• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,387 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Author's Note:

Crossover with War of the Pokémon and New Dragon in town

“Let me get this right, you want us to help you rescue Discord, from an alien spaceship?” Shining armor asks then scoffs. “Even if we believe you, Discord can just teleport himself right back, anytime he wants it.”

“It’s not just him we will be saving, but other heroes, called power rangers. Though I will be honest the only reason I need the two of you is to keep my ship safe. one will provide a shield while the other provides an illusion to make us seem invisible.” I tell them.

“I still don’t see how or why we should believe you.” Spoke Silent Knife, a thestral unicorn. He crosses his arms and I sigh rubbing my face.

“Fine, I’ll show you why you should believe me. But this is a secret only, Princesses Luna, Celestia, and Twilight know.” I summon my Morpher and key and morph in front of them. “Set sail!” Then my Morpher calls out 'Gokaiger’

In a flash of red energy, I’m suited up and I look at them. “I am a Power Ranger and I need your help to get my ship up there I know where their ship is but the moment my ship is spotted they will shoot at my ship and lower the chances of me getting on board.”

They are both shocked but I can only tell because their eyes widen just a bit. “Ok fine, let’s say we help you, what exactly is the mission we need every detail we can’t just go in and wing it.” Shining said.

I nod and power down and then point to the ship in a bottle in my room. “When we’re ready I’ll summon my ship and you will put up a shield around it,” I point at shining then I move my finger to Silent knife. “While you make sure the ship is invisible. Once we get close enough to the enemy ship, I and one or two other people who I’ll summon shortly will have a short spacewalk to the enemy ship. Once onboard, my team will search for the prisoners, free the prisoners, and then make our way back to my ship, at this point the enemy will most likely be on high alert and find our ship.”

“So we will most likely have to fight our way back down to the planet or at least get out of range of their weapons.” I finished.

“And just who are these individuals that you might be inviting onto his mission shouldn’t they be here for this briefing.” Silent asks suspiciously.

I nod a bit. “That is true but I haven’t had a chance to look over the tokens that I recently received, so I have no idea who I’m going to invite yet.”

They look at each other then back to me. "If you don’t know who you’re going to invite, are you sure it’s even wise to invite them? How do we know that they’re even going to help you.” Shining asks.

“And what do you mean by tokens?” Silent added.

“I’ll answer Silent first, a token is what we Displaced used to summon each other. And to answer your follow-up question, A Displaced is a person that is taken from their home universe, given powers, abilities, or technology from another universe, and dropped into a third. I am one such being and I recently met another Displaced they gave me a bunch of tokens. I trust the man that I got them from. if he gave them to me that means that the people that they belong to are trustworthy.”

They still seemed unsure then they had a look of surprise just before something hit my head. “Ow, mother fuc-“ I look down while rubbing my head to see a Mega Stone on fire, I reach down and pick it up heading its message. “I am the Dragon God of Justice, Charizard, if you require my aid, then shout my name out to the heavens, and I will arrive to bring justice to the wicked. But be warned, if you are evil yourself. You’ll know true fear!”

“Huh. Sounds perfect.” I say to myself.

Silent speaks up. “What sounds perfect? Are you sure you're not just crazy?”

I just smirk and hold up the stone. “Let’s find out. Hey Charizard! I need help for a rescue mission!” I yell out looking at the ceiling.

In my peripheral vision, I see Silent leaning over to shining and barely pick up his whispering voice saying. “This colt is crazy. We should put him in a mental hospital.”

I look around and then in the middle of the room a huge flame shoots up and out of the flames forms a Charizard. “Huh. A Pokémon displaced. That’s new.” I say to myself.

"Who dares to summon me?! The DRAGON GOD OF JUSTICE!!" the Charizard roared out,

Shining Armor and Silent Knife get up ready for a fight but I walk up and flick his head. “Calm down before you set the castle on fire. At least you speak English instead of Poké speak.” I say.

I hold my hand out. “Names Roger and I need your help with a rescue mission. You up for it?”

The Charizard grabbed my hand and shook it. "Charizard, or Draco, either one is fine; and I'll see what I can do to help. But I need to know what I'm gonna help you with first."

I smirk and sit down as do the two ponies in the room. “That my new friend is easy. I need you and one other that I’ll summon in a bit, to help me by being extra muscle because I’m going to be going right into the hornet's nest. Tell me what do you know of Power Rangers?” I ask as I summon my messenger bag and dig through it before pulling out a wooden game controller.

"Well, not much, just that they were a bunch of teens who were picked by a being to protect Earth from all types of bad guys who once defeated become giants and said teenagers summon giant robots to form one mega robot.“ Draco said.

I nod then sigh. “Not too far off I am a Power Ranger. unfortunately I’m the only one on this planet right now. And up in orbit is Astronema's ship and I and the princesses got a small peek inside of it using magic. And onboard is the red space ranger along with discord and if they have him on their ship then they’ll most likely going to have more Rangers on board. Our job is to rescue with as many rangers as possible.” I say then I hold up the controller. “Send invite.”

Draco nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll do my best to help you out."

"You mean we'll do our best." a voice said, then stepping behind Draco was a Dragoness with black scales and pink belly, she looked to be up to Dracos shoulders,

"Cinder? How did you get here?" Draco asked, confused.

"I grabbed you just as you disappeared, only to see that we ended up here." was her response

“Huh, alright if she can handle herself in a fight.” I say then a huge popup window opens up with an image of a door the door then expands into a three-dimensional door and then opens out walking a red dragon with black horns, and amber eyes. Besides the dragon also walks out a quadrupedal princess Luna.

The dragon waves and smiles. “Hello everyone. My name is Deltorix, nice to meet you all so what’s the problem?” The popup screen behind them cracks up then brakes disappearing into pixel fragments.

“ I need your help on a rescue mission. And Edward said that you were trustworthy and a good fighter.” I tell him.

“Ed huh?” He chuckles. “Good to see I made a good impression all right I’ll help.”

"So where are we heading?" Draco asked, spinning a dial on what looked like the Omnitrix.

“Well, first we are going outside so I can summon my ship then,” I grin and point up. “We are going into space. Hope you all know how to spacewalk.” I chuckle a bit then get up.

“Wait, we are leaving now?” Shining asks.

“It seems so.” Silent added.

“Cool, I’ve been to space once. Though I was running for my life.” Deltorix said scratching his cheek.

“If Equestria is in danger I will help as well.” Deltorix’s Luna says, stepping forward.

“No offense your highness but if you're going, you're staying on my ship. Ok, let’s go.” I clap my hands and we go outside, passing a panicked Twilight as she runs into another room that seems to have the mirror portal in it.

"So why did Twilight just run into that room looking worried about something?" Draco asked,

"Who cares, we got some bad guys to pound!" Cinder said

Deltorix looks into the room and then around at the castle saying. “If I’d have to guess you just had the time loop episode happen and she is off to Canterlot high because of all the messages from Sunset Shimmer.”

His Luna looks at him. “Time loop? What do you mean? And who is Sunset Shimmer?”

He sighs and waves his hand. “I’ll show and explain in the dream world. Easier to show than tell.”

We all make it outside then go around behind the castle I pull out my Morpher and key and morph. “Set sail!” Making my morpher call out ’Gokaiger!’ and in flash of red energy, I’m suited up. I then hold my hand up. “Gokai Galleon!” And a huge portal opens up and a red flying ship comes through it.

“Those who can fly please help the ones they cannot.” I then jump up onto the deck of the ship.

I look over the edge and see Luna flying up on her own then I see Deltorix cross his hands and move his mouth then three copies of him appear, two grab Shining and Silent while the third flies off to the Everfree.

"Nice ride you got." Draco said as he and Cinder flew up to the ship. "So, if we are going to space, I have few good transformations to help us out."

I nod and smirk. “If you have a transformation that can survive the vacuum of space that will help.”

The Deltorix clones drop Shining and Silent off then disappear then the original and Luna land on the ship. “Even if you don't, I have ways of keeping multiple people safe in space.”

“Ok, we can talk inside. Shining, Silent get to work. Get us invisible and shielded.” I say as I walk over to the airlock and open it as Luna, Deltorix, Shining, Silent, and Cinder enter. The door closes and starts the process to let them in.

"So, what are we dealing with? How much power do our enemies have and how many troops?" Cinder began with the questions, showing that she must be a soldier or something.

"Easy Cinder, let Roger speak first." Draco said to his companion

I roll my eyes and lean on the door so she can hear me. “I’ll tell you everything inside. when the door opens go through and close it so me and Drake can get in.”

We wait a bit then I hear the sounds of the inner door opening and closing I check and open the door. “Ok, Drake. Can she be trusted with powers? I can temporarily give a suit to someone but from what I’ve seen, it will zap her stamina.” I ask while we wait for the other door to unlock.

"If I were to choose anyone to give powers to, it would be her, she is loyal to her friends and family." Draco said, causing a faint smile to appear.

I nod and then the door unlocks so I open it. We enter my ship and I sigh as I see everyone looking and messing with stuff then my Eevee friend comes upstairs. ’hey what’s with all the noise up here?!’

“Sorry, but things might get shaky soon please go tell the others.” I tell her then go up to the middle of the room and clap. “OK everyone, Here is the plan Shining Armor and Silent Night will be hiding and protecting the ship. I will be flying us up right next to the enemy ship. Then me, Draco, Deltorix, and Cinder will do a small spacewalk to get on board the enemy ship. Once onboard we find the prisoners, rescue them and cause as much damage as we can on the way out.”

Deltorix raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. “It’s your world and I’ll follow your lead but I suggest that the four of us stick together. while I use my clones to spread out across the entire ship and get there faster once we know where they are. all four of us can go rescue them rather than splitting up.”

Silent rubs his chin. “I agree with the dragon. It is smart to cause as much damage as possible to their ship on your way out as long as you DO have a way out.”

I nod to them both then look to Draco to see his opinion while also walking over to my shelf of ranger keys. “What about you; Draco?”

Draco seemed to think over the plan, then said, "I agree with Deltorix, we'll cover more ground with his clones, and if we do cause a lot of damage we'll need a way out. I'll handle that part."

I nod and look over my collection then pick up the black Dino Thunder key and black space key. “These are my only black suits. I'll let you choose who gets them.” I say then hold them out. “But I want them back when we are done.”

Deltorix looks at everyone then says. “I have an air-tight suit that has a stealth mode. I also have a personal atmosphere barrier belt, from Star Trek the animated series. I recommend giving Cinder the belt and Draco the black dino with Thunder key.”

I think it over and nod and give Draco the black dino Thunder key and morph into the black space ranger. “Let’s rocket!” My Morpher calls out ’Megaranger’ and in a flash of black energy, I’m dressed in the black space uniform.

"I'm ready when you are." Draco said as Cinder nodded and pulled out a sword.

I nod to them all then say. “I’ll start flying the ship and Draco, in case you don’t know just hold up the key and call out ‘Dino Thunder, power up’.” Then I head to the control panel and set the course then we start moving and I see shining and Silent’s horns start glowing.

I sit down in my chair and look at every one. Deltorix walks over to Cinder and pulls a futuristic belt out of thin air and holds it out to her. “Here just put it on and it will activate. You’ll have air and even be protected from radiation.”

His Luna also walks up to shining and silent and starts talking with them.

"So, tell me, how many troops are we going to have to face?" Draco asked,

I look to Draco. “Unknown. What I do know is that there’s a whole evil alliance and I’ve seen putties, tentatively warriors, and a blue Krybot. So that could mean that we have villains from mighty Morphin all the way up to SPD working together but I don’t know yet.” I rub my faceplate. “This is only my second day in this world. Though I did spend three months on Edward’s world for training still. I’m a newbie.”

Draco let out a bark of laughter, not of mockery, but amusement then patted Rodger’s back. "Aren't we all, even with my thousands of years of experience, I'm still new to this whole Displaced thing. Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon."

I chuckle softly and nod. “True enough. Thanks, we should be getting close.” I get up and check the control panel and see we are almost there. “Ok everyone who’s going, suit up and go to the airlock.”

I see a flash of light and Deltorix is standing in bright gold and silver armor. it then dulls and he nods walking to the airlock. I can hear him mumbling but can’t make out what he is saying.

"Let's do this! Dino Thunder Power Up!!" Draco did a backflip as a black and gold suit appeared and a helmet that covered his entire head, "Why did I do a backflip?! That shouldn't be possible for a Charizard!?"

I chuckle and say. “It comes with being a Ranger. Even though you’re only temporary, from what I can tell if I’m in another world, or someone else who isn’t bonded to the Ranger Keys uses them, they actually go through the Morphin sequence. Otherwise, it’s just a flash of light.” I say then with all of us in the airlock it closes and decompresses the room.

“Mic check. Can you all hear me?” I ask. I see Deltorix and Draco nod but not Cinder. “Draco keep an eye on her make sure she doesn’t float off or do something stupid.” The door opens and we are in the vacuum of space. I walk forward and hold out a hand. “Galaxy Glider!” And the black galaxy glider comes out of a portal.

“Everyone get on and hang onto me.” I tell them as I step onto the glider.

Draco while holding Cinder’s hand to help her get on the glider, once they were on, Draco turned to Rodger. "Why can't she hear us?"

“Probably because we have mics while she doesn’t. But that’s just a guess.” I say. Then Deltorix gets on the glider behind everyone and gives me a thumbs up. I start flying the glider to where the enemy ship is and I can see the distortion in front of us.

After a few minutes, we enter their cloaking field and now we can see the massive ship in front of us. I fly around it till I see an airlock and move up to it and open it once everyone is inside I close the door and punch my palm. “OK everyone wants the door open to be ready for a fight. We don't know if we set off alarms or not.”

When the door opens I step out and look around not seeing anyone I give a thumbs up and power down to my civilian form. “All clear. Power down for now.”

Draco did just that, looking and seemed to be looking for something. "Just making sure the coast is really clear, you never know with bad guys."

I nod as Deltorix walks out, also removing his armor except for his shoulder piece. “Draco has a point just because they did see us coming in doesn’t mean we will stay lucky.” Then he crosses his fingers and makes ten copies.

Then those copies turn into putties but from the show. “Wait if you're gonna disguise yourselves you need more armor. They have armor covering their lower stomach area‘s legs and arms.” I tell them they all nod and transform again then start walking away just like puddies. “That was creepily similar to how they moved.”

Deltorix walks up and shrugs. “I used to watch the show when I was a kid. Now then I feel lots of ki in that direction if I had to guess that’s where the prisoner cells are because they’re spaced out in groups of two or one.” He points ahead and I nod.

“Right then; let’s move. If you see any foot soldiers take them down if they spot you. We’re trying to be stealthy.” I tell them then we start moving and not even a minute later a group of puddies comes around the corner.

Just as I’m about to attack them they suddenly get flung into the ceiling. “I got these guys.” Deltorix said then slams them around the hall till they turn to clay. “Ok let’s go.”

‘Geez this guy is overpowered.’ I think to myself as we go deeper into the ship. Soon we come to a turn and see two Quantrons guarding the door. I point at Draco and Cinder then the Quantrons, but put a finger to my lips to tell them I want it done quietly.

Draco and Cinder nodded, and they both climbed the walls then onto the ceiling, then moved towards the two Quantrons like predators stalking prey using the shadows of the ceiling to their advantage. Once the two were close enough, they jumped down and tackled the Quantrons and Draco ripped one's head off while Cinder stabbed the other with her sword.

Sparks come out of the neck of the quantron Draco ripped the head off of and it falls over. However; the one Cinder stabbed grabs a hold of her and squeezes tight. “Hold it right there.” It says in a heavily mechanical voice.

Only to have its head melted from Cinder's flames before she cut it in half. "Gonna take a lot more than that to stop me." she said calmly.

Me and Deltorix walk up to them and I nod. “Good work you two. Now then.” I summon my sword and try to open the door but it’s locked. I get ready to cut it down but Deltorix puts a hand on my shoulder and steps up and knocks on the door a few times in different locations.

“Hmmm. Yeah, I can do it. stand back.” He then stomps his foot actually denting the floor then hits the door with both hands with his palms facing himself and the door bent. “Ha! Gotta love metal bending.” He continues to hit the door till he makes a gap then he grabs the door and folds it like paper.

“Holy crap man.” I say completely in shock.

"Damn, that was awesome." Draco said, Cinder nodded her head in agreement. Draco walked over to the door and looked on the other side, making sure no enemies were around. "It's clear."

“Thanks, if you guys want I’ll give each of you a bending ability. though you may not be able to learn the advanced forms.” Deltorix said as we enter the door area and inside I see cells.

“Cut the chit chat, for now, we found them.” I say and ran up to the first cell and see Doggy Cruger.

He lifts his head as he is chained to a wall and sees us. “What’s this? Come to question me more?”

I chuckle and open the door. “Nope. Today you and everyone else are getting out of here.” I walk up to him and use my sword to cut the chains freeing him then I offer my hand to help him up. He hesitantly reaches up and takes my hand. I help them up then let go of his hand as light shines. I look in my hand to see the SPD shadow ranger key.

“Here. Hold onto this key you’ll know when and how to use it.” I hand him the key and he nods. I look back at my team. “Ok Me and Deltorix will free them, you two make sure no one finds out we are setting them free.”

With that, me and Deltorix move to the next cell and free Wesley ‘Wes’ Collins and Eric Myers. “Just what kind of mutant freaks are you?” Eric said as we free him.

“Believe it or not we used to be human.” Deltorix said.

“Technically I still am. I just have an illusion over myself.” I add.

Then Wes looks us over. “If you're helping us that’s enough for me.”

“You two will need these, you'll know when to use them.” I give them the red and quantum ranger keys. They look a bit confused but nod.

I send them up to Draco and Cinder as we move to the next cell and inside is Michael ‘Mike’ Corbett. “Huh? Oh great a new monster to torment me.” He said.

“Relax, we are on your side.” I tell him and cut his chains and give him the Magna Defender key. “Go help the others near the entrance.”

Deltorix sighs. “Geez, so many heroes taken down. You have your work cut out for you.”

“Yeah but I’m sure I can handle it.” I tell him as we end the next cell and find the green Ninja Storm ranger Cameron "Cam" Watanab.

“Huh, who are you two?” He questions.

“Friends. You’ll see your friends soon.” I cut him free and when I help him up I get the green ninja storm key and hand it to him telling him to join the others.

“Next up is.” Deltorix jokes as we move to the next cell and see white Mystic Force ranger Udonna, and the three kids from beetleborgs, Andrew ‘Drew’ McCormick, Roland Williams, and Josephine ‘Jo’ McCormick. “Geez, who are these kids?”

“They are the big bad beetleBorgs.” I say then free Udonna and the kids. “Go help the others.” As I help them I get keys and hand them to each of them.

We move to the last cell and inside is Andros and Discord. Though Discord is trapped inside a bottle. I walk into the cell and cut Andros free. “Here.” I give him the red space key. “Go join the others.”

Then I look at Discord and pick up the bottle. “Hello Discord today you are being rescued and seeing how you’re trapped in a bottle, it makes things easier.”

He rolls his eyes. “Oh please, I could get out of this if I wanted to. I'm just enjoying the beautiful chaos.”

I shake my head then turn around and rejoin everyone then Cruger walks up to us. “We are missing Kat Manx. We need to find her.”

Deltorix gives him a thumbs up. “Don’t worry one of my clones already found her and is on their way here now.”

Just then there are the sounds of fighting and I look to see Cinder stabbing a puttie that explodes into smoke and behind it is Kat. I walk up to her and smile. “Hello welcome.” I shake her hand though she is still shocked and another key appears and it’s the SPD Kat ranger key I hand it to her.

I turn to face them all. “Ok listen up if we have everyone we will be leaving now. I didn’t think the group would be this big so we will be skipping the part about damaging the ship on the way out.”

Then a partly cybernetic voice says from behind me. “Oh, but none of you will be leaving at all.”

My eyes widen and I turn to see Psycho Red, Psycho Blue, and Psycho Yellow. “Shit, everyone ranger up! Set sail!” my Morpher calls out ’Gokaiger’ as I morph and behind me, I hear the others.

“SPD Emergency!” From Cruger and Kat.

Kat’s suit was orange and silver while her helmet had two side fins on it, Cruger’s however was mostly black with two red and blue lines forming a one with two zeros next to it,

“Magical source, Mystic force!” From Udonna.

Her suit was white with a few silver and gold stripes, she had two big shoulder guards with a blue snowflake on her helmet.

“Time for time force!” From Wes.

“Quantum power!” From Eric.

Eric's suit was red and black, similar to the red time force ranger but instead of white stripes he had black stripes.

“Magna power!” From Mike

“Samurai storm, ranger form ha!” From Cam.

Cam's suit was green with gold armor and his helmet had a star shape on it.

“let’s rock it!” From Andros.

Andros’ suit was red with white stripes, the one on his chest had different colored square dots in it.

“Beetle blast!” from the three kids.

Their suits looked robotic, Andrew’s was blue with gold circuitry and had a horn on top of his helmet and it had a red visor, Roland’s was green with two pinchers on his helmet with red glowing eyes, and Josephine’s was red and black with a horn that spread side to side and she had yellow eyes.

And most surprisingly I hear Deltorix say. “May your heart be your guiding Key!” And in a flash of multiple colors, we all morph just as the psychos launch an energy ball at us fortunately at missed us and explodes behind us.

Del's armor was mostly a combination of gold, silver, and purple, his horns that came out of the back of his helmet were covered in gold armor, his wings had some purple armor on them but not a lot to messing with his flying, the boots were shaped to look like dragons claws with the claws being silver.

A bright green flash and something lands in front of us, it looked to be a four-armed Charizard with thin but muscular form, three fins in between two horns, and was taller than the average Charizard and had two large wings on its back, Rodger then noticed the Omnitrix symbol on its shoulder. Which meant this creature was Draco. "Let's take these guys out shall we?" Draco asked, cracking his knuckles.

“Be careful, don’t let them touch your head. Remember we don’t have to beat them, we just need to get past them.” I say then I aim my gun at Psycho Red and fire multiple times making him have to block while the other two run at the rest of us. Wes and Eric join me in fighting Psycho Red.

Draco charged at Psycho Blue, his left fists covered in flames as he punched Psycho Blue into the wall, Psycho Blue had to dodge the torrent of flames that turned the wall into melted slag. Psycho Blue then pulled out his ax and charged at Draco, dodging his fists as he cut Draco's back, causing him to roar in pain.

Me, Wes, and Eric fight Psycho Red with everything we have. I would cut his back while Wes and Eric punch his face then I see Deltorix run past all of us. As I do I also see Draco get cut I turn and change into the blue samurai ranger. “Go go Samurai!” My Morpher calls out ’Shinkenger’

Then I ran and cut Psycho Blues' side. “Hey Blue check me out I’m a blue ranger now!”

He growls and charges right for me. But before he could hit me all three psychos are lifted into the air and slammed into the ceiling. I look over to see four Deltorixs. “Go! Run now!”

"You heard the man, team! Let's move!" Cinder yelled out, her helmet was broken. And she helped Draco get the ax out of his back.

I nod and the rest of the Rangers run down the hallway I follow behind looking back as the clones fight the psychos. “Nice trick Del.”

“They won’t last long. I’m gonna use something to get us inside your ship faster.” In a flash, I see gold claws on his right hand. “Everyone through this. Golden tiger claws!” He cut the air making a portal.

“You heard him! Move! Andros, Kat, and Cruger you have the most experience with spaceships. You three are with me on weapons and flying my ship!” I tell them as they enter the portal. “Draco; you and Cinder go to the medical bay downstairs.”

I look back to see Psycho Red running after us. Then I push the last of us through the portal and jump through myself and it closes behind me. “Damn close. OK, people get your stations. Shining I'm gonna need a really strong shield soon!”

"And why is that? I mean it's not like they have some sort of cannons or something?" Cinder asked, then the ship began to shake as loud explosions were heard.

"You had to ask didn't ya?" Draco asked Cinder sarcastically. Pressing the Omnitrix symbol he was back to normal, popping up the dial again, he began to turn it until a familiar Space Legendary Pokémon popped up. "Gonna use Palkia's DNA to draw their fire while you guys book it."

I nod my head. “Just be careful.” I say then run to the cockpit along with Andros and Cruger and turn the ship back to the planet below and fly down firing the back canons at them.

We heard a loud warbled roar and explosions as we left, I looked to my left and saw Cinder looking worried while staring out the window.

“Don’t worry if that device works like the original he can’t be killed easily. It will automatically change him into something that can survive what’s thrown at him.” I tell her as we start to enter the planet's atmosphere.

I see Deltorix start talking to someone then he walks up to me as we are out of range of the enemy now. “Hey got some new news.” He said to me.

“Good, tell us in a bit, and if you have a way of telling Draco to come back do so.” I say. He nods and walks off.

3rd POV space

Draco was hiding behind an asteroid, he was tired and was covered in burns and cuts, but he did his job perfectly, the villains have been led far away from the others. He was about to move when he heard his Poketrix beep, he looked at it and said. "Don't tell me you're timing out now?!"

Suddenly a popup window shows up in front of Draco asking him if he wants to join a party he taps yes quickly and hears Deltorix’s voice. “Hey, we made it you can come back now.”

"On my way." Draco began to fly back to the others, thankful that Palkia can enter the atmosphere without becoming a fireball. Once he saw the others, he landed and immediately turned back to normal and collapsed.

Rodger’s POV

I see him land on the deck. “Kat; can you please take him to the med bay?” She nods and goes to get him as I fly us down to the castle and sigh powering down.

I walk out to where everyone is. “Ok everyone you can power down now.”

“And how do we know we’ll still have our powers?” Eric said.

“You don’t but if it comes to it I’ll let you keep the key. Now power down we all need to talk.” I tell him.

Kat comes back in with Draco and I start leading them to the med bay while I continue talking. “Look I get that most of you are suspicious of me, but right now you should all power down you're safe.”

“Like hell, I would never listen to you.” Eric says grabbing his gun but I immediately grab his head and slam against the wall.

“Listen up smart ass I’m the one in charge. I’m the one making the rules and I’m the one that saved your sorry ass so power down and shut up.” I tell him and he struggles but then Cruger puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at him and let go backing up.

“You bastard I’m gonna-“ Eric is cut off as Cruger punches him in the stomach hard enough to knock him out and he powers down. I pick up the key and see he has a new Morpher.

“Good news he got a new Morpher.” With that everyone powered down. We make our way to the med bay and set Draco on a table as a holographic Nurse Joy appears next to him.

“Multiple cuts and burns detected. Administering aid.” It said as mechanical arms come out of the bed and start applying medicine to Draco.

“Impressive.” Cruger says as he watches it work.

“Agreed sir this technology is very advanced by Earth's standards in this time.” Kat says.

“How soon till we can go home? We have friends and family that need us.” Cam said as he stepped forward.

I hold up a hand. “I will take most of you to earth, however, I’ll be taking these three kids to their world first.” I gesture to the kids. “They are the only heroes on their world. Because they were captured and sent here their world is defenseless. I will also ask that some of you stay here when I take most of you back to Earth. I don’t wanna leave my world unprotected.”

The Rangers look to themselves and Cruger steps forward. “I will help protect the earth.”

I shake my head. “Not yet. No offense Cruger but the people of earth are being occupied by aliens. I don’t see them being very friendly with you or Kat right away so I asked the two of you to stay here for the first trip.”

Cruger rubs his chin then sighs as he nods. “That is true. Very well, I will stay here and help for a while. But we should try to contact the future.”

I see Wes nod his head. But I say. “That won’t work, or both SPD and Time Force would have sent back up by now. Most likely the future is in flux and isn’t set enough for SPD or time for us to exist.” I then look over as Deltorix walks up.

“I’ll tell you the good news now. The good news is Jarvis managed to get tons of data on your enemies, a galactic map, troop placement, and their plans.” He tells me and my eyes widen.

“Holy shit! You got all that?!” I ask as I start to grin.

He nods and pats his shoulder piece of armor. “Technically Jarvis did; but yes. I’ll be getting it uploaded to your computer right now. Jarvis if you would.”

“Right away sir.” I hear from his shoulder piece.

"What about us?" Draco asked as Cinder walked up to him, "If there is trouble we'll do everything in our power to help."

I smile and look at Draco. “Thank you, but what I have planned won’t happen today and I don’t think I should bring you with me anyway.” I tell him. “No offense. But I don’t even know if Pokémon exist in this timeline and if they don’t then they’ll have no idea what you are and think that you’re a monster.”

Deltorix nods and walks up to Draco. “I agree with him. This is his world. We helped save some Rangers now we do a little power-sharing and then he can send us home.” He then pulls out a notebook and hands it to Draco. “Take a look and tell me if you want any of these skills.”

Draco looked over the list of skills, "I think I'll go with Teach, Meditate, the I.D stuff, Mars’ Bane, and Alchemy, I don't want to have too many attack abilities, most of this stuff I can learn from others like the dream magic from my Luna." Draco said.

"I think you should get all the firepower you can get cause I doubt Reshiram would care if you become a scholar or some shit!” Cinder said.

Deltorix nods and holds his hand over Draco. “Teach Draco, teach, meditate, ID create, ID escape, Mars Bane, and alchemy.” His hand glows then so does Draco.

Deltorix looks at Cinder. “I can teach you some things too.”

Cinder seemed to think about it and nodded her head. "Yes, I can use my new abilities to keep the innocent and Draco safe from Reshiram and her forces. If only my lord wishes it?” Draco nodded his head. "What stuff can I learn from you drake?"

Deltorix chuckles and uses one of his powers to float the notebook from Draco's hands to hers. “Read and find out if you have questions feel free to ask and call me Deltorix or Del.”

I sit down and sigh then Cam walks up to me. “I need to warn you, my team was corrupted by the evil alliance and now work for them.”

I nod and look at him. “I already know I fought two in a different timeline.”

"Hey Rodger, I believe this belongs to you?" Draco said, holding the Black Dino Thunder Key to Rodger.

“Yeah, thanks.” My hand lights up with red magic as I lift it out of his hand and pull it to me. This surprises some of the Rangers and Udonna walks up to me.

“You have magic?” She asks me and I nod.

“I do and I promise I’ll explain everything when I can. There’s a laptop in the living room, go ahead and look inside it. All of you will find videos of what should’ve been your adventures as a Ranger.” I tell them this shocked them and they leave to check it out one by one only Kat staying to study the med bay.

"Man, what villains are you dealing with? Those weapons of there's pack a punch" Draco asked, then letting out a hiss of pain.

I chuckle and nod. Then I sigh. “From everything I’ve been able to piece together. This is a timeline where the Power Rangers lose. The mighty Morphin team is down to just Billy, Jason, and Tommy. all the others are dead. not only that but because of the domino effect some Ranger teams were never even made. from the looks of it, I’ll be fighting every villain from mighty Morphin up to SPD maybe even mystic force.” I tell Draco.

Deltorix looks over Cinder's shoulder. “Have you picked yet?”

"I chose Death Beam, Shadow Clone, Bind, and this Force thing." Cinder said, pointing at each one.

Deltorix nods then he looks at Draco. “Keep an eye on her, you know how easily force users can fall to the dark side.” Then he looks back at her and holds his hand over her head. “Teach Cinder, death beam, shadow clone Jutsu, bind, and force push/grab/pull.” His hand glows then Cinder does and I watch her flinch and grab her head.

“Hey, Draco I wanted to thank you for your help.” I stand up and offer my hand to him.

"No problem, besides, this fight is just what I needed to clear my head of a few things. If you ever need my help with anything, I'm only a summon away. But before I go, I feel like I should give you something in return. One second." Draco popped up the dial on the Poketrix and changed into his Palkia/Charizard hybrid form, a portal appeared, and out came a Meltan, it looked around curiously.

I blink and kneel. “Hi there. What’s your name?” I look up to Draco. “Are you sure?”

"Yeah I'm sure, after all, it's good to have a friend to help you out." Draco said, then the Meltan spoke up.

"Right, and my name is Akira."

I smile at Akira and say. “Nice to meet you. My name is Rodger.”

Just then my Eevee, Dragonair, and red Metang come into the med bay. ’Oh new Pokémon!’ Iylla said in poke-speak.

Meltang floats closer and holds out a hand. ’Welcome to the crew little one.’

I chuckle and smile. “Easy, I don’t even know if they want to join yet.”

Akira seemed to think about it, then nodded, "I guess I can join." she said,

I smile and pet her head. “Meltang; mind showing her around?”

He nods and lifts her onto his head and they leave to explore. I look to Draco and smile shaking his hand. “Thanks, I’ve always wanted to meet one of those.” When I pull my hand away there is a shine. I look down and see a new key. This one looks like a man in a Charizard costume where the wings are a cape.

“Huh, a new displaced key. Nice.” I say looking it over.

Deltorix walks over to us and says to Draco. “You said you were having trouble with one of the legendaries, in your world?”

Draco seemed to grimace, "Yeah, I wasn't the only Displaced in my world, a friend of mine was Displaced as Reshiram, while I kept a cool head, she, unfortunately, went insane and became the Dragon God of Destruction and Death, and I had to fight, earning my title. To this day, we are still at war with each other."

Deltoid rubs his chin. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there only one of each legendary at a time? Could be highly possible that the original Reshiram’s mind is in that body and the two are fighting for control and they’re not sure of who they are.”

I walk over to a control panel and pull up an intercom and speak over it. “Hey Shining, Silent we are ok now; you can head inside the castle.”

"Nope, she is Reshiram, not two separate beings fighting for control, Mewtwo checked and nearly became insane himself." Draco said.

Deltorix rubs his chin and closes his eyes. “Hmm, I can only think of a few things that could help. The first obviously you must’ve already tried trying to talk to her. The second is a dive to the heart.” He said then he holds up his hand and summons a strange-looking sword.

“I could give you a Keyblade and you can try and enter her heart. Then talk with her there, though if I do heartless will start to appear in your world.” He tells Draco then warns him.

"If it means saving my friend, then I don't care if a horrible combination of Thanos and Darkseid shows up. I will do whatever it takes to save her. Even unlocking the full potential of this as well." Draco said holding up his arm that had his Poketrix on it.

Deltorix nods and flips his sword. I guess it’s a keyblade around and holds the grip out to Draco. "In your hand, take this key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking...its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."

Draco grabs the handle, and looks to Deltorix, "You sure I should have a Key Blade?" Draco asks.

Deltorix nods. “Yeah, you seem like a good man or should I say mon.” He chuckles.

I roll my eyes but smirk and hear someone running around upstairs. “Deltorix, Draco thank you for your help. Our contract-“ I’m cut off as a panicked Twilight runs into the room panting heavily.

“Monster...attack...city...fire...” she managed to wheeze.

My eyes widen and I look to Deltorix and Draco. “you guys up for helping me some more?”

Draco punched his open palm while blowing smoke from his nose, "I'm always ready to help others in need."

"And as Knight of Justice, it is my duty to help the innocent." Cinder said, pulling out her sword.

Deltorix grins and nods as his keyblade disappears. “You bet!”

“C...Canterlot on fire please hurry!” Twilight tells us.

I ran upstairs to the living area. “ Anyone who still has their key put it on the wall with the others and then move; we’re going into battle.” I tell them then run into the cockpit and set course for Canterlot. I hear them morph in the other room as we take off and soon I see part of the city on fire.

I fly us over the city and turn on the intercom. “All rangers, start kicking bad-guy butt! All Pokémon start helping with evacuation! And displaced, let's kick some ass!” I then get up and pull out my own key. “Set sail!” My Morpher calls out ’Gokaiger’ as I morph.

I run outside and see ponies running from putties, tenge warriors, and to my surprise Cyclobots. “Damn this is horrible.”

Cruger puts a hand on my shoulder. “And it’s our job to stop them and we will.” I nod and he jumps down into the fight.

"Damn right we will, and I got something for these clowns." Draco said, before slamming the dial down on his Poketrix, in a flash he had become his Machamp/Charizard hybrid, "Alright Rodger, your world your call, if you want me and Cinder on rescue and evacuation, then we'll do that. But I wouldn't mind taking a shot at these guys."

“Help The evacuation team by keeping the foot soldiers busy me and the Rangers will focus on the foot soldiers and monsters.” I tell him then summon my sword and gun before jumping down.

I land in the middle of the street and look forward to seeing some putties fighting Wes. I ran up and cut their backs before roundhouse kicking them away. Wes nods to me and we move closer into the city and fight some Tenga warriors. “Damn these guys are annoying!” Wes yells.

I grunt and fire my gun at them knocking them back. “Yeah, they are.” I take a key out of my belt. “SPD Emergency!” ’Dekaranger’ And change into the red SPD ranger pulling out my Delta blasters I start firing at every foot soldier I see. Slowly we make our way deeper into the city until we come across the monster.

He is a walking armory with bullets and missiles coming out of every part of his body when he spot says he holds up his hand and a bomb appears in it before he throws it at us.

“I got it!” Cam said as he runs by and cuts it in half making it explode.

I aim my blasters at the monster but he grins and forms a Gatling gun out of his left hand and aims it at a school that’s on fire. “Not so fast Rangers! Take one more step and I’ll destroy this school full of children!” He threatens us and then begins to laugh.

“Damn him.” Wes said as Cam walked up beside us.

I look around trying to think of something when I see Cruger jump down and cut the monster's Gatling gun arm and a half. “I don’t think so!”

Taking this chance I am my blasters at the monster and say. “Now!” And start firing at him over and over but before a single shot hits him he fires off the ground and makes a slab of earth come out of the ground blocking every one of my shots and then runs away. “Damn it!”

“Don’t worry we can still get him, come on!” Cam said as he ran after the monster and I followed along with Wes and Cruger.

Draco’s POV

I had just lifted a wall that had trapped a colt when I was being pelted with attacks from Puddies, thankfully, Cinder used her new abilities and Force pushed them away, then began to cut them down. "Thanks, Cinder." I said, grabbing the colt in one of my arms, and began to fly with Cinder to the rest of the evacuation team, giving the colt to them then we began to fly back into the city.

"This destruction is nothing compared to Reshiram's, but still, destruction is destruction." Cinder said. I nodded and saw a group of ponies being surrounded by Cyclobots, folding my wings, I dived at them and clawed a few of them. Then spun around and grabbed two and slammed their heads together. The rest I used a combination of Fire and Mega Punch to finish them off. I turned to the group and pointed in the direction of the evacuated ponies.

"Head that way, you'll be safe there, my friend will lead you there." I said to them as they nodded and followed Cinder.

"Creature!" I heard a voice say, turning around I see Astronema, flanked by Puddies and her own minions. "You are the one who can change forms, why don't you join us and you can have whatever you want."

"No thanks lady, I'm 100% hero." I said and got into a fighting stance.

"Then I'll force you to join!!" with that, we began to fight.

Rodger’s POV

We managed to meet up with Eric and make our way to the edge of the city. “Ha! Nowhere else for you to run freak!” Eric said as he pulls out his blaster and aims it at the monster.

I take this chance to power up. “SWAT mode!” And in a flash, I’m in SWAT mode aiming the Delta enforcer at the monster.

“Aww come on guys I was just following orders I mean it’s not like I planned this... psych!” Then we hear the buzzing of Stingwinger‘s and look up to see we are surrounded so we form a circle.

“We don’t let any of them through.” Cruger says as he holds his sword out.

“Right!” Cam, Wes, and I say.

While Eric scoffs and pushes a button on his gun turning to sword mode. “Just stay out of my way.”

“Attack!” The monster yells and they all swarm us and I start firing into the sword taking now large numbers of them. Cam uses his ninja skills to slice up any of that get close to us. Cruger takes on 100 of his own. While Wes and Eric work together to fight off the rest.

After a good five minutes of this, we finally get a breather only to be shot at with bullets and missiles blowing up around us. I look up to see the monster walking up to us with a huge bomb in his hands. “Time to say goodbye Rangers!”

I stand back up and pull out another key, this one different. “Legendary access!” I turn it and my Morpher calls out. 'Lupinranger!' In a flash of red energy I’m in a brand new suit that seems like a tuxedo and my visor is shaped like a top hat. “I think it’s time you gave up.”

I summon The Lupin Sword and run at the monster. Using my long cape as a distraction I steal the bomb from him and wait on the edge of the city. “Over here dummy!”

He growls and charges right at me. I just smirk and turn the bomb on and then gasp dramatically holding the bomb to him. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. Here have it back.”

“Uh, thanks?” He stops and takes it looking it over and while he does I move behind him and kick his back pushing him over the edge and about two minutes later there is a loud explosion from below.

Draco’s POV

I was nearly out-breath, covered in cuts, and was beyond pissed, this chick just won't stay down. I took out all of her minions so it was only me and her fighting, looking at Astronema, I can see she didn't even break a sweat from fighting me, "What's the matter creature? Too weak to fight me? Typical." she mocked, I let out a roar and slammed my upper arms into the ground, causing two chunks of rock to fly up while crossing my arms, I grabbed them and charged at her, slamming the rocks on her then using Cross Cut to push her back before I used Flamethrower to finish my assault.

"How's that for weak?" I then saw Cinder plummeting to the ground, opening my wings, I flew after her, catching her just in time, I saw she looked to have been through hell and back, I felt the ground rumble and looked to see a horde of enemies fast approaching. Quickly hiding her in some debris, I decided to go, Mega, an orb covered me and when it disappeared, I had become Mega Charizard X with some differences due to me still in my hybrid form, My four arms now had three blue spikes that looked similar to Wolverine claws, my wings were much bigger due to me much bigger, and my tail split at the end, and the crests on my head now resembled dragon spines and continued all the way to my tails. The large group seemed surprised and scared as I gave a toothy grin and said, "Who's first?"

Half of them ran away while the rest just charged, I flew at them and spun around and knocked them back with my tails, followed by a Flamethrower. Seeing more I decided to use my new abilities and said, "Mars Bane!!" I used four punches to send nearly all of them flying, the remaining enemies charged at me once again, hoping that I was weakened, I proved them wrong by slamming my fists on the ground causing them to fly up and create a small earthquake, I then focused my power and released a large fireball which turned into a kanji and blasted the rest of the enemies. I walked to Cinder’s hiding spot and picked her up. "Better get you back to the ship for medical treatment." I took to the air, but then I felt white-hot pain in my side, letting out a pained roar, I crashed into the ground, and before I lost consciousness, I saw Astronema walking to me.

Rodger’s POV

I power down to my base form and look up as I see fire and explosions from where I last saw Draco heading. I then look to Cruger and the others. “Think you guys can handle the rest while I deal with that?”

They nod and I cut the air with my sword making a portal and come out in the sky. I look down and see Draco on the ground with someone approaching him so as I’m falling I open another portal and fly through and my sword makes contact with a staff. I look up to see Astronema.

“Well isn’t this just great.” I say to myself and back up as she aims her staff and me I kick Draco’s leg trying to wake him.

“Hello ranger, ready to die?” She smirks as purple electricity sparks around her staff.

"R-R-Rodger?" Draco managed to say, slowly getting up. He grabbed his side as blood seeped through his claws, "B-bitch snuck upon me.” He started to cough.

"That's right old man!" Astronema said to Draco, who shot his head up.

"Old man?" I grabbed him and took cover behind a building as Astronema shot at us, Draco looked at me, "She called me old!"

I look at Astronema and tighten my grip on my blade and gun. “Get out of the way Draco.” I walk forward and she fires her purple lightning at me but I cut a portal open that leads behind her and she hits herself. She screams in pain and falls to a knee and glares at me lifting her staff ready to teleport.

I run as fast as I can and use my sword to knock the staff out of her hand then I kick her face knocking her onto her back. “You know...I pity you.” I walk up to her as she is dazed. “Kidnapped from your brother and raised to be evil.” I reach down and rip the quasar saber off her hip.

"What do you know?!" she shouted at him.

I look down at her as the green lost galaxy ranger key appears in my hand with the quasar saber. “I know who your brother is.” Then I turn away and walk back to Draco. “Go home Karone.”

We left after Draco picked up Cinder, "Is that her real name, Karone?" Draco asked me.

I nod and sigh. “Yeah, and she is Andros’ sister.” I tell him as I help them to get close to my ship. When we get there I see lots of ponies with multiple Deltorix clones protecting them. “Hey, Deltorix I need two airlifted up to med bay!” One nods and flies over picking up both Draco and Cinder and flies up to the ship. I jump up onto the ship. When we get inside I see Deltorix’s Luna helping in the med bay.

The clone that helped us looks to me. “All the foot soldiers around the castle have been dealt with and right now other clones are collecting the other Rangers.”

I nod and sigh. “Good, thank you.”

Draco had changed back the moment he was brought up, from what he heard, he had a few broken ribs, his left arm might be dislocated, and he had a large cut on his side the tore through his wing, "This sucks." he said.

I pat his good shoulder. “Don’t worry, I'll make sure you're all healed up before I send you home.” Suddenly there is a bright flash outside. I run to the window and look outside to see the monster I destroyed growing. “Fuck. Giant robot time.”

“Language! There are foals present.” Luna says sternly

“Sorry.” I say to her then turn to Deltorix. “Tell the clones to keep the city safe.” I then ran out of the med bay and up onto the deck. I open my Morpher to phone more and transmit to the other Rangers. “ Eric I need you to power down. I'm going to summon the Q Rex.”

Over the coms, I hear his reply. “Hell no! The Q Rex is mine to command!” Then I hear him try to summon it.

“ Eric you can’t summon yours, yours exists in the future and that timeline is not set in stone, so right now your Q-Rex does not exist. But I can summon one just power down and trust me!” I hold up the quantum Ranger key seeing it was gray. Then after a few minutes, it regains its color. “Thank you.”

I then morph into The Quantum Ranger. “Quantum Power!” ’Timeranger’ Once I morph I hold my left arm up and press a button calling the Q-Rex and a huge portal opens up and the Q-Rex comes out. Q-Rex destroy that monster but keep it away from the city!”

I then turn to go back inside. “Deltorix, Luna, and Draco keep everyone in the safe zone safe. I’m going to activate the Megazord.” I say over the com system as I get into the cockpit.

Then a beeping sound could be heard, then an image of Draco's head popped up, "Ro-“ he coughs. “-ger, let me help, I know I can't fight in my condition, which is why I'm going to use one of my transformations to give you some cover fire, but once I time out again that's it for me."

I look out then shake my head. “ You either stay in the med bay or get down on the ground and protect the people. I don’t know if they’re going to launch a second attack while I’m fighting the giant monster or not.” I tell him as I rupture the ship and fire the cannons at the monster as the Q-Rex bites his arm and keeps him from firing on the city.

"You got it." then the image disappeared, and I saw a faint flash and something heading toward the city.

I nod and roll my neck then fly the ship at the monster hitting him with the huge sword on the front. “Take that!” I then press a button and get some space as the Q-Rex holds him back. Once far enough away the deck of the ship opens up and out of it flys the four other zords first the blue pirate jet, then the green pirate racer, after that the yellow pirate wheeler, and finally the pink pirate sub. "Alright, form Pirate Force Megazord!”

And with that, the wings on my ship lower down while the sail turns around and folds flat against the deck, then the pirate sub and pirate wheeler front ends fold upwards forming the legs and feet, while pirate racer and pirate jet link with the sides of my ship.

Then the bow of the ship splits open forming shoulders and the head while the legs link to the body and the empty pilot seats all rise up in the main cockpit. Finally, the zord puts on the pirate hat and pulls out two swords, and lands.

“Hey ugly why don’t you try me on for size!?” I have the Megazord run at the monster and cut across his chest making sparks fly off his chest.

“Aaahhhgggrr!” He yells then rips free of the Q-Rex and fires his Gatling arm pushing me back as I use the zord’s swords to block most of the bullets.

Then suddenly, rocks about the size of the Blue Pirate Jet began to rain onto the monster, followed by a large rope wrapping around the monsters arms, I looked and saw Cinder, who was covered in bandages but seemed to be walking just fine had her claw outstretched while a small covered it. "Thought you could use some help, though those rocks were probably from Draco." she said.

I chuckle and smirk. “The guy really deserves his title.” I say then I summon a key and slide it into my wheel and turn it summoning a huge red spear and my Megazord grabs hold of it. “Q-Rex; hold him still!”

The Q-Rex grabs a hold of the monster and helps hold him down and I pull the spear back then thrust forward piercing the monster's heart. Then I slice the monster in half with the spear and turn around as it falls into two halves and explodes. “And that’s how you win a Megazord fight.” I chuckle then press a button on my quantum Morpher. “Q-Rex you can go rest now.”

And he does leave through a portal. I then disassemble my Megazord and return it to ship mode. Soon I’m flying back over Canterlot making sure the whole city can see my flag. “Oh, I can’t wait to see what they say about me.” I chuckle to myself.

"Doesn't matter what they say really, it's about what they think. Some of them might see you as an enemy with all your powers, others might see you as a symbol of hope." Cinder said, calmly walking away. "You know what I think?" she asked, stopping, "I think you are a great warrior, and a good protector." she then left.

I smile softly and power down completely. “Thanks.” I get up and walk out to find everyone already on board and Deltorix is using some blue energy on Draco. “Thank you all.”

Draco coughed a little and gave a thumbs up. "No problem, it's what friends do. We are friends right?" Draco asked.

I smile and walk over. “True.” I fist bump Draco. “Good luck with your friend, I hope she can see the light soon.”

Deltorix finishes and nods to himself, his eyes blue now. “There, all done. I reset your bones and started their healing process. Along with healing up your cuts and bruises unfortunately I’m not good enough to heal your bones but I do have this.” He gives Draco a green bean.

"A bean?!? You expect him to heal with a bean?!?" Cinder shouted.

Deltorix laughs and smirks. “It’s more than just a bean. Here watch.” He gives it to Draco. “ it’s called a senzu bean.”

Draco tossed the bean in his mouth and ate it, his wounds started to heal up quickly. "Thanks." he said

Deltorix smirks. “No problem but I want something in return. How does a promise to bring me to your world some time so I can scan every Pokémon.” He says then pulls out a round disk with a blue hourglass on it.

Draco stared at the Omnitrix, then said, "Sure why not. How the fuck did you even get that anyway?"

He shrugs and holds it out as it scans Cruger and then Kat. “ I recently met a Ben 10 displace though he was wearing a Ben 23 ultamatrix. Long story short I made a deal with him and got what I call the Omni badge. It lets me scan alien DNA and save it in case that species ever goes extinct.”

"Huh, that's cool." Draco said, looking at his Poketrix, "Do you know how to splice or something, cause I may need that ability in the future. Or maybe I'll figure it out someday. And maybe I can summon you after I get home or something."

Deltorix rubs his chin.“ normally you just ask the AI to do it. All Omnitrix’s have an artificial intelligence inside of them, think back to the show. Any time that the Omnitrix spoke, that was the AI.” He then aims the Omnibadge at Cinder and grins. “ Omni badge, splice in unicorn DNA into dragon target.”

It beeps for a moment before a beam of blue energy hits Cinder and she glows for a moment before she grows a new horn on her forehead.

"Very funny. Now change me back." she said angrily

He raises an eyebrow. “Why? Now you can use magic.” He says and sounds honestly confused.

"I look ridiculous. Ever seen a dragon with a unicorn's horn? You haven't and never will!!"

Deltorix rolls his eyes. “Fine fine.” He aims the omnibadge at her again. “Restore her original dragon DNA.” She is blasted again and the horn turns to dust.

"Thank you." Draco rolled his eyes, and held his claw out to me,

"Well, it's been fun Roger." he said.

I chuckle and nod and shake his hand and I see Deltorix’s Luna walk up to us. “Yeah, it was, oh before I forget.” I pull out my own key and throw it up and two void portals open dropping copies into Draco’s and Deltorix’s hands. “My token.”

"Thanks, Roger, and Deltorix catch." Draco tossed his Token to Deltorix.

Deltorix catches it and looks it over. “Cool, here’s mine.” He gives Draco a wooden controller.

“Well, now that we have Exchange tokens I think it’s time for me to say the thing.” I say with a chuckle.

“Not yet.” Deltorix says. “ you mentioned Billy, Jason, and Tommy. do you know if they have their powers or not?”

I shake my head. “From what I’ve been able to gather and what I’ve seen I don’t think that they do.” I tell him.

“Ok hold on.” He taps at the air for a minute or two before in a flurry of pixels three Morphers appear and then he picks them up and hands them to me. “ Tommy’s master Morpher, Billy’s Morpher from the old movie, and a master Morpher for Jason.”

My eyes widen and I take hold of them and five new keys appear when I touch them. “Holy crap, they will be so thankful for this.”

Deltorix shrugs and says. “Can’t let you do all the hard work. They are rangers and they need their suits to help you. I also want to tell you that I had a few clones make you, your own hanger for your ship. it’s underneath the old castle in the Everfree. there’s also some illusion magic around it, too keep it hidden.”

“Damn that’s great man. Thanks.” I say with a smile.

"Now that we have all exchanged gifts and such, time to head home now." Cinder said, "We still have a God of Death to deal with."

I chuckle and smile. “Ok, see you guys later. Our contract is complete.” A fiery portal opens behind Draco. While a popup window appears behind Deltorix. Deltorix waves as he and his Luna walk through the door and the screen cracks and disappears. I then watch Draco and Cinder leave.

"Good luck in your world man, hope you have great adventures." Draco said as he and Cinder entered the portal, which then disappeared in a burst of flames.

After they leave I look back at the table and see a note on top of a box. I pick it up to read it and my eyes widen.

Dear Rodger;

I noticed you only seem to have keys from the main power Rangers and Super Sentai shows so I decided to get you some secondary and third-tier ranger keys, as well as the Rapparatta. Good luck and I hope you can protect your world.

From Deltorix.

P.S. You now owe me a favor I’ll call on later.

Shaking my head I open the box to reveal another paper that lists off the keys, Jungle Fury Elephant, Bat and Shark, HyperForce Red, HyperForce Blue, HyperForce Yellow, HyperForce Black, HyperForce Pink, HyperForce Green, Time Force Silver, Time Force Black, all five Rangers from the 2017 movie, Omega Red Ranger, Omega Black Ranger, Omega Yellow Ranger, Omega Blue Ranger, Pink Solar Ranger, Black Solar Ranger, Yellow Solar Ranger, Blue Solar Ranger, Red Solar Ranger, Green Solar Ranger, Violet Solar Ranger, Orange Solar Ranger, Chun-Li Ranger, Ryu Ranger, two sets of AkibaRed, AkibaBlue, Akibayellow, the Green Hippopotamus Ranger Key from go busters, the Gosei Green key, X1 Mask, S.P.D. Nova Ranger, DekaGold, ToQ 7gou, NinninGreen, Red Ninja Steel Ranger with a golden and red sash, Red Ninja Steel Ranger with a golden and black sash, Red Ninja Steel Ranger with a silver sash.

“Holy crap that is a lot of keys and some I don’t even recognize.” I say to myself as I look them over noticing them shimmer with what I assume to be Morphin energy. I then find out where they go and set them on my shelf and smile to myself before my stomach growls and I head to the kitchen already hearing some of the Rangers arguing. “This is gonna be a pain.”