• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,956 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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A crystal restored

Crystal city; the provisional government

A sword had been drawn.

An appeaser had been slain.

And a scream with no match had been cried with no end.

"THIS ENDS NOW!" Carl growled impatiently; his eyes wide with fury. "ALL YOU'VE DONE IS DELAY! WASTE OUR PRECIOUS TIME!" He accused furiously.

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD GENERAL?!" An Amorian cried in disbelief; his face still stained by the blood of the Candenzian merchant.

"Bite your tongue weakling! We all know he had it coming!" An Umbrite defended; his hooves defiantly crossed and his head turned away in contempt.

"GUARDS! Confiscate his weapons!" An angry moderate ordered as it was forbidden to carry a weapon in court; no less use them to slay another.

His decision would be a mistake, however, as the guards approached the Amorians and Cadenzas instead; intent on arresting them.

"W-What?! What are you doing?! HAVE YOU ALL FORGOTTEN YOUR OATHS?!" An Amorian desperately frailed; attempting to loosen the grip and restraints of their traitorous guards.

"Our oaths have not changed," The guards responded, "ALL HAIL CARL LIST! THE RIGHTFULLY HEIR OF AMORE THE FIFTH!" They roared; causing Carl to cast a maniacal grin.

"Y-you... W-what?!" An Amorian futilely stuttered; his words preventing to form due to shock. His panic only ceased when Carl approached with a dagger, which he was skillfully twirling between his hooves.

The restrained Amorian shook his head and glared at the usurper, "Our rightful emperor would not stand for this..." He warned as he squinted his eyes threateningly at the rest of the courtiers; many of them being previously on his side.

"Oh? You mean that pathetic thoughtless Amore VI?" Carl slid the dagger next to the restrained pony's neck. "...Let's just say he had a little 'accident' down the stairs..."

The restrained pony's eyes widened in horror; his last vision being Carl's toothy grin as his neck was slit; ending his miserable life.

Carl wheeled towards the unfazed Umbrites; wiping off the blood from his dagger, then his face. "Any news about the whereabouts of Cadenza?"

The Umbrites revealed a crystal ball; one Carl immediately recognised as a communicator mostly used and afforded by extremely rich nobles and merchants.

A deep, echoing voice whispered from the crystal ball, "My agents had been unsuccessful in interrogating or investigating Cadenza's current location..." It continued, "But it's safe to say she and her supporters have escaped, and presumably linking up with Equestria's invasion force to usurp your rightful throne."

Carl curiously scratched his chin, "Well no matter! Those mud-ponies know nothing of our military might or genius!" He turned to his courtiers, "With my leadership, we shall triumph where Amore the terrible had failed! And with my victory, my reign will be resolute!"

The soldiers and generals roared enthusiastically, whilst the nobles less so. Many were concerned of their own power and influence and feared Carl's reign would bring upon a military dictatorship. "At least we're on the side with the army..." They all thought; ignorant of what really was in play.

Crystal Empire: road to the borders

Carl sat comfortably; perched atop a crystal throne that was being carried by four of his most loyal and elite guards.

He glanced backwards; observing his enthusiastic soldiers, itching for a fight. He smiled.

"Those mud-ponies stand no chance against our veteran troops!" He chuckled to himself, "We've been hardened and tested through many campaigns and wars against our neighbours! Those upstart mud-ponies are all brainless recruits!" He softly hummed.

He licked his hoof, and raised it in the air; testing the winds and temperature. "Those morons... They're attacking in winter!" He laughed loudly; prompting the soldiers and guards nearby to laugh as well.

As crystal ponies, they somewhat had immunity to extreme temperatures; allowing them to dig deeper or trek further in harsher climates. However, they would literally shatter immediately if they reached a limit; prompting their attention to keep themselves at least somewhat warm.

A sudden soft tap by an advisor would cut Carl from his thoughts of their biology, as the former wore a worried expression.

"Sir, if I may be so bold... Why are we going out of our way to attack them if we could just leave them be and let them freeze to death?" The advisor hesitantly pointed.

Carl shook his head disappointedly, "Because they're not THAT stupid. They have winter gear and clothes, and the spies from the Umbrites told us that they did.”

"But why attack?" The advisor squeaked nervously.

Carl glared at his advisor, "I suppose you want to give them the initiative? Don't you know that every second these mud-ponies are in our land, my rule comes into question?" Carl nudged his advisor's head harshly,

"Furthermore, we're more accustomed to this terrain; siege warfare would be more familiar to the earth ponies; especially after countless battles where they suffered from it." Carl bared his teeth at his advisor, "Are you secretly a mud-pony? Because your intelligence sure does suggest that." He turned away, sighing disappointedly at his advisor's stupidity.

"...sorry sir... I just... I don't trust the Umbrites..." The advisor sighed out as well, turning towards the front.

Carl raised a brow and appraised his advisor. "What is there not to trust? He has been truthful and loyal throughout my schemes and has been an invaluable asset to my ascension to my throne."

"That's the point, sir... He must have an ulterior motive..." His advisor lured on,

"What? He simply wants more coins, isn't that what all those nobles and merchants want?" Carl dismissed his advisor's worries, yet the latter pushed on.

"Sir... Have you perhaps considered... That he might want your throne...?" The advisor carefully laid out, garnering Carl's bafflement.

"Hah! Dispel that thought advisor! For he has no claim nor rights to the throne!" Carl laughed at the advisor's implications; finding them impossible.

"You don't either..." The advisor muttered under his breath, causing Carl's ears to rise in curiosity.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Carl requested; drawing his head towards the advisor.

"Sir... How did Amore gain the throne...?" The advisor slowly muttered,

Carl retracted, and again, raised his brow at his advisor's confusing questions. "Are you about to lecture to me about history?" He responded in confusion.

The advisor ignored the young emperor's question, "...All the Amores gained their throne by murdering, tricking and scheming against their relatives..." He blankly faced the emperor, "Amore the VI killed his younger brother to ensure he wouldn't usurp him..."

"...Why are you telling me this...?" Carl asked distantly, as he slowly began backing away from his advisor.

"You are betrayed-" the advisor's eyes rolled backwards, as he fell forwards with blood beginning to ooze out of his eyes and mouth.

Carl fell from his throne, as his guards quickly supported him up; expecting an attack. The young emperor simply shook; fearful of what had happened to his advisor.

A guard approached the bloody corpse wordlessly and began examining it. "His heart has stopped, and his vocal cords have been constrained." He faced Carl, "It's a blackmail curse sire, one done by an Umbrite if my memory doesn't deceive me." He stated fluidly.

"W-what..." Carl stuttered uncharacteristically; prompting the regulars around him to chatter nervously about what had happened. "But why would they..."

Carl's eyes suddenly widened in realisation, "THOSE BASTARDS TRICKED ME INTO AN AMBUSH!"

"FALL BACK! TURN BACK TO THE CITY!" Carl screamed; his orders slowly passing through the columns.

"CANCEL THAT ORDER!" A foreign voice answered from the trees; which quickly revealed itself as a poorly insulated pony general, who had clearly stolen his clothes from an innocent villager.

At first, the panicking soldiers growled at the newly-introduced pony but quickly widened their eyes in surprise from what followed, as an entire army seemed to manifest themselves from the woods.

"Looks like we're getting some new clothes colts..." The general clattered; his breath drawing steam from his mouth. "And some food too..." He muttered as he eyed the supplies of the crystal pony's column.

"Word from the back sir! We're surrounded!" A guard informed Carl, who was still struggling to stand upright due to shock.

Carl briefly scanned through his enemy's lines, discovering quickly that many were sickly, hungry and frostbitten. "Desperation. An army's greatest motivation." he noted, as he dusted himself off.

"Sir? What are your orders?" A stoic guard asked, clearly undeterred by their precarious position.

Carl drew his sword. "Take as many down as you can."

Author's Note:

This chapter feels empty and fast.


Also sorry about the delay. I fixed my sleep schedule so I barely have the time to write nowadays.

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