• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,400 Views, 212 Comments

The Trial Concludes - Zerocool7785

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The Grand Finale Part 2

Author's Note:

I was going to make this one big chapter but decided to break it up. I hope you enjoy it.

“Fallen??!!” Sunset exclaimed and asked at the same time.

“Yes, Cinch has invaded with an army of Diamond Dogs and even managed to take control of Timberwolves. They invaded Canterlot and somehow overran the city and took Princess Celestia and Luna, hostage. Cadence and Shining Armor are using a protection spell on the Crystal Empire.

“How did this happen?” Luna asked.

“Who cares how the hell it happened, it happened I NEED TO GO NOW!!” Sunset exclaimed.

Luna grabbed her arm and Sunset spun around to confront Luna. This was her home world she had to fight to save it.

“Mom this is my home world I have to go fight for it! Now let me go!!” Sunset shouted almost growling the last part.

“Little girl this is your home world now.” Luna said not letting go.

“Mom let me go I’m not a child!” Sunset demanded.

‘You’re my child!!” Luna exclaimed. Right then and there it hit home to Sunset and Luna. Luna was having a hard time letting go.

“Mom I’m moving out in the fall. Too a flat provided by the college. What are you going to do then?” Sunset asked.

“I’m going with you.” Twilight spoke up.

“No, you can’t it’s too dangerous.” Princess Twilight said.

“Okay everybody hold on!!” Sunset declared.

Everyone stopped and looked at her.

“Princess Twilight, we need to marshal forces and gather allies. Are the main six ok? Who else is still available to help?” Sunset asked.

“The Mane Six, Spike, and Sunburst are held up in the Crystal Empire but it would take a miracle to get out of my castle as Cinch and her army have taken over Ponyville as well and have sieged the castle.“ Princess Twilight responded.

“Then we would have to enter Equestria from the other portal in the Caribbean.” Sunset said.

“How are you going to get there?” Asked Luna with her arms crossed and looking pissed off.

“Perhaps we can help.” Said a voice behind them there stood two men with MP5s in all black with what looked like body armor. In the middle stood The Smoking Man.

“If you think I’m going anywhere with you, then you're mad.” Sunset replied.

“With my troops and your friends, we could retake Equestria. After all the syndicate wants to open to relations with your rulers.” The Cigarette Man said.

“That is not going to happen, when this war is over I’m shutting the portal down for good and destroying the mirror which should deactivate the other portal.” Princess Twilight said.

“You can’t do that Twilight.” Sunset pleaded.

“Look at the mess we’re in I have to turn it off.” Twilight replied.

“We can discuss this later Sunset is anyone coming with you?’ The Cigarette Man asked.

“All the help I need is going to be in Equestria but Princess Twilight do you want to have another army invade to push Cinch’s army out?” Sunset asked.

“How do I know you will leave when the war is over? There is no promise you can make that I can trust.” Twilight asked.

“Princess I will leave with my men because if you're shutting the portal off I will not be stuck in an alien world with no way to get back when my men and I have jobs to do here as in hiding this whole thing.” The Cigarette Man replied.

“Can you get us back to the secondary portal?” Sunset asked.

“Sunset you can’t do this!!” Luna exclaimed.

“Mom I need to go and fight and if we go in this portal we will run smackdab into Cinch’s main army we need to come from behind.” Sunset said.

“Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset if you want to go we need to leave now. I have a van waiting that can take us to a plane. We can be at the portal in the Caribbean in one hour but we need to go now.” The Cigarette Man said.

Despite Luna’s objections Sunset agreed. She kissed Twilight goodbye and got into the van and headed for the airfield out of town. Sunset was nervous but knew better than to show it she just sat quietly in the back of the van. Twilight and Starlight decided it was safer if they stayed behind. After Sunset had a tearful goodbye to Luna and a passionate kiss with Twilight, Sunset entered the van.

“Now you know some of your men are going to have a hard time becoming ponies. This spring when the portal was discovered and I went through with Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight freaked out at becoming a pony.” Sunset told The Smokinh Man.

“When we get on the plane I will have them give you their attention so you can brief them on this.” The Smokinh Man replied

“Very well but we need to get going, time is of the essence.” Sunset said.

“Spoken like a true general. Are you sure you never served in the military in this other land?” The Cigarette Man asked.

“Nope.” Sunset replied.

Shortly after that, they arrived at the airfield outside of Canterlot, and after loading up with their equipment Sunset was escorted onboard.

Sunset noted it was a cargo plane. A lot of men looked at her with quizzical looks. Most probably thinking why is some teenager on the plane? A few of the younger ones thought she was kind of cute.

A few minutes into the flight The Smoking Man stood up and called the men to attention.

“This is unlike any battle or operation you have ever had to take part in. Now most of you will not believe we are going to fight in another dimension but what happens over there will affect us over here.

Most of you will ask why I brought a teenage girl with us on this mission. She is from that realm and will tell us what to expect upon arrival.” The Smoking Man stated.

“I know you are all thinking what can this girl tell us? For one when you cross that portal to Equestria, you will not be human anymore your DNA will change to pony DNA.

You might laugh and ridicule me but I’m from that world I came here a few years ago as the portal only opened every 2 ½ years. Now a second portal has been discovered. When we win this battle the portal will be shut down permanently.

When you go through that portal it will be freaky having hooves and all but trust me you will retain your human mind.

This is going to be different from any battle you have fought before. Good Luck.” Sunset informed them.

After that, she noticed a few men shifted a little uneasy but most of them had their game faces on. A few minutes until they land Sunset guessed. She thought about Twilight and how just hours earlier they were going at it. Now she was going into a situation that meant life or death.

“Sir we are almost at the jump point.” The Pilot said.

“Everyone grab your parachute and get ready on my mark.” The Cigarette Man said.

“Jump? Out of a perfectly fine airplane are you nuts?” Sunset asked.

“We are going to fight a battle in a dimension where Magic is a thing and the dominant race is talking ponies you ask me?” He replied grabbing a parachute and then helping Sunset with hers.

“Just stick close to me and we will be ok.” The Smoking Man told her.

“OK, men start jumping.” Then the commander yelled and the men began parachuting two by two finally after he went The Smoking Man grabbed Sunset and they jumped.

Sunset screamed but then pulled the rope and deployed her parachute luckily most men landed on the beach of the islands and disengaged their parachutes.

“Good thing you gave me that signal when to pull the cord.” Sunset said coming out from underneath her parachute to the smoking man.

“I didn’t do anything you did it yourself. Miss Shimmer.” The Smoking Man replied.

“Sir we are ready to go!! Miss Shimmer do guns work in this new world?” The sergeant asked.

“Well the main weapons are hand to hand or as I should say hoof to hoof, spears, ad mallets and I saw a colt who had a bow and arrow has a cutie mark so we need to find any archers if we can.

But the main weapon is magic and only unicorns like myself or alicorns can do it. Cinch has some on her side you got me but we are going to need help the best thing to do is free Ponyville first then I can bring Starlight and Twilight here.” Sunset stated.

“I’m running this operation Miss Shimmer, but if what you say is true then we need your allies,” The smoking man said.

.” OK, let’s get going sir.” the sergeant said.

“Right, Miss Shimmer lead the way to the portal.” The Smoking Man said.

“This way.” Sunset said walking into the interior of the island. As they neared the big pile of what appeared to be quicksand the plants started to move. Sunset motioned the guys to stop.

“Ok, the plants are starting to move so the portal is open. I know you think this is nuts but you need to hit the portal running.” Sunset informed them.

All the men shifted a little uneasy. Sunset knew they were nervous but her friends had adjusted quickly so she hoped they could.

“NOW!!” Sunset went running and hit the portal and quickly crossed through.

“Men you heard her now!!” The Smoking man said and he ran into the portal then the men followed not knowing what to expect.

* * *

“Miss Shimmer you weren’t; kidding.” The Smoking Man said looking his new form over. Most of the men were doing the same. She noticed most of the men were earth ponies.

“I know every pony it’s unnerving at first but you will get used to it quickly.” Sunset told them.

Most of them still had guns and the sergeant walked away and tried firing a shot. It didn’t work. Then he turned to Sunset

“I can’t fire this gum with hooves can you use your magic to modify it?” He asked.

“I can try but here it may end up differently.

Sunset tried a magic spell that lit up the grove they were in and the rifle didn’t change.

“As they say in our world “It’s time to go old school.” Sunset said

Just then three Diamond Dogs appeared and two were carrying spears.

“Kenny the blast came from over here.” One of them said coming into the grove.

Sunset sprung into action firing a blast from her horn at the one called Kenny and knocking him unconscious.

The other two were shocked and looked at Sunset

Guard 1: Oh my God!! She killed Kenny!!”

Guard 2: You Bastard!!”

Quickly the ponies moved in and knocked out the two guards. Two men now had spears.

“We will need to flank around the outskirts and get to Twilight’s castle.” Sunset said.

Sneaking around as Sunset had done with Twilight and Rainbow Dash months earlier. They came to the castle and the School of Friendship and hid in the bushes.

Four guards at the back of the castle. It would not be easy.

“Sir, what do we do?” Asked the sergeant.

“I’m not sure.” He said.

“Perhaps I can help.” said a voice behind them. Every pony spun around and the two had their spears ready Sunset’s horn was lit up.

“It’s ok I am a student at Twilight’s School of Friendship.” Said the pony.

“Maybe you are and maybe you aren’t. Prove it.” Sunset said.

“My name is Sandbar…” Sandbar started. And he rattled off facts all about the teachers and other administrators and friendship.

“Okay, how can you help us?” The Smoking Man asked.

“Easy with my friends' help we can unite the other creatures and end this invasion of Equestria.” He said.

“How the Elements of Harmony are under Siege in the Crystal Empire.” Sunset replied.

“Well, we have one of the pillars of Equestria, and don’t worry, he is powerful especially when his friends are in danger then he gets really powerful. His name is Rockhoof he and the other pillars can help.” The colt said.

“What is your name son?” The smoking man asked.

“Sandbar.” Sandbar replied.

“So you have friends that can help?” Sunset asked,

“Dragons, Yaks, Changelings, Hippogriffs, and Griffons.” Sandbar replied.

“O.K. if you can unite these races we need them to take out the siege on the Crystal empire. We will need the Elements of Harmony but in the meantime, we need to lift the siege on this castle.” Sunset said.

“I can help with that. This way to the back door stay low.” Sandbar said walking on,

“Do we follow him?” The Smoking Man asked Sunset.

“Unless you got a better idea.” Sunset replied.

The group moved quietly and quickly around to the back castle. There stood four Diamond Dogs.

“Now I can distract some guards so you can get in.” Sandbar said and was running towards the castle before anyone could say anything.

One of the guards saw him approaching and went to stop him.

“Hey, kid get out of here.” One of the guards.

Sandbar stopped and looked at him with a perplexed look on his face. Then he started to laugh.

“What’s so funny kid?” The one guard asked.

“Do you know someone switched your face with your ass while you were sleeping?” Sandbar said running off.

“Get him!!” Shouted one of the guards as three of the guards ran after Sandbar.

“Not bad for a kid there is only one left.” The Smoking Man said.

After that, the two soldiers with spears silently approached the door. The Diamond Dog guard turned around just in time to see the butt end of two spears whack him in the face.

After that, the rest of the party moved in on the back door. Sunset unlocked the back door with a blast from her horn and they were in. At first, that party saw no one and then they heard footsteps coming their way.

“Quick in here Sunset said.

The group moved into a supply closet after the footsteps passed Sunset realized something.

“Those are pony footsteps.” Sunset said.

Opening the door Sunset peaked out and saw two Diamond Dogs with spears on either side of a blue unicorn with a white mane, Sunset immediately realized who it was.

“Trixie!!” She exclaimed coming out of the closet.

The two Diamond Dogs and Trixie spun around and as soon as they did Sunset blasted the one with a magic bolt knocking him back against the wall. As the other guard turned their attention to the small group Trixie reared up on her hind legs and kicked the other Diamond Dog in the head knocking him up against the wall.

“Sunset Shimmer. Who are your friends?” Trixie asked.

“This is a platoon from the other world that came to help us restore freedom but their weapons don’t work in this world.” Sunset explained.

“Well, the great and knowledgeable Trixie knows where to get some hammers and axes. As for us unicorns, we have our weapons on our foreheads.” Trixie said motioning to her horn.

“Listen Trixie I need to get to the mirror in the library and crossover and grab Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer.” Sunset said.

“There are two guards at the door to the library and they won’t let us in.” Trixie said.

“Not us but…” Sunset turned to the Smoking Man.

“You want me to go up to the door and say what?” He asked.

“You and one of your men can walk up there and I can get you in if it’s clear then we can take care of the guards. I can go back grab Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer and take back Canterlot and free the Princesses.” Sunset said.

“Also to take Cinch and The Dazzlings back and put them where they can’t do any harm.” The Smoking Man said.

“O.K. you and this guy you call Sargent just walk up there. I’ll do the rest remember you are on official business from Abacus Cinch.” Sunset told them.

“Right everyone else stay out of sight.” The Smoking Man said as he walked with his associate holding a spear up to the library room. Looking confident they approached the two Diamond Dog guards.

“Halt who are you and where are you doing?” The one asked putting his pear across the front of the door.

“We are here on official business from Atticus Cinch.” The Smoking Man replied.

“Let me see you your identification.” The guard commanded.

At that Sunset’s whole horn lit up. Sunset was doing mental suggestions if this worked it would take a lot out of Sunset.

“You don’t need to see his identification,” Sunset said quietly.

“We don’t need to see his identification.” The guard repeated.

“These aren’t the ponies you're looking for.” Sunset said her horn was still lit.

“These aren’t the ponies we’re looking for.” The guard replied.

“You can go about your business.” Sunset said starting to sweat.

“You can go about your business.” The guard said opening up the library.

“Move along.” Sunset said her horn going out and Sunset dropping to her knees.

“Move along, move along.” The guard said ushering them into the library.

Once into the library The Smoking Man and Sargent looked around it was empty.

Then they opened the doors and the sergeant swung his spear hard and knocked the guard down. The other guard came running up with his spear raised before The Smoking Man could turn around a blue blast knocked him down and up against the wall

“The great Trixie is an awesome shot don’t you think?” Trixie said walking up with Sunset’s one leg over her neck.

“What happened to her?” The Smoking Man asked pointing his hoof at Sunset.

“Mental Suggestion spell it takes a lot out of you.” Sunset replied.

“Now what?” Asked Trixie.

“I’m going to cross to the other side and grab Twilight and Starlight and then we can get the elements out of the Crystal Empire and free Canterlot. That is what we are going to do.” Sunset said.

After that Sunset jumped into the mirror and arrived back in the human world.

After coming out and realizing she was on two legs again she breathed a sigh of relief and was tackled in a hug but her mom and Sci-Twi.

“You won it’s over!!” Sci-Twi exclaimed thinking Sunset was back for good.

“Over??!! It is not close to being over. Phase one is over. Twilight, we liberated the castle and rescued Trixie now we have to free Canterlot.” Sunset said.

“I thought it was over!!” Sci-Twi cried.

“I wish.” Sunset sighed.

“Twilight, Starlight head over The Smoking Man, and his platoon are over there with Trixie. I'll be there in a minute.” Sunset told them. Twilight and Starlight obeyed and headed into the portal.

“Twilight, Mom I have to go back. What happens over there affects here. Please understand I have to get back. Phase one is over as we are taking back Ponyville and lifting the siege of the Crystal Empire, but I have to help free Canterlot.

I promise you two I will come back. I have been through too much to die now. Twi I will be back.” Sunset promised Twilight and kissed her passionately and with a hug to her mom and headed back into the portal.

She came back through the portal and saw Twilight discussing things with The Smoking Man.

“Listen here in Equestria I am in charge I need your ponies to secure Ponyville. My team is Myself; The Elements, Starlight, and Sunset and we will take Canterlot.”

“I understand thanks to Sandbar that the Yaks and Dragons are leading the charge in Crystal Empire. Well let's teleport up there and gather our forces then head for Canterlot…” Twilight said walking out of the library.

…To be continued
