• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,968 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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A 'Little' Problem

Green had snuck out of his house during the night, having informed his parents of his departure the previous day. As he did previously, he had left a note for Little to read, however, this time he has entrusted it to his parents so that Little wouldn't figure it out immediately. But he feared Little would know better from experience.

For now, he was alone on the streets; passing by the dark outlines of houses, alleys, and intersections; the only audible sound being the occasional bumps on the road from his wheels. "I'm so sorry Lit-”

"Don't go."

Green jumped and quickly turned to locate the voice. He began to dread. It was Little. His little sister...

"Please... Don't go." Little approached Green, desperation clear on her face, with tears flowing ceaselessly down to her neck.

Green began to wheel backwards.

"You've already lost two hooves... You've lost enough..." Little pleaded, speeding her pace.

Green's wheelwagon got stuck on a pebble.

"...What next? Losing the rest of your hooves? Your eyes..? Your life...?" Little stopped in front of Green, staring pleadingly into his eyes.

Green painfully resisted the urge to hug and comfort his little sister, as he bit his tongue to the point of bleeding.

"I... I don't want you to go." Little held one of Green's hoof, gripping it lightly.

Green's tried to pull her off, but his body disobeyed him; leaning closer.

"Please... Don't go..." Little hugged Green's hoof, wrapping herself around it with eyes closed.

Green stared wordlessly into the void in front of him, as the emotions within his mind began to conflict and fight against each other. On one side, he didn't want to abandon his little sister again, whilst the other side emphasised his role as a leader and his duty to protect their republic.

"Don't go..." Little tightened her grip, as her breaths became slower and weaker. "Don't leave me..." Little fell asleep; the smudges of dried tears visible on her face.

Green began to run his hoof over Little's mane, comforting her. "...Mom and dad are going to kill me for this..." Green murmured, as he unlatched Little and perched her on his back; intending on taking her to Canterlot with him. "Let's just hope the Senate won't burn the country with our absence..." Green prayed, "Also for Ares not to usurp our power... Green prayed again, "Also for the radi-... Damn! There's a lot to account for..." Green realised, as he had just allowed numerous factions to arise that could destroy the republic from the inside. "Here's hoping they won't all fail miserably..." Green decidedly hoped, checking his saddlebag for Harold's book for the last time to ensure its safekeeping.

Meanwhile... The Airships/Zeppelins (the ground telephone crew):

"This is SMS Moltke, do you read us?" A radioman tested, as he fiddled with the coiled wires.

"Oi! Don't touch the wires! We're diggin' 'ere!" A distant engineer roared, garnering a 'pfft' from the radioman in dismissal.

"We read you loud and clear Moltke," the telephone buzzed out, causing the radioman to bounce giddily. "Anything to report for today?"

"Same as always, endless forestation and foreign critters." The radioman replied stoically; ceasing his bouncing immediately. "Still no sighting of natives though." The radioman flicked a leaf off his collar, as they began entering a dense forest.

"Oi! Tell the deck to send more men! Also a transfer! The forests are gonna be the end of us!" An engineer shouted, followed by the entire crew flying upwards to the airship.

"...Not much of a question..." The radioman muttered; coiling the wires further on his claws. "Hopefully we reach somewhere soon..." He sighed, as a rotated engineer crew descended towards the digging site.

Meanwhile, Paul listened intently to the conversations on the telephones; having tapped into all of them before the expedition. Paul grinned maniacally.

Another abandoned castle.

The crystal ponies easily captured another castle; being one of many in their southern march. So far, they'd not encountered any sizeable threat, nor a pegasus army. The marshal began to chuckle.

The Crystal empire had been planning an invasion of Equestria ever since the coronation of Emperor Amore VI; being 14 years ago. The two nations had bad relations ever since their inception, as the Equestrian pegasuses would raid the Crystal Empire for food and materials during their first founding years. Amore V attempted to normalise relations and stop the constant raids from the pegasuses, however, negotiations would break down when Hurricane rejected every resolution, as trading for food was impossible for a nation that had just migrated and lost everything.

The Crystal Empire's military doctrine emphasised toughness and strength; they would wear thick armour and be armed with large swords to form their heavy infantry. In contrast, the pegasus's doctrine focused on speed, screening and routing, as they would wear the bare necessities and wield light weapons that wouldn't hinder flight or movement. This meant that the pegasuses could choose their battles and slowly whittle down the crystal ponies, even as Amore V's forces invaded Equestria to provoke the pegasuses into a decisive battle. Hurricane would respond by using scorched earth tactics; burning every village that the Crystal Ponies would cross to resupply. Amore V would die in Equestria, but not from a glorious battle, but by disease and starvation; rotting away in his camp alongside his stallions.

Hurricane and his army would enter the unprotected Crystal city the following week; enforcing harsh demands and tribute from the Crystal ponies, as they were stripped of their southern territories and forced to withdraw to the northern mountains that would come to oversee the construction of the unicorn's capital; Canterlot.

Amore VI would have to suffer 14 years of humiliation, as the pegasuses would always come annually demanding their tribute, and he would have to witness the unicorn's capital during his visits to the southern palaces. He would use the time to rebuild the army, change its tactics and create a spy network to listen in on the Equestrians. Amore VI would pray every day, cursing the Equestrians and hoping for their downfall, however, no matter how hard he begged, nothing would happen. Until the earth ponies rose.

"A dream come true..." The marshal muttered, garnering several glances from his officers.

The earth pony rebellion had annihilated the pegasus army; effectively doing the Crystal pony's job for them. This meant that Amore's invasion could commence immediately, as the Equestrians were tearing each other apart, and any internal conflicts meant opportunities. Amore VI would generously reward the earth ponies after they took the unicorn's capital and razed it to the ground; he considered taking a majority of the Equestrian lands and creating an earth pony puppet buffer state to ward against raiders.

"...Only if the earth ponies could've joined our side..." The marshal thought, as the earth ponies seemed to be misled, as they were fighting for the hated unicorns.

Amore VI would watch from the mountains, observing the distant foggy Canterlot. His marshal would succeed. His army would triumph. He would win. There was no way the earth ponies could win.

And he would be right.

"Atchoo!" The admiral sneezed, prompting him to rub his beak with a fist. "Is someone talking behind my back?"

"No one's talking about you Jean..." The vice admiral muttered, "Damn narcissist..."

Jean glared at Chester, who whistled in innocence in response.

"Sir! We've made contact with some ponies!" A captain bursted in, breaking Jean's glare. "Strangely, they aren't afraid of us," The captain shrugged awkwardly.

"How so? Aren't we 'meat-eating savages' to them?" Jean raised a brow whilst asking, as he began tapping at his beak in thought.

"We thought so too, but the ponies we met seemed to have an idea of who we are..." The captain began rubbing the back of his head.

"Of course they know; we're griffons," Chester deadpanned, crossing his arm in impatience. "Be more specific."

"Yes, what I meant is that they know we're 'civilised' and 'high-tech." The captain elaborated,

"If you were a caveman and you saw strange creatures carrying shiny things coming out of a floating cylinder, what would you think?" Chester raised a brow, "Civilised? No shit. High-tech? Double shit." Chester snorted at the captain's idiocy.

"What's with the negativity?" Jean asked, "The travel's getting to ya?" Jean nudged Chester playfully, who slapped his elbow in response.

"Well... Anyways, they are imploring us to head north for some reason, and they are willing to escort us there." The captain pulled a note from his wings, which contained the key points from the dialogue with the earth pony scouts.

"-and why is that?" Jean asked slowly, as he leaned in to grab the note which the captain was passing by flying closer to him. "Is it a trap..?" Jean scanned the note, humming softly when he realised it was a plea for help.

"Sounds like a trap," Chester added, as he leaned in to also observe the note.

"...Crystal ponies?" Jean scratched his head, "Invasion? Need help?" Jean pushed the note away, "Are we willing to jeopardise the future relations with the 'Crystal Empire' in favour of Equestria?" Jean pondered loudly,

"The earth ponies seem to already tolerate our existence..." Chester stated, "But if they want our help, they must be losing." Chester continued, "But it could win the pony's trusts." Chester concluded.

"It could also show our power..." Jean muttered,

"Make them owe us as well." The captain chimed in.

"So it's decided them? Are we moving,?" Chester looked around the command room

"..." The room remained silent in indecision.

"We should call the emperors..." Jean suggested, causing both his captain and the vice-admiral to scream 'Not it!'

"...The things I do..." Jean contemplated, as he would be the one to break the news to his emperors."Pain..."

Author's Note:

Admiral names:
Jean Marie - Admiral of Moltke
Chester Timitz - Vice-admiral of Moltke

Erich Cronyn - Admiral of Johanna
Emile Dudley - Vice-admiral of Johanna

(Totally did not steal the names from real-life admirals.)

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