• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,411 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Grand Finale part 3

Author's Note:

This is it the big one the final chapter (except for the Epilogue) .Enjoy!!

Upon teleporting to the Crystal Empire Twilight and Sunset could see the dragons, yaks, and the crystal pony guards routing the Diamond Dogs. She saw the shield over the empire dissipate and Shining Armor walk out and almost collapse.

Twilight ran over to him as Cadence helped him up putting his foreleg over her neck to help him.

“BBBFF what happened? Are you ok?” Twilight asked concerned.

“I held the shield as long as I could. Thank God for the yaks and dragons I was able to let the guards lose and we routed the Diamond Dog army and caught several of them.” Shining Armor.

“Put them in Tartarus.” Twilight commanded.

Now I need to grab the elements and head for Canterlot.” Twilight said.

“Let me help with that.” Cadence said

“Okay, then let me meet with the Elements.” Twilight said as those ponies walked over to her.

About that time there was a flash of light and Sunset appeared. Twilight turned around.

“Listen I don’t think our cigarette man was happy that you are making him hold Ponyville and not head to war. I have Starlight and Trixie ready to head in as well as Big Mac wants to come to help his sister.” Sunset informed her.

“Okay but how are we gonna get my big brother here?” Asked Applejack.

“Sunset and I will combine our transportation spell to bring him to Canterlot we need everyone to get there as fast as we can.” Twilight said.

“Okay, then Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and Twilight take Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack to the city gates I will arrive with Starlight and Trixie.” Cadence said.

“Plus we need to fine Rockhoof someone said he was up here.” Sunset asked.

“Right here, lassie.” Said a Scottish-sounding voice behind her. Sunset turned to see a huge brawny pony almost the size of Bulk Biceps. He had a beard and carried a shovel.

“Rockhoof I presume.” Sunset said a little timidly.

“No need to fear me, lassie. It’s the Diamond Dogs in Canterlot that need to fear me.” He said.

“How are we going to get all of our forces on Canterlot?’ Sunset asked.

“Okay here is what we do. Sunset you teleport over there the rest of us will fly with one of our companions.

Cadence is going to pick up Trixie and Starlight, We can use a teleportation spell one time to bring Big Mac.

“You know Twilly I can arrange for a ride for Rockhoof here. I got a carriage that will hold him, they can leave at once.” Shining Armor said.

“Well, then Laddie let’s get it going.” Rockhoof said.

Shining Armor motioned for his guards to bring the carriage around. While they were bringing it around he cautioned Rockhoof.

“Now Rockhoof don’t go breaking this thing. Save your strength for the fight ok?” Shining Armor said.

“I will do my best.” He replied.

“Get him to Canterlot on the double.” Shining Armor commanded.

“Right away your highness.” The one stallion replied as Rockhoof entered.

In the meantime, we need to start teleporting our forces to Canterlot Sunset.” Twilight said.

“Way ahead of you.” Sunset replied bringing her and Fluttershy to the cliffs of Canterlot Mountain.

“You’re gonna leave me here alone?” She asked as Sunset’s horn lit up.

“I wouldn’t leave you here alone if it wasn’t safe besides…” Sunset began as another Flash of light appeared in the cave and Twilight had brought Applejack.

“C’mon Sunset we got to get everyone here.” Twilight said as she vanished.

With a little reassurance to Fluttershy from Sunset. Twilight and Sunset transported the remaining four ponies to the cave,

“What about Big Mac?” Asked Applejack.

“Darling give them a break teleporting yourself is one thing. It’s another thing to bring someone with you.” Rarity explained.

Both Twilight and Sunset were sitting there and sweating and panting. This teleporting was taking a toll on them. Sunset and Twilight locked eyes with each other this form of teleportation spell was very draining but they knew they had to do it one more time even if it killed them,

Both stood and walked toward each other and touched horns and summoning their last amount of magic they transported Big Mac to the cave. He was a little disoriented, but he hugged Applejack and said Cadence was in Ponyville and had picked up Trixie and Starlight as well as Spike, but it was going to take time to get to Canterlot.

“Well, we better get up to the gates of Canterlot.” Twilight said fatigued.

“Darlings you and Sunset need to rest. You used a more powerful teleport spell. Your no use to us half alive.” Rarity said.

“We don’t have the time to rest we need to get to Canterlot.” Sunset agreed.

“Listen Sugarcube at least let Big Mac and I carry you for a little bit so you can get some rest I think the Unicorns are going to be the difference in this battle.” Applejack said.

“Earth Ponies and Pegasi will play a big part too.” Twilight said.

“Let’s get going. We can’t wait for Cadence with reinforcements and Rockhoof whenever he gets here.” Rainbow Dash said.

Reluctantly Twilight climbed up on Big Mac’s back and Sunset on Applejack’s back and headed up the path to Canterlot.

As they approached Canterlot Fluttershy brought up a question. “How are we going to stay in touch with this battle?” Fluttershy asked.

“Through Magic.” Twilight put a spell on all of the eight who were there.

“This was a simple quick spell we should be able to talk to each other now.” Twilight said.

As they approached the gate of Canterlot they realized there was a forcefield over the city. It was like a big pink bubble it reminded Twilight of the Royal Wedding.

“How are we going to get in?” Sunset asked.

“I know, let me handle this.” Rainbow Dash was off like a shot. She went way up in the sky and then came barreling straight down.

“Does she think a sonic Rainboom is going to work?” Twilight asked.

“A sonic what?” Asked Sunset.

Rainbow Dash hit her sonic Rainboom just about the time she hit the forcefield and it didn’t budge.

“Shit!!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Language.” Twilight replied.

“Wait a minute no one is going to deal with the fact that Twilight just said language?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“I know it just slipped out.” She replied pushing the bubble in.

Then she realized something it may be hard but it has elasticity Twilight used her horn and poked the bubble it immediately poked a hole that closed.

As Rainbow Dash landed with the group Sunset realized something.

“The magic that made that bubble is imperfect.” Sunset declared.

“Yes, we can get through here. But we need a way to hold this bubble open and then take it down.” Twilight announced.

“I could use a forcefield and hold it open.” Sunset said.

“It wouldn’t work you would be able to get through but the bubble would close right away.” Twilight told her.

“I can destroy the power source of this forcefield though.” Sunset protested.

“Listen to you this is magic, not science she probably has some evil unicorn under her spell.” Twilight informed her.

“Twilight you are a student of magic this magic bubble would not be imperfect if she had a unicorn make it.” Sunset said casting a forcefield over herself and heading inside the bubble.

Now looking around she knew she had to move fast. With her thoughts on Twilight back home, she ran not knowing what to look for but as luck would have it. She didn’t have to look long.

Inside a tower guarded by 4 diamond dogs, she thought she had her answer.

“Why would she have four guards? It must be important.” Sunset thought.

Around this time she heard footsteps and got ready to strike. She was relieved to see Princess Twilight.

“How did you get through?” Sunset asked.

“Personal forcefield.” Twilight replied.

“I think whatever is in that tower is the source of the forcefield we take it out we can begin our attack.” Sunset said.

“Then let’s do it quickly.” Twilight said lighting her horn and with four quick blasts knocked all of the Diamond Dogs out.

Quickly the two unicorns galloped over and opened the door. There were Princess Celestia and Luna chained to the floor and they looked weak and ill both smiled seeing Sunset and Twilight. Both had a chain on their leg and the chain was attached to the wall.

Both unicorns rushed over and with a burst of magic Sunset unchained Princess Luna and Twilight Unchained Celestia.

“Thank you, my faithful student.” Celestia said wearily.

“Princess, are you ok?” Twilight asked.

“Just tired they used our magic to create a bubble over Canterlot and it weakened us.” Princess Celestia informed her.

“All that matters is your safety.” Sunset said.

“None of us are safe yet.” Luna replied.

“What now?” Sunset asked.

“Twilight I can bring the bubble down and you and your friends can attack. Three things you should know.

Cinch is in the tower and some charm she has around her neck has allowed her to keep her human form. She is up in the throne room. Two this Diamond Dog army is not the one that left your world Sunset. It’s almost their robots. Finally, Cinch has another human captive in the tower.

There is an island called the Human Republic north and west of the old lair of the Storm King. The human girl is from there.” Celestia said lighting her horn and dissipating the bubble.

“Now go my students and fight Luna and I will join you as soon as we regain some strength.” Princess Celestia told them.

As soon as Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Big Mac saw the bubble pop they rushed in.

Several Diamond Dogs rushed at them. Big Mac and Applejack immediately called on their apple-bucking skills knocking four dogs and moving on. Rainbow Dash flew through the air and made several swoops to knock several off of a balcony.

“Everybody Cinch is up in the throne room and has another human captive.” Twilight said.

“You go ahead and find them we will handle things here.” Applejack told her.

“And for gosh sake watch your language.” Rainbow Dash added.

“That’s not going away anytime soon.” Twilight sighed as she and Sunset started up the stairs.

Coming up the first flight of stairs six diamond dogs grabbed spears and rushed at them. Twilight and Sunset’s horns lit up to repel the attack. Six Diamond Dogs rushed at them with spears out.

Suddenly, six magic bolts hit all the dogs, knocking them down. Twilight and Sunset looked to the left and saw Cadence flying in with Starlight and Trixie on her back.

She landed in front of Twilight and Sunset.

“We’re here!!” Cadence said.

“Took you long enough. Did you stop for drive-thru?” Sunset asked.

“Drive-thru? I don’t understand.” Cadence said.

“I do!” Twilight pipped up. “I understood that reference.”

“Listen you two get up to the throne room we’ll handle things here on the lower levels.” Starlight said.

All of a sudden roar startled everyone and they turned to see the Dazzlings sitting on top of the Timberwolves.

“Twilight you seeing this?” Sunset asked.

“Seeing yes. Still working on believing.” Twilight replied.

“We need to lead them away so Twilight and Sunset can get to Cinch.” Starlight said.

“Got it!!” Rainbow said landing a hard kick on the lead Timberwolf. It turned its head and snarled at Rainbow.

“Well, we got its attention what in Tartarus was step two again?” Rainbow asked.

Cadence, grabbed Trixie and Starlight and took off from the one balcony toward where the main six were fighting. Upon arriving there and seeing several Diamond Dogs lying on the ground, she knew the battle was well in hand.

“Look we got Rockhoof!!” Pinkie Pie chirped up.

“Sorry, I couldn’t get here faster I tried.” Rockhoof said.

“It’s ok sugarcube.” Applejack replied.

“Rainbow we got Rockhoof.” Applejack said.

“Tell him to get ready I’m bringing the party to you!!” Rainbow said as she rounded the corner followed by a Timberwolf.

“I-I don’t see how that’s a party.” Fluttershy said. Rockhoof readied his shovel.

“Twilight take Sunset fly for the throne room now!!” Cadence commanded.

“You don’t stand a chance against us Princess Cadence.” Adagio sneered.

“Maybe not, but I do Lassie!!” Shouted Rockhoof as he charged headlong into the Timberwolves legs causing it to fall over.

With that Cadence, Starlight, Rarity, and Trixie lit up their horns and fired magic blasts at the beast breaking it apart.

“Sonata, Aria let us show them our new trick,” Adagio said landing hard on the concrete.

Aria and Sonata slip down off of their respective Timberwolves. Then all of a sudden all three Timberwolves started to join into one giant Timberwolf.

Applejack had seen this before but none of the others had.

Meanwhile in the hall leading to the throne room….

Twilight fired a magical blast taking out one of the guards guarding the throne room. The three other guards raised their spears and charged Sunset stood her ground next to Twilight.

This time they had help that had come to their aid. All of a sudden about 6 Pegasus flew in and knocked them down. Sunset had no idea who they were but Twilight sure did by the Uniforms.

“THE WONDERBOLTS!! But how??” Twilight asked,

“Easy Rainbow found the room they locked us in and released us from the cells and told us you two might need our help now get in there and stop Cinch.” Spitfire commanded.

Twilight and Sunset both blasted open the door to the throne room. There standing in front of the thrones was Abacus Cinch!

“Two little ponies think they can defeat me? Hahaha!!” This is too precious. With the power of this amulet, I am invincible! It also keeps me in human form.” Cinch gloated.

Twilight was horrified by what she saw. Abacus Cinch had the alicorn amulet around her neck. Which meant she was pretty much invincible and only she could take it off.

She knew she couldn’t trick Cinch as she did Trixie. She and Sunset both lit up their horns. Then Cinch played her trump card. She stepped aside and both Twilight and Sunset stopped.

There behind Cinch was a young blond-haired girl. Sunset looked her over quickly brown boots and blue jeans with an Orange Shirt with the sleeves rolled part of the way up a brown vest. Blond hair tied back in a ponytail with a red bow.

She was bound with her hand behind her back. She was kneeling and had her head down.

“Who is that?” Twilight demanded.

“Tell her your name dear.” Abacus Cinch said grabbing her arm and raising her to her feet.

“Meghan Williams.” The girl replied.

“Yes, another human now what will you do? Fire your magic at me. With this amulet, I am a God. Besides, now I have a shield.” Cinch said pulling Megan in front of her.

“You’re a coward to hide behind a little girl.” Sunset said.

“Not a coward I have a shield that’s all.” Cinch repeated.

“We have a Rockhoof.” Twilight said.

“What could he do? I won. I took Ponyville and soon the Crystal Empire. ” Cinch proudly proclaimed.

“The Cigarette Man and his commando team hold Ponyville right now. The Yaks and Dragons have lifted the siege on The Crystal Empire. Right now my friends are fighting your team of robots in the streets of Canterlot.” Sunset said.

As soon as she said that Princess Cadence and Rockhoof entered the throne room. He walked right past Twilight and Sunset and up to Cinch who was holding Megan in front of her.

In one motion Rockhoof pushed Megan out of the way and stared down Cinch.

“Enough!! You are all of you beneath me!! I am a God you dull creature and I will not be bullied by…” Cinch started,

Rockhoof got up on two hoofs grabbed her legs and slammed Cinch against the throne room floor about five times. Then walked away right past a stunned Twilight and Sunset.

“Puny God.” He remarked.

Megan got to her feet and ran towards Twilight and Sunset. Once behind them, she was struggling to get her hands free of the ropes.

“Hold still.” Princess Cadence said zapping the ropes off of her hands.

Cinch got up from her beat down and looked right at Megan and saw her bring out a red locket. Megan smiled at Cinch knowing she had the one thing that could defeat Cinch: The Rainbow of Light!!

“Taste the rainbow, mother fucker!!” Megan said triumphantly.

Megan opened her locket and shot a rainbow that surrounded Cinch’s neck and immediately she started screaming in pain. She started grasping at the rainbow around her neck and then at the Alicorn Amulet finally tearing it off her neck.

Cinch flung the Alicorn Amulet away from her and Princess Cadence caught it in her magic and brought it back to her.

“This is going back into hiding where it belongs.” Princess Cadence declared. When Cinch took the amulet the fighting on the streets of the Canterlot stopped.

Then Twilight, Sunset, Cadence, Rockhoof, and Megan watched as Cinch transformed into a pony.

“No!! It can’t end like this!!” Cinch cried out.

By this time Megan had recalled her Rainbow of Light back to her. She put the locket back under her shirt and stood there with her arms crossed. True to what she had been told The Rainbow was there to protect the ponies always.

“Megan, what did that Rainbow do to her? "Twilight asked,

“I’m not sure Princess but it worked.” Megan replied.

“It felt like my neck was on fire I couldn’t stand it.” Said Cinch now being grabbed by the guards.

“The battle is over we better round up our forces and head for Ponyville. I have graduation tomorrow.” Sunset said.

The group returned to Ponyville on the backs of the Pegasus and Alicorns that were present. Princesses Celestia and Luna stayed behind to coordinate the clean-up efforts.

Upon returning to Ponyville the smoking man asked Sunset what happened.

“We lifted the siege on The Crystal Empire and retook Canterlot. It’s over Equestria is safe once more. Now I want to get back and rest for a bit I have graduation tomorrow.” Sunset said again.

“Okay Fine, Sunset before you go you still want Starlight and I to come tomorrow?” Twilight asked.

“You bet your ass I do?” Sunset replied smugly.

Twilight, she said a bad language word.” Rainbow Dash said.

“You know what Rainbow…” Twilight started.

“We better go.” Sunset said to the smoking man. They walked into Twilight’s castle and one by one the Smoking Man started to send his agents through.

Sunset gave a hug to Starlight and Twilight and said she’ll make sure Rarity is ready for her so she can get into the disguise that Rarity had for her the first time she visited.

Then she went through the mirror was already there. Upon her arrival back into the world Sunset was greeted with a hug and kiss from her Twilight. Then Luna ran over and gave her a hug

“We have been so worried about you. Are you hurt? Are you ok?” Luna asked frantically holding Sunset’s face in her hands.

“Well if you let her answer.” Twilight said.

“I’m okay just tired.” Sunset said.

At this time Abacus Cinch was brought through the portal and grabbed by two agents. She kicked the one in the knee and tried to make a run for it. She didn’t get far as Gilda Stepped out from behind some bushes with a pistol.

“Oh, good it’s only you Gilda. We need to get out of here.” Cinch said.

Gilda responded by clicking the hammer back on the pistol and pointing it right at Cinch.

“What the hell is this shit??!!” She asked.

“You were right. You once said that one does not just walk out of Zephyr Heights.” Gilda said matter-of-factly.

“We got her. Thank you, Gilda.” Said the Smoking Man walking up and grabbing Cinch by her arm as two of his agents put handcuffs on her.

“What?? Cinch exclaimed.

“Didn’t it ever occur to you? I was just there the entire time. I let you and those sirens or Dazzlings do all the work. They broke into the school, murdered Chancellor Jim, and kidnapped Twilight. I was just there when you did this. How do you think the Cigarette Man knew where you were holding Twilight? I was an inside agent for The Syndicate so they could get you and the Dazzlings off the street.” Gilda explained.

The Smoking Man then walked over and took the gun out of Gilda’s hands. “I saw how you were looking at the girls over there.” He calmly said loading her in the back of the van with Cinch and the Dazzlings.

“Sunset and Twilight congratulations on graduating. Also, Twilight congratulations on being valedictorian. I must go. Take care” With that The Smoking Man and his men left in the van.

“Come on girls' graduation is Tomorrow, we need to get you home.” Luna said glad this whole war for Equestria was over.

* * *

The next day…

The Graduation ceremony went off without a hitch…

All of the guests were there, tickets were at a premium due to how many seats there were at the Stadium. No student could buy more than four. Sunset bought 4-Aunt Chrysalis, Potion Nova, Wallflower Blush, and Juniper Montage.

Apple Cinnamon’s ticket was bought by Applejack as he was there with Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom. Twilight (in the disguise Rarity had made for her during her first visit) and Starlight were there too thanks to Trixie.

The next two days Applejack and Sunset held graduation parties. Ironically Sunset’s pool party was a big success Flash Sentry even came over. As his Automotive School was on a week-long break.

He did hug Sunset to congratulate her when he arrived. When Flash followed Sunset out to the pool his eyes fell on a girl on a lounge in the pool in a purple bikini with glasses on.

“Who is that?” Flash quietly asked Sunset.

“My cousin kind of. She stays here in the basement when on break from college.” Sunset explained.

“She’s hot!! Oh, I mean that’s cool.” Flash stammered.

“Come on Loverboy I’ll introduce you.” She noticed Flash hit it off with Juniper.

As Sunset looked around at all of her friends and family, she realized it had been a bumpy ride, but she had made it through. Through being hated by the school. Through being beaten and kidnapped. Through having doubts about Luna and Celestia. She had a mom, a soon-to-be stepdad, two cool aunts, and two cousins. Also, a bunch of friends. Most of all she had Twilight Sparkle the love of her life.

That Fall…

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were standing outside Canterlot High. Even though they graduated they were going to show this new group of students around the school a week before it began.

Sunset took the roster sheet and looked over the new students. Principal Celestia unlocked the school and then Sunset addressed the kids.

“Ok, when I say your name say here, present, or something to let me know you are here.” Sunset said.

“Izzy Moonbow.” Sunset said.

“Here!” Said a perky purple-haired girl.

“Hitch Trailblazer.”

“Here.” Confidently replied a green-haired guy.

“Zephyrina Storm.”

“It’s Zipp and yes here.” Said an athletic-looking girl with short pink hair and blue and light pink highlights in her hair. She reminded Sunset of Rainbow Dash.

“Pipp Petals.

“Here. Said another girl with a gold charm in her purple hair. She seemed distracted as she was on her phone talking to her “Pipsqueeks”. Sunset thought oh great a social media Diva.

“Misty Birghtdawn.”

“Here.” said a quiet frizzy green haired girl.

“Sprout Cloverleaf.”

“Yeah.” Said a blond-haired boy.

“Sunny Starscout?” Sunset asked.

Everyone turned around to see a purple-haired girl with rainbow highlights in her hair rollerblading toward them.

“Sorry, I’m late. Sunny Starscout.” She said happily.

“OK I’m Sunset Shimmer and this is Twilight Sparkle we graduated in June but as a final favor are going to show you the school.” Sunset began as she led them into Canterlot High.

“Here’s a few words of encouragement as we start our tour: You’re A New Generation, so Make Your mark and Tell Your Tale.”
