• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,400 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Repairing fences (part 2)

Author's Note:

Yes, this chapter is very similar to the MLP: FIM episode Amending Fences.

Twilight left the mall with her friends and hadn’t felt this bad since The Friendship Games incident.

“Sunset what am I going to do?” Twilight asked.

“Well, try talking to her.” Sunset remarked.

“I DON’T KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!” Twilight cried.

“Calm down Twilly!! We are going to help!” Minuette said, putting her hands on Twilight’s shoulders.

“We need to find out where she lives, where she goes, and other things like that.” Sunset offered hopefully.

“I seem to remember her having a sister Morning Roast. Maybe if we can find her, we can find Moon Dancer.” Twinkleshine said.

“One wild goose chase is enough. We don’t even know where to start looking.” Lemon Hearts said, pointing out the obvious.

“I think I have a plan.” Sunset replied.

All four girls stopped and looked at Sunset. Suddenly she felt pretty uneasy, then told herself this was stupid. These girls are friends with Twilight, so they are going to be ok, with what I have to say.

“Earth to Sunset come in please.” Twilight said waving her hand in Sunset’s face.

“Twilight, you used your incredible computer skills to find Minuette, maybe you should look for Morning Roast, or Moon Dancer herself.” Sunset told them.

Twilight took out her phone and started typing away. Her friends stood by watching as Twilight began to look for Moon Dancer.

“Any Luck?” Sunset asked.

“Nothing yet.” Twilight replied. After a few minutes, Twilight’s face lit up. Everyone looked over at her confused.

“What did you find Moon Dancer?” Sunset asked.

“No, but I found Morning Roast.” Twilight replied.

* * *

That night the girls all stayed over at Minuette’s house. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were happy to see Twilight reconnect with her old friends. Sunset called her mom that night.

“Sunset remember this is Twilight’s quest, not yours.” Luna told Sunset over the phone.

“I know mom, but it bothers me to see Twilight like this. Especially when I can’t help her feel any better. "Sunset lamented.

“I know my little sun. Also, next time ask for permission before you do something like this. I'll let you off this time, next time you will be punished. Understand?” Luna told her.

“Yes, mom I do.” Sunset replied.

“Okay, goodnight.” Luna told her.

Sunset rejoined the party in the next room. Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine were trying to cheer Twilight up.

‘It bothers me every time I think about it.” Twilight said.

“Then don’t think about it. Let’s do something fun. Come on.” Sunset said grabbing Twilight’s hands and helping her to her feet.

Sunset put some music on her phone and grabbed Twilight’s arms. Twilight looked back at her friends. They were motioning her to go dance.

“Go ahead dance with your girlfriend we want to see what kind of moves you got.” Minuette said trying to encourage her.

Twilight’s P.O.V.

I have no idea why I’m about to dance. I have two left feet. I glanced back at my friends once more when Sunset spoke to me.

“Don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me.” Sunset told me.

“You’re holding back.” I said to Sunset, as she covered my mouth.

“Shut up and dance with me.” Sunset told me.

Twilight and Sunset did a fast dance and Twilight showed her two left feet when it came to dancing. So, Sunset took her phone on and put on a slow song. Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset’s neck while she wrapped her arms around Sunset’s waist. The two of them swayed with Twilight laying her head on Sunset’s shoulder. For a minute all seemed right in the world.

After the dance, all three of Twilight’s friends clapped. Sunset and Twilight both broke apart and forgot they had an audience. Both were slightly blushing.

“Maybe we ought to get some sleep.” Minuette said trying to break the awkwardness of the situation.

“Now Twilight Twikleshine, Lemon Hearts, and I are going to take the couch, loveseat, and recliner. You are to sleep in my bed and get some rest. Sunset, you can join her.

One rule you two and listen closely. No sex in my bed, it’s a virgin bed you understand me.” Minuette said jokingly.

Twilight turned a deep shade of red. Sunset slightly blushed, but both agreed and got ready for bed. Twilight needed her rest, tomorrow she was going to meet and hopefully apologize to Moon Dancer. Twilight and Sunset snuggled up in bed together and after a few quick kisses, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

* * *

Morning came too soon it seemed, but Twilight was up with the sun. She had been very nervous and slept a little bit here and there through the night. Sunset had made it easier.

After a quick breakfast, the girls stopped at Twilight’s house so she could shower and change. Then they stopped at Sunset’s so she could grab a fast shower and change. Luna told her they were going to talk later tonight. With that ominous warning, Sunset joined her and Twilight’s friends.

Heading into downtown Canterlot the first place the girls stopped was a little bookshop. Twilight walked in and the girl from the counter looked up at Twilight and her friends coming in.

“Hello. Can I help you?” She asked as Twilight walked up to the counter.

“Yes, Morning Roast it’s me, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight chirped. The smile died from Morning’s face. Twilight immediately knew something was wrong.

“You got a lot of guts, to come back here after breaking my sister’s heart. The first and only time she has a birthday party, and who doesn’t show up? Her lab partner and supposed best friend.

I can’t quite remember her name, oh yeah that’s right it was Twilight Sparkle. She moved out to the suburbs shortly after that without saying, Goodbye.” Morning Roast said.

Twilight was left speechless, and so were all her friends. Morning Roast hated her she only imagined that Moon Dancer did too.

“Morning, I want to apologize for being a bad friend and try to make it up to Moon Dancer honest. Please don’t make me do time for things I did years ago.” Twilight pleaded.

“Moon Dancer lives with me. She has a three-room apartment in the back of my house. She does her work on the computer. The only other place she goes is the library.

If you hurt, her again. You will spend the rest of your life; I swear before God eating your meals through a straw. You understand?” Morning Roast told her.

“HEY, YOU DON’T THREATEN HER LIKE THAT!!” Sunset roared shoving her way to the front and getting in Morning Roast’s face.

“Who the hell are you?” Morning Roast asked taking a step back.

“I’m her girlfriend and if you don’t watch it, I will end you.” Sunset said being held back by Twilight and Minuette.

“Her girlfriend!!??” Morning Roast exclaimed.

“Yeah, her girlfriend you have a problem with that?” Sunset asked angrily.

“I didn't know Twilight was queer.” Morning Roast said.

“She’s not queer, she’s bi-sexual like me. I cannot believe Twilight was ever friends with you.” Sunset shot back.

“She was friends with my younger sister who she hurt bad.” Morning Roast replied.

“Morning Roast, I’m here to try and make up with Moon Dancer, the last thing I want to do is hurt her again.” Twilight pleaded.

“Fine if she is not doing online work then she is at the library's main branch. Usually in one of the soundproof study rooms. Twilight do not let me regret this.” Morning Roast said.

“Thanks, Morning Roast you won’t regret this I promise.” Twilight said heading out the door.

The group headed over to the main branch of the library.

“Twilight, she may not even be here.” Sunset whispered as they entered the library.

“We have to hope she is and then…” Twilight began.

‘Then what?” Sunset asked.

“I have no idea, I have never encountered a problem like this one. First, let’s look in the study rooms at the back of the library and see if she is there. Then we will go from there.” Twilight said.

After checking the first two rooms Twilight looked into the third room and a girl about her age sat there. She had a worn-out grey sweater, a short purple skirt, and glasses that were taped together at the bridge. She wore purple and black boots similar to what most of the girls her age wore. Her brown hair had purple streaks tied up on top.

“Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine stand with me. Sunset take one step back I want Moon Dancer to see her old friends first.” Twilight instructed.

Taking a deep breath Twilight lightly rapped on the door. Moon Dancer ignored her. Twilight knocked a little louder and more forcefully. She knew Moon Dancer had heard it that time as she got up and with a huff answered the door.

“I reserved this room for this time.” Moon Dancer said abrasively.

“It’s us Moon Dancer your old friends.” Twilight said with a big smile.

“Do you mind?? I’m trying to study.” Moon Dancer said trying to close the door.

Twilight put her foot in the door and wouldn’t let Moon Dancer close the door.

“What are you doing?” Moon Dancer asked angrily.

“Moon Dancer it’s me Twilight, I’m sorry I missed your party.” Twilight said.

“You have me confused with someone else Twilight Twinkle or whatever your name is. I don’t have parties, I also tried making friends. It wasn’t for me.” Moon Dancer replied.

“But you did have a party, and friends at one time. Please let me make it up to you. I have with me Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette, and they want to see you again too.” Twilight said.

“Look Twilight I tried making friends once it didn’t work out so can we end this?” Moon Dancer asked forcefully.

“Ok on one condition.” Twilight gambled.

“What is it?” Asked Moondancer impatiently.

“Have lunch with us.” Twilight said.

“If I do will you let me get back to studying?” Moon Dancer asked.

“Yes, I will. Let’s go and have this meal.” Twilight said waving her arm towards the front of the library.

“Fine.” Moon Dancer said. She gathered up her books, and put them in her bag, and reluctantly followed the girls to the park. Upon arriving there, Moon Dancer saw that there was a lovely picnic already set up.

“What’s this?” She asked.

“I can’t make up for how I hurt you, but I wanted to do something special for you.” Twilight told Moon Dancer.

“Oh, this is supposed to make up for how you hurt me?” Moon Dancer replied.

“No, I realize this can’t make it up for what I did, but Moon Dancer don’t make me do time for things I did years ago. I was a bad friend, but these girls have forgiven me. I guess I was hoping you would too." Twilight lamented.

“Moon Dancer this girl has changed, and I have been trying to stay silent…but I can’t anymore.” Sunset spoke up.

“Excuse me, but who are you?” Moon Dancer asked.

“My name is Sunset Shimmer and I’m Twilight’s girlfriend and she is trying like hell to make it up to you.” Sunset responded to her question.

“Listen Sunset Shimmer I threw a party, and my best friend Twilight couldn’t even show up, because she was too busy studying. I tried to come out of my shell and put myself out there.

Then she moved without saying goodbye. Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine tried their hardest to make me feel better at my party. They were the only ones who showed me I had value.

So, no I don’t have parties or deal with friends. My life isn’t perfect Sunset, but I have my books. I’m guessing you have friends. Well, try having them turn their back on you.” Moon Dancer told her.

“Moon Dancer is about to get schooled.” Twilight thought.

“You listen you little bitch, let me tell you a story called Anon-a-miss.” Sunset said in a threatening tone getting in Moon Dancer’s face.

When Sunset got done telling Moon Dancer about Anon-A-Miss Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine were in shock.

“So yes, Moon Dancer I know what it’s like to be betrayed, but Twilight is trying to make that up to you.” Sunset said.

“I guess you do know what it’s like to be hurt.” Moon Dancer said.

“More than you could ever possibly know. I have worked hard to put Anon-A-Miss behind me. Now Twilight is trying to put her past mistakes behind you. Now, why don’t you sit down and enjoy a picnic lunch that I had a friend prepare for us?” Sunset offered.

Moon Dancer walked over to Twilight and looked her in the eyes and as tears started to form, she said with her voice breaking. “You couldn’t even show up!”

Twilight hugged Moon Dancer and she kept crying and sobbing.

“I have faced and seen things, that I thought would destroy me. Seeing how I have hurt you is one the worst things I have ever faced. Don’t let my actions be the reason you can’t be friends with anybody else.” Twilight pleaded.

“We were all your friends Moon Dancer, and we would be honored if we could be again.” Minuette said rubbing Moon Dancer’s back sympathetically.

“I guess I needed to hear all that from you guys.” Moon Dancer said sniffling.

“I know this can’t make up for what I did, but I would like to try.” Twilight said.

“Twilight I’m hungry let’s eat.” Moon Dancer said wiping her eyes and smiling. With that, all the girls sat down and started to eat. It was a lovely picnic with Moon Dancer starting to open up.

“So, Moon Dancer I have to ask what are you studying?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“Science, Magic, History, Economics, Pottery, things like that.” Moon Dancer replied.

“Wow, are you planning on being a professor?” Twinkleshine asked.

“No, was just studying. I plan to get out more now though.” Moon Dancer replied.

“Did you say you were studying magic?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, why?” Moon Dancer replied.

“Magic doesn’t exist in real life.” Sunset replied.

“Well, there is something weird going on here in Canterlot.” Moon Dancer said.

After that, all the girls sat in silence for a few minutes.

“What a way to end the summer.” Sunset thought.