• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,412 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Sunset's Training

Author's Note:

Yes, the second half of this chapter is inspired and kind of ripped off from the Karate Kid. I hope you enjoy.

Sunset and Twilight took a selfie together. Their heads touching and them smiling with a heart around them. Under that the caption: “We’re official.”

“And send!” Sunset declared with Twilight laying her head on Sunset’s shoulder “Now it’s official, all of our friends know. We are a couple. That last part I want to scream from the rooftops.” Sunset added.

“Oh I know. I feel the same way!” Twilight exclaimed sitting next to Sunset on the edge of the bed.. Sunset just looked at her hungrily.

“Sunset we have already had two passionate make out sessions since we kissed on the stairs.” Twilight said.

“Hey third time's the charm.” Sunset said moving next to Twilight on the edge of the bed.

Just then a knock came at the door followed by Luna opening the door.

“Mom, we were about to have our third passionate make out session.” Sunset whined.

“Your third??!! Damn you two don’t waste any time.” Luna replied, shocked. Both Sunset and Twilight blushed briefly at that comment. “Well Twilight your parents and brother are here and Sunset Aunt Chrysalis and Potion Nova are here too. We are all discussing how wonderful it is that you guys are together. But we need the guests of honor to make an appearance.” Luna said.

“Okay mom.” Sunset replied and with that Luna left the room. Both girls got up and straightened their hair and clothes and Twilight put her shoes on, Sunset her boots.

Twilight and Sunset joined hands and with one more kiss both girls left the room. As they started down the stairs, they could hear some light talking and laughing. As they came into view it was quickly changed into dead silence. Both girls felt uneasy even holding the other one's hand.

“Here comes the bride…” Chrysalis began singing. Her ribbing was meant to be in good fun but earned her a few dirty looks.

“Stupidity Leak!!” Potion Nova said smacking Chrysalis in the back of the head.

“You two are a cute couple.” Luna said.

“I always thought you would bring home a guy. But I can see how happy Sunset makes you, and that is what matters most.” Night Light told his daughter.

“Listen to celebrate you two dopes finally figuring out you like each other. We are going to head home and have a barbecue/impromptu pool party.” Night Light said.

“Um I have to work first thing in the morning, I have to open the store so can we do it another time?” Twilight asked.

“I agree with Twilight, let her and I put in for a day or two off then we can have a double family get together this summer.” Sunset added.

“Probably better anyway, it gives us time to get stuff to set up on the grill.” Night Light.

“Um Sunset honey, what do you like hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken?” Twilight Velvet asked.

Chrysalis tried not to laugh, and Celestia just turned and left the room as if she was doing something in the kitchen.

“This is going to be an interesting answer.” Thought Luna

“Well actually I’m a vegan.” Sunset answered truthfully.

“Well we were going to include a salad, tell you what, we can get some veggie burgers if you would like?” Twilight Velvet offered.

“Don't go through all that for me. It’s ok.” Sunset replied.

“No, we can make arrangements both of you need to see if you can get time off. Maybe we can do it just before that music festival in August.“ Twilight Velvet said.

“Oh yeah, the Starswirl Music festival.” Twilight said.

“We have a busy summer, working and raising money for Camp Everfree. Not to mention a car wash that Rainbow and I have planned. I know Pinkie had a bake sale.” Sunset said.

“Fluttershy and I are running a doggie day care for a week. Thank Goodness I have Spike or it would be impossible.” Twilight said to Sunset.

Eventually Twilight and her family had to go. Sunset and Twilight were sucking face in the doorway with arms wrapped tightly around each other. Shining Armor decided it was time to break them up.

“Oh my God we’re gonna need a fire hose to drive them apart!!” He mockingly cried walking up to Sunset’s front porch.

Sunset and Twilight broke apart blushing. Both realized what they were doing right on the front porch and out in the open.

“Sorry Shining it’s just that Sunset and I are so happy that we have each other.” Twilight said.

“I know it took you two long enough to figure it out too.” Shining Armor added.

“Was it that obvious?” Sunset asked.

“Well you told your family, and Twilight told us. We figured you gave up when she brought Timber Spruce home that one night.” Shining Armor told Sunset.

“I never gave up and I guess I have a fairy Godmother.” Sunset said, smiling at Twilight.

“Well Twilight we have to get going.” Shining armor said walking towards the car.

“Well I don’t want to leave, but I guess I better.” Twilight said.

“I don’t want you to leave, but I know you have to.” Sunset replied.

With a quick kiss the girls departed, and Sunset watched Twilight leave. It dawned on her then and there. She had to be there for Twilight. She had to protect and defend her, and she was determined to do just that. It was time to get started.

Sunset went back inside to the living room where her mom and two aunts and Potion Nova were all sitting around chatting.

“Guys I need to talk to you all.” Sunset said. Everyone stopped talking and all gave Sunset their attention. If Sunset had an announcement it had to be important. Sunset took a deep breath and began.

“You all see it don’t you Twilight doesn’t seem like the fighter type.” Sunset began.

“I see it. She’s a nerd and definitely a lover not a fighter.” Potion Nova said.

“I’m gonna have to stand up for her and protect her. I need to learn how to fight and maybe even shoot.” Sunset said.

“SHOOT??!!” Luna exclaimed standing up and if she was sitting on a spring. Everyone looked over at Luna. She looked like a bull ready to charge.

“Why in the hell do you need to learn to shoot?” Luna asked

“The same reason I’m going to ask Rainbow Dash to teach me self-defense. I need to be there for Twilight and defend her if Cinch and the Dazzlings come back.” Sunset said.

“I’m ok with self defense but I will have to think about the shooting. I’m not too sure about you handling a gun.” Luna said.

“O.K. I have to ask Rainbow Dash to help me with self defense.” Sunset said as she ran off to text Rainbow Dash.

“You know Luna, she’s growing up, and I think she and Twilight are going to have a long relationship. I was 17 the first time I shot a rifle. In the army I learned to shoot the M-4 Carbine and M-9 pistol and even the M-16A2 Assault Rifle. I was barely 18.

In the eleven years since the FBI requires that I have to qualify every so often on the firing range. I have to hit so many targets in a certain amount of time. I have had to go through kidnappings, bank robberies, and several scenarios.

What I’m saying is she wants to learn to shoot, let me teach her.” Chrysalis said finishing her lecture.

“I would let her teach Sunset, sure Chrysalis is a wild badass, but I have calmed her down some.” Potion Nova said vetting up and standing behind Chrysalis and putting her arms around her shoulders.

* * *

Meanwhile Sunset was on the phone with Rainbow Dash

“Sunset I got a few days off I can train you sure but why?” Rainbow asked.

“With Cinch and The Dazzlings out there I got to be ready for me and for Twilight.” Sunset said.

“Well I don’t know if you need to be Twilight's “white knight” per say but if you want to do this. We can start right after the car wash idea you and I had. I hope we get enough money to finish the repairs to Camp Everfree.

OH Sunset on YouTube the first Teaser Trailer for the new Daring Do trailer dropped online. It looks like Canter Zoom is going to be directing it. Awesome!! After the car wash, we can begin some training.

As it turns out after the Car Wash the girls still only had half the money to complete the repairs to Camp Everfree. Luckily in the end Rarity worked with the girls from Crystal Prep in a dance video to get the money. CHS and Crystal Prep had worked together for the first time since the Friendship Games.

The Rainbooms took their half to pay for the damages to Camp Everfree. Sunset was still working three days a week which she hated but it gave her time to train.

The first day Chrysalis showed up and picked Sunset up on her bike as she was out in the field today. After arriving at Rainbow Dash’s house Rainbow promised to teach Sunset on one condition.

“Sunset you do what I say no questions asked. Trust me on this one.” Rainbow told Sunset. Sunset noticed three cars in the driveway.

“So you each have your own car?” Sunset asked.

“Yes we do. Now wait here a second.” Rainbow said and left she came back with a bucket of Soapy water and sponge. She set the bucket down and saw Sunset was looking at the cars.

“Sunset, ok here we go. Are you ready?” Rainbow said, setting the bucket down by her.

Yes I am.” Sunset said. Rainbow Dash took the sponge out and put it in Sunset’s hand.

“Ok first wash all three cars.” Rainbow said.

“But…”Sunset started to say.

“No questions, remember? Wash the cars anyway you want. When you have washed all the cars, wax them. Now when waxing the cars I want you to put the wax on with your right hand and take it off with your left. Do it in a circular motion, wax on right hand, wax off left hand circular motion.” Rainbow Instructed and walked away.

Sunset began to wash the cars. That was the easy part, Rainbow Dash brought out wax and buffing cloth. When Sunset was done washing she began to wax the cars. Rainbow Dash had to instruct her on how to wax the cars in the method she said. After a few hours Sunset was done and her arms were killing her.

Rainbow came out and looked at the job. Looking over the cars and Sunset put a finishing touch on the last car.

“Sunset you did awesome. We have more to do tomorrow. Do you need a ride home?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah I do.” Sunset replied.

Rainbow went inside and grabbed her keys and license and took Sunset home. Sunset dozed off most of the way. Rainbow was smiling. Sunset had learned a valuable lesson today.

“Sunset, I will get you tomorrow morning. 6 AM sharp. Got it?" Rainbow said.

“Yes, I will be ready to go.” Sunset groggily.

After a shower and a good dinner, she told Luna and Celestia about what happened and headed for bed. Both Luna and Celestia were confused but thought Rainbow wouldn’t do this without a reason. For right now they would overlook it.

The next day Sunset was up not bright eyed, and bushy tailed but was ready to learn. Sunset snoozed most of the way to Rainbow's house.

Arriving at Rainbow’s they headed around back. They entered the fence through the side gate into the backyard. Sunset noticed that Rainbow had a wooden walkway from the porch on the back of the house to the back gate of the yard.

She noticed a picnic set up on some concrete and what looked like a bird bath and bench on the other side. Rainbow noticed Sunset looking around. It was a pretty nice backyard.

“My dad put this stuff in and said that meant he had less grass to mow. He’s not done yet; he wants to put a gazebo and a pool in as well. Anyway, come here to the back gate.” Rainbow said.

She noticed two round things that were on the floor of the deck and Sunset motioned to them. Rainbow walked over and told her to put them on Sunset’s hands.

“What are these?” Sunset asked.

“Japanese deck sanders. I want you to work from back here up to the house sanding the entire walkway. With your right make a big circle with your left make a big circle with your left hand make a big circle.” Rainbow instructed.

“Wouldn’t it be easier to go up and down?” Sunset moving the sanders in that motion.

“Yes, it would be, but you’re to do it in a circular motion. The whole walkway up to the edge of the house.” Rainbow reiterated.

Sunset worked all day and finally finished sanding the walkway and Rainbow walked out in her bare feet. The deck was nice and smooth and covered in sawdust.

“Rainbow my arms are killing me.” Sunset said.

“Good you built some muscle up. Go home and get some rest. We start at Six A.M. tomorrow morning.” Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically.

“Rainbow, I am so tired. Can I just crash here tonight? "Sunset both asked in a whiney but exhausted tone.

“Of course you can, just grab a shower and crash on the couch. Sunset did just that.

The next day Rainbow had Sunset paint the fence on both sides. But it was how Rainbow had Sunset do it. Sunset started by painting a small spot slowly.

“No Sunset, bend your knees slightly and do it in one fluid stroke. It’s all in the wrist. Up, Down, Up Down in one fluid stroke. Every slat change your hands from left to right.” Rainbow Dash instructed her.

“But I am almost done.” Sunset told her looking at the small section of the fence that came off of the house.

“The whole fence.” Rainbow said motioning to the fence that ran around her the entire yard. It took until mid afternoon but Sunset finished the fence as Rainbow came out to check progress

“All finished looks pretty good huh?” Sunset sitting down next to Rainbow.

“Did you do both sides?” Rainbow asked.

“Right, so not yet.” Sunset said getting up.

It was after dark when Sunset finally got done. Rainbow came out and looked at the painted fence and was impressed.

“That looks awesome, now remember tomorrow start early with much work to be done.” Rainbow said.

Chrysalis picked Sunset up that night.

“You know Aunt Chrysalis I don’t get it Rainbow Dash is supposed to be teaching me self-defense and I haven’t learned crap and became free labor for her.” Sunset complained.

“If she makes you do some menial chore tomorrow, let me know. Two things though . I think you’re learning something, and why are you doing this?” Chrysalis asked.

“I need to be there for Twilight.” Sunset asked.

“Twilight needs her girlfriend not a knight in shining armor.” Chrysalis told Sunset as she kicked on her Kawasaki Ninja and they rode off.

The next morning Sunset got dropped off by her Aunt Chrysalis and saw that Rainbow nor her parents were home. On the front door was a note and Sunset almost lost it.

Sunset was told to paint the house, also instructions to go side to side, not to go up and down. She looked at the tarps, paint buckets and brushes and said, “I don’t believe this, well I better get going.”

Sunset worked on painting the house. It was almost dark when they returned. Sunset wasn’t done yet but most of the painting was done. She saw Rainbow came in carrying bags as apparently her and her parents went shopping,

“What the hell Rainbow Dash, why didn’t you tell me you were going shopping?” Sunset said, putting her brush down and walking after her.

“You weren’t here when I left, besides you have training to do you want to learn self-defense.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Learn what?? For four days I have been busting my ass, and I haven’t learned a damn thing!! Now we had a deal here!” Sunset yelled.

“Oh, you haven’t learned anything??” Rainbow said, spinning around.

“No you’re right I learned how to wax cars, sand decks, paint fences and houses.” Sunset snapped back.

“Okay so you don’t believe me? Show me sand the deck.” Rainbow said.

“I don’t feel like it.” Sunset said.

“Show me.” Rainbow said.

Sunset over the next few minutes sloppily showed Rainbow all the techniques she learned during her chores.

Rainbow helped her firm her arms up and lock her wrists.

“Now show me how to wax the car.” Rainbow Dash said.

Rainbow threw four punches letting out a little yell with each one Sunset blocked them all using the waxing technique.

“Show me how to paint the fence.” Rainbow said.

Rainbow threw two high punches and two low punches that Sunset blocked. Then she blocked for more punches using the paint the house method. Finally, Rainbow threw four kicks and Sunset blocked them all using the sanding method.

Then Rainbow threw two of each punch and two more kicks Sunset blocked every one of them. Sunset was shocked. She learned blocking techniques through chores.

“See I thought so.” Chrysalis said, taking her helmet off and walking up to the two girls on the side of the house.

“Hi Chrysalis.” Rainbow said, feeling a little embarrassed about being watched.

“Rainbow taught you blocks but she didn’t teach you the best one.” Chrysalis said.

“What was that?” Rainbow asked.

“Throw a punch and I’ll show you.” Chrysalis said.

Rainbow through a straight left and Chrysalis easily sidestepped and moved her whole body to the side of Rainbow Dash.

“Remember Sunset the best block is to not let the punch connect at all. The best block is not to be there. Now let’s get you home, you have work in the morning.” Chrysalis said.