• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,967 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

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16-A Recovering Flame

16-A Recovering Flame

Walking through the winding corridors of Canterlot castle a lone dark blue Alicorn was lost in thought. After the hectic events of the last several days, there was a lot for the Alicorn to ponder over. The thought at the forefront of her mind was what the dragon ambassador had proclaimed.

The spell was perfect. Everycreature should have forgotten all about my…so how in the name of my moon did the griffins find out? Could I have missed something? Could I have perhaps missed somecreature?

These were the thoughts going through the Alicorn’s head as she walked through the corridors of her home, her destination being its infirmary; where the subject of her thoughts resided. Their relationship may be completely one-sided and marred in fear and trauma but that wouldn’t stop Luna. She may never be forgiven by Jolyne for what she did; she knew that, but as of right now that did not matter to her. One of her subjects was injured not only by her but her sister's actions as well and she would do anything to try and help those hurt by their actions.

It was at this moment Luna had reached the door that led to the castle's infirmary. Its shape is like that of any other door only emblazoned with a red cross on its body. Banishing away her thoughts regarding the leak, Luna opened the door and walked inside.

The smell of antiseptic and a sterilized environment assaulted her senses, as her eyes adjusted to the sudden increase of the brightness. The environment of the infirmary was a stark contrast to the castle as the walls favored function over aesthetic, with its coloring being a stark alabaster white. The floor being no longer tiled but now a smooth uniform marble as to not hinder anything wheeled that may contain sensitive materials.

To her left and right benches and chairs were set up as a small waiting room with a large receptionist desk against the wall in front of her with large double doors on each side leading to other areas of the infirmary. Several signs were placed over the doors and the one labeled ‘Thaumatology’ was the one Luna had her eyes on. It was the department that Specialized in anything magic-related and if the stories were to be believed it was renamed to the ‘Twilight Zone’ several years ago for unspecified reasons before its current labeling.

Walking up towards the receptionist's desk, the dark blue Alicorn was instantly spotted by the mare sitting behind it. Putting her paperwork to the side, for now, she bowed down slightly before smiling and asking.

“How may I help you today, Princess Luna?”

“I have come to visit a patient by the name of Jolyne.”

The mare’s face instantly fell upon hearing that name, with her smile morphing from a cheery to a sad one.

“Yes… She is in the last room down the hall to the left; in the Thaumatology in the Intensive care section. Be sure not to barge in as the doctor is making his rounds and maybe with her at the moment. Any questions about her condition can be directed to him once he is finished with his examination.”

“Thank you for your assistance.” Responded Luna, with a sad smile of her own towards the mare before following her directions through the double doors and into the Thaumatology section. Entering the department-proper felt like stepping over an invisible boundary as Luna, as well as any magical being, could feel the increase of free-floating mana in the air. The feeling being so potent one might mistake this feeling for a breeze on their skin or a fly buzzing around the ear as Luna reflexively swatted against the empty air.

Walking further down the corridor, something else was picked up by her senses, a feeling that was all too familiar yet different at the same time. It was small, weak, and missing the great intensity it was known for. The corrupted solar magic known for its ferocity of a dragon felt like nothing more than a wounded pup to the Lunar Alicorn.

To feel the power of a nightmare so weak brought an uneasy sense of joy to the Alicorn before being brutally suppressed and beaten to within an inch of its life as Luna remembered just whose soul was generating this magic. However, that small feeling still held on in the recess of Luna’s mind no matter how hard Luna tried to remove it.

Drawing closer to the room Luna could barely hear a conversation from within Jolyne’s room as well as the sounds of various medical devices.

Taking the Receptionist's advice, Luna took the doorknob in her grasp and slowly pushed it open so as not to disturb anypony inside.

“——up her concentrated mana infusion by 45% and if her conversion efficiency doesn’t improve within 24 hours, notify me immediately.”

With the door no longer muffling the ongoing conversation Luna was able to catch the tail-end of the doctor’s treatment plan. Opening the door fully, the Lunar Alicorn’s presence was instantly noticed by the doctor and his team and each gave her a small bow in greeting. The doctor turned back towards his team and told them to get to work while he talked with the Princess.

Taking the opportunity to look around, Luna saw that the room was fairly standard. One somewhat small window on the wall, across from her, a few chairs and a desk in the corner of the room, and finally the most noticeable detail being the large privacy curtain facing the door, obscuring the bed and Jolyne that lied there.

Refocusing her attention towards the doctor she saw his team give their affirmative and go to work as the doctor moved towards her.

“How may I help you today Princess Luna?”

“Yes, I would like to inquire about the status of Jolyne. Doctor….?”

“Ah yes where are my manners, I am Dr. Burn and please let us head to my office.” He began gesturing for the Princess to follow. “There we can discuss the health of the patient in question with a little privacy.”

Luna nodded in response and followed the doctor to his office. It was a short walk to their destination, just around the corner from Jolyne’s room. Entering the office, the doctor moved behind his desk and took a seat.

“Please take a seat, Princess. Can I offer you a drink? Perhaps some coffee? Tea?” He offered, turning his chair towards a nearby coffee maker and kettle.

“Thanks for the offer but I, unfortunately, must decline.”

“That's quite alright, Princess. I take it that you would like to hear how Jolyne is doing.”

“Yes. What’s her condition like?” At Luna question, the Doctor sighed slightly before responding

“That is the question of the day, isn’t it? The short answer is that her prognosis isn’t improving and we don’t know why. She has all the signs of dangerously low mana reserves due to containment being lost. The stress her body endured… Were she a normal unicorn, her body would have been blown apart. I guess she has to thank her alicorn biology for that.”

“Yes, our forms are much more resilient to various forms of trauma.”

“Yes… But this leads to our biggest problem... Her magic. The standard treatment for her affliction is to infuse pure mana into her system as a base for her own body to convert it into her own mana stores. When it comes to her, however... We start running into some problems. To put it simply, for the amount of mana we are giving her only a tenth of it is converted and usable, much, much less than usual.”

He began to massage his temples.

“This is the first time something like this has happened, her body's magic is just so... different compared to a standard unicorn’s or pegasi’ we have on file. So different in fact, that it may be the first of its kind. It's a lot more… potent if you will. Were she, again, any other patient we would suggest a family member donate some of their mana as a supplement, but we have none on file so we are stuck with an inefficient treatment plan. And if we can't find a way to improve her conversion rate we very well may not have enough mana on hand to treat her. And if we don’t bring up her stores to a higher level soon she may suffer some permanent damage to her magical abilities.”

“I see…”

“Princess, if I may be frank, we are not Alicorns and we do not have the experience nor the knowledge needed to treat this affliction effectively. Do you perhaps have any knowledge that may be of use to us? Surely you or your sister has gotten injured in a similar manner as Jolyne over your long lives.”

“Yes we have…but not to this extent I’m afraid. But… I may have an idea. My Sister’s magic is quite similar to that of Jolyne. I shall speak with her later about her assistance in this matter.”

“That… might actually work, Thank you Princess for the help. I must ask, however. Are the two of them...related in some way? Their resemblance is quite uncanny.”

“No, they are not… I think '' added Luna the last part quietly under her breath, her tone uncertain. It was a good question. She knew for sure her mind was not that of the Nightmare but physically? Her magic was that of a Nightmare, but her body was real. It was flesh and blood. So it would stand to reason her blood may be similar to that of the nightmares original host…Her sister, Celestia.

“Well, does she have any Parents?”

“Yes… but they are not currently available.”

“Does she have any current legal guardians instead?”

“She is a guest of the crown currently and therefore my Sister and I have guardianship.”

“Okay… Bit strange if you ask me but alright it's not my place to question your decisions, but in my professional medical opinion we must. If Princess Celestia agrees to the transfusion, complete a DNA test between the two of them in order to see if they are really compatible or not.”

“Is that truly necessary?”

“Yes, with our current understanding of mana transfusions between two sentient creatures they must share parts of the DNA responsible for mana storage or the mana will be rejected and cause more harm than good. Now if you say their magic is similar, then they must share some genetic material, and until we are sure I will not authorize a treatment that may cause more harm to my patient.” The doctor finished sternly before speaking in a softer tone “I hope you understand, Princess. Also, don’t forget doctor-patient confidentiality, the results of the test will be kept under strict lock and key.”

“Thank you doctor and yes, I understand. I shall inform my sister of these conditions should she agree with my proposal.” Responded Luna with a firm nod and a small smile.

“Alright.” He leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxing, ”Now, is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No. Thank you. I have heard enough about her condition. I would like to see her now if there are no contraindications.” The Doctor cringed slightly at her words.

“Are you sure Princess? You can, but she looks far worse than it sounds.”

“Your thoughtfulness is welcome but unnecessary, doctor… I was one of the ponies that brought her here. Plus, I have seen far worse over my long life, you need not be concerned, doctor.”

“Alright, well my team should be finished by now so don’t let me keep you any longer. It has been a pleasure to converse with you, Princess. If you need anything else you know where to find me.” The Doctor finished with a smile.

Luna returned the smile and bid him farewell, making her way out of the office and back into the corridor. Retracing her steps around the corner, Luna found herself right back in front of Jolyne's room.

Entering the room once again, Luna now saw she was alone. No one in the room, save for her and Jolyne. The privacy screen was still up, hiding the small alicorn from view. Moving through the room Luna walked past the cover of the screen allowing her to see the bed where Jolyne lay.

She looked somewhat better than when Luna last saw her. Her horn was still covered in the glowing magic of her sister’s containment spell. Its golden color emits a dim shine upon Jolyne’s broken form. Once more Luna’s mind fought against her as a feeling of joy began to assert itself within the backstreets of her mind. Luna pulled her gaze away from Jolyne before turning around, her back now towards the bed.

Taking a deep breath, Luna suppressed the feeling once again, reminding herself once again who she was in the room with. She came here to see Jolyne, the mistreated soul, not the Nightmare of Daybreak. Turning back around, Luna walked towards her before taking a seat on a nearby chair at Jolyne's bedside.

The low whir of the mana infuser to her right filling the otherwise relative silence of the room. Looking at the smaller alicorn’s form Luna contemplated on whether she should use her own dream magic to talk to her before quickly deciding against it. The last time Jolyne saw her she had a panic attack. Entering her mindscape right now would most likely only worsen her state.

So Luna did the next best thing instead and spoke in a quiet and comforting tone.

“Jolyne… It's me, Luna. I do not know if you can hear me in your current state and I know that even if you could you wouldn’t want to hear what I have to say anyway… But I want you to know that I am so sorry for what my sister did, sorry for what I did…and that I will not rest until you are safely back in your parent’s arms with your sister there beside you. You may never forgive me and I don’t expect you to, but I will try and make this right… I swear on my moon to you.”

Just as Luna finished speaking the sound of the door swinging shut drew her attention away from the bed and towards the silhouette behind the curtain that was certainly not there before. Thinking back as to why Luna did not hear them enter, she realized she had not shut the door open behind her.

A purple claw grabbed the edge of the curtain, pulling it against the wall revealing the blank face of Spike looking at her, something book-like held between his arms and chest. His face was unreadable to Luna as he stood there staring down at her. Then he simply turned around, walked to the other side of the room, grabbed another chair before moving it next to Jolyne’s bed, and taking a seat. The objects he was holding were put on the stand to his left, revealing themselves to be several different comic issues.

He didn't say anything at first, his gaze simply switching several times between Luna and Jolyne. Seeing this, Luna began to speak.

“How much did you hear?” She asked, cautiously.

“Enough that you should probably leave before we start yelling at each other for what you’ve done,” Spike responded, his voice devoid of any obvious emotion.

“I-I… I understand.” Luna finished sadly, her eyes turned towards the ground as she made to leave the room but just as she reached the door Spike called out to her.

“For what it's worth Princess. In the short time that I've known her… Jolyne may forgive you if you pull through with your promise…” He looked towards the doorway where Luna stood, her hand resting on the doorknob.“ The rest of us may as well but… we will have to see if you come through…”. With that, he turned back around towards the bed, one of his claws moving to grab a comic from the stand to his left as Luna left, leaving Spike alone in the room. But just before she was out of earshot she heard Spike begin to speak to the room’s only other occupant.

“Alright, so where were we when last time we left off… Ah, yes. The power-ponies had just defeated the Maneiac-

And Luna smiled warmly as she walked away.

Author's Note:

1. We got new Cover art if you haven't already noticed! Pretty pog.
2. Old cover art link is here if ya want it
3. I am writing this 10min before I leave for the day. I am Speed.
4. Comment or die