• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,967 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

  • ...

22-A Familial Burn

The world returned to normal as the orange light dissipated leaving me to blink the stars out of my eyes. My wings were still surrounding me and I could feel the impossibly familiar mare holding onto them tightly. A Light panting filled the otherwise silent air. Whatever they had done had most likely taken a lot of energy for what was clearly another Alicorn to be exhausted.

After a moment or two, the panting ceased and I could feel the mare shuffling as I felt them run their fingers along my wings.

"It’s alright my little Sunspot." Spoke the mare once again in a voice that should have been impossible for me to hear. "I won’t let them hurt you anymore." Its tone was loving, protective…motherly.

*It can’t be…*

Her fingers had found where my wings met and gently, ever so gently moved them aside. Her touch was so light as if she were afraid any more power would shatter my feathers. I didn’t fight it as my mind still tried to catch up to what my senses were telling me.

Then as my wings fell to the ground, their muscles slack. I saw her face and my heart stopped. This was Daybreaker, the Alter-ego of Celestia, the power-hungry Empress, the wrath of the Sun personified…

I should have been terrified, but looking into those damp and slitted eyes I could only see familiarity. That look of love… it's one I had seen before. It's the one I would see when I came home limping, one I would see when I showed off my nonsense ‘art’ when I was young.

*It’s…impossible…it can’t be*


She smiled as the tears in her eyes began to flow freely as I was suddenly glomped in a hug I thought I would never feel again.

"Oh Jolyne, my Sunspot… I’m so, so sorry… This was never supposed to happen."

I froze stock still as my brain tried to catch up to this revelation. My brain, now on autopilot, unconsciously returned the motherly hug.

This was impossible, it simply couldn’t happen. Yet she called me her little Sunspot, the same name I had been referred to as so, so many times during my childhood. It must be a coincidence! Because otherwise, how the hell did my Mother get here, and why did she only show up now!?

With newfound control over my limbs, I managed to free myself from her ironclad yet light as a feather grip and brought the somewhat teary-eyed and confused alter-ego of Celestia to an arms-length in front of me. I needed to be sure that this mare in front of me was MY mother, and it was not a case of mistaken Identity… with some incredible similarities to my human life.

"Jolyne… is there something wrong?" Asked Daybreaker as she brought up a hand to wipe some accumulated tears away

"Where was I born?"

"Jolyne? Why would you ask m-"

"Just…answer the Question please."

"Room 105 of the Aurora Medical Center in Milwaukee."

And once again my heart stopped. I swear I was going to need a defibrillator soon if that kept happening. My face began to morph into a smile and tears of happiness began to well up in my eyes.

"I-It’s actually you…"

My face was shortly full of alabaster white fur as I buried my face into my Mothers neck. Many questions were running through my mind but they could be answered later. Right now I just wanted to hug my Mother once again. I held onto her for dear life, as if any second I would just suddenly wake up and find myself back in that hospital.

"Yes, it’s me. Everything is going to be okay now Jolyne. I won’t let them hurt you anymore."

I don’t know how long I was lying there in my Mothers arms, her wings were wrapped around me and her hand was idly running through my hair until I slowly began to calm down. Many words of comfort were whispered into my ear and eventually my tears stopped flowing and I pulled myself away from her, now wet, shoulder.

She brought her hand up to wipe my tears away. "All better now?"

With a sniff, I nodded and turned my head to see where we now found ourselves. It appeared to be some sort of cave with dark, almost black, walls bathed in orange light. I looked to my left and found the cave's mouth and the source of the light.

The sun was sitting on the Horizon, its light flying over the green treetops I could just barely glimpse.

"Where are we?" I asked as I continued to scan our surroundings.

"Somewhere in Griffonstone… I think the borders might have changed since I left so I might be wrong. But that doesn't matter now." She gave me a small kiss on the forehead before suddenly frowning as her slitted eyes met my cracked and golden-glowing horn before roaming towards the failing bandages around my body. "How are you feeling Jolyne?"

I winced slightly when her hand brushed against the base of my wings. It was all the answer she needed before her horn lit up and I felt my limp wings be gently lifted up from the ground and pressed against my back. The same orange glow began to envelop my horn as the golden glow of Celestia’s magic was slowly replaced with an orange one.

"That's better now isn’t it?"

I nodded as I suddenly found myself being lifted up off the ground and into my Mothers arms. It really did feel better as the dull pain I had learned to ignore vanished into thin air.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously as I was carried outside the cave. Looking down the steep hill before us, I could see trees and wilderness all around for miles on end. I felt my Mothers wings unfold.

"I know somewhere we can stay nearby. There I can answer the undoubtedly endless questions you have for me…it's time for you to know the secret I had so long hoped would never see the light of day."

"Well that's…ominous" I respond quietly

"You do not need to worry my Sunspot, you already know most of it, just not *all* of it."

"What, do I already know?"

"What we really are."

And with those words, her wings gave a mighty flap and we were soon soaring through the air, our manes and tails whipping in the wind. One of them barely glowing and the other a raging flame whipping in the wind of a rising Sun.

The flight was short with my Mothers large wings bullying the air into submission. Soon a run-down and slightly overgrown house came into view where the forest began to recede. A lone dirt road was visible extending towards the horizon where the tip of some sort of mountain could be seen with small protrusions lining its entire exterior.

If I've got anything to say about the Griffons it's that they have a hell of an architectural design and that also seemed to extend to all of their buildings as I was able to get a better look at what was going to be our home for the foreseeable future. Its design was that of what could only be described as ‘Egg-like’. It was oval-shaped with many different balconies and windows lining its walls.

Vines of all kinds were growing all throughout the building as we descended onto the closest balcony. The room right before us didn’t actually look that bad. Sure there was dust everywhere, a hole in the wall with a tree growing through it and the door was on its last legs with only one hinge keeping the door upright.

A dusty bed stood to our left, the mattress in surprisingly good condition. Seeing it my Mother nodded and walked towards it as it was briefly consumed in orange light. When I blinked the Spots out of my eyes the bed looked spotless. With a smile, I was then placed down onto it.

"There we go, not my best work but until I get the rest of this place cleaned up."

"Okay. So, um, mind answering some questions now?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, I do have some explaining to do. Don’t I? Ask away."

"Well, you. Have… have you always been well…" I gestured with my hand towards her form.

"Ah yes, me. It's… a long story to say the least but to make it short. I used to be, or still am if you believe my former Sisters, the being known as Daybreaker… Not my proudest moment but without you being there it's impossible to actually explain why I came into being."


"I’m fine my Sunspot, that happened a lifetime ago."

"But then how did you come to earth… how did you get here, how did I get here and why did you only show up nowandnotearlie-" My voice became frantic as the words just began to spill out of my mouth without any conscious control before I was suddenly shushed by a finger being placed across my lips.

"As I said, it's a long story but to put it simply it was thanks to a spell I had devised I was able to separate myself from Celestia before her sister used the elements on me. The Elements are the least understood artifacts on Equis and their abilities are still unknown even to Celestia. When they…hit me… I was well, I guess the adequate term would be thrown across reality to find myself furless, hornless, and wingless wandering around town in a torn dress. If it weren't for your Father's kindness that day… I doubt I would be sitting here right now."

"Are you alright?"

She smiled down at me. " You don’t need to worry Jolyne. That moment when your Father found me was the happiest day of my life second only to you being born."

"Did…does he know about…" I once again gesture towards her horn and wings "this?"

"Yes, he knows, but he doesn’t care. That's why I married him after all."

"But then… How did I get here and why do I look like this?"

"Equestrian magic is… Homesick to best put it. It will always try to return here to Equis. I know how to keep it in check, my eldest daughter, however, who has always believed Magic to be fantasy…"

A look of understanding overtook my features.

"It's part of the reason why you're here but the actual reason how the portal was created is still unknown to me, my best guess is that someone here tried to bring me back but mistakenly summoned my daughter instead." The fire in her hair suddenly intensified. "A grave mistake."

"As for your second question… I’m not that well versed in the science of Genetics but I think that should answer your question."

"But.. Why am I in such a young body? I look and feel like some little girl."

My Mother laughed slightly.

"In the Alicorn years, that's what you are. Don’t worry when I get us home you’ll be back to normal."

Well… that's comforting. But that also brought up another question.

"How did you get here and why didn't you come earlier?"

A sad look made itself known on her face.

"I… went to your house to investigate and found the remnants of the portal. I tried to find a way through but without knowing something for me to link its exit too… I'm so sorry I couldn’t stop them from hurting you. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that pain but know that I heard you and now I’m here." She finished by bringing me into a hug as more tears welled up in her eyes.

"I failed you. I made a promise to your father that nothing would ever hurt you… and I failed."

I returned the hug. "It's alright. You don’t need to apologize to me Mom."

A moment later she pulled away and wiped her tears away once again before chuckling.

"Look at me. Daybreaker: the wrath of the Sun apologising to a child. Ha, Celestia would kill to see me like this."

I laughed alongside her.

"Now why don't you get some rest while I go fix up the house. Tomorrow will be a big day for my little Sunspot."

Author's Note:

It my birthday.
I gib update on birthday
simple as'