!”

I shake my head and shrug. “What am I chopped liver?” I then aim my driver at the monster. “Listen up kids, we're going to keep the monster busy. I want all of you to head for that house.” I whisper to the kids we brought with us.

“Alright.” Josh said as he and the others got ready to run to the house the moment Changeling was distracted.

I nod slightly and fire a bolt at Changeling before I yell. “Charge!” And run at him.

The Beetleborgs shouted as they charged at Changeling while Josh and the others ran to the house the moment Changeling was distracted, allowing us to fight him without the worry of him trying to use one of the kids as a hostage.

Changeling teleports behind me and punches me in the back launching me into Jo. “ugh, oh great he can teleport!” I said with annoyance in my voice as I stand back up.

“You bet I can! Now I’m gonna destroy you and the Beelteborgs!” Changeling said as he appeared next to me and hit me in the head before sending Jo at Roland with a kick, Drew quickly used his weapon on Changeling, making him yelp in pain before teleporting away from us, “Ow! That hurt!”

“No really? And here I thought my weapon was set on tickle.” Drew said before using his Stinger Blade, an arm-attached blade that was blue in color, to cut Changeling’s chest.

"Ow! Why you little!" Changeling said before grabbing Drew and throwing him away but ended up leaving himself open for Jo and Roland to attack him from behind while I shoot him, making sure not to hit Jo and Roland.

Jo uses her Striker Blaster, an arm attachment that has the appearance of a four-pronged beetle horn that can shoot lasers, to fire at Changeling’s back. While Roland uses his Hunter Claw, an arm attachment that has pincers, to punch and cut Changeling.

“I think it is time for some more backup.” I said as I pull out three cards and smirk under my helmet. I was also surprised that when I held the cards three new keys appeared in my hand I quickly put the keys away.

"What are cards gonna do?" Drew asked me in confusion.

“You will see.” I told him as I slid the first card in and push my driver forward making it call out. ‘Kamen rider Rey!’ Then I pull my driver back and repeat this for the next to cards making my driver call out, ‘Kamen Rider Kabuki!’ and, ‘Kamen Rider Drake’ Then I aim my driver up and fire it making nine holographic images of Kamen riders to fly around the same way as before forming three different Kamen riders.

Kamen Rider Rey was black and white with blue and yellow clawed gauntlets, the helmet was white and gold with blue eyes.

Kamen Rider Kabuki was mostly green with some black, gold shoulder guards and one side of the helmet was green with short horns while the other was red with bigger horns.

And Kamen Rider Drake was black and silver with a blue crest on its helmet, blue shoulder guards, and a beetles wing on its chest.

They all take battle stances. “Attack.” Was all I needed to say and they attacked Changeling.

The Beelteborgs stared in shock at what I had done, "Whoa! How did you do that?" Roland asked.

"Yeah, that was awesome!" Jo said next.

“That is the power of Kamen rider Diend.” I told them as my riders worked together to attack Changeling. Drake fires his blaster at Changeling, stunning him long enough for Rey to use his claws to cut across his back. Rey then kicks him over to Kabuki who uses his drum sticks to beat Changeling a few times.

"Really? Cool!" Drew said.

"Hey! Same some of him for us!" Roland shouted as he ran at Changeling and used his Hunter Claw to punch Changeling to Rey. Who using his claws stabbed Changeling and held him in place.

“Ok beetleborgs, I think it is time for us to use our finishing moves on him.” I said just as Drake and Kabuki ran over and helped Ray hold Changeling. I pull out one more card and slide it in. ‘Final attack ride.’

"Alright!" the beetleborgs shouted as they summoned their weapons while a ring of fire surrounded Changeling and them. Roland was the one to attack first, punching Changeling with his Hunter Claw before grabbing him and throwing him, and Jo used her Striker Blaster to shock him, and Drew came in and swung his blade across Changelings chest, before kicking him to me.

"Your turn man!" Drew shouted at me.

I nod and aim before pulling the trigger and rings of holographic data grow from the barrel of my driver outward, then it calls out. ‘D-D-Diend!’ and I fire a concentrated beam of energy out of my driver right at Changeling, the other three riders are sucked up into the beam making it even stronger. There is an explosion that goes a mile up into the sky and I spin my driver on my finger before holstering it.

“And that is how you-” I am cut off as I hear weak coughing. I look at the smoke as it clears to see a bloody Changeling holding up a crowth grenade. “Oh, this is not good.”

"What the? How is not defeated by all those attacks?!" Roland asked in shock.

"And what the heck does he have in his hand?" Jo asked next.

“That is a growth grenade, get back with the others. I will handle this!” I said before I deactivate my driver and holster it. I then pull out my Morpher and summon the lunar wild force ranger key into my hand.

“Wild access!” I call out as I slide the key into my Morpher and turn it. My Morpher calls out, ’Gaoranger!‘ and in a flash, my Morpher transformed into the Lunar Caller and grew as it now resembled a wolf's head before it morphed into the Wolf Zord and back, then turned into me as a wolf hologram appeared around my head before turning into my helmet.

“Howling wolf!” I yell as I hop for a moment and slam my hands on the ground before taking a battle stance. All this happened just before Changeling pulls the top off the growth grenade and when it explodes he grows into a massive version of himself.

"What the heck?!" Roland shouted as he and the Beetleborgs stepped back in shock, "He's huge!"

"Hey, Roger! Why did you change suits?! Not like an outfit change is gonna help us right now!" Drew said.

I chuckle and smirk in my helmet. “Oh you would be surprised, this is normal for power rangers now then.” I raise a hand to the sky and call out. “Wild zords descend!

Just then the sky turns dark as there is a crescent moon with three glowing orbs on the shadow does orbs then circle around and fall towards us changing into the silver wolf wild zord, the gator wild zord, and the hammerhead shark wild zord.

“Wild zords combine!” I yell as they attack Changeling knocking him back. The gator zord’s head moves downward, then it’s hind legs switch into a more bipedal form. The feet turning around to face the right way. The forelegs of the gator zord move behind it’s back as the wolf and hammerhead shark zords take their places as the left and right arms.

The now formed predazord roars as an explosion goes off around it and I am teleported inside and smirk when I can still hear the beetleborgs through the coms. “Predazord online!” I slide the Lunar Cue into place and get ready to control the Megazord.

Changeling looked at the Predazord in surprise, "Hey no fair! I'm supposed to be the one with size advantage! That's cheating!" he shouted and ran at me and rammed his shoulder into the Predazord, pushing me back and causing me to trip over the bubble shield over Hillhurst Mannor.

I groan as sparks fly around in my cockpit and I make the Predazord stand up. “If you think just being bigger will swerve you, you've got another thing coming.” I have the Predazord swing the gator tail sword across Changeling’s chest.

Sparks flew as the attack connected while Changeling shouted in pain, "Ow! If you think I'm going down without a fight! You're dead wrong!" Changeling shouted as he started to punch and kick the Predazord.

The gator head opens its maw and bites his arm. With him pinned I use the wolf arm to punch Changeling’s face a few times before hitting hard enough to knock him back. “You're Not my first giant monster fight, and you won't be my last.” I then cut him with the sword again pushing him further.

I then see him being shot at from Jo’s Red Striker A.V. It has two gyro wings and a laser cannon known as the Red Pulser. It can attack with the Red Cannons, and that is just what it was doing as Jo flew around Changeling firing at him.

Then Roland joins in with his Green Hunter A.V. It has a double-barreled cannon, the Stag Buster It uses the Stagger Cannons and the Stagger Scissors. He drove it straight into Changeling's leg and clamped down on it.

Drew helped next by driving his Blue Stinger A.V. from the two tips of its horn it has, it can fire the Beet Blazer. It uses the Beet Cannons. He was attacking the other leg.

"Buzz off you little bugs!" Changeling shouted as he kicked Rolands Green Hunter away and nearly stomped on Drew if Jo hadn't shot him in the eyes, blinding him, "Ah! I can't see! I can't see!"

“Alright beetleborgs, back off time for me to finish this guy off, activate revolver panel!” The predazord lifts the sword to form a crescent moon. The sword starts to spin faster and faster until the predazord dashes towards Changeling with the sword aimed at him like a drill.

The predazord pierces Changeling "Nooo! This isn't over Beetleborgs! I'll be back, and once I do, I'll get revenge on you and your cheating robot summoning friend!" Changeling shouted before exploding.

"Alright! We won!" Drew shouted as the Beelteborgs cheered in victory.

"That size change sure surprised me though." Roland said.

I chuckle as I jump out of the Predazord and land on the ground. “You may have to get used to it.” I turn to face the predazord. “Thank you predazord, go rest now.” The Megazord lets out a roar as a portal opens and it walks through before it closes and I power down and tap my necklace to turn off the illusion so I look human again.

Just then, a bunch of Puttie's and Scabs surrounded us, ready to fight while the Beetleborgs readied their weapons. I look around at them and frown. “Well, this just got annoying. Take a hint we beat your boss so now beat it!” I summon my sword and gun before firing at the furthest foot soldier, then I run at the closest and stab the Puddie through the chest.

The Puddies and Scabs looked at each other before running away, I sigh and kick the dead Puddie off my sword as the beetleborgs run up to me. “That was so cool! So what now?” Drew asked.

“Now we meet with Flabber.” I smirk and lean my sword on my shoulder. “It’s time the beetleborgs got some backup.” I turn to look at the house and see some old school monsters peeking out of a window.

"What kind of backup exactly?" Roland asked me as we walked towards Hillhurst Mannor.

“I am surprised you haven’t figured it out yet.” I said with a chuckle then point at the four we brought with us. “They are going to become new beetleborgs!” I said as the shield drops and some of the monsters come out to thank the beetleborgs for saving them.

"Wait what? They're gonna become Beetleborgs? Awesome!" Drew said with excitement in his voice.

"We could always use some help." Jo said next.

I walk past the monsters and smirk watching the scene. It isn't long before Flabber appears and hugs the Beetleborgs. “You guys did it! How did you get back? When those colorful bad guys took you away I thought we lost you forever!” He said to them.

"Well, we got back thanks to Roger here. He helped us get away from those guys." Drew answered,

"And we wouldn't have been gone forever, we would have gotten away from them eventually." Jo said.

I chuckle then speak up. “I won’t stay long but while I am here how about you give these four some powers too?” I ask Flabber while pointing at the other kids.

“In fact I just happened to have three spare Beetleborg powers for three of them as for the fourth.” I walk over to Josh and touch his shoulder and in a flash I get the white Beetleborg key.

“There, now we got four spare powers, think you could give them these powers while letting me keep the keys?” I show him the four keys, the Chromium Gold Beetleborg, Titanium Silver Beetleborg, Platinum Purple Beetleborg, and White Blaster Beetleborg keys.

"How did you do that?" Flabber asked me as he stared at the keys.

“Let’s just say I got my powers from someone stronger than you, and I am connected to a source of infinite power.” I tell him and show him one of my normal Ranger keys next to the Beetleborg keys. “Anytime I come across someone who is technically a hero I get a small key that allows me to use a portion of their power.”

I chuckle and put the power ranger key away. “So think you can give these kids beetleborg powers?” I ask him and hold up the leys.

“Hmmm it will be a bit tricky but I will give it my best shot!” He takes the keys and rubs his hands together. “Flibbity flabbity floobity fleen, let’s add to the Beetleborgs team!” He said as magic sparks around him and the keys before the magic passes through the keys and into each of the kids. “I think I did something, go ahead try it out!”

I smirk and walk over taking my keys back. “For three of you, you call out ‘Data Bonder’ to summon your Morphers, and then say, ‘input Cards! Beetle Blast!’ then poof you are beetleborgs, as for you Josh you are the same as them.” I point to the original three. “Call out ‘Beetle bonder and beetle blast, to morph.”

I watch as each of them tries it out and soon there are four new beetleborgs in front of me. “Holy cow it worked!” Trip said in his gold armor.

"Now we're superheroes!" Van said as he looked at his new suit.

"Been a while since I've been in this thing." Josh said next.

I smirk as I see Heather looking over her new armor. “This is so cool!”

I then look to the original three and Flabber. “Now that you have some backup, I just have some advice for you all. First, try and find the author of the Beetleborg comics, get him to help make you new gear. Second, train your team, don't let their new powers go to their heads. And lastly for Flabber, if you can look into the void and try to find my token, it looks like this.” I show him my red pirate ranger key. “If you can get it, use it to call me if you guys ever need my help.”

"Will do!" Flabber replied.

"So does this mean you'll be leaving now?" Drew asked me.

I nod but smile. “Yeah but this isn't goodbye, this is just a see ya later kinda thing. Besides, just as you have your world to protect, I have at least two, if not a whole galaxy.” I then hold up my fist. “May the power protect you, metal heroes.”

Drew returned the fist bump. "Same to you man."

"Good luck dude." Roland said as he and Jo gave me fist bumps.

I smile and tap my necklace putting my disguise of a unicorn stallion back up. I then turn and cut a portal open with my sword. “See ya around Beetleborgs!” I say as I walk through the portal waving my hand.