• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,400 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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The Past Comes To Light.

Author's Note:

Major reveal for any of you that remember the last chapter of Sunset's Trial. We are going to find out who called the kidnapping into the police.

“You smeared the mud all over my car??!! WHY??” Celestia exclaimed. She was completely dumbfounded that Luna had covered her car in mud, the weekend she took Sunset.

“I wanted you to bond with your niece Celestia, what better way then washing a car together. I didn’t know you were gonna go through the car wash and traumatize her.” Luna retorted.

“Luna, I did stuff that you don’t do with her. She learned pool, darts, bowling, and miniature golf. I made that weekend as fun as as exciting for her as I could.’ Celestia shot back.

“Well, sorry I’m a rotten mother but I had a fifteen-year-old girl just drop into my lap. She was a major bitch, who got traumatized more times than I can count. So, I am doing the best I can.

There is no handbook on being a mother. I have to feel my way through and put the pieces together as I go. So, I AM SORRY IF I DON’T DO IT YOUR WAY!!” Luna said getting louder.

“I didn’t say you were a bad mother, Luna.” Celestia said waving her hands in the air trying to calm Luna down.

“Well sometimes with you and Chrysalis I feel like it is two against one. I’m trying to balance a job, a daughter, and a relationship. Now I would like a little support from my family, and you are pissed off that I took mud and smeared it on your car.” Luna replied.

Luna stood there with her arms crossed and her lips pursed. She looked like she could spit nails. Celestia had taken a step back; it wasn't often that her little sister stood up to her. When it came to Sunset that was the one exception to that rule.

Celestia was not sure what to say to Luna. She was right, she should help out with her niece a little more. Right then and there was a great time for Celestia to start.

Sitting on the stairs with tears in her eyes and visibly shaken up was Sunset. She hated when Luna fought with people that were close to her. She hated fighting altogether. It reminded her too much of her parents in Equestria when they came home from the bar.

Sunset came down to see what all the yelling was about. She was very upset to see her mom and her aunt in a yelling match, and she was the subject of it-Again! Sunset felt terrible. She hated when people fought like this, especially because of her.

Sunset got up and ran upstairs to her room despite Celestia calling her. She closed her bedroom door and sat on the bed and looked out her window facing towards downtown.

She always looked at the city whenever she felt bad. Now she felt terrible about another fight over her. Sunset felt like crying all she did was cause trouble and hated herself for it.

As soon as Sunset took off up the stairs Luna went to go after her. But was stopped by Celestia grabbing her arm. Luna turned around and looked at her.

“Oh, don’t hand that crap that a teen doesn’t want her parents around.” Luna stated.

“No but you’re right you need a little support. Go relax Aunt Celestia has this one.” Celestia told her as she started up the stairs.

Getting to Sunset’s door she took a deep breath and tentatively knocked. When she got no answer, she just opened the door and walked in slowly. Celestia was going to try to handle this gently and tactfully.

Sunset was hanging her head and sitting on the edge of the bed. Celestia went in and sat down next to her on the bed. Celestia then put her arm around Sunset who looked at Celestia then launched herself into her and finally let loose crying.

“It was about me, wasn’t it? You were fighting about me?” Sunset sobbed after a minute trying to compose herself.

“I was mad about my little sister smearing mud all over my car. She thought we would hand wash it together. I didn’t mean to scare you with an automatic car wash.” Celestia said.

“I hate when people fight over me. It reminds me too much of Equestria.” Sunset replied.

“What happened in horse land?” Celestia asked, feeling very concerned about Sunset’s home life in that other world.

“I told you it’s called Equestria. My mom and dad fought a lot about me. It ended up with me being shipped off to magic school. Then mom and dad were ok with me because I wasn’t around. Nothing good ever stays in my life.

I would get scared when Luna would fight with Aunt Chrysalis, just like I get scared when she fights with you. Then you guys end up mad at each other and go your separate ways. I want my family to stay together. I never had anybody or anypony that ever cared about me.” Sunset finished.

“Luna and I are not going to stop talking over a fight. We didn’t talk for a long time and then it was strained at best. You helped heal that rift, my little sun.” Celestia told her.

“Why didn’t you guys talk for a long time?’ Sunset asked.

“Luna’s drug problem, when she got cleaned up and started working two jobs and going to school. I watched her closely and when I could see she was trying and I was out of college, I would send her money for books and other supplies when I could afford too.” Celestia said.

“Your parents didn’t help her?” Sunset asked. At that Celestia just got up and walked over to the window. She just stood there looking out towards Center City Canterlot.

“Aunt Celestia, don't blow me off.” Sunset said.

“Not really due to Luna’s drug problem and unplanned pregnancy she was a big disappointment to them. So, she was thrown out of the house finally when she didn’t quit the drugs. She realized in that homeless shelter one night it was time to clean herself up and she stayed with me for a little bit but mostly lived in the dorm at school.

So, no they didn’t help her she was disowned and disinherited. With mom and dad giving me everything I made sure Luna got some money and other minor things that I knew what she wanted.” Celestia explained.

“I never hear anything good about your parents.” Sunset said

“Well while they were strict, they spent a lot of time with me. Taught me to bowl, taught me to drive, mom spent a lot of time with me in the kitchen…” Celestia began.

“Which is why you don't burn the pancakes.” Sunset said.

“Mom taught me a lot about cooking, most teen girls don't want to spend time with their mom and dad like I did. Luna, that was a different story. She was bullied and for her school was a nightmare at least until 11th grade.” Celestia explained.

“Mom has a lot in common with me in some ways then.” Sunset said.

“Well, she understood because she had gone through it. She was also going through it with you all over again. She was determined that her kids, if it ever happened, would have a better support base at home. Better than my mom “oh just ignore it and they’ll stop”. We both know that doesn’t work.” Celestia finished.

“Thanks Aunt Celestia I don’t feel so bad anymore I just don’t want people to fight because of me that’s all.” Sunset said.

“Why don’t we head down and start dinner and also you need to make arrangements to spend time with Apple Cinnamon.” Celestia offered.

Just then Sunset’s phone buzzed from a text message. She grabbed her phone and told Aunt Celestia she would be down in a minute. Considering this message was from Trixie, she figured it was important. Maybe she finally told her mom.

Trixie: Hiya Sunset I came out to my mom.

Sunset: What did she say or do? Nothing bad, I hope.

Trixie: She said she needs time to adjust to the shock.

Sunset: Well that sounds promising. I was going to say if she kicked you out, I will be right over to get you.

Trixie: No but the good news is my mom says if I bring a girl home it is ok.

Sunset: I have a feeling where this is headed. Go on

Trixie: What do you say to one date. I know you don’t have feelings for me. But one date.

Sunset: I am leery about dating my friends. We break up and then can’t stand each other. This is against my better judgment but ok one date.

Trixie: Cool I will call you after dinner to make plans if that is o.k. I mean.

Sunset: Sure talk then and see you in the morning Trix.

Trixie: You got it Sunny. See we are already on a nickname basis.

Sunset switched her phone off and laid back on her bed and smiled. She was very hesitant about this but maybe a date with Trixie wasn’t so bad. In reality, Sunset secretly wished that the texting that just happened was with Twilight.

* * *

Elsewhere across town…

“I told you I can’t rebuild my machine!! I don’t have my research or my notes or any of my tools or anything. My lab was cleared out and without it, it would take me months to redo that!!” Twilight cried out.

Abacus Cinch’s patience was wearing thin and her anger was taking over. She brought her hand back and backhanded Twilight who was tied to the chair.

“You insolent little brat you will make that machine again and this time make it so The Dazzlings here can regain their power. Now I will give you what you need but you are not leaving until your work for me is done.” Cinch said getting right in her face.

“You stupid old hag, I will never work for you.” Twilight spat back. Again she was met with the back of Cinch’s hand. Twilight held back her tears; she was not going to cry and Cinch that satisfaction.

“Cinch, can I talk to you? "Adagio said walking up alongside Cinch.

“What is it?” She asked.

Adagio led Cinch away from a tied-up Twilight. Once in the garage Adagio closed the door. Then she took Cinch aside.

“Twilight is not going to break, but maybe we should go after Sunset Shimmer instead. Besides we need to get the money to build Twilight’s lab. Let’s put her on ice.” Adagio suggested.

“Guys who just pulled up outside in the black van?” Aria asked.

Abacus Cinch ran over and looked out the window and was shocked to see men in military fatigues get out of the back of the van with M4 automatic rifles.

“Quick out the back and we will need to contact the dogs.” Cinch said.

“What about Twilight?” Adagio asked,

“If we take her, they won’t let us live. They are here for her!! Get out now!!” Cinch commanded.

With that the Dazzlings and Cinch made it out the back as the front door was kicked in. Quickly about 6 men in camouflage with automatic rifles rushed in and quickly searched the house finding Twilight tied to the chair in the kitchen,

“Sir she is in here.” One of the men said,

The Cigarette Man walked in and untied Twilight. She looked at him with confusion. She didn’t recognize her rescuer.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Someone who is making sure you get home safe and sound. My name is of no consequence.” He replied, helping Twilight up on her feet.

“Sir they got away out the back.” One of the soldiers told The Cigarette Man.

“Take Ms. Sparkle home. Also keep an eye on this place, she might try to come back.” The Cigarette Man said to his troops.

As The Cigarette Man led Twilight outside he lit up a cigarette.

“Those are bad for your health.” Twilight said.

“So I have been told. What did they want with you?” He replied and asked.

“They want me to recreate my lab. Mainly the device that I made to collect magic. I am grateful for you saving me…” Twilight began.

“But you wish it was someone else?” The Cigarette Man asked.

“I was walking home from the library one night, almost got run over by a van. I noticed it went down a side street towards a warehouse that I had never seen anyone in.

The guys got a teenage girl or I guessed she was out of the back of the van. She had a sack over her head. I was behind a dumpster so no one could see me. I called the CPD on my cell and told my brother what was going on.

He spearheaded the rescue and was promoted from Sergeant to Lieutenant because of that incident. I never dreamed I saved the lives of two girls who would become my friends Trixie Lulamoon and Sunset Shimmer. Unfortunately, they couldn’t save me, but I’m glad you did.” She finished.

The Cigarette man just continued to lead her to the car that would take her home.

In the Woods the Sirens watched through the bushes with Cinch.

“Now what?” Asked Sonata.

“I think they have a watch on the place. So we spend a fitful night in the woods and then contact the dogs in the morning. This is not over.” Cinch said. With that she went off to find a place to shelter for the night.