• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,379 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 19

Roger and Asta entered the dining room to join Celestia and Luna. “Roger, I did not expect you to return to the castle so soon. What happened?” Celestia asked.

“Well, I kicked some bad guy butt and made a new friend.” Roger said and put an arm around Asta. “This is Asta.”

“Hellllooooo!” Asta waved frantically with a goofy grin.

Luna and Celestia look at him for a moment then Celestia asked. “Is he another one of these Rangers?”

Then Luna added. “Or perhaps he is a displaced?”

“Oh, he is both.” Roger said with a smile.

“Hi!” Asta waved. “I’m Asta Ferris. Nice to meet both of you.”

“It’s nice to meet you, mister Ferris.” Celestia said with a smile while Luna nodded her head.

Roger walked over to a chair and asked. “You don’t mind if we join you do ya? Asta is still recovering from a big fight we just had yesterday. With how his relationship with his Royal sisters is, I figured why not have him meet the two of you, and maybe the three of you can become friends or something.”

“My relations with the sisters back in my world is somewhat strained.” Asta explained. “Don't worry as my judgment on you two has nothing to do with their standing in my mind. We’re more business partners than friends is all I’ll say." He smiled. “But yes I am still a bit under the weather. I pushed myself a bit too hard so Roger is letting me stay for a bit in order to heal up enough before I go back home. I don’t need my girls getting worked up if I come back in a sorry state. I also have my daughter to think about, not to mention my people too.”

“You have a daughter?” Celestia asked.

“Your people? Are you a leader of some kind?” Luna asked.

“Yes." Asta nodded. “I have a newborn back in my world. I’m also the king of a fairly large territory.”

“Dude, I didn’t know you were a father. If I had known I would have helped you heal faster and get you home to her.” Roger said, reaching into his pockets.

“It's fine Roger.” Asta holds up a hand. “And I have mentioned my daughter on several occasions before now too." He pointed out. “She has her mothers to care for her right now and I’m sure I’ll be able to get back in time before anything major happen. The Counsel was governing longer before I was even appointed king of Waillen and I more than trust them to take care of the citizens in my stead." He looked over to the sisters. “If you’re wondering what my world is like it's a lot like yours but the ponies and other races are nearly human and not anthros, no offense.”

“That's interesting. I don't believe I could picture us as humans.” Celestia said with a giggle.

“Well, still I wish I could do more for you.” Roger said and pulled out some candy offering it to everyone.

“You’ve done enough already Roger." Asta shook his head. Roger was a bit taken aback by Asta's behavior for the most part. Merely moments ago this was a man swinging from the lights in the hallway. “If you like to see what you'd look like I do have a picture of you from my older brother. He had it taken during a family reunion." Asta said as his grimoire floats up. The book caught the sister’s attention as soon as it floated up. Reaching in Asta pulled out a photo of Edward and a very colorful assortment of characters ranging from RWBY, Pokemon, and even Fairytail. “The blonde man in the front is my older brother and the two women on either side of him are both of you. You both hold my niece and nephew, Edward’s twins with Luna." He said nonchalantly. Roger recognized the four of them immediately.

“Wow, that is cool to see them in different forms. And that is a large family.” Roger said as he looked at the picture.

“It is indeed interesting to see us like this.” Luna said and Celestia nodded.

“Mister Ferris, that book of yours, what is it?” Celestia asked.

“Many of them are actually adopted or extended family and yes they’re mostly displaced too. It’s exactly what you think it is, a grimoire." Asta said as he reached into the book and pulls out a katana. “Though it's not your conventional grimoire as you can see. This is my personnel grimoire and it only responds to me." He put the blade back in the book.

Roger reached into his coat and pulls out his own. “I got one too. Though mine is fire based.” He opened the book and a small purple flame dragon came out of it and sat on his shoulder.

“Dark flame based actually." Asta corrected. “You have both the Dark Magic Attribute and the Fire Attribute not to mention your Spirit magic too, once it matures it will be a force to be reckoned with.”

“Yeah, though I just hope I do a good job teaching it right from wrong.” He said with a smile looking at the little dragon.

“Spirits like Salamander, which is the basic flame spirit mind you, are much more in tune with their partner's emotions than a more humanized spirit like say the wind spirit Slyp whose form is that of a small pixie or fairy." Asta explained. “It has to do with the more animalistic form the Salamander takes. Now should the Salamander choose to abandon its partner for someone else then it’ll still resemble a small flame drake but it could look much sleeker and more mature. I am just making it known what I know as I’ve never encountered or heard of Dark Flame magic in Black Clover, the world my powers are based out of." He told the sisters. “So my claims could just be an underlying thing where this little fellow does something else entirely.”

Roger hummed in thought and looked at the little dragon. “I see, well I still plan on doing my best.”

“I’m sure you will." Asta nodded before turning back to the sisters. “I know you have more questions for me, yes?”

“Yes, what kind of magic does your grimoire give you?” Luna asked.

“The original owner of the grimoire used sword magic over five hundred years ago but once I got it it had changed into something other than magic." Asta motioned with his hand. “I actually wield Anti-magic.” He said causing the sister to shoot out of their seats. “You can calm yourselves, I also have my own magic in the form of Crystal and Dark Crystal magic not to mention ancient magic.

They surprise Asta by coming closer and asking. “You have Anti-magic? That has only been theoretical for centuries, but we always believed it to exist somewhere.” Luna said with a grin, then she turned to Celestia. “You owe us a moon cake the size of one of your cakes, sister!”

“Yes I have anti-magic and I have used it in a fight against another Celestia." Asta remarked holding up a hand summoning his massive demon slayer sword. “I use this sword in tandem with the anti-magic. Touching them is dangerous unless you have globs of magic so be careful. I still didn’t have the best opinion of you at the time so I had a lot of pent-up anger. I was summoned by another displaced that was at odds with his sisters so as part of my contract I was allowed to fight her. She nearly destroyed her body in the process. Her own magic burning away her physical form…” He sighed. “I did try and heal her afterward but she pulled away. What else would you like to know?”

“I for one am interested in seeing both of your magics, do you think you two could give us a demonstration in the courtyard?” Celestia asked.

Roger shrugged and said. “Sure why not, though if you expect the two of us to spar even with his current state he would win hands down.” He then pointed at Asta with a thumb.

“This is true.” Asta nodded, standing up. “Back home I was a well-practiced martial artist and I can augment my physical strength with breath techniques as well. I was flung back into my world past by about a hundred and twenty-five years meaning I had time to perfect my skills. I also have a few power that aren’t magic." He smirked as he held up his palm and it lit on fire.

Roger chuckled and lightly punched Asta’s shoulder. “Show off, and besides I'm pretty sure that they meant just a battle between our magics which if I remember the show correctly yours was pretty much all physical.”

“Let me give you a little lesson in the art of warfighting Roger." Asta waved his hand off to the side dispelling the flames but then Roger felt something cold poking the back of his neck. The sisters were shocked at what they saw, a sword of ice with the tip of the blade level with Roger’s spinal cord. “When your life is on the line you do what you have to to survive." He said and pulled the ice sword to his hand where it turned to water and evaporated into the air. “Let’s give them a good demo shall we....”

Roger rubbed the back of his neck with a frown. “I know that… and sure.”

“So what kind of demo would you two ladies like to see?” Asta asked as the four of them head out to the gardens.

“How about you start by showing us your spells on targets, then you two can have a sparring match.” Luna suggested.

“Now the question is do you want me to stick with my anti-magic or would you care to see my Crystal and Darkcrystal magic.” Asta added. “Thing is my crystal magic isn’t actually mine but originally belonged to Sombra. He tried to take my body by stabbing his focusing crystal into my arm and embedding it into my bone." He said, holding up his right arm to show the scar. “Thanks to my brother and later me, I was able to destroy the bastard for good. As a parting gift, I inherited his magic.”

“Fascinating would you mind if we did a few scans of you afterward? We've never seen somebody like this before.” Celestia asked.

Roger hummed and said. “How about we set up some magic dummies for you to hit.”

“It has to do with the fact that back home a unicorn doesn’t use a horn but a crystal that is made when they cast their first spell." Asa explained. “The crystal Sombra stabbed me with was technically his own horn. Thanks to a procedure done by my older brother he spread the crystal throughout my bones. A side effect from the stabbing was that Sombra’s crystal had already fused with my bones and there was no removing it with his soul attached to me, thus the procedure. But I don’t mind a scan as long as it's not invasive.”

“Of course not, I'm just curious how something like this could work.” Celestia said.

Luna rolled her eyes. “Sister, you are showing your scholarly side again.”

“That’s never a good thing from what I've learned from very personal experiences." Asta notes as he shied away a bit. His comment caught Celestia's full attention.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“You’ve met Twilight Sparkle so you tell me." Asta pointed out.

Celestia blushed lightly and looked away. “I am afraid she has gotten a few bad habits from me but you have my word that I am more restrained than she has been in the past. If you tell me to stop I will stop.”

“Define restrained when you're in the bedroom then?” Asta threw a hand in the air.

“Crystal magic is easy enough to control as it mainly consists of form crystal from the magic around you." Asta said as magic gathered in his hand and condenses into a shuriken. “You just have to visualize what you want to make." He said throwing the shuriken with all the hitting the target.

“Amazing! And what I do in my bedroom is my own business. It's rather rude of you to ask that.” Celestia said with a blush and Luna giggled softly.

“I wasn't asking about what goes on behind your doors princess, but was making a statement about what goes on behind my own." Asta rolled his eyes.

Both sisters blushed at that and Roger chuckled. “Nice firing range.” He said looking at the targets. He looked at the little dragon on his shoulder. “Ready to show them what we can do?”

“You should try showing your own magic first." Asta advised. “This spirit is still a bit young so its spells won’t be easy to control, even if it's a small spell.”

Roger tilted his head. “Oh? I thought all the spells in the grimoire were a mix of both of our magic.” He said before he flipped through the pages.

“No." Asta shakes his head. “Spirits are actually beings that are manifestations made of pure magic. You have your own power you can draw on and Salamanders at the same time, but the spells are your own unless you issue a command to Salamander directly. Now there's a spell called Spirit dive that lets you fuse with the spirit for a time where you are using both your spells and power at once, but there is a limit to how long this can last. The closer your bond is, the longer and more powerful it is. When you completely dive your whole body will transform, incomplete only half of your body transforms. Even if it's incomplete you will still be extremely powerful. I don’t recommend trying it at all right now”

“Yeah, no way am I risking hurting this little guy.” Roger said before petting its head with a finger.

“He’d be fine, more like your body would burn up from mana overload.” Asta waves it off. “Enough lectures though, Show us what you got.”

Roger chuckled and nodded, he walked up to the firing rage and held out a hand. “Alright let's start simple with a fireball spell!” A large fireball formed in his hand before it fired down range and explodes.

“Nice explosion." Asta noted. “But you should show off a bit more. Why not try to hit multiple targets like you did yesterday?”

“Right, let's see.” Roger said before saying the right spell and three fireballs formed over his head before being launched at three separate targets, all hitting dead center before exploding. “Hmm?” Roger noticed something in his grimoire so he looked closer and said. “Oh cool, a new spell.”

“It's key to say the spell's name before you cast it too.” Asta added. “If you don’t clearly visualize what you want you could end up with a stray fireball hitting someone not even involved. That’s why it's important to know the name of the spell you’re casting.”

“Right, hmm let's see what this one does.” He read it a few times before holding a hand out and saying it out loud. “Dark Flame Creation Magic: Black Flame Javelin!” Dark purple fire forms in his hand before it grows and stretches into a long spear. “Sweet!”

“Not bad." Asat nodded. “Now what does it do?" He asked. “You can even modify it to change into another spell after you throw it at some if you infuse enough mana. In BC Magna changed his fireball spell into a binding spell that clung to the bad guise and activated after the explosion.”

Roger hummed before he leaned back and threw the spear at a target, but as soon as it hit the target it exploded in a massive purple fireball. The little dragon flew in front of everyone and made a firewall that kept them safe.

“You have yourself a good partner." Asta smirks as Salamander returns to Roger’s shoulder. “Would you like to see Dark Crystal magic now?” He asks the sisters.

They nod and Celestia is writing everything down. “Wow, I can definitely see where twilight got most of her tendencies.” Roger said, then he closed his grimoire and slipped it into his coat.

Asta took a deep breath and closed his eyes and opened them to reveal green with purple smoke trailing over the side, “Dark Crystal Magic is in essence the same as normal crystal magic but it can have.. Unexpected tendencies,” he says holding up his right arm that was now a crystalline claw. Magic gather and coalesced into n a black dagger, “As you knew dark magic has corruptive nature to it,” he says throwing the dagger into the same target as the shuriken, Everyone noticed right away that the shuriken turned black and soon the cloudy crystal spread over the target until it was encased in a shadowy blackish-gray crystal. “It's powerful, yes but also addictive, which is why I don’t use it,” Asta sighs as he reverts back to normal. “What you don’t know is that all magic can be just as corrupting and dangerous as dark magic. It is the wielder and the means of what they want to do that is the driving force.”

“Kinda like a gun.” Roger spoke up. “Magic is just a tool, it's the person using the magic that determines if it's bad or not. Am I right Asta?”

“You’re right on many points but don’t forget,” Asta points at Salamander, “Magic has a conscience too my friend.”

“True, so what should we try nex-” Roger is cut off as some smoke flies past him over to Celestia and it forms into a letter.

She reads it and hums. “It seems Spike is being called to the dragon lands for something, and Twilight and Rarity are going to follow him.”

Roger sighs and rubs his face. “I’ll go and help too, I know…. Um, I can't risk some villain getting them.” He said before changing his sentence mid-sentence.

“I’ll come along too,” Asta cuts in, “I’ve been wanting to visit the Dragonlands for some time. This will provide me with the opportunity to see what it is like and see what to expect back home. But first,” Asta activates his grimoires and pulls out the Demon Dweller Sword. “A small demo of what you two really wanted to see,” he says as the blade blackens, “ Black Slash!” He yells as he sends a slash of Anti-magic colliding into the dark crystal cover target. Upon impact, the crystal cracks and then falls away before turning into Anti-magic and is absorbed into Asta’s blade. “And that is Anti-Magic,” he remarks before returning his sword to the book.

“Shall we go the fast way this time?” Asta looks at Roger.

“Let’s go the fast way this time.” Roger said then he looked at the sisters. “See you two later.” He then opens a portal back to the castle.

“One more thing,” Asta says, turning back to the sister and threw them each a notebook he took from his grimoire, “Mix some of your blood with some good ink and write it on the cover then you have your own grimoires. A parting gift,” He waves as he walks into the portal.

“Thank you, Mister Ferris.” Celestia and Luna said, then Roger walked through the portal and it closed.

“Alright, now to find Spike.” He said walking into the castle.

“Follow the glow,” Asta pointed to the main parlor. “Or just go to the library or throne room. Wherever they usually gather.”

Roger chuckles and they head to the map room seeing most of the mane six sitting around Spike. Spike was glowing softly. “Whoa, what's with the light show?” Roger asked playing dumb.

“I’ve seen better,” Asta remarked while wearing a pair of sunglasses and drinking a soda.

Twilight looks over. “Roger thank goodness, please help me convince Spike not to go to the dragon lands.”

Roger tilts his head. “Why would I do that?”

“There’s no stopping that spell unless he goes,” Asta points. Everyone turns to look at him, “Not my first experience with the Dragon’s Call. Only by going does it stop as it was the leader of the dragons that cast it. It is similar to when Celestia forcibly teleports ponies. No choice but to go.”

“But don’t worry I will be by his side.” Roger said before he taps his necklace and his disguise changed to a dark purple dragon with green eyes and a green belly.

“I’m going as back up,” Asta waved his hand. “I’m pretty familiar with dragon culture. I traveled with one a number of years ago. Even if it's a different world it should still have similar customs.”

“Alright, but be ready to prove you belong all over again.” Roger said then he looked at Spike. “Are you ready to go?”

“Prove I belong amongst fire-breathing reptiles, when I helped take down two giant monsters,” Asta raised an eyebrow. “Not like I can’t control, earth, fire, and lava, oh wait I can!” he snorts as he crosses his arms.

Roger chuckles as Spike gets up and heads out of the room saying. “I will go get ready!”

Roger then says to Asta. “You know what I mean, we know you're a badass, they will just see a small fleshy monkey.”

“I’ll show them a fleshy monkey once I shove my boot up a certain drake's ass!” Asta growls, “I make even break a few bones while I’m at it.”

Roger chuckles and smirks. “Just remember who your friends are.”

“Got it memorized,” Asta points to his head. “Fast way again?”

“Nah, the little guy would be mad if we did that, plus I haven't been to where we're headed yet so if I tried to make a portal I would go to the actual TV show universe’s location, not this one.” Roger told him. “Got anything that can make us fly?”

“I can pull you on colds,” Asta suggested, “Though, you not being a real dragon you’d fall off. Hmm…” he thinks and snaps, “A I know,” he smirks as he pulls out the device he kept Behemoth in, “I may be able to digi mod you two!”

Roger raises an eyebrow. “Let's say you could do that. How long would it last? Would we be able to fly the whole way?”

“That usually depends on how much energy you have or how much damage the mod takes,” Asat says. “I can usually use the card a few times back to back before a cool-down period too. I can always have Spike red on B with me,” Asta shrugged. His grimoire then opens and out comes his wand Morpher, “Or I could cast a flight spell with this… I guess.”

“Use whatever you trust most.” Roger said and then he looked at the little dragon on his shoulder. “Sorry little guy, I have to leave my grimoire at home.”

“You should always carry that book with you lest it is stolen and your life is in danger,” Asta advised, “And here, he says taking a piece of timber from his grimoire. Before everyone's eyes, the timber grew into what looked like a broomstick, “Catch!” He says tossing the broom to Roger.

“Whoa!” He caught the broomstick. “I am guessing it flies. Also, I kinda need to leave the book at home this time considering we're going to a place filled with lava pits. It just takes one dragon to knock me over or take it out of my hands and throw it into the lava and it will burn.”

“You do know it's fireproof right?” Asta raised an eyebrow. “As long as Salamander is bonded with you it won't be damaged by anything unless you’re dying. And yes the broom flies.”

Roger blinks a few times before looking at the little dragon and back to Asta. “I did not know that. Now if only my jacket was fireproof.”

“For christ's sake!” Asta remarks as he throws a satchel at Roger's head. “You’re bringing the damn book! No questions no denying it. That book is your life and the other way around! Don’t not EVER let it leave your side!” He grumbles as he activates his Morpher and hits the keys, waving it over Spike who starts to float.

Roger looks at the pissed Knight and then down at the satchel and notices a coat and letter. The captain takes out the letter and starts to read.

Dear Roger,

Quit being a dumbass! That book is you and not meant to go anywhere without you, the same goes for Salamander! Enjoy the new all-new everything-proof gem fabric coat and satchel.

You’re friend,

Roger blinks and sighs. “Look I didn't mean to piss you off Asta, I was going to bring the book when you told me it was fireproof. And apparently Ed gave me a fireproof coat.”

“Of course he did,” Asta rolls his eyes.

“Help!” Spike yelps as he floats in the air.

“Let me get that,” Asta notes as he creates a crystal chain then hands it to Roger, “You’re on dragon balloon duty. Now let go,” he says as he walks out and calls out his Behemoth. “Anypony that follows is on their own,” he calls out to Twilight and her friends who were packing, “You ready yet?” he looks over to Roger as he sits on his bike.

Roger sighs and puts the book into a pocket before following Asta. “Alright, alright geez.” He then comes back and grabs Spike before running after Asta.

“Channel your magic into the broom,” Asta points, “Let's go,” Asta says revving his bake and then hitting a button and music starts to play.

“Right.” Roger gets on the broom and tells Spike to hold onto him before he uses his magic to make it fly. He floats up and looks over at the flying dragons in the sky. “Hmmm.” he taps his necklace and changes his wings to look unflyable. “Ready to go.”

“Way ahead of you!” Asta revs and rockets off leaving behind a skid mark of flames as he shoots into the sky.

Roger shakes his head with a smile and flies after Asta. “So mind telling me and Spike what to expect with the dragons?”

“They respect strength and strength alone,” Asta explains as the shadows cover half his face. “They love to fight and will take on anything they think has challenged them. They’re also extremely thickened-headed and set in their ways of strength. If one gets in your face then you get back in theirs just as hard. If they don’t back down then knock them the fuck out and shove your foot so far up their ass it comes out the other side…”

“I don’t know if I could do that.” Spike said, worried.

“You can fight monsters but you won’t stand up to bullies?” Asta looked at the young drake.

“I had a super-powered suit when I fought the ice guys. I don’t think Roger would let me use one again for these.” He said.

Roger nodded and said. “True, for a few reasons.”

“If you can’t stand up for yourself without a super suit then you can’t even stand up for Rarity or your friends. Being able to do what's right without power is what makes you a hero Spike, not the suit,” Asta scoffs as he revs, pulling forward.

Roger looks back at Spike. “Asta is right, Spike. You can be a hero without a suit. I know what's going to happen when we get there but I won’t be helping you. I will just be keeping an eye on you to keep you safe.”

“Dragonlands on you three,” Asta motions with his head.

Roger smiles and flies faster. “Let's get this mission started.”

“Right,” Asta says as he stands up on his seat. “Behemoth transports,” the bike returns to Asta’s device and he starts falling. “Fly,” he says and a blue aura covers his form. “I’ll take you two down using the float spell cast on you. I’ll pull you along with air bending.”

“Right.” Roger said and grabbed Spike before hopping off the broom.

Asta quickly cast the same spell from earlier on both of them then threw a crystal chain to each of them, “Don’t puke,” Asta told them. Roger and Spike looked at each other and before they realized it they rocketed down to the ground. Just before they were about to slam into the landing area Asta pulled up and threw a couple of clouds in front of the two. They hit and bounced off onto the ground. “Hardcore landing for a hardcore place. On your feet you two.”

They groan as they get to their feet and Roger walks over and pokes Asta’s chest. “That was a jerk move.”

“Hmm…” Asta simply turns and walks forward. “Yes but it’ll work in your favor,” he says as the cloud turns into vapor on the wind. “Not many dragons try coming in at top speeds.” he says looking over his shoulder,

Roger looked at Asta with a glare and then over to the fading clouds, he then saw the spider-cracked ground where he and Spike would’ve hit. He knew they didn’t come in that hard. The only explanation was Asta’s bending.

“I see, well let's get this over with.” Roger and Spike followed Asta.

“Lead the way,” Asta motions, “Being dragon you two need to walk in front.”

“I knew that.” Roger said before he and Spike walked ahead of Asta till they got to where the other dragons were and they sat down to wait.

“I’m going to look for some dragon berries,” Asta says as he walked into the tree. “Try Not to get cold feet.” he waves disappearing into the woods

Roger chuckles and crosses my arm. “Spike while we are here just call me your older brother.”

“That’s all fine and dandy for you two but you still need a name,” Asta’s voice came from the ground. He looks down to see Asta’s head, “I found a tunnel. Catch,” he says, throwing an emerald to Spike. "Eat,” he turns to Roger, “I suggest you go by Spines while here.”

“Right, sounds good enough.” Roger said then he starts looking over the other dragons but stops when he sees a mechanical dragon. “Asta, there is a robot dragon here. Mind doing some spying?”

“Already there,” Asta pulls himself out of the ground. “They're planning to ambush during the contest,” He whispers to Roger.

Roger frowns and taps his foot. “Hmm, it seems we will have to step in.” He then looks at the rest of the dragons and spots a friend. “Huh?” He sees a red dragon with black horns and yellow eyes, but this dragon looked older, and more battle scared than Roger’s friend Deltorix.

“Looks like an older version of a Displaced I know,” Asta comments as he rubs his chin, “But the one I know is much younger and didn’t have a pink dragon trailing after him.” he points out.

“You know Deltorix too?” Roger asked, then added. “Do you think he is from the future, and he is here to help us?”

“Indeed. He is a close friend of mine and Ed. Not at all,” Asta shakes his head. “His Qi is totally different from the Displaced Del. And Del doesn't have a daughter yet. This one is from this world.”

“Huh, I didn’t think that was possible.” Roger said, scratching his chin. “Should we go introduce ourselves?”

“In due time,” Asta scowls ahead. “Right now we have trouble coming this way,” he motioned to a group of incoming teen drakes.

“Of course they would show up.” Roger mutters before he frowns and glares at the teens as they come closer. “What do you kids want?”

“Hey look it's our old friend Sparkle warkle,” Garble speaks. “How ya been ya pony-loving freak?”

“Yeahaha, how ya been,” one of the others adds.

Spike frowns and tries to stand up to him. “What do you want Garble? Are you here to try and pick on me some more? Well, I won’t be a pushover anymore.”

“What the heck are you doing here Speckle?” Garble growls. “Every drake knows your-”

He was cut off by a fist to his muzzle sending him rocketing into a rock wall. Asta stood there with a smoking fist with all of the teen drakes staring at him in awe.

“I don’t like bullies at all,” Asta remarks as he opens his hand and lights it on fire, “Let alone bullies oh think they're hot shit and like to pick on my friends. Consider that punk a warning shot. The next drake that even starts shit will end up MISSING THEIR FUCKING WINGS!” He roared.

Every dragon quickly scrambled out of the way, leaving Garble ended in the wall.

Asta snorts, “Pathetic teen dragons that like to swing their dicks around don’t belong where adults come to speak.”

“I agree, but that really goes for every teenage species doesn't it?” Roger said as Spike hides behind Roger from Asta.

“Look alive I seem to have drawn in our older friend,” Asta motioned to the approaching Deltorix.

The older Deltorix looks between the three of them before looking at Asta. “Nice punch, his dad is a prick.”

The pink dragoness next to him hits his side with her elbow. “Dad, you promised you'd watch your language.”

“Names Asta. Smart one ya have here,” Asta looks down at the young dragoness. “My name is Asta and thanks. Unfortunately, I was holding back. I really wanted to break his face, but any harder, and I would've killed him. The last thing I want to do is kill some idiot kid.”

This deltorix laughs and grins. “Trust me sometimes that's for the best, to weed out the idiots of the gene pool. Yeah, she is my angel.” He pats her shoulder. “Her name is Rose and she is gonna be the next dragon lord”

She blushes and groans. “Dad! Stop saying things like that.”

“That remains to be seen,” Asta says, smirking. “I have my boy here who is striving to be the next dragon lord,” he motions to Spike. “Don’t let his looks fool you either. He’s a legend. He saved the Crystal Empire in the Frozen north.”

“Oh? He doesn’t even have his wings yet. But I have heard of younger dragon lords. And who are you kid?” Older Deltorix asked Roger.

“My name is Spines, And he is my little brother.” Roger said using his head to motion to spike. “But who are you?”

Older deltorix blinked a few times before laughing. “Oh man, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Deltorix, but my friends call me Tor.”

“Those scars,” Asta points. “You’ve seen a lot of fights.”

“Yeah, it happens a lot around here.” Tor said before he lofts one wing that is ripped. “And as you can see I lost my flight years ago, but hey I knocked the guy’s teeth out after.”

“Hmmm…” Asta looks at the tattered wing, “May I take a closer look at your wing?”

Tor hums in thought before he nods and turns around. “Sure.” Rose watches closely with a frown.

“You have seen much but you have much life left in your body,” Asta says as he looks over Tor’s wing. “Would you like to fly with your wings again?”

Tor laughs and grins. “Of course, I would kid but ain't no use Wishin for the impossible. Even if I could heal my wing, I am still missing one.”

“Crystal Magic,” Asta says as his hands glow white, “Combined with Qi healing,” the white covers Tor’s back and wing. Soon he now had two bright red crystalline wings where once he had none. “They’re not flesh. If I had been there when you were first wounded I could’ve done more. Your scars are still there too but these will let you fly once more and will heal if damaged.”

Tor looks back at the wings in shock. “Y...you gave me my wings back? That...that is a miracle!” He turns and gives Asta a large hug. “You are an amazing little guy!” Rose was just as shocked but didn’t say anything.

“Your welcome,” Asta smiles, “I believe we should adjourn to the crater where Lord Torch is going to address all of you. Don’t you agree?”

Tor clears his throat. “Yeah, that is a good idea. Good luck to you three.” He said then he and Rose walked away a bit.

“Shall we,” Asta looked at the others. “What are you two staring at?”

“Dude, that was amazing!” Roger said. “Seems Ed isn't the only one that can make really damn good prosthetics.”

Spike comes out from behind Roger. “At first I thought you were scary but you helped him fly again, so you can't be bad.”

“They’re not prosthetics,” Asta corrects. “Those wings are actually living pieces of his body even though they’re made of crystal. My crystal magic is technically equestrian in origin. All I did was forge him new wings from the mineral in his body, which is why they’re red and not clear.”

“Spike,” Asta looks at the drake. “When those I consider my friends are threatened, especially for no reason at ALL, I can get a little overwhelming. I’m not a bad person, I just really care about those close to me,” he smiles, “You can do what I do too. You just have to push past your limits. It's how the you in my world become my number one disciple and vice-captain of the Black Blacks, He was just like you. Nothing more than a drake but now he’s the second most powerful member of my squad in terms of physical strength with and without his enhancement magic.”

“Wow, that is so cool!” Spike said.

The conversation is cut off by a loud boom as a large blue dragon lands on a massive stone throne. “Dragons of Equestria, hear me! I have been Dragon Lord for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!” he looks at the silent crowd before he slams his fist on the ground and yells. “Agree with me!”

Most of the dragons start making general agreeing noises. “Torch! Torch! Torch! Torch!”

“Who is that?” Spike asked out loud.

“That is the current reigning Dragonlord Spike,” Asta says. “Dragonlord Torch. He’s the most powerful dragon in the Dragonlands and its neighboring countries. He thinks he’s the most powerful thing on this side of the planet and demands the Dragons’ respect as you can see. You’ll see why we’re here in a moment.”

Spike shook his head and pointed at a smaller blue teen dragon. “No, next to him.”

“Have a new crush do you,” Asta smirks as Spike's face flushes, “She the reason we’re here as I said before. At least one of them,” he motioned. “Her name is Ember, the only daughter of Torch making her the reigning dragon princess and should-be successor. Now listen.”

Dragonlord Torch continues to speak. “Unfortunately, according to dragon law, it is time for me to step down. Sad, I know.” He frowned and yelled again. “Be sad!” All the dragons start crying out of their control.

Dragon Lord Torch smirks before saying. “This is why I have summoned you to compete for the throne in the Gauntlet of Fire!” all the dragons start cheering.

Dragon Lord Torch holds a hand up making everyone go quiet. “Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this bloodstone scepter from the heart of the flame-cano will be crowned Lord of the Dragons!” He then throws a staff with a red jewel into the volcano, after which all the dragons stop glowing.

“Looks like the rave is done,” Asta chuckles.

“Yeah, at least now we won’t stick out any more than normal.” Roger said quietly.

Dragon Lord Torch spoke again. “The Gauntlet is dangerous, for I designed it myself! Only dragons with my ferocity, strength, and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak!” The dragons' cheer.

Spike smiles nervously and starts to back away. “I don't want to be Dragon Lord or dragon toast, and I stopped glowing, so let's sneak out of here!”

“We’re not going anywhere little dude,” Asta says as there was a sudden boom with everyone being lifted into the air.

Dragon Lord Torch had landed in front of the group, “Ah! Where do you think you're going, little dragon?!”

Spike shudders lightly, “Oh, uh, hi, your Lordship. Uh, I was just going home!”

Dragon Lord Torch demands, “You don't get to leave unless I say you can!”

Princess Ember rolled her eyes. “Dad, look at him. He's just a runt. Besides, he doesn't even wanna compete. Let him go.”

Dragon Lord Torch chuckles a bit, “He is rather tiny, heh-heh. I could squish him with my pinky claw.”

A stone then hit the dragonlord’s snort with enough force it shattered. The dragon lord looked down to see Asta tossing another stone into the air. A glare clearly painted across his face.

Spike nervously chuckles, ‘What the hell is he doing?’

“You got a lot of nerve assuming shit!” Asta shouts.

Roger frowns and yells. “Yeah, some joke, threatening to crush someone younger and weaker than you.”

Dragon Lord Torch snarls at the trio, “That wasn't a joke. It was a fact. When I want you to laugh, I will say ‘be amused!’”

Spike cowers in fear as he shakes, “Of course, your Lordship! I, uh, guess I don't understand dragon customs. Another reason why I shouldn't compete.”

Roger and Asta put their hands on Spike's shoulders. “I don’t think so little bro, you are competing and you'll win.” Roger said with a grin.

“Hey, fatass!” Asta shouted to Torch, “is there any rule in these Dragonlands that says a non-dragon can compete?!” He smiles, “Cause I’d like to show you what someone without scales and who can still breath fire can do!” He roars with a burst of flame coming from his mouth. “After all… if a child who is a dragon has no chance then what chance do I stand in a contest inside a damn volcano.”

Dragon Lord Torch growls and is about to crush them when the small blue dragoness next to him whispers to him. After a few moments, he sighs and says. “Hm. Very well then, little ones. I will allow you all to compete.”

Spike gulps hard then sighs. “Thank you!” He moths to Ember then turned to her father, “And thank you, sir,” he bows.

Dragon Lord Torch then turns to see his daughter moving to her cave, “And where do you think you're going?”

Princess Ember kicks the dirt and then sighs, stealing her resolve, “To prepare for the Gauntlet.”

Dragon Lord Torch snarls, “No, you're not. You're not much bigger than that runts I just-“

Princess Ember, “ Exactly!” She roars back. “You just let some drake who is let more than a whelp and a creature that is not even a dragon in. But I'm smarter than most of these boulder heads that just went in there and you know it!”

Dragon Lord Torch growl back, “Being smart won't help you win this Gauntlet! It was designed for a big, strong dragon to win because it takes a big, strong dragon to lead! Besides, I said no!”

“And no means no just because you say so,” Asta crosses his arms. “You don’t want her in this because she is your daughter, not because she is small,” He points at Torch, “I understand this as I would never want my own daughter to foolishly run into a volcano either, and yet if she has proven she is determined to do just that cause I know she could handle it. Just like yours can.” He says and then walks off to join the other, “Just advice from one king to another!” He waves.

Roger stays for a moment keeping an eye on the robot dragon, overhearing Princess Ember growling before she says. “I hate when he does that!”

The other dragons start chatting, Roger hears a light purple dragoness say. “Ha. When I become Dragon Lord, I will make burps an official greeting!”

“Ha, you? Please! When I win, I will pillage Equestria for all their pillows. Why should these ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks?” Said a brown dragon.

Garble wakes up and starts talking trying to save face. “That's nothing! When I'm in charge, the first thing I'll do is get revenge on those puny ponies! They'll regret they ever crossed Garble! We'll take whatever we want from Equestria and burn the rest!”

“NONE OF YOU WILL EVEN SO MUCH AS LAY A CLAW IN EQUESTRIA!” Asta roars and the dragons all back off, especially Garble. “If you so much as even think about it, I will end every last one of you without mercy.”

The dragons stare at Asta for a bit before half of them start laughing at him. “All of you shut your traps you bloody worms!” A familiar voice says as Tor walks through the crowd. “This little guy may look small but I saw him throw that rock that hit the dragon lord. If he has the balls to do that he deserves respect!”

“Geez, this guy does help but he sure does have a mouth on him.” Roger said under his breath.

“None of them can win! Equestria's in big trouble if any of them are in charge!” Spike said while clenching his firsts.

Black flames erupted from Asta’s left arm, “I’ve got your back little dude,” Asta said as he placed his left arm on Spike’s shoulder, “Teach… Black Flame Dragon Techniques,” he says discreetly as the flame then wraps around Spike's left shoulder as he feels a slight tingle in his mind.

“Ah… What?” Spike says as he comes back to reality and looks at his shoulder. “What did you do?!”

“Gave you a hand in the power department,” Asta pushes him forward. “And how to use it in its entirety. After all, you can either only guide a dragon… or destroy it…”

Spike gulps and then shakes his head before smiling a bit, “ Thanks. With it I can do it! I CAN win the Gauntlet of Fire!”

“You can’t rely on that power alone little one,” Asta sighs. “It’s also up to you.”

Roger nods his head. “Asta is right. Just because you have a fancy power doesn’t guarantee your victory. You are the one that wins or loses.” Roger then looks over at the robot dragon frowning as it moves to the edge of the cliffs. “I am afraid you won’t have my help though Spike.”

“You must complete it yourself,” Asta looks at the young drake. “I’ll be by your side until a certain point but only you can win this on your own power. Push past your limits.”

Spike looked down, frowning as he built up the courage to do it. “This is the only way to protect Equestria from the dragons. I mean you heard them! They have horrible plans for ponies if they win! So somehow, I have to do it!”

Spike looks up at them. “I know I will have to stay here if I win, but there's no other way to keep my friends safe.”

“You don’t have to be the one who wins Spike,” Asta says quietly. “Just the first one who gets the scepter.”

“Why are you still here?” Torch scowls down at the group. “I thought all of you would've realized how pointless this is for all of you, tiny ones!”

Spike looks to the dragon lord with determination and anger, “I decided to compete. I am a dragon, after all.”

Garble laughs, “Are you sure? You can't even fly!” Every other drake joins in.

Asta steps in and everyone shuts up, “So by your logic you need wings to fly, is that right?” Asta then lifted off the ground using air bending, “Then by all means I shouldn’t be able to do this!”

Everyone but Spike, Tor, and Roger had their mouths open, and the laters all smirked.

Lord Torch shakes off the astonishment, “Um…All dragons and extra things, “ he looks at Asta, “are welcome to compete, but they do so at their own peril! Flying to Flame-cano Island is the first of many challenges you will face in your quest to find the bloodstone scepter!” He roars, “Let the Gauntlet of Fire BEGIN!”

All the dragons roar and shoot flames into the sky.

Garble smirks, “Good luck! Just kidding. I hope you lo-“

Asta grabbed onto Garble’s arm and smirks, “Thanks for the well wishes asshole. Let me give you a hand too!” He smiles as he spins the drake above his head and then throws him in the completely opposite direction. Asta then threw up his hands and froze the water into an ice bridge, “Use your claws on it Spike,” he turns to Roger and Tor, “There’s an imposter dragon that way. I’ll make sure the youth get to the Flame-cano. You two handle our unwelcome friends.” he looked at Rose, “You coming?”

Spike chuckles, “Thanks, Asta! No swimming for us!” Rose nods and holds up something pink and holds it close to her chest for a moment before she follows them.

Asta smirks and walks on. Tor chuckles and slaps Roger’s back. “Mighty strange friend you got there, strange but good. Now he said something about an imposter?”

“Yeah, him.” Roger points at the robot dragon as he opens his wings and two rockets come out of his back and start to fire up. “Oh no, he is gonna cheat.” Roger runs towards the robot dragon.

“Let’s go, children, “Asta remarks, not even looking back. “We have other business to attend to. A princess needs her knight in scales. Isn’t that right, Spike?” He looks at Spike.

There is a large splash in the distance. Spike looked out to see Ember flailing about in the water causing a commotion. She’d been knocked down by one of the water columns. Without even hesitating he jumps in and swims after her as she starts to sink.

Rose watched it all play out as Spike struggled to get the young teen dragoness to shore.

“Let’s go,” Asta says, Rose nods then they walk on.

Meanwhile, Roger and Tor are fighting the robot dragon. “Heh heh heh heh, you think you can stop me, you weak flesh piles?” The robot said.

“What the hell is a robot dragon doing here anyway?” Roger asked as he ducked a punch, throwing a kick at the robot’s chest.

“I don’t know what a robot is but this guy smells like his made of metal,” Tor adds before breathing fire on the monstrosity. “You got some moves junior but let a pro show ya how it's done,” he smirks as he delivers a right jab then a left to the stomach before landing a sucker punch to the snout and knocking the beast to the ground. “That actually hurt a bit,” he says waving his hand in the air.

Back with Asta and the Crew, Spike was heaving the princess ashore.

“Why would a dragon need armor?!” Spike complains.

“For protect,” Asta remarks. “Good going there Knight in Shining Scales.”

“Yea yea,” Spie waves it off. “Can ya help me here? I’m exhausted!”

“Just give her CPR,” Asta points.

“B-but I haven’t even kissed Rarity yet!” Spike stutters.


“Fine, I DO IT!” Spike shouts and bends down and starts the Cpr and not long after is hit with salty backwash. “GAH!” He recoils and heads over to a nearby bush to barf.

Ember coughs violently then look around, “What happened?”

“You were hit with a water spout and went down then Spike jumped in and saved your scaly hide,” Asta points to the barfing youth in the bush.

“He couldn’t-” She started to say but was stopped when Rose stepped in.

“Yes, he did!” She snorts pink flames. “The guy without wings didn’t hesitate to save your butt princess!”

Ember frowns and looks away. “So what if he did? He is still just a child.” She gets up and flexes her wings but winces, grabbing one. “Damn, one of my wings is sprained.” She looks over at Asta, “You! Heal my wing! I know you can!”

Asta blew a raspberry, “Yea like I’d help you after that demand,” He scoffs, “I know you saw what I did but that doesn’t mean I’ll help you cause you ordered it, little girl,” he scowls. “You don’t deserve my help. I’m not some bitch you can order around!” He exerts his spiritual pressure over her causing ember to keel over, “I’m the Black King. Ruler of the Black Clover King and I ANSWER TO NO ONE! nOT EVEN YOU OR YOUR FATHER!”

“ASTA STOP!” Spike says as he gets in front of Ember throwing his arms out. “I didn’t save her for your to kill her!”

“Hmph…” Asta snorts and lets up on his power. “I wasn’t going to kill her Spike but I wasn’t going to let her order me around like she's better than me either.”

“But you fixed my dad before,” Rose retorts.

“Because your father is a drake with a good heart and a daughter he wants to fly with,” Asta points to her, “She,” he now points at Ember, “Is a princess who thinks she deserves to have her wing fixed just because she a dragon and she thinks she’s stronger than me,” Asta says looming over the princess. “Well little girl,” he bends down and looks her right in the eyes, glares at her with bloodlust and killing intent with a flat look on his face. “After what I just did do you still think you’re stronger than me when you can’t even stand in my presence?” his eyes drift to Spike who was still standing in front of Ember, “Or Spike who is standing up to me?”

Ember grits her teeth. “Fine you are stronger than me, stop whatever you are doing so I can go get my bloodstone scepter.” She said while struggling to stand.

“I already did,” Asta smirks, “What’s happening to you now is your body’s own natural reaction to fear,” Before she could even retort, “And don’t give me the whole ‘I’m a dragon and dragon aren’t afraid of anything crap’. You say you’re smart but you haven’t done anything smart that warrants it besides sticking up for our group. You haven’t even thanked the drake who saved your ass from drowning oh and yea… DYING!” He scowls.

Back on the mainland, the machine Dragon was giving Tor and Roger hell. “Damn it.” Roger said as he was knocked back from a punch he blocked. “I may have to use some magic. Hey Tor, keep him busy and when I say so, move out of the way.” Roger pulls out his grimoire.

“What ya gonna do kid?” Tor looks over.

“I am gonna do this!” I hold up a hand and yell. “Dark Flame Creation Magic: Black Flame Javelin!” A purple fire javelin appears in my hand and I get ready to throw it at the robot. “Move!”

“What in the name of Bahamut is that?!” Tor yelps as he jumps back after seeing the purple flame. “By the mother of us all! The Flames of Bahamut?!”

Roger throws the javelin at the robot and then yells. “Get behind something!” He braces himself to create a wall of fire to protect himself from the explosion as the javelin flies towards the robot and sticks into one of its legs before it expands and explodes in a raging inferno of dark purple fire.

Tor quickly burrowed underground to escape the incoming blast. Once he felt it was safe to come out he did and looked to see the smoking remains of the drago-bot. Most of the robot's body was still intact except for the lower right fourth. The entire leg was gone along with a small portion of its hip.

“Boy, what was that?” Tor says as he rushes over to Roger. “I didn’t know there were any dragons in this age that could use the Flame of Bahamut. Just who the Tartarus are you?!”

Roger rubs the back of his head. “That is a bit complicated, and I think it isn’t the time to talk about that. There could be more of these things around here, hell maybe inside the volcano.” He pointed at said volcano.

“You seem to know more than your letting on kid,” Tor squints, “But seeing as you wield the ancient Flames of I’ll trust you. Let’s go…”

Back with Asta’s group they tracked through the lower jungle of the volcanic isle.

“This isn’t so hard.” Rose said as she jumped through a trap setting it off behind her.

Rocks start to fall on the group. Ember goes to take flight but then winces in pain as her wing was still sprained. Spike runs over to get her to her feet while Asta steps in and uses his earth-bending to stop the rocks and cement them in place.

Asta looks at Rose, “As a leader, you need to be more aware of those with you little one,” he looks over. “And count your eggs before they’ve hatched.”

“Asta,” Spike says, catching the knight's attention. “You still need to heal Ember’s wing.”

“No,” Asta says flatly, “Now keep moving. We’re not alone here.”

There was the sound of rumbling and rocks grinding against something, but nothing happened. “Yeah I guess you're right, with one of us injured I should be more careful.” Rose said before she kept walking and kept an eye out for traps.

“I don’t need to be cuddled like some hatchling!” Ember growled before pulling away from Spike and walked ahead of Rose.

Rose lets her pass and frowns at her. “Whatever you say, princess, just remember the rest of us are here to help, you just need to ask.” He holds up the pink object to her chest again. “But I won't let anyone with anger in their heart take the staff.”

“I’m just dying to help ya know,” Spike huffs.

“I’m sorry if I came off as harsh Rose but I have a good bit of experience in the leadership department. I do lead a squad and country,” Asta says, catching Ember's attention. “Only one of us here is meant to have it and only they can claim it.”

“So what,” Ember glares, “Are you saying because your already a lord or something that it's going to be you!? I deserve that staff more than any creature here!”

“I have no wish to lead the dragons,” Asta says blankly. “I am here because I am a guardian of those who are worthy to receive the staff. Those who are worthy are you three, but as it stands the least worth is you, princess,” Asta’s gaze narrows, “You only want it so you can prove to your father you're a big girl and don’t need him anymore. FYI, children will always need their parents, even after they’re grown up. These two are far more suited to leading the dragon race than you.”

Ember growls at Asta, “Just because I want to get away from my dad doesn’t mean I am not worthy!” Blue flames form in her maw. “And I will get the staff and make the dragons the best they can be!” She turns to walk down a pathway but a wall is destroyed by a robot with a drill arm.

“Ha! Finally, I found a path!” It said looking around before it saw Spike, Rose, and Asta. “Huh, too bad you saw me, no witnesses!” It aims its other arm at the group as a laser charges up about to fire, but Ember blasts it with fire before knocking the robot into the hole it came from.

“Come on you dorks! Let's get moving before that thing gets back up!” Ember yelled looking slightly embarrassed that she helped someone else.

“You know you don’t have to feel ashamed 'cause you helped us back there,” Spike points out.

“He’s right you know,” Asta says. “If you want to make the dragons better then you should start with yourself, princess.” He looks back down the path from which they came. “Spike, it's up to you three now. I’ve met my goal and now I must face it,” he remarks as he pulls his wand Morpher from the grimoire.

“Magic Source, Mystic Force!” Asta calls out and is immediately cloaked in white flames. He came out wearing the armor he wore in the previous battle, “White Knight Wolf!” He howls as he draws his sword. “Go…” he says over his shoulder to the rest of the group, all of them shocked except for Spike, before walking back down the path.

The robot grunts as it comes out of the hole. “I’m gonna crush that damned organic!” it said, it then saw Asta and faced him. “But first I am gonna crush me a power ranger!”

“I’m not a power ranger,” Asta says coldly with the light shining through his visor to reveal fluorescent green slotted eyes, “I am a knight!” He yells as charges forward with the dragon bot meeting him halfway. He and the robot clash, drill to blade.

“Like I really care! You're in my way, thus you are in the way of the Machine empire!” It says before it starts to spin the drill and aims the laser arm at Asta’s chest.

Asta takes the laser head-on with his shield, “The machine Empire you say,” Asta notes the machine taking a step back. “Let me tell you a difference between a ranger and a knight, machine. Rangers fight with no armor, knights do not fight without it. We can tank hits that would put most rangers on their asses, like that light beam of yours. Myself has a much higher defense than a normal knight as I also use a shield,” the shield's eye opens, “THAT IS ALSO ONE OF MY WEAPONS!” Several white wolf heads shoot from the shield and swarm the robot quickly overwhelming its sensor as Asta rushes in and shoulder tackles the machine down to the beach.

The robot fights the energy wolves and tries to hit Asta off of him before they slam into the rocky shore. “Gah! What?!” The robot looks around. “I am back at the beach!? Ugh, damn you! All that work for nothing.” It fires the laser and cuts the rocky cliff above Asta while trying to use its drill on him.

“Pathetic,” Asta says as he uses his earth bending and sends the rock colliding into the robot drill. The machine easily digs through only to find Asta having shared an attack, “Howling Slash!” Asta yells as he cuts into the robot's body cleaving it in two.

“Impossible…” the dragon robot mutters as it falls to pieces and explodes.

Roger and Tor jump down from the melting ice bridge and they look at the broken robot. “Nice job Asta.” Roger said.

“Yeah, I saw your moves, you are something else, little guy.” Tor said then he looked around. “Where is my daughter?”

“We ran into that thing on the way to the scepter,” Asta says, sheathing his sword into his shield before powering down. “I took it on and sent them ahead. We should get moving though. I didn’t realize I’d come all the way back down to the beach,” he says while pulling out his demon slayer, Tor impressed further that this small creature could wield such a sword with one hand, “Follow me,” Asta orders as he jumps onto the sword, surfing to get back to the others.

“Show off.” Roger said with a smirk before he starts jumping from platform to platform following Asta, while Tor just laughs as he flies after them.

“This is the most fun I have had in a decade!” He said as they went up the volcano.

“I sense bloodlust in the caves where the kids went,” Asta says out of worry. “Tell me Tor,” He remarks getting the elder drake’s attention, “That object your daughter has been carrying with her, it wouldn’t happen to be a key of some kind would it?”

That got Roger’s attention too. Tor hums in thought. “Oh yeah, her mother gave it to her before Rose left when she got her wings. It is a strange figure that folds into a key of some kind.”

“A figure? Does it look like this?” Roger asks and shows Tor his key.

“Yea, Something like that!” Tor points.

Roger looks to Asta with a bit of shock but mostly worry.

“We need to get to the kids,” Asta says, causing everyone to hasten.

Meanwhile, the group of young drakes had just entered the heart of the volcano.

“This is so awesome!” Spike looked around out of amazement with sparkles in his eyes before he knocked a rock into the lava with his foot causing it to hiss, “I’m really glad we’re fireproof. I hope Asta is alright?” he looks back at the entrance.

“I am sure someone as strong as him will be fine.” Rose said as they walked into the room.

“Look, the scepter!” Ember said as a gold-colored robot with a black cape is walking up to it.

He is stopped by a red teenage dragon rushing him, but Garble is grabbed by the throat easily. “Meddlesome dragon, you are not needed in this situation.” The robot then throws Garble with such force he is slammed into a wall and is knocked out falling into a deep pool of lava.

Ember looks between the robot, scepter, and Garble before she groans and dives into the lava after Garble. Rose sees this and smiles a bit. “I guess she isn’t all bad.”

“She did stand up for me, Spine, and Asta,” Spike adds. “But they’re not important right now. We need to stop that thing. I think he’s the leader of the other two.”

The robot turns to face them and grunts in annoyance. “More meddlesome dragons! I don’t have time for this.” The robot holds up some bolts and screws before tossing them into the air. The bolts and screws transform into a small platoon of robotic soldiers with gold suits and a single robotic eye for a head. “Cyclobots Deal with these pests!”

“Yep, called it,” Spike deadpans.
“These things aren’t alive so don’t pull your punches!” He shouts as he does a flying kick into the lead bot and knocked it into the others scattering them, some falling into the lava, melting straight away.

“Ha! Don’t have to tell me twice.” Rose said before he punches one robot and grabs one of their swords, she uses the sword to cut the third robot across the chest.

The gold boss robot growls and aims his hand at Rose. “Let’s see you survive this!”

“Black Slash!” Asta calls out and sends a slash of anti-magic straight into the boss’s cannon, cutting it in two. “Coward. Didn’t anyone ever teach you its bad manners to shoot a kid in the back,” he glares as he props the slate on his shoulder. “Really hot in here,” He looks over. “I brought back up.” He says as Tor and Roger come in.

“R-Spines!” Spike shouts in relief.

Roger grins and gives Spike a thumbs up. “Yep, we are here, hey Rose!” He summons his Morpher and throws it at her. “Catch!”

“Hey what was that?” Tor asked Roger.

“You’ll see if my guess is right.” He said with a grin.

“Give the order Captain!” Asta smirks as he holds up his Morpher.

Rose catches the Morpher looking at it confused. “What is this?”

Roger holds his key up. “Rose put your key into the device and turn it! It’s Morphin time!” He then calls out. “Set sail!” But unfortunately, nothing happens to him.

Asta raised an eyebrow,” Ah… okay… I’ll stall you and figure it out. Magical Source,” He said activating his Morpher, “Mystic Force!” A red mystic circle appears over Asta and washes over him transforming him once more into his Mystic Knight Form, “White Knight Wolf! Hey clanker, have a taste of these, White Wolves of Light and Flame!” He shouts as his shield's eye opens and several wolf heads spill out attacking the robot leader.

Rose looks at the Morpher confused but opens it up seeing a slot for a key. Her eyes widen and she flips her figure into the key form and slides it in before turning it, the Morpher calls out, ‘Gokaiger!’ and there's a bright pink flash of light and when the light fades she's standing in a pink uniform similar to Roger’s.

“Whoa! What is this? Why do I feel so strong all of a sudden?” She asked before one of the Cyclobots attacked her, making sparks fly off her back. “Gah, that...that didn’t hurt as much.”

Roger smirks and summons his Morpher back and morphs. “Set sail!” His Morpher calls out, ‘Gokaiger!’ and he stands in his uniform before jumping down next to Rose. “Welcome to the club.”

“Help the ones coming up for air!” Asta tells Tor while he jumps back dodging a swipe, “Spike You move in on the other side of this guy!”

“A-ah, Okay,” Spike says hesitantly, he runs behind some rocks to get on the other side of ​​the robot.

Roger and Rose use their swords to cut apart the rest of the Cyclobots before they aim their guns at the robot. “Give it up!” Roger said, Ember climbs out of the lava with Garble and drops him safely on the shore.

“I don’t know what all is happening but I do know if Bahamut’s emissary says your bad news, then you're bad news!” Tor growls as he gets ready to fight the robot as well.

Ember growls and stands with the rest of them. “Face it Frax, You are outnumbered and outmatched, three rangers and three dragons there's no way you can win this!” Roger said.

“That's what you think, ranger! All I need is this!” He turns to grab the bloodstone scepter with his claw hand, only to see Spike holding it himself. “What!?” Frax’s face pops open to show his shock and he takes one last look around him before grunting and hopping into the air before teleporting away.

“Fucking coward,” Asta scoffs as he sheaths his sword with a loud clink. He then looks over to Spike and smirks under his helmet taking a knee. Roger, Rose, and Tor all do the same.

“All hail Dragonlord Spike!” They say in unison.

Spike blushes and backs up a bit holding the scepter tight. “Um..you don’t have to do that, please stand up.” He said nervously.

“Congrats on becoming a king,” Asta remarks as he stands and hits him on the back forcing him out in front of Ember. “But I don’t think you really want to be a king do ya buddy?”

Spike chuckles nervously before agreeing with Asta “You're right about that Asta. Being king is too much of a responsibility, but there is someone who does deserve the right.”

Spike motioned the end of the scepter towards Tor who put his hands up in front of himself defensively

“Woah, kid. I ain’t looking for that sort of responsibility. Raising this one is more than enough,” Tor countered, putting a hand on Rose’s head

“Since you don't want it dad, there is someone else here that might be deserving,” Rose offered, looking over toward Ember.

“That’s what I was thinking in the first place,” Asta eyed Spike who nervously chuckled while rubbing his spines. “Also, I don’t know how it works here but back home and in my younger brother’s world the male and female dragons that exchange the scepter are mates. Just a heads up,” Asta threw up a hand causing Spike and Ember to blush.

Roger starts to laugh and pats Spike’s back. “Good luck explaining that to Rarity when we get back home, little brother.” He said making Spike blush even harder.

“What!? But I didn't want that er I mean not that there's anything wrong with you Ember, it's just that me and Rarity are ...um… well you see I uh…” Spike starts to panic.

Roger chuckles and pats his head. “Calm down bro, if it's really that big of a deal just hand me the scepter and then I hand it to her.”

“It's why I gave the warning,” Asta shrugs, “But also to see the look on your face Spike, HAHAHAHA!” He belts out then straightens himself. “How about we get out of here but first,” Asta grabs a rock and throws it at Garble’s head, waking the teen up, “Spike, order him to hug every dragon he sees before you hand that thing over.”

“WHAT!? You have to be kidding me,” Garble said in shock before he got up and rushed Spike.

Spike gasped and held the scepter up. “I order you to hug every dragon you see!” He yelled, making Garble stop as he glowed. “And not tell anyone I told you to!”

“You heard your lord.” Ember noted with a smirk before Garble was forced to hug Tor, who frowned and pushed Garble into a lava pool.

“Yep, it works!” Asta laughs. “Oh, that was good! Alright, Spike go ahead and hand the scepter to your Groom!” Everyone glares,” It’s a joke! Sheesh!”

Spike looks up at Ember before offering it to her. At first, she almost snatches it from him but stops herself and gracefully accepts it as she glows becoming the new Dragon Lord. “Thank you sho...Spike, I will try to be a good leader.”

Roger smiles and claps his hands and powers down. “Alright, let's get out of here before Asta melts, oh and Rose simply think or say power down.”

“I’m wearing flameproof armor,” Asta deadpans, “But you have a point. Your daddy needs to know his little girl is going to succeed him.” he smiles at Ember who rolls her eyes.

Most of them laughed as they left the volcano and headed back to the mainland. “Rose, I want to offer you something but we will speak after Ember shows off to her dad.” Roger said.

“Speaking of showing off,” Asta says as he powers down. “How about an easy ride back to the mainland,” he says as he pulls down a cloud from the sky. “I know I DON’T feel like walking after what happened.”

“Sure, sounds good to me.” Roger said with a chuckle and made a portal with his sword. “Ladies and Dragonlords first.” He said with a smirk.

“Yea ladies first,” Asta agrees as he plops on his cloud chair, “I sure hope everything is alright back home… I’m getting the feeling something is about to go down,” he says as he lazily floats into the portal after Tor.

Roger watches everyone go through the portal before he walks through and they are standing in front of Torch. “Hey dad, I told you I could do it!” Ember said, holding up the scepter.

“It was a glorious trial,” Asta waves his hand about. “If I had a drink I’d make a toast to her.”

Torch leaned down and looked at them all with an eye, all was silent for a few seconds before he started laughing loudly. “I knew my girl could beat every dragon else!”

“So you knew she still planned on entering the Gauntlet even though you forbade it,” Asta points out with a smirk getting up from his chair allowing it to blow away on the winds.

Torch frowns at Asta. “Of course, I knew she would, but I could not show favoritism.”

Roger clears his throat. “Rose, now that Ember has the scepter we can talk, I'd like to offer you a place on my crew.” He said to her, getting the attention of Tor.

“You shouldn’t have asked her first dude,” Asta shakes his head. “Always ask the dad first.”

Roger looks over at Asta. “Why? It should be her choice.” He then looks at Tor. “no offense but it is her choice if she wants to join, however, if she chooses not to I must ask for the pink key.”

“Sorry but you're not taking it either way,” Tor warns with fire in his mouth, “Bahamut's champion or not. That was a gift from her mother,” he says sternly. “And as much as I agree that it is her choice, she is still my little girl and you should’ve asked me first.”

Roger walks up to Tor with no fear and says. “If she joins my crew she will be helping me save not just dragons, and not just this world but many worlds. She would be a power ranger. But if she refuses to join I need that key to give to another to have a full team.”

Asta steps in between the two and pushes them apart, “How about this,” he says. “Either way it's her choice.” He looks to Tor, “If she goes she keeps the key,” he looks to Roger, “If she stays she still keeps the key and you have a ranger on standby here in the Dragonlands.” Asat looks Roger straight in the eye, “If you think I’m going to let you take the key from her then, by all means, make my day Red Ranger. I’d love to see what you can do to me in a real fight,” he remarks as his eyes turn into slits and his teeth sharpen. “It's her choice, not yours. But try and take it with me here… I guarantee there will be bloodshed in some form.”

Roger sighs and rubs his head. “No way am I fighting you. And yes it is her choice, I'm just making sure both she and Tor know the consequences of keeping the key here.”

“Then tell them,” Asta backs off to the side.

Roger sighs and taps his necklace showing his true self. “Ok look, the world is being attacked by evil aliens.” He starts to tell both Rose and Tor. “I am trying to form my own team of power rangers and help another world filled with rangers. I wish to protect this world, but I can’t do it on my own.”

Everyone looks at Asta, “Yes, he’s one of my kind. No, he’s not my subordinate. If anything I’m his,” he points out. “I’m not even from this world actually. He summoned me here to help in a massive battle, and trust me when I say he needed it. After this convo wraps up I’m actually going home.”

“Yeah and I can't just keep pulling other people from their worlds to help me deal with my problems, which is why I need to make my own team so Rose will you join me?” Roger asked her once more.

“It’s not all sunshine and heroes save the day with no casualties either kid,” Asta adds. “You can ask Spike. He fought alongside me and Roger yesterday. He’s fought alongside Roger way more than me. The kid may not look it but he’s a fighter and a powerful one.”

Spike blushes a bit and rubs the back of his head. “Yeah, I did help but I was way out of my league.”

Rose looks between them all before looking down at her key. “I won’t let you have my key, but I can’t let this world be taken over. I will help you but don’t get any funny ideas. If you try to do anything romantic I will kick your butt.”

Roger chuckles and nods. “Fair enough, and you don't have to worry about any of that. I have no intention of finding a romantic partner anytime soon.”

“More like they have a tendency to find you,” Asta remarks under his breath. “Anyways I believe that means everything has worked out, correct?”

“Yeah, let’s get you back to my ship so you can pick up your friends and head home, come on Rose time for you to see your new home.” Roger said before he opened a portal to his ship.

Asta walks through the portal and see the pokemon all resting, “Hey guys, time to go home,” He says as he holds up his pokeballs, “Return,” red beams shoot out of the capsules to the respective pokemon and enter the balls. Asta turns to face Roger, “Let’s go up top for departure. I want to make an entrance back home with my new powers.”

Roger chuckles and nods. “Sure, oh.” He looks back through the portal as Rose comes through. “Tor, if you ever want to visit your duster we are in ponyville.”

“Why would I want to visit,” He raised an eyebrow, “She’s still my daughter. Even if she’s part of your team she’ll be living with me. There’s a perfectly good mountain right there and I know it’ll have plenty of caves. We’ll be living there when we’re not needed. Until I get the hoard from home Rose stays here.”

She just nods.

“With that settled,” Asta says, pulling out his Morpher and changing into ranger form, “Transport Behemoth,” he says and his bike comes out but in its thestral mode.

“It’s been fun Captain,” Asta chuckles as he jumps onto the machine horse's back. Behemoth lets out a motorized huff. While shaking its head. “Well, would you so kindly say those oh-so-sweet words please?”

Roger nods with a smile and gives Asta a thumbs up. “May the power protect you, our contract is complete.”

A portal opens up in the sky. Behemoth Thestral opened its draconic wings before rearing back and then broke into a gallop. The Thestral machine leaped over the bow of the ship before it was soaring through the skies.

“Live your life the way you want and to the fullest possible Deadman Roger!” Asta calls out as he throws a ring out to the captain. “Until our paths cross again!” He calls out and then barrels through the portal with it closing behind him.

Roger smiles as he looks at the ring and chuckles. “That Asta is one hell of a guy.” He then turns to Rose and Tor. “Let me show you around the ship.”