• Published 2nd May 2021
  • 4,968 Views, 752 Comments

The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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When slaves are equal


"-Wha-what do you mean no?! How are we supposed to survive without food?!" A desperate noble spouted; his stockpile of food running low.

The earth pony shrugged indifferently but secretly smiled inside, as the unicorns were finally suffering as they did.

The noble grew frustrated at the earth pony's insolence and threatened him, "You mud ponies understand we raise the sun every day?!" The noble warned, knowing that the peasant earth ponies would be none the wiser.

But the noble's expressions turned immediately into shock as the earth pony simply laughed loudly at his threat, grasping his barrel to hold in the laughter.

"You nobles have no control over the sun and moon!" The earth pony replied with a cackle, "The Solaris council raises them, and everypony knows they hate the nobility!" The earth pony finished, causing the unicorn to blink.

"How did he-" the unicorn tried to process, but the fact that a mud pony knew their realm's politics broke him.

The earth pony waved a hoof at the broken unicorn, trying to break him out of his stupor. "Uhh... You in there?" The earth pony asked futilely and eventually gave up, trotting back into his house and leaving the unicorn processing outside his door.

"Starswirl." An earth pony elder squinted, displaying coldness to their 'beloved' hero.

Starswirl had expected to avoid or hide away from villagers in fear of being mobbed by them for salvation or help but had encountered many of the same earth ponies giving him the cold shoulders.

The fillies were confused as to why their teacher wasn't being reverred and was being indirectly despised by the villagers, but Starswirl knew exactly why.

As every time Starswirl had 'saved' Equestria, it meant that he saved a noble's estate or holdings against a hostile creature or threat, but had done very little in helping the earth ponies, which he regarded as a lost cause.

The earth ponies, hearing of his heroism through the literate nobles had begged time and time again for him to improve their conditions and top the tyrannical unicorns and pegasuses, but had done nothing simply due to math; as the risk overweighed the reward severely.

Nopony could have foreseen what was happening now, as the earth ponies had defied impossible odds and had liberated themselves with no wings, no magic nor talent.

"What do YOU want?" A villager chimed in, staring cold daggers into Starswirl's own.

Starswirl ignored the earth pony's glare and focused on the elder, "I am seeking the location of your leader's whereabouts." Starswirl asked, but retracted slightly as he seemed to implicate bad intentions, "-to negotiate with, of course." Starswirl assured, relaxing the ponies. Except for the elder.

"...and what else?" The elder pressed, as everypony by now knew the location of the main Jacobin holdings, and knew Starswirl was trying to follow up his questions with a request.

Starswirl at the first hesitated but knew it would be inevitable anyway and spoke, "We require food for our journey, and the nobles didn't provide." Starswirl wanted to growl at the selfish nobles for not fitting him for the journey which they demanded.

The elder leaned closer, "Every unicorn and pegasi have come to us, asking for food. -and our answer was no." The elder reprimanded the hopeful wizard, "What makes you so different to the rest we denied?"

"-But I have saved Equestria countless times before!" Starswirl futilely argued, being cut by the elder's hooves.

"You have saved the unicorns and pegasuses, but never the earth ponies." The elder gritted his teeth, "Why should we help you to save the unicorn's fur?" The elder mocked, as their 'benevolent overlords' had never even raised their hooves to save their starving villagers before.

"I..." Starswirl uncharacteristically gazed backwards, unable to respond to the elder's accusations. The fillies looked with shock, as their 'perfect' teacher showed a semblance of vulnerability. "I understand..." Starswirl lowered his head in farewell and trotted back to the trail. The fillies meanwhile galloped alongside him.

"Will we have enough provisions for our journey?" The alabaster filly asked, slowing her pace as she began outpacing her teacher.

"Nay, we will have to forage to make up our shortages," Starswirl replied, keeping his head forward.

"Why wouldn't they give us food? Do they want us to starve?" The indigo filly asked, deeming the earth pony's rejection selfish.

"...I ask the same questions to our kind..." Starswirl solemnly muttered, lowering his hat to partially cover his eyes. "If only I could've helped..." Starswirl silently mumbled, regretting not helping the earth ponies earlier.

"Teacher?" The two fillies asked, worried about Starswirl's feelings of guilt.

"Students, never give up on somepony, no matter how hopeless it may be," Starswirl instructed, looking up in guilt. "For they may become your greatest friends..."

"The Solarist temples are a part of the problem! And are as bad, if not worse than unicorn nobles!" A representative boomed, being backed by several other elders near him.

"Nonsense! The Solarist temples are untainted, and must be preserved to teach younger unicorns to care for everypony!" Another representative countered, garnering nods from around him.

As the tension became higher, Green stomped hard to cease the commotion. "Mares and gentlestallions! Please! We are here for a civil discussion, not a riot!" Green scolded the older ponies, who withdrew in embarrassment.

The Jacobins were currently trying to figure out how their new nation would run, and their latest topic was regarding the Solarist church and their standing within the earth pony's nation.

"The churches are merely tools made by the unicorns to control us! Why else would they preach about peace and non-violence?!" The 'radicals' snarled, feeling betrayed by the church for preventing the earth ponies from rebelling earlier.

"Are you implying violence is not evil?! They preached us this message to not lose ourselves in rage!" The 'moderates' scolded, still wanting to keep the church, but allow earth ponies to become bishops, priests and religious leaders.

"The churches are no tool! Have you all already forgotten that they raise the sun in the unicorn's 'stead?" The 'reactionaries' reminded, still glad that they were free and prospering, but fearing fast change would bring repercussions from the unicorns and the church.

Green and Little personally wished for the church to remain, and also allow admissions of earth ponies into their structures, but feared expressing their views for angering the radicals for doing too little, or angering the reactionaries for doing too much. They groaned and began massaging their temples.

The debates were currently being held in their newly constructed 'senate,' with all the elders in their northeast holdings being summoned to make decisions on behalf of all earth ponies in Equestria. Due to this, the radicals held the clear majority, however, could be rebuffed by the moderates and reactionaries if they voted together. The radicals continued seething.

"Our revolution aimed to destroy the Solarist church! Our soldiers bled and died for this cause!" A radical roared, not wanting their soldier's death to be in vain.

"OUR revolution aimed to free us! And nothing more! The rest are our decisions to make!" A moderate chided, as every sensible pony knew they fought to ensure their freedom.

"Don't shove words onto our valiant soldiers! They do not deserve such treatment!" A reactionary chastised, stomping in his seat.

"Says the horn-lovers!" A radical sneered, causing the reactionaries to roar in uprage.

"ORDER! ORDER!" Green demanded, stomping the ground loudly to silence the representatives once more.

"We will not tear ourselves apart! So we will move on with a vote!" Green announced, "Raise your hooves if you want the church destroyed!"

The radicals who were situated on the left all raised their hooves, causing the reactionaries on the right to growl.

"Raise your hooves if you want the church reformed!" Green announced,

The moderates in the middle immediately raised their hooves in agreement whilst the reactionaries grumbled, albeit less angrily. Then the moderates began nudging the reactionaries, implying that if they didn't vote for them, the radicals would win. The reactionaries raised their hooves with a groan.

"Alright everypony! It's decided! The church will be reformed!" Green happily announced, ignoring the grumbling reactionaries and radicals. "Now, to our next issue! What's on everypony's mind now?"

"Perhaps we should start by removing trading restrictions within our nation." A moderate sarcastically suggested as he found the unicorn's laws limiting trade between duchies stupid, as it only benefitted them by holding monopolies over all necessary goods.

"We must begin talks of enlarging our army, for the enemies at our borders will not stand by patiently." A radical argued, garnering nods from all sides.

"Aye, but matters of education must be sought, for armies cannot attack without letters." A reactionary emphasised, which made every side nod as well.

"...What of the internal threats?" An approaching voice called out; its hoofsteps now audible in the silence.

"...Forest?" Green gaped, not expecting the war hero's presence in the senate. "...Why are you here?"

"Can't a fellow hero immerse himself into politics?" Forest grinned, taking his place in the middle of the senate; for all to see.

"What is he doing..? I thought he was still in mourning..." Green pondered, as Jaco's death had seemed to have broken Forest.

Forest cleared his throat, and began to speak; "...Ever since our 'victory', I had blamed myself continuously that Jaco's death was solely on my hooves..." Forest emphasised 'victory', as if it wasn't complete; "I kept wondering what I could've done better... What I could've prevented... Of what I could've changed..." Forest began to choke with tears; grasping his chest whilst dropping his head.

"But... I realised something..." Forest raised his head with a new expression; an expression screaming out hatred.

The Senate seemed to cool down, as everything around Forest suddenly became colder after every hate-filled word.

"-I realised my hatred should not be aimed towards myself! But towards our enemies! The Pegasuses! The Unicorns! And the puddinghead's cronies!" Forest hollered, causing the senate to explode into cheers and applaud. "The Equestrian experiment has failed! And so the earth ponies shall rise! LONG LIVE THE JACOBINS!" Forest boomed; causing the senate to also erupt in cheers for the Jacobins. Green began sweating profusely.

"STOP!" Green yelled, stopping the cheers. Forest looked on with a glare. "Have we all forgotten the message from Copper?! By oppressing them, we will be just as bad as them! If not worse!" Green professed; as doing the same thing which they knew caused immense pain to others would be incredibly inconsiderate and ignorant. "The only just course of action would be to live on with harmony from now on."

Forest scoffed, "Live in harmony?! You wish to make peace with those who had just whipped you?" Forest snarled, "You wish to ignore their crimes and indifference to our starvation and death?!" Forest stomped, however, he could feel the senate beginning to mumble in disagreement.

"An eye for an eye! A hoof for a hoof! A life for a life!" A radical added; siding with Forest in the issue.

"An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind," Green automatically replied, remembering a quote from Harold's book about a griffon who futilely attempted to stop the bloodshed before the warlord era had occurred. Green feared that he would share the same fate.

The moderates and reactionaries nodded and hummed at Green's quote, whilst the reactionaries were stunned by Green's wisdom, as it was unnatural for his age. Forest blinked blankly.

"I agree with Green and in extension to elder Copper as well; that we should not take to murder, but towards justice." A moderate concurred; wishing to stop the bloodshed.

"A lenient punishment to not leave them spiteful, so we can all prosper into a harmonious future." A reactionary emphasised, making a few moderates shake their heads in disagreement.

"Have you all gone mad?! They will never forgive us! So we must strike them now! Before it's too late!" A radical ranted, implicating genocide.

"For every second we waste here, the more time we give to the unicorns and pegasuses to prepare to squash us!" Forest threatened; wishing to wage war against the unicorns immediately.

"...They'll have to forgive us..." Green blankly muttered; not knowing how nopony had realised this crucial information.

"Why will they forgive us?" A reactionary asked; confused at Green's stupor.

"...We own all the food dumbflank..." Green deadpanned, making everypony 'O' in realisation. "If they are our enemy, we won't give them food like what we are doing now." Green shrugged, as the moderates and reactionaries nodded in agreement.

"But they will gather their forces and attack us with the food we gave them!" Forest growled; quickly breaking out of his realisation, which made the radicals break out as well.

"It's 'may not 'will' general." A moderate corrected; thinking a unicorn uprising was unlikely due to their limited movement and small population.

Forest continued to growl until he finally made up his mind, "For everypony that foresees the unicorn's threat! Raise your hooves!" Ever hoof on the radical side raised their hooves, with one moderate deciding to trust Forest's decisions.

"For those for peace and a cease to bloodshed, raise your hooves!" Green countered, which made everypony in the reactionaries and moderate side raise their hooves immediately to oppose the radical's pressure.

The two sides glared at each other; eyeing each other down to prepare for a fight. But Forest was the one to diffuse the tension instead of Green.

"The Senate is adjourned. But remember this everypony," Forest warned; leaning towards his opposition. "Nopony is coming to help you when the unicorns decide soon to execute you." Forest turned around and began to walk away. The radicals followed.

"Senate adjourned." Green weakly muttered, staring blankly as the radicals and Forest left without having solved all of their issues. "Is this how democracies fail?" Green asked nopony in particular, remembering a passage from Harold's book which warned against democracies but favoured a centralised, authoritarian government in its 'stead.

"Maybe I should paint this scene?" Green thought lazily; believing this small conflict would be significant later on.

Author's Note:

Green Pasture's faction will be called the 'Pastorians' because it rhymes with pastures... Or something? And it represents Green's views. (It consists of reactionaries and the majority of the moderates.)

Forest Fire's faction will be called the 'Jacobins' to honour Jaco's death. (Consists of radicals)

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