• Published 2nd May 2021
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The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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The new map (and a summary)






The eastern holdings of Equestria were completely ceded to Germany's colonies of Alsace and Lorraine; its borders quickly becoming concrete along the river lines. (Not shown in the image above, but the borders quickly move towards the rivers)

With Germany's colonies holding much of the borders against the minotaurs and buffalos, they would teach the wild and unorganised tribes of raiders and stampedes of said nations to avoid them via lessons through extermination.

This would result in raiding between borders becoming significantly risky and devoid of rewards; virtually eliminating any cross-border raids from the Zebras, minotaurs or buffalos.


The overstretched Equestrian would no longer be bothered by three of its neighbours, and its fourth neighbour; (the minotaurs) would become too distracted fending off the now-targetless buffalos who had lost their primary prey.

Despite their massive loss of territories; literally, nothing would change, as the eastern sections of their nation were already extremely sparsely populated and actually drained the nation's resources and soldiers as a whole in protecting against the border raids. Overall, the Equestrians would become better off without their eastern lands.


After a slight incursion by the Germans which quickly turned into a flood; most of the Buffalo's lands were gobbled up by the pioneers, colonists, prospectors and opportunists from the neighbouring colony of Lorraine; spurred on by junkers who thought it was their duty to expand their lands for the good of their empire.

Despite their dubious rights to invade, no less occupy their new holdings, Bismarck would quickly ratify and recognise the junker's efforts by annexing the occupied territories into the colony of Lorraine.

The buffalos, without any outlet for revenge or places to raid and accumulate their food and supplies, would begin raiding their minotaur neighbours; breaking their previous truces and reigniting their rivalry and hatred against each other.

This would work in the favour of the Equestrians and Germans, as the minotaurs and buffalos would become too busy killing each other to initiate border raids or skirmishes.


Led by a lone junker and a clawfull of glory-seeking recruits, they would single-handedly route a minotaur Warband with minimal casualties by employing the age-old tactic; volley fires.

They would later occupy a small fraction of the minotaur's land after receiving reinforcements and be awarded the iron cross by Mauser and Rommel in their return.

But now, with the minotaur's main targets; being the ponies becoming increasingly risky and reward-less, (due to the increase of patrols due to smaller borders), they would raid the western griffons and centaurs to make up their shortages; igniting another chain reaction.

Western Griffons:

The borders of the Equestrian lands for them at least were highly guarded. Even after the pegasuses' fall, and the establishment of a flightless earth-pony republic, they would be challenged by new engines and machines of war that would make their incursions even more difficult.

They would still, however, be able to outmaneuver the flightless patrols, however, the recent influx of patrols and forts made it far more dangerous to seek the rewards.

This would slowly crumble the tribal systems, as it required an actual standing army to undertake a successful raid; which also necessitated a state to fund and supply the said army.

And so, the chain reactions of Germany's acquisition of Equestria's eastern lands would result in a rapid feudalisation of the Western griffon tribes, as griffon-at-arms began to be organised and plans began to become formulated to stand a chance against the Equestrian's stronger borders.

The transition would not be swift, however, as war would be waged against the newly feudalised tribes to consolidate power and hold the entire western lands. The question is, who would unite them?

Centaur Kingdoms:

The massive influx of raids caused concerns among the many kingdoms, duchies and counties. But, it would be quickly resolved by the collective funding of the states that neighboured the other raiding nations; who had always sworn to defend against the outsiders for payment and tribute.

Deer & Hippogriff tribes:

Same thing as the minotaurs and buffalos. They had a truce, but now they broke it due to the changing times. The hippogriffs, however, had free reign over the Crystal Empire's countryside; further terrorising the citizens of the empire and forcing them into the crowding castles and forts in the hills.

Crystal Empire:

The same thing which happened to Equestria at the start is now happening to them; constant raids and instability.

Tributary chiefdoms of yaks:

With the instability of their masters, and their withdrawal and refusal to send troops to protect them, the yaks decided to declare independence; cutting ties with the Crystal Empire and fending off the diamond dog raids by themselves.

The crystal empire would swear vengeance for the treachery, but their own chaotic situation prevented them from acting in their threat. The yaks would begin annexing the defenceless northern territories of the empire; further causing chaos among the empire's citizenry.

Diamond Dog Chiefdoms:

Their massive border with the Crystal Empire had first been undefendable; the crystal empire would continuously encroach deeper into their territories, and the diamond dogs would futilely defend against them through tunnelling and guerilla tactics; making them masters in the field.

Eventually, the Crystal empire would reach a roadblock in their arms race; their own tunnelling and mining tactics becoming massively improved in the process. However, they would be countered by the diamond dog's own advancements, as they would dig entire tunnel networks and defence systems which would become impossible to break.

This resulted in the diamond dogs becoming masters of the underground, and unchallenged in defences, as no creature in the world could dislodge them. Unfortunately, their next foe would be from another world.

Zebrican Tribes:

The Zebrican Tribes had always enjoyed their superiority in weaponry; as they would employ alchemic weapons which were always thought to be counterless and unreplicable by any other species but the zebras.

This would all change by the introductions of the Germans, as they would take over the borders of Equestria that once neighbored the Zebrican tribes.

Donning mysterious masks, the griffons would be completely immune to every zebrican potion or gas, and their weapons would always penetrate their wards or enchanted runes. (They would usually stop arrows or swords through repulsion)

After a report which made evident that the zebras were using chemical weapons, it was reported that Mauser and Rommel had rubbed their claws together and cackled maniacally, stating: "We're about to make the geneva convention into a geneva suggestion..."

The state press was confused by their remark but reported and printed it anyway and after a week of the report, the Germans would allow the usage of 'chlorine gas' to 'pacify' any 'hostiles'.

The soldiers were told to not show empathy. To not show sympathy towards their enemies. They were told to be soldiers.


The dragon migration would occur in schedule; it would occur in a month, passing through all nations to display their might.

Coincidentally, Rommel's request for SP-AAs' and AAs' would be approved by Mauser; his wishes for both an anti-tank gun and anti-air gun reduced to a single model of AA.

He would make good use of it, however, as it wouldn't be his first time using AAs' as anti-tank guns. And his men would be getting some target practice soon.


There was only silence.
The hives conflict with one another.
Completely undetected by others.
Amid all the fighting,
A young queen would dream of a regent;

One wise and experienced,
Harsh but pragmatic,
Powerful, yet loyal,
Cruel, but in necessity.

She would caress her first lone egg;
Hoping dreamily that her firstborn would be perfect.

But she was no fool.
She knew she was one of many;
Destined to be a subjugated queen,
Subservient to an older master.

Little did she know, she would be like no other.
For there were two souls in her egg.

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