• Published 2nd Aug 2020
  • 4,387 Views, 56 Comments

The Greatest Treasure - Deltorix

A young man is asked to help save Equestria by someone unexpected, will he save Equestria or will he fail.

  • ...

Chapter 15

"Run! They're gaining on us!" a woman shouted as she and her group ran from their pursuers through the abandoned streets of New York City, rain pouring down on the group as they ran.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" a teen boy said before ducking under a vial filled with a glowing liquid inside that was thrown by one of their pursuers, watching as the vial broke upon contact with the ground, spilling its contents all over the street causing the group to avoid it all costs, lest they want to suffer a fate worse than death.

They heard screams and looked to see two of their own had gotten caught, their capturers holding them down before injecting the liquid into them while they begged and screamed but their captors ignored them, smiles on their face. The rest of the group kept running, despite wanting to help their friends but they knew nothing could be done to save them from their fate. They kept running, their pursuers catching more and more of their group until only two people remained a mother and her son. The two quickly turned around a corner and into an alley. "Mommy! They're gaining on us!" the boy said to his mother as she carried him while running,

"Don't worry! they won't get us!" the mother said to her child, running with all her might.

"Get back here!" one of their pursuers said,

"We're just trying to help you!" another said, but the mother ignored them, her lungs burning as she ran from them until she turned a corner and was horrified at what she saw.

A dead end.

"No...." she said before turning around to run in another direction, only to see her and her son's pursuers standing in front of them, blocking their path. "N-no! Get away from us!"

"Come now, don't be like that, this is for your own good." one of the pursuers said, and the woman and child got a good look at them, their pursuers were something everyone on Earth had feared and hated since they arrived in their world. Something that would have been considered a myth or at least something a little girl would make up.


"Stay away from us! We don't want to be converted!" the mother shouted at the group of ponies. Doing her best to shield her son from the ponies' vision, "Just leave us alone!"

"Relax, you'll be thanking us once we help you." a pony said, a needle filled with the liquid floating next to them thanks to their magic, "So make this easier for everyone and just stay still."

"Go away! Leave us alone!" the boy shouted, throwing a rock at the ponies but missed, making the ponies chuckle a bit as they walked closer to them, each one holding a needle, the two humans had their backs against the wall, holding each other close as they waited for the inevitable.


Something red hit a pony before pulling them up, the other ponies were unaware of what just happened behind them while mother and son stared at the spot where the pony just was. A pony spoke up, snapping them out of their shocked states, "Once you're converted, you'll see that life is much better as a pony." the pony said, just as two more ponies were pulled up into the air, then another, and another until only one pony remained, "Now hold still, this might sting a little at first, but once the potion is done, you'll be thanking us for helping you!"

Then he stopped and sniffed the air, a look of disgust on his face, "Ew, what is that smell?! It smells worse than the garbage of this alley!" the pony said, covering his nose,


The same red thing hit the pony's back before pulling up, causing him to shout in surprise before that shout became a scream of fear as the red rope released him, dropping him onto a red web. The pony looked at the web in confusion and fear before screaming when he saw the bodies of his friends, each one having been ripped apart in the most horrible ways possible.

"What's going on!? Who did this?!" the pony shouted in fear, struggling against the web, and managed to get his hoof free, causing him to shout in joy.


The pony stared at the bloody stump that used to be his hoof, blood covering the rest of his leg until the pain finally made itself known. The pony screamed in pain as he held his leg close to his chest, eyes darting around for the one that caused him pain. The mother, after seeing the pony's hoof get cut off, covered her son's ears while making him look away. Then they heard it, the sound that people make when happy or when they heard something funny.


The laughing echoed around them, making it hard to pinpoint where it came from, "Who are you?! Where are you?! Show yourself!" the pony shouted, making whoever it was laughing go quiet, then singing was heard.

"It's raaaaiiiining." the voice said, just as a shadow jumped over the pony, making him and the mother stared at the spot where the shadow was. Then, a clawed hand reached over the side of the building, followed by another, then a figure peered over the edge of the building, staring at the pony before crawling down the wall, its claws digging into the brick wall of the building as it did while still singing, "You're bleeeeeding."

"N-no, you're j-just a myth! The princesses said so!" the pony said, struggling harder to get free, struggling to get away from the monster that has brutally murdered 'innocent' ponies, the monster that goes by the name-

"Carnage is coming." the figure snag, before leaping at the pony, its claws extending and ready to kill. The mother closed her eyes and looked away, making sure that she was covering her son's ears from the screams of pain and horror, as well as the sound of tearing flesh.

After a few minutes, nothing but silence was heard, the mother opened her eyes and turned to the web, only to freeze when she saw the monster called Carnage standing in front of her, its claws stained with blood.

Carnage stared at the two while they stared at him for what felt like hours but really was a few seconds, then he spoke, "Are you two alright?" he asked them. And that's all it took for the mother to smile, tears in her and her son's eyes.

"Y-yes, thank you. Thank you so much for saving us." the mother said, Carnage nodded his head.

"You are welcome, I am sorry I couldn't get to you sooner, if I had I might have been able to save the rest of your group." Carnage said,

"I-it's fine, I-I'm just glad you're here now." the mother said while the boy stared at Carnage in wonder.

"A-are you really Carnage?" the boy asked, Carnage merely chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair.

"The one and only. Come on, let's get you two out of here." Carnage said before leading them out of the alley. The three ran towards the edge of the city before military trucks rolled up, a soldier stepping out and running over to the group.

"We'll take it from here Carnage." the soldier said before leading the two towards the truck, "Thank you for saving them."

"It was no problem, sir." Carnage said, turning and running down the street before shooting a web at a nearby building and pulling himself off the ground and shooting another web at another building, heading deeper into the city, but not before he heard the boy cry out.

"Thank you Carnage!" the boy shouted, making Carnage smile as he web swung around a corner.

Carnage POV

Okay, most of you might be a bit confused about what the fuck is going on. So I'll explain from the beginning. My name is Carnage, though it wasn't always. It was something else but I don't remember, but I do remember that I was just a normal guy attending a Con dressed up as the psychotic Symbiont of Marvel's Spider-Man, aka Carnage. Then I bought something from a shady guy and wound up in New York City as said Symbiont. After a brief combination of me freaking the fuck out while also getting excited that I was one of my favorite Marvel Characters, I decided to do some exploring, I soon found out that this wasn't the Earth I knew, yes it had humans, but it was also being invaded by ponies.

At first, I thought what harm could ponies do, then I had a run-in with what makes them so terrifying to humans.

Conversion Bureaus.

I read the fics about that timeline of that Equestria, and I know what horrors the people were suffering from. Trust me, I had watched what they did to humans first hand. Since then I made it my sworn duty to protect Earth from Equestria and the conversion.

Unfortunately, there was only one of me, and like a million ponies. Trust me, I had checked to see how ponies were invading Earth and found out how fucked I was. Want to know why?

Cause their damn country is smack dab in the middle of the fucking Atlantic Ocean. Give or take fifty feet. After learning about that I had immediately decided to get myself some allies, aka, the military. I was lucky I had saved a general from the ponies otherwise I would have been considered an enemy to Earth as well.

I landed on a building that overlooked the Atlantic, seeing the country that had caused so many innocents pain and suffering, as well as that blasted barrier. I had worked with scientists before to solve the barrier issue, so far the best we could come up with is sonic emitters that keep the barrier at bay, unfortunately, the emitters also hurt my Symbiont and can only go on for so long before they needed to be replaced. That's if the ponies didn't break them.

I pulled the head of the pony I had killed earlier before devouring it, knowing my Symbiont needed the phenethylamine from the brain to survive. Once I was done eating I had pulled out a bar of chocolate and took a bite from it, looking at the cloudy sky as the rain washed away the blood on my teeth. I let out a sigh.

"Even despite my best efforts, I can only do so much. Plus, there's only one me against a whole country." I said as I at the whole bar of chocolate and looked back at the country known as Equestria, the barrier remaining in place over the ocean. I looked down at the city streets and saw ponies marching through the streets, carts filled with vials of the cursed potion. I sighed as I stood up and cracked my neck and knuckles. "Looks like I gotta do some killing, I wonder why Celestia keeps sending ponies here if she knows I am protecting this place. I'll ask her about it someday, before I rip her head off and eat her brain!" I said, grinning like a psychopath before punching myself in the pace. "Okay, I really need to get a handle on that psychotic nature of mine. It's making me sound like a villain." I said before turning my hands into twin axes and jumped down.

Celestia's POV

I sat on my throne while listening to the reports of a guard that was sent to the human city known as New York, so far I was disinterested cause the stallion went on and on about a monster named Carnage, a creature that looked human but acted more like a monster, which was pretty ridiculous if you ask me. Honestly, don't ponies know that 'Carnage' is just another human trick? Once the stallion was done talking, I spoke up, "Night Wind, I assure you, this 'Carnage' is nothing more than a trick of the humans. They obviously released some sort of chemical whenever ponies are near that makes them see things before they kill them." I told the guard, giving him a kind smile. "I assure you, this monster will go away once we have saved the humans."

The guard seemed to smile, if only a little bit, "I-I guess you're right princess, it's just......I had a run-in with Carnage, and he looked so real." Night Wind said, shaking in fear.

"The humans will do whatever it takes to scare us away Night Wind, even using our own eyes against us." I told him, "Why don't you go ahead and have the day off, to clear your head of these ridiculous thoughts of Carnage."

Night Wind smiled slightly, "I guess I could use some time to clear my head, thank you, your majesty." Night Wind said with a bow before leaving. I let out a sigh before hearing a voice on my left.

"Sister, there is something that we must discuss with you." I turned my head to see Luna, to who I gave a smile to.

"Of course Luna, what is it that you wanted to discuss?" I said to her, then she had a nervous look on her face which confused me. What she said next almost made me want to groan in annoyance.

"Are you really sure this Carnage is fake?" Luna asked me, a bit of fear in her eyes.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, "Oh Luna, not you too." I said, "As I told Night Wind, Carnage is fake. He's nothing more than the work of the human's newest way of trying to scare us off. To stop us from saving them."

"But sister, the ponies who all say they met Carnage, at least the ones that have survived, all had the same run-in with Carnage, some of them even had evidence of his existence." Luna said, nearly panicking, "And the dreams of said ponies are always filled with nightmares of Carnage! What if he is indeed real and will come for us?! What if he-" I sued my magic to close her mouth, stopping her from speaking.

"Luna, listen to me. Take a deep breath." I told her and she did what I said, "And let it out." she once again did what I said, "Are you calm now?"

Luna nodded her head, causing me to smile and release her mouth from my magic. "Thank you, sister. I feel a little better now." Luna said,

"Good, and trust me when I say this, This Carnage is indeed fake, the evidence of his existence was made by humans. Therefore, he can't hurt us, the humans made him up, and he isn't real."

Carnages POV

I growled as I bit the head off a pony before spitting it out. I dropped the lifeless body and looked at my work, the carts that contained the vials of the Potion all but destroyed, pony bodies littered the area surrounding me, some hanging from buildings or light posts. I let out a sigh as I walked over to surviving cart and looked at the vials filled with Potion, the other carts and vials were already depleted of potion, which meant that these ponies had already turned some humans before I ran into them. I glared at the horrid liquid before grabbing a two-way radio a soldier had given me. "This is Carnage calling General Viktor. Come in Viktor." I said before a voice answered,

"Ah, Carnage, it is good to hear your voice, my friend." Viktor said, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"

"I am in need of a disposal team immediately, I have a whole cart filled with Potion." I replied, grabbing a vial and looking at it with an almost studying gaze.

"Understood, I'll have a team sent there right away." Viktor said, causing me to smile.

"Thanks Viktor. How is the status on the barrier?" I asked him, putting the vial back in the cart before walking to the pony's body and began to eat it.

"Please tell me you aren't eating a corpse." Viktor said, slight disgust in his voice while I shrugged even though he couldn't see it.

"Hey I'm hungry alright?" I said with my mouth full.

"Don't you only need to eat the brains to survive?" Viktor asked me, just as I bit through a bone, making a loud crunching sound.

"Yes, but I also eat organs as well, and I'd hate for the disposal team to see the mess I made with the ponies." I said, finishing the pony I was eating before grabbing another. "But we are getting off-topic here, how's the barrier?" I heard Viktor let out a weary sigh before responding.

"The barrier is still held back, but due to the ponies destroying the emitters or the emitters running out of power, it is slowly but surely expanding." Viktor said, making me pause, my jaws open

'Uh oh, that isn't good.' I thought to myself, no longer interested in eating the dead pony I had in my claws, "Is there anything we can do to stop it?"

"Unfortunately, our science division is having no luck in finding a way to either slow down, stop or destroy the barrier for good. Which could spell trouble for us since that would give the ponies more territory where they are protected since humans can't get past the barrier without turning to ash." Viktor said, causing me to growl.

"Damn it, if this keeps up, we'll lose this war." I said in anger, crushing the pony I had in my claws.

"Yes, it is indeed very bad, but we mustn't lose hope my friend, we will show those ponies you don't fuck with humans." Viktor said with determination in his voice.

"Agreed." I said, then noticed a group of ponies charging at me, Royal Guard if the armor was anything to go by. ”I’ll have to let you go, have the disposal team wait for my signal to come to get the Potion.” I said, causing Viktor to chuckle.

“Very well, make sure there isn’t anything there that might scar the disposal team. Viktor out.” the radio went silent as I put it away, then grinned as the guards kept charging at me, weapons ready. I changed one hand into a spear while changing the other into a shield.

”Come on then!” I shouted as I charged at them, thrusting the spear forward and stabbing a guard while bashing my shield into another's head, cracking the helmet and knocking out the pony before blocking a sword strike from another guard with my spear, changing the spear so it wraps around the sword before yanking it out the guard's hooves and stabbing it into his chest.

A magic beam hit my shoulder, making me extend my arm out and grab the unicorn by the neck before spinning and making him crash through a building before throwing him at a truck, making him creaked hole in it. "Who’s next?” I asked no one before a spear pierced my back and went through my chest. I turned to look at the pegasus guard, and said, ”Guess you are.” I changed my hand into an ax and killed the guard, I looked around to see that the other guards had turned tail and ran, ”Wimps.

I was about to grab my radio when something hit my head, ”Ow. I said, not even bothered, then I looked at what hit my head. Which was a small figure that folded up to resemble a key of sorts, I picked it up and heard someone speak.

I am the great captain red, the red pirate ranger! I seek the multiverses greatest treasure and if you try to take it from me I'll put you in the ground. To summon me simply hold the key out and turn it while saying set sail!

“Set sail?” I asked, unknowingly turning the key.

3rd POV

A portal of several colors that looks like a spinning galaxy appears above Carnage and then a human in a red trench coat and white undershirt falls through the portal and lands on his feet. He looks around not seeing Carnage yet as he's behind the human but he does see all the death around him. “Ok...lot’s of dead ponies, a modern-looking city. I'm either in Manehattan or that power pony's universe.” He said to himself.

”Who the fuck are you? And what are power ponies?” Carnage asked the human, making him turn to him.

“Whoa shit!” He jumps back a few feet and glares at Carnage. “Oh, I get it now.” He holds out his hands and a cutlass sword and a flintlock pistol appear in his hands. “Never thought I would meet Carnage.” He said before tapping his necklace and in a pillar of green fire, he changed to an anthro unicorn stallion, with white fur and black mane with red highlights.

”What the? How did you do that?” Carnage asked in confusion, already preparing to defend himself in case the human turned anthro pony decides to attack.

The human-turned pony glares at Carnage. “Like I would tell a monster like you!” He then aims the gun at Carnage and fires a red energy bullet at him.

Carnage reacting quickly changed his arm into a shield to block the shot, ”Hey, I may be a monster, but at least I’m a monster for a reason.” Carnage said, firing a web at the anthro pony’s head, managing to cover his eyes with the web shot.

“Gah! How the hell do you have webs?!” He rips the webbing off and throws it to the ground and fires at it over and over. “Where is the displaced?” he yells before running at Carnage and tries to cut Carnage with his sword.

Carnage used his shield to block the sword, changing his other hand into a bat and hit the anthro pony with it, ”Displaced? What are you talking about?” Carnage asked him, thinking to himself, ’Better not hurt this guy, he could be under the effects of the Potion or something.’

The anthro pony groans and backflips away from Carnage. “Should have known you would be tough, but I can’t let a murderer run free.” He said before he holstered his sword and gun, he then pulled out the same key that Carnage found before along with a bulky cell phone-looking device. “Set sail!” He swung his right arm around his body and slid the key into the cell phone device and turned it. ’Gokaiger!’ The device called out as a red X and V come flying out of it growing larger. They then come back and the X hits the Anthro pony’s chest forming a red pirate-themed costume on him, the V then hits his head and forms the helmet.

Carnage stared at the pony in confusion and shock, ”What the heck was that?!” Carnage asked, ”Just who the heck are you?”

He puts the sword on his shoulder and aims the gun at Carnage. “The name is captain Roger, power ranger and defender of the innocent. Now if spider-man hasn’t dealt with you, I will!” The now named Roger ran at Carnage with his sword ready to strike.

Carnage blocked the sword with his bat, changing his shield back before knocking the sword out of Rogers's hand and sticking it to the wall with a web shot, ”Sorry buddy, but it’ll take a lot more than a sword to take me down. Look, I even have a spear in my chest!” Carnage said, pulling out said spear and breaking it in half.

Roger holds his hand out and the sword disappears from the wall and reappears in his hand. “I have taken down tougher.” He fires multiple shots from his gun. ‘Ok, think. Carnage is a symbiont and the only known weaknesses are fire and loud sounds. Do I have any ranger forms that can dish those out?’ Roger thinks to himself.

Carnage shoots a web to a wall and pulled himself to it, dodging the shots as he did, when Carnage reached the wall he latched onto it with his claws, ” why don’t you make this easier for everyone and just stop trying to attack me, trust me, I’ve dealt with very strong and formidable ponies in the past. Not one of them was able to beat me.” Carnage said, his hand morphing into a shield just in case.

Roger looks up at Carnage. “Not gonna happen.” He then presses a button on his belt buckle and it spins around and there is another key in it. “Magical source Mystic force!” He slides the key into his Morpher and turns it. The Morpher calls out both "Galywit Mysto Ranger!" and ’Magiranger!’

A magic circle appears above him, and he jumps up through it changing his suit to be more like a magician’s. He pulls out a staff and aims it at Carnage before a large amount of flames come out like a flame thrower. “Take this kasady!”

Carnage went wide-eyed before he quickly web-slung off the building, barely dodging the fire but still got hit, if the small flames on him were any indication. ”Damn it! He can use fire?! How is he able to sue fire?!” Carnage shouted as he landed on a roof of a three-story-tall building.

“Don’t think you can run away!” Roger yells before he yells. "Legendary Source, Mystic Force!" and his Morpher calls out "Galwit Mysto Nermax" A magic circle appears above him and slowly travels down him changing his helmet slightly and adding a chest piece to his suit, it also changes his boots and cloves to be white, while giving him a staff.

“But wait I am not done yet! Fireheart! Red fire dragon ranger!” He calls out and a portal appears behind him as a dragon walks out with some chest armor on it.

Roger then backflips onto the dragon’s back. The dragon takes off and flies after Carnage before it too backflips and Roger floats in the air for a moment before the dragon starts to fuse with him changing and becoming armor.

The armor was a combination of red, blue, gold, and black, it had gold and blue shoulder pads and shin guards, the suit was mostly red with some blue, and had some black on the chest making a symbol, his helmet was mostly red with the visor being black, it had blue claws on the sides and a golden crest. The wings were mostly red as well with some blue on them.

”Okay, just how many powers do you have?! You just summoned a fucking dragon for crying out loud!” Carnage said, now starting to worry.

Roger pulls out two club-like weapons, one red and the other blue. “I have the combined powers of every ranger past, present, and future! Now time for you to pay for your crimes, Cletus Kasady!” Roger charges right for Carnage at top speed.

Carnage growled at the name before he fired two webs, which missed Roger but hit the building behind him, Carnage pulled back on the webs before jumping into the air and causing himself to be launched towards Roger, both feet slamming into his chest and knocking the wind out of Roger as the two rocketed towards the ground, creating a crater as they crashed into the ground.

Roger coughs before flipping back onto his feet using the blue club to shoot out fire around himself to get any of Carnage that was left on him, off. “Nice trick, did you pick it up from your brother?” Roger said, looking around for Carnage.

Roger was then crashing into a building thanks to a large fist made from Carnage, who had reformed himself with his hand becoming a large sword, ”I don’t have a brother. Carnage said, his other hand becoming a shield.

Roger opens his wings and stops himself. “Bullshit, I know all about venom, or is he more of a father?!” Roger said before flying towards Carnage, but once he gets close to Carnage he slams his clubs together making a loud ringing sound.

Carnage screeches in pain while covering his ears, "Motherfucker! That fucking hurts!" Carnage said, glaring at Roger before he sees something that made him go wide-eyed, he quickly fires a web at a building before swinging toward Roger, his claws growing bigger and sharper as he swung towards Roger.

Roger gets ready to block Carnage. “You won’t get away with killing those innocent ponies!” He said.

Carnage lands behind Roger and changes his other hand into a shield, shielding Roger from being doused in Potion, making Roger go a bit wide-eyed, ”This is a new low, even for you. Sneaking up on someone to change them into a pony. Then again, you ponies will do anything." Carnage said, growling as he cut off his arm before a new one grew back.

“What the hell?” Roger jumps away from Carnage, then he looks at the ponies. “What are you doing here? Can’t you see I am trying to beat this villain?! Run for Celestia’s sake!” He yells at the ponies.

Carnage looks at him confused, "Why are you telling them to run? They need to pay for their crimes against Earth!" Carnage said, then glared at the ponies, "But I would take his advice and run, run back to Celestia! And tell her that Earth will never fall!" Carnage said, then roared, causing the ponies to scream and run away.

Roger looks at Carnage. “You aren’t on earth, the ponies are the good guys. You are killing innocent people.” Roger lands and gets ready to fight again. “Once I beat you, I will find this world's hero so I can help him.”

”Wait, you think we’re in some other world? Are you stupid or something? We are on Earth!” Carnage shouted, then pointed a thumb at himself, ”And I am a hero. I’ve been protecting this city for a long ass time! You want an enemy.” Carnage pointed in the direction of the ocean, ”Go that way, you’ll find Equestria and the ones who started ruining innocent people's lives.” then he turned to leave. ”Now stay out of my way, I’ve already wasted enough time fighting you while innocents suffer."

“What?” Roger looks around then points at the ponies. “How could they do anything? They are a cowardly species and country that relies on magic artifacts that are powered by friendship in order to defend themselves. They are literally the good guys of the show ‘my little pony friendship is magic’ how the fuck are they the bad guys?! From my point of view, all I see is a bunch of dead ponies and a known criminal. So where's Spider-man or whatever other hero was sent to this universe that made you appear.” Roger yells as he stomps up to Carnage.

Carnage sighed, shaking his head. ”You really don’t know do you?” Carnage asked, ”Alright, follow me. I’ll explain what the fuck is going on, as long as you don’t attack me.”

“Fine just don’t try anything stupid Cletus Kasady, or I make sure that symbiont suit of yours never sees the light of day ever again.” Roger warns him while keeping his clubs ready.

”I should be saying the same thing about you.” Carnage replied, shooting a web out and pulling himself into the air, ”Come on, and do try to keep up.”

Roger grumbles and uses his wings to keep up with Carnage. “Start talking.”

”I will, but I need to show you something first in order for you to understand. And no, it isn’t a trap.” Carnage said, swinging around a corner, Roger following him.

Roger looks around at the streets seeing a lot of them destroyed and frowns under his helmet. “This better be a good explanation.”

”It will. Just trust me on this.” Carnage said, and the two continued to swing or fly through the buildings in silence, Carnage occasionally stopping to web up any ponies he sees. Eventually, the two reached a tall building that was by the ocean, the two landing on the roof, and Carnage pointed at a barrier that had covered most of the ocean and city, ”Tell me what you see when you look at that?” Carnage asked Roger.

Roger walks to the edge of the roof and puts a hand on his helmet, getting a close-up look at what's inside the shield. “Seems like Equestria, home of the ponies, land of peace and harmony.” He said before looking back at Carnage.

”Wrong, I see a land filled with murderers, a land filled with ponies who will stop at nothing to make the human race ‘pure.’” Carnage made air quotes when he said pure, then pointed at the barrier again, ”That barrier doesn’t protect, it kills. Anything that isn’t a pony immediately turns to dust.”

Roger frowns and powers down to his base form. “What? That makes no sense, is Daybraker in charge?”

Carnage gives him a confused look, ”Daybreaker? Who the fuck is Daybreaker?! Know what, forget it, no Daybreaker isn’t in charge, Princesses Celestia and Luna are, or as they like to call themselves, Empresses Celestia and Luna.” Carnage said in annoyance.

“Empresses? That is wrong.” Roger said, rubbing his chin. “Hmmm I guess you could be the good guy, but do you have to kill the ponies?” He asked.

Carnage growls, ”Yes, to send a message to Celestia and Luna. That Earth isn’t theirs for the taking. But for some reason, they don’t listen. I even heard from some ponies before I killed them that Celestia and Luna say I’m nothing more than a myth.” Carnage said in annoyance, then looked at Roger, ”Look, I know you don’t believe me.”

“You are right because it is hard to believe, do you have any allies that can collaborate your story?” Roger asked as he looked between the shield and his sword.

”I do, but they’re outside of the city because of the barrier.” Carnage said, ”And I don’t want to leave the city unguarded, there are still civilians here that need saving and protecting.” then Carnage pulled out his radio. ”I do have this. Give me a sec. This is Carnage to Viktor, come in Viktor.”

A few seconds after Carnage said that Viktor replied, “Ah, Carnage. I take it the ponies have been dealt with and the mess you made with them is cleaned up?” Viktor asked Carnage, making a facepalm.

”Ponies have been dealt with, yes, but I did not clean up the mess, so the disposal team will be mentally scarred when they arrive to get the potion. But besides that, I have someone here who wishes to speak with you.” Carnage said, then handed Roger the radio.

Roger walks over, once Carnage gives him the radio he speaks into it. “This is Roger, Is what Carnage has been telling me true? Are the ponies killing humans?”

"If you call forcibly turning people into mindless zombie ponies whose thoughts are only filled with what the ponies want them to think killing then yes, they are." Viktor replied.

Roger grits his teeth. “Damn, this world is in trouble...sir, I may have a way for you to get a team into the country of Equestria, however, I am not 100% sure so you would need a volunteer to test it out, and I'm only willing to do this if the team that goes in has the following orders. The first order would be not to engage with the ponies unless they have no other options, the second-order would be not to kill any ponies if they can help it and the third order is that it's a recon team only.” Roger tells Viktor.

It was silent for a few moments before Viktor replied, “Very well, I can agree to this, but, Carnage will be going with you, and he is allowed to do what he wishes without you interfering.” Viktor said, “And do not worry my friend, I will have garrisons of soldiers protecting your city until you return.”

”Good.” Carnage said, crossing his arms.

“Roger, do you agree to have Carnage going with you?” Viktor asked Roger.

Roger thinks about it before nodding. “I can agree to that, however, there are seven ponies and one dragon that is on an absolutely do not kill list of mine. I'll explain to Carnage who they are while we wait for your soldiers and why they need to stay alive.” He said, then handed the radio back to Carnage.

“Very well, I’ll send my best team over to your coordinates. Viktor out.” Viktor said, the radio going silent as Carnage put it away.

”Alright buddy, I know you are talking about the Bearers of Harmony. Why do you want them spared from my wrath? They are just as responsible for this whole thing, especially the leader of the group. Twilight Sparkle, she’s the one who created the Potion in the first place.” Carnage said,

“If you know who they really are then you know it isn’t in their character to do something like this. I believe that they are being manipulated or controlled and most likely Celestia and Luna are either both nightmares or just Celestia went nightmare and he's controlling everyone else. In most timelines where Equestria is attacking humans, it's usually Celestia that is causing the problems due to her paranoia.” Roger starts to explain.

“And another thing, If Equestria is here then there's a possibility that the other villains from their universe will appear as well which means king Sombra, Tirek, queen Chrysalis, maybe even the storm king. All of whom the elements of harmony are needed to defeat.” Roger finished.

Carnage grumbles while crossing his arms, ”Fine, I’ll leave them alone for now. But if it turns out these villains are already dealt with, then they’ll face punishment for their crimes.” Carnage said,

“Punishment is fine, just don’t kill them, and if Spike is more of a slave here maybe we can rescue him.” Roger said then looked over at Carnage. “While we wait, mind if I get a new ranger key from you?” He asked Carnage.

”A what?” Carnage asked in confusion.

Roger holds up a small figure of a power ranger. “One of these. I can get one from another Displaced, speaking of that, do you know what a displaced and a token are?”

Roger received a confused look in response, which was all the answer he needed. “Alright, I guess I am the first summon.” Roger said, shaking his head. “All right, basically a Displaced is someone who's taken from their homeworld given powers, abilities, technology or in some cases, whole new bodies and dropped into a version of Equestria...usually.” Roger starts looking around at the destroyed city.

”Well, that explains how I ended up as Carnage.” Carnage said, "So what are Tokens?”

“Think of tokens as interdimensional phones, they let us Displaced call each other for help or just to hang out. With you being Carnage I thought that the displaced that summoned me was Spider-man and you are the actual Carnage. Another side effect of being a Displaced is aspects from the source material usually leak into the world your scent too, not already there presently.” Roger explains.

Roger then holds up his ranger key. “As for the tokens, in order to make one, you just take something that represents you, focus on it and speak a creed for other people to hear. Then toss it up in the air, then a portal will open up and suck it into the void, there it'll multiply and travel to other worlds with Displaced on them.”

Carnage nods his head then holds his chin in thought, "Hmm, something that represents me. I don’t really have anything on me that represents me.” then he snaps his fingers and cuts off a small piece of himself, "Got anything to contain this?”

Roger shakes his head. “Nope, you are just lucky you didn’t summon me while I was taking a leak.” He rolls his neck. “I was on the road for a few hours before you summoned me.”

”Well shit. Be right back.” Carnage said then web swung away. The sound of breaking glass and a cat yowling was heard before he returned, holding a small glass container that had the piece of himself in it. "Alright, got something that represents me. Now what?”

Roger shrugs. “Just hold it tight, speak your message then throw it into the air. That's what I did.” He said while watching Carnage.

Carnage nods his head before saying, "I am Carnage, the web-slinging symbiont, if you need someone dead or at least hurt really badly, shatter this vile and I shall come and consume your enemies.” after saying his message, he threw it into the air just as a portal opened up and his Token went in it. When it closed, a second one opened next to Roger and Carnages Token fell out.

Roger catches the vile and looks at it before shrugging and putting it in his pocket. “Hope you don't mind but I am going to keep this isolated once I get back home. I don't want anyone infected with the Carnage symbiote.” Roger shudders. “Can you imagine what would happen if someone like Twilight gets her hooves on this?”

Just then, a helicopter came into view as it flew towards the two and landed on the roof, "Guess the team and our ride is here.” Carnage says, just as the doors to the helicopter opened and out came a few soldiers wearing black gear, their helmets having been painted white resemble skulls, each one of them pointed their weapons at Roger.

“Sir, why is a pony still alive? You aren’t known for keeping ponies alive.” one of the soldiers said,

"And why does he look like a mix of a human and a pony?" another asked,

Roger rolls his eyes. “You best lower your weapons, I am human.” he taps the necklace around his neck and turns back into a human. “It is a magic necklace I got from a friend.” He then turns his back to the soldiers and summons his sword. “Let’s hope this works.” he swung the blade down in the air making a portal appear and on the other side is a grassy field.

“Now I have no idea if this will let you pass through the shield or not. For all, I know the shield is not just a wall but more like a bubble filled with anti-human material. So if someone steps through this and the space within the shield has the same energy flowing through it as the shield they'll turn to ashes well.” Roger told the soldiers.

The soldiers looked at the portal with uncertainty, then Carnage spoke up. "I’ll go first, I’ll just regenerate in case if I do start turning to ash.” Carnage said, then stepped through the portal just as the soldiers started to protest. Everyone let out sighs of relief when they saw that he was fine. "It’s safe to come through.”

“Alright, whoever’s going get through now, I have to be the last one through.” Roger said.

The soldiers nodded their heads before entering the portal, and Roger was surprised to see a pegasus among the group of soldiers, which raised a couple of questions. Roger soon walked through the portal, and then the portal closed behind him. “Alright, two things, first I thought ponies were your enemy.” He said pointing to the pegasus. “And secondly, I want my new ranger key.” He walked over and touched Carnage’s shoulder making a red and black figure like the ones Roger uses appear and he catches it.

“You mean Private SPitfire? She’s the only known pony to hate what Equestria is doing to humans.” Carnage said, ”She’s been a real help against the ponies, giving us locations to Bureaus, strategies the ponies use for combat, stuff like that.”

“Got a problem with that?” Spitfire asked Roger,

Roger shakes his head. “Nope, in fact, that gives me hope that not all ponies in this world are evil, perhaps misguided or being controlled by an evil force, and if you have the captain of the wonder bolts on your side then there's only one or two ponies that can out fly her.” He said then looked around. “Sorry that we’re in the outskirts but this is as close as I could see. I can't just teleport us wherever we need to be. I have to have at least seen where I need to go. If I would've tried to go to say Canterlot, it would've taken us to my Canterlot.”

One of the soldiers leaned and whispered to Carnage, “You sure this guy isn’t crazy?” the soldier asked him, Carnage just shrugged in response.

Roger points at the soldier. “I heard that! And no I am not crazy, I am from another version of Equestria.” He told them with a shrug, then added. “Short answer multiverse theory.”

{b]”That’s the simplest answer you’re gonna get. Even I’m still a bit confused.” Carnage said, shaking his head, ”But besides that, let’s get this recon mission over with. I don’t want to stay in pony land any longer than I have to.” Carnage said, looking around before seeing a city in the distance. ”Alright, here’s what we’re gonna do, I and Spitfire are gonna get a bird's eye view. The rest of you, listen to Roger.” Carnage said before wings sprouted on his back and he flew into the air, Spitfire following him.

Roger watches Carnage leave, then he looks at the soldiers around him. “Hmmm, well I suppose the smart thing would be to set up a hidden camp for now. How about we find somewhere close to do that?”

The soldiers nodded their heads and the group proceeded to look for a spot to set up camp, they eventually found a cave that was hidden from anything flying and set up camp, just as Carnage and Spitfire returned.

Roger looks over at them as they land. “Oh good you are back, what did you find?” He asked.

”Well, there is a village not too far from here, but it has a potion factory, so we’ll have to steer clear of that place.” Carnage said, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. ”And we’ll have to avoid the city, Manehatten as well. We’ll be outnumbered in an instant.”

“There are also a few camps where they keep the Newfoals.” Spitfire, she and Carnage shuddering,

Roger raises an eyebrow. “Newfoals? What does that mean, and what do these potions do?” He asks.

”The potion is what turns a human into a pony, thus Newfoals. But the potion does more than that, it basically rewrites the human brain to think and act like a pony, but that’s not all, they forget who they are, their families until said families are converted, they are all smiles and say what they are programmed to say.” Roger could see Carnage clenching his fists, shaking slightly in rage.

Roger rubs his chin. “There is no way the Pinkie I know would be ok with this, Fluttershy either.” He starts to walk back and forth. “Maybe if you could make contact with them at some point you could get them to help you. But going that deep into pony territory is stupid right now.” He shakes his head. “I do have an idea. Spitfire are dragon’s here able to walk upright like us? Or have they been turned to ponies too?”

Spitfire sighed sadly before saying, “The dragons, as well as some of the other races, were converted as well, those who didn’t become a pony went into hiding, somewhere far away from Equestria.” she said.

Roger sighs and crosses his arms. “Damn, then so much for my idea.” He shakes his head. “So what is your idea Carnage?”

”My idea? The only idea I have is to sneak into Canterlot and kill the ones in charge of this whole thing.” Carnage said,

Roger frowns and glares at Carnage. “And what will you do if Equestria suddenly disappears back to where it came from. Their world will freeze and burn without Celestia and Luna to move the sun and moon.” He asked then added. “Also what if you're wrong and Celestia and Luna are actually innocent because they're being mind-controlled?”

Carnage growls, ”Innocent or not, they will still face punishment, if not by me then by mankind, the ones who suffered because of them.” Carnage said, getting off the wall before walking towards the entrance to the cave, "I’ll tell you this Roger, sometimes, some beings are just evil.” he then exited the cave.

Roger sighs and looks over at Spitfire. “You are a local, when did Celestia and or Luna start this whole turning other people into ponies thing and how did Equestria come to earth?”

Spitfire sighed before sitting down, “It started a few years ago, I don’t know how but it was then Equestria was brought to the human world, then after seeing how humans were, Celestia and Luna made a big speech on how they were gonna help the humans.” Spitfire said, “At first I thought they meant like, give the humans medical help, give the homeless homes and food, stuff like that. Man was I wrong.”

Roger frowns and thinks for a minute. “Hmmm, maybe something happened when they came to this world.” Then Roger looks out the cave. “If Carnage did kill Celestia and Luna, do you think Cadence, Twilight, and her friends could end this without more bloodshed?”

Spitfire scoffs, “You mean the BEarers of Harmony? Please, they’ll most likely try to continue the conversion, Twilight was the one who made the damn potion.” Spitfire said angrily, “But Cadence, she’ll definitely end this once and for all, she was one of the ponies who were against the conversion, she even stood with me when I confronted the princesses. When I was deemed a traitor to the cause.” Spitfire looked down after she said, a soldier patting her back in comfort.

Roger rubs his chin in thought. “What if we ‘kidnap’ Cadence? Think she could get her husband or boyfriend to join us?”

“If we do, it’ll be more like rescuing her, Cadence was also deemed a traitor and was sent to the dungeons for aiding in my escape to the humans after I was deemed a traitor, so we’ll be rescuing her and her daughter.” Spitfire said, crossing her arms.

He nods before asking. “I take it that Shining Armor is on Celestia’s side?” He pulls out a piece of paper and reads it. “Hmmm.”

“Yeah, he is.” Spitfire replied, then looked at the entrance to the cave with worry. “Hey, normally it doesn’t take long for Carnage to cool off. At least five minutes, two if he’s annoyed. He’s been gone for twelve.”

This caused the others to worry before they exited the cave and looked around for their friend, not finding any trace of him, making the others worry even more. Roger frowns and lights his hands up with magic and scans the area. “Where could he have gone?” He finds some hoof prints as well as a sigh of a small struggle.

“Looks like there was a struggle.” a soldier said, picking up a bloody piece of armor, “Definitely Carnage's work, but how did they capture him?”

Roger looks around and frowns. “Hey Spitfire can unicorns make loud sounds with their magic?”

“Uh yeah. Magic can do anything.” Spitfire replied, then went wide-eyed when she realized what Roger was suggesting, “They used sound against him!”

Roger nods and punches his palm. “That Is the most likely reason why he couldn't beat them. Now if only..” He is cut off as out of the bushes comes a female Zebra. The soldiers all aim their weapons at her but Roger holds his hand out. “Hold your fire, she is a zebra, not a pony.”

“Your friend speaks the truth, for I am not your enemy.” the zebra said, “You are looking for the one they call Carnage correct?”

“We are ma’am.” a soldier said, nodding her head.

“The ponies had captured him while using sound-based magic to weaken him, I will show you where they had taken him.” the zebra said, motioning with her hoof to follow her, which the group did as they walked up the hill, revealing a small town where a large factory was. “In there your friend is, a horrible fate awaits him if you do not hurry.”

Roger frowns and looks at the zebra. “If we got you out of Equestria and a few jars of that potion could you make a cure?” He asked her while looking through his list.

The zebra nodded her head, “I can try, but the cure will take time and resources that will be difficult to obtain.” the zebra said,

“Well, we’ll get you the resources if it means we can end this nightmare sooner.” Spitfire said before she and the others readied their weapons, “Now, let’s go save ourselves a flesh-eating psychopath.”

Roger holds up his hand. “I have a better idea, most of you will head down into that town on the other side from the factory, you'll set bombs in places that will cause a large distraction without loss of life, or at least I'm hoping you will. Once they go off I'll go in with Spitfire while the rest of you guard the zebra.”

“Did someone say bombs?!” one of the soldiers said, holding up a few grenades, “Cause I’ve been itching to blow something up.”

“Well Roger, guess someone agrees with your plan.” Spitfire said, shaking her head, “Alright, we’ll do your plan. But, don’t expect us to be nice to the ponies if they decide to attack us.”

“Hurt them as much as you want, hell, put them in a hospital as long as they aren’t out in the morgue. Oh but if you see a light Purple unicorn in this town run, do not let her see you. She has more magical power and talent than even Twilight Sparkle, she is a high threat level.” Roger warns them.

Everyone nodded their heads, “What are we standing around for? I want to blow something up!” the soldier with the grenades shouted impatiently.

“Right, distraction team go. The moment the bombs go off me and Spitfire will head in the rest of you, keep that zebra safe.” Roger said while pulling out a blue figure.

The explosion-happy soldier and two others nodded their heads before heading off to do what Roger said, while the others waited for them to do their jobs. Roger got ready by morphing. “Ninja storm, ranger form ha!” He slides the key into his Morpher and turns it, the Morpher calling out ’Hurricaneger!’ as a strong wind makes a small tornado around him, then his close rip off revealing a blue ninja suit underneath, a dolphin tail on the chest, then the helmet comes together on his head and the visor closes.

“What the fuck was that?” a soldier asked as he and the others stared at Roger in confusion. “It looked like something out of an old show.”

“Technically it is, I'm a Power Ranger. I have access to all the Rangers of the past and future plus this gives me extra sneaking skills which I'll need to sneak in.” Roger tells them.

“Dude, you are one weird human.” Spitfire said, just as an explosion was seen, letting the group know that the distraction team had done their job. “Looks like we’re up.”

“Yep, and sorry in advance.” He said before grabbing Spitfire by the waist, picking her up, and using ninja speed to run and jump over and get inside the factory. He runs down hallways fast until he makes it to a lab. Setting her down he pats her back.

“Two words. Never. Again.” Spitfire said, shaking her head as she looked around and shuddered in fear. “These places always make me nervous.”

Roger looks around and nods. “Yeah, I can feel a wrongness in the air.” He then starts walking over to a table. “Let's see um...Which of these are the finished potion?”

“Those ones.” Spitfire said, pointing at bottles filled with a glowing liquid, “The completed ones glow.”

“Right.” Roger summons his cutlass and grabs them before making a portal back to where the other soldiers and the zebra are, he then hands them through. “Keep those safe.” then the portal closes. “Alright, next Carnage, use your wings to feel for vibrations in the air.” He tells Spitfire.

“What? I can’t do that.” Spitfire said, then walked out of the lab, “I don’t know how pegasi work in your Equestria, but pegasi are unable to do that here.”

“Then how the fuck do you fly? I would think your wings are sensitive enough to detect the smallest change in air pressure and that's how you know exactly where to fly.” Roger said before walking over to a door and putting his head on it to hear for anyone on the other side.

“Look, I can spend all day explaining how pegasi work, but I don’t think Carnage has all day.” Spitfire said.

“No he certainly doesn’t.” a voice that made both Roger and SPitfire go wide-eyed as magic blades pressed into their backs, “Turn around slowly.” the two did so and saw both Starlight Glimmer and Twilight Sparkle, whose horn was glowing meaning she was the one who had magic blades pressed into the two backs,

“Well well well, if it isn’t the traitor.” Starlight said, making Spitfire glare at her, “And I see you brought a human, maybe you finally realized that the humans need to become ponies for their own good?”

“Like Tartarus, I will.” Spitfire replied, “I’d rather become a mindless zombie-like the rest of the Newfoals.”

“Hello Starlight, Twilight.” Roger said while powering down to his base form. “I see you two are working together on this quite fascinating project.” Roger starts to channel the bare minimum of magic into his hands causing a very small glow to present itself though you would have to look very hard to notice it. “Don't suppose you'd be kind enough to tell me how all this works would you?”

“Maybe some other time.” Twilight said, “Now walk, your friend is waiting.” she said, making the two walk out of the lab while Spitfire sneaks a kick to Roger's shin, giving him a small shake of her head.

“Wait till we reach Carnage. Twilight is bad enough, but if what you said about Starlight is true, then we should wait till there’s at least more of us before we take them on.” SPitfire whispered quietly so the two mares behind them didn't hear.

“I hope you're not planning on escaping.” Starlight said, her horns glowing threateningly.

“No ma’am, just talking about how strong you are.” Roger says with a chuckle. “Hell, the Starlight from my Equestria is Twilight's student.” then use telepathy to communicate with Spitfire. ‘I was just charging a spell, if this Starlight is like mine, stroke her ego and she will screw up.’

“Trying to stroke my ego are you? Well, I’ll have you know, I do not care for my ego.” Starlight said, an unamused look on her face.

'You were saying?’ Spitfire thought to Roger.

Roger rolls his eyes. “Well, I am sure you two have at least looked into what brought the continent of Equestria to this reality, right?” He asked them trying to fish for information.

“You know, I don’t think we have.” Twilight said, “We’ll have to look into it once we’re done here. Thanks for the new idea to study human.”

“He has a name you fucking sad excuse of a Bearer.” Spitfire angrily said to Twilight, who waved a dismissive hoof.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask him when he is converted.” Twilight said as the group walked through a set of doors, revealing a large room where ponies were currently making the ponification potion, and hanging over a cauldron that was filled with potion was Carnage, who gave a small wave to Roger and Spitfire.

"Hey guys, glad you could make it. So where’s the backup?” Carnage asked before he was hit with a sound wave spell, causing him to shout in pain. "Hey! I wasn’t being annoying! I was just talking to some friends, asshole!”

“Sup Carnage, I sure hope they haven’t found out about you really being a pony all this time, and an alicorn to boot.” Roger said then using telepathy thought directly to carnage. ‘Play along and shapeshift if you can.’

'No go on that Roger, ponies been spying on me, how else do you think they know my weakness to sound?’ Carnage replied back, struggling a bit.

Roger looks around and sighs. “Hey Twilight, before you start to do whatever to us can I just ask...what did you do to spike?” He asked as he slightly moves his foot and moves his fingers getting ready to snap.

“Who?” Twilight asked Roger, “Oh, him. He’s busy right now. Helping with the conversion by aiding in the making of the potion.”

"You asshole! That stuff will turn him into a mindless Newfoal as well! Don’t you even care?!” Carnage shouted, struggling against the magic chains before getting hit with a sonic blast.

Roger lowers his head and starts to shake. “Is he at this factory? Or do you not even care to have him close in case he is exposed?”

“He’s in Ponyville's factory.” Twilight replied, “But enough of that, it’s time for your friend to have a better life now.”

“Agreed, he’ll be so much happier when he becomes a pony.” Starlight said, nodding to three unicorns who nodded in return before they started to lower Carnage, the cauldron of potion below glowing.

“Nope!” Roger snaps his fingers and magic bursts from him knocking Starlight, Twilight, and Spitfire back. He then runs and jumps up and using his cutlass not only frees Carnage but makes a portal for Carnage to fall through and land on one of the sound-blasting ponies. “Set sail!” He yells as he falls into the cauldron there is a red flash and a splash.

"Roger!” Carnage shouted, looking at the cauldron in shock.

A red gloved hand reaches out and Roger pulls himself out. “Thank god these are air-tight.” He said before pushing himself up out of the cauldron and lands between Carnage and Twilight. “You know Twilight, my version of you is kind and caring in fact most are but you? You're a bitch.” Roger said while aiming his gun at her.

Only for a magic beam to blast the gun out of his hand, making him look to see Starlight, her horn glowing, “We won’t let you stop-ack!” Starlight was interrupted when Spitfire tackled her and began to punch her face over and over again.

The two Displaced heard shouting behind them and looked to see some guards running at them, "Well, looks like things escalated quickly wouldn’t you agree Roger?” Carnage asked Roger, his hands changing into axes.

“Yeah, Spits let go!” Roger makes a portal for right outside the factory and summons his gun back to his hand and fires it hitting starlight’s horn cracking it and then shots through Twilight’s left foreleg.

“What?! But we have the leader of the Elements right in front of us! And she knows how to make the potion! Without her, the conversion will be close to failing!” Spitfire said, hoof still raised to punch a bruised Starlight.

"I have to agree with her Roger, we’re not leaving until we at least deal with Twilight!” Carnage said, cutting a guard in half.

Roger groans before saying. “SPD Emergency!” And slide in a different key into his Morpher turning it. 'Dekaranger!’ A holographic image of a red suit appears in front of him before turning into energy and gliding onto him forming a new red suit with a black number one on the chest.

Roger then fires blasters at the doorway giving him enough time to turn to Twilight pulling out his Delta Morpher, aiming it at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle you were charged with aiding in war crimes trying to exterminate the human race.” He then activates judgment mode causing the area around twilight and himself to go black as a red X and green circle flashback and forth on the Delta Morpher.

“No! I don’t know whatever it is you’re doing, but I won’t let you stop me from achieving our goal!” Twilight shouted, her horns sparking with magic while glaring at Roger.

The Delta Morpher stops on a red X. “Guilty!” Roger said before pressing a button and trapping Twilight in a confinement card he quickly picks it up and looks at Carnage. “Target captured, strategic withdrawal!”

”Fine, Spitfire! Stop kicking Starlight's ass and let’s go!” Carnage said to the mare, who had Starlight in a headlock,

“Alright! I’m coming!” Spitfire said, punching Starlight one more time before flying over to the two. “Alright let’s go!”

"Roger, make a portal to get us-” Carnage went wide-eyed when he saw a beam heading straight towards Spitfire, making him push her out of the way and taking the blast himself, which sent him flying back and falling over the edge while Roger and Spitfire watch in horror.

“No!” Spitfire shouted as she tried to fly after him, only for a couple of pegasi guards to hold her back while a garrison of guards kept Roger from trying to save Carnage. Everything seemed to slow as Carnage fell toward the cauldron filled with the potion, shooting a web out to try and save himself, but it was all for nothing as he fell into the potion with a splash.

Roger kicked one of the guards away and used his delta blasters to injure the ones around Spitfire. “You are already a pony, jump in and save his ass!” He yells, before getting blasted by a unicorn.

But Spitfire was just frozen in shock at what just happened, the two pegasi that were hurt by Roger took advantage of this and tackled Spitfire to the ground, pinning her wings to her sides. This managed to snap her out of her shocked state, “No! Let me go!” she shouted as she struggled against them,

“Quiet traitor! Once the others have captured that human, we’ll take you straight to Empress Celestia and Luna.” a guard said,

Roger kicked one of the guards away before head-butting another. Then he pulls out one of his delta blasters and Twilight’s confinement card, aiming the blaster at the card. “All of you freeze or miss princess of friendship goes splat.”

All of the ponies stopped and stared at Roger, “You wouldn’t.” a guard said,

Roger chuckles and taps the card with his gun. “Buddy, I kill evil monsters for a living. Now let Spitfire go and leave with Starlight, one power unicorn is better than all of you dying. Trust me, I am fast enough and pissed enough to kill you all for what you have done.” He tells them and when one tries to get closer he moves as fast as lightning shooting their foreleg before aiming back at Twilight. “Who else wants a hole in their leg?”

The guards glared at Roger before backing off, letting SPitfire fly over to Roger, “I-I’m sorry, I just froze up.” she said,

Roger nods keeping his eyes on the others. “Can you go into that stuff and pull him out? With you being a pony it shouldn’t affect you.”

“I can try, but after this delay, I think it might be too late.” Spitfire said sadly,

“Oh it is too late, too late for you!” they heard Starlight say as she powered up her horn and was about to blast the two if something hadn’t grabbed her by the leg. “What the?!” she said pulling the tendril pulled her away from Roger and SPitfire, holding her up over the cauldron. “What’s going-” she was then immediately pulled into the cauldron with a splash, making everyone stare at it in shock before a dark mass could be seen from the potion, growing bigger by the second.

“Oh shit.” Spitfire said.

Roger stepped closer to Spitfire before looking back at the guards and just said. “Run.”

Not a second after he said that, a red and black mass of bladed tendrils and claws erupted from the cauldron, destroying it as the mass began to attack all of the ponies while SPitfire and ROger ran.

“What the fuck is that!?” Spitfire shouted as she watched a tendril grab a guard and pull him to the mass.

“That? That is a very pissed-off Klyntar, now shut up and run!” Roger said as they jump over some tendrils and make it around a corner out of the room.

“Hold it!” a guard said as he and others blocked their path, “You’re not going-” a giant fist broke through the wall next to them, grabbing them and pulling them into the room, clearing a path for Roger and Spitfire.

“Is it wrong that I’m officially scared of Carnage now?” Spitfire asked Roger as they continued to run.

“Nope! I have been scared of him since the moment I saw him, if he wanted to he could kill us all.” Roger said, while running then he slaps his forehead and summons his sword, and makes a portal outside. “Go!”

Spitfire didn’t need to be told twice as she flew through the portal, seeing that she was back with the rest of the team. “Spitfire! What the fuck is going on?! We can hear ponies' screams of agony all the way from here!” a soldier asked her.

Once Roger was through he closed the portal. “Do you want the good news, bad news, or worse news first?” He asked.

They heard an explosion, making them all look at the factory just as tendrils and claws broke through the walls, destroying the factory as they did, a screeching roar could be heard from the red and black mass.

Roger claps his hands and turns back to the soldiers. “Ok, good news first.” He hands one of the soldiers the card holding Twilight. “We captured Twilight Sparkle.” He looked behind himself at the factory. “The bad news is carnage fell into a cauldron of the potion. The worst news is that it only pissed him off and now he's on a rampage. It's probably best we let him destroy the facility and wait for him to calm down.”

That is Carnage?!” the explosion happy soldier from before said, pointing at the angry mass of blades and teeth.

Roger nods and waves an arm at the mass. “That ladies, gentlemen, and pony is what an angry Klyntar with rage issues looks like.”

"I AM THE GRIM REAPER MOTHERFUCKERS! COWER BEFORE ME!!!” they heard Carnage yell, making them sweatdrop.

Roger sighs and powers down to his base form. “So, who votes I just send you all home, then try to get ‘goop’ over there to calm down?”

“Probably the best idea, we’ve spent enough time in Equestria.” a soldier said, then thought of something. “You know, we never told you our names did we?”

“Nope, you haven’t.” Roger said, before making a portal back to the rooftop. “There ya go, best go before you get caught up in a giant kaiju battle.”

“We’ll introduce ourselves before we leave first. If that is alright with you.” the soldier said, then pointed at the explosion happy soldier, “Nick, but we like to call him Bomb Voyage.” she said, and Nick waved, then pointed at another soldier, this one had a chaingun on his back, “That’s Heavy, he has a real name, just doesn’t like to be called it so we call him Heavy.” then she continued to introduce the rest of her team before pointing at herself, “And I’m Rebecca, the leader of this squad.”

“Nice to meet you all, now keep that card safe, trust me when I say Tis better alive than dead. If she dies and Celestia comes for her, you're all screwed.” Roger said pointing at the card in Rebecca’s hand.

Rebecca nods her head, “Got it, we’ll be careful.” she said then she, her team, Zecora, and Spitfire went through the portal while Roger looked at the still rampaging Carnage.

Roger sighs before aiming his gun at Carnage, then yells. “Carnage! Wake the fuck up and get your ass over here so we can leave!”

”How about no!!” Carnage replied, throwing a building at Roger.

“Shit!” Roger uses his sword to make a portal to move out of the way. “That was a dick move!” He yells before frowning. “Carnage if you don’t cool your shit I am gonna get my Megazord and kick your butt!”

"Try it motherfucker! I'll kick your ass!” Carnage replied, a pair of white eyes being seen from the mass.

Roger sighs and shakes his head before using a green key. “Dragon zord power!” And turns the key as the Morpher calls out, 'Zyuranger!’ green lightning covers his body till he is fully suited up. “I warned you!” He then starts playing the dragon dagger. Which creates a very loud high pitched tune.

Carnage screams in pain as he shrinks back down to normal, covering his ears while rolling across the ground, "The noise! It burns! It burns!” Carnage shouted in pain.

Roger stops and crosses his arms. “Are you done being a dumbass?”

”Yes.” Carnage replied, still in pain.

“Good, we need to get out of here before Celestia shows up.” Roger said before demorphing and making a portal with his sword.

"Let her come, I’ll kick her fat ass any day.” Carnage replied, getting up and walking towards the portal.

“You do know she most likely specializes in fire magic right?” Roger said as they walked through the portal.

Carnage shrugged his shoulders, "Eh, so what? I can handle it.” Carnage said as they found themselves back in the city, "So, guess I’m immune to the potion, and I think I know why too.”

“Why? Did the Carnage symbiote protect you?” Roger asked.

Carnage shook his head, ”No, because I am the symbiote.” Carnage said,

Roger sighs and rubs his head. “That sucks, so who are you on?”

”No one.” Carnage replied. "If I was attached to a human, they would have been a pony when I fell into the potion.”

“That is both odd and cool.” Roger said.

"Eh, I think it’s an advantage against the ponies.” Carnage replied, "I mean, I’m immune to the potion, I could attach myself to any pony so that way I can get closer to Celestia and Luna, and give them the punishment they deserve.”

“Maybe, just be sure to keep them alive. You don’t know the full story.” Roger said.

"Yeah yeah yeah, don’t kill them if they are innocent. I know.” Carnage said, then remembered something, "Oh, I nearly forgot.” he morphed his body until the unconscious body of Starlight fell out.

Roger looked down at her before he asked. “Want me to use my SPD form to put her in a confinement card as well?”

Carnage nodded his head. "Probably a good idea. Don’t want her blasting us again.” Carnage said.

“SPD Emergency!” And slide in a different key into his Morpher turning it. 'Dekaranger!’ A holographic image of a red suit appears in front of him before turning into energy and gliding onto him forming a new red suit with a black number one on the chest. Roger morphs and then holds his delta Morpher towards Starlight, after going through the judgment scan he traps her in a card as well. “Done.”

”Cool. So, now what?” Carnage asked, "I mean, we captured the leader of the Bearers, who also knows how to make the potion, and we have captured one of the most powerful unicorns ever.”

Roger hums in thought. “Well my best advice, keep your dreams safe, be ready for Celestia to come for Twilight or the rest of the mane six. Other than that I think we are done.” he said.

Carnage nodded his head, "Alright, so uh, how do I send you back to your Equestria?”

“First, just say our contract is complete, and secondly I was technically on earth.” Roger said.

"Alright, our contract is complete.” Carnage said,

A portal opens behind Roger and he waves at Carnage before throwing the card holding Starlight. “Take care Carnage, may the power protect you.” He walks through the portal.

"May the what protect me?” Carnage asked, just as the portal closed, leaving Carnage alone in the city. "Well, that was an interesting adventure. Wonder what will happen next?” Right after Carnage finished saying that a black cane with a glass ball with a gold pyramid at the top, falls onto the roof from another portal. "The fuck?” Carnage asked as he grabbed the cane.

“I am the new Cipher, a reality-warping dealmaker. I’m willing to help anyone so long as they pay the price, I am completely neutral my only limitation is I do not allow anyone innocent to be hurt in my presence, to summon me simply slam the cane on the ground”

Carnage stared at the Token, before saying to himself, "Well, at least I know that things are gonna get weird around here.”

Author's Note:

This crossover is with Optimus prime G1’s story conversion carnage