• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,962 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

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6-Dying fire

6- Dying fire

Darkness. All around me was nothing but a plane of darkness. However, this was a darkness that I recognize and look forward to seeing every now and then.

“Oh, cool I’m dreaming,” I say with a smile. Unlike many people, I tend to have lucid dreams often. Looking down at myself I see that I still looked like a 6-year-old Daybreaker. Frowning I snap my fingers to make myself look like my old self again.

Nothing happened.

“huh? Why won’t…” I snap my fingers again. Still nothing. I keep snapping them over and over hoping to do anything to the void I found myself in.

I tried creating my room…Nothing.

I tried making a nice grassy field…Still nothing

Starting to get frustrated I tried to will a simple chair into existence…Nada.

This was getting annoying.

“Oh, C’mon why won’t you AGH!” Pain exploded across my back and legs as I was suddenly flown across the void. When I hit the ground, the void was replaced with Ponyville. Landing on my back I was unable to move. Lying there helplessly I could only watch as Luna came into my field of vision. Her horn glowing, wings flared looking down at me as if I never deserved to have even been thought up of by my parents. The last thing I saw was a beam of light heading towards me.

I gasp loudly returning to the waking world. I shot upright in the bed I now found myself bringing my hand up to my heart which was beating at a mile a minute. I was borderline hyperventilating as I tried to calm myself down.

‘It’s a dream…it’s a dream… she isn’t here…she isn’t here’

I kept repeating that mantra in my head trying to calm myself back down. Now you may think that I woke up after getting blasted in the dream, but it was a lot worse. I kept reliving my near-death experience over and over and over again. Needless to say, I don’t think I could be in the same room as Luna now without having a heart attack. Slowly my heart began to beat slower and my breathing slowed back down. Stupid child body I absolutely hate having no control over my emotions. Taking deep breaths, I was finally able to calm myself down from the nightmare I had. Now with my emotions and body back under control, I was able to get a good look at where I now found myself. I was in a small room with lime green wallpaper with white ceilings and floors. The wall across from my bed had one large mirror. To my left was a small window with lime green curtains being faintly moved by the wind. There was a distinct smell of antiseptic in the air and the now identified IV stand next to the bed I was in confirmed my suspicions.

I was in some type of hospital.

I also seemed to be in one of those private single patient recovery rooms.

A dull pain in my back now became known as well as something pressing tightly against my wings. Looking down at my body I saw that basically my whole upper body was covered by bandages. That included my wings that were firmly pressed against my back by bandages. Just as I was about to inspect the rest of my body the door to my room opened.
Startled I whipped my head in the direction of the door only to be met with a wall of orange hair. Turns out I was still wearing a magic inhibiting ring as my hair was still straight and not burning. With an annoyed huff and some muffled laughter from my visitor I got my hair out of my face and was able to see who had just entered the room. Standing there with her hand over her mouth trying to stifle a few giggles was a nurse who I have never seen before in the show. Her fur was a deep Scarlet with blonde hair.

“yeah yeah laugh it up. I am not used to having long hair and this” I say pointing a finger at my orange hair.” usually floats.” I finish with a pout blowing at my hair. She just smiled at my probably unbelievably cute display. I mean who would not smile at such an image of a small white filly blowing her hair out of her face.

“So, doc what’s the prognosis?” I ask as she walks over to the IV stand and refills it after removing the drip from my arm.

“Well since your awake now I’ll go inform the doctors but as for right now I need to look you over.” She says as she begins her examination. Everything was going fine, and It looked like I already healed most of the damage I had received until…

“Can you move your legs for me please?” She asked inspecting my thoroughly bandaged legs. At this point I was basically a mummy just completely covered in bandages it was almost comical if it were not so painful getting said bandages. Following her instructions, I tried doing just that. Keyword ‘tried’ as when I told my legs to move, they did not respond. A feeling of fear began to seep into my mind at this response from my lower body.

“I-I uh can’t” I respond shakily fear of what could have happened seeping into my voice. Hearing my answer, the nurse hummed thoughtfully. She went and grabbed a pen from her chest pocket and told me to close my eyes.

“Can you feel this?” she asked.

I could not feel anything. The fear in my mind started to grow. “N-No w-why c-can’t I feel anything?” I stuttered out. “It’s nothing to worry about but altogether you are recovering very nicely. I’ll go tell the doctor you’re awake now.” The nurse says with a smile making her way towards the door.
“o-ok,” I say with a smile now slightly less afraid of the paralyzation in my legs. Hearing the click of the door, I laid back down in bed and gave off a sigh of relief that I was still alive after my encounter with Luna. Now lying in bed with nothing to do I decided to try and get some more shut-eye as some type of painkiller began to flood my system through the now refilled and reattached IV drip.

“How is she doing Scarlet?” Asked Celestia at the sound of a door opening, she was currently looking at the now sleeping form of Jolyne through a one-way mirror. “Well princess we were able to repair most of the damage and her alicorn physiology has finished the rest of her healing but with her magic inhibited the damage to her spine won’t heal.” Scarlet took on a sad expression.” And even if her magic is no longer inhibited it will be a long time before she can walk on her own.”

Celestia took on a pained expression at the news of the consequences of her sister’s brash actions. After a short stay in the Ponyville general hospital once it was safe for Jolyne to be moved she was brought to Canterlot castle medical wing. Into one of the patient rooms built for high-risk patients. The room was surrounded by multiple different wards and spells to ensure the safety of the patient and the rest of the castle. Essentially it was a cell in the form of a recovery room. Even though Jolyne was in no condition to be a threat to anything other than some sandwiches it was better to be safe rather than sorry. Celestia simply could not risk the safety of her ponies until she saw for herself that Jolyne was not the Nightmare her sister believed her to be. Even if that meant leaving a child unable to walk for the unforeseeable future.

“I understand but it must be this way until she proves herself not to be a threat. No matter how much it pains me to do this, but the ring will remain for now. I will speak with her myself later.” Celestia said looking through the mirror at the ring placed upon Jolyne’s horn.

Darkness surrounded me once again as I drifted of into unconsciousness. Seeing this plane once again brought the unpleasant memory of my previous dream to the forefront of my mind.
“Oh, come on! Not again” I look down at my hands. “You better work now or I’m going to be pissed”
Imagining my room back home, I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers hoping that I would not relive a certain life-threatening incident again.


“Aw yisss,” I say with a small fist bump into the air at seeing my success.

Opening my eyes, I was no longer met with a never-ending void but instead my bedroom wall that was covered in different MLP posters. Rainbow Dash eat your heart out my Wonder bolts collection is bigger than yours. Turning around I walked back over to my desk. However, in doing so I found one problem. I was still a small 6-year-old. Huffing I snapped my finders and shrunk the desk and chair down to my size. Now finally able to access my ‘dream computer’ (In more ways than one, I built it my self and it's my baby) and started revising my previous plan of action from when I first arrived here. Opening up a brand-new text document I began typing away.

Old Plan of Action:

Step 1 Look around for somewhere safe to wait for morning/sleep.
Step 2 Try to find the main 6 and not have them blast me.
Step 3 Uhhhh.
Step 4 profit.

Old Plan Status Report:

Step 1 Look around for somewhere safe to wait for morning/sleep. Success?
Step 2 Try to find the main 6 and not have them blast me. Success kind of? I mean they did not blast me so there’s that.
Step 3 Uhhhh. Nope did not work
Step 4 profit. Failed spectacularly. I almost died and currently cannot walk or feel anything in my legs.

New Plan of Action:

Continuous Objective: AVOID LUNA AT ALL COSTS!

Step 1 Heal
Step 2 Walk out of this hospital
Step 3 Show I am not evil so play nice.
Step 4 Get help from Celestia in getting me home (Avoid Luna if at all possible!)
Step 5 Go home
(In the very unlikely event I cannot go home____________________

Staring at my computer screen at my new plan of action, I just could not think of anything in case I could not go home. It brought up so many feelings that I cannot even begin to describe. Sure, everyone might think living in Equestria would be great but back home there were some things that I would move heaven and earth for. ‘No matter the cost I will find a way home’ I thought with determination not wanting to dwell on that depressing thought I turned the monitor off and decided to try and do anything to pass the time till I wake up.

Author's Note:

The struggle you’re in today is developing
the strength you need for tomorrow.
Robert Tew