• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,400 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Helping out

Author's Note:

We are coming down the home stretch here. We will see the Starswirl music festival, The Rainbooms ending up in the Daring Do movie and befriend Juniper Montage, the Spring Break on the ship and Forgotten Friendship (as that looks like it takes place near the end of the school year). Also a few surprises and of course the final showdown with Cinch and the Dazzlings. A lot to come yet folks.

Luna and Sunset pulled up to Chrysalis' house. She noticed Chrysalis’s car and another car in the driveway. She figured it was Potion Nova’s car. Sunset got out of the car and ran for the front door when Luna held her back by her shirt collar.

“Whoa there Sunset, let me go first and watch your mouth. I don’t know what kind of condition your Aunt Chrysalis is going to be in.” Luna warned her.

“Mom, it's me, her favorite niece.” Sunset said, trying to be upbeat.

“You are her only niece. Still I have seen Chrysalis when she’s down and been drinking. So just be careful O.K.” Luna warned her as they headed up the walk to Chrysalis house.

Luna knocked on the door and hardly had to wait as Potion Nova opened the door with a worried look. It told Luna all she needed to know. Sunset had never seen Nova look distressed like she was right now. Both girls walked in as Potion Nova stepped aside.

“She’s in the den Luna and word of advice she’s had a few drinks so she might be a little nasty.” Potion Nova told her.

“Sunset wait here.” Luna told her.

“Mom, I'm not a little kid.” Sunset told her.

“Sunset, I know how to handle Chrysalis when she’s like this.” Luna said walking into the den.

Just then Sunset’s phone rang. She was going to silence it but Potion Nova told to take the call outside as her mom would be a few minutes.

“Hello.” Sunset said walking out the door.

“Hey Sunny it’s Rainbow Dash is everything O.K.?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah I’m over at My Aunt Chrysalis’s house I can’t go into detail but she had a rough day let’s put it at that.” Sunset said not wanting to tell anybody yet as well as she figured it was not Rainbow’s business.

“Well I hope everything comes out o.k. Anyway the main reason I’m calling is the Camp Everfree fundraiser events to repair the docks are happening and we are trying to coordinate with our jobs doing some events.” Rainbow said.

“I’m working a few days a week at the sushi restaurant in the food court.” Sunset said.

“Cool I’m working at the sporting goods store, I also heard Pinkie got a job at the bakery shop, Twilight is working in the electronics store, and Fluttershy is working at the pet store. “ Rainbow added.

“Where are Rarity, and Applejack working? We all got summer jobs at the mall I thought?” Sunset asked.

“Well that’s complicated you see Applejack got a job at the smoothie shop and Rarity at the clothing store. But they have both applied to be “The Candy Apple Girl” at the new Equestria Land Amusement park.” Rainbow explained.

“Cool on one of my day’s off, mom is taking me there!” Sunset exclaimed.

“One strange thing about you Sunset…”Rainbow started.

“Just one?” Sunset asked.

“Well there are a couple of things but you’re one of the few teenagers who are not embarrassed to be seen with her mom.” Rainbow remarked.

“When you have never had a mom that cared for you all the time unconditionally, I am happy to be seen with her even in public.” Sunset remarked to Rainbow Dash.

“I guess I never thought of it like that.” Rainbow said thinking about how she had alienated her parents. Even after they were both so supportive of her.

“You know Rainbow we could do the traditional car wash idea, if you want to work together on this we could definitely raise some of the money for the repairs.” Sunset stated.

“That will be awesome!! I know Pinkie Pie has a bake sale planned and Twilight and Fluttershy are doing a doggy day care-why I don’t know. Car Wash might be the way to go.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Anyway I got some family drama to take care of, so can I call you back?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah sure. I got something I need to do too.” Rainbow said, hanging up on her end.

Rainbow went downstairs to where her mom was. Her mom was sitting in the living room watching TV. Rainbow went over and gave her mom a big hug and this surprised Windy Whistles.

“What was that for hun?” Windy asked.

“I don’t want you to think I forgot about you and dad. We should get together and do something sometime. I know I have been kind of keeping to myself lately and I apologize.” Rainbow told her.

“Rainbow it’s OK you’re a teenager with your first job and getting ready for College next year. I understand that you’re busy.” Windy replied back as she got up and gave Rainbow another hug.

* * *

Luna walked into Chrysalis’s den. Luna looked around at the wood paneling and smiled at the picture of her, Chrysalis, and Sunset. Chrys was sitting on her plaid fabric easy chair, her feet on the matching hassock. Next to her on a little table was a bottle of whiskey and a full shot glass.

Luna sat on the black leather couch and looked at Chrysalis’s red bloodshot eyes. She could tell Chrysalis was upset but drinking was not how to handle it. Luna decided she needed to get through to Chrysalis.

“Hi Chrysalis, I heard you had a full day.” Luna said.

“I shot a guy trying to commit a rape, and got put on paid leave while it’s investigated. I shoot a criminal and I get suspended.” Chrysalis said afterwards she downed another shot of whiskey.

“How do you know this guy was trying to rape this woman?” Luna asked.

“Well Agent Doggett and I were sent by the local office to check out a break-in at a local warehouse.” Chrysalis began.

“Wouldn’t that be a job for the Canterlot Police Department?” Sunset asked, walking in the room and sitting on the other chair, followed by Potion Nova who sat on the couch with Luna.

“Sunset, I told you to stay in the other room.” Luna scolded.

“I guess I'm a disobedient child then, because it involves my family I’m going to be here.” Sunset responded back.

“In answer to your question Sunset, yes it would. In fact, there were two officers and two detectives on the scene. There was also Federal property in the warehouse, I can’t go into what let's just say there was stuff we needed to make sure it was intact. I was in the back of the warehouse and I heard this woman scream and go running down the alley.

I draw my gun and rush out and this naked guy goes running past me. I yell “Freeze, Federal Officer!” He kept running. I gave chase and after yelling “Freeze” a second time he didn’t stop. I fired a shot, and he went down. I went up and checked him and he was dead.

The woman came up and said he was after her and hugged me crying. I put my gun back and put my arm around her and said “It’s o.k. Ma’am.” I had to report to my C.O. Deputy Director Alvin Kersh. I was told I would be taking a few days off.

He did ask me for a statement: I told him an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape and doesn’t respond to Freeze Federal Officer twice I shoot him. Not with intent to kill, but that does sometimes happen.” Chrysalis ended her story.

“One question Aunt Chrysalis, how did you know what he intended to do?” Sunset asked.

“When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley, with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross. That’s what I told my C.O. too.” Chrysalis said, pouring another shot of whiskey.

“Babe don’t you think you better give the whiskey a rest?” Potion Nova asked.

Chrysalis wanted to lash out but was afraid of scaring her girlfriend so she just put the cork in the bottle and handed it over to Potion Nova.

Potion Nova took the bottle about ⅓ full and walked in the kitchen. When she was sure Chrysalis wasn’t looking she poured the whiskey down the sink. She knew how Chrysalis was when she got drunk.

Walking back in the room Potion Nova walked over to Chrysalis from behind her chair and put her arms around her shoulders and chest. Chrysalis smiled and patted Nova’s hands.

“I guess we can go to the parade this weekend then huh babe?” Potion Nova asked.

“What parade can I go with you?” Sunset asked with wide eyes and full of curiosity.

“You have work, young lady.” Luna reminded her.

“Damn it!!” Sunset remarked.

“It’s a gay pride parade-actually now they are called LBGT pride parades, I think.” Potion Nova replied.

“Well that’s my out I’m in the B part of LBGT so therefore they have let me go or it’s discrimination.” Sunset said proudly.

“Sunset I’m proud of you coming out and standing up for the fact the you bi-sexual. But never use your sexual orientation to get what you want. Unless of course that’s Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said with a wink.

“Mom Twilight likes guys not girls.” Sunset said.

“I think she’s a switch hitter.” Luna said.

“She likes guys' moms.” Sunset said again not even wanting to believe what she was saying.

“Uh-huh dry that one and you can fertilize the lawn with it.” Chrysalis said.

“If Everything I heard is true, and you think Twilight isn’t bi like you then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.” Potion Nova added in sitting down on the couch again.

“If you don’t think that Twilight is crushing on you then I have ocean front property in Arizona to sell you as well.” Luna added.

“She’s dating Timber Spruce.” Sunset said.

“Do you need me to make him disappear?” Chrysalis joked.

“I really like Twilight but she’s happy with Timber Spruce. No Aunt Chrys you cannot make him disappear.” Sunset said.

“What are you going to do then?” Potion Nova asked.

“Be supportive of my BFF and move on. Maybe I’ll become an old cat lady.” Sunset said sadly. After that she got up and walked out of the den, through the kitchen and out the front door. Luna’s heart ached for her daughter.

“I better go with her, Chrysalis, you and Potion Nova take care.” Luna said, getting up to leave.

“Luna give Sunset a hug from both of us.” Potion Nova said.

“I will.” Luna said walking out the door.

Luna closed the door and heard Potion Nova lock up behind her.

Yet it was the sight that greeted her that really cut deep. Sunset was leaning against the passenger side door with her head resting on her arms. As Luna approached she could hear a slight sniffle. Luna came up and gently touched Sunset on her shoulder. Sunset turned around to face with tears in her eyes.

“Mom, I want to go home.” Was all she said.

* * *

Gilda pulled up in front of Chancellor Jim’s house. Cinch and the Dazzlings exited the van. Gilda after putting it in park also stepped out of the van. All three of the Dazzlings cocked their Colt .45’s.

“Don’t shoot unless we have too.” Cinch said.

“If we go in around the back real quiet they may not even know we are there.” Gilda said, pulling her pistol out. She also took out bolt cutters to get the lock off of the fence.

“What are you going to do?” Adagio asked.

“I’m going to watch the back.” Gilda said.

The Dazzlings and Cinch followed Gilda around the side of the house where there was a rod iron fence with a padlock on it. After Gilda cut the padlock off the fence The Dazzling s and Cinch headed in with Gilda bringing up the rear. Once around the corner of the house Gilda noticed the guard at the back door.

“Wait here.” Gilda said. Sneaking up behind the guard, Gilda clocked him in the back of the head with the pistol. Gilda checked he was knocked cold. Taking his pistol, she waved for Cinch and The Dazzlings to move in.

Cinch and the Dazzlings moved up to the back door where the code panel was.

“What’s the combination to get in? 1,2,3,4,5?” Adagio asked, looking at Cinch.

“91939.” Gilda told her. Adagio punched it in and the alarm light went from red to green.

“Gilda, how did you know the code?” Adagio asked.

“I saw it in the Diamond Dogs hideout, where they were having their um how do you say… little group therapy session.” Gilda replied.

The Dazzlings and Cinch headed inside and Gilda stood watch. Once inside Cinch walked in and found Jim in his game room at the back of the house. He was shooting pool. He looked up and his eyes got wide in horror.

“What the hell are you doing here? Guards!!” He exclaimed. Then he saw the three Dazzlings each had his three guards on their knees and each one had a gun to his head.

“You need more than four men.” Cinch said, pulling her pistol out and pointing it at him.

“Killing me will not give you control of the gem trade or the money it produces. "Jim told her.

“Chancellor, this is your last chance to help me.” Cinch replied.

“Help you destroy the world by bringing these creatures of the night, these gargoyles back. No thank you, I'd rather die.” Jim said.

“Fine with me.” Replied Cinch.

“Don’t you want to hear my last words?” Jim said to her.

“I just did.” Cinch replied as she fired a round into him and he fell on the ground dead. Then Cinch turned her attention to three guards held hostage by the Dazzlings,

“Now our operation is small, but there’s a lot of potential for aggressive expansion…” Cinch began picking up a pool cue “...so which of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team?” She said turning to face them.

“Oh there's only one spot open right now so we're gonna have…”Cinch said, breaking the pool cue in half over her knee “...Tryouts.” She finished dropping the one half of the pool cue with a sharp point in the middle of the three guards. As she walked out of the house she said ”Make it fast.”

The Dazzling released all three guards who all looked at each other. As Cinch walked out and shut the back door she saw Gilda was leaning against a wall.

“You realize you just shot an unarmed man?” Gilda asked.

“Well he should have armed himself.” Cinch replied as the Dazzlings came out with the guard who had “won the fight.” After that they all left.