• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,962 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

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15-The Sisters Blaze

15-The Sisters Blaze

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna I hope you understand why my King has elected to send me here today? Both my King and people are quite understandably… concerned about the recent happenings in your nation.” Began the griffon ambassador standing before the two occupied thrones of the equestrian diarchy. Both Princesses held their practiced neutral faces as the Griffonia ambassador began. If it weren't for the sisters' millennia of practice with their diplomatic masks, they would be most certainly wearing a thoroughly tired expression after the almost non-stop foreign inquiries of the last several days since the event.

The pair had hardly slept, each of them kept awake by the stress of damage control and their own thoughts. Luna spent her sleepless nights quelling the now out-of-control nightmares plaguing her subjects all across the country. Each of them revolved around one specific theme: Their annihilation. It pained her heart to see her subjects fearing death as if it were just around the corner when nothing could be farther from the truth.

Luna had lost count of how many times she had reassured her subjects in the dream realm that everything was fine and that nothing like that would ever happen again. That they could sleep easy knowing that life would go on. She was drained and now having a griffon ambassador in front of her and her sister did not help.

“Yes we understand, ambassador, the event did happen in our nation after all. Your nation wasn’t the only one affected by it. But you will be getting the same answer as every other nation that has come before us” Began the solar diarch standing up from her throne, her sister doing the same before she then spoke.

“The Equestrian Government currently has no explanation for the event, nor its consequences on the affected area of the explosion. Our researchers are looking into it and once an explanation has been found, their findings will be released to the international community and all beings affected by it.” Finished the lunar Diarch

The griffon ambassador simply stood there in thought for several seconds before sighing heavily. “My King will not be pleased with this news but… I thank you for your time anyway.”

“Your reaction is understandable, ambassador, my sister and I do not like to be in the dark as well when such magic is involved within our lands. Is there anything else you would like to discuss with us?” Questioned Luna politely. The ambassador stood in thought for a second before answering.

“There is one thing my and several other nations have been wondering. We are hearing reports of another Alicorn being spotted in ponyville. They also seem to mention you, your highness.” He continued looking Luna directly in the eye. “Do you have any knowledge of this supposed fifth Alicorn?”

Luna didn't visibly react to the griffon’s question, but it was a completely different story on the inside.

*How could they know!? My spells should have removed any witnesses' recollection of the incident!* Thought Luna bitterly. Rage began to boil underneath her stoic exterior as she thought of a valid explanation. It was too early for the world to know of Jolyne’s existence and her status as an Alicorn. Let alone her actions in Ponyville. She needed an answer or her silence would speak volumes more than any words she spoke.

Celestia sensing her sister's plight spoke up. “Yes, we are aware of these reports, and my sister was looking into the matter. And as of right now we have no further leads towards this supposed Alicorn. We shall get to the bottom of this matter, ambassador, the Crown assures this.”

The Griffon stood in thought for several seconds after Celestia’s declaration before giving a firm nod towards the sisters. “Thank you, that is all I can ask. I shall take my leave now, I bid you two a pleasant afternoon.” And with that the Ambassador left, leaving the Equestrian Diarchs alone in their throne-room once more. Only for the two of them to collapse onto their respective thrones in exhaustion.

“Sister please for the love of the moon, tell me we don’t have any more meetings today.”

“Thankfully not Luna, that was the last one for today. Can’t say the same for tomorrow, however.”

“Sister please, you may have already heard this but if this is what we have to deal with again the next time you mess up. I implore you, please think of the consequences if it blows up in your face.”

“Luna…” Celestia began a dangerous growl in her voice before taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. “I admit that I made an error in my judgment but you would have done the same, were the roles reversed!”

“I would no-”

“Yes, Luna, you would and you know it to be true. Your actions in Ponyville are evidence enough that you would have gone down the same path as I have! By the Sun, maybe even further if Twilight wasn’t there to talk some sense into you!”

“Sister, we have already gone over this. I am sorry and have apologized, even if I don’t deserve forgiveness for what I almost did; for the line, I nearly crossed that day… You however have yet to seek atonement for your actions!”

“I do not need to seek such forgiveness! I did what needed to be done and I will stand behind my actions. It is up to them to understand my motives. For them to understand both of our reasons for our fear.” Her gaze fell towards the floor.“I went through 1000 years of torture without you Luna because of that parisite” Spat Celestia with such venom it could melt steel before continuing somberly.

“I would rather risk losing everything I have built than make you go through the same pain I went through.” Finished Celestia quietly, small tears beginning to well up in the corner of her eyes as she looked down at her knees. She couldn’t, she simply wouldn’t make her sister go through what she did. She would give up anything and everything asked of her if it meant they could stay together.

Celestia suddenly found herself in a sisterly embrace as her vision was soon filled with dark blue fur. Sweet words were soon whispered into her ear as the sisters sat there together on one throne, the world around them falling away as they embraced each other. For this moment they weren’t in the middle of a political crisis. They weren’t stuck in their fears. They were just two sisters supporting each other in these turbulent waters they now found themselves in.

“What do you mean you don’t know anything?! How can you not know what's happening inside your borders!?!”

The next day soon came and with it the next nation looking for answers. And to the annoyance of the Sisters, today was the Dragon Nations turn to search for answers only this time they wouldn’t be deterred too easily like the others. They wanted answers and wouldn’t take no for an answer from the Royal sisters.

“I’m sorry but our analysts are still looking into it and until then we have no idea what caused such a powerful reaction. Such things will take time and patience until we have a full understanding of its cause and its effects on the environment we cannot give you the answers you seek just yet.”

“I refuse to believe that you have no information on the subject! It is your country for Scepter’s sake! I simply refuse to believe that you know nothing of its cause!” Shot back the Dragon ambassador loudly as he aggressively paced left and right in front of the dual thrones.

“Believe what you wish, it does not change the truth of the Situation. We know nothing and only the passage of time will change that. Until such time comes to pass you are free to remain as long as you wish here in the Capital. When the initial reports are finished you shall be one of the first to get them.”

“*Humpf* I have heard enough of this useless dribble! Until you know what happens within your nation you can expect no more support from the dragons!” And with that, the dragon stormed off towards the exit to the throne room. The guards at the door barely were able to get it open before the dragon could have blown them off of their hinges in his exit, like many of his forefathers have done before.

“Raven my dear, what's next on the itinerary?“

“A meeting with the Minotaur ambassador in 10 minutes followed by another meeting with the Yak ambassador. I also have a request from the Buffalo Representative to meet with you this afternoon.“ Responded her assistant with a sympathetic look towards the Princesses.

A Sigh escaped Luna‘s Lips as she looked from Raven to Celestia “Well, you heard her Sister, send them in.“

And so would the day continue for the Sisters as every meeting with another nation ended with the same outcome: Their withdrawal of Support until the cause of the ``Second Sunrise`` event as it is now known, is found and a guarantee that something like it couldn‘t be replicated. Years of diplomatic progress had just been reversed within an afternoon, as the nations around the world began to distance themselves from Equestria.

They were scared. It‘s as simple as that.

And that fear was infectious.

Should it happen again? Never.

Could it happen again? Possibly.

Would it happen again? Only time would tell and how Jolyne was affected by all that had transpired.

And it was this question...This possible future brought the Lunar Princess in front of this one door. This one golden door to her sister's office, one hated the most by the sisters in the entire castle. And the one place Luna knew her sister would be at this time of night.

Both Sisters love their subjects dearly. They have fought for them, bled for them, and brought them away from the brink of extinction. But if you offered them a way to remove the whole concept of paperwork from their lives? They would most likely take it in a heartbeat.

Luna slowly opened the door, the sound of ink being scratched onto paper soon filled her ears. The room was dark, her moon hidden behind the clouds outside the large window. The only source of light in the room is a dimly glowing ball of light floating gracefully above her sister’s desk. Its warm light bathing the room in a comforting orange, just bright enough to work with but easy on the eyes at this time of Luna’s night.

Two bookshelves line the walls, both of them filled to the brim as several paintings of various landscapes hung on the wall above them. Tickets of all shapes and sizes from their more adventurous selves sat atop the bookshelves themselves. The tip of a broken sword, a geode from the heart of a volcano, and a slightly chipped and warped teacup that sat on a pedestal above the two.

Her Sister sat at her desk at the far end of the room, her attention fully immersed in the documents below her. Large bags lay underneath her eyes, their darkened color sticking out on her otherwise pristine white fur. In her sleep-deprived state, Celestia hadn’t noticed the opening of her door.

Entering the room fully, Luna slowly closed the door behind her. The click of the door fully shutting causing her sister’s ears to twitch as they suddenly faced towards Luna. The head they were attached to slowly following suit showing just how terrible the condition her sister was in, startling Luna in the process.
They both hadn’t had proper rest in days but Luna was far superior to her sister when it came to running on little sleep and it showed right here. If it weren’t for the wonders of magic and makeup in public one might mistake the current state of Celestia’s ‘in private’ look like that of a walking corpse.

Luna had another reason for coming but that was forgotten as she saw her sister’s terrible state.

“Ah-” Celestia began before being interrupted by a large yawn “Do you need anything Luna?”

“Yes sister, I require but one thing.”

“Oh-” She yawned again. “What is it you require?”

“You, in bed, asleep. With pleasant dreams given by me,” answered Luna authoritatively, moving towards the desk. Her dark blue horn glowing as she plucked the pen out of her sister’s hand and filed the documents she had on her desk away much to Celestia’s chagrin.

She moved to stand up. “Luna no you can’t-” only for her legs to buckle underneath her causing her to fall briefly before being caught by her grinning sister.

“Alright fine, some sleep does sound nice.” relented Celestia with a tired smile as she leaned into Luna’s arms.

“Good, now come, let me walk you to your quarters” Luna finished as the pair walked towards the door, Celestia holding onto her sister gently.

With the night shift in full spring, the likelihood the pair would run into any unintended guests was next to nil with the last of the foreign dignitaries gone. The walk towards Celestia’s bedroom was a quiet one as the pair made their way through the maze-like corridors of the castle until Celestia broke the silence.

“Have you-” another yawn escaped her muzzle “Have you heard any news from the hospital. About her condition?” asked Celestia tiredly, barely keeping her eyes open.

„Nay dear Sister I have not. I was however planning on heading over tomorrow… Would you like to join me?“

„Unfortunately no Luna, it is too soon for me and there is much work that still needs to be done“ a sigh escaped Celestia‘s lips „With the withdrawal of support, our Kingdom is in dire straits sister. I have already drawn up several… plans…“ The pair stopped in their tracks as Celestia trailed off, her breathing slowing and eyes closing. Within several seconds the princess of the Sun was asleep, leaning into her sister's arms.

Luna gave a small smile of amusement towards her now sleeping sister. They were only several steps away from her bedroom so gently Luna‘s horn lit up as she opened up the door and brought her sister in. She laid her on the large sun-adorned bed in the middle of her sister’s quarters.

And with but a flick of her wrist and a glow in her horn her sister would sleep the night away with pleasant dreams.

Author's Note:

Make sure to leave a comment as I fuckin L O V E reading them
Also if you want to find me I have my own discord full of memes
I am also very active on K.K Sliders discord lots o Connor over there
And finally, the Positive ponies discord that I rule over with an Iron fist!

That's all folks see you next time in 16-A Recovering Flame