• Published 2nd May 2021
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The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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The Crystal Shatters

Author's Note:

I'm using a new structure for my writing. From now on, the general setting of the scene will be written in bold at the start so I won't need to waste time describing the character's surroundings at the start.

One of Many Captured Castles Held by the Crystal Ponies

A lone quartermaster of Amore sat alone in his room; the reports in his hooves clearly unsettling him.

What he saw in the reports were impossible, as it seemed to suggest the complete disappearance of Mustafa's veteran army without a trace; no routed ponies, messengers or deserters. It was as if they were wiped out of existence in their siege of Canterlot.

"That's impossible! He thought, as there was no power in Equestria that could annihilate such a large force so completely. He began to pace around his room.

There had been no reports from their spy networks of any breakthroughs on unicorn magic, nor were there anything noteworthy about the upstart mud-ponies. The only possible cause for this anomaly, he theorised, was that the bribed nobles had lied, or Mustafa had left to seek personal glory or revenge. But neither made much sense to him.

The door to his room slammed open, revealing a panicking lieutenant, "SIR! We're under siege!"

"...How did they make past our forward defenc-" The quartermaster stopped himself, and was wide-eyed in realisation. "...No..." His hooves gave out, causing him to collapse to his flank.

"-Sir?!" The lieutenant reluctantly asked,

The quartermaster simply fell on his back and began staring at the ceiling in despair. "...Our main army is gone... All of our garrisons are bucked..." He quietly muttered.

Any gains made by the Crystal ponies were quickly lost, as their token garrisons easily fell against the earth ponies' rushed-together levies.

Due to the Crystal Empire's usage of 'modern' (modern for their time) tactics, they only had one main army, which meant they would have to scramble together another army at the last moment.

The Crystal Empire

Hysteria and panic had taken hold of the nobility, peasantry and to a smaller extent, the merchants, as the news of their main army being annihilated and their holdings being swept reached them.

Amore VI had locked himself in his royal chambers and refused to speak to anypony, as delusion and paranoia quickly took hold of him, which led to the quick and brutal executions of his spymasters, anypony related to the campaign or anypony that had disagreed with him in the past. This would, however, not work in his favour, as talks of replacements immediately circulated upon the swing of the axe from the executioner.

From the emperor's absence, and the seemingly ceaselessly campaign of terror and executions, four factions emerged to fill in the power vacuum once their majesty had 'a little accident'.

The Umbras, being predominantly consisting of wealthy nobles, merchants and disgruntled generals, advocated for the abolishment of absolute paternal rule, and instead championed for an electoral system, where the most successful and 'noblest' of blood would vote for their new emperor.

However, they would receive harsh criticism from the three other factions, as they accused the Umbras of conspiring to weaken the position of the emperor so they could have more self-control and dodge lofty taxes and fees. The Umbras would counter this by accusing them of betraying the Crystal Empire's citizens.

To solve the immediate crisis, they proposed a policy of scorched earth, civilian 'mobilisation' (forcing civilians to become akin to slaves), and giving full power to the generals to make military decisions. Again, they were accused, but the reasons for it contradicted the last, as the Umbras were accused of attempting to create a centralised military oligarchy.

The Amores were the moderates among the factions, who wished for the coronation of Amore's distant relative: Amore VII to take charge in his stead for an indefinite period. They had first advocated status-quo; letting Amore VI keep the throne whilst a provisional government took over the reins of governance, however, once the paranoia ramped up, and they began losing supporters as a result, they chose the aforementioned choice to win back their lost backers.

The Amores is mostly criticised by the Umbras and Carlists for being too weak and small, as their chances for the government is minuscule, and they simply advocate for a truce and maybe a minor territory concession to appease the earth ponies.

The Carlists are named after Carl List; an extremely distant relative to Amore VI who gained power, fame and prestige through his stewardship and martial, which garnered him great fortune and notoriety within the Crystal Empire's army.

The faction revolves entirely around him, as he acts the part of the head of the cult of personality to convince and wow supporters to his side. He and his compatriots promise the successes which Amore VI had promised, and swears to defeat the Equestrians to restore the Crystal Empire to its past glory days.

No plans or policies are currently set in stone, however, their tone implicates militarism and a cult of personality-type leadership. They are criticised by the Cadenzas and Amores for being usurpers, traitors, and warmongerers, but surprisingly is supported by the Umbras, despite the former not giving the latter their support.

Finally, the Cadenzas is a faction predominantly consisting of merchants who are detached from the political and historical rivalries between the two nations, and therefore, absolutely hated by the other three factions.

They wish for an unthinkably horrifying proposal; the vassalisation of the Crystal Empire to Equestria for an immediate truce, trade and free movement agreements.

It is led by a mare merchant named Cadenza; whose very non-crystal skin caused many in the opposing factions to draw swords to attempt to slice her.

By using her excessive wealth, she was able to buy Amore's name from an improvised branch of his family for an obscene amount of money to lay claim to the Crystal Empire's throne. By using threats of embargos and threats of ceasing trade to essential goods for weapons and armour, the Cadenzas are able to remain as the top four factions through economics and trade.

They are harshly criticised by every other faction, as many of its members risk to death to even show up at meetings in fear of assassinations or angry mobs.

If you want an oversimplification, here you go:

Umbra - will go for victory at any cost

Carlist - will go for victory more conventionally

Amore - will aim for the status quo

Cadenza - Neville Chamberlain levels of appeasement

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