• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,387 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 14

3rd POV Equestria: Ponyville: Twilight’s castle

Twilight looks out a window as a portal opens just outside. She teleports outside and looks through it as her friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash come through. “Girls!” She hugs them as the portal closes.

“Hey Twi. How’s it going?” Applejack asked as she and Rainbow hugged her back.

“I am so happy to see you girls are ok. How is Roger? Did he finish his mission? What happened? Where is he?” Twilight asked as she walked with them back inside.

“Geez calm down Twilight, can’t you see we’re exhausted?” Rainbow Dash said with Applejack nodding in agreement.

“Yeah, we’d love to answer yer questions, but we just went through a rather exhausting experience.” Applejack said, letting out a tired sigh.

“Oh right sorry, let’s go to the map room then I will get everypony else.” Twilight said as she helped them into her castle.

“Thanks Twi, trust me when ah say this, after what we went through, ah feel like ah just did applebucking all by myself.” Applejack said.

Twilight looked at Applejack surprised. “But that took you a week of working alone to feel that tired.” They headed down the hall to the map room.

“Well, that’s what we feel like right now Twilight. We’ll explain what happened soon, just give us a bit of time ok?” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight nods as they get to the map room. Once Applejack and Rainbow sit down, Twilight lights her horn and summons a quill and some papers. She writes some messages and uses her magic to send them to the rest of her friends. “There, while we wait do you two need something to eat?”

Both mares nodded their heads. “Yeah, I could use something to eat.” Rainbow said, Twilight nods and writes down what they want and goes to make it while they wait on their friends.

After half an hour Twilight brings out the food to her friends as Spike, and the rest of her friends arrive. “Where are the princesses and Cadence?” Twilight asked.

“They’re on their way Twilight, it just takes time to get free from their schedules, remember?” Spike said to Twilight.

“Right, sorry.” Twilight sits down on her throne and looks at her friends, then tries to turn on the map but it glitches out. Twilight sighs before saying. “The map hasn't worked the same since Starlight messed with it. It showed us what we need to do, but after that, it won't work anymore.”

“Well that’s just great, so the only time it works is when it needs us to do something.” Rainbow said in annoyance.

Twilight sighs but smiles at Rainbow. “I am sure we can fix it somehow.” She said before there is a bright flash and Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence arrive.

“Hello everyone, sorry we were late.” Luna said.

“It’s fine Luna, you are all just in time.” Twilight said with a smile. “Ok Applejack, Rainbow dash tell us what happened.”

“Well, when we got there, a city was overrun by monsters thanks to the bad guys.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, and when we got close to it we had to walk through some kinda camp with people like Roger’s friends. They ran as soon as we broke through a gate.” Applejack said.

“Why did they run?” Rarity asked.

"Come on Rarity, the place was overrun by monsters, who were basically controlling the whole place, so if the gate is broken, they might think the people did it or something." Rainbow said.

“How horrible.” Fluttershy said, frowning. “Maybe we should send some food to the people there?”

“Relax Fluttershy, after we beat the boss, the people of the city started to fight back.” Applejack said. “The only real damage was them varmints taking every bit of tech they could find to build a giant robot.”

“A giant robot? You mean like what Roger and his friends used to protect the empire?” Cadence asked.

“Something like that, except it was used for evil.” Applejack replied.

“I believe we have gotten off-topic, what happened next?” Celestia asked.

“Well, after the fight against the monsters and giant evil robot, Roger sent us home.” Rainbow said.

“I see, hmm.” Celestia said then begins to hum in thought.

“You said you were exhausted. What made you so tired?” Twilight asked.

“Oh right, well, before we all went to fight the monsters, Roger gave us keys that let us become Rangers.” Applejack said. “And seeing how we weren’t connected to the Morphin Grid, well, pretty sure you can see what happens.”

“At least that’s what Roger said.” Rainbow said leaning on her elbow with her hand on her chin. “I think it is because Roger gave us defective powers.”

“Now why would he do that Dash?” Applejack asked her in confusion.

“I don't know, it just doesn’t make sense that he and his friends can use those powers but we can’t.” Rainbow said huffing in annoyance.

“Well, we can ask him when he gets back.” Applejack said.

“Agreed.” Luna said, then adds. “Was there anything else? Have you learned why the map sent us in pairs to go with Roger?”

“No, all we did was fight some bad guys, like we already do.” Rainbow said with a groan. “We still have no idea why we were sent in pairs to go with Roger. There was no Friendship problem or anything related to friendship, just fighting monsters.”

Celestia hums before saying. “What about the people or the rangers with Roger? Is everyone getting along?”

“Like I said, nothing happened that relates to friendship. Just monster busting.” Rainbow said.

“Actually now that ah think about it we did have to fight three other Rangers that thought we were bad guys.” Applejack said, rubbing her chin.

“Yeah, because they thought we were bad guys, it wasn’t until after Roger explained to them we weren’t, they became allies.” Rainbow Dash said.

“True, ah am stumped as ta why the map sent us.” Applejack said.

“So he sent you back any idea when he will come back or how to contact him?” Luna asked.

“I think he said he’d open a portal when they reach the next city or something.” Rainbow said.

“I see, well the next group will have to wait for that to happen. Speaking of that, which one of us was the next pair?” Luna asked.

“I believe it was Spike and Rarity.” Twilight said, pointing at the two.

Spike smiles and looks over at Rarity with hearts in his eyes. “Awesome.”

Rarity nodded her head. “Well then, I’m going to go pack for the trip.” Rarity said.

“Remember Rarity, don’t bring any of those fancy clothes. Just only things ya need.” Applejack told her friend.

Rarity smiles. “Oh my dear Applejack you would be surprised how far the right dress can take you.” Some of the ponies start to laugh lightly before the door to the room opens and in walks Kat.

“Ah, am I interrupting something?” She asks.

"Oh nothing much, just finishing up a conversation is all.” Twilight said.

“Oh good, Roger had asked me to do some experiments and I was wondering if any of you would like to volunteer.” Kat said, then added. “I need at least one of each species.”

"What kind of experiment are you doing?" Twilight asked, curious about what kind of experiment Kat is doing.

“I am testing to see how long someone not connected to the morphing grid can stay morphed using one of Roger’s keys.” Kat told her.

Everyone looked at each other, they just had a conversation about that, was this a coincidence? Or did Kat have the thought of seeing if someone is able to stay morphed for long? Who knows? “Well count me out, I just went through an exhausting experience already, so no thanks.” Rainbow said.

Kat nods and chuckles. “That's fine, this is completely voluntary.” She said.

“Oooh! Oooh! I want to try morphing! Pick me! Pick me!” Pinkie said, jumping up while raising her hand.

Kat smiles and nods writing down Pinkie’s description. “Ok, would you mind Miss?” She asked Fluttershy.

“I-I don’t mind.” Fluttershy said.

“Thank you, that just leaves a horned one, and one with both wings and a horn.” Kat said as she looked over at Rarity, Twilight, and the three princesses.

“I’ll volunteer.” Twilight said.

“You just want to learn first hand what morphing is don’t ya egghead?” Rainbow Dash asked her.

“Hey, I’m not an egghead.” Twilight said. “But yes, I do want to see how Morphing works.”

“I’ll be more than happy to teach you. That just leaves you, ma’am.” She said to Rarity, as she wrote down that Twilight and Fluttershy are joining the experiment. “If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, I can try and find another horned individual, and if you know of any other species on this planet perhaps you can also help me find some more volunteers to test with.”

Rarity seemed to think about it before nodding her head, “well, I suppose one little test couldn’t hurt.” she said,

“Excellent how about you two do whatever you need to do in the next few minutes, then you can meet me in front of Roger’s ship.” Kat said with a smile.

“Alright.” Everyone that volunteered said, nodding their heads.

Kat smiles and nods before turning to leave. “Hey what about me?” Spike asked.

“You want to try morphing Spike?” Twilight asked him,

“Well Roger did give me a key to protect you when we were chasing Starlight, and I am going with Rarity to Roger’s mission next anyway.” Spike said.

“Well, that is true. I guess you can come if Kat allows it that is?” Twilight said, looking at Kat.

Kat nods with a smile. “He wouldn’t be the first young ranger.” Kat said.

“Thanks!” Spike said a smile on his face.

Kat chuckles as she leaves them to do their things. After a few minutes, everyone is in front of the ship and Kat walks out with a list and pictures of the keys handing them out. “Alright, for this test we are doing two tests.” Kat smiles. “First pick one key each, then we will see how long it takes for you to be exhausted, and test two will be done later, it is where you will cycle through as many ranger keys as you can before becoming too exhausted to morph.”

Everyone nodded their heads and began to look for a key they wanted to try, after a few minutes of deciding, they finally picked the keys they wanted. “Alright Kat, we got the keys we wanted. Now what?” Twilight asked,

“Alright, according to the notes, you three.” She points at Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. “Need to say ‘Jungle Beasts, Spirits Unleashed’, while you two.” She then points at Twilight and Spike. “Say ‘Let’s rocket.’ and you should all morph.”

“Alright.” Rarity said, while Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded their heads, then all three said.

“Jungle Beasts, Spirits Unleashed!” then in a flash, the three were surrounded by trees as they did a few hand movements before a light blue shark, black bat, and green elephant shot forward before disappearing and revealing the three mares in suits before helmets formed around their heads.

Fluttershy's suit was green and white, her helmet had two small tusks.

Rarity's was black and white, with her helmet having a crest that was silver around the visor.

And Pinkie's suit was a light blue and white, her helmet had fins on the top of her head and on the sides of her helmet.

“Fascinating.” Kat said while she and Twilight take notes on what happened.

“Weee! That was fun, can we do it again!?” Pinkie said, bouncing.

“I must say, this suit is absolutely marvelous!” Rarity said, looking at her suit.

“Sorry miss Pinkie, but you have to stay suited up till you are exhausted.” Kat said then she turns to Twilight. “Ok, you two are up next.”

“Right.” Both Twilight and Spike said, “Let’s Rocket!” then in a flash, the two were suited up with all sorts of data surrounding them before it went away. Both their suits had a futuristic look to them, Twilight's suit was red and white and Spikes black and white. Spike had also grown to the same size as Twilight.

“Whoa! I grew!” Spike said looking himself over.

“Is that supposed to happen?” Twilight asked Kat.

Kat nods her head. “Yes, a long time ago there was a Ranger that was around his age and size. Whenever he morphed he grew to the size of the rest of his team.” Kat explained.

“But why? Couldn’t he fight the way that is?” Rarity asked, clearly confused.

“He could, however, his arms and legs are now longer and stronger now.” Kat said, as she walks over and points at Spike's arms and legs. “Allowing him to not only fight better but be strong enough to use his weapons.”

“That makes sense I guess.” Rarity said, “So, now that we have morphed, what do we do now?”

“Well, you can either just sit around or do some sparring with each other.” Kat said.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna see what I can do now that I’m taller!” Spike said,

“Be sure to hold back, as a ranger you are a lot stronger than normal.” Kat warned.

“Okey-dokey lokey!” Pinkie said as she hopped over to an open space and took a fighting stance while giggling.

“So how strong will we be exactly?” Twilight asked Kat,

“Well, a normal ranger is usually able to lift things like large boulders and cars with a bit of effort.” Kat said, tapping her chin.

Twilight nodded her head, “Got it. So we’ll most definitely hold back.” Twilight said,

Spike walks over to where Pinkie Pie is and then he takes a fighting stance. “This is so cool! It's like my body knows what to do.”

“I know right?” Pinkie asked him, no doubt smiling under her helmet, “I feel like I can take on any bad guy! And I don’t even know how to fight!”

Spike and Pinkie start to fight, starting with Spike throwing the first punch. Pinkie ducks down before punching his gut. “Oof!”

“See what I mean?” Pinkie asked Spike before blocking a punch from him, slamming her palm on his chest, making him step back a few feet. Spike slides to a stop and looks up at Pinkie.

“This is kinda fun.” Spike said as he ran at her this time dodging her punch and punching her in the side making her rollover.

“Yep! Nothing like a good spar with friends to brighten someone's day!” Pinkie said, then sent a right at Spike, her fist connecting with his jaw before she kicked him. “Then again that could just be me!”

Spike flips over and reaches behind him and pulls out his Lunar Lance, a long black staff with a silver crescent blade at the end, and thrusts it towards Pinkie. “Heeyaa!”

Only for Pinkie to block it with her Shark sabers, the handle and guard were shaped like a light blue shark minus the dorsal fin, the blade being a shining silver. “Oh look at that! I have my own weapon too!” Pinkie said, before pushing Spike’s lance back and swung her blades at him.

“Gah!” Spike grunts as he is knocked back and he gets ready for another attack only for Kat to get between them.

“Ok that's enough for now, you two can wait and watch the next two.” Kat said.

“Aaaw, and we just brought out the weapons!” Pinkie whined, a frown on her face.

“Yes, but we don’t want you to hurt yourselves.” Kat said, then she pats Pinkies back. “You can spar again later after everyone else has their turn.”

“Well, okay!” Pinkie said, putting her weapons away just as Spike did the same. “So who’s fighting next?”

“I suppose I could give this a try.” Twilight said, she walked over.

Fluttershy stayed over with the others, and Rarity looked away from a mirror. “Sorry darling but I don’t want to ruin such a fabulous suit.”

“Rarity, ya don’t have to worry about that.” Applejack said, “Darn suits are basically invincible. Which means no matter how many times yer suit has been cut, there won’t be a tear.”

“To be exact, the suits are protected by a small force shield powered by the morphing grid itself however even it can break if you take enough damage.” Kat explains.

“There ya go, a good explanation on the suit so ya don’t have to worry about ruining it.” Applejack said, “Plus, ya kinda need to know how to fight, can’t rely on yer horn forever.”

“Plus we don’t even know if we can use magic while in these suits.” Twilight adds while rubbing her forehead where her horn would be.

“Well….alright fine.” Rarity said, Rarity walks over to stand across from Twilight. “I suppose we should start?”

Twilight nods and runs at Rarity before trying to roundhouse kick her in the head. “Whoa! Spike was right! It is like our bodies know how to fight on their own!”

Rarity ducked under the kick before tripping Twilight, causing her to land on the ground on her back. “Oh, I am sorry Twilight!” Rarity helped her up.

“It’s fine Rarity.” Twilight replied as she stood up with the help of Rarity.

Kat took some notes as the two friends started to spar again. “This is a good workout.” Rarity said.

“You got that right! Let’s see those meanie pants try to fight us now!” Pinkie said, just as an explosion was heard, everyone looked to see explosions coming from the Everfree.

“That came from the Everfree, what could have made that?” Twilight said before she gasps. “Oh no Zecora is still in there alone!”

Everyone went wide-eyed after hearing that before Spike spoke up. "Then what are we standing around for?! Come on!” he said before he ran towards the Everfree.

“Spike wait!” Twilight called out holding a hand out.

“No he is right, if there is trouble it is up to us to handle it.” Kat said before pulling out her Morpher. “Mike, Cam, Odona, we have trouble in the forest nearby.”

“Trouble? What kind of trouble?” Mike asked,

“Don’t know yet, but there was an explosion and from the sound of it there is at least one person in the forest.” Kat explained as she and the ponies ran to the forest.

“Alright, we’re on our way.” Mike said, making Kat nod her head as she and the others ran into the forest, following the sound of explosions.

“Come on! We’re almost to Zecora’s!” Twilight said, only for something to run into her, the two falling to the ground and when the others saw who ran into Twilight, they were relieved.

“Zecora! You’re okay!” Spike said,

“Unharmed I am but wanting to be rammed I am not.” She said, rubbing her head.

“Sorry.” Twilight said as she and Zecora were helped up by the others, “Zecora, we heard explosions, do you know what caused them?”

“Indeed I do, something far scarier than you.” Zacora said, before a mechanical howl can be heard. “It comes, We must run!”

“Oh come, whatever it is I’m sure we can take it.” Spike said, punching his open palm. “Plus, how scary can it be?”

Another mechanical howl was heard as something bursts from the trees, at first glance one would have assumed it was a Timberwolf, but after carefully looking at it, they can see all sorts of mechanical parts on it, it had two large cannons on its back, its front legs completely robotic and ended with red hot claws that burned the ground around them, the eyes of the wolf were replaced by a red visor with head fins replacing the ears. The cyborg TImberwolf looked at the gathered group before roaring loudly, making the group step back in fear.

“Okay, that is scary.” Spike said,

“Is this one of the local life forms?” Kat asked as he got ready to morph.

“Um, I think it used to be.” Twilight said, “I think this Timberwolf got an upgrade.”

Kat frowns and holds out her Morpher. “Then let's take this thing down before it hurts someone! SPD Emergency!” She morphs in a flash of white and orange into her suit and takes a fighting stance.

“Right. You heard her everyone.” Twilight said as she, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie got into fighting stances, “Fluttershy, get Zecora out of here.”

“Right! But um...please don’t hurt the poor timberwolf.” Fluttershy said before grabbing Zacora’s arm and saying. “Please come with me.” And pulled her to safety.

“Not really sure how we can not hurt it while trying to defeat it.” Spike said, then he and the others saw the two cannons on the Timberwolf glow before firing at them, causing them to dodge the two beams of energy.

“It...is...on!” Rarity said with passion as she pulls out her Jungle Fan, and then she throws it at the Cyberwolf. The fan spins in the wind before cutting and damaging one of the cannons before returning to Rarity.

The cyber wolf roars in anger before a beam shoots out from its visor and sped towards Rarity, only for Pinkie to appear on its back and cut it with her Shark Sabers, making the wolf miss and hit a tree instead. “Take that! No one is shooting my friends with really cool laser vision!” Pinkie said before jumping off the wolf's back and landing next to Rarity

“Thank you, darling.” Rarity said.

Spike ran in next with his Lunar Lance and thrusts it at the wolf trying to push it back. “Take this you overgrown weed!”

The wolf merely swats him away with its paw, causing sparks to fly off of Spike when he was hit with its claws.

“Spike!” Twilight glares at the wolf before pulling out her spiral saber and attacks the Cyberwolf. “Take this!”

The wolf howls before trying to hit Twilight, only for Rarity's Jungle Fan to cut its paw and make it look at her, visor glowing as it prepared to blast her only for Spike to slam his lance into the wolf’s visor, cracking it and letting Pinkie stab her Sabers into the twin cannons on its back, disabling them.

“Good work everyone.” Kat said before she jumps over and uses her claws to damage the cannons even more before hopping off of the wolf and pulling out her Morpher. “Let's hope this works, everyone back up.”

“Why?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Because I am going to contain this monster.” Kat said, aiming her Morpher at the wolf and Twilight remembers Roger doing the same thing.

“She is right, everypony back away.” She said as she grabbed Spike and pulled him away, and Rarity and Pinkie more as well.

Kat then presses a button on her Morpher. “You are charged with assault.” And the Morpher blinks a red X and a green circle over and over before it stops on the red X and Kat smirks in her helmet. “Guilty!” She presses another button just as the wolf charges at her and a beam comes out of the Morpher hitting the wolf trapping it inside of a containment card as it falls to the ground.

“Whoa! That was awesome!” Spike said, then thought of something, “Wait, why couldn’t you do that before?”

“Because they need to hold still long enough for the judgment scanner to actually get a reading on them to determine if they're guilty or innocent.” Kat explained as she picked up the card and looked over at everyone seeing them start to pant.

“I think we're at the limit of how long we can stay morphed.” Rarity said,

Kat nods and looks at her own suit not feeling any strain. “Alright, just say power down while thinking of removing the suit.”

Everyone nodded their heads and did what Kat told them to do, soon they had all demorphed, nearly exhausted. “Let's get you all home, and I was told by Roger to speak with someone named Twilight about researching something.”Kat said as she led them back to town.

“That would be me.” Twilight said, “What are we gonna do research on?”

“Well, there was a gold coin stolen from the crystal empire when the shield was down. We are worried it is a power coin, but Roger said it could have been an Equestrian artifact, and suggested that I work with you to research into the coin and find out if it is in fact an equestrian artifact.” Kat explained as they exited the forest only to run into Cam and Mike.

“Hey, we got here as fast as we could.” Cam said, “Where’s the danger?”

Kat demorphes and shows him the confinement card. “Already taken care of, but thanks for hurrying.”

“No problem, though I wish I could have gotten here sooner to join the fight.” Mike said,

“Anyway, mind helping them back to town? They are exhausted.” Kat asked, waving a hand at the ponies and dragon.

“Sure.” Cam replied before he and Mike led everyone back to Ponyville, while Twilight stayed with Kat.

“And be sure to get the keys back!” Kat called out to Mike and Cam. Then she turns to Twilight. “So how do you suggest we research the coin?”

“Hmmm, well we could see if the library has any info on the coin if it is an Equestrian artifact.” Twilight said, holding her chin in thought, "And I could send a message to the princesses to see if they know anything."

“Sounds like a plan.” Kat said, nodding her head. They head back to her castle and into Twilight's library.

Once there, they began to look through various books on artifacts or magical items, spending the next two hours in the library of Twilight's castle and having no luck on finding anything regarding the coin.

Kat sighs and sets down the book in her hands. “This is not working, I haven't found anything on any coin artifacts.”

“Same here, and I’ve looked through every possible book that might contain info on the coin.” Twilight said, completely surrounded by books.

“Have you heard anything from the princesses?” Kat asked.

“Yes, they have no idea what the coin is.” Twilight said, looking through a book.

Kat sighs and shakes her head. “This makes me feel like I am back in college studying for finals.”

“Don’t remind me.” Twilight said, shaking her head as she placed the book she was reading on top of another.

“Hmmm, maybe it isn’t an Equestrian artifact.” Kat said as she set down her book.

“Yeah, then do you think it’s this power coin?” Twilight asked Kat,

“With the limited amount of information we have on it, it's most likely a Power coin.” Kat said rubbing her temples.

Twilight sighed then asked, “And I’m gonna guess that this Power Coin could be bad news in the wrong hands right? Nearly every artifact always spells bad news.”

Kat nods. “A power coin is used to access the morphing grid, it is how a few rangers access their powers.” Kat closes her eyes as she crosses her arms. “In the wrong hands, they can make evil power rangers.”

“So definitely bad news.” Twilight said, a frown on her face.

Cam walks into the library and he does not look happy. “We got some bad news. I was analyzing that strange wolf that you captured and found out that it was only recently modified there could be more of them in the forest. I think we should suit up and head into the forest and go look for any sort of lab or something where they could be experimented on.”

Kat nodded her head, “Should I go too?” Twilight asked,

Cam looks over at her. “If you feel like you can help out.”

Kat nods. “Yes, if you feel like you can fight we could use your help,”

Twilight nodded her head, “Alright, I think I can still fight.” Twilight said,

“Good, now let’s get ready and head into that forest.” Cam said as he turned and left.

“I can get you a different key to use and it is probably a good idea to do so just in case Andros needs to morph.” Kat said to Twilight.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Twilight said, “But what key should I use then?”

“Come with me, we can look through the key collection.” Kat said as she got up and started to leave.

Twilight did the same and followed Kat back to Roger's ship, Twilight wondering what key she should pick as they walked, “Twilight, I am curious, do your people have computers and an internet yet?”

Twilight taps her chin. “Well, we have some computers and a magnet for our P-phones.”

“I see, well maybe after some things are settled I can help you improve some of it.” Kat said, as they got onto the ship and headed inside, seeing a few of Roger’s pokemon.

“Eevee, vee eevee.” the brown dog-like creature said, as she lays on one of the couches.

Twilight looked at the Eevee in curiosity, “What are these creatures?” Twilight asked Kat,

“They are pokemon, at least that's what Roger told us. He also told us not to treat them like animals, they are as smart as you and me.” Kat said. She waved at Eevee and the others.

“Vee.” Eevee huffed and looked away as she curled back up for a nap.

“You know, that one reminds me a bit of a pet Rarity has.” Twilight said,

“Oh? What's that?” Kar asked as her ear twitched slightly. She also walks over to the shelf of ranger keys. “Oh good he was kind enough to label what team they belong to but also the morphin call as well.”

“Well, Rarity has a pet cat who kinda acts a bit snobbish.” Twilight said,

Kat smirks before putting on a horrified face and placing a hand on her chest, “She has a pet what?”

Twilight was a bit surprised by Kat's horrified look, “Uh, a pet cat.” Twilight said,

“A cat as a pet?” Kat acts shocked and hurt, making sure to wiggle her cat ears.

Twilight then realized that Kat was a cat as well, “Oh my goodness! I am sorry if we offended you in any way!” Twilight said, saying all sorts of apologies.

Kat chuckles and puts a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Relax, it was a small prank I pull whenever I visit a world with domesticated felines for the first time.”

Twilight pouted while crossing her arms, “Not funny.” she said,

Kat smiles and pats Twilight’s back. “It kinda is, even Cruger did it once.” She then looks at the shelf of keys. “Now then which will you pick?”

Twilight looks at each of the keys, still wondering what key she should get until she sees one she wanted. She grabbed the key and showed it to Kat, “This one, the green Ninja Steel.”

Kat nods and smiles. “Alright, let's get going.” They join Mike and Cam at the edge of the forest. “You two ready?”

Both nodded their heads, “Yeah, we are.” Cam said,

“Good, I am guessing Udona is staying back in case there is an attack on the town?” Kat asked as she and the others entered the forest.

“You guessed right.” Mike replied, “We never know what will happen if we leave the town unguarded, especially with these Timbermechs.”

“Timber what?” Twilight asked,

“Timbermech, it’s the cyborg wolf, the name is on the visor.” Mike said,

“Interesting, it would seem that the villains are changing some of the local life forms to be even more threatening as well as to be weapons for them.” Kat said while rubbing her chin in thought.

“That’s terrible!” Twilight said, a look of horror on her face.

Cam nods his head frowning. “Yes, it is. Speaking of these experiments, what other local wildlife is there?”

"Well, here in the Everfree, there's Timberwolves, Cockatrices, Manticores, there’s another part called Froggy Bottom Bog, that place is home to a hydra.” Twilight said,

Kat blinks and looks at Mike and Cam. “Aren't all of those creatures part of earth's mythology?”

“They are, but so are dragons.” Cam said, talking about Spike. “Is there anything else?” he asked Twilight, who held her chin in thought.

“Yes, Parasprites, small fuzzy things that eat a ton of food, but during one incident I accidentally made it to where they’ll eat anything but food.” Twilight said a sheepish smile on her face.

All three rangers look at Twilight shocked before Mike facepalms. “Oh brother, let's hope they don’t have any that Miss Purple here changed.”

“I hope so too.” Cam said,

“Hey come on, if they do I’ll just reverse the spell so they’ll only eat food again. Oh, also, that’s how they multiply, the more they eat, the more there is of them.” Twilight said,

“That sounds like something from an old episode of Star Trek.” Cam said with a chuckle.

“Star what?” Twilight asked in confusion,

“Eh, it’s a movie and series about humans and aliens exploring space and stuff.” Mike said, “Didn’t really watch much of it.”

“Of course you didn’t, you were living it.” Kat said with a small smirk.

“Eh true.” Mike replied with a shrug. “So, where do you think they’re making these cyborg animals?”

“Most likely deep in the forest.” Kat said before they heard a roar but this one sounded painful.

“Looks like we found a way to track down their facility.” Cam said before he and everyone else ran towards the sound of the roar.

After a few minutes of running, they come across a clearing that was recently made with a large metal structure in the center of it and cogs from the machine empire guarding it. “That can’t be good.” Mike said.

“No, it cannot.” Kat said, watching as few Timbermechs came out of the structure while some Cogs dragged struggling Timberwolves into it.

“We need to stop them, Timberwolves may be monsters but even they don’t need to suffer.” Twilight said, glaring at the structure and Cogs.

The rangers nod but Kat speaks up. “That may be but we can’t just run in without a plan.”

“She’s right, there’s way too many of them to take on.” Mike said, “We need to find a way to bring their numbers down before attacking.” Everyone then thought of the best plan of attack until Twilight spoke up.

“Why don’t we sabotage the factory? You know, cause it to blow up or release the Timberwolves they have trapped in there?” Twilight suggested.

“Hmmm, that could work but would the wolves run off or attack us?” Kat asked.

“They might, but considering how the bad guys were basically torturing them, they might attack them instead.” Twilight said, “Trust me, Timberwolves are a lot smarter than they look.”

Kat looks at the factory thinking for a minute before she nods. “Very well, we will free them.”

Twilight nodded, “We got a plan, we just need a way to sneak in there.” Twilight said,

“Oooh, I know!” Pinkie said, popping up from nowhere. “I have a tunnel that leads right under that factory! You can use it if you want!” then she lifted up a bush to reveal a trapdoor, "There you go! Bye!" Pinkie said before disappearing in a puff of smoke, leaving behind very confused Rangers.

“Where did she come from?!” Mike said.

“Where did she go!?” Cam asked.

“How did she know we needed to get in there?” Kat asked a bit more calm.

“Guys, if there’s one thing I know about Pinkie Pie, it’s this. She’s Pinkie Pie, don’t question it. Trust me, it’ll spare you the pain.” Twilight said, wincing slightly when she remembered her trying to figure out Pinkie’s Pinkie Sense.

They shake their heads before one by one they enter the secret tunnel. “Right, well she needs to calm down with the crazy.” Cam said.

“Hey, no matter what, Pinkie will always be like that.” Twilight said,

Cam sighs shaking his head. “As long as she doesn’t break our stuff or scare us while we are working I guess it’s fine.”

Mike looks around and shakes his head. “This tunnel is well made, not hastily made.”

“Pinkie probably made it for some random emergency involving tunnels. Or she could have just made it now. Who knows really?" Twilight said with a shrug,

“Shhh.” Kat said, and pointed ahead where there is another trap door.

“Okay, I swear if this thing really does go into the facility, I’m gonna lose it.” Cam said just as Twilight went ahead and slightly opened the trap door before turning to the rest of them,

“It leads into the facility.” she said quietly.

Cam grabs his hair and groans as he pulls on his hair. “Gah!”

The other two shake their heads before all of them climb out of the tunnel and look around. “Ok, now which way?” Mike asked.

Twilight tapped their shoulders, making them look at her while she pointed in a direction, making them look. They all saw Timberwolves in cages, trying to get free of their prisons but having no luck.

“Well, that makes things easier but with how riled up they are how are we going to be sure they won't attack us?” Mike asked.

Then a Cog walked by, getting too close to one of the Timberwolf cages before a paw reached out and grabbed the Cog before pulling it into the cage, a series of screams and roars of anger were heard before the Cog was thrown out of the cage. “Maybe because of that?” Twilight said,

“Ok, good point but the moment one of them comes for us I am morphing and blasting them.” Mike said as he pulls out his Magna blade and cuts the lock off of the first cage.

This caused the TImberwolves to look at the noise, growling at Mike before one nudged the cage door open, then Mike swore he was seeing things, but it looked like the TImberwolf was grinning before it rammed into the cage door, opening it further and letting out a howl and causing the other TImberwolves trapped with it to run out of the cage.

Everyone watched as the Timberwolves charged at any Gog soldier they see, attacking them with revenge in their eyes, one Timberwolf, who had a Cog in its jaws, looked at the group, making them tense up and ready to defend themselves, only to sigh in relief when the wolf turned away from them and kept biting at the Cog it had.

“Alright, while the wolves are dealing with the cogs we should find the building's power source and destroy it.” Cam said as he pulled out his Samurai Cyclone Morpher.

“Right.” everyone said, then began to look for the power source to the building, the sounds of howling and screams of both pain and horror were heard. The group eventually runs through a hallway before Twilight stops in front of a door, making the others stop and see what she was looking at, they saw the door she was staring at had the words, Power Core on it, in big bold letters too.

"There is no way they are that dumb." Cam said before the door opened and sure enough, there was the power core to the building. Cam facepalmed, "They are. They really are dumb."

“Well, the history books did say the Machine empire was run by idiots.” Kat said as they walked in and the rangers pulled out their morphers. “Let’s morph and do some damage.”

“Right.” everyone said, then in a few flashes, everyone minus Twilight had morphed, she had pulled out the key and said,

“Ninja spin!” she said, then threw her key before it spun around and returned to her, spinning around her and covering her in a white glow which disappeared and revealed her suit, then her helmet fell on her head, the black visor covering her eyes. Her suit was mostly green and black, white boots and a gold belt, one part of her suit was black with a green shuriken symbol on it.

“Oh, a green ninja huh?” Cam said looking her over.

“Yep!” Twilight said, before her sword appeared in her hand, “Now, let’s destroy that core!”

Cam chuckles and nods pulling out his sword. “Right!” Cam was first to cut the core with his sword, then Mike shot it with his blaster, and lastly Twilight cut it with her sword starting a chain reaction. “Alright, everyone run, it’s gonna blow!”

Everyone did what Cam said and started to run out of the room and out of the building, seeing that the Timberwolves were doing the same thing while a few Cogs were looking at everyone confused, when everyone ran out the building exploded, causing the group to be knocked forward and fall to the ground.

“That was crazy! How did such a small device make such a large explosion!?” Twilight asked.

“Oh no!!! What did you morons do this time!?” Someone said from the other side of the building.

“Who was that?” Twilight asked, looking in the direction of the voice.

“Sounds like we found the one in charge of this small base.” Mike said changing his blaster to sword mode.

Then a creature that almost looked like a knight walked around the building, He has blue armor, and a bronze shield in the shape of a gear that has an image of two gears forming rings around a black spot. “Where are those moronic Cogs!?” He said looking around.

“Um, maybe in the burning building?” Cam said, pointing at the destroyed facility.

He looks over at them rangers then nods. “Right, thanks.” Then he runs into the burning building yelling at Cogs.

“Did...did that really just work?” Twilight asked.

“It would appear so.” Kat said, staring at the burning building that Nuklifier ran into, just as it exploded again.

Suddenly he comes flying out from the explosion and lands on his feet only having a few scorch marks. “Alright wise guys, you are you!?” He said as he waved his spear at the rangers.

“Um, isn’t it obvious? We’re Rangers.” Mike said, then looked at Twilight, “Well, most of us anyway.”

“Rangers!? No wonder my base blew up!” He said growling before thrusting his spear at Mike. “For the empire!”

Mike easily dodges the spear before hitting Nuklifier with his sword, causing sparks to fly while Twilight runs at Nuklifier and slices him with her sword as well. “This is for hurting those poor timberwolves!”

Kat punches his side before backflipping and kicking his face. “Let's take this guy down fast.”

“Agreed!” Cam said, trying to hit Nuklifier but his attack was blocked by his spear before Nuklifier slammed his shield into Cam, sending him into a tree.

“If you Rangers think you can beat me, think again!” Nuklifier shouted, slamming his spear into Kat and kicking Mike away from him when he tried to charge at him.

Twilight acting on reflex grabs a ninja power star and places it on her sword before spinning it. “Element Star: Ninja Metal Attack!” She then stabs the ground and metal chains come out of the ground and tie Nuklifier up.

“Hey! What gives!? I am supposed to beat you not the other way around!” He yells as she struggles swinging his spear around with his hand.

“Yeah, like we’re just gonna let you defeat us.” Kat said, rolling her eyes behind the helmet.

He roars as he breaks free and thrusts his spear at Kat. “Just shut up and die!” His spear is stopped by Mike using his sword.

“Not gonna happen!” Mike said before knocking the spear out of Nuklifiers hands before jumping up and somersaulting and delivered an energized slash from his Magna sword on Nuklifier.

“No! I won't go down that eas-” Nuklifier tries to stop it but he is cut clean in half and falls apart.

“Is it over?” Twilight asked.

“Let me check.” Cam said, then looked around, “Destroyed facility, check. Boss monster cut clean in half, check. Freed Timberwolves, check. Yep, it’s over.”

Kat nods and uses her Morpher to trap the remains in a confinement card. “And now there is no chance of him growing.”

“That’s great, now we can-” a growl cut Twilight off as everyone looked at the large pack of Timberwolves, their eyes glowing a sickly green as they stared at the group of Rangers.

“Oh great now we have to deal with them.” Mike said readying his sword.

“Wait, maybe they aren’t going to attack us.” Cam said.

Everyone lowered their weapons but kept them out just in case the Timberwolves decide to attack, the Rangers and Timberwolves stared at each other for a few seconds before one of the wolves nodded its head before they all turned and went back into the forest.

“What…..just happened?” Kat asked in confusion before Twilight answered.

“I think it just nodded its head in thanks for freeing them?" Twilight said though it sounded more like a question than anything.

“Your world is very strange.” Mike said, sighing.

“Hey, I would say the same about your world too if I went there.” Twilight replied before demorphing, “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

The rest of them demorph and nod. The four of them leave the forest and talk along the way. Soon they make it back to the castle. “Man this day has been a long one.” Mike said.

“Agreed, I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna get some sleep.” Cam said,

The two guys head into the ship. Kat turns to Twilight. “Maybe the two of us should keep looking for information on that coin, what do you think?”

Twilight nodded her head, “Yeah, I think so too. But maybe we should get something to eat first.” Twilight said, just as her stomach growled.

Kat’s stomach growls as well and they both laugh. “I guess so, let's go eat then back to research.” The two head back into Twilight’s castle to have a nice meal before more reading.

Roger’s POV:Earth:Near San Angeles

I stretch as we have been driving for hours. “How close are we?” I call out, as I stand up and walk to the doors.

“Dude, you ask the same question and it’ll still be the same, not much further.” Eric said, clearly annoyed,

I groan and lean my head against the walls. “If I had known it would take so long I would have gotten some entertainment before leaving Equestria.” I said.

“Yeah, you should have, cause I’m getting tired of your constant game of are we there yet.” Eric said, “As well as your groaning.”

“Can you blame me? This is taking forever!” I sigh and rub my forehead. I think of something and pick up the spellbook and look through it. “Hey, I just thought of something.”

“And what would that be?” Andros asked me, not taking his eyes off the road as he drove.

“Well, remember how I told you all that I am a displaced? Well, part of that is being able to summon other displaced and be summoned. So I could get summoned at any time, we need to come up with a plan if that happens.” I told them as I continued flipping through the book.

“That is a good point. Who knows when you’ll be summoned, you might even get summoned during a fight.” Cruger said,

“Yeah, that would be one of the worse case scenarios.” I said shaking my head.

"What are the other worst-case scenarios?" Wes asked,

“Well off the top of my head, from least embarrassing to most embarrassing, first getting summoned while you're using the bathroom, second getting summoned while you're taking a shower, and the worst of all getting summoned while you're having an intimate moment with your loved one.” I chuckle and shake my head. “Worst part on that last one he or she would be pulled along with you.”

“Yeah, those are pretty terrible.” Eric said,

I shake my head and sigh, getting the chuckles out of my system before saying. “Anyway, back on topic, let's say I get summoned while we are on the road, best-case scenario this truck stays so you're able to keep going and I'll just have to track you down later. Worst case scenario the truck disappears the moment I do and you all tumble at whatever speed we were going at. So I think if I get summoned while we are on the road you guys should set up a camp and hide the truck if it stays.” I tell them, looking around.

I close the book and sigh. “I can’t find a spell for tracking yet so I would have a hard time finding you guys if you went on without me.”

“It’s fine Roger.” Andros said to me, “Hey why don’t we take a break from driving?”

“Sounds good, gives us time to rest and stretch our legs a bit.” I said and rolled my head before looking over at the mystic force rangers sleeping. “Geez, I guess they have been up for a long time trying to keep their town somewhat safe.” I say.

“You think?” Eric said, “The whole damn place was crawling with those guys when we got there.”

“True.” I said as the truck slows down before stopping. “Thanks for driving you three.” I say to Eric, Cruger, and Andros.

“No problem.” Cruger said, giving me a thumbs up.

I chuckle before opening the doors of the trailer we are in and hopping out. “Well I don’t know about you all but I want to stretch my legs.” I said then I felt a tugging on me. “Huh?” I look around confused.

“What is it?” Wes asked me as the others got out of the truck and trailer.

I look over at him. “I think I am being summ-” I am cut off as a portal opens below me and I fall through it. “Craaaaaaap!”