• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,916 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

  • ...

14-Fresh Air

14-Fresh Air

Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow needed to get some fresh air. There was only so long they could stay in that room. What they really needed to do was distract Pinkie and get her as close to normal as possible after recent events. They wanted their hyperactive friend back. They wanted to see Pinkie smile once again.

Leaving the Castle infirmary, the trio soon made their way onto the deserted streets of Canterlot. Not a single soul was in sight on the normally packed streets and bustling markets. It was as if they were walking through some sort of ghost town instead of their nation’s capital and most famous city. Without a plan in mind, the trio opted to try and find a cafe, and if that failed simply heading to the park on the edges of Canterlot would do just as well.

It didn’t take long for the pair to find several cafe’s but to their dismay, all of them were empty with a ‘closed until further notice’ sign outside or against the glass walls/door of the establishment. So they went with ‘Plan B’ and headed towards the park overlooking the valley below. It wouldn’t be the best place to cheer pinkie up, but it would allow them to think about what they were going to do about Jolyne.

They needed to get her away from the Princesses; Their actions against her were simply unforgivable. All they needed to do was get her somewhere they couldn’t reach her. Somewhere she could stay until a way home was found for her.

Heavy gray clouds obscured the sky as the Trio entered the abandoned Park. It looked just like the rest of the Capital with not a single pony in sight save for each other. It really was quite harrowing for them all. A park usually filled with foals, parents, joggers, and everything in-between now completely abandoned. The silence of the park only being broken by the songs and sounds of the birds up above. A distant sound of a train pulling into Canterlot just barely audible to the group.

They made their way towards the railing overlooking the valley below Mount Canterhorn. It was a beautiful view, even with the oppressive cloud coverage overhead. The green hills and forests cascading towards the mountains to the west. The blue tint of the Ocean was just barely visible over them. The dark and foreboding viridian of the Everfree Forest meshing with the happy and cheerful leaf green of open fields and Applejack’s Orchard on the edges of Ponyville before turning brown as the scenery changed to the Rambling Rock Ridge.

So many memories were had by all of them. Some from their Childhood and others from Adulthood. But the only things that came to mind now were the memories regarding Jolyne. They all had positive memories and she didn’t doubt that Jolyne has had many too but since her arrival and their first meeting. It has contained nothing but pain and suffering for her. No good times with friends like the rest of them, just pain and her first encounter with ponykind being the threat of petrification to stone.

How could it have all gone so wrong? It saddened them to no end that this creature has endured so much hardship in such a short amount of time.

Bringing their gaze away from their home of Ponyville their eyes followed the great ravine of Ghastly Gorge to the Macintosh Hills and the barely visible town of Appleoosa just beneath it. The glint of the glassy wasteland giving the mountains an eerie glow of reflected light. The mere reminder of what had happened such a short time ago bringing a shiver down their spines.

The sheer power that had been released there was equally awe-inspiring and terrifying to behold. The heat and power so intense, they doubted anyone but Celestia could have withstood it.

But Celestia did.

Not only holding against the flame turning sand to glass, but managing to push against it and save Jolyne from death. It was noble, It was brave, but it was all because of Celestia’s folly that it was necessary. Because of Luna’s reaction that Jolyne came into contact with Celestia in the first place. They needed to get her away from the Princesses

They turned their gazes north, away from the desert, away from the glass, and away from the Everfree. The green landscape turned to white as the grandiose backdrop of the crystal mountains covered the Horizon. The faint specs of clouds depositing soft snow onto the frozen mountains below. The Glint of the top of the crystal palace peeking above the mountains. Giving off a slight pink hue due to the magic of the crystal heart keeping the raging blizzards of the north out of the city.

Could they have seen The Blast?

Did they feel the ground shake?

Did they even know what had happened?

How were Cadence and Shining Armor faring?

Her air exploded with energy. Turning from a dull straight mane to a lively, exploding with pink, poofball that was her trademark hairstyle.

“I’ve got it!” Pinkie shouted suddenly and excitedly, startling her friends out of their viewing of the landscape with a small yelp.

“Lands sakes Pinkie! Don’t give us a fright like that.” Responded Applejack holding a hand over her now rapidly beating heart.

“Yeah Pinkie almost gave me a heart attack.” Added Rainbow coming down from the cloud she had jumped up to.

“Sorry girls but I just had to as I’ve got the bestest, the most perfect Idea that we really should have thought of already!” Pinkie continued, still high on energy.

“Well, what’s your idea Pinks?” Asked Rainbow curiously.

“We should get Cadence!” Answered Pinkie happily. And as the pair thought about her idea it didn’t take them long to realize that it was exactly the answer they had been looking for. If Cadence agreed to take her in, and with the current situation that outcome was highly likely, it would solve everything.

“Hey, that’s.... not a half-bad Idea Pinkie!” Responded Applejack a smile forming on her lips. Rainbow also gave her approval to the idea shortly afterward. They began to make their way back to the Castle, all of their moods significantly higher than when they first left. Now it was just up to telling Twilight what they had come up with. And with Pinkie practically bouncing off the walls again it wouldn’t take long for the rest of their friends to realize they came bearing good news.

Author's Note:

I promised you all a chapter for my Birthday, didn't I?
And when I make a promise...

We have now all seen how the main 6 are reacting now...
The next Chapter will be all about the Sisters and the political shitstorm that about to unfold