• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,965 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

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8-A connection between Suns

8-A connection between Suns

Let me tell you one thing: getting a hug when one is needed by a friend is nice. Getting hugged by a Princess is another thing. But the motherly hug I received from Celestia blew everything out of the water in comparison. It was as if all my worries melted away, for this short moment all was right in the world. And as Celestia said those magic words...

“I promise”

The happiness I felt at that moment… it was indescribable. All my fears of never being able to see my home, my friends, my family were gone. I was going home. Well, not right at that moment but with Celestia on my side it was all but guaranteed that I was going to be able to go home. I don’t know how long we stayed in that embrace but I didn't care. It could have been hours or minutes but when my tears began to run dry and my sobbing became quieter Celestia moved away slightly and looked into my still teary eyes with her motherly smile still visible on her face.

“Feeling better now?” She asked as she idly stroked my orange hair with her hand. Looking up into her magenta eyes that were filled with sympathy, I nodded while bringing a hand up to wipe the remaining tears from my eyes. The sound of a door being opened cut through the momentary silence and brought both gazes towards the door. Standing there was the same nurse as before holding a clipboard with an embarrassed look on her face.

“I *ahem* Is this a bad time? I can come back later if you wish Princess.”

Celestia just responded with a small chuckle.

“No, in fact, your timing is perfect Scarlet,” She said while standing up and moving away from me much to my displeasure. Noticing this Celestia smiled at me.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, but I doubt that miss Scarlet here could do her job if I was in the way.”

I giggled slightly at Celestia’s attempt to lighten up the mood. It did help me to cheer up slightly as Scarlet walked up to the end of the bed and grabbed the chart hanging off it. She hummed thoughtfully after comparing what was written on my chart and whatever documents she had attached to the clipboard she carried. After quickly writing something down she smiled and began speaking.

“Well, judging by your chart most if not all your injuries have healed but I still need to do a small examination to make sure there aren't any more problems.” She said as she began to approach me. The examination was fairly straightforward. All she really did was remove my bandages and look at the now small patches where my fur has not grown back yet. Thank goodness for the fact that it wasn't very visible due to my fur already being white. Thankfully some fur had already begun to regrow so I guessed those patches would be gone in a day or so. But let me tell ya, being able to move my wings again felt great. I mean, I couldn't move them much as they were still quite tender but still being able to move them at all after having them basically glued to my back for several days was amazing. Feeling the joints in those things pop...oh yeah just thinking about it makes me feel good. After the feeling of absolute bliss, I got from moving my wings was gone I was brought back to the hurtful reality that are my legs. I still couldn't feel them and it was starting to scare me. I mean, it already did and she said that it would heal eventually but that still doesn't remove my fear of not being able to feel my own damn legs completely. Scarlet finished soon after appearing to glance between the ring on my horn and the Princess sitting next to my bed as she jotted something down.

“So, after that, I can say with certainty that all of your external injuries have healed meaning you don't need any more of these pesky bandages,” She said with a smile throwing my old bandages into a nearby bin.”But I still want you to stay here for a few more days of observation.” She said before looking over towards Celestia. “Would that be all right Princess?” Celestia nodded as Scarlet made her way towards the door leaving me alone with Celestia once more.

“Now that that's out of the way I have about an hour before I need to return back to my duties so why don't you tell me a bit about yourself” Began Celestia. Her motherly smile on display once again. Seeing no reason not to answer I told Celestia pretty much everything about myself. Of course, leaving out the whole watching a show about an alternate Equestria where they aren’t bipedal. Eventually, she magicked a notepad into the room breaking my concentration and bringing up one enormous thing I had completely ignored. Magic gaddam existed and I could learn it. Honestly, it surprised me how long I had gone not being in awe at the fact magic was real here. It brought back the memory of how it felt not to have this ring on. Having the feeling of magic being taken away was one thing but there really wasn’t a difference with how it was back home where magic isn't real. But in the short time I had magic I have grown accustomed to a feeling I didn't know I had until it was taken away.

Anyway, now I’m rambling, so let's get back to Celestia doing magic and making a notebook appear while I was describing the wonders that were computers. Yeah, so her bringing that notebook into existence completely destroyed my train of thought as I went ‘Oh yeah magic is a thing, and I can learn about said thing, and do stuff with said thing when I’ll learn about this one thing’. Honestly, the fact that I only just now realized this spoke of either how stupid I am or how hectic my time in Equestria has been so far.

Celestia noticing that I was no longer talking and now just staring at the notebook took on a worried facial expression.

“Is everything all right?” Celestia asked in a worried tone bringing me out of my stupor. “Yeah I’m fine it’s just… the fact that magic is now a real thing and no longer fiction just set in. Do you think I could learn magic?! Do you think you could teach me as well?!” I ask in an excited tone the prospect of learning something only heard of in works of fantasy. I mean who wouldn't want to learn real-life magic, especially from the Princess Celestia herself! But there were several things preventing me from doing just that. The big one is the inhibitor ring doing exactly what it says on the tin. Another problem is that Celestia might not want to or have the time to be my teacher. There is also still the fact I am Daybreaker, even if she knows I’m not her, the magic I must hold as an alicorn child could pose a problem as the amount of power I am probably holding isn’t on the same level as a unicorn child.

Celestia took a thoughtful expression at my response and hummed to herself bringing a finger up to her lips as if weighing the pros and cons of teaching the alien in the body of her version of Nightmare Moon how to use magic. I completely understood the implications of what I was asking. Teaching a small alicorn that probably has enough power to destroy a good chunk of Canterlot if they decided to do so was a serious risk.

“Let me think about it, my little pony.” She responded after a short while. I lost some enthusiasm at her answer.

But hey!
It wasn’t a no~o hehe.

“But let's get back to these high powered computers you were talking about” Continued Celestia now actively taking notes in her little book. I guess I found out where Twilight got that from or maybe Twilight's habits rubbed off on Celestia. “This technology your people have developed is truly fascinating. The best piece of such technology our scientists have developed are small calculators only capable of the simplest of operations.” Now, hearing that was extremely surprising. I knew their technology wasn't the best and that they used magic as a shortcut for most things where we would have used electricity instead. But I honestly expected a bit more advancement in the IT-department.

Now let me tell you something about what happens when you mix a geek that built their own computer from scratch and a world that just recently invented the calculator. You get one extremely happy geek. I already loved tinkering on my own computer to make it as efficient as possible. Hell, I used to build computers as a hobby to make some extra cash. I could be Equestria’s version of Bill Gates if I wanted to be. Ah yes, I could see it now: ‘Micropony the forefront leader in computpony technology™'.

Giggling at the prospect of owning Equestria's version of Microsoft, I began speaking.
“Hehe, give me a workbench and I’ll show you how us humans work our magic”

After a small laugh, I continued from where we last left off. Overall it was a very nice conversation and felt great talking to someone -or would it be somepony- about everything. But as with all good things, it too must have come to an end. At some point, Celestia had to take a leave.

Celestia’s horn glowed briefly as a frown appeared on her face. Sighing, she magicked her notebook away. “It appears that we must cut our conversation short as something appears to have come up that requires my immediate attention.” I began frowning as the prospect of being stuck in this room with nothing to do till Celestia’s next visit was going to be mind-numbingly boring. Celestia, noticing my frown laughed slightly, probably guessing exactly what was going through my mind.

“Don’t worry my little pony, I will be sure to visit you tomorrow.”

This caused a small smile to creep up on my face but I was still going to be stuck in here without anything to do. I had previously looked around my small room and there weren't any books of any kind within my reach. Not even a pamphlet about some fur-care product I couldn’t care less about but could still read to pass the time. “Um, could you please, maybe bring me something to read?” I ask with a sheepish smile plastered on my face. This in turn got a motherly smile from Celestia, whose horn began to glow.


Suddenly a book was magicked into existence and landed right on my lap. Looking down at the book now sitting in my lap a smile quickly began to blossom across my face. It was the first daring doo book in the series: Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. It was and still is one of my favorite books of all time as I had been able to snag a limited edition copy back home that has its own special place on my nightstand. I read it almost every night. No matter how many times I read that book it never got boring. So, with stars in my eyes and a massive smile on my face, I said in the happiest voice I had ever used.

“Thank you!!!”

Author's Note:

This life is what you make it. No matter what, you're going to mess up sometimes, it's a universal truth. But the good part is you get to decide how you're going to mess it up. Girls will be your friends - they'll act like it anyway. But just remember, some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through everything - they're your true best friends. Don't let go of them. Also remember sisters, make the best friends in the world. As for lovers, well, they'll come and go too. And baby, I hate to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are going to break your heart, but you can't give up because if you give up, you'll never find your soulmate. You'll never find that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.
Marilyn Monroe

Hello everybody! Hope you all liked this chapter because I have an announcement to make.


Give a big warm welcome to our new Editors!

HeBogin and The-Hidden-Fox

You two are just the best :heart: and I thank you both for your hard work making this chapter perfect.