• Published 19th May 2020
  • 24,964 Views, 1,530 Comments

My little Sunspot - LSTS Connor

We have all read the stories about a human waking up as N.M.M but what if that human woke up as their fiery counterpart

  • ...

17-A Dash of Lithium Chloride

17-A Dash of Lithium Chloride

Exploratory Expedition into the Epicenter of the recent Magical Anomaly.
Result: Failure.
The following is the transcript of the Expedition Leader’s report after regaining consciousness.

The Sun was unforgiving that day I tell you. Maybe it was the desert, maybe it was the empty sky or maybe Princess Celestia moved the sun a little too close that morning. We didn‘t know and we didn‘t particularly care.

We didn‘t know exactly why we were being sent out to the place that had not till a few days ago been the birthplace of a new star but hey money can make a stallion down on their luck do anything, even if that meant walking through that Celestia forsaken desert. If one could even really call it a proper desert and not just barren sand for miles on end. I swear I don‘t know exactly how long we walked through there but we hardly saw any plants, Cacti, hell not even a bird or two it was just sand for as far as the eye could see.

Anyway, I believe I’m getting off track, you came to ask me what we experienced out there. Heh… well, it's one feeling I'm sure as Tartarus won‘t forget anytime soon. Now see I've been a pretty magically attuned Pony all my life, when I could first lift something by my own power it was weird when I wasn‘t levitating something or looking for new magic tricks to play with.

But when that damned glass came into view… It scared me to my very core. I have never felt something so wrong, so unnatural before! There was this just wall of darkness all around us the closer we got like there was this shadow behind us watching us and… draining us… Magic became impossible to use and we all felt our strength being sapped away.

*What do you mean by impossible to use?*

Well, just that. Any magic I tried to use fizzled out into nothingness and even the Pegasi and Earth ponies among us felt the same. Flying got more tiring to the point of near exhaustion and the earth ponies' strength began to vanish slowly. I‘ve heard the legend of Tirek and his ability to drain magic… and what we experienced must have been what his victims felt like… lying there feeling like nothing but a husk… Under an unforgiving sun…Ugh sorry, I just... if somepony went there alone and didn’t have somepony pull them out of that glass...

*Do you remember what happened to the rest of your team after you collapsed?*

Not really but I do know that they weren't as affected by that… glass… as us Unicorns were. Please do be sure to thank them for dragging our sorry asses back out of that desert. It couldn't have been easy, weakened like that.

End of transcript.

Additional notes by Canterlot head of magical research Dr. Moira:

What our expedition leader here is describing is the general consensus of their expedition. His testimony of the events is consistent with the rest of his team. Including his claims of a shadow that is there and yet not, however, such a phenomenon was only described by their group's Unicorns. Then there is this Magical ‘Null Zone‘ that permeates the area and the glass underneath it. Whether it is a phenomenon in the air itself or whether it is created by the glass or is a combination of both is still a mystery and until we find a way to mitigate the effects ‘Null Zone‘ has on any further expedition teams, I recommend that a containment field be erected a safe distance away to prevent any foolish would-be explorers from becoming victims to this zone’s effects as well as provide a good base of operations to conduct further research into the phenomenon.

Celestia sat quietly at her desk, her eyes scrutinizing the document before her. A sigh escaped her lips after scanning the document for the nth time. Over her long life, she had seen many things and experienced even more. She has studied many fields of research and many more in regard to magic. But one field she had little to no experience in. The field of corrupted stellar magic. The magic only the sisters could use. The magic that had torn her family apart twice and nearly caused a third.

And now who knows what further consequences that magic might bring her. The first magical ‘Null Zone’ since the founding of Equestria. And then there is that shadow those ponies described, from Celestia and her sister's own experience such feelings were common for magically sensitive beings in such zones. The draining through… research would have to be done on that.

Overall, today would look like another busy day of paperwork for the Princess of the Sun. Picking up a nearby quill, Celestia's eyes graced something she had forgotten she had. Picking it up she looked it over. The paper was covered in various small sketches and notes from when she had first spoken to Jolyne. Each note was meticulous and sorted in only a way Celestia knew the answer to. Reading through the notes brought Celestia back to the moment when she made them.

The enthusiasm Jolyne showed, the way she talked about her people, the feelings she showed once the reality of her situation crashed down on her. Alone in a strange world, her body changed and morphed into that of that *Nightmare* by no choice of her own. Celestia could feel her anger at the universe begin to rise at all the things it forced her and her sister to do in their endless mission to defend Equestria from all threats. Even if that meant that an innocent would be caught in the crossfire.

The door to Celestia’s office opened, interrupting her thoughts as she looked up to see who had entered. The familiar dark blue form of her sister stood there.

“Ah Luna, it's good to see you. How has your day been?”

“It has been fine, Sister but I am not here for a simple visit.”

“Oh? What is it you need then?”

“I have just returned from the castle's hospital.”

“Ah… How is she?”

“Not good, sister. She is suffering from a severe case of magical exhaustion and the Doctors cannot heal her fully.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“It's regarding her magic, to put it simply they do not have enough mana on hand to treat her.”

“They are the best doctors in all of Canterlot. Have they found another way to treat her?”

“Yes well, that's where our problem lies. They need a family member who can donate mana.”

“Of which none of them are here...”

“Not entirely untrue, sister.”

“What do you mean?”

“You” answered Luna with a point of her fingers. “Celestia. I am sure you have felt the similarity between the two of you at some point, yes? Her mind may be that of another world. Her body, however…”

“...May be related to me… why had I not thought of that?”

“A lot was on your metaphorical plate sister, there is no shame in not realizing it sooner.”

“Is that why you are here? To ask for my help in healing Jolyne?”

“Yes, but there is one thing that must be done first to prevent any unnecessary harm from befalling Jolyne.”

“Oh, and what's that?”

“A DNA test needs to be completed to ensure that you two are compatible.”

“Is that truly needed? Think of the scandal it could cause if the Nobles got their hands on it?”

“Sister, are you truly worried about a political scandal, right now? Whilst we are in the middle of this crisis? I do not believe it can get, as some ponies say, ‘Any worse than this’ so hold thy tongue for now and go help this soul you have wronged.”

“Yes… sorry… reflex. After having to deal with those nobles for so long I have had to deal with many who claimed to be related to the crown in some way.”

Luna cringed at that information.

“Ah, then I apologize for my outburst. But my point still stands. And don’t worry sister, I shall make sure to have the results of the test be metaphorically burned to ensure no such nobles can use it against you.”

“Thank you, Luna.”

“Yes, now is there anything that still requires your attention? If not we may begin posthaste.”

Celestia looked down at her desk and at the papers and letters that lay atop it.

“No… these can wait until later. Let us head down together then.”

“That was the plan dear sister, though I should warn you that Spike was with Jolyne earlier. If he is still there, he may not be happy to see you so soon. He certainly wasn’t with me.”

“I know, but that is his choice. He will either understand my reasoning or he will not, how he feels about it is his choice and I cannot fault him for it.”

With that, the sisters left Celestia's office and began to walk towards the castle's hospital wing. No more words were shared between the two of them as they entered the hospital and made their way towards Dr. Burns’s office. The walk was a short one as the pair soon found themselves inside the doctor's office. The doctor in question currently had his head neck-deep in various paperwork and charts, though from the look on his face, as he looked towards his two royal visitors, he didn’t seem to mind all that much.

A smile quickly broke out on his face as he greeted his newest visitors with a bow.

“Ahh hello there Princesses, I take it you are here for what your sister has no doubt already discussed with you?

“Yes though I must ask if it is truly necessary to-“

“Yes, it is your highness.” The doctor interrupted, surprising the diarchs.

„Alright, do what you must.“

„Thank you, Princess.“

Several bent needles later and one full vial of blood sent to the lab for immediate examination, the two diarchs were left waiting for the results of the test.

„Note to self: Remove protective wards before the needle is used.“ Spoke the Solar diarch under her breath as she looked towards the medical bin across the room.

„Seriously sister, what was that?“ Began Luna with a sigh and a facepalm. „You are several thousand years old and have done this thousands of times before and in all my time with you that has never happened before. It is, quite frankly, embarrassing.“

„Sorry Luna, it must have slipped my mind.“

“Sister, nothing has ever slipped your mind in all my years by your side.” Luna’s face began to soften. “Something is bothering you Celestia, so tell me, dear sister. You don’t have to deal with it alone now.” She placed a reassuring hand on Celestia’s shoulder.

„I know Luna but… are you truly sure about our current course of action? That we are not being masterfully deceived by the nightmare? That this is not part of her master plan?“

„Well first if this was part of her `master plan‘ to take over Equestria it is a terrible one. Secondly, she is far too self-absorbed to allow herself to be captured by you and finally her otherworldly knowledge.“ Luna then looked away before coughing nervously. „And I may have done a little of my own *ahem* investigations in Jolyne‘s mind hehe…“

„Luna…“ Celestia began dangerously.

„Oh please, you are speaking to the Pony that wrote the book on dream/mind magic. I knew what I was doing. Anyway, back to what I am trying to convey. Trust me sister there is nothing to worry about. This is not part of some master plan, this is just me and you trying to help a lost soul.“ Finished Luna with a smile. After a moment of thought, Celestia mirrored her expression and smiled warmly at her sister's reassuring words.

The click of the door being opened drew both of the Alicorns' attention as the familiar face of Dr. Burn stepped through the door, a smile on his face. „Well, Princesses I have good news! The results have come back and princess Celestia, you have a daughter! This doesn‘t come as a surprise given your physical similarities. On a Microscopic level, however, Jolyne’s DNA is very similar to that of a child of yours. Only in this case the Mothers DNA, your DNA Princess, is extremely dominant compared to the fathers making identification impossible but that does not matter. Maybe it is perhaps because of your Alicorn Biology?“ The doctor took a breath.

„Excuse me for my rambling princess. Anyway what this does mean however is that your mana, Princess Celestia, is safe to transfuse into Jolyne.“

„That…“ Celestia looked towards Luna once again who gave her a reassuring smile making Celestia smile once again in turn. „Is wonderful news Doctor.“

„Splendid! We can start right now if you‘d like.“

„Of Course.“

„Brilliant. Then why don‘t you follow me and we can get started. I am sure that we will see Jolyne‘s condition improve tenfold when her body has some actual mana to use!“

A short walk later and the trio found themselves once again in Jolyne’s room. Celestia’s sun was shining through the curtains bathing the room and its occupants in its light.

„Now all you need to do, Princess, is just to channel your magic into this crystal and the infuser will do the rest.“ Began Dr. Burn as he grabbed Jolyne’s chart from the foot of her bed and looked over the machine that stood beside it.


„Before you begin princess, start slow. Jolyne‘s body is completely starved of mana, if your connection to the crystal is too strong too fast, even with all the safety measures, her body will try to absorb as much as possible, and just like when one is starved; at worst her mana circuit will get overwhelmed causing more damage or at the best, we‘ll end up right back at square one. Do you understand? I will say when you should stop adding more power.“

„Yes. I understand Doctor. Start slow and stop when you say so.“

„Good, now let’s begin.”

Celestia's horn began to glow with a dim golden light as a small magical tendril of mana emerged from the tip of the diarch's horn and connected itself with the crystal that powered the transfuser. With the crystal starting to glow, a dim golden shine began to spread within the machine towards the wires that were attached to Jolyne.

Then as soon as the glow appeared and brightened it dimmed once again the second it touched Jolyne’s skin. Celestia was surprised by this but the doctor seemed pleased by this outcome. Focusing her gaze on the smaller alicorn in front of her, Celestia could see why. Jolyne’s once sunken and grey fur was slowly regaining its luster. The once shallow breathing that ailed Jolyne began to disappear as her chest rose and fell with deep and calm breaths. Her mane and tail regained some of their lost life as the orange became more pronounced once more as a lone orange ember began to dance around the room.

“Good. Princess, keep it at this level now, she is absorbing the mana nicely. I can already detect her magical reserves being filled at an astounding rate compared to before. Although…” The doctor checked the machine once again before sighing. “It seems she must have been more starved for mana than we previously thought.”

“What does this mean Doctor?” Asked the solar alicorn.

“Oh nothing serious, I assure you, princess. This just means she will need more treatments than previously thought for her to make a full recovery.” Dr. Burn answered with a reassuring smile towards Celestia.

The procedure continued for another half an hour as Celestia slowly transfused her magic into the crystal and thus Jolyne. Luna had since excused herself by this point, leaving only the Doctor, Celestia, and the unconscious Jolyne in the room. But eventually, the doctor spoke once again.
“Alright, I think that’s enough for today Princess. Her body will need some time to use this newfound mana. And once again thank you for your help.”

“Please, it was no problem whatsoever, Doctor, I assume that you will want me to come again tomorrow?”

“Yes, please, your highness. Whenever time is most convenient for you to come for another hour.”

And with that Celestia made her way out of the room and out of the hospital itself. With the shining white walls of the hospital being replaced with the glistening walls of her castle. Walking through the halls Celestia made her way back towards her office. Opening the door she briskly made her way back behind her ornate desk that had several new documents put atop it, with a sealed letter sitting at the forefront of the pile. Examining the letter, her attention was drawn to the seal that held the letter closed from prying eyes.

This was a seal made of crystal and its insignia was that of the Crystal Empire. Removing the seal and opening the letter Celestia read through its contents.

Auntie Celestia

I am writing you this letter for two very important reasons. Firstly to inform you that Shining Armor and I are on our way to Canterlot so that you won’t be surprised by our visit. I am sure it was not their intention to surprise you but anyway this leads to the second reason. Twilight has asked me to basically come and try to resolve the situation regarding Jolyne. And although she didn’t outright say it, we were able to pretty easily read in between the lines and figure out she wanted us to be on her side. We suspect there is much more to this however and that is why I have sent this letter. My husband and I will instead be a neutral third party in this case when it comes to what happens next. Also to prevent any more unnecessary stress upon you we will be staying at Shinings parents. I am sure Velvet will be over the moon and sun to have the whole family over after… y’know... that. We could see that… thing… from one of the balconies at the crystal palace! So uhh please, if what Twilight told me was true and that was Jolyne because of something you did, don’t do that again...Please. I doubt our hearts can take another one. Anyway, looking forward to seeing you again, Auntie! Regardless of current circumstances!

Love Cadence <3

Ps: Shining also says hi.

And with the letter read and its message received the day would continue. Hours would pass as work would be done throughout the palace. But as the afternoon turned to evening a child stirred in the hospital below. An ear twitched, a wing ruffled and a finger curled. The veil of unconsciousness began to recede. And now, with the beginnings of muffled speaking being slowly picked up by their ears, a familiar voice will take its place in the spotlight once again.

So to say I woke up with a massive headache would be the understatement of the millennium.

Author's Note:

Jolyne got her own Theme song now :trollestia: