• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,412 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Secrets and Feelings

Author's Note:

Being Quarantined for five days gave me a lot of free time to get this chapter up. I am covid negative and heading back to work soon. I hope you enjoy this chapter. As always read and review please.

Chrysalis roared into her driveway on her Kawasaki Ninja and hit the garage door opener. After slowly walking her motorcycle into the garage she hung up her helmet and Sunset tossed her the other helmet. After hanging them both up they headed into the house.

Potion Nova was in the den lounging on the couch reading a magazine. Chrysalis, followed by Sunset, came in from the garage. Sunset looked at the magazine with a quizzical look. Potion Nova looked at the magazine and then back at Sunset.

“What? Is there something wrong with the magazine?” Potion Nova asked.

“Wow. I didn’t know they printed anything anymore. Amazing people read stuff that’s not on a computer screen.” Sunset replied.

“Don’t get smart, missy.” Potion Nova replied, getting up from the couch. Potion Nova went over and gave Chrysalis a kiss. Then with her arm around Chrysalis she turned her attention to Sunset.

“Honey I am happy to see you, but I thought that you were coming over tonight.” Potion Nova said addressing Sunset.

“I need to talk to Aunt Chrys alone if that’s okay.” Sunset asked tentatively.

“It’s ok sweetie, do you want me to leave the room or take a walk?” Asked Potion Nova.

“If you want to go in the bedroom that’s fine. Maybe turn the TV on.” Sunset said quietly.

“O.K. hun I’ll head into the bedroom.” Potion Nova said, giving Chrysalis a little peck on the cheek and pat on her butt. Sunset watched Nova leave the room and sat down and Chrysalis did the same.

“Now what is so important that you didn’t want to say it in front of Potion Nova?” Chrysalis asked.

“It’s Twilight Sparkle. You see after the whole incident at the end of the Friendship games she became very clingy to me. She didn’t scream when someone touched her like I did.

That night at her house her mom and dad were very concerned and seemed supportive of her. The Rainbooms, Trixie, and the Crusaders all want to be friends with her. I don’t want to shove it down her throat though.

Still, she sobbed herself to sleep that night with me holding her and her holding onto me. We slept on the couch that night with my head on a throw pillow and someone put a blanket over us. I awoke in the middle of the night and was confused for a second. Here is the meat of the situation.

Laying there on the couch it felt so right. I felt like I was protecting her, I felt like I was developing a crush on nerdy Twilight Sparkle. I even kissed Twilight on top of her head as she drifted off to sleep.

I woke up around 3:30 and readjusted myself slightly so I didn’t disturb Twilight as she was still holding onto me. I looked at her and out their window at the sky it was a beautiful starry night. Everything seemed perfect. I was thinking, I like guys, not girls, what is going on here.

“Aunt Chrys did I turn gay or something?” Sunset asked.

“You don’t just turn gay, you either are or you’re not. You couldn’t ask this in front of Potion Nova why?” Chrysalis responded.

“I felt better with you. What is going on don’t play with me.” Sunset demanded.

“Sunset welcome to the world of being bi-sexual.” Aunt Chrysalis said firmly.

“Bi-sexual? No, I like guys not girls.” Sunset protested.

“Relax kiddo. Monday when you go to school see if you still feel the same way about Twilight. If you do. You are most likely bi-sexual and have a first crush awwww.” Chrysalis teased at the end.

“Are you teasing me about being bi Aunt Chrys?” Sunset said almost in tears.

“No silly goof I’m bi-sexual myself I’m teasing you about your first crush. Just be careful your mom was my first crush, and we know how that ended. Make sure Twilight isn’t straight or you are in for heartbreak like I was.” Chrysalis cautioned her.

“How do I do that? I just can’t walk up and say oh by the way Twilight are you gay? She liable to tell me her sexual preference isn’t me.” Sunset replied.

“Well other than clinging to you have you seen any other signs that make you wonder?” Chrysalis asked.

‘We have stared into each other’s eyes, and I feel a connection.” Sunset told her.

“I think she may feel it too. Watch her closely you’ll see it.” Chrys said.

“Thanks Aunt Chrys.” Sunset said

“You're welcome, my little sun. Now you want to play some video games.” Chrys asked.

“You’re on.” Sunset said.

Chrysalis got up and set up one of the consoles.

* * *

Twilight returned home after her meeting. She felt grateful to have such wonderful friends all going to help and look out for her. Upon entering the house Twilight’s mom called her into the kitchen.

“Yeah mom.” Twilight replied coming into the kitchen

“Honey Vice Principal Luna called and said to report to her office bright and early on Monday to get your class schedule. Now I have to ask, did you have a good time today?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“Actually, yes I did.” Twilight replied smiling.

“Honey that is great, I like the fact that you are always studying and have your head in your books. Don’t stop that but I do want you to make friends and hang out with them occasionally.

That is why I didn't want you to go to an independent study program at Everton College. I didn’t want to see you end up alone.” Twilight Velvet beamed.

“Mom, I don’t want to be alone anymore either. That girl Sunset has been through a living H-e-double hockey sticks. She said, considering she’s been there I can lean on her during this.” Twilight told her

“Double hockey sticks?” Twilight Velvet asked.

“I’m not gonna swear, anyway I need to do a few things, but I will try to find the Vice Principal’s office.” Twilight said.

“Luna said she would have her daughter meet you at the remains of the statue in the morning…” Twilight Velvet replied immediately regretting her choice of words.

Twilight Sparkle just cringed and shuddered and turned and ran out of the kitchen and up to her room. Twilight Velvet called after her. Twilight came into her room and sat on the bed almost hyperventilating. Spike saw this and immediately jumped up in her lap and tried to comfort.

“Twilight what’s wrong, you got to breathe Twilight. "Spike told her.

“You know Spike when people called me things like Nerd, weirdo, oddball, and loser. I pretended it never bothered me. But the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me” is bullshit.” Twilight lamented.

“Twilight if your mom heard you say that she’d wash your mouth out.” Spike warned her.

“Spike I destroyed the Canterlot Wondercolt statue, and I have an even bigger problem.” Twilight continued on.

“What could be a bigger problem than that Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I have a crush.” Twilight said.

“Well, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?” Spike asked,

“No! Not when the crush is on Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight said.

“Wow, I didn’t see that one coming.” said Spike.

* * *

Twilight Velvet and Night Light checked on Twilight later and saw she was depressed. In Twilight’s mind she was more scared than anything. Her mom came and hugged her.

“Sorry about the statue remark. Twilight honey I’m trying and if I get my hands on Abacus Cinch I am really going to let her have it. Twilight it is so hard for me to see my girl suffering and not being able to do anything about it.” Twilight Velvet replied.

“Mom I’ll be ok. I’m sure once I get into CHS and get to know everyone better. I’ll come down and set the table in a minute, o.k.?” Twilight said smiling.

“O.K. well set two more places for your brother and sister-in-law. They are joining us tonight.” Twilight Velvet told her.

“Sure, I’ll be down in a minute.”

Twilight ate dinner and spent Saturday night studying. Spike came and jumped into Twilight’s lap and had the phone in his mouth.

“Spike don’t carry the phone in your mouth.” Twilight scolded.

“Why don’t you call Sunset and tell her about your doubts and feelings?” Spike asked.

“No, I can’t run to Sunset every time. I have a doubt about something. I sure can’t tell her I have a crush on her. That’s not right, I’m studying all this stuff about romance, and I don’t understand it. There is no scientific reason I am crushing on Sunset Shimmer.

* * *

That same night at Sunset’s house…

“So, Mom and Aunt Celestia, thanks to some help from Aunt Chrys I realized I am bi-sexual, and I have a crush on Twilight Sparkle.” Sunset said almost all in one breath.

Luna smiled as she got up and hugged her little worry bug. Just held her and rubbed her back. Celestia joined in the hug. Sunset felt more at ease now.

“I thought you were going to hate me, and kick me out or, or…” Sunset started babbling.

“Sunset let me give you nickels worth of free advice. Having a gay or bi-sexual kid does not make you a failure as a parent. Kicking them out into the street does.” Celestia said.

“She’s right. I am not going to love you any less my little sun. If you bring a guy home, I’m gonna grill him, the same if you bring a girl home.” Luna reassured her.

Sunset felt great for a second. Then another thought came into her head how was she going to tell her friends. Trixie would be supportive but the others, she didn't know how they would react.

Sunset walked out onto the back porch of her house. She was looking up at the setting sun. Her thoughts were on Twilight Sparkle.

It was dinner time and Sunset went to set the table. I wonder what they are having at Twilight’s house tonight. No matter how she looked at it, she had found a person she really cared about. A person she liked romantically.

“Twilight doesn’t like me like that, she pulled her hand away from me earlier today. I like her but she doesn’t like me. Best to keep it to myself. Don’t set myself up for disappointment.” Sunset thought.

That night…

Twilight sat looking out the window in her bedroom in her Pajamas. Her mind on Sunset.

Sunset at the same time did the same thing, sitting in her Pajamas looking out her window over center city Canterlot. First time she came to this house she looked out this exact window and was wishing for someone to be in her life. Now she found someone. Why did it have to be so complicated?

Both Twilight and Sunset said the same exact thing at almost the same exact time.

Twilight: How could this happen. I have a crush on a girl, a girl who doesn’t feel like that towards me.

Sunset: How could this happen. I have a crush on a girl, a girl who doesn’t feel like that towards me.

Twilight & Sunset: I can’t tell her. She doesn’t feel the same way about me.

Elsewhere in Canterlot that night…

A van pulled up and into Abacus Cinch’s garage. Cinch stood there with her arms crossed watching as the side door opened and out stepped Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk and Adagio Dazzle. The three of them walked over to Cinch.

“I understand you don’t like Twilight and Sunset either.” Cinch said, motioning them into her house.

“Well, our Twilight is from Equestria not here.” Adagio said.

“Yeah, she’s like from that horse world and…” Sonata began when Adagio cut her off.

“Shut Up Sonata. You’ll have to excuse them, they're idiots. But if this world’s Twilight is anything like the other one this will be interesting.” Adagio continued.

“Excuse me, but we like lost our powers to them.” Aria said.

“Girls what would you say if I told you there was magic in this world.” Cinch said leaning back in her chair. The Sirens sat down at the other three seats around the table.

“We know there is even Equestrian Magic at work. But we don’t have our amulets anymore. Plus, Sunset destroyed the magic device that you made Twilight use. By the way we won’t be manipulated so easily.” Adagio replied.

“Well Twilight left a lot of stuff in her lab at the school. Cadence is going to clean it out soon. We need to get in there. She left a lot of paperwork. Among them I bet is the instructions to build a new magic containing device.” Cinch informed them.

“Should we get those blueprints then what? Also, you don’t have a key to the building anymore. “Adagio told her.

“No but I know a way in. As for actually building it. I’m still working on that. If I could find Gilda Griffon, she could help us.” Cinch said.

“You mean the same Gilda Griffon held at Zephyr Heights?” Sonata asked.

“Where is that?” Cinch asked.

“The three underground top secret bases we heard some government officials talking about. Maritime Bay, Bridlewood, and Zephyr Heights. Getting to her is going to be almost impossible.”

“Nothing is impossible.” Cinch replied back.