• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,400 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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Twilight's Mistake

Author's Note:

I meant to post this last night. I finally got around to writing it. I hope you enjoy the love triangle forming. As always read and review.

“So I have to ask if your bi and Trixie is gay does that mean you two are dating or about to start dating?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight’s head shot up at that question. She was a bundle of nerves and anxiety. She knew if Sunset said yes she lost her shot with her. Still she wasn’t sure she even had a shot with Sunset. Twilight decided it was best to keep her feelings a secret. Best to forget this fantasy she had of her Sunset together.

Trixie noticed how Twilight’s head shot up at that question.

“Does Twilight have feelings for Sunset?” Trixie thought.

“Trixie wishes she was dating Sunset but Sunset doesn’t feel the same way.” Trixie said making Twilight feel better.

“Yes I have learned to like Trixie as a person and as a good friend, but I don’t have any romantic interest in her. I have eyes for someone else.” Sunset added.

“Who exactly?” Asked Twilight, trying not to sound hopeful and happy.

“Someone who doesn’t return my feelings so it doesn’t matter.” Sunset said sadly. Trixie rubbed Sunset’s ’s arm in sympathy.

“Well it’s been a long morning and we all need to get to class. As for you Trixie and Sunset, it's awesome that you came out to us. I don’t swing that way but I totally support you guys.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ah agree it’s gonna take a little bit of time for the shock to wear off but ah think it’s great and am ok with it.” Applejack said,

“Darlings you have my support as well and I think all of us feel the same way. Now what do our younger sisters say?” Rarity asked.

“Well, Crusaders what do y'all think?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I am totally cool with it.” Scootaloo piped up.

“I am totally behind you guys too!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed..

“O.K. then you have the support of The Crusaders!” Apple Bloom said, jumping up, and pumping her fist in the air.

“Calm Down Apple Bloom but I’m proud of you for not freaking out over this.” Rainbow Dash said.

“She took the words out of my mouth sugar cube.” Applejack said.

“Twilight you seem awfully silent about this. What’s wrong.” Sunset asked.

“Sunset, I work with you on Shimmer Code and hang with you every day you think because you came out that’s gonna change it?” Twilight stopped herself before she rambled.

“What about Trixie?” Sunset pressed.

“It’s fine both of you. I’m glad you trusted us enough to come out.” Twilight remarked.

“Hey guys…” Scootaloo said, pointing to her watch “...classes are going to start soon.”

“Squirt’s right we better split for the day.” Rainbow Dash walking out with Trixie and Scootaloo right behind her. Considering they all had gym first period, so they didn’t need books. Applejack and Sunset headed for science. Twilight, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle headed for History and the other girls for their respective classes. Both Sunset and Trixie were glad to have support from their friends.

* * *

Trixie Sunset, and Twilight were in the library for study hall the last period of the day. All of them were quietly doing their school work. When Twilight looked up and made sure Ms. Cheerilee wasn't in earshot of them.

“Man the schools give us so much meaningless busy work, how much are we really learning?” Twilight asked.

“Trixie really wants to know that too.” Trixie replied,

“I have learned more about life, family and friendship in and out of school since the fall formal than in the last three and half years I have been here.” Sunset said.

“I am really surprised you are all still friends after everything I heard about with Anon-a-miss.” Twilight mentioned.

“Well Twilight it’s like this: Trust is like a mirror; you can fix it if it’s broken…” Sunset began.

“...But you can still see the crack in that mother fucking reflection.” Trixie finished.

“So you never got over it huh?” Asked Twilight.

“When your friends cause you to have an emotional breakdown in the hallway and make everyone hate you again. When they just turn their back on you after you are pleading with them that you’re not guilty. It takes quite a while to “get over it”. Sunset said making air quotes during the phrase get over it. With that, Sunset got up and left for the bathroom.

“I didn’t mean to UPSET her.” Twilight said looking down.

“Even with therapy Sunset has been through so much that she still carries scars from everything she has been through this school year. Guilt over destroying the front of the school, brainwashing the student body (yes even me), and trying to kill six people.

Ever since then life has been very hard for her with a lot of abuse here at school. Not to mention a hostage situation. How Sunset hasn’t had a total mental breakdown I don’t know.” Trixie recounted sadly.

“I should go apologize to her.” Twilight got up and followed Sunset into the bathroom.

Twilight got up and went over to the bathroom in the library. Once she entered the bathroom she heard sniffling coming from the one stall. She took a deep breath and lightly knocked on the door.

No response but Twilight knew that Sunset was in there. Twilight knew she had to fix this.

“Sunset please come out, I’m sorry. I wasn’t here for Anon-a-miss ok. Believe me I haven’t gotten over being Midnight Sparkle. Sunset please come out.” Twilight pleaded.

“My arms really itch for that razor blade about now.” Sunset said from inside the stall.

Twilight took a step back. Sunset didn’t mean that, she couldn’t. This upset Twilight. She knew she wasn’t going to be able to handle this on her own. She needed help. She needed to get to Sunset’s family.

Twilight ignored the fact that Ms. Cheerilee called after her saying she needed a hall pass. Twilight ran as fast as her legs could carry her to Luna’s office.

Trixie became very concerned; she bolted into the bathroom where Sunset was still held up in the stall. Trixie knocked forcefully on the door.

“Sunset it’s Trixie. C’mon Twilight just bolted out of the library. You must have scared her. Please come out for me. Twilight is new to social situations. She had no friends, she didn’t know.” Trixie explained.

“Bullshit she knew.” Sunset said back bitterly.

About this time Twilight had crashed into Luna’s office without even knocking.

Luna looked up and realized Twilight was upset by how she was panting and the look of fear on her face.

“Twilight, what's wrong?!” Lina asked, fearing it had to do with Sunset.

“It’s Sunset. I made her mad and now she has locked herself in the bathroom in the library and she was talking about a razor blade!” Twilight exclaimed.

Luna shot up as if she was on a spring and went running to the library. She calmly entered the library as not to alarm the students there and walked into the bathroom where Trixie was trying to get Sunset to open the door.

Luna walked over and motioned for Trixie to leave the room. After Trixie left, they were alone. Luna knocked gently on the door.

“Sunset it’s me Mom. Come out, honey. I don’t know what Twilight said but she is very upset. She said you were talking about a razor blade. Sunset please open the door. I need to see you’re ok.” Luna said voice shaking slightly.

Sunset unlocked the stall door and stood there for a second, her face red from crying. Luna pulled her into a hug and just held her. She could feel Sunset shake a little bit.

“Now why are you upset? What could possibly make you want to cut again? Answer me young lady.” Luna said getting more stern with her.

“Twilight is amazed that I didn't just get over Anon-a-miss. She doesn’t know what I have been through since the Fall Formal!! She wasn’t even in this fucking school when it all happened!!” Sunset lamented. Sunset then stared at the floor trying not to cry.

Luna put her arms on Sunset’s shoulders and replied “ You’re right Sunset. No, she wasn’t there!! Granted her teasing about the Friendship Games has been nominal compared to yours. But you two are good friends you need to work to get past this.

Sunset, Twilight needs you to be there for her. O.K. She made a mistake. It’s not like Sunset Shimmer never made mistakes now is it?” Luna finished.

“No mom I’m perfect. I’m a little angel” Sunset said laughing.

“Yes, perfect. Your Halo is held up by two horns.” Luna said sarcastically.

“What do I do?” Asked Sunset.

“I think you and Twilight need to apologize to each other and take a step back and cool off. Just for a little bit.” Luna said,

Sunset nodded wiping her eyes. Sunset then went over to the sink grabbed a few paper towels and blew her nose. Then Luna gave her a hug.

“Now grab your bookbag and come sit in my office for the rest of study hall. Sunset nodded and went over to the table packed up her stuff and followed Luna. Trixie just watched and didn’t say a word. Twilight looked like she was going to cry. Sunset gave Twilight a dirty look and walked out of the library.

Sunset followed Luna to the office. On the way there They saw Rarity walking down the hall. Luna stopped and asked her for a hall pass. Which she Rarity had. After a quick hello between Rarity and Sunset she continued following her mom to her office.

After having Sunset go ahead of her. Luna told Sunset to have a seat. Then she leaned against her desk and stared at Sunset. Sunset felt very uneasy with Luna looking down at her.

“What?” Sunset asked uneasily.

“My arms really itch for that razor blade about now.” Luna said.

“Mom I was upset, I didn’t mean it like that.” Sunset said starting to stand up.

“Miss Shimmer sit down.” Luna commanded. Sunset sat down and didn’t move. “Now are you cutting again?”

“No mom I swear I’m not cutting.” Sunset said.

“Show me your arms Sunset.” Luna commanded.

Sunset stood up and held her arms out. Luna gently took her wrists and turned them over and looked over Sunset’s arms and sure there were scars but it looked like no new cuts.

“Sunset don’t talk about hurting yourself, that really makes me depressed and upset. Please don’t say stuff like that and don’t do the things I did when I was your age. You have a loving family and great friends.” Luna told her, while drawing her in for a hug.

“Now why don't you finish your homework. I got some paperwork to finish and file. After that We can head home then, I’ll even let you drive.” Luna said.

“O.K. after the final bell. There was a knock at Luna’s Office door.

“Enter.” Luna said not looking up. In walked Trixie. Sunset looked up at Trixie.

“Hi Miss Lulamoon, what can I do for you?” Luna said looking up.

“Actually I wanted to check on Sunset.” She said looking over at Sunset.

“I’ll be ok. I’m just pissed at Twilight right now.” Sunset said standing up.

Trixie walked over to her and time stopped. Trixie took Sunset’s hand and Sunset put her forehead against Trixie’s forehead and both girls looked into each other's eyes. Before either one of them realized they were locked in a passionate kiss.

Sunset had her arms around Trixie and had her hands on Sunset’s arms and neither one of them realized how long they were kissing until Luna cleared her throat making the two girls break apart.

After that they both blushed bright red and shyly both looked away from each other. Neither one of them would say they liked it.

“Um I’ll see you tomorrow.” Trixie said embarrassed.

“Yeah you have a good night see ya tomorrow.” Sunset said.

After Trixie left and closed the door Sunset sat down in a trance. Luna looked over at her daughter kind of in shock as well. Luna had only kissed a girl once when her and Chrysalis were a little high in the basement years ago.

“Sunset what was that?” Asked Luna.

“I don’t know mom, but I think I like Trixie.” Sunset replied.

Outside in the hallway…

Twilight walked by the sign up sheet for Camp Everfree and saw that most of the Rainbooms signed up. Ironically though the Crusaders had not. No Freshman had except Snips and Snails.

Twilight put her name down to go. Maybe things will be better between her and Sunset by then. After Twilight walked away Trixie watched her leave, then went and signed up for Camp Everfree as well.

“I can see it Twilight. You’re not getting my girl.” Trixie said.