• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,387 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 16

Roger’s POV

I walk through the portal from Carnage’s world back to mine and look around. “Ok first I need to find my friends, Second Find the overdrive rangers, and third-get the hell out of this town.” I mumble before turning around as the portal closes and see most of my friends sitting around a fire with the Triceramax Command Center Truck still there. “Well, that solves a few of my questions.”

I walk over and wave. “Hey guys I am back, how long have I been gone?” I take a seat next to Cruger.

“Well, you’ve been gone for at least a couple of hours.” Cruger said.

“Really? Huh, feels longer than that.” I said scratching my chin. Then I shrug and look at everyone here. “Alright catch me up on what’s happened.”

“Well, we did some recon on the city, turns out there are two big main villains there that have control over it and have split the territory between them in half.” Andros said. “And there’s a partially active Ranger team there that keeps the people safe whenever the two villains start fighting each other.”

I rub my face and groan. “Of course, we would have to deal with those two…” I lean back and think. “Alright, I think this needs a changing of the guard, I send some of you back to Equestria and some of them will come help here.” I said then light my hand with magic and make a model city hologram and split it in two.

“The main problem will be finding the rangers and taking down two villains at once.” I said rubbing my chin.

“Agreed, but I must ask, do you know the two villains that are fighting each other?” Cruger asked me.

I rub my face. “They are brothers, and just like their powers are total opposites, so are they, they argue over everything, and the one time they worked together to fight the Rangers was because someone else worked with them.” I explain and drop the hologram.

“Ok, so who wants a break from fighting?” I ask them.

“What kind of question is that? Even if we are tired, we won’t rest till the innocent are safe.” Wes said, making the others nod in agreement.

I rub my face and nod. “I get that, but the whole idea of doing this is giving some of us a break between battles, so we can keep moving as fast as possible. If the same group Keeps fighting over and over we're going to become exhausted and either has to take longer breaks between towns or we're going to end up making mistakes during our fights and get one of us killed in fact that's actually how you almost lost the fight in the prime timeline, Wes. Ransik send an army of robots after you and you were on your own. You had to fight all night and day and when you were exhausted you were nearly defeated.” I told him.

Then I add. “If it wasn't for the rest of your team coming back from the future you, Eric, and the whole city would've died and Ransik would've won and it is because he fought smart, he sent an army of robots after you, not giving you a chance to rest between battles. That’s what I'm trying to avoid!”

“Alright alright, you got a point.” Wes said.

“Good, and I also think the mystic force rangers should be one of the groups to leave, they have been fighting longer than any of us.” I said and looked at the three.

“Alright.” Madison said while Xander and Vida nodded their heads.

I smile softly. “Alright, you guys pick who is staying and who’s going.” I get up and walk a few steps away before summoning my sword and opened a portal right into Twilight’s map room.

When I entered, I saw Twilight with a surprised look on her face. “Roger! Please don’t just suddenly create portals without warning!” Twilight said.

I chuckle and smirk. “How could I even warn you?” I ask as I come through keeping the portal open.

Twilight opened her mouth to retort but closed it. “Okay, fair point.” She said with a shake of her head.

I roll my eyes with a smile. “So I got good news and bad news. The good news is we made it to the next city, the bad news is we need some backup. Mind calling Applejack and Rainbow dash so I can keep my promise of letting them come back?” I ask while taking out my Morpher and called Kat.

“Sorry Roger, but Rainbow and Applejack had to leave town on a friendship problem quest.” Twilight said.

I sigh and shake my head. “Well damn, at least I tried.” I said before Kat picked up. “Hey Kat, get everyone down to the map room in Twilight’s castle, we are gonna do some switching, also tell Udonna I have a surprise for her.”

“Alright Roger, we will be down there soon.” She hangs up.

I look back at Twilight and ask while sitting down onto the table. “So anything come up on the research into that coin?”

“Well….bad news is, we haven’t found anything regarding the coin in my books, which makes us believe it isn’t an Equestrian artifact.” Twilight said, a frown on her face.

I sigh and frown, hitting the table with a fist. “Damn, that means it is most likely a power coin. We will have to make a plan to get it back.”

“Agreed, who knows what the villains can do with it.” Twilight said.

“They can make evil power rangers, like the Psycho Rangers. I'm not sure if the others have told you this or not but, the Morphin grid isn't a source of good energy, it's a source of neutral energy powered by the constant fighting between life and death, good and evil. Which means just like heroes can access it and become power rangers, so can villains.” I said to Twilight.

“What?! So anyone can access the power of the Morphin Grid?!” Twilight asked me in shock.

I nod and sigh. “Yeah, but you need to find a way to access it. There are hundreds of different ways that are known, the power coins, my keys, certain magic, even technology. And that's just to name a few.” I said and got off the table as Madison, Vida, and Xander came through the portal.

“Whoa! What is this place?” Vida asked with a grin, Madison looking around just as amazed.

While Xander spots Twilight and walks right up to her and holds out his hand. “Hi there, my name is Xander. Nice to meet you.”

Twilight grabbed his hand, a smile on her face. "Hi Xander, my name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said as the two shook hands.

I chuckle as the door opens and Udonna, Cam, Mike, and my pokemon come inside. Udonna’s eyes widen as she gasps. “You’re all alive! Thank the mystic mother!” I smile as I watch the four of the mystic rangers hug.

“It’s great to see you as well, Udonna.” Xander said.

I smirk and walk over to my pokemon. “Hey guys, sorry about not bringing you along yet, but if you want to help, I got two bad guys that could use a but kicking.” I said.

“A fight? Sure why not? It’s been a while since I've been in a fight.” Lylla said while Jericho nodded her head, a determined look on her face.

“I’m going as well, I’m getting bored just waiting around here.” Jericho said.

I chuckle and hold up a hand. “Alright, but there is one thing. The bad guys are fire and ice types, so you will have to work together with a ranger.” I told them.

Lylla nodded her head as did Jericho, “Alright, sounds fair, especially on my part if I have to fight the Ice type.” Lylla said.

“I will let you two choose who you fight, but first I will show everyone who we are fighting.” I told them as I stood up.

“Alright.” Jericho said.

I look over and see everyone staring at me. “What?” I ask, crossing my arms.

“How do you know what they are saying?” Twilight asked me.

“A friend of mine gave me the ability to speak telepathically, and that's how I speak with them.” I said, then used telepathy to say to everyone. ‘It can be very useful to bypass a language barrier.’

“Ok, that is a bit freaky but interesting.” Twilight said, holding her chin in thought. “Do you think this ability can be taught?”

“Maybe, I mean Andros was able to teach a human from Earth how to use telekinesis, so anything is possible.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “For right now, you guys talk, I need to get my laptop.”

Everyone nodded their heads while I went to get my laptop, after I got it I checked to make sure my treasures were safe. I then head back to the map room and see Rarity and Spike have arrived. “Hey everyone I am back.” I said and set the laptop on the table, then opened it and I brought up the episodes of power rangers operation overdrive.

“Great, now what villain are we dealing with this time?” Udonna said.

“Them.” I say playing an episode that shows both of them fighting the rangers. “Flurious and his brother Moltor, they control Ice and lava respectively, both have their own armies and hate each other.”

“Wait what? Why do they hate each other?” Kat asked me.

“Because Moltor and his brother Flurious, were originally human but were transformed into a red, fire-elemental dragon-like creature, and Flurious was transformed into an ice-based creature when they attempted to steal the Corona Aurora and trapped in distant planets until their eventual release years later.
When Moltor and Flurious were kids, Flurious broke Moltor's little red sled, resulting in a long-lasting grudge.” I explained to them as the episode continued.

“Wait, Moltor is angry at his brother because he broke a sled when they were little? This sled must have been really special to Moltar if he’s still pissed about it.” Xander said.

I shrug and say. “That's just the tv show’s timeline, for all we knew here they fought over a woman.” I then show them different episodes. “But yeah, these are the kinds of villains we will be up against.”

“Alright, so they control lava and ice respectively, just how strong are they exactly?” Madison asked me.

I shrug and show them the last few episodes when they are defeated. “I didn’t watch the whole season.” I told them.

“It’s fine, but at least we know what villains are next.” Vida said.

“We need to find them first.” I said pointing at the overdrive rangers.

“Agreed.” Udonna said, nodding her head.

I sigh and cross my arms. “So who is going on this mission?” I asked as the rest of the rangers came through the portal.

“What’s happening now?” Andros asked as he and the others walked over to us.

“We are deciding who is going on this mission.” I told him.

He nodded his head before we began to discuss who should go. Pretty soon, the team consisted of me, Udonna, Cam, Cruger, Mike, Jericho, and Lylla. “Alright, we got a team for the mission, what’s next?” Cam asked me.

“Next we decide who takes on which villain, or if we should focus on one villain at a time.” I said looking at them.

I see Udonna hold her chin in thought before saying. “I think we should focus on one villain at a time, it’ll be time-consuming, making the other villains aware of our presence and be prepared for us, but it means we can easily defeat them because of our numerical advantage.”

I rub my chin and think it over before nodding. “You make a good point. Alright, first we find the other rangers, then go after Moltor, then his brother.” I said and stood up. “Any questions?”

“Yeah, will ponies be joining us again?” Mike asked me.

I shrug and say. “I doubt it, apparently Rainbow Dash and Applejack are busy out of town.”

I hear someone clear their throat, making everyone look, seeing both Rarity and Spike. “Maybe we can go with you guys?” Spike said.

I sigh and scratch my head. “I don’t know, Spike you are just a kid, and Rarity no offense but this will be uh how would you put it...ah messy and quite brutish.”

“Yes we are well aware of that, but we still want to go.” Rarity said, crossing her arms.

I sigh and shake my head. “Fine, as long as you follow orders and don’t get yourselves or us killed.”

“We can agree to that.” Spike said and Rarity nodded her head in agreement. “So what now?”

“Now, we move out, Oh but first.” I close my hand and focus, summoning two keys to my hand. “Here you two go.” I hand Spike the green mighty Morphin key and Rarity the white mighty Morphin key. “Spike you say green dragon zord power, and Rarity you say white tiger power.”

Both of them nodded their heads. “Green Dragonzord Power for Spike, and White Tiger Power for me, we’ll remember that.” Rarity said.

“Good, now let's go save a town.” I said with a smirk and climbed onto the table and headed to my portal before I stopped. “Twilight, if you take my laptop apart I will destroy every book in your castle.” I warned her.

Twilight let out a gasp, “You wouldn’t!” she said.

I smirk and look back at her. “Oh I would, my laptop is very important to me.”

“Fine, I won’t take it apart.” Twilight said, a frown on her face.

“Good.” I said before going through the portal. “Alright people, let's start the mission.”

I heard everyone voice their agreement as we walked through the portal and ended up back with the Triceramax Command Center. “Alright, I think we should leave the truck here while we head into town. Once in town, we find the rangers, then go after the villains.” I said.

“Agreed, but I say we be careful, Moltor and Flurious might have heard that a city could have been freed and will be on guard, if they’re smart that is.” Cruger said.

“True, still let’s hope they are too busy fighting each other to notice us.” I said and started to walk towards the city.

“I hope so, cause I’d hate for us to walk right into a trap or something.” Spike said.

I slap my forehead. “Spike remind me to teach you the words that are never to be spoken, later.” I said as we continued to head into town.

“Why? What did I say?” Spike asked me.

I shake my head. “You almost jinxed us.” I said.

“Oh shoot! I did?!” Spike said, going wide-eyed.

The other rangers groan and shake their heads. “Hey you may not believe it, but I do.”

“Oh come on, there’s no such thing as jinxes.” Mike said.

I point at him. “None of that talk, I don’t want us running into bad luck because of it.” I said.

“Oh come on, seriously, jinxes are a myth.” Mike replied.

“And so are dragons and unicorns here on Earth.” Udonna said, pointing at Rarity and Spike.

I nod my head. “Exactly. Now cut the chit-chat.” I said then point ahead where a group of chillers and lava lizards are guarding a large door, to the wall surrounding the city.

“Great, how are we going to get into the city?” Cruger asked as we hid so that way the Chillers and Lava Lizards wouldn't see us.

I frown and rub my chin as I look at the two groups. The Chillers were completely white, with chest and shoulder armor, a large belt around their waist and their helmets covering their whole head, and a small candle where their mouth would be. Their choice of weapons was candle-shaped maces. The Lava Lizards, on the other hand, were tall humanoid lizards, with reddish-orange scales, white eyes, and had a small blade on the top of their heads, they also wore red and black armor with their weapon being a dark red sword.

I grin when I get an idea and light my hand with magic as I grab ahold of one of the Lava Lizard’s arms, then make him hit one of the Chillers, then watch as a few Chillers push and hit the Lava Lizards in retaliation. I chuckle as chaos spreads as the two groups start fighting. “Now we just wait for the two groups to take each other down.” I said in a whisper.

“Geez, they must really hate each other.” Jericho said.

I nod and help speed things along by using my magic to mess with any of them that stop fighting. “Yeah, but it is mostly because their bosses hate each other.”

“And they thought it was a good idea to place their soldiers guarding the same gate?” Jericho asked. “Despite the fact that something like this might happen?”

“They are one of the more...airheaded power ranger villains.” I said with a shrug then looked over to see just one Chiller left standing. Smirking, I use my magic to lift one of the Lava Lizard’s swords, then drop it onto the Chillar’s head, knocking them out.

“Well, now we have a way inside.” Rarity said.

“Yep, and if we are lucky no one will find out about this till the bosses are dealt with.” I said as I walked up to the door. I hear groaning and look down to see a Lava Lizard waking up, so I kick his head knocking him out again. I then use my sword to pry the gate open.

When I finally got the gate opened but on the other side were a few Chillers, making me freeze as we stared at each other. “Um...freeze!” I aim my gun at them.

The Chillers immediately raised their hands in the air while I heard Mike say. “That did not just work, right?”

“So you want to complain or do you want to knock them out before they decide to fight back?!” I asked him before I shot some of the Chillers for moving.

Mike didn’t respond as he and the others quickly knocked the Chillers out and tied them up. “Alright, we made it past the gate, now what?” Mike asked me.

“Now we look for the rangers.” I look at every one. “You all paid attention when I was playing the episodes on my laptop, correct? So you do know what they look like without their suits.” I asked as we started to go into the heated half of the city.

“Yes, we all did pay attention.” Cruger said.

“Good, then everyone keep an eye out. If we are lucky we will find them before we get to Moltor’s lair.” I said and tapped my necklace making sure it was off.

“Right, any idea where we should start?” Cruger asked. “I mean, they probably have a hidden base of operations somewhere.”

“No clue.” I said, shaking my head. “In the show, their base was the Red Rangers' home and the bad guys knew exactly where it was so it's not like they can go there and hide plus most of the episodes were taking place all over the planet while they were searching for something.” I told them.

There are the sounds of screaming from a few streets ahead. “Damn, well either we’ll find them up ahead soon or we're going to blow our cover, either way, let's get to work people.” I said.

Everyone nodded their heads as we ran towards the sounds of the screams and when we got there, we saw people being dragged out of a building by Lava Lizards. “Looks like we’ll be doing the latter of what you said.” Spike said.

I nod and say. “Everyone, don’t morph unless you have to.” I then run as fast as I can before I deliver a flying kick to the first Lava Lizard. “Take this, you overgrown iguana!”

The Lava Lizard I kicked fell to the ground while the others turned to me, growling angrily before running at me, swords raised in the air. I pull my sword out and tell the people. “Run, head the way we came, the gate is open.” Then I blocked one of the Lava Lizard’s attacks.

The people nodded as they ran, just as the others came and helped me fight the Lava Lizards with Lylla knocking the Lava Lizard I was fighting away from me. I use my sword to cut the Lava Lizard’s chest before shooting another one a few times. “Good work Lylla.”

“Thanks.” Vida said, using her tail to hit another Lava Lizard.

I jumped back from a sword that was swung at me but got hit by a different Lava Lizard from behind. “Gah!” I fall forward and get kicked in the face by another one.

“Hang on!” I heard Mike say before he and Cruger attacked the Lava Lizards that were attacking me while Cam helped me up.

“You okay?” Cam asked me.

“Yeah, thanks.” I said, rubbing my face. “They just got a lucky hit in, and caught me off guard.”

“Alright, but be careful next time.” Cam said before punching a Lava Lizard that was running at us and kicking it away.

“Yeah yeah.” I said rolling my eyes, then I activated my sword's grappling hook and swung it around hitting all of the Lava Lizards. “Everyone down.”

Everyone did as I said and ducked down, I spun the sword around one last time and killed the last of the Lava Lizards. “Damn that was annoying.” I said and reeled my sword back.

“At least it’s over for now.” Udonna said. “Now we just need to find the Rangers.”

I nod and rub my chin. “You’re right, anyone want to guess where to go next?” I ask.

Everyone, minus the two Pokemon, held their chins in thought. “Hmmm, not sure.” Cam said.

I sigh and rub the back of my head. “Damn, hey wait...can’t we just use our morphers to call them? You know, broadcast on all ranger frequencies.”

“That might actually work.” Cam said.

“I got lucky when I tried it before, Cam you are the tech genius, you go ahead and try and contact them. The rest of us will keep an eye out for more foot soldiers.” I said to him.

Cam nodded. “Alright, but I think we should take cover, that way we won’t get any interruptions from the foot soldiers.” Cam said.

“Yeah, that is a good point. Let’s find somewhere you can work.” I said and we moved down the street.

Eventually, we were in a building that had its windows barricaded but the front door was gone but that was easily fixed when we moved some of the stuff in the building to block it. Me and the others were keeping an eye out for any foot soldier that decided to check the building we were hiding in while Cam tried to get in contact with the Rangers.

I lean on the wall and whisper to Spike and Rarity. “So what do you think of earth so far?” I ask them.

“Well, minus the villains and monsters, I think Earth is pretty cool so far.” Spike said.

I chuckle and smile. “Good, hopefully, one day you can see it once it is free.” I told him.

“Yes, that would be nice. Plus, it would give me a chance to see Earth's fashion up close.” Rarity said.

I chuckle and smirk. “Oh yeah, I am sure you would love the variety, though I think one thing that you won't approve of is the fact that almost everything when it comes to clothing is mass-produced. Then again that's usually because there are billions of humans on the planet.”

“Mass-produced? What does that mean?” Rarity asked me in confusion.

I look around and pick up a phone case. “Alright, mass-produced means that there are large factories designed specifically to make either one or a few related items and they'll pump out thousands of these items a day. All the items are the same.” I told her.

“What?! You mean they don’t have their own style or anything?!” Rarity asked.

“I wouldn’t say that.” I said then added. “More like, because so many people want that product they have to produce enough for everyone but new designs are always being made.”

“Ah, alright.” Rarity said.

I look out of a crack in the barricade to look for any enemies not seeing any. I decided to ask Cruger something. “Hey, if you are from 2025, isn’t there a good chance there is another you in the present?”

“What do you mean?” Cruger asked me.

“Well, I mean, if you were brought back in time then there should be another you that is from this time, right?” I said scratching my head.

“I honestly have no idea.” Cruger replied.

I shrug and say. “I was just thinking if there was maybe you could warn yourself of Grumm.” I then look over as I see Cam walking up to us.

“I managed to get in contact with the Rangers, they are currently hiding out in a building not too far from here.” Cam said.

“Alright, lead the way.” I told Cam.

Cam nodded his head as we left the building and went in the direction of the Rangers, making sure we weren’t spotted by Chillers and/or Lava Lizards as we did. An hour of walking later, we arrived at an abandoned factory. “This is the place.” Cam said.

“Alright, everyone keep calm, and Rarity, Spike, you two stay behind us. We don’t want any friendly fire accidents.” I told everyone.

The two nodded their heads as we walked towards the factory, as we did though, two figures appeared on our left and right, weapons aimed at us. “Who are you?” One of the figures said, making me realize the figures were the Yellow and Blue Overdrive Rangers, Ronny Robison, and Dax Lo.

I wave and say. “Hey there, we are power rangers, here to help.” I said then look at Cam. “you are the one that talked to them before, go ahead and prove it.”

“It’s true, we talked through the morphers, we are not enemies.” Cam said, and the two Overdrive Rangers just simply stared at us before putting their weapons away.

“Sorry about that. We’ve been on edge since Moltor and Flurious took over the city.” Ronny said.

“Hey no problem, just don’t shoot our friends.” I said pointing at Spike, Rarity, and Cruger.

“Cam told us about them, so you don’t have to worry about us accidentally hurting them.” Dax said as he and Ronny led us into the factory.

“Good, so want some help taking those two down?” I ask with a smirk.

“Do you even have to ask?” Ronny asked me. “We need all the help we can get.”

“Then here is the deal, we help you take them down, and you guys join us as we travel to Angel Grove to help out another team and will be helping other teams along the way.” I tell them with a grin.

“Helping other teams? You mean the city isn’t the only place affected by the villains?” Dax asked me.

I roll my eyes. “Dude, the whole planet has been taken over.” I tell him with a frown.

Both Ronny and Dax looked at Cam, who had a sheepish look on his face. “I may have forgotten about that little detail.” Cam said.

“Yeah, you did.” Ronny said with a shake of her head. “Alright, we’ll help you out after we free the city.”

“Good, now first off we need to know how many members of your team are active, what weapons you have, and if you have access to your megazords.” I told them.

“For our team, we have everyone but Mackenzie.” Ronny said. “And we only have our personal weapons and our zords were destroyed.”

I sigh and frown. “Well, I think I can help with the zords, but first I need to touch each of you, and if you have anything that belonged to Mackenzie I need that too.” I said.

“What are you going to do?” Dax asked me. “And why do you need Mackenzie’s stuff for?”

I put my hand into my pocket and then pull it out after summoning my ranger key. “I can access other rangers' abilities if I have their key, and one way I can get that key is by making contact with a ranger.” I explain to them.

“I see.” Dax said in understanding. “But seeing how Mackenzie isn’t here, you think making contact with his stuff might give you a key?”

I shrug. “It worked with another deceased ranger when I touched his ‘morpher’.” I said with air quotes.

“Alright, I’ll go get something of Mackenzie while Ronny leads you to the other Rangers.” Dax said as he went in another direction.

I nod and we follow Ronny into a different part of the factory and see four more people. “This place is so dirty.” Rarity whispers.

“Come on Rarity, what did you expect?” Spike whispered back. “These guys are hiding from a whole city full of bad guys, pretty sure they have more important things to worry about than a little dirt.”

I clear my throat and wave. “Hello, my name is Roger, this is Cam, Cruger, Udonna, Rarity, and Spike.” I feel a light hit on my shin and look down before remembering and added. “Oh right and these two are Jericho and Lylla.”

“Nice to meet you, my name is Rose, this is Tyzonn or Ty, Will, and this is Andrew, Mack's father.” Rose said, introducing each member of the Overdrive Rangers.

I smile and shake their hands and receive three keys, the overdrive pink, black and yellow keys. “Nice to meet you, I am the red pirate force ranger.” I said.

“SPD shadow ranger.” Cruger said.

“Mystic force white ranger.” Udonna said.

“Green samurai ranger.” Cam said.

“Why Pirate Force?” Andrew asked me.

I groan and shake my head. “I am still working on the name, but basically it's because my team is pirate-themed.”

“Makes sense I guess.” Andrew said with a shrug of his shoulders. “So now that you are here, we can take down Moltor and his brother?”

“More or less, we are planning on doing it anyway.” I said then asked. “Do you guys know where Moltor’s and Flurious’ bases are?”

“We do.” Andrew replied.

“Good, then here is the plan: We go after Moltor first, then his brother.” I said and looked back the way we came. “Now I just need something that belonged to Mackenzie.”

That is when Dax returned with what looked like a piece of a trident. “This is Macks Drive Lance, or what’s left of it..” Dax said.

“Damn, hmm you know I wonder.” I said as I walked up to Dax and touched the trident then him, getting the red and blue overdrive keys. “Let’s test something.” I take the red key and slide it into my Morpher. “Overdrive, accelerate!” and my Morpher calls out. ‘Boukenger!’

In a flash of red I am standing in the red overdrive suit. The red Ranger suit was red and white, with the white being in the middle of the suit, under the arms, and around the neck. The boots, gloves, and shoulders had silver rings and pads, there was a symbol resembling a compass on the chest. The helmet had a silver faceplate and headlights on the top of the visor.

“Whoa, now that is impressive.” Andrew said.

I chuckle. “You think that's impressive? Just wait till I do this.” I lift my hand and focus on trying to summon Mackenzie.

Pretty soon, Mackenzie appeared in a flash, shocking the other Overdrive Rangers and Andrew. I grin in my helmet and power down. “Ta-da! Now you have the full team again.” I said waving a hand at mack.

“What? How did I get here?” Mack asked as he looked around before he was tackled into a hug by the other Rangers and Andrew.

“It’s good to have you back, Mack.” Dax said.

I scratch the back of my head and smile but decide not to tell them that he could possibly be from another universe. “Now that you guys are back at full strength, shall we make a plan on how to deal with Moltor?”

“Yes, we should. The sooner Moltor and his brother are defeated, the better for everyone.” Andrew said, causing the others to nod in agreement.

So we spent an hour going over the plan and once I summoned each of their zords inside a large warehouse we were ready. “Alright, let’s kick some bad guy butt.” I said.

Everyone shouted in agreement, just as an explosion was heard outside. “What the?!” Cruger shouted in surprise as we ran to see what had caused it, seeing a group of Lava Lizards outside. “How did they find us?!”

“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that there were bright flashes each time Roger changed, or maybe it was the loud thumps when he made one of those large things appear?” Spike said.

“Yeah, any one of those could be a good reason why they found us.” Mike said. “But that doesn’t matter, we’re either gonna have to fight or run to another location.”

I roll my neck and pull out my Morpher. “I think it's time we stop hiding, it's Morphin time!” I said before I use my own key. “Set sail!” and my Morpher calls out. ‘Gokaiger!’

Everyone else nodded as they morphed as well, leaving only Spike and Rarity to morph. First Spike called out. “Dragonzord power!” and green electricity covered him as he grew to the size of an adult human and the green mighty Morphin suit appeared on him.

Rarity was next as she called out. “White tiger power!” And white electricity covered her as the white mighty Morphin ranger suit formed on her. The suit was mostly white with a gold and black chest and shoulder armor, there was also gold and black around the gloves and boots, she also had a golden belt and her helmet was mostly gold with a black visor.

I smile under my helmet as I look back at my new team, each of the overdrive ranger’s suits looks similar to the red one but in blue, black, yellow, pink, and silver. Then I look forward and hold my sword out. “charge!”

We all ran out of the factory and began to fight the Lava Lizards, which was pretty easy considering there were more of us than them. “Man, they were not prepared for a lot of Rangers to suddenly fight them.” Cruger said as he kicked a Lava Lizard into another.

“They were probably after the overdrive rangers, and didn’t know we were here.” I said as I stabbed one through the chest and shot another.

“Well, then they must have been surprised to see us then.” Mike said, using his weapon to send a Lava Lizard flying.

I see Spike using the dragon dagger to cut a Lava Lizard that was attacking Rarity, and Rarity was using her tiger sword to fight one of the Lava Lizards. “Keep up the good work you two.” I tell them before I kick another one towards Cam.

He used his sword to stab into the Lizard before turning his body and slicing another. I looked around and saw that was the last of them. “Alright, it seems we are in the clear for now. Let's go take down the first of the brothers.” I said and looked at the Overdrive rangers.

“Agreed.” Mack said.

“The sooner the better.” Ronny said.

We follow the Overdrive rangers to a man-made volcano with actual lava flowing down the side. “Geez, I am so glad these suits are made to not only withstand extreme temperatures but keep us comfortable as well.” I said.

“Agreed.” Every Ranger minus Spike said, which was understandable seeing how he was a dragon so being near lava won’t affect him as much.

We make our way inside Moltor’s base and kill any Lava Lizards we come across. I look around a corner and see Moltor speaking to someone on a screen. “I am telling you I demand one of those psycho Rangers, so I can finish off my Power Ranger problem and maybe even my brother!”

“The Psycho Rangers have more important things to do than settle so stupid grudge between you and your brother. If you want to finish him off once and for all, do it yourself.” I heard the voice of Rita reply,

I narrow my eyes and hold up my hand to keep the others from attacking. “Hey, you are the ones that took the Corona Aurora and the five jewels! If I had them I could easily stop any rangers team by myself!”

“Oh stop whining!” Rita replied,

“Just send me one of your psycho Rangers so I can finish taking over this town or maybe me and my brother should team up against you and the rest of the alliance.” Moltor said.

We heard Rita laugh in response, “You honestly think the two of you are a threat?! I’ve seen far stronger beings than you two simpletons! The only damage you’ll do is to each other thanks to your petty grudge! You won’t even last five minutes before fighting each other!”

Moltpr growls and slams his fist on the arm of his throne. “Damn you, fine keep your knock off rangers, I will deal with this town myself.” Moltor then destroyed his screen. “Fucking bitch.”

“Looks like the villains aren’t very supportive of each other.” Lylla and Udonna said at the same time, which made me chuckle a bit before nodding my head in agreement.

“Yep, which means if we can take out the ones at the center the rest will take each other down.” I whisper back then look at every one. “Ok, here's the plan, me and the overdrive rangers will deal with Moltor, the rest of you keep any Lava Lizards out of the way.”

Everyone nodded their heads. “Alright, we’ll do that, but are you sure you guys can handle him?” Mike asked me.

I nod my head. “Yeah, I got enough forms that I can pick up their slack.” I said in a teasing manner while pointing at the overdrive rangers.

“Hey!” all of the Overdrive Rangers said in annoyance.

I chuckle and shake my head. “Come on, let's go take hot head down.” I said and walked into the room with my gun aimed at Moltor. “Freeze.”

Moltor looked at me, “A Ranger? How did you get into my lair?” Moltor asked as he got off his throne and glared at me.

I smirk as I decide to mess with him. “Oh I just walked right in, it was easy with the help of some Chillers.”

“What?! When I get my hands on those CHillers, I’ll kill them!” Moltor shouted angrily,

I chuckle and lower my gun. “Well, that is if I don’t kill you first, then again if you pay me more than your brother did, maybe I'd be willing to help you kill him instead. Of course, I would need you to send your own forces after him in order to increase the chances of my success.”

Moltor gave me a suspicious look, “Power Rangers are heroes, why would you be helping my brother take me out?” he asked me.

I chuckle and put my sword on my shoulder. “Simple I may be a Power Ranger but I'm more of a mercenary or to be more specific a pirate, you pay me enough and I'll do whatever the fuck you want.” I tell him while using telepathy to tell my team my plan so they don’t screw it up.

Moltor hums as he held his chin in thought, and after a few seconds of thinking he said, “Alright pirate, say I do pay you to help end my brother, how exactly will you do something I’ve been trying to do for a long time?”

I wave a hand at myself. “I can fight him with the power of a ranger.” I then aim my gun back at him. “That and I can use your army to keep him busy, then he wouldn’t have anyone to be a living shield.”

“Hmmm, very well.” Moltor said, “I will pay you more than my brother did so you can end him once and for all.”

“Deal, we can talk price later, order your army to attack him now, and then while he is distracted I will attack.” I said while getting ready to attack.

Moltor nodded his head before ordering one of the Lava Lizards to tell his army to attack Flurious immediately. I grin and after the Lava Lizard leaves, I walk over to Moltor. “So boss I just have to say.” I send the rangers a mental signal. “You are a fool.” I punch Moltor’s face.

Moltor shouted in surprise, “What?! What is the meaning of this?!” He shouted, clearly confused.

I chuckle and fire my gun at him. “I just got you to attack your brother while leaving yourself defenseless.”

Moltor growled as the other Rangers came into the room, “This ends here Moltor!” Dax said to the villain.

I spin my sword before I say. “I will give you two choices, the first one is you let Cruger here put you into a confinement card, while the second choice is you try to fight us and get your ass handed to you before I kill you.”

“I will never surrender to you Rangers!” Moltor shouted in rage before firing a magic beam from his eyes at us.

I block it with my sword and am pushed back as the overdrive rangers run into combat. “Let's take him down!” Mack said.

“Yeah!” The other Overdrive Rangers said before they began to attack Moltor by either shooting him or using their melee weapons. Moltor on his part was doing his best to block me and the Rangers combined assault with his fire swords.

I jump back and pull out one of my keys, “Time to test out this key.” I said before I slide it in and call out. “I choose you Charizard!” and my Morpher calls out. ‘Displaced!’ Then in an orange flash I am standing in a new suit.

The suit was mainly orange that kinda resembled the Power Ranger Samurai suit, the suit had peach and black near the center and on the collar, yellow shoulder guards that had twin capes attached to them that were orange on the outside but light blue on the inside, just like a Charizard's wings, the boots were also clawed, giving them a draconic look and the gloves were colored to look like flames. Lastly, there was the helmet, it resembled a Charizard’s head with the two horns on the back of my head, the faceplate also had white teeth on it.

“What is this? I’ve never seen a Ranger like that before.” Moltor said before shaking his head, “Doesn’t matter, I’ll crush you all and then I’ll destroy my brother!”

I looked myself over before smirking and ran at Moltor before I punched his face. “This is a new ranger form I got from a friend.”

“Like I said, I’ll crush you no matter how many forms you change into!” Moltor shouted before firing a magic blast from his eyes at me.

I jump over his attack and kick his face before pulling out some kind of claw weapon with three blades on it. “You will try.” I said before thrusting the claw at him.

Moltor blocked my weapon with his sword before slashing at me with his other one, causing sparks to fly before he head-butted me. I yell in pain as I am knocked back over by the others. “Damn it.”

“You okay?” Mack asked me as the others charged at Moltor,

“Yeah, but I guess this isn’t the time to test out new powers.” I said before standing back up.

“Yeah, no offense, that form was cool and all, but Moltor easily kicked your ass.” Mack said, just as Rose and WIll were sent flying thanks to Moltors magic beams.

“Then let's try this, go go samurai!” I call out as I slide a gold key into my Morpher and turn it. My Morpher calls out, ‘Shinkenger!’ and in a flash of gold, I am in a gold and blue suit, with the gold mostly focused around the chest, gloves, boots, and helmet. I had a silver belt where the Barracuda Blade was sheathed on my back. The visor resembles some sort of star.

“Whoa, what can that form do?” MAck asked me,

“This is the gold samurai ranger.” I said smirking in my helmet and pulled the sword off my hip and held it backhanded in a reverse grip.

“What’s this? Another suit change? Doesn’t matter, you will all die!” Moltor shouted, slashing at the Overdrive Rangers, sending them flying before running at me.

I block his sword with mine, then kick his chest before rapidly slash him multiple times. “This suit comes with a speed boost!”

Moltor shouts in pain as he dropped one of his swords to hold his chest where a slash mark was, “You insolent worm! I’ll crush you for that!” he shouted before firing a yellow-white lightning beam at me.

I roll out of the way and then kick his chest. “Come on everyone keep hammering him!”

“What do you think we’ve been doing?” Daz asked before he and the others charged at Moltor, hitting him with their weapons while he was unable to block their attacks.

I jump back and change back to my base form. “Let’s try to finish him.” I slide my key into my sword and it starts to glow.

The Overdrive Rangers nodded their heads as they began to prepare their team attack, “No! I refuse to lose to any of you!” Motor shouted as he prepared to use his Mega Slash on us.

I attack first with my finisher. “Final slash!” and send a red energy slash at Moltor.

“Drill mode!” Mack said as he changed his gun to the Drill Blaster while the others grabbed onto him, bracing him, “Drill Blaster!”

“Ready!” the other Overdrive Rangers said as the gun powered up before Mack pulled the trigger.

“Fire!” The drill spun around as it glowed yellow before blasting off the gun and spinning towards my Final SLash attack, the two attacks combining as they sped towards Moltor.

“Mega Slash!” Moltor shouted as he sent the Mega Slash at the combined attack, only for it to do nothing as the Overdrive Rangers and my attacks went right through the Mega Slash, shocking Moltor, “What?! No!” Moltor shouted before the attack hit him, causing an explosion that completely destroyed Moltor.

I walk over and wave the smoke away. “Make sure he can’t come back.” I tell them.

“We will.” Mack said as he walked over to me, “This means we only got Flurious to deal with.”

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, let’s make sure this place is clear of any enemies before we go after him though.”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea, don’t want Moltor's goons coming after us for revenge.” Mack said as we walked back to the others, just as Jercho sent a Lava Lizard flying.

I smirk and walk over. “Think you can keep fighting or do ya want to take a break?” I ask her.

“I want to keep fighting, these guys are nothing.” Jericho replied, headbutting another Lava Lizard.

“Glad to hear you say that because I need you and the others to clear this place out.” I told her before opening a portal to my ship. “I am gonna see if there is anyone I can summon as backup.”

“You do that.” Jericho said, charging at a Lava Lizard who proceeded to run away from the angry Eevee.

I chuckle before calling out. “I am heading back for a minute.” Then head through the portal, once on my ship, I head to my treasure room and look over my token. “Hmm, no, no, not strong enough, too strong. Who should I summon?” I ask before I feel something land on my head, reaching up to grab a black headband.

"If you seek truth and aid in helping the weak and in need, call forth the Anti-Magic Knight." I hear in my head.

“Huh, this guy might be good.” I said rubbing my chin.