• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,971 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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The crows begin to circle

Author's Note:

I couldn't figure out a way to write Forests' discovery of his friends' dead corpse without making it sound like a joke or comedic.

So sorry that I just summarised it. Just imagine what had happened instead, 'cause I definitely can't write it.


Forests' hatred grew once discovering Jacos' dead body next to Hurricanes'. Two tombstones were erected to pay respect to the fallen Copper and Jaco. The villagers returned to spread the news of their victory.

Green became bound to a wooden wheel wagon, as his hind hooves were beyond repair. Forest had lost an eye during his charge, as a desperate pegasus loosed an arrow at him, hitting dead straight in his eyes.

The victorious Jacobins immediately retreated to their northeast settlement, fearing destruction or a counter-attack from the silent unicorns. It never came.

Treachery in the Cloudian Fortress was circulated, as Puddinghead was found dead from a supposed heart attack from shock. But there are some theories and talks that it was Smart who had killed her, as Puddingheads' body couldn't be found, and Smart Cookie had ascended to the position of chancellorship immediately upon the news of Puddingheads' death.

The news of the Jacobins' victory rippled throughout Equestria, some even reaching their rival and warring neighbours of Equestria.

The villagers immediately stopped listening to the pegasuses and unicorns, citing the Jacobins as their true protectors and overlords. The annihilated pegasuses could do nothing, and the unicorns could only shake their hooves angrily at this betrayal.

The unicorns quickly filled the power vacuum of the pegasuses, as Hurricane had died, effectively leaving the pegasuses leaderless. The unicorn nobles attempted to sabotage the pegasus's recovery by appointing Private Pansy as their new commander, citing her close relationship as the advisor of Hurricane as an excuse. Unfortunately, Pansy proved to be more capable than previously thought.

All of the earth pony villages and settlements except the nobles proclaimed their inclusion into the Jacobin rebellion, however, their nations' name hasn't been decided.

As their borders were no longer protected and their army ceased to exist, Platinum called for another congress to discuss their situation.

"EVERYTHING IS FALLING APART!" Platinum exclaimed, her hooves prying her eyes open. "WE ARE DOOMED!"

"How bad is it Clover?" Starswirl asked the advisor, having gotten to know her in the shrine. "A brilliant mind for sure, Starswirl thought, wishing he could lecture her too.

"Border raids have increased a hundredfold, there're reports of the zebra and diamond dog chieftains invading our territories from the east, Buffalos, minotaurs, centaurs invading from the south, river raids by hippogriffs from the west and regular raids by changelings and deers as well." Clover rambled, causing everypony in the congress except Platinum to widen their eyes in surprise. "But... We do have one good news!" Clover reassured, preventing the ponies from mongering like her princess.

"...and that is?" Starswirl implored, the fillies leaning forward as well.

"The Jacobins have taken to defend the north, and have prevented any invasions from the yaks and crystal ponies." Clover relayed, calming the ponies down except Platinum, who continued to whine about their doom. "They have also reported having sent detachments to our borders to defend against the invaders." Clover finished, having successfully invigorated the ponies. Well, except Platinum...

"THAT JUST MEANS WE ARE DOOMED EVEN MORE!" Platinum continued to invoke fear, "WHAT WILL THEY DO ONCE THEY FOCUS ON US?!" Platinum panicked, leaving her seat and circling aimlessly near the table. She began to bite her hoof in worry. "They will humiliate us! Torture us! Execute us! DEFILE US!" Platinum speculated, which made several of the unicorn guards twitch in fear.

"What about the harvests? Will we starve this year?" Starswirl hesitantly asked Clover, who simply drooped her head in withdrawal.

"Most likely. The villagers have refused to recognise us." Clover sighed, she began to want the oppressive pegasuses back now that the earth ponies were in charge.

Starswirl began to scratch his chin in thought, as the fillies discussed what will happen to Equestria now that the earth ponies were in charge.

Ares remained silent, believing that the earth ponies winning was a divine punishment by Solaris against the pegasuses and unicorns for continuing to oppress them. Ares had been advocating his fellow unicorns to treat the earth ponies better before, but noopny had listened to him until now, as the earth ponies suddenly became the power holders.

Smart was still out of the loop, too busy trying to fix all of Puddingheads' problems and deficits. It didn't help that the earth ponies still hated Puddinghead and her establishment, which meant the hate simply transferred over to her upon Puddingheads' death.

Pansy was also too busy attempting to rebuild the pegasus army, however, their ponypower pool had been run dry, as Hurricane had already scraped the barrels in his recruitment, which meant she had to empty entire garrisons and hope that the Jacobins would defend them to create an army to oppose enemy armies.

Then suddenly, Platinum was struck with brilliance, and quickly dashed onto the table, slamming onto it, and gaining everyponys' attention. "WE MUST SEND AN ENVOY TO THESE REBELS!" Platinum demanded, slamming the table with every word.

"...they will not negotiate anything with us..." Smart groaned, rubbing her temples with her hooves. "We are all too hated to negotiate..."

"That's why I elect Starswirl as our envoy!" Platinum concluded, yet again throwing the grand wizard onto the problem. "Everypony knows him! And he's a hero!"

"..." Starswirl glared at Platinum, who remained proud of her decisions. "...I see no other options as well... I will go..." Starswirl conceded, dropping his head in acknowledgment.

"What?! Why does our teacher always have to do everything?!" The indigo filly whined as she knew this wasn't the first time Starswirl had to save the entire nation.

"Hush filly! It's because he's the only one capable of the task!" Platinum scolded the indigo filly, silencing her.

"But-!" The indigo filly was stopped by Starswirls' hoof,

"It's true, and we must make haste before anypony suffers due to our delay," Starswirl informed the filly, who simply drooped her head in sad understanding.

"Good luck my friend... I shall pray for your safe travels and success..." Ares hummed, which made Starswirl nod. The entire fate of the Equestrian lands hinged on the grand wizard once more and his exit was followed by the stares of gathered nobles and pegasus generals.

He had to succeed...

Green waited outside his home. He had enjoyed his travel back to their holdings, as the villagers threw them parties and cheered their names as they marched back home. But now that he was back, he worried what his family's reaction would be.

He had lost both hind hooves, forcing him to use wheelwagons to move. He feared that the sight would devastate his sister and mother. He feared that the scars on his face would terrify them, but he braced himself for their reaction. He knocked on the door.

He heard several loud crashes and stumbles from the house, as the noise slowly approached the door. The inhabitants frantically rushing to the door as they knew who it was from the returning soldiers.

The door slammed open, revealing an excited but tired Little, evident by the dark circles on her eyes. Green cringed at the condition of her little sister, whilst Litlles' happiness quickly turned to sadness as her eyes slowly drifted downwards to spot Greens' wheelwagon.

"I-" Green tried to start, but was conflicted to either say he had returned or was sorry. He realised Littles' eyes beginning to water. "I'm sor-"

Green was tackled by Little, causing him to be knocked off his wheelwagon and fall on the steps of his house. He felt his sisters' head nuzzling his chest, and her tears beginning to soak his fur. He hugged back. In the background, he saw his parents hugging happily, glad that he was back.

They had won. It felt like a victory. It was a victory. It was glorious.

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