• Published 2nd May 2021
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The Iron Chancellor - Radical Centrist

Otto Von Bismarck (Unifier of Germany) and Paul Mauser (Inventor of the standard issued rifle of Germany) are thrown into a post-Windigo Equestria as Griffons. How will the early-medieval civilisations change with these Victorian era imperialists?

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The wild west and the buffalos

New Western territories of Germany

It felt quite weird for those who travelled west in the prospect of wealth, as they were permitted guns and the new lands that they acquired from Equestria were uncharted, therefore unsafe. Yet, it didn't deter some griffons from trekking west with wagons and sometimes family in tow against the risk to gain their fortune.

They would usually move in large columns; the leading convoys generally being the heaviest armed. Some would split off once noticing a suitable plot of land, whilst others kept pace; searching for their prize.

"Bertha! You see anythin'?" A gruffy voice asked, as he mindlessly looked side to side.

"Nothing of worth dear," A gentle voice answered back, as so far, she could only observe endlessly plains.

The gruffy griffon nodded slowly, as he began to squint towards what seemed to be a hill on his right. "Funny... Last I checked hills don't get bigger..." He muttered as the 'hills' seemed to dissipate and reveal a line of specks approaching them.

His eyes widened in realisation, as he quickly whipped his gun to his side. "INCOMING! AT 9'OCLOCK!"

Every griffon leading the wagons trained their aim towards the warning in unison; their drills and experience serving them well in their attentiveness. The wives of said leading griffons drew their own guns as well; determined to save their youngings' and their belongings.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE! THEY'RE TOO FAR!" An authoritative voice boomed; his tone matching that of a sergeant, which motivated the aiming griffons.

As the specks became bigger, their features became unmistakable; "BUFFALOS!" A squinting griffon informed the rest, as the others began to train their aim towards a target.

It was quite confusing for the buffalos, as what they first assumed to be ponies were actually in fact, griffons. They were not only confused that the infamously 'savage' eastern griffons had wagons and clothes but also refused to fly away only spotting a stampeding horde. "They have valuable possessions." They all assumed.

Their confusion would quickly turn to fear, however, as their entire front rank limped and tripped after a thunderous CRACK! Boomed out from the motionless griffons.

The buffalos, by now were no strangers to such powerful weapons; the blood and guts of their fallen comrades and brothers against the ballistas of the earth ponies having taught them that. And so they dispersed and scattered into the dust; not wanting to serve the same fate as the ones in the front lines.

"Damn pests... When will they learn to avoid us?" A griffon spat, as he cocked his gun to load a bullet.

"They better learn like those damn wolves did... Too bad they're now replaced by those fearless timber-kinds." Another griffon cursed, as he flung his rifle to his back; intending on continuing forward.

"...Aye..." They muttered.

Buffalo chief's camp

To say it wasn't their day was an understatement; it hadn't been their day for several months now.

They used to be able to raid and stampede the earth ponies easily; their pegasus 'allies' being either too slow or uncaring to repel them.

But now, everything had changed, as the once-prized position of being in the front ranks became a punishment; an equivalent to a death penalty as the earth ponies began to use a new wooden contraption to kill them from afar.

At first, they were relieved to see that the earth ponies' patrols and forts began to become vacant, as they mysteriously retreated west; theoretically giving the buffalos free rein over the eastern plains and rivers. Oh how wrong they were.

What they discovered in the eastern interiors was completely abandonment; the sparsely inhabited land now being even barer; as the ponies who previously settled there had all but mysteriously disappeared as well, leaving behind ghost villages and vast, empty fields.

Then, the griffons came.

The buffalos would never forget the images. The horrifying memories and scenes of griffons flying in flocks and picking them off one by one.

Normally, arrows from pegasuses would simply brush or bounce off their thick furs, but the griffons were using something different.

A weapon that roared an ear-splitting explosion; so precise it could kill a fly; so deadly that it could fell a dragon in one shot.

There was no hiding, no running nor fighting. The griffons could see from afar, and shoot from that distance; they could fly and easily chase a fleeing buffalo. They stood no chance.

The Griffons would move in groups, killing entire hordes without mercy. Despite their utter efficiency and brutality, they would strangely not touch the buffalos' prized fur nor devour their bodies; instead, more insultingly, they would leave them out in the open; their carcasses emitting terrifying fumes that would disgust and warn the buffalos that passed by.

In just a week, their entire kind was driven out of the eastern Equestrian lands; a very few escaping with their lives, but the majority died in it; never to see their families again.

Never would they travel north again; for the risks were too big. But they would never yield land; no matter the cost.

Lessons of warning against travelling north already began to spread; teaching the younger generations to never pass the northern mountains and hills which acted as their border.

But they would learn another lesson; to never concede their rightful lands.

Colony of Alsace: State capital

Erwin Rommel stared nervously at his communicator; not out of fear for his wellbeing, but fear that the emperors' names were merely coincidences, and he had just wasted his, and their time.

He briefly glanced towards a guard that flanked him; poised to rip off his communicator at any signs of wasting their glorious emperors' time.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the communicator finally spoke.

"10 seconds. Say something worth my time." Paul dismissively remarked as he was preoccupied with working on another blueprint. He hadn't even bothered looking at the supposedly crazed griffon's case.

"I swear... We need someone else to delegate these questions to..." Paul absently thought, as this wasn't the first time a griffon inquired personally to the emperors, and it definitely would not be the last. The worse bit was, many junkers (nobles of Germany) would appoint such services with priority to celebrate birthdays for their children. "I'm never going to do this agai-".

Erwin had at first, stammered in silence by the bluntness of Paul, but quickly recovered to interrupt Paul's thoughts, "Hail Kaiser Wilhelm II!" He hopefully chanted.

An awkward silence followed, which prompted the guard to snatch away Rommel's communicator, but was stopped by the emperor's following response.

"...Guard, step out of the room and ensure nobody can hear anything outside of it." Paul ominously ordered, causing the guard to hesitate in confusion for a second, but immediately follow the order anyways.

Erwin gulped nervously; the tension having increased between his unseeable speaker.

"...Who are you?" Paul cautiously asked; having dropped what he had been doing to focus on his conversation.

Rommel immediately snapped into attention and raised his arm in a salute, "((General Erwin Rommel! Theorist and hero of Germany!))" He shouted in German; hoping Paul would understand.

"Mein Gott..." Paul sputtered, as he barely caught himself from a shock-induced fall. "((Hold on! I'm going to get Bismarck!))" He replied as he dropped the telephone to madly dash to Bismarck's office.

Rommel simply blinked, as he heard a telephone clatter on the ground and a door slam open and close. "((How the fuck am I going to explain an Austrian took control?))" Rommel cursed, as he sat back down to formulate a response.

He would remain a career officer, but this time, he wouldn't serve a failed artist.

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