• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,412 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Juniper's fate

Author's Note:

I had some health issues, so this took longer to write than normal. Bit here is the next installment and is the start of buildup to the finale.

Luna and Celestia orginally started working on cooking a bigger dinner than normal. There would be more than three of them tonight. Sunset had inadvertently brought someone from Equestria to their world. Juniper Montage would also be joining them tonight.

“THREE Extra places??!!” Celestia asked.

“Well we have Starlight Glimmer from Equestria, Juniper Montage and of course the inseparable Twilight Sparkle. That's why I just ordered some pizzas.” Luna said.

“I’m so happy to see Sunset in love with someone who loves her back. I always thought it would be a guy though.” Celestia said.

“I don’t care one way or another, these girls mainly hang out at home, they need to go on an actual date. Maybe I should let them go to Equestria Land and not take Sunset there myself.

Better yet make it a double date. I'll go with Apple Cinnamon it could be fun.” Luna said as she heard the door open, There were definitely four teen girls that had just arrived for sure. Luna had to smile. It was great that Sunset was finally happy. It took a lot of time, and therapy but Sunset was happy.

No more nightmares, no more bullying, and being beaten up, or shoved into a locker and her and The Rainbooms, Trixie, The Crusaders all friends. Sunset had been through hell in school and even a hostage situation. It took a lot of therapy and hugs and cuddles from Luna but Sunset finally had a good life.

Luna’s recollection was broken when Sunset came into the dining room with her friends. After a hug from Sunset she asked what was for dinner. Typical Sunset she is always thinking about either food or video games..

“I think that is sweet.” Juniper Montage said.

“What?” Asked Sunset.

“That as a teenager you’re not afraid to show your mom affection. I wish I could do that.” Juniper said looking a little depressed.

“Why can’t you?” Asked Starlight.

“Well, my mom and dad are dead, and my uncle became my guardian. Until I turned 18 a year ago. Once I graduated High School he brought me on the set but that's because he felt obligated. He only was my guardian because he felt obligated.” Juniper said.

“I’m so sorry.” Sunset said.

“Wait a second, what about wanting to be a star and play Daring Do?” Twilight asked.

“I did a little bit of acting in school plays, you know part of the drama club for my junior and senior year. Never a lead actress, at first an extra and then like you call them a supporting actress. Not the lead but you're one step behind the lead you know enough to get a few lines.

“My last play in High School was when I got a little bit bigger of a role, still supporting, I really thought I was destined for bigger and better things. Obviously, I was wrong” Juniper said.

“In my day kids like you who were interested in movies and cinema, usually worked at a video store while going to college doing film theory and theater productions.” Celestia said.

“That was in my aunt’s day when Dinosaurs walked the Earth.” Sunset joked.

Sunset got scowls from both her mom and her aunt although Twilight couldn’t help but giggle a little bit. She stopped seeing her principal and vice principal scowling at her too.

“I have heard about the video stores. Blockbuster, Movie Gallery, Suncoast, my uncle talked about those. I guess working at a theater is as close as I can get, of course now I may very well have lost that job too.” Juniper lamented.

“Why do you say that?” Asked Luna.

“Well when you turn into an…I don’t even know what I was.” Juniper said.

“She Demon.” Said both Twilight and Sunset in unison.

“That would be about right.” Juniper said.

Just then the doorbell rang. Celestia got up and went to sign for the pizzas and Starlight stood up right after Celestia did.

“What is that??!! An alarm of some kind?” Starlight said kind of worried.

“It’s called a doorbell; it just lets you know someone is at your door.” Juniper calmly explained.

“Oh Ok.” Starlight said, sitting down.

“Pizza is here guys!!” Celestia exclaimed, coming into the kitchen with three boxes.

As expected, Sunset took plain cheese, so did Starlight everyone else took either pepperoni or sausage. It was a very filling meatloaf Pizza and soda and for once all seemed right in the world. Until that night…

After Celestia volunteered to take Juniper home and Twilight had to leave with Cadence. Sleeping arrangements were Starlight was going to sleep with Sunset as she had a double bed.

After giving Starlight a pair of spare pajamas, the girls got in bed and lay down to go to sleep. Luna had fallen asleep after sexting with Apple Cinnamon. Celestia was up in her bed reading.

There were no storms or wind, it was a quiet clear night. The stars shone brightly. All was right in the world.

Just after 11:00 p.m. the doorbell rang and woke everyone up. Luna and Celestia both threw a robe on, and Luna turned the hall light on. Then went to see who was at the door. Sunset and Starlight also came out of the room to see who it was.

Luna looked through the peephole and gasped. When she opened the door, it shocked everyone. Standing there with a suitcase was Juniper Montage.

* * *

“Your uncle kicked you out??!!” Starlight exclaimed.

Juniper just sadly shook her head yes while sitting on the couch.

“He doesn’t want me to begin with and now that I turned into a monster well…he has all he needs to kick me out. I’m nineteen and he has no legal obligations to me anymore.” Juniper said, sniffling slightly.

Everyone stood there in shock. Canter Zoom didn’t seem like the type but none of them knew what he was like behind the scenes. Or how strained his relationship with Juniper had become after the incidents on the Daring Do set, and at the mall.

“I didn’t know where else to go.” She said her voice breaking slightly.

“Well listen we can put you up for the night.” Celestia said.

“I’ll sleep on the floor, that's fine.” Juniper said.

“Sleep on the floor?” Asked Starlight Glimmer

“Like any dog.” Juniper replied back.

“You’re not a dog, you're a human being. Even Spike doesn’t sleep on the floor he sleeps on the foot of Twilight’s bed. I think Wynonna sleeps on the foot of someone’s bed too. You are sleeping in my bed with Starlight and I’m taking the couch.” Sunset instructed her.

“But…” Juniper Montage began to object.

“No but’s missy! That is an order, I don’t have work in the morning.” Sunset said.

“This is great and I want to thank you.” Juniper said.

“I make it a point to never turn a person in need away.” Luna said.

Sunset grabbed a few sheets and a pillow and set up camp on the couch for the night.

As Juniper settled in next to Starlight that night, she couldn’t help but shed a few tears. Starlight took notice of Juniper crying and had to ask something that has been on her mind.

“Juniper, what are you going to do after tonight?” Starlight asked.

“Stay in homeless shelters or maybe sleep on a park bench. I can’t ask Sunset’s family to keep me here forever. Could I go back to Equestria with you?” She asked.

“Well, I guess I would have to ask Princess Twilight.” Starlight asked,

“Starlight this is the most awkward thing I have had to ask a girl but for the night could you hold me I’m scared.” Juniper asked tentatively looking at Starlight.

After a second of hesitation Starlight opened her arms and Juniper crawled into her embrace.

“Just sleep tonight, I’ll watch over you.” Starlight told her. After about two minutes Juniper was asleep

* * *

The next morning Starlight awoke early and carefully wiggled out from Juniper letting her sleep. That had been awkward but for Juniper’s sake, she was ok with it. Heading downstairs she found only Celestia was up and having her morning coffee in the dining room while looking at her phone. Moving carefully through the living room quietly in order not to disturb Sunset who was sound asleep. Starlight had to tell her what Juniper said. It really worried her.

“Um Ms. Celestia.” Starlight said walking into the dining room.

“Morning Starlight, are you hungry?” Celestia asked looking up from her phone.

“A little but I’m worried about Juniper. She said she was going to live in homeless shelters and sleep on the streets. "Starlight said.

“I would like to think when I go back to Equestria tomorrow she has a better plan than being homeless.” Starlight said.

“I agree and I was thinking about what I could do to help her. I might have a plan.” Celestia said.

“Oh, what is it?” Starlight asked.

“Go wake up everyone I’ll tell you.” Celestia responded.

Starlight walked into the living room to find out Sunset was already up looking at her phone.

Rarity’s text stated Equestria Land would start announcing their employees tomorrow. She could be with the girls as they found out who the “Candy Apple Girl” would be. She had work tomorrow but she could hang in the food court a little bit. She looked up when she realized that Starlight was looking at her.

“What?” Sunset said looking up.

“Wake your mom, I’m going to wake Juniper. Your Aunt Celestia knows what we can do about her!” Starlight exclaimed, running to wake Juniper while Sunset got her mom up.

Five minutes later with everyone assembled at the dining room table Celestia began.

“Juniper, I think I have figured out what to do about your situation. Now let me finish. You love to act and like movies and everything. How about I help you get enrolled in Manehattan U. They have a great film program.” Celestia asked.

“I couldn’t afford that.” Juniper said

“No but we can get you financial aid, maybe even a grant or scholarship. I would suggest Student loans but as Luna and I both know they are a bitch to pay off. Maybe even find you a job at a theater there.” Celestia told her.

“O.K. but how would I get there?” Juniper asked.

“Well, you could go by bus, or I could drive you there, but if I do it, we would have to stop for a night somewhere, even if it was a rest area to snooze for a few hours. "Celestia asked.

“But how does all this solve my homeless problem?” Juniper asked.

“Easy Juniper, you would live at the school in the dormitory. You would need to get to know a roommate but you would have a place to stay.” Sunset chirped in.

“What do you think?” Celestia asked.

“Sounds good, what do we do first? Where am I going to stay while we set this up?” Juniper asked.

“Easy you’ll stay here while we set everything up on the phone and computer then when we actually go there. We can set you up at the University.” Celestia said.

“You mean you will take me there?” Juniper asked.

“Yes, I will, we will get you a dorm room.” Celestia said smiling.

It took a little bit over a week, but Juniper did an interview over the computer and was also approved for financial aid and scored a two-year scholarship from the studio that covered her first two years completely. Her counselor assured her that she could help when her junior year rolled around.

“Why only a two year scholarship?” Sunset asked while Juniper was working on her admission forms.

“That is all the studio offers for two years but Luna and I and her counselor are going to help her.” Celestia assured her.

The worst part of the week was Starlight Glimmer leaving, as she had to go back to Equestria. Making sure no one was around she said goodbye to everyone, especially Juniper. She promised she would be back for the girls' graduation. With that she went through the portal.

Her crossing didn’t go unnoticed. A man in black suit and slacks with a black tie and a white dress shirt and dark shades saw it and immediately got on the phone.

“Sir, I have found the portal.” He said into the phone.

“Excellent, I will let the syndicate know.” Said a man on the other end.

“Where do we go from here?” The first man said.

“Assemble our forces we must make contact with this alien world.” The man said hanging up the phone. After that he took another puff of his cigarette.