• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,958 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

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4-The reaction

Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: Turns out I C A N Finish the next chapter in my downtime between studying.

Hope ya like it :D :pinkiehappy:

Big thanks to Darkspyro and PlantedG for prereading this chapter. You guys are the best :twilightsmile:

The reaction

I was unceremoniously awoken from my slumber by a certain celestial object which happens to emit pinpoint rays of photons that went exactly into my closed eyes. I groaned and turned away from the light trying to catch some more z’s. I had some crazy dream of me being Daybreaker, cookies, and Spike? Unfortunately, those sun rays had really done a number on my want to sleep. I groggily accepted defeat and went to check my phone. When I felt around on the nightstand, I couldn’t find it. Confused I opened my eyes and got a look at my surroundings. ‘This isn’t my room’ is the first thing that went through my mind when I got a glimpse of my surroundings. Firstly, my room wasn’t made of wood and this definitely wasn’t my bed. I move to get out of bed when I see the rest of my body.

“That wasn’t a dream…” I mutter to myself in realization. I was still Daybreaker and judging by my surroundings this was Twilights library. I needed to make sure though, so I got out of bed and walked up to the nearby window. I was still wearing the same white dress as yesterday, but something was different about my hair. It had lost its fire effect and was now only normal orange hair, the same thing happened to my tail. Confused I walked to the nearby mirror that was sitting in the corner of the room.

“Son of a…They magic blocked me!” Not that I could use magic, but it was the thought that counted. On my horn was the classic magic inhibitor ring. I didn’t want to remove it (not that I could anyway. I tried and it was stuck on there like glue) since I didn’t want to look like a threat, but I was also kind of grateful for it. Having the ring on removed the whole fire hair making me look a lot less like some type of monster and a lot more approachable. Well again as approachable one can be when you have fangs and reptilian slits for eyes, but hey it’s the little things that matter. Such as not having people be worried, I would burn them if they got too close. But having the equivalent of air in this world be taken away didn’t feel good. It felt like something important was missing from my body. Not a nice feeling let me tell you. Imagine the feeling as if your chest were suddenly hollow, but you were still alive. Yeah, it’s hard to imagine, but that’s how it felt having my magic taken away. I mean, I can’t blame them for taking precautions. Twilight did go all crazy just by seeing me, thinking that I was Nightmare Moon.

After that mystery solved, I went over to the nearby window and opened the blinds. Ponyville was different than what I expected. For one it was a lot smaller than I expected I could basically see half of town from my one window. There were lots of ponies walking around outside. It looked like any other town on Earth the difference being the people had pony characteristics such as wings, horns, and ears on the top of their heads. One thing I forgot to mention is that these ears are weird. They seem to move on their own but that could just be instinctive reactions since humans don’t have that much control of their ears, so they are just being moved by my subconscious. I just stood there observing the town for around five minutes till I was brought out of my pony watching by a rather large growl from my stomach.

Noticing that I haven’t eaten anything other than a single cookie since I arrived here, and that Luna’s cookie jar was now sitting on the stand next to the bed. Seeing this I grabbed the jar and took a cookie out and began munching on it. Deciding that I couldn’t stay in this room the whole time. I walked over to the door and left, cookie jar in tow of course as I was still hungry. When I left the room, I was greeted with an empty library. Seeing that I was alone I decided to have a look around, maybe read some books, information is the most important resource in this situation. I needed to know if they ever heard of Daybreaker or anything about the magic that brought me here, so I went to work in the library after putting my cookie jar on a nearby table and walked up to the wall of books. Unfortunately, the books I needed were quite high up to I had to reach to grab the first book that caught my attention. I was so close to grabbing it, my fingers were touching it I was so close.

“Oh, you’re awake” Came a voice from behind me.

“EEEP” I yell startled causing my wings to shoot out. Due to the sudden movement I lost my balance and fell. Right onto my butt.


“You ok?” Asked the voice.

“Yep yep I’m good” I say standing back up turning around the voice. Turns out it was Spike. He was standing there with what looked like an emerald in his hand.

“What happened after I fell asleep?” My stomach growled still wanting something more than a cookie. “Can I also get some breakfast?” I finish with a blush.

“Sure, follow me I’ll tell ya what happened over breakfast.” He said with a chuckle motioning with his hand for me to follow him. I did just that happily after grabbing the cookie jar from the nearby table. That jar contains the cookies of the Gods, I am not leaving it unattended. Especially with Pinkie Pie in town.

Breakfast was amazing Spike can somehow make the best pancakes imaginable. And here I thought my Mom made the best pancakes, turns out I was wrong. That honor goes to Spike now. He also told me what had happened after I fell asleep also why Twilight wasn’t in the building when I woke up earlier. She had to leave quickly to go greet someone to town, didn’t say who though. But I might have an idea. Anyway, breakfast was overall fantastic we had a nice chat just talking about random stuff. Eventually the topic of comic books came up and the sparkle that appeared in Spike’s eyes hearing that somebody else also enjoyed comic books as much as he was, dare I say, beautiful. Comics are also one of my favorite things to talk about. Albeit it was my little pony comics and talked about over the internet, but they still count goddammit!
After breakfast, which I have to say again was divine, we went back into the library itself. I wanted to continue my research and Spike was there to make sure I didn’t try anything. He didn’t agree with it but had to anyway. His exact words were ‘I’ve got to keep a close eye on you. Make sure you don’t bring about eternal night *wink*’ Yes he did in fact say the word wink, with a wink.

So, there I was sitting in the library trying to find anything related to Daybreaker and portals/teleportation. Idly munching on Luna’s cookies while Spike was sitting next to me reading some power pony comics. And we sat there for roughly half an hour just quietly reading. I was currently searching through the history books, looking for anything that indicated a so-called ‘Daybreaker event’ happened at some point. And I have to say the history of this cartoon world is surprisingly deep. I was always interested in history back home so reading about this surprisingly expansive and deep history really got the inner historian in me going. And was getting really good have you ever heard of the ‘Dea So-‘

“no no no luna wait don’t-! “


Then with all the subtlety of gun being shot right next to ones ear the door was (literally) Blown off its hinges. Flinging the door right into the wall of books with a dark blue beam following it. The force the door was thrown with was so strong I believe every item in the library that wasn’t nailed down either fell over or was damaged in some way. That included a lot of books.

This was all followed by the sound of one very pissed of dark blue goddess.


And the sound no sane person would ever want to hear from the much younger lavender goddess.

“M-my b-books.”