• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,916 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

  • ...

7-One Sun to another

7-One Sun to another

As the slow feeling of consciousness began to reassert itself to my still weary sleep filled mind one thing became obviously clear.


I was hungry.

*Growl intensifies*

Very hungry.

I was so hungry that the flower sitting on the windowsill started to look very appealing to my now small herbivore body. After a few minutes of contemplating whether or not I was about to seriously consider a small heist to grab the flower from the windowsill to satiate my hunger the door to my room opened. Being brought out of my hunger-induced stupor by seeing the form of princess Celestia holding what appeared to be a plate of sandwiches what not something I expected to see so…early or late? I could not really be sure as the sun was still shining through my window without a hint or a sunrise or sunset. How long have I been sleeping? It was still daytime when I first woke up in this room however many hours ago that was. Anyway, back to the elephant in the room. Or should I say the goddess holding some seriously delicious looking sandwiches in the room? Celestia probably noticing my gaze that was locked onto the sandwiches she was holding or the fact a thin line of drool was now hanging out of my mouth caused her to giggle slightly.

The small giggling of Celestia brought my attention away from the plate she was holding and back to the fact that the princess in front of me is the one I am currently the evil version of. Ya know the whole me basically being in the body of Celestia’s version of Nightmare Moon. So yeah after that little epiphany I really was not looking forward to experiencing my immediate future but as for right now, my immediate focus was the food she brought in. Celestia just kept her trademark motherly smile on her face as she looked towards me. She was wearing a white dress like the one I woke up in when I first arrived here except her dress was a lot more… ‘regal’ would be the best way to describe it. In comparison to my dress, it was like it was made of the purest white silk known to ponykind. While mine was made of some cheap cotton.
Now that my brain was no longer completely fuzzed by sleep, I sat up straight in bed as I rubbed the sleep out of my eye and stretched my arms out with a small yawn as Celestia began to walk up to the bed pulling up a nearby chair while putting the plate of sandwiches on the stand thing next to the bed with her magic.

My gaze was intensely locked onto the sandwiches as they floated through the air briefly.

“Are those for me?” I ask with an almost literal waterfall of drool leaving my mouth.

There was another small giggle from the Solar goddess before she said something to the tune of an affirmative. I was not really paying attention to what she was saying but before she could even finish her sentence, I was gobbling those sandwiches up at the speed of sound. And might I say they were some delicious sandwiches. They were those classic daisy sandwiches that everypony in the show was always eating. I had never in a million years expected to eat normally inedible plants but now there I was eating them up so fast I might have broken several world records for fastest eating.

After I had very brutally ravaged the portion of sandwiches, I was given my attention was brought back to the solar goddess I seemed to have momentarily forgotten was sitting next to my bed. When I met her gaze, I was in the middle of swallowing the last remnants of my breakfast/lunch/brunch (I still had no idea what time it was). She still had her motherly smile on her face as and after a small stare-off, she gave a small chuckle and spoke.

“My my weren’t you hungry. I take it you enjoyed it?”

I blushed and looked away but gave a small nod. Celestia smiled and continued speaking.
“Well, now that breakfast is out of the way. I would like to ask you a few questions.” She said softly as I turned my head to look at her with some hesitation. Even if this was the most benevolent and kind pony in Equestria the prospect of her questioning me did scare me. However, I also knew that she was my best chance of getting back home. So with my mind made up and my emotions under control for the time being I nodded. Her horn glowed briefly as she began to question me.

“So how did you end up in the Everfree castle?” Was the first question I received.

Oh hello, emotional stability how are you doing?

...What do you mean goodbye?!

“I... have no idea. Some type of magical firestorm popped up in my living room back home and sucked me in. When I woke up there was fire all around me and…and” Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes as the weight of my situation came crashing back down onto me. (I have said this once and I will say it again: SCREW YOU CHILD BRAIN! AND SCREW YOU ASWELL UNCONTROLLABLE EMOTIONS!)

“N-Now I’m in a world that’s afraid of me *sniff* My parents probably think I’m dead! I’m not even human anymore and now!” Through my teary eyes, I grab the quilt fold it to the side. Not really caring about the fact I just said I was Human to the most powerful entity in Equestria.

“I can’t even feel my legs anymore!”

“I just want to go home,” I say sniffling, tears streaming down my face as I close my eyes tightly my hands gripping my unfeeling legs tightly.

Celestia was conflicted. She was sitting across from what used to be her greatest fear now sitting there emotionally broken. She entered the room looking for answers. Why was she here? How did she get here? What did she want? Was she going to destroy Equestria? You know, the big important questions. But she was not expecting her to break down crying in front of her after just one question. She had cast a lie-detecting spell just before she asked her first question and all throughout her breakdown it never detected any lie. This…This child in front of her with incredible magic which could rival Celestia when grown up, did not even use to be the same species as her and used to be some type of Human. This unfortunate soul was ripped away from everything she knew and thrust into a world that almost killed her within less than a day. Fate had truly been unkind to this child.

Or so she claims’ thought Celestia bitterly. Nightmare entities were manipulative and cunning. It could all be some big act to get Celestia to let her guard down and allow the nightmare to possess her as it had once before.
Lie detector spells were never foolproof and could always be tricked.

But in this room? With her magic inhibited? Is such a feat of deception possible? Even for a Nightmare?

No, such a feat is impossible even for Celestia. Every word she spoke was the truth and Celestia had seriously misjudged with who she was dealing with. This was not ‘Daybreaker’ the arrogant, power-hungry, and manipulate Nightmare that had plagued Celestia once before. This was a lost soul who had just lost everything and could not handle the weight of her situation alone. And by some cosmic or magical anomaly was deposited in Equestria with the physical form of the Nightmare known as Daybreaker. Her magical signature is almost identical to that of Celestia’s the only difference being that Jolyne’s Magic is murky…unclean and as such, unstable. She would need a guardian, someone to take care of her, and be able to handle her volatile magic if it ran out of control which it most definitely will if the ring is removed.

Magic inhibitor rings work by absorbing the magic inside one’s body and safely dispersing it into the environment. However, if the magic is tainted in some way, like the magic being passively produced inside Jolyne, the ring cannot remove the magic safely and it begins to build up. This phenomenon is extremely rare as it only manifests if an inhibitor is placed upon a Nightmare entity. The knowledge of these build-ups has been forgotten by all but the most diligent historians and a pair of thousand-year-old alicorns. Such a build-up is not dangerous in anyway…until the ring is removed then the magic will be expelled in what is commonly known as a tainted magic surge which is far more unpredictable and explosive than normal surges.

Or in other words: Twilight’s entrance exam… but worse.

So, with her mind made up Celestia slowly stood up and walked up to the bed containing the still crying Jolyne. Taking a seat on the bed next to the smaller crying Alicorn bringing her into an embrace which she desperately needed now.

“There… there… everything will be alright. I…I will find a way to get you back home.”

Jolyne initially tensed up at the sudden embrace by the solar diarch but after hearing what Celestia had said to her the feeling of hope that had slowly been dwindling away inside Jolyne since her arrival began to burn brighter at the prospect of a way home. Jolyne leaned into the embrace after hearing those words her mood beginning to brighten up again. From hopeless depression to slightly hopeful sadness, not much of an improvement but an improvement is still better than nothing.
Jolyne looked up at the bigger Alicorn hugging her tightly and with hope in her tear-filled eyes asked one thing.


Looking down at the smaller Alicorn in her arms looking up at her with eyes that would have caused fear but now only brought a feeling of pity and sadness to Celestia’s heart, she smiled softly and brought Jolyne into a tighter embrace.

“I promise”

Step 4 Get help from Celestia in getting me home

Author's Note:

Never give up on something
that you can’t go a day without thinking about.
Winston Churchill

Hello, everybody, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and probably as much as Jolyne did (I can't be mean to her all the time :pinkiecrazy: so have a nice chapter where something doesn't go wrong for Jolyne)

Also please point out any and all mistakes I might have made and just be brutal. I hope I was able to accurately portray Celestia in how she would have handled this.
If not... I'm sorry

Also I have been thinking about it and have decided to look for an Editor!
So if you would like to be said editor and help me create a story for everybody to enjoy feel free to PM me :twilightsmile: