• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,961 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

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They had done it. Equestria was saved from the viney menace. The Elements of Harmony were returned to where they were created. The Tree of Harmony’s power was restored and the chaotic plunder vines were vanquished. When they began to wither and die, the mane 6 celebrated as the Princesses were released from their plant-based captivity. However, something was amiss. When Princess Luna was released she looked no worse for wear and instantly noticed the now-former elements of harmony standing there with smiles of success plastered across their faces, but when they looked towards Celestia’s former prison, said smiles were quickly replaced with expressions of shock and confusion.

The Princess did not seem to notice them as her attention was focused on something much more important. Her horn was glowing brightly as her golden aura encapsulated the remnants of a ring on the horn of the child lying in front of her. The child looked exhausted with a seemingly never-ending stream of tears running down their face. Seeing their plight, Princess Luna and Twilight rushed towards the duo as the child’s hair seemed to glow brighter and brighter with each passing second.

“Princess! What’s wrong!?” Twilight called out as she rushed towards Celestia, Princess Luna right beside her as several more worrying cries of confusion were heard from Twilight's friends. However, just as they arrived by Celestia’s side, she was enveloped in her golden aura and then… she was gone. Celestia had teleported to god knows where with probably highly injured Jolyne in tow. The pair were now standing before the empty space where Celestia was just moments ago. Small shards of metal and magic-saturated crystal debris littering the ground.

A cacophony of confused yells like: “What’s going on?”, “Where did the Princess go?” or “Is Jolyne okay?” were heard behind them as a low vibrating sound started to become more prominent. This in-turn grabbed the attention of Twilight as a certain pink earth pony’s voice had not yet been heard by the lavender Alicorn yet. The same pink earth pony that caused Twilight to spontaneously combust because of a certain pink vibraty/twitchy/itchy tail making her implicitly fear and trust any physical reaction appearing on her. Twilight's gaze was drawn to the quite vigorously vibrating earth pony who also drew the attention of the rest of her friends who’s calls quickly quieted down as they all stared in curiosity and a small amount of fear at the sight; violently vibrating Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie? What’s going on?” Asked Twilight. Luna looked towards Twilight in confusion. “Twilight how does her vibrating take priority over the sudden disappearance of my sister in what should be a momentous occasion?!” Twilight, however, wasn’t listening as her attention was still solely focused on the vibrating Pinkie Pie who seemed like she was only seconds away from literally bouncing around the room.

“O-o-o-o-o, v-e-r-y t-w-i-t-c-h-y t-w-i-t-c-h-a t-w-i-t-c-h. T-h-i-s i-s a b-i-g d-o-o-z-y!” Pinkie said as she continued spasming. Meanwhile, the rest of the mane 6 took on varying expressions of pure dread at what the implications were of, quote-unquote, big doozy. Luna was still predominantly confused as to why this brought such dread to the former element bearers. But just as she was about to question the bearers until she felt the ground had begun to shake slightly. It was faint but very noticeable to the group. Twilight quickly enveloped everyone in her aura and teleported to one of the nearby hills overlooking Ponyville, the ground still shaking when they appeared above ground. As their eyes adjusted to the sudden increase in sunlight they noted nothing out of the ordinary at first. Well, the sun and moon were still seen in the sky since the princesses had yet to fix their position as well as the sunrise to the south.

‘Wait sunrise?’ Thought the group as they looked back at the southern horizon and did a double-take at what they were seeing. What they saw was equally beautiful as it was terrifying. On the horizon was what looked like a second sunrise but it was anything but that. Twilight quickly teleported her telescope to them to get a better view. And what she saw was no sunrise.

But a massive ball of fire.

Macintosh Hills;
Several seconds after Celestia’s teleport.

The relatively quiet atmosphere of the Macintosh Desert was broken by the sound of a large *crack* cutting through the air like butter, causing every critter within earshot to hide as bolts of golden magic began to strike the ground. Craters of molten glass left in their wake.
Then there was another and another with more bolts striking the ground creating even more craters. The temperature of air began to rise drastically as more and more terrain was turned to glass. Then it all went quiet; the bolts suddenly stopped. Carefully one critter, a small desert Gecko, left the safety of its hiding place to see what had caused the golden lightning. What he saw next was the last thing that small Geko would ever see as a large crash reverberated through the air deafening the poor creature before he was blinded and then…
The Gecko knew no more as a magical shockwave passed, completely evaporating him.

Celestia’s shield held as the magical shockwave blasted over her. The ring on Jolyne’s horn had just exploded with a powerful release of magic creating a shockwave that went on for miles scorching the ground. Thankfully, however, the explosion had knocked Jolyne unconscious as what came next would have been beyond agonizing to the alicorn, were she still conscious.

Thinking the worst was over, Celestia dropped her shield and teleported back, next to Jolyne. The ground beneath Jolyne was scorched black as Celestia looked her over. She looked relatively fine and even somewhat peaceful in Celestia’s eyes, after the hell she had just gone through. Her hair had even begun to glow once more. But that was just the beginning. A bright light drew Celestia’s attention back to Jolyne’s horn. A large crack was visible on the alabaster white horn as a bright golden light was emitting from it. The light began to grow and intensify, spreading across Jolyne’s horn, engulfing it in less than 30 seconds. Her hair once again began to glow brighter and brighter before transforming from a raging orange inferno into a deep purple plasma. Celestia had begun to back up. Constant ‘No no no!’ ran through Celestia’s mind.

“This was not meant to happen!” yelled Celestia. Her horn lit up to try and prevent what was about to probably be the most devastating events in recent Equestrian history.

Partial or complete cracking of the horn is one of the most devastating injuries a unicorn can experience in their lifetime. Not only is it extremely painful, with many considering it to be on par with having every pain receptor in their body set on fire, as the substantial majority of all nerve endings unicorn possesses are located in one's horn but badly healed crack will continuously irritate said nerve endings. And that's just the pain response, what comes afterwards, however, is what makes any type of horn injury so dangerous.

The major question is this: What happens when the focal point of stored mana is cracked, breaking its containment within the body? With its containment broken, the mana within one’s body will be expelled. Violently draining all the mana available in the ponies body. This in turn makes the body draw in more magic from the environment to compensate for the loss creating a feedback loop and prolonging the expulsion until the crack is sealed…

Or until all available magic in the body is expended... killing the pony.

You see, every unicorn’s magic is stored around the body but is, of course, mostly stored in and around the horn with only small minute quantities stored everywhere else. Normal unicorns naturally draw in from abundant magic found in the surrounding environment as a way to recharge their mana pools faster than normally generated by their body. However, when we come to the users of Lunar and Solar magic, mana is absorbed and generated in a very different way. Celestia, Luna, and now Jolyne all have an innate connection to the Sun and Moon respectively, hence instead of drawing their magic in from the surroundings like every other being on Equis they draw it from their respective celestial bodies and store it inside of themselves.

This relatively small difference greatly affects solar-linked alicorns because spells usually drain the surrounding area of its native magic causing a short-lived, vaccumesque area. Leaving explosions as somewhat manageable accidents as they are mostly influenced by unicorn's innate magic limits. For Jolyne unfortunately, mass release of her continuously absorbed solar magic meant that everything would be additionally influenced by now overabundant magic in the area.

Thus Celestia needed to act fast or this child would die and take the entire Macintosh Mountains with her. Solar magic already made Celestia one of the most powerful beings in Equestria so the expulsion of an entire alicorn child’s worth of solar magic…tainted solar magic on top of that...would be quite disastrous.

Celestia began to quickly weave a spell specifically designed for such an injury and wove it onto the crack, hopeful that it would seal it. It didn’t. The spell wasn't strong enough to contain the unrestrained magic as it began to escape outwards into the environment. The sudden pressure wave blew Celestia back, the escaping magic turning the surrounding air into a rapidly expanding wave of superheated plasma, turning what were small sizzling puddles of molten glass into one giant ocean in the blink of an eye. Celestia, however, was completely fine, thankfully millennia of combat reflexes kicked in putting up a shield before the plasma wave washed over her. Flapping her wings, Celestia stabilized herself as she began pushing against the wave of seemingly never-ending plasma. The force was strong but Celestia was stronger, she began to step forward, her mighty wings fighting to keep her stable as she started to push through.

Every second counted as the longer Jolyne’s magic was uncontained the further the plasma would reach destroying more and more and more. And if Celestia couldn’t reach her in time Jolyne’s life would be lost too. So Celestia pushed harder and harder, getting ever so closer back towards Jolyne as she began to weave a modified version of the containment spell, hopefully, this time capable of establishing magical containment and sealing the crack in Jolyne’s horn.
The closer she got the harder it was to keep on moving but Celestia couldn’t give up now. It was her fault that they were in such a situation in the first place. Had she just removed the ring earlier she could have just directed the surge into space leaving Jolyne completely unharmed.

But she didn’t. Celestia stubbornly kept Jolyne’s magic sealed and trapped her in a wheelchair because of some deeply ingrained fear of whether it was all a trick or not. No matter how much she tried to tell herself that it was irrational and that Jolyne wasn’t Daybreaker her mind kept on telling her she was.

And now because of her own mistake, a child was going to die.

With renewed vigor, Celestia pushed forward. Jolyne was now almost fully visible through her shield and the plasma that was being shot out in all directions. As Celestia continued to slowly push through she felt the force against her shield become weaker by the second. Time was running out. The mana remaining inside Jolyne was beginning to run low. If Celestia couldn’t seal the crack soon Jolyne’s last moments of life would be filled with nothing but pain and suffering. She needed to get to her, NOW!

Panic reigned all across Equestria as southern skies, near Macintosh Hills, were encompassed by what can only be described as ‘second sunrise’ as a subtle earthquake persisted. To some ponies, it signaled the end times. The Sun and Moon were still high in the sky, now however, the sky looked like it was burning in the south. It was the perfect combination of disasters to cause a widespread panic. There were lootings in Baltimare as terror gripped the city. The local police force had tried to calm the local population down, but fear won out in the end as even the guard began to abandon their posts to make sure their family and loved ones were safe.

Canterlot had been relatively calm as the news of the Princesses' disappearance had been kept under wraps to avoid a panic, the population however was still on edge but with such a large garrison of royal guard present, peace was maintained. The guard and local administration, fortunately, had kept the population under control even when the light of the explosion became visible to the citizens.

Then came Appleloosa. It was the closest settlement to the Macintosh Hills and therefore the closest to the event itself. The first thing they experienced was the resulting shockwave drawing the attention of every citizen to the hills. The ground began to shake shortly afterward causing the local population to panic. Then came the light. It started off small but grew rapidly in size and intensity. Anypony unfortunate enough to be caught staring was temporarily blinded as the yellow sphere grew. And finally, all resemblance of order broke down as the local guard contingent tried to reassure them as much as they could, but the guard themselves didn’t even believe what they were preaching. Their attempts were doomed from the start as the ambient temperature began to steadily rise, increasing panic of the population even further.

Even as far north as the Crystal Empire, the event was visible but thankfully the only ponies to have noticed this were the ponies who lived in the highest building of the Empire; The Crystal Palace. More specifically, the current rulers of the Empire: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (or just Cadence to her friends) and her husband; Prince Shining Armor. They had been observing Equestria from one of the many balconies of their palace when they saw it. It was faint but it was there… and it terrified them. They quickly sent letter after letter hoping for some sort of information about what was going on to their southern neighbors and friends.

And then, just as quickly as it began, it disappeared completely, like a candle thrown into a pond. The ground became calm once more with the southern horizon’s light going out. The panic that gripped Equestria beginning to slowly dissipate.

Pushing through the last barrier, Celestia was now close enough to put the modified spell into action. She started to feel the push against her shield weaken even further. The energy being released was no longer strong enough to turn the surrounding gases into plasma and there was almost no more resistance for Celestia to push through as the spell was weaved into the crack on Jolyne’s horn, her magic now contained and unable to escape. With her vision no longer hindered, she got a first-hand look at the destruction caused by her own mistake.


An ocean of glass as far as the eye could see.

The only sound breaking the eerie silence was the cracking of the now rapidly cooling glass beneath their hooves as Celestia focused her attention back onto Jolyne.
She wasn’t breathing. Celestia was too slow. There wasn’t enough mana left in Jolyne’s body.

“No!” Yelled Celestia in defiance. She had not come this far to fail here, there was still time. The surrounding environment was saturated in the released solar magic and all Jolyne would need is enough to stay alive. But time was running out as the wild tainted solar magic began diffusing into the ambient magic. Celestia began channeling solar magic back into Jolyne before it was too intertwined for her body to absorb.


A loud intake of air signaled Celestia’s success. And just in time too as the surrounding magic was now too intermixed to be reabsorbed back into Jolyne. Celestia released a breath she didn’t know she was holding as she collapsed next to Jolyne’s unconscious, but thankfully alive, body. Looking up into the sky, the moon was no longer visible as Celestia lay there recuperating herself. That whole ordeal had taken a lot more out of her than she thought. But because of her alicorn physiology, she would be right as rain in a minute or two. Jolyne however... Needless to say with the amount of magic she lost, bringing her to death's door. A hospital would be required for a full recovery.

As Celestia’s strength returned, she weaved some extra sealing spells onto Jolyne’s horn to guarantee that nothing short of the horn being healed would break magical containment. With that all set and done, Celestia began to charge a teleport spell back to Canterlot.

Nothing happened.

Confused, Celestia tried again with identical results. She used a scanning spell to determine what was hindering her efforts at teleportation. The results were...interesting to say the least. As this was the first instance of a nightmare entity suffering a cracked horn the effects of raw tainted mana had never been observed before. Turns out that the mixing of the solar magic and the surrounding natural magic had created a type of a dampener that prevented the use of any spells of a longer range.

As an example imagine, if you will, how radiation bounces off of different atom cores reflecting the energy in different directions. This new ambient magical field acts in exactly the same way. The further the target of your spell is the weaker it will be. Teleportation was out of the question now. And who knew what else could happen the longer this ‘magical fallout’ interacted with the ambient magic within this new ‘desert of glass’. The closest town was Appleloosa to the north but all Celestia needed to do was get out of this desert and hopefully, the magical interference would be weak enough for a long-range teleport back to Canterlot.

So with a plan in mind, Celestia carefully picked up the unconscious Jolyne. And as Jolyne lay droopily in her arms, she looked over at the horizon, with Canterlot visible in the distance, and spread her wings. Flapping them briefly she took flight, a sea of glass cooling and cracking underneath them. The Aftermath of Celestia’s actions were immense.

As where there once was a desert made of sand.

There was now a desert…

Made of Glass.

Author's Note:

Act se zo faxarr whaxas bini ox wreppow

Hello everyone! First off I Apologise for the long wait on this chapter but I hope it was worth the wait!

Also, did anyone hear any whispering earlier?

I swear I just heard a bunch of gibberish.