• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,956 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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Scamble for Logistics

"Thing's are just getting better and better..." Green groaned, as his marshal informed him of the refugees entering the city. "Did they at least bring food?" Green hoped but was met with shaked heads.

"They've brought nothing; simply more mouths to feed for the incoming siege," Rimpler informed, making Green groan again. Meanwhile, in the background, Essie watched in bewilderment with the scene.

"A filly... Is the leader..?" Essie doubted, believing this to be another elaborate prank from Rimpler. But just to make sure, Essie questioned the filly, "Are you the leader of the earth ponies?" Green immediately snapped onto Essie; staring at him annoyedly.

"Yes. And no, I'm not a midget, I'm 12 years old." Green crossed his hooves, annoyed at the number of times he had to repeat it to doubtful ponies. "Also who are you?" Green raised his brows at the unicorn, prompting him to pose prestigiously.

"I! Am the greatest tactical mind of this time! A name that will surely survive through history! The one who defeated Amore V! The saviour of Canterlot! I-"

"His name is Eccentric; Duke Eccentric Lawlane to be exact sir," Rimpler chimed in, just in time to prevent Green's migraine from Essie's toxic egotism.

"...Alright, then I presume you are here to defend Canterlot?" Green began rubbing his chin in thought, as he tried figuring out a way to utilise the unicorns.

"No, we are here for some tea." Essie inwardly laughed but refrained from joking due to the seriousness of the situation. "Yes, but without the pegasuses and against a modernised force." Essie nodded, causing Green to sink further in thought.

"Sir? May I voice a suggestion?" The general accompanying them asked, leaning forward with his hoof up.

"Hm?" Green raised his head, meeting the general's eyes. Essie and Rimpler followed.

"... Perhaps we retreat to the other Southern forts or castles; because, quite frankly, we're going to starve in the first few weeks into the siege." The general suggested cautiously, trying to appeal to their logic.

"Outrageous! You can't just abandon our capital! You'll be simply delaying the inevitable!" Essie scolded the general, as he presumed the generals would have known that Mustafa's army had a stable supply chain that was unharassed by the pegasuses, meaning that they could chase without attrition.

"Well... What do you suggest we do?" The general shrugged at Essie, prompting the unicorn to bite his hoof in worry.

"How about a foraging party? There are rivers nearby from the mountains." Green pointed towards several rivers flowing eastwards from the north on his map, causing the gathered ponies to lean in to better observe the pointed geography.

"They're all up north, they would be too vulnerable against attacks." Rimpler deduced, "We need all our soldiers on preparing the defence to busy ourselves with foraging as well." Rimpler shook his head slowly.

"Then we will just have to sacrifice one." The general decided; intending on reassigning the soldiers to forage instead of entrenching.

Green considered the option, as he raised his chin in thought; giving his little sister the perfect opportunity to creep up to their table without detection.

"Just split the foragers into smaller groups." Little suggested; revealing her presence and making everypony present jump in surprise. Little continued, "Smaller parties can evade and hide better than an entire squad, and they have no crystal 'pegasuses' to effectively spot or chase us."

"...That could work..." The earth ponies in the room simultaneously muttered, except for Essie who was confused at the presence of a foal in their 'serious' meeting.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Essie sputtered, pointing a hoof at the foal, who in turn pointed at herself to confirm that the unicorn was in fact, talking to her.

"I'm Little!" Little Pasture!" Little smiled brightly and waved at the unicorn, who responded with a weak smile and a wave in return.

"She's Green' lil' sister...” the general clarified, whispering into Essie's ears. "-don't worry, she's smarter than she looks." the general reassured.

"Clearly not mature though..." Essie reckoned, basing off Little's childish behaviours. "Nice to meet you Little, my nam-"

"Eccentric! Eccentric Lawlane! Nice to meet you,!" Little waved again; knowing Essie's name from listening in on their conversations. "I'm Green's littlest sis!" Little hugged Green, who nuzzled her immediately.

"...I see..." Essie nodded slowly, amused by the filly's display. "And they're supposed to be the leaders of these earth ponies? Uncanny." Essie huffed, expecting a more prominent figure to be the leader. "How will your country run now without a leader?" Essie thought loudly, presuming Green had lords or landowners who would take care of Equestria for him.

"Oh don't worry, we've got an elected senate making decisions back in the capital." Green shrugged dismissively, however, hoped to Solaris that his senators weren't tearing each other apart from his absence. "I hope dad knows what he is doing..." Green prayed, as he had asked his father to take over for him as a leader in the senate.

"...Elected? You're letting the uneducated masses vote for an unlearned pony to rule?" Essie puzzled; assuming the earth ponies had universal suffrage. "Or do you have noble or learn'ed votes to decide senators?" Essie continued, not wanting to look like a fool.

"Uhhh... No? Everypony gets a vote." Green hesitantly answered, not knowing what 'suffrage’ meant. "Well... Currently, only earth ponies can, but I'm working to fix it!" Green reassured as Essie's expressions began to raise in shock.

"...That is such an idiotic and foolish way of government..." Essie muttered, prompting the general and Marshal to growl in defence of their leader.

"Such insolence! Our leader's policies are not to be questioned! -Especially not by a unicorn!" They both shouted, closing in on Essie, who firmly held his ground; unflinching.

"No! No! It's fine..." Green frailed desperately, stopping his general and marshal. "He has a valid point..." Green sheepishly muttered, as he tapped his hooves together in embarrassment. "Harold's book cautioned us against 'Yesmen'... -and the dangers of foolish democracy..." Green recounted, as he continued to tap his hooves together.

"Uhh... So shouldn't we talk about the foraging?" Little reminded, as she looked at the two groups constantly back and forth.

"Ah yes! Should we use regulars or irregulars, sir?" Rimpler asked, hoping Green wouldn't divert their soldiers from their fortifications and employ the refugees instead.

"Irregulars would be the best... They would probably want to repay their debt and do something for our defence..." Green concluded, dismissing his ponies with a wave of his hoof. Only Essie remained in the tent, looking conflicted in leaving with Rimpler and the general or staying with Green.

Just as Essie was about to make his mind up, Little stealthily lunged onto his back, wrapping his tiny hooves around the unicorn's neck as best she could. "Wha-!"

"Onwards Mr Lawlane! Towards your unicorn group thingy!" Little announced loudly near Essie's ears, slightly deafening him. Green chuckled.

"You heard the mare! Onwards!" Green cheered on, prompting Essie to gallop out to meet up with his unicorn battlemages. Green smiled contently.

Canterlot would not starve in the siege. But that would be the least of their problem.

Author's Note:

You: "Fish spoils quickly."

Me: "They salted it."

You: "Where and when does it say that?”

Me: "Off-screen."

You: "Seems lazy... How about when the Republicans forage for food?"

Me: "Off-screen."

You: "Really? You could've made an entertaining scene where the foragers encounter a scouting party from Mustafa's army and warn Canterlot of the imminent threat."

Me: "...Off-screen."

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