• Published 2nd May 2021
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The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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A livid Bismarck

Paul's office (Every dialogue is in German)

"-A what?" Bismarck asked,

"An Austri-"

"-I heard what you said." Bismarck cut him off; his breath becoming volatile and erratic.

"-Are you telling me, a country that I tried so hard to isolate and admit our hegemony over Germany has a FUCKING HOMELESS GUY FROM IT AS OUR FUTURE LEADER?!" Bismarck boomed out; causing the citizens outside of the palaces to glance towards the foreign languages coming from their emperor's offices.

"Calm down Otto!" Paul futilely attempted,


"We don't even know he is telling the truth!" Paul desperately appealed,

"Bismarck, you were born on the 1st of April of 1815. You unified Germany in 1871, and was forced into retirement in 1890." Rommel boredly cited as if rehearsed.

"...Well, he might be lying about the stuff after it!" Paul appealed once more,

"I know all the doctrines, the political and economical turmoil following the war and I am familiar with many of your weapons, even if some are off in their design or look different." Rommel dispelled, "Even if your earth is hypothetically different to mine, I have valuable experience in the fields of war and organisation."

"...Damn..." Paul muttered, before refocusing on Bismarck's weeping figure.

"I'm sorry chancellor... Should I leave out the sensitive bits?" Rommel offered but was stopped by Bismarck's response.

"No. I'll hear all of it. I can take them." Bismarck stated with regained confidence, as he stood up and braced himself.

"No! It'll destroy you!" Paul pleaded but was met by a wave of Bismarck's claws.

"Nothing can destroy me! Hit me with it!" Bismarck ordered,

Rommel took a deep breath, "You were right about the prediction. Wilhelm loses his throne like a dumbass."

"Hah! I knew it! You owe me a favour, Paul!" Bismarck hollered,

"What?! But he seemed so secure in my last days!" Paul groaned,

"The first world war started just two months after your death sir," Rommel elaborated, "Wilhelm severed the alliance with Russia and isolated Germany so that Britain, France and Russia would attack us."

Bismarck's face scrunched in annoyance; "My worst nightmare..." He recounted, as he had tried so hard to align Russia to his side so long ago.

"He would also order a naval buildup which pissed off Britain..." Rommel continued,

"We're masters of the land... Not the seas..." Bismarck quietly muttered.

"He would also allow a communist to pass through our lines to turn Russia into a Socialist state." Rommel listed nonchalantly.

Bismarck's eyes began to twitch, as he made a soft whimper in pain.

"We lost that war by the way, and Poland took Danzig and Poznan."

"Hrgk..." Bismarck grasped his chest, and his legs began to wobble.

"A great depression where everyone lost their jobs, their savings, and their homes which allowed radicals to gain power..."

Bismarck collapsed to his knees; prompting Paul to rush to his side. "BISMARCK, NO! STAY STRONG!"

"-Which as you know, led to the Austrian taking power and declaring war on everyone again. It went well at first, but when winter kicked in and the allies invaded, I and a large portion of the general staff knew Germany was lost-" Rommel stopped, as he heard a thump.

"Paul... I can't... I can't go on..." Bismarck whimpered, as he shakily grabbed Paul's claw.

"No! NO! You gotta push through the pain man! I'M NOT LOSING YOU HERE!" Paul desperately grasped Bismarck's overstretched claws, shaking him gently.

"Oh! Did I mention that the Nazi party consisted of pagans and addicts?"

"Hrgk..." Bismarck limped.

"No... Bismarck...? Come on buddy, don't play around with me here..." Paul shook Bismarck faster, yet garnered no response. "No no no no no no!"


Rommel recoiled from the communicator; his ears ringing and his expressions contorted.

A period of silence followed, where Rommel stood awkwardly waiting for a response.

Rommel scratched his head, "Ummm..."

"-Huh? Oh, you're still there?" Paul replied as if nothing had happened, "You can have the job. Reform the army or whatever. But if you fail! You die!" Paul cheerfully said,

"Oh! So nothing is different." Rommel nodded happily; the death bit not fazing him a bit.

"Yup! See to it like a test of sorts, if you fail? You die. If you succeed? Terrific. There's not a lot to fight against anyways in the barren savage nothingness. It would also work wonders relieving Bismarck's workload!" Paul enthusiastically said.

"...Wait... Where are our fights happening in?" Rommel asked fearfully; feeling his stomach burn with worry.

"Underdeveloped, no infrastructure, sparsely populated, barren lands. Why?" Paul answered; confused himself as to why he had listed them so thoroughly.

And now, it was Rommel's turn to scream.

Time Skip: Bismarck's office

Bismarck inhaled deeply; his joint literally disappearing into thin air. "We need a bloody vacation, Paul." Bismarck breathed out.

"What about our governance?" Paul breathed out as well; completely filling the room in a pink mist.

Bismarck glared at him, "You and I know too well that our bureaucracy and army would prevent any usurpers."

"Yeah, I get that, but we're the heads of a cult of personality." Paul explained, "How would you feel if Jesus decided to take a vacation in his journey?"

Bismarck strokes his chin; his face scrunched in thought. "Point. But, I'm making the same mistakes as I did in my previous life; I trapped myself in my own work..."

"Huh..." Paul thought as well, as he too had an unfulfilling life. "I've always travelled, but they were always for work... I suppose I have never had an enjoyable trip..." Paul conceded.

"That's the spirit! I was thinking of travelling west. Meet the suppliers for these wonders." Bismarck said with a twirl of his joint.

"But who would run our country whilst we're gone?" Paul suspiciously asked; as Bismarck always had a plan.

"I thought you would never ask!" Bismarck snapped his claws; prompting junkers dressed as statesmen and bureaucrats to enter with pride.

"Meet our delegates, Paul! Trained in the arts of diplomacy and selected from a harsh filter of tests!" Bismarck announced as Paul's eyes widened.

"You planned this didn't you." Paul realised,

"Oh, friend..." Bismarck wrapped his arms around Paul's shoulder, "I ALWAYS have a plan..."

The Emperors would leave for a vacation; testing Germany's ability to exist without them, which they would succeed in.

Despite it being such a minor action, it had tremendous effects, as it proved that Germany didn't need the emperors to babysit them to survive.

It convinced many still hesitating to travel west to do so, as the emperor's oversight seemingly wasn't necessary for their safety, and even convinced some to leave without previous reasons; some to seek the same goals of leisure, whilst others lusted for wealth or adventure.

The Emperor's image in society would shift; from being one of an omnipotent, all-controlling god to an observatory, interventionist god. Due to this, more innovators and capitalists would spring up, as they believed they could succeed as the delegates had without the emperors.

Also, literally, all of the junkers decided to follow Bismarck for obvious reasons. Many followed to protect them, whilst others did to gain glory or adventure. But all of them did so to gain favour from the emperors.

Author's Note:

The bold texts are extremely important btw. Don't skip them.

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