• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,400 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

  • ...

Boyfriend Issues

Author's Note:

This chapter didn't go as planned but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

“I CAN NOT DEAL WITH THIS!!” Luna practically shouted after entering the house.

“Mom, I didn't have anything to do with this. This was all on Gloriosa Daisy.” Sunset said, trying to calm her mom down.

“No it wasn’t.” Celestia stated walking through the front door,

“Come again sister?” Asked Luna.

“It was that damned Filthy Rich. He is such an ass. Luna and I supported Camp Everfree for years so have others in Canterlot and surrounding areas.” Celestia explained.

“True. Um excuse me for a second. I have something I need to do.” Sunset said heading up the stairs.

“What’s with her?” Asked Celestia.

“Well I saw her talk to Flash a lot during camp.” Luna hinted.

Sunset had to make this call, he said friends. But she had to know could there be more. Opening her phone she called Flash Sentry. Would he want to try to date again? Her hands were shaking as she made the call.

“Hello.” Flash answered the phone.

“Hi Flash it’s me Sunset and I wanted to call about us starting over and I want to do that.” She said upbeat.

“Cool but starting over as friends and going from there is what I meant.” He replied. Sunset felt disheartened. She actually felt like a bomb went off around her.

“Sunset are you still there?” Flash asked.

“Yes I’m still here Flash.” She said a little downheartedly..

“Are you working tomorrow?” Ha asked,

“No, why do you ask?’ Sunset replied back.

“You want to come over and hang by the pool here at my house.” Flash asked.

“You mean go swimming?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah.” Flash replied.

“Let me ask my mom and then I will have to get a ride as I failed my first driver’s test.” Sunset added meekly,

“I’ll pick you up at around 11 o.k.?” Flash offered.

“Let me just check with my mom first one second.” Sunset told him.

Sunset rushed downstairs and told Luna everything. She gave her a thumbs up sign especially considering she didn’t have to drive. Luna knew Sunset was upset about failing her drivers test. But it took Luna two times to pass as well.

Still Luna’s mind was on another school event that magic had interfered with another school event. She knew after the Friendship Games even her daughter couldn’t get a handle on the magic.

* * *

Twilight’s house…

Twilight was in the kitchen with her parents and they were meeting Timber Spruce. Twilight told her parents not to make this an interrogation. Her parents did have a few questions though.

“Well here sit down Timber I understand you and your sister run Camp Everfree.” Night Light stated.

“Yeah, she more or less owns the camp. I just run the day-to-day operations.” Timber Spruce said.

“Well I’m a little worried about those necklaces or geodes that my daughter and her friends have.” Twilight Velvet remarked.

“No, it's better than Gloriosa having them all together in a cave at camp. She had no idea what she was messing with. It’s better that they are split. It’s like Infinity Stones; it's not wise to keep two close together. Plus here there are seven: magic, strength, speed, empathy, etc..” Timber explained.

“I want to know if I allow you to date my daughter. I don't want any magical mishaps. I worry about Twilight, she’s just learned to have friends and become more social.” Twilight Velvet said.

“I like Twilight. I won't hurt her or allow her to get hurt.” Timber said confidently.

Night Light stood up and walked to the kitchen door and said “Timber I want to show you something.” He said.

Timber got up and followed him as he headed to the back porch. Opening the glass sliding door on to the porch Timber went out on the porch. Night Light followed him out there.

“Sir if I may ask, is this where you tell me to stay away from your daughter?” Timber Spruce asked tentatively.

“I could do that now, or be cleaning the shotgun when you come to pick Twilight up for your first date. If you hurt her I will have this bullet here on my keychain etched with your name on it. Understand?” Night Light told him sternly.

“Yes sir.” Timber Spruce replied, trying to sound brave.

“You’re not scared of me, I like that. You pass in my book. Still please think with your head and not with your zipper around Twilight.” Night Light told him motioning to head back inside to the kitchen.

“Twilight he’s ok in my book. "Night Light said.

“Now I’d like to ask a favor before we wrap this up. I want to show him my room, is that o.k.?” Twilight asked.

“I’m ok with it leave the door open and don’t be up there all day.” Twilight Velvet warned.

Twilight led Timber Spruce up and showed him around; he was amazed by all the books and the telescope.

“I have angled it away from the city lights, but it still makes it hard for stargazing with the lights being on the right side of you. The planetarium is better.” Twilight informed Timber who was checking out the telescope.

“Well we should go sometime.” Timber replied.

“I would like that.” Twilight also said looking into Timber’s eyes. Right then and there Twilight Sparkle experienced her first kiss as her and Timber’s lips crashed into each other.

For Twilight it was wonderful and great a guy finally kissing her. Ironically she found herself thinking about Sunset while she was kissing Timber Spruce.

* * *

The next morning…

Sunset had got her bikini on then put her shorts and top on over it. Grabbing her towel and sunglasses she was ready for some fun in the sun before her job at the Sushi restaurant.

Flash showed up about three minutes after 11. Sunset grabbed her bag with spare clothes in case she needed them, said goodbye to her mom and headed out. As soon as she closed the front door she ran out to meet Flash who just pulled up in the driveway.

After wrapping Flash in a big hug (which Flash gratefully reciprocated) they were about to head out when Flash tossed Sunset his keys. Sunset was shocked and actually kind of gleeful.

“You’re gonna trust me with your bitchin’ ride?” Sunset asked motioning towards the car.

“Yes, imagine that. I think you will do fine. Just treat her gently o.k.?” Flash instructed her.

With Flash’s instructions Sunset drove over to his house. Flash couldn’t believe she had flunked her drivers test. She seemed to handle the car just fine but it took him two times as he was nervous and didn’t know what to expect.

Sunset pulled into Flash’s driveway grabbing her bag and headed towards the house. Flash was following her.

“Sunset, wait I have to unlock the door.” Flash said, running up to the front door of his place.

Walking inside, Sunset looked around. It was nice and small compared to where she lived. Flash noticed her looking around. He came up and put his arm around her and waved his arm.

“Here let me give you the grand tour then I’ll get us some sodas.” Flash said. He led Sunset around through the living room and kitchen/dining room area, the bathroom and showed his room.

“Sorry about the mess.” Flash said, referring to his bed not being made.

“It’s ok Flash.” Sunset said, chuckling.

Lastly they went out on the porch which led out to the pool. Flash set up two beach chairs for him and Sunset. Then he got two sodas for him and Sunset.

“Sunset, if you want to use the bathroom to get changed I was going to use my room.” Flash told her.

“Flash, do you live here alone?” Sunset asked.

“No, my ‘rents are out right now, they'll be home a little later, don’t worry you can trust me.” Flash told her.

“I do trust you, I didn’t want them to see me do this.” Sunset said. Sunset then went and took her T-shirt off and then undid her shorts and stepped out of them and took her shoes off. Flash’s mouth just dropped looking at Sunset in her bikini.

“Get changed, I'll wait.” Sunset said, sitting down on the beach chair.

Flash ran inside to get his swim trunks on. A minute later Flash came outside noticing his parents had just pulled up in the driveway. He called Sunset over to the pool.

“I know you have met my mom and dad before but they wanted to see you have changed. Pretty much say hi and see what I was talking about.” Flash said.

Flash’s mom and dad walked out and saw Flash and Sunset standing by the pool.

“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Sentry, it's nice to see you again.” Sunset said smiling. She was a bundle of nerves inside hoping they would like her.

“Hello Sunset it’s nice to see you again.” Flash’s mom said hugging Sunset and surprising her.

“Ms. Shimmer it's nice to see you again. I have to know, considering my son has a lady friend over, will you join us for lunch? I’m going to grill some hot dogs and burgers.” Flash’s dad said.

Sunset shifted easily when Flash spoke up for her. “Um Dad Sunset is vegan.” He said.

“No Flash, I want to be a gracious guest. I'll have a hot dog please.” Sunset said feeling sick to her stomach.

“Sunset, don't force yourself if you don’t feel comfortable or want to eat meat. We will have salad and rolls too.” Mr. Sentry replied.

“Is it wrong if I say I will just have salad and rolls.” Sunset asked shyly.

“No. It’s ok and you were right, Flash. She has changed.” Flash’s dad said, making Sunset blush slightly.

“Now Sunset, go for a swim!” Flash said trying to push Sunset in the pool as she held onto him to not go in the pool. All of a sudden both Flash and Sunset were in the pool!! They both looked up at Flash’s dad; he had come behind them and pushed both of them in.

Sunset and Flash swam around and splashed each other and rode a couple of pool floats and even played diving games looking for rings. Finally after a little bit they got out of the pool and dried off.

After lunch was over Flash and Sunset lounged on the chairs for a while eventually sunset laid on her back and undid her top strap so as to have no white mark across the middle of her back.

“Sunset, what are those?” Flash asked, referring to the marks on her back.

“The scars from where the wings came out. That’s the price I paid for messing with dark magic that I didn’t understand.” Sunset told him.

“Flash, will you do me a favor?” Sunset asked.

“What’s that?” He replied.

“Rub this suntan lotion on my back.” Sunset replied, trying not to smile.

“Why Ms. Shimmer if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to seduce me.” Flash said.

“O.K. all you had to say was no.” Sunset replied, hooking her top up, rolling onto her back and putting her sunglasses on.

“I didn’t say no.” Flash said. Sunset rolled back over on her stomach and unhooked her top. Flash rubbed from her shoulders to her lower back with the lotion it felt so good Sunset couldn’t help but purr.

“You’re enjoying this.” Flash said.

“You’re damn right I am.” Sunset replied.

“Hey you two lovebirds, lunch is served!” Flash’s dad called.

“We're not lovebirds.” Flash replied.

“Even though I kinda wish we were.” Sunset thought re hooking her top

The four of them sat and ate lunch and afterwards Sunset found herself thinking of Twilight.

“Maybe Flash was right, it is better if they are friends. Still like I told Aunt Chrys you can’t pine over someone you can never have, I can never have Twilight so I will see where this will go.” Sunset thought to herself as she was laying on the lounge chair next to Flash after lunch.

“Sunset, what is Twilight doing this summer?” Flash asked.

“Princess Twilight? I don’t know.” Sunset asked.

“No, the girl you are crushing on.” Flash said back.

“Is it that obvious?” Sunset asked,

`”Yeah it is, but she seems to have hooked up with Timber Spruce.” Flash replied.

“Flash I wanted to hook up again and go on a real date, but I see you just want to be friends,” Sunset said downhearted.

“If you like Twilight, tell her.” Flash said.

“She doesn’t like girls.” Sunset said.

“Bullshit. Sunset I saw it at the dance at the cave. After she was done with Timber Spruce romancing her, she walked over to you and gave you a little punch in the arm and you smiled and blushed and looked away, well a second before she blushed seeing you.” Flash told her.

“She had just been romancing her beau. I told her he seemed like a great guy.” Sunset interjected.

‘Giving your friend some encouragement. Sunset listen, Twilight once said: ``The Magic of Friendship doesn’t just exist in Equestria it’s everywhere. You can choose to seek it out or forever be alone.” Flash stated.

“I remember that Flash I was in a crater on my hands and knees crying my eyes out.” Sunset interrupted, feeling embarrassed.

“Well what I am getting at it is the same with romance. Now I want to know who do you want me or Twilight?” Flash asked.

“I really like Twilight, but I also like you a lot, Flash. But saying you want to be friends is a nice way to blow off someone.” Sunset replied. looking down.

“No, I mean I want to be friends with you Sunset and maybe more but I can tell your feelings for Twilight are strong. Contrary to what you think, she likes you too.” Flash said.

“I need to think about this.” Sunset told him.

“You want me to take you home then?” Flash asked.

“Yeah, but I would like to hang out again. Flash one question: where are you going to college?” Sunset asked,

“I’m not going to college, I'm going to continue the industrial arts classes I had been taking in High School. I’m going to an auto mechanic school downtown,”

Afterwards Flash and Sunset got changed and as they headed out to Flash’s sports car he tossed the keys to Sunset to drive them back to her place.

Elsewhere in Canterlot that night…

“I can not believe the Diamond Dogs don’t want to help us even after we explained why those two girls are a danger to themselves and everyone in this city.” Cinch said in the van on the way back.

“Cinch I’ll show you how you recruit help. Let me show you how to handle this. I know how to recruit people. Especially if you want to get these Diamond Dogs on board you need to get this Chancellor Jim out of the way.” Gilda told her.

“Guys I just read on the Net something weird happened at Camp Everfree this week. “ Adagio said.

“Where the girls were?” Cinch said.

“Things are getting out of hand.” Gilda said.

* * *

As Sunset closed the front door after returning home from her day out with Flash. She saw Luna come out into the lounge and had her keys with her. Sunset noticed her mom was upset.

“Mom, what's wrong?” Sunset asked.

“C’mon honey, let's go see your Aunt Chrysalis. I think she is going to need us right now.” Luna said with a shaky breath.

“Mom, what's going on and don’t play with me?” Sunset demanded.

Luna looked at Sunset and said “Your Aunt Chrysalis has been placed on administrative leave. Apparently, she shot and killed someone.”