• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,971 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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Internal conflict? More like opportunities!

Lean Grain was working tirelessly on the fields; being able to do so peacefully now that the pegasuses were gone. He swiped another batch of sweat from his forehead and looked up, congratulating himself for the work he had done. But... He felt something was wrong.

Lean scanned the horizons and hills, attempting to find what troubled him, but he could only see trees and the occasional critters. However, this didn't satisfy him, as he began to scan once more for even the faintest of abnormal movements.

Then, he saw a speck of dirt and dust beginning to appear from a hill. Lean squinted at the kicked dirt, unsure as to how it was so dense. Then the speck began to largen.

Lean recoiled as the hills seemed to be spewing clouds of dirt into the air as if there was a tornado on the opposite side. Suddenly, several shaggy shadows began to manifest within the clouds, which soon turned into an army. The shadows all began charging down the hill; their silhouettes exposed as they exited the cloud of dirt.

Lean began to back away, "BUFFALOS!" He shouted; immediately retreating towards his home to evacuate his family.

The news of the collapsed pegasus army had reached everycreature in Equis, and many creatures were already forming raiding parties to exploit the defenceless Equestria. The buffalo horde that was currently stampeding Lean's fields was one such party.

The defenselessness of Equestria was painfully obvious to them, as the pegasus forts looked abandoned and the usual patrols had entirely disappeared. This meant an opportunity for them; a chance to raid the earth ponies for valuable supplies and food with minimal risk.

At least that's what they thought.

The collapse of the pegasus army had the Jacobins rejoicing at first, but they soon realised the nightmares of defending without wings, as they could only relocate via galloping, and their slowness meant that they would always arrive too late.

The Senate attempted to remedy the situation by commissioning the construction of forts and castles throughout the borders of their new holdings, however, building such impressive works took time, and by the time the first raid struck, they were only just beginning to build.

Thankfully, their territories were quite modest, meaning that the Jacobins could afford to cover their entire border; albeit thinly due to the lack of soldiers. The Jacobins also kept an army in their northeast capital in case of a unicorn or pegasus insurrection.

It was a shame that the unicorns wouldn't fight, as they preferred to hide in their castles until the earth ponies forgot about them.

A Jacobin watchpony was observing the surroundings atop a hill. Although an earth pony's eyesights were inferior to that of a pegasus, a pony in a high place could still fulfil its duties of "Notify if anything is out of the ordinary". I.E scouting.

It was a boring job, and the watchpony knew it. But he also knew it was essential in ensuring the safety of their fellow earth ponies. His partner slept nearby, ready to take his place when his break was over. The one awake continued observing vigilantly.

Then suddenly clouds of dirt began appearing from the hill across them; the distance hindering the watchpony's ability to properly identify the cause of the dirt clouds. Then, several specks began charging out of the dirt clouds, leaving behind a dusty trail that dissipated thinly upon every blink.

"BUFFALOS! AT LEAN'S FARM!" The watchpony exclaimed, running and slamming onto his sleeping partner.

"AH! I'M AWAKE!" The partner rolled and braced into attention; his eyes widened in shock and his body stiff from tiredness.

"BUFFALO RAID!" The watchpony shook his partner to implicate the seriousness. But his partner began to worry more about his rattling brains. "WE NEED TO GET THE BALLIST-"

"Alright! Alight! Quit shaking me!" The partner brushed his mane with his hoof, settling his defiant hair.

"TO OUR SQUADS!" the watchpony announced; dreading having to call up their 3 squads which were also responsible for defending the entire county.

"HERE THEY COME!" Lean shouted with a scrunched face, carrying two fillies on his back followed by his wife carrying a foal. They rushed past the assembled Jacobins; only slowing when they were safely behind them.

"I see 'em!" A Jacobin pointed down the field, locating several buffalos that were trampling Lean's home. "Aim the ballistas!"

The ponies knew crossbows and bows were ineffective against the thick furs of the buffalos, so they employed ballistas to kill them.

The buffalos all looked up to find several earth ponies lined atop a hill in the distance, with several large wooden rectangle structures beside them. "Where be pegasus?" A buffalo asked his comrades, confused with the earth pony's intent and the mysteriously absent pegasus patrol.

"No matter! Charge farm ponies!" An impatient buffalo ordered, already beginning his charge towards the hill. His comrades quickly joined him, tightening their formations as to not let any of the ponies slip past the gaps in their charge.

The Jacobins held firm, their ballistas aimed down the hill. Their helmets and armour clattered on the shaking ground, as the buffalos hastily approached the hill and began charging up it.

A Jacobin swung his hoof, "FIRE!" The ballistas mightily twanged, launching 4 deadly projectiles down the hill towards the charging buffalos.

The giant bolts caved into the charging buffalo's skulls, their horns shattering against the bolt's tip and tumbling their bodies down the hill. Splinters and blood lined the furs of the buffalos beside the dead, their face cringing from disgust as they entered their mouth and eyes.

The buffalos immediately halted, as they looked around to find four of their members dead with their skulls exposed with brain bits splattered over their snapped horns. "RUN!" The buffalos rapidly turned, not wanting to find out what the earth ponies had more to show.

The Jacobins, who had raised their pikes to meet the charge hastily broke off to prepare another volley from the ballistas, as they did not expect the buffalos to run so quickly. "Aim high! They're far!" A Jacobin relayed, approximating the distance to the buffalos to determine the angle of their aim.

A hoof stopped them though, as a sergeant saw what the soldiers didn't. "They're too far, don't bother." The others nodded, dropping their bolts and re-centralising their aim.

Lean emerged in between the Jacobins, peaking at his now-destroyed house. His face scrunched. "Why couldn't y'all come faster?" Lean asked the Jacobins, who all rubbed their hooves in response, except for the sergeant.

"Other places need protecting, and we are stretched quite thin." The sergeant explained with a frown, which made the two fillies on Lean's face droop.

"THE MINOTAURS ARE COMING! THE MINOTAURS ARE COMING!" A voice from the distance screamed, his form approaching quickly towards the assembled Jacobins. When he finally did make it, he was a gasping wreck, with sweat and tears covering his fur and face.

"*Gasp* The- *gasp* minotaurs- *gasp* -are coming!" The scout shouted at the sergeant's face, his breath and sweat covering the unamused face.

"...I see... And could you please point towards the raid?" The sergeant asked; wiping the sweat off his face.

The scout immediately pointed towards the southwest, his barrels still rising and falling due to his heavy breathing. The sergeant simply nodded and gestured his soldiers to follow. They began to gallop.

"No rest for the victors..." The sergeant solemnly thought; feeling his hooves burning from the constant galloping. At least it wouldn't crack like those from a unicorn.

Author's Note:

Carrot Top has been renamed Lean Grain (thanks to Bronycommander)

Let's just hope Hasbro doesn't bring up the noose.

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