• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,971 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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Waking up in wonderland

Green groggily woke up, his body feeling bruised and damaged like somepony had decided to break all his bones and stitch them together repeatedly. Once he was able to think clearly, he panicked, LITTLE! he tried to feel his hooves and was immediately relieved that he was still holding onto Littles' hoof.

Strange, I don't feel the water, and it feels like I'm lying on a bed. He felt the ground around him and realised that he was on an extremely comfortable bed. What the?! Green rose from the bed and surveyed the surrounding.

He was in a white room, and there were things he did not recognise, but the obvious fact was that the place was EXTREMELY clean. With the abundance of furniture and large room, he briefly thought he was dreaming and was in a snobby unicorns' castle, but a quick pinch disproved the theory.

Am I in Tartarus? No, too nice. Am I in the village? No, too rich. Did I die and now in a state of purgatory? Green looked to his side and looked at Littles' sleeping form. Nope.

Then suddenly, the doors in the room opened for a ...Griffon?! To enter carrying a clipboard, who was too preoccupied looking at her papers to notice the pony who was staring at her.

"G-G-G-GRIFFON!" Green cried bloody murder, which made a vase visibly crack by the noise. Little jolted in her bed and began to open her eyes.

"Shhhh! you're going to hurt the little filly!" The griffon nurse scolded Green, which made him shut up once mentioning the filly.

"Sorry..." Green squealed, as he didn't want to push his fate by pissing off the pony-eaters.

Little shook her head and groggily opened her eyes to face Green. She smiled once seeing him but then turned to look at the ... Griffon?!

"G-G-G-GRI-" Littles' cry was cut off by Greens' hoof stuffing her mouth, cutting any sound.

Green gestured to Little to stay quiet, and Little nodded, prompting Green to remove his hoof.

*ahem*"Anyways, my name is Nurse Emilia, and you are currently in a hospital. The people who found you said you were washed up by the Black River." She informed the confused ponies.

"Hospital? People? Black river? What are you on about lady?" Green asked cluelessly,

"You don't have hospitals?! Do you at least have medicine or carehouses?" Emilia asked, slightly concerned about how primitive the ponies were.

"Well, we have medicine and carehouses. Are hospitals bigger forms of them both or something?" Green asked inquisitively, as he realised his wounds and cuts were expertly treated.

"Nice catch, that's right. Anyways, to answer your second question, our leaders enforced us to use the words 'people', 'one', 'man', 'woman', etc... After discovering that there was intelligent life other than us." Emilia shrugged, setting down her clipboard.

"Are you going to eat us?" Little asked blatantly, which made Green face-hoof himself.

Emilia nearly tripped from the accusation, "Of course not! Why would we devour another intelligent being?!" Emilia scolded Little for thinking such a thing. The griffons' hostility against eating ponies made Green slightly shocked by how contradictory his father described them.

"Anywho, would you like something to eat- and yes, we have non-meat ingredients." Emilia playfully remarked and looked at the starving ponies sympathetically.

"Uhhh... Then could I have some bread and porridge?" Green asked nicely, prompting Little to do as well.

"Can I have the same?" Little asked, which made the nurse nod and exit the room.

"... I still don't trust them... What if they are planning on to fatten us up so they could eat us?" Green sceptically concluded, which made Little withdraw into the corner of the bed in fear.

"We won't eat you, silly!" A griffon wearing a dark trenchcoat bursted out from under the bed to correct Green.

"AHHHHHH! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" Green and Little held each other and screamed by the jump scare.

"Oops... Sorry, I'm not too good with kids. Please excuse me." The griffin sunk back into the bed, covering up the hole he bursted out of with a pillow that camouflaged itself with the patterns on the bed.

Nurse Emilia walked in the room, carrying plates with sandwiches and a bowl of soup, and noticed both ponies shell-shocked with fear, shivering and cowering on the corner of their bed. "Huh?... What happened-? Oh dammit, Jerry!" Emilia set down the plate and stomped in front of the bed. She reached down and pulled a pillow, pulling the trenchcoat-wearing griffin as well to meet her eye-level.

"Heya Emilia! Good weather today huh?" 'Jerry' cheerfully asked.

"What are you still doing here?! Aren't you supposed to watch the border?!" Emilia interrogated Jerry, as she leaned forwards to intimidate him.

"Heard two ponies had arrived! Asked for a transfer and was accepted! Sorry Emilia, but I'm staying here for a looooooong time." Jerry crossed his arms and grinned defiantly.

"I can't have you frightening these poor children." Emilia pressed further,

"And I can't have me, have you, have me control myself." Jerry then leaned closer and pecked Emilias' beak. She dropped him on the bed with a heavy blush.

Jerry then performed a somersault and flipped out through the open hospital window.

"Cooooool..." Both Little and Green concurred, Emilia simply face-clawed and muttered quietly about killing Jerry in his sleep, which the children were too preoccupied to hear.

Emilia gave them their plate of food, which both ponies began to devour immediately, tears starting to compile due to the great taste. "What are your names?" Emilia asked,

"Little!" "Green!" They both announced, the food in their mouths somehow not spitting out.

Little? Green? How unimaginative are these ponies? Or do their culture dictate their names should be things? Emilia pondered, glancing at the feasting ponies. "Are they good?"

"Great!" They both shouted, this time ejecting several chunks of food onto the nurses face, who promptly wiped away with a handkerchief.

"How precious..."

"What do you last remember?" A doctor asked whilst inspecting the anatomy of Greens' body.

"I'm not quite *ow* sure... Everything is just an *ow* blurry..." Green truthfully answered, as he tried to remember what happened exactly before he fell unconscious.

"I'm sorry if this hurts dear, but this is the first best specimen I could fiddle around within this entire state!" The overzealous doctor proclaimed,

"You're starting to creep me out, lady..." Green suspiciously eyed the inspecting griffon, who deflated slightly from his accusing glare.

"Alright, alright back to the questions," the doctor grabbed the clipboard again,

"I thought you were inspecting me? Why are you also asking questions?"

"Saves time. Now, fewer questions more answers." The doctor pressed.

"Where were you going?" - D

"Our family were going to an earth pony settlement to the far east. It was unnamed." - G

"You keep mentioned 'earth ponies' what are they?" - D

"We have three tribes, earth ponies, pegasus and unicorns." - G

"By tribes, you mean race?" - D

"What's race?" - G

"Nevermind, do you have an organised government?" - D

"Yes, the three tribes united to defeat the windigos and declared the nation of Equestria." - G

"Do you know any other intelligent creatures?" - D

"Well, I know there are minotaurs, yaks, crystal ponies, zebras, changelings, buffalos, deers *gasp*, dragons and every other animal actually..." - G

"... What?" - D

"The creatures I named have governments, and many are hostile to us, but every animal in Equis are intelligent." - G

"..." - D

"What?" - G

"You expect me to believe that a cow could talk?" - D

"But they can!" - G

"Sureee kid, whatever you say..." - D

"Honest!" - G

"Really?" - D

"I'm pretty sure at least one of your griffs saw a talking cow before!" - G

"Hang on, I think I remember hearing from the native griffons about this..." - D

"See?" - G

"Alright, alright. Last question, do you know what the German Empire is?" - D

"Germ? Empire? Are you tryna mess with me?" - G

"So you don't know?" - D

"Nope." - G

"Perfect, the questioning is over. Thank you for your cooperation." The doctor set down his notes and looked towards the concerned pony. "What's wrong Green?"

"I miss my parents..." Green looked his he was about to cry, the only thing holding him together being Little and the griffons actually being the complete opposite of how his father described them as. "I want to go back..."

"Oh, sweetie..." The doctor wrapped her wings and arms around the ponies' barrel, calming him down. As soon as she began ruffling his mane, the floodgates opened and Green began to cry. "I'm so sorry Green. But it's unfortunately not up to me. But I will make sure you will be sent home as soon as possible." She assured, making Green cry slightly less violently.

"You *sniff* promise?" Green looked up to meet the doctors' eyes.

"I promise." The doctor looked back at Green determinedly, which made Green cease his crying.

"You know, *sniff* I haven't asked you your name yet." Green buried his face into the doctors' white coat. "Could you tell me?"

The doctor contemplated the question, but quickly answered it, "My name is Nina Roza little pony."

"Well thanks, Nina..." Green leaned back to support himself on his hooves.

"Also, one last question Green." Nina asked, "How do you hold things with your hooves?"

After explaining to Doctor Nina the magical properties of all hooved animals to manipulate objects with the same precision as a minotaurs' fingers or a griffons' talons, she had given Little and Green several "marks" to spend in the city they were in, called "Strasburg". Nina told them they would be called up as soon as possible to find the resolutions to their problems by the elected governor of Alsace, who also happened to be in the officer of Strasburg.

"So, what do you want to do first?" Green asked his little sister, as they had never been unsupervised before.

"Oo! Oo! Let's go there!" Little pointed towards a cinema, which was brimming with customers.

"What does that sign say? How can all these griffons even read and write?! I thought they said griffons were barbarically stupid!" Green shouted out a little too loud, garnering several annoyed glares from the passerbyers.

"I don't know, but that place looks fun! Let's go in!" Little dragged Green into the building, moving beneath the counter which avoided the Ticketmaster's dutiful watch.

"Oi! Those ponies are trying to get in without a ticket!" A griffon pointed towards the pair, attracting all those who were standing in line.

"Huh-?" Green looked back, still being dragged by Little deeper in the cinemas.

"Hey! How come they don't have to pay?!" A griffon protested, stepping out of the line and throwing another accusing claw at the two perpetrators.

"Yeah! We aren't second class citizens! Screw the tickets! I am going in as well!" A griffon last in the line flew into the cinema, causing all the other griffs who patiently waited to rush the cinemas, leaving the bewildered and overwhelmed Ticketmaster to cower beneath his counter.

"Woah... I did that!" Little exclaimed in joy, as she had accidentally created a small riot, as the griffons who had paid for the tickets began shaking up the Ticketmaster for their money back.

Green bonked his sister on the head, "Not a good thing. Bad Little." Little simply turned and pouted at him.

Green looked around, realising that the chaos that Little had created meant that he could not ask any questions to know more about where they were. Not that he had the confidence to ask anyways he simply sighed and began trotting towards the exit. Little followed suit, saddened that her actions have made him sad.

Greens' way was quickly blocked, however, as a makeshift ring was manifested by griffons, as they surrounded an ongoing fight. Green and Little simply ducked in between the griffons, thanks to their small frame. When they reached the centre, they saw two griffins circling each other, ready for a fight.

One of them was on their hindlegs, dressed well with claws raised in front of their beaks. The other looked quite primal, wearing no clothes and on all fours, his claws looking sharper and longer, looking like he was about to lunge at the other griffon.

"I should've known one of you uncivilised Griffin had started this fight." The well-dressed griffon stated, "Us Germans have to always clean up your mess!" He announced to the gathered griffons, his half of the circle murmured in agreement, whilst the other half cursed him.

"Then we need a better janitor." The clothless griffon cheekily replied, causing his side to chuckle whilst making the other grumble about their immaturity. Green and Little also chuckled a bit but silenced themselves when a griffon from the other side began glaring at them. "You call us barbaric for acting in our nature! You consider yourselves 'civilised' by locking yourselves in restrictions! You are cowards for not seeing what you truly are!" The griffons behind him roared in agreement, which made the griffons opposite them mutter louder.

"Our 'true' selves made us weak! There is no cowardice in seeing our weakness and fixing it!" The well-dressed griffon countered, raising his claws as if to lecture the 'barbarian'

"Well, we have no weaknesses! We were doing just fine without your 'great' and 'good' German Empire!" The clothless griffon shouted, his claws starting to dig into the cinema grounds.

"Nonsense! Our empire saved you all from starvation and disease! You are all just too damn stubborn to admit that!" The well-dressed griffon dropped his claws, opening himself up.

"If this is how being saved feels like, I'd rather have died still proud to be a griffon." The clothless griffon dangerously remarked.

"Believe me, if it up to me, I would fulfil your request, and build this city atop your graves and without the barbarians." The well-dressed griffon stated bluntly, which made the other side grind their beaks and glared at him murderously.

Green felt the tension reaching the melting point, and grabbed onto Little sub-consciously to drag themselves out of the crowd. However, he was pushed deeper in, as the griffons around him pushed forward in anticipation. Green turned to see what was happening.

The well-dressed griffon stood crossed armed, he held a signature look of superiority, as he leered the cloth less griffon before him, who was at this point digging his claws so deep into the ground that be was piercing his palm, and blood was spilling onto the ground. Then suddenly, he lunged at the well-dressed griffon, bloodied claws extended forward to immediately shred the target upon contact.


The lunging griffon spiralled mid-air, splattering blood all over the makeshift ring and spectating griffons, as the well-dressed griffon was now holding a smoking gun which he had whipped out from under his coat.

"... Son of a bitch- GET HIM!" The clothless griffons from Greens' side of the circle rushed, claws brandished to avenge their fallen comrade. Green and Little were able to escape, as many of them began to fly, clearing a path say from the incoming massacre.

The well-dressed griffons on the opposite side all whipped out their own guns and began to fire at the rushing griffons point-blank, whilst the ones without forearms quickly fled the scene.

Blood-soaked feathers choked the air, shotgun shells, pistol rounds and claws dug out the flesh of the victims and their feathers as well. The guns would kill relatively cleanly, however, the claws turned the cinema into a bloodbath, as the griffons with guns were quickly outnumbered and surrounded, and were brutally mauled, slashed and ripped apart by the frenzying hoard.

Green desperately covered Littles' eyes as to not let her witness such carnage and traumatic her for life, however, she could still hear the blood-cudgelling screams of the shredded victims. She began to cry uncontrollably.

"Green! Little! Grab on to me!" A griffon suddenly dived into their view, wrapping his arms around their barrels and flew out the cinema.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" The griffon dropped the ponies ground and began to console them.

"N-no, just shaken..." Green hesitantly replied, holding onto Little as soon as he was plopped down.

Littles' cries began to die down, as she was falling asleep by how exhausting the last few hours were.

"Poor little girl... To witness such things at an early age..." The griffon began to reminisce.

"H-hang on! How'd you know our names?!" Green asked, as he finally recollected his train of thought.

The griffon simply rolled his eyes and nudged the collars of his trench coat.

"Jerry?" Green asked, dumbfounded. Confused just enough to forget what he had just witnessed.

"Yup, and you might want to sleep to not see what happens next," Jerry advised, as he reached a tranq gun from his coat and shot at Green, hitting him on the flank.

"AH! W-what the Tartarus did you...just do..." Green began to feel extremely tired, however was still able to stand and be aware of his surroundings. That won't do...

"Shhhhhhhh... Fall asleep now, everything will be fine..." Jerry cooed the defiant pony.

"You Promise...?" Green muttered through his drools, as every word became a burden.

"Can't promise something which I can't keep!" Jerry playfully replied, watching Green slowly succumb to the tranquillizer.

"Damn... You..." Green promptly fell asleep, him knowing that they would be safe, but annoyed by Jerrys' response.

"Are the guests asleep?" A griffin adorning an officers' uniform approached Jerry, eyeing the ponies dejectedly.

"Yes sir, they're also too tired to wake up. So noise won't be an issue." Jerry evaluated, as he picked up the two ponies around his arms on the barrels. "I will escort them to the governors' office as instructed."

"A shame isn't it?" The officer asked, "These griffons won't accept assimilation, no matter how good it is for them."

"This has to be the 5th one this year, at least it's decreasing sir," Jerry said as he began to lift off.

"By the time it stops, they will be all dead." The officer deadpanned, Jerry simply nodded and continued on his mission.

"Sir, the military police has arrived and surrounded the cinema, we are awaiting your orders." A griffon landed beside him, unaware of the officers' conflictions.

"... Send them in, but try to keep killing to a minimum." The officer relayed to his messager, who briefly saluted and flew away. Damn these natives... Their so-called 'bravery' will make them extinct...

Author's Note:

Guns are illegal in the east, as Bismarck and Paul don't like it when workers armed themselves.

However, in the west guns are legal due to security, unknown wildlife, natives and many other factors where the local law enforcement or army couldn't deal with.

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